
自動車用サンルーフハーネスの世界市場成長 2023-2029

Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Growth 2023-2029

弊社(LP Info Research)の最新調査によると、自動車用サンルーフハーネスの世界市場規模は2022年に100万米ドルと評価されました。川下市場での需要の増加とCOVID-19やロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響からの回復に... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
LP Information
2023年8月2日 US$3,660
122 英語




弊社(LP Info Research)の最新調査によると、自動車用サンルーフハーネスの世界市場規模は2022年に100万米ドルと評価されました。川下市場での需要の増加とCOVID-19やロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響からの回復により、自動車用サンルーフハーネスは2029年までに100万米ドルの再調整規模になると予測され、レビュー期間中のCAGRは%である。
自動車サンルーフワイヤーハーネスの仕様は、主に電線の断面積、長さ、色、絶縁材料などのパラメータに依存します。一般的に、自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネスに使用される電線の仕様は、公称断面積が0.5、0.75、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、4.0、6.0などの電線や、電気機器別の電線などがある。電線の長さと色は、異なるモデルと設計要件に応じて決定されます。一般的に、識別やメンテナンスに便利な機能に対応した色であることが要求される。電線の絶縁材料は、耐熱性、耐摩耗性、耐油性などの特性も考慮する必要がある。一般的にはポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)、架橋ポリエチレン(XLPE)、シリコーンゴム(SR)などが使用されている。自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネス産業チェーンは主に以下のリンクを含む:上流:主に電線、コネクター、ワイヤーハーネス包装、ワイヤーハーネス固定具、ワイヤーハーネス付属品、その他銅、プラスチック、ゴムなどの原材料や部品メーカー。サプライヤー、およびアンフェノール、タイコ、デルファイなどのコネクターや端子のサプライヤー。川中:主に自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネスの設計者と製造者、例えばアンフェノール汽車接続系統(常州)有限公司など、彼らは性能、信頼性、コスト、安全性の要件と自動車メーカーの標準車を満たすワイヤーハーネスを設計する必要があります サンルーフワイヤーハーネス計画、およびテストと検証を実施し、その後、必要な材料や部品を購入し、自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネスの組立、溶接、包装、およびその他のプロセスを実施し、品質検査と包装を行う。川下:主にフォルクスワーゲン、トヨタ、ホンダ、メルセデス・ベンツなどの自動車メーカーと最終顧客、およびサンルーフワイヤーハーネスを取り付けまたは交換する必要がある自動車ユーザーは、自分の好みやニーズに応じて選択する必要がある 自動車サンルーフワイヤーハーネスに適した製品を提供し、取り付けと修理を行う。自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネスが属する産業は自動車用ワイヤーハーネス産業であり、自動車産業と密接な関係がある。自動車用ワイヤーハーネス業界の市場規模は急速に成長している。同社の調査データによると、自動車用ワイヤーハーネスの世界市場需要は2021年に470億米ドルに達し、この数字は2026年には574億米ドルに増加し、期間中の年平均成長率は約4.1%になると予想されている。同社の計算によると、自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネスは自動車用ワイヤーハーネス市場の3.82%を占めている。その中で、アジア太平洋地域は最大の市場であり、世界市場シェアの40%近くを占めている。我が国の自動車部品産業の市場規模が上昇し続けるにつれて、自動車用サンルーフワイヤーハーネスは広い市場空間を獲得する見込みである。技術革新、政策、規制など様々な要因に影響される。
アンフェノール AUTOMOTIVE コネクションシステムズ



1 Scope of the Report
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Years Considered
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Market Research Methodology
1.5 Research Process and Data Source
1.6 Economic Indicators
1.7 Currency Considered
1.8 Market Estimation Caveats
2 Executive Summary
2.1 World Market Overview
2.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales 2018-2029
2.1.2 World Current & Future Analysis for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Geographic Region, 2018, 2022 & 2029
2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Country/Region, 2018, 2022 & 2029
2.2 Automotive Sunroof Harness Segment by Cross Sectional Area
2.2.1 Below 2mm²
2.2.2 2-4mm²
2.2.3 4-6mm²
2.2.4 Other
2.3 Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
2.3.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Market Share by Cross Sectional Area (2018-2023)
2.3.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue and Market Share by Cross Sectional Area (2018-2023)
2.3.3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Price by Cross Sectional Area (2018-2023)
2.4 Automotive Sunroof Harness Segment by Application
2.4.1 Commercial Vehicle
2.4.2 Passenger Vehicle
2.5 Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
2.5.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Market Share by Application (2018-2023)
2.5.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue and Market Share by Application (2018-2023)
2.5.3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Price by Application (2018-2023)
3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness by Company
3.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Breakdown Data by Company
3.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales by Company (2018-2023)
3.1.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Market Share by Company (2018-2023)
3.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue by Company (2018-2023)
3.2.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Company (2018-2023)
3.2.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue Market Share by Company (2018-2023)
3.3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Price by Company
3.4 Key Manufacturers Automotive Sunroof Harness Producing Area Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type
3.4.1 Key Manufacturers Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Location Distribution
3.4.2 Players Automotive Sunroof Harness Products Offered
3.5 Market Concentration Rate Analysis
3.5.1 Competition Landscape Analysis
3.5.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2018-2023)
3.6 New Products and Potential Entrants
3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
4 World Historic Review for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Geographic Region
4.1 World Historic Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Size by Geographic Region (2018-2023)
4.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales by Geographic Region (2018-2023)
4.1.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue by Geographic Region (2018-2023)
