
AGV(無人搬送車)とAMR(自律移動型ロボット)市場:AGVとAMRの市場規模は2027年までに180億ドル超、導入台数は240万台 - 物流・製造業がけん引役

AGV(無人搬送車)とAMR(自律移動型ロボット)市場:AGVとAMRの市場規模は2027年までに180億ドル超、導入台数は240万台 - 物流・製造業がけん引役

AGV and AMR Market: AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) and AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) Market Opportunity worth more than $18B by 2027 with an installed base of 2.4 Million Robots - Driven by Logistics & Manufacturing

AGV(無人搬送車)とAMR(自律移動型ロボット)の市場規模は2027年までに180億ドル超、導入台数は240万台 - 物流・製造業がけん引役 解説 モバイルロボット(AGVとAMR市場)は、物流や製造業... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Logistics IQ
ロジスティクス IQ
2022年1月24日 US$6,000
シングルユーザライセンス (PDF+Excel)
1-2営業日程度 450 160 英語



AGV(無人搬送車)とAMR(自律移動型ロボット)の市場規模は2027年までに180億ドル超、導入台数は240万台 - 物流・製造業がけん引役







AGVとAMR市場 - ハイライト

  •     2021年には30億ドル以上の売上を記録すると予想されている。2027年には約64万台の移動式ロボット(AGVとAMR)が出荷され、インストールベースは240万台となる見込み
  •     AMRは、2022年から2027年にかけて年平均成長率43%で成長し、2027年にはAGVよりも出荷台数とTAMシェアが増加し、より魅力的な市場になると予想される。
  •     米国、ドイツ、英国、中国、日本が、2027年までに20万台以上の移動ロボット(AGVとAMR)の年間需要で市場をリードする見込みです。
  •     AMRは、G2P(Goods to Person)とP2G(Person to Goods)の2つのタイプがあり、それぞれにメリットとデメリットがあるため、それぞれの市場を形成しています。既存または新規の倉庫において、どちらがより効率的で費用対効果の高いソリューションとなり得るかは、人それぞれです。
  •     ピースピッキングや仕分けを行うモバイルロボットは、マイクロフルフィルメント分野において、2027年までに45%の成長を遂げ、新たな重要なカテゴリーとして台頭してくるでしょう。
  •     中国製AMRは、人件費の優位性と中国国内での大量消費により、30%~40%経済的になると予想されるため、中国は自律移動ロボットの需要および供給の両面でハブとなることが予想されます。
  •     QRコードに続き、LiDAR、ビジョンカメラ、センサーフュージョンが、柔軟性、安全性、高精度を理由に、この分野で商業化される主要なナビゲーション技術である。センサーフュージョンAMRでも、〜70%の成長率が見込まれている。ナビゲーション技術とソフトウェアの専門企業(Autonomy Service Provider)があり、モバイルロボットメーカーがAIとマシンビジョンの助けを借りてそのような能力を構築するのをサポートしています。
  •     絶対的な市場規模は比較的小さいが、物流や製造のほか、配送、小売、清掃などの用途が35%程度の成長を見込んでおり、新たなターゲットとなる。