4.2 World Historic Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Size by Country/Region (2018-2023)
4.2.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales by Country/Region (2018-2023)
4.2.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue by Country/Region (2018-2023)
4.3 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
4.4 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
4.5 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
4.6 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
5 Americas
5.1 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country
5.1.1 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country (2018-2023)
5.1.2 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Country (2018-2023)
5.2 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
5.3 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
5.4 United States
5.5 Canada
5.6 Mexico
5.7 Brazil
6.1 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Region
6.1.1 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Region (2018-2023)
6.1.2 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Region (2018-2023)
6.2 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
6.3 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
6.4 China
6.5 Japan
6.6 South Korea
6.7 Southeast Asia
6.8 India
6.9 Australia
6.10 China Taiwan
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness by Country
7.1.1 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country (2018-2023)
7.1.2 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Country (2018-2023)
7.2 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
7.3 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
7.4 Germany
7.5 France
7.6 UK
7.7 Italy
7.8 Russia
8 Middle East & Africa
8.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness by Country
8.1.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country (2018-2023)
8.1.2 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Country (2018-2023)
8.2 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
8.3 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
8.4 Egypt
8.5 South Africa
8.6 Israel
8.7 Turkey
8.8 GCC Countries
9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends
9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities
9.2 Market Challenges & Risks
9.3 Industry Trends
10 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
10.1 Raw Material and Suppliers
10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Automotive Sunroof Harness
10.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Automotive Sunroof Harness
10.4 Industry Chain Structure of Automotive Sunroof Harness
11 Marketing, Distributors and Customer
11.1 Sales Channel
11.1.1 Direct Channels
11.1.2 Indirect Channels
11.2 Automotive Sunroof Harness Distributors
11.3 Automotive Sunroof Harness Customer
12 World Forecast Review for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Geographic Region
12.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Size Forecast by Region
12.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Forecast by Region (2024-2029)
12.1.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue Forecast by Region (2024-2029)
12.2 Americas Forecast by Country
12.3 APAC Forecast by Region
12.4 Europe Forecast by Country
12.5 Middle East & Africa Forecast by Country
12.6 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Forecast by Cross Sectional Area
12.7 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Forecast by Application
13 Key Players Analysis
13.1 Gentherm
13.1.1 Gentherm Company Information
13.1.2 Gentherm Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.1.3 Gentherm Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.1.4 Gentherm Main Business Overview
13.1.5 Gentherm Latest Developments
13.2 Sumitomo Wiring Systems
13.2.1 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Company Information
13.2.2 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.2.3 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.2.4 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Main Business Overview
13.2.5 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Latest Developments
13.3 Kyowa Denso
13.3.1 Kyowa Denso Company Information
13.3.2 Kyowa Denso Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.3.3 Kyowa Denso Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.3.4 Kyowa Denso Main Business Overview
13.3.5 Kyowa Denso Latest Developments
13.4 Fujikura
13.4.1 Fujikura Company Information
13.4.2 Fujikura Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.4.3 Fujikura Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.4.4 Fujikura Main Business Overview
13.4.5 Fujikura Latest Developments
13.5 Furukawa Electric
13.5.1 Furukawa Electric Company Information
13.5.2 Furukawa Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.5.3 Furukawa Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.5.4 Furukawa Electric Main Business Overview
13.5.5 Furukawa Electric Latest Developments
13.6.1 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Company Information
13.6.2 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.6.3 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.6.4 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Main Business Overview
13.6.5 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Latest Developments
13.7 Yura
13.7.1 Yura Company Information
13.7.2 Yura Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.7.3 Yura Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.7.4 Yura Main Business Overview
13.7.5 Yura Latest Developments
13.8 LEONI
13.8.1 LEONI Company Information
13.8.2 LEONI Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.8.3 LEONI Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.8.4 LEONI Main Business Overview
13.8.5 LEONI Latest Developments
13.9 Aptiv
13.9.1 Aptiv Company Information
13.9.2 Aptiv Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.9.3 Aptiv Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.9.4 Aptiv Main Business Overview
13.9.5 Aptiv Latest Developments
13.10 PKC Group
13.10.1 PKC Group Company Information
13.10.2 PKC Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.10.3 PKC Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.10.4 PKC Group Main Business Overview
13.10.5 PKC Group Latest Developments
13.11 Kromberg & Schubert
13.11.1 Kromberg & Schubert Company Information
13.11.2 Kromberg & Schubert Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.11.3 Kromberg & Schubert Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.11.4 Kromberg & Schubert Main Business Overview
13.11.5 Kromberg & Schubert Latest Developments
13.12 Coroplast Group
13.12.1 Coroplast Group Company Information
13.12.2 Coroplast Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.12.3 Coroplast Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.12.4 Coroplast Group Main Business Overview
13.12.5 Coroplast Group Latest Developments
13.13 Yazaki
13.13.1 Yazaki Company Information
13.13.2 Yazaki Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.13.3 Yazaki Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.13.4 Yazaki Main Business Overview
13.13.5 Yazaki Latest Developments
13.14 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS
13.14.1 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Company Information
13.14.2 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.14.3 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.14.4 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Main Business Overview
13.14.5 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Latest Developments
13.15 Yingkou Abe Harness
13.15.1 Yingkou Abe Harness Company Information
13.15.2 Yingkou Abe Harness Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.15.3 Yingkou Abe Harness Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.15.4 Yingkou Abe Harness Main Business Overview
13.15.5 Yingkou Abe Harness Latest Developments
13.16 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts
13.16.1 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Company Information
13.16.2 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.16.3 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.16.4 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Main Business Overview
13.16.5 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Latest Developments
13.17 Wuhu Bokang Electrical
13.17.1 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Company Information
13.17.2 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.17.3 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.17.4 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Main Business Overview
13.17.5 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Latest Developments
13.18 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part
13.18.1 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Company Information
13.18.2 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.18.3 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.18.4 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Main Business Overview
13.18.5 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Latest Developments
13.19 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics
13.19.1 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Company Information
13.19.2 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.19.3 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.19.4 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Main Business Overview
13.19.5 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Latest Developments
13.20 Nantong GREAT Electric
13.20.1 Nantong GREAT Electric Company Information
13.20.2 Nantong GREAT Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.20.3 Nantong GREAT Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.20.4 Nantong GREAT Electric Main Business Overview
13.20.5 Nantong GREAT Electric Latest Developments
14 Research Findings and Conclusion





According to our (LP Info Research) latest study, the global Automotive Sunroof Harness market size was valued at US$ million in 2022. With growing demand in downstream market and recovery from influence of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War, the Automotive Sunroof Harness is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ million by 2029 with a CAGR of % during review period.