  •     製造業や物流業界では、継続的な成長と持続可能性のために、インダストリー4.0やサプライチェーン4.0の取り組みの一環として、自動化が重要な焦点となっています。ロボティクスは、この自動化の重要な要素となっています。
  •     電子商取引の成長は、倉庫の自動化におけるAGV/AMRの需要の主な原動力となっています。世界の電子商取引の売上高は、過去10年間に年率20%で成長し、2021年には世界で〜4兆5千億ドルに達し、2026年には7兆5千億ドルに成長すると予想されています。オンライン小売の売上高に占める割合は、全体の2%から〜13%になり、さらに2026年には22%に達すると予想されています。
  •     先進国では特に人件費と賃金水準が高い。フォークリフトオペレーターの年間コストは5万ドルにものぼります。フォークリフトを24時間稼働させる場合、最低でも3〜4人のドライバーが必要です。人件費にフォークリフト1台の投資コスト1万ドルを加えると、フォークリフト1台の年間コストは20万ドル以上にもなる。
  •     人工知能やディープラーニングも転換期を迎えており、すでに複数の産業に破壊的な影響を与えつつあり、現在の倉庫の運営方法にも間違いなく影響を与えるでしょう。2022年1月、バークシャー・グレイ社は、小売業者が返品商品の再販売を加速し、返品プロセスにおける労働利用率を改善するために設計された人工知能(AI)対応リバース・ロジスティクス・ソリューションを発表しました。このソリューションには、バークシャー・グレイの識別機能付きロボット製品仕分け(RPSi)およびロボットシャトルパットウォール(RSPW)システムが含まれています。
  •     エンドユーザーは、RoIを検証するための試験運用に十分な設備投資ができないため、RaaSやさまざまなリースオプションによって、先行投資を抑えることができます。現在では、OpExとRaaSコストのバランスを取るために、Pay Per Pick、Pay Per Mile、Pay Per Peak Dayなどのオプションがある。
  •     安全性の課題 - 過去15年間のAGV/AMRの進化により、幅広い種類の機械と市場が生まれました。倉庫のAGV/AMRから家庭のAGV/AMRまで、すべてがそうです。AGV/AMRの世界における重要な隔たりの1つは、「サービス」AGV/AMRと「産業」AGV/AMRの間の安全要件の相違です。AGV/AMRが人間に危害を加えないことを意図している一方で、サービスロボットは人間の領域で動作しています。サービスロボットの作業環境としては、食料品店、小売店、ショッピングモール、病院、歩道、家庭内などが考えられる。


  •     本研究では、磁気ストリップやワイヤーを用いて、静的な環境下で高度に構造化され、一義的に移動する無人搬送車(AGV)を検討しました。もし、経路上に障害物があれば、それを取り除かなければ、AGVは再び動き出すことができません。改修やアップグレード、場所の変更など、施設に変更があった場合は、磁気ストリップやワイヤーなどの誘導技術を再展開する必要があり、追加費用が発生します。
  •     AGVとは逆に、自律移動ロボット(AMR)は、ダイナミックな環境下で自律的にナビゲーションを行いながら作業を行います。AMRは、施設内の位置や地図を作成・保存し、決められた経路に障害物がある場合、代替経路を見つけることができます。また、施設に関連する変更があった場合、AMRは箱から出して1時間以内に作業を開始することができるため、最小限の変更で済みます(施設とすでにマッピングされている場合)。非常にフレキシブルな展開が可能です。