The research report highlights the growth potential of the global Automotive Sunroof Harness market. With recovery from influence of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War, Automotive Sunroof Harness are expected to show stable growth in the future market. However, product differentiation, reducing costs, and supply chain optimization remain crucial for the widespread adoption of Automotive Sunroof Harness. Market players need to invest in research and development, forge strategic partnerships, and align their offerings with evolving consumer preferences to capitalize on the immense opportunities presented by the Automotive Sunroof Harness market.
The car sunroof wiring harness is an electrical circuit used to connect the car sunroof, which can realize the functions of opening, closing and adjusting the sunroof. Automotive sunroof wiring harnesses are usually composed of wires, connectors, harness wrappings, harness fixtures, and harness accessories.
The specifications of the automotive sunroof wiring harness mainly depend on the parameters such as the cross-sectional area, length, color, and insulating material of the wire. Generally speaking, the commonly used specifications of wires in automotive sunroof wiring harnesses include wires with nominal cross-sectional areas of 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 6.0, etc., and wires for different electrical equipment. The length and color of wires are determined according to different models and design requirements. It is generally required that the color corresponds to the function, which is convenient for identification and maintenance. The insulation material of the wire should also consider the properties of temperature resistance, wear resistance and oil resistance. Commonly used are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), silicone rubber (SR) and so on. The automotive sunroof wire harness industry chain mainly includes the following links: Upstream: mainly wires, connectors, wire harness wrapping, wire harness fixtures, wire harness accessories and other materials and component manufacturers, such as copper, plastic, rubber and other raw materials. Suppliers, as well as connector and terminal suppliers such as Amphenol, Tyco, Delphi, etc. Midstream: mainly designers and manufacturers of automotive sunroof wiring harnesses, such as Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., etc., they need to design wiring harnesses that meet performance, reliability, cost, and safety requirements and car manufacturer standard cars The sunroof wiring harness plan, and conduct testing and verification, and then purchase the required materials and parts, carry out the assembly, welding, packaging and other processes of the automotive sunroof wiring harness, and conduct quality inspection and packaging. Downstream: mainly car manufacturers and end customers, such as Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Mercedes-Benz and other brands and types of car manufacturers, as well as car users who need to install or replace the sunroof wiring harness, need to choose according to their own preferences and needs Provide suitable automotive sunroof wiring harness products, and perform installation and repair. The industry that the automotive sunroof wiring harness belongs to is the automotive wiring harness industry, which is closely related to the automotive industry. The market size of the automotive wiring harness industry is growing rapidly. According to the company's research data, the global automotive wiring harness market demand is expected to reach 47 billion US dollars in 2021, and this figure will increase to 57.4 billion US dollars by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of about 4.1% during the period. According to the company's calculations, the automotive sunroof wiring harness It accounts for 3.82% of the automotive wiring harness market. Among them, the Asia-Pacific region is the largest market, accounting for nearly 40% of the global market share.As the market scale of my country's auto parts industry continues to rise, automotive sunroof wiring harnesses are expected to gain a broad market space. Affected by various factors such as technological innovation, policies and regulations
Key Features:
The report on Automotive Sunroof Harness market reflects various aspects and provide valuable insights into the industry.
Market Size and Growth: The research report provide an overview of the current size and growth of the Automotive Sunroof Harness market. It may include historical data, market segmentation by Cross Sectional Area (e.g., Below 2mm², 2-4mm²), and regional breakdowns.
Market Drivers and Challenges: The report can identify and analyse the factors driving the growth of the Automotive Sunroof Harness market, such as government regulations, environmental concerns, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences. It can also highlight the challenges faced by the industry, including infrastructure limitations, range anxiety, and high upfront costs.