  • AGV & AMR:
    Geek+、Quicktron(Flashhold)、ForwardX Robotics、GreyOrange、HikRobot(HikVision)、モバイル産業ロボット - MiR(Teradyne)、inVia Robotics、River Systems - 6RS(Shopify)、Fetch Robotics(Zebra)、JATEN、IAM Robotics、Locus Robotics、Vecna Robotics、Waypoint Robotics (Part of Locus Robotics)です。Tompkins Robotics, Scallog, OTTO Motors (Clearpath Robotics), GIDEON Brothers, Magazino GmbH, NextShift Robotics (JASCI), AutoGuide Mobile Robots (Teradyne), EiraTech Robotics, Aethon (ST Engineering), Prime Robotics (BLEUM), HAI Robotics, Bionic HIVE, Oppent, PAL Robotics、Matthews Automation Solutions(Matthews International)、GUOZI Robotics、CAJA Robotics、オムロン(Adept Technology)、Guidance Automation(Matthews International)、Syrius Robotics、MALU Innovation(JD)、ユーロテック(Lowpad)、DS Automation、三菱ロジスネクスト欧州会社(Rocla) NeoBotix、John Bean Technologies (JBT Corporation)、Transbotics (Scott Group)、CSG Huaxiao、EK-Robotics (EK Automation)、OCEANEERING、Wellwit Robotics、Logistic-Jet、SEEGRID、BALYO、Mushiny、TÜNKERS Maschinenbau GmbH、CPM - Dürr Group、SEER、FlexQube、IDEALworks GmbH
  • システムインテグレータ(SI):
    ダイフク、Dematic(KIONグループ)、SSI-Schaefer、Vanderlande(Toyota Advanced Logistics)、Swisslog(KUKA)、Knapp、村田機械(Murata Machinery Ltd, Elettric 80, Beumer Group, Witron Logistik + Informatik, TGW Logistics, Grenzebach GmbH, FIVES Group, Honeywell Intelligrated, Bastian Solutions (Toyota Advanced Logistics), Material Handling System (MHS), Jungheinrich AG, LODIGE Industries, ViaStore Systems, Interlake Macalux, Kardex, AutoStore, DMW&H, Westfalia, Dambach AG, PSB intralogistics GmbH, SIASUN Robot Automation Co, SAVOYE、株式会社オーペックス、システムロジスティクス(クロネスグループ)、GÜDEL
  •  オートノミーサービスプロバイダ(ASP):
    ブレインコーポレーション、ブルーボティクス、KOLLMORGEN、Autonomous Solutions, Inc.(ASI)、MOVEL AI、MOV AI、FREEDOM ROBOTICS、ROBOMINDS、PERCEPTIN、ROMB Technologies、バリオ、シーグリット、Vecna Robotics
  • マシンビジョン&イメージング:
    Basler AG、Keyence、Omron Microscan、Cognex
  • 消毒用ロボット: UVD Robotics、Sarcos Robotics、Techmetics Robotics、Wellwit、Geek+、Fybots、Sherpa、Akara、MiR、Sesto、LionsBot、SmartGuardUV、Milvus、Revotonix、YouiBot
  •  小売・在庫管理ロボット: ボサノバ・ロボティクス、シンベ・ロボティクス、バジャー・テクノロジーズ、ロウズ - LoweBot (Powered by Fellow AI)、フェッチ・ロボティクス、ブレイン・コーポレーション
  • 屋内配送ロボット
    Bear Robotics、Keenon Robotics、Savioke Inc.、Rice Robotics、Pudu、PAL Robotics、Keenon、Savioke、Segway Robotics、Anscer、Aethon
  • 警備・点検ロボット
    Cobalt Robotics、Knightscope Robotics、OTSAW Digital、SMP Robotics、Enova、Secom、AgileX
  • 遠隔操作/テレプレゼンスロボット:
    Diligent Robotics、Ohmni Labs、AVA Robotics、GoBe Robotics、Double Robotics、Temi Robotics
  • 清掃ロボット:
    ソフトバンクロボティクス、Avidbots、Gaussian Robotics、LionsBot
  • 病院支援ロボット
    Revotonix L.L.C、Jetbrain、Aethon、MiR、MeanWhile、Keenon、Savioke、ABB、Diligent
  • 農業用ロボット
    Bogaerts、Harvest Automation、AIS、Katif、Naio Technologies、Robotnik
  • 配送ロボット(ラストワンマイル配送ロボット):
    STARSHIP、NURO AI、テレリテール、Kiwibot、Robby Technologies、Postmates、Eliport、Hello World Robotics、OTSAW、、Scout
  • バッテリー&チャージャー
    LG Chem (LG Energy Solutions), Crown Equipment Corporation, East Penn Manufacturing, EnerSys, SBS, iN2Power, Wiferion, Inventus Power, 東芝SCiB
  • モーションコントロール:
    Advance Motion Control、Kollmorgen、Energid (Teradyne)、Harmonic Drive System、Parker、Elmo Motion、CGI、Brother、Nidec、Allied Motion、SEW Eurodrive、Pilz、Nord


  •     18以上の産業分野またはアプリケーションを対象とした450ページおよび143の展示による市場レポート
  •     20以上の国や地域のAGV AMR市場のボトムアップ分析
  •     160社以上の企業プロファイルを用いたエコシステム内の600社に関する詳細な分析
  •     バリューチェーン全体にわたる80人以上の主要な業界関係者とのフォーカスグループディスカッションにより、分析の妥当性を確認するための直接情報を収集
  •     2027年までの予測を含む、適切なモデリングと150以上の市場テーブルを含むExcelファイル
  •     アナリストセッション(2回):さらなるブレーンストーミング
  •     150件以上のM&Aや750件以上の資金調達案件を含む2019-21年の投資詳細情報
  •     LogisticsIQ™ 独自の市場マップ(15カテゴリー、600プレイヤー)