Competitive Landscape: The research report provides analysis of the competitive landscape within the Automotive Sunroof Harness market. It includes profiles of key players, their market share, strategies, and product offerings. The report can also highlight emerging players and their potential impact on the market.
Technological Developments: The research report can delve into the latest technological developments in the Automotive Sunroof Harness industry. This include advancements in Automotive Sunroof Harness technology, Automotive Sunroof Harness new entrants, Automotive Sunroof Harness new investment, and other innovations that are shaping the future of Automotive Sunroof Harness.
Downstream Procumbent Preference: The report can shed light on customer procumbent behaviour and adoption trends in the Automotive Sunroof Harness market. It includes factors influencing customer ' purchasing decisions, preferences for Automotive Sunroof Harness product.
Government Policies and Incentives: The research report analyse the impact of government policies and incentives on the Automotive Sunroof Harness market. This may include an assessment of regulatory frameworks, subsidies, tax incentives, and other measures aimed at promoting Automotive Sunroof Harness market. The report also evaluates the effectiveness of these policies in driving market growth.
Environmental Impact and Sustainability: The research report assess the environmental impact and sustainability aspects of the Automotive Sunroof Harness market.
Market Forecasts and Future Outlook: Based on the analysis conducted, the research report provide market forecasts and outlook for the Automotive Sunroof Harness industry. This includes projections of market size, growth rates, regional trends, and predictions on technological advancements and policy developments.
Recommendations and Opportunities: The report conclude with recommendations for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and investors. It highlights potential opportunities for market players to capitalize on emerging trends, overcome challenges, and contribute to the growth and development of the Automotive Sunroof Harness market.
Market Segmentation:
Automotive Sunroof Harness market is split by Cross Sectional Area and by Application. For the period 2018-2029, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for consumption value by Cross Sectional Area, and by Application in terms of volume and value.
Segmentation by cross sectional area
Below 2mm²
Segmentation by application
Commercial Vehicle
Passenger Vehicle
This report also splits the market by region:
United States
Southeast Asia
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
GCC Countries
The below companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing the company's coverage, product portfolio, its market penetration.
Sumitomo Wiring Systems
Kyowa Denso
Furukawa Electric
PKC Group
Kromberg & Schubert
Coroplast Group
Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS
Yingkou Abe Harness
Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts
Wuhu Bokang Electrical
Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part
Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics
Nantong GREAT Electric
Key Questions Addressed in this Report
What is the 10-year outlook for the global Automotive Sunroof Harness market?
What factors are driving Automotive Sunroof Harness market growth, globally and by region?
Which technologies are poised for the fastest growth by market and region?
How do Automotive Sunroof Harness market opportunities vary by end market size?
How does Automotive Sunroof Harness break out cross sectional area, application?
What are the influences of COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine war?


Table of Contents

1 Scope of the Report
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Years Considered
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Market Research Methodology
1.5 Research Process and Data Source
1.6 Economic Indicators
1.7 Currency Considered
1.8 Market Estimation Caveats
2 Executive Summary
2.1 World Market Overview
2.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales 2018-2029
2.1.2 World Current & Future Analysis for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Geographic Region, 2018, 2022 & 2029
2.1.3 World Current & Future Analysis for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Country/Region, 2018, 2022 & 2029
2.2 Automotive Sunroof Harness Segment by Cross Sectional Area
2.2.1 Below 2mm²
2.2.2 2-4mm²
2.2.3 4-6mm²
2.2.4 Other
2.3 Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
2.3.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Market Share by Cross Sectional Area (2018-2023)
2.3.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue and Market Share by Cross Sectional Area (2018-2023)
2.3.3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Price by Cross Sectional Area (2018-2023)
2.4 Automotive Sunroof Harness Segment by Application
2.4.1 Commercial Vehicle
2.4.2 Passenger Vehicle
2.5 Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
2.5.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Market Share by Application (2018-2023)
2.5.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue and Market Share by Application (2018-2023)
2.5.3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Price by Application (2018-2023)
3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness by Company
3.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Breakdown Data by Company
3.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales by Company (2018-2023)
3.1.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Market Share by Company (2018-2023)
3.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue by Company (2018-2023)
3.2.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Company (2018-2023)
3.2.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue Market Share by Company (2018-2023)
3.3 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Sale Price by Company
3.4 Key Manufacturers Automotive Sunroof Harness Producing Area Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type
3.4.1 Key Manufacturers Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Location Distribution
3.4.2 Players Automotive Sunroof Harness Products Offered
3.5 Market Concentration Rate Analysis
3.5.1 Competition Landscape Analysis
3.5.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2018-2023)
3.6 New Products and Potential Entrants
3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
4 World Historic Review for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Geographic Region
4.1 World Historic Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Size by Geographic Region (2018-2023)
4.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales by Geographic Region (2018-2023)
4.1.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue by Geographic Region (2018-2023)
4.2 World Historic Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Size by Country/Region (2018-2023)
4.2.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Sales by Country/Region (2018-2023)
4.2.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue by Country/Region (2018-2023)
4.3 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
4.4 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
4.5 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
4.6 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales Growth
5 Americas
5.1 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country
5.1.1 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country (2018-2023)
5.1.2 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Country (2018-2023)
5.2 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
5.3 Americas Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
5.4 United States
5.5 Canada
5.6 Mexico
5.7 Brazil
6.1 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Region
6.1.1 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Region (2018-2023)
6.1.2 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Region (2018-2023)
6.2 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
6.3 APAC Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
6.4 China
6.5 Japan
6.6 South Korea
6.7 Southeast Asia
6.8 India
6.9 Australia
6.10 China Taiwan
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness by Country
7.1.1 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country (2018-2023)
7.1.2 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Country (2018-2023)
7.2 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
7.3 Europe Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
7.4 Germany
7.5 France
7.6 UK
7.7 Italy
7.8 Russia
8 Middle East & Africa
8.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness by Country
8.1.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Country (2018-2023)
8.1.2 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Revenue by Country (2018-2023)
8.2 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Cross Sectional Area
8.3 Middle East & Africa Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales by Application
8.4 Egypt
8.5 South Africa
8.6 Israel
8.7 Turkey
8.8 GCC Countries
9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends
9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities
9.2 Market Challenges & Risks
9.3 Industry Trends
10 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
10.1 Raw Material and Suppliers
10.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Automotive Sunroof Harness
10.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Automotive Sunroof Harness
10.4 Industry Chain Structure of Automotive Sunroof Harness
11 Marketing, Distributors and Customer
11.1 Sales Channel
11.1.1 Direct Channels
11.1.2 Indirect Channels
11.2 Automotive Sunroof Harness Distributors
11.3 Automotive Sunroof Harness Customer
12 World Forecast Review for Automotive Sunroof Harness by Geographic Region
12.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Market Size Forecast by Region
12.1.1 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Forecast by Region (2024-2029)
12.1.2 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Annual Revenue Forecast by Region (2024-2029)
12.2 Americas Forecast by Country
12.3 APAC Forecast by Region
12.4 Europe Forecast by Country