1   はじめに

1.1       AGVとAMRの簡単な歴史

1.1.1     AGVの用途

1.1.2     AGVの種類     自動搬送台車     フォークリフト用AGV     トーイング/タガーAGV     ユニットロードハンドラー/単品搬送     重荷重用キャリア     自律移動型ロボット

1.1.3     AGVとAMRの動作原理     ナビゲーション     ステアリング     トラフィック制御

1.2       業界の現状

1.3       AMRの定義

2   エグゼクティブサマリー

2.1       ドライバー&チャレンジ

2.1.1     ドライバ     効率と生産性の向上     RaaSとリースオプションで初期投資を削減     柔軟性     必要なスペースが少ない     安全性の向上     Eコマースのオーダーフルフィルメント     ロボティクスとオートメーションオーダーフルフィルメントにおける成功の鍵     オンライン食料品店は、次の破壊的行為となる可能性があり、倉庫自動化の最有力候補となる可能性があります。     人件費と安全性への配慮   技術改善   供給量の増大とコストダウン   新しいユースケースは、産業界のビジネスサイクルに依存しない、より多くの導入への道を開く。

2.2       課題

2.2.1     ロボットによるオーダーピッキングに挑戦

2.2.2      Technology課題 related to安全性

3   無人搬送車技術

3.1       AGVの種類と特徴

3.1.1     フォークリフト用AGV

3.1.2     パレットAGV

3.1.3     タグボート/トーイングAGV

3.1.4     単品AGV

3.1.5     組立ラインAGV

3.1.6     重荷重式AGV

3.1.7     Mini-AGV

3.1.8     屋外用AGV

4    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Form Factor (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to2027

4.1       デッキロード

4.2       タガー・プル

4.3       自動フォークリフト

5    Market Size of AGV/AMR byナビゲーション Technology (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to2027

5.1       テープ/ワイヤー/マグネット

5.2       リフレクター(2D/3Dレーザー)

5.3       QR/2Dコード

5.4       ライダー

5.5       カメラ/ビジョンセンサー

5.6       センサーフュージョン

6    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Function (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to2027

6.1       搬送(<500kg)

6.2       搬送(>=500kg)

6.3       シングルピース搬送

6.4       曳航

6.5       パレット移動

7    Market Size of AGV /AMR by End-use Industry (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to2027

7.1       製造

7.1.1     組織化手段としてのAGV

7.1.2     タクシー事業

7.1.3     フローラインの編成と量産へのこだわり

7.1.4     自動車・自動車部品産業      AGVs in Transparent製造 in Dresden (Volkswagen)      Production of the BMW300 Series in the New Leipzig Plant     ケルン-ポルツのDeutz AGにおけるロジスティクスタスク     ヴォルフスブルクにあるVWのコックピット組立ライン     自動車シートにおけるAGVの活用製造     移動式最終組立プラットフォームとしてのAGVの活用     チェコのデンソーで生産効率を改善

7.1.5      Paper製造 and Processing     アインサ・プリント・インターナショナルにおけるロール紙の輸送と取り扱いについて     ブラウンシュバイクのドラックツェントルムでの新聞印刷について

7.1.6     エレクトロニクス産業     Wöhner社でのコンテナのジャストインタイム輸送。

7.1.7     食品・飲料業界     飲料業界におけるイントラロジスティクスの取り組み     Marktkauf Logistik GmbHの革新的なコミッショニング     カンピーナ社のチーズの熟成工程をAGVで監視

7.1.8     製鉄業

7.2       ロジスティクス

7.2.1     床上ブロック倉庫

7.2.2     多層ブロックストレージ

7.2.3     自動ケース搬送ロボットシャトル

7.2.4     AMRの新しいエマージング・オファリング

7.3       アウトドアと海運

7.4       ヘルスケア

7.4.1     クリニックロジスティクス     オーストリア・クラーゲンフルト州立病院でのAGVの活躍     アドバンスdクリニックロジスティクス with AGVs in Vorarlberg     ノルウェー・オスロ大学でのAGVの活躍

7.4.2     製薬業界

7.5       専門分野

7.5.1     消毒

7.5.2     クリーニング

7.5.3     テレプレゼンスとテレオペレーション

7.5.4     セキュリティ&インスペクション

7.5.5     アグリカルチャー

7.5.6     小売・在庫管理

7.5.7     病院支援

7.5.8     インドアデリバリー

7.5.9     屋外配送

7.5.10   データプラットフォームとリモートセンシング

8    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Geography – Forecast to2027 (Units and USD Million)

8.1       北アメリカ

8.1.1     米国

8.1.2     カナダ

8.2       ヨーロッパ

8.2.1     英国

8.2.2     ドイツ

8.2.3     フランス

8.2.4     イタリア

8.2.5     スペイン

8.2.6     北欧地域     eGroceryの開発

8.2.7     残りヨーロッパ     の流通拠点として台頭してきたポーランド。ヨーロッパ     チェコ共和国 - 倉庫自動化の新たな拠点として     ルーマニアでは、複数のアプリケーションでモバイル・ロボティクスが採用され始めている