12.5 Middle East & Africa Forecast by Country
12.6 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Forecast by Cross Sectional Area
12.7 Global Automotive Sunroof Harness Forecast by Application
13 Key Players Analysis
13.1 Gentherm
13.1.1 Gentherm Company Information
13.1.2 Gentherm Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.1.3 Gentherm Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.1.4 Gentherm Main Business Overview
13.1.5 Gentherm Latest Developments
13.2 Sumitomo Wiring Systems
13.2.1 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Company Information
13.2.2 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.2.3 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.2.4 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Main Business Overview
13.2.5 Sumitomo Wiring Systems Latest Developments
13.3 Kyowa Denso
13.3.1 Kyowa Denso Company Information
13.3.2 Kyowa Denso Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.3.3 Kyowa Denso Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.3.4 Kyowa Denso Main Business Overview
13.3.5 Kyowa Denso Latest Developments
13.4 Fujikura
13.4.1 Fujikura Company Information
13.4.2 Fujikura Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.4.3 Fujikura Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.4.4 Fujikura Main Business Overview
13.4.5 Fujikura Latest Developments
13.5 Furukawa Electric
13.5.1 Furukawa Electric Company Information
13.5.2 Furukawa Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.5.3 Furukawa Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.5.4 Furukawa Electric Main Business Overview
13.5.5 Furukawa Electric Latest Developments
13.6.1 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Company Information
13.6.2 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.6.3 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.6.4 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Main Business Overview
13.6.5 KYUNGSHIN CABLE Latest Developments
13.7 Yura
13.7.1 Yura Company Information
13.7.2 Yura Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.7.3 Yura Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.7.4 Yura Main Business Overview
13.7.5 Yura Latest Developments
13.8 LEONI
13.8.1 LEONI Company Information
13.8.2 LEONI Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.8.3 LEONI Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.8.4 LEONI Main Business Overview
13.8.5 LEONI Latest Developments
13.9 Aptiv
13.9.1 Aptiv Company Information
13.9.2 Aptiv Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.9.3 Aptiv Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.9.4 Aptiv Main Business Overview
13.9.5 Aptiv Latest Developments
13.10 PKC Group
13.10.1 PKC Group Company Information
13.10.2 PKC Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.10.3 PKC Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.10.4 PKC Group Main Business Overview
13.10.5 PKC Group Latest Developments
13.11 Kromberg & Schubert
13.11.1 Kromberg & Schubert Company Information
13.11.2 Kromberg & Schubert Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.11.3 Kromberg & Schubert Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.11.4 Kromberg & Schubert Main Business Overview
13.11.5 Kromberg & Schubert Latest Developments
13.12 Coroplast Group
13.12.1 Coroplast Group Company Information
13.12.2 Coroplast Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.12.3 Coroplast Group Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.12.4 Coroplast Group Main Business Overview
13.12.5 Coroplast Group Latest Developments
13.13 Yazaki
13.13.1 Yazaki Company Information
13.13.2 Yazaki Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.13.3 Yazaki Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.13.4 Yazaki Main Business Overview
13.13.5 Yazaki Latest Developments
13.14 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS
13.14.1 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Company Information
13.14.2 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.14.3 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.14.4 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Main Business Overview
13.14.5 Amphenol AUTOMOTIVE Connection SYSTEMS Latest Developments
13.15 Yingkou Abe Harness
13.15.1 Yingkou Abe Harness Company Information
13.15.2 Yingkou Abe Harness Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.15.3 Yingkou Abe Harness Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.15.4 Yingkou Abe Harness Main Business Overview
13.15.5 Yingkou Abe Harness Latest Developments
13.16 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts
13.16.1 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Company Information
13.16.2 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.16.3 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.16.4 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Main Business Overview
13.16.5 Shanhai Global Connection Automotive Parts Latest Developments
13.17 Wuhu Bokang Electrical
13.17.1 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Company Information
13.17.2 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.17.3 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.17.4 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Main Business Overview
13.17.5 Wuhu Bokang Electrical Latest Developments
13.18 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part
13.18.1 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Company Information
13.18.2 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.18.3 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.18.4 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Main Business Overview
13.18.5 Wenzhou Bosheng AUTO Part Latest Developments
13.19 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics
13.19.1 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Company Information
13.19.2 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.19.3 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.19.4 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Main Business Overview
13.19.5 Suzhou Fahhnet Electronics Latest Developments
13.20 Nantong GREAT Electric
13.20.1 Nantong GREAT Electric Company Information
13.20.2 Nantong GREAT Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Product Portfolios and Specifications
13.20.3 Nantong GREAT Electric Automotive Sunroof Harness Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
13.20.4 Nantong GREAT Electric Main Business Overview
13.20.5 Nantong GREAT Electric Latest Developments
14 Research Findings and Conclusion






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