8.3       APAC

8.3.1     中国     ロジスティクスと倉庫業は、まだまだ伸びしろがあります。中国     AGV-AMRの主要なプレイヤー中国

8.3.2     日本

8.3.3     南朝鮮

8.3.4     インド

8.3.5     オーストラリア

8.3.6     台湾

8.3.7     東南アジア(ASEAN)     インドネシア     タイ     フィリピン     ベトナム     マレーシア     シンガポール

8.4       残り世界

8.4.1     中東・アフリカ     中東の電子商取引市場     中東キープレーヤーとその動向

8.4.2     ラテンアメリカ     ロジスティクスブラジルの主なボトルネックはまだ     Eコマース企業の間では、ピュアプレイ・オンライン戦略よりもオムニチャネル戦略が一般的になっています。

9   AGV/AMRのビジネスモデル

9.1       システムインテグレーションビジネスモデル

9.1.1     MROサービス     専門性     投資対効果の検討(ROI)     総所有コスト(TCO)     サプライヤー市場の分析     入札のご案内     入札評価と契約締結     保守・修理サービス     AGV導入のための直接・間接コスト

9.2       直販・OEM

9.3       ロボット・アズ・ア・サービス(RaaS)

9.3.1     倉庫用ロボット

9.3.2     配送ロボット

9.3.3     セキュリティロボット

9.3.4     クリーニングロボット

10      AGV/AMRコンポーネント&ファンクション

10.1     ナビゲーションと安全性

10.1.1   テープ・磁気センサー

10.1.2   2D/3Dレーザーベース

10.1.3   ビジョンセンサ

10.1.4   LiDAR   AGVの改善   ローカライゼーションとマッピングを同時に実現

10.1.5   センサーフュージョン

10.2     安全性

10.2.1   法律・政策・規制

10.2.2    Need for new安全性 Standards   E-stopの取り扱い   モバイル操作   プライマリーコントロールズ

10.2.3   今後予定されている規格

10.2.4   職場の確保に関する責任安全性

10.3     モーションコントロール   ホイール   ステアリング   ドライブ

10.4     AGVエネルギー供給

10.4.1   トラクションバッテリー(EVB-電気自動車用バッテリー)

10.4.2   非接触型エネルギー伝送

10.4.3   ハイブリッドシステム

10.5     バッテリー&チャージャー

10.5.1   リチウムイオンバッテリー

10.5.2   コンデンサ

10.5.3   燃料電池

10.5.4   充電ステーション   手動式バッテリー交換ステーション   AGV用バッテリー自動交換機

10.6     無線通信

10.6.1    Limitations of existing802.11 technologies

10.6.2    Addressing課題 with5G Cellular

10.7     ソフトウェアと制御

10.7.1   車両誘導制御   車両誘導制御インターフェイス

10.7.2   機能ブロック

10.7.3   AGV作業環境

10.7.4   システム・スペックインターフェイス

11      競合の状況

11.1     主要なプレーヤー

11.2     革新的なスタートアップ企業

11.3     競合状況・トレンド

11.3.1   合併・買収

11.3.2   新製品開発

11.3.3   パートナーシップ、コラボレーション、契約

11.3.4   本社所在地別主要プレイヤー



1   システムインテグレーター

1.1       大福

1.1.1     はじめに

1.1.2     一般情報

1.1.3     イノベーションセンター

1.1.4     地理的なプレゼンス

1.1.5     主要開発・ニュース

1.1.6     産業別製品ポートフォリオ

1.1.7     機能別製品ポートフォリオ

1.1.8     業界と提供するソリューション

1.1.9     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.2       デマティック(KIONグループ)

1.2.1     はじめに

1.2.2     一般情報

1.2.3     主な展開とニュース

1.2.4     マイクロフルフィルメントセンター(MFC)

1.2.5     最新動向

1.2.6     最近の受賞・プロジェクト

1.2.7     製品ポートフォリオ

1.2.8     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.2.9     業界と提供するソリューション

1.3       SSI-シェーファー

1.3.1     はじめに

1.3.2     一般情報

1.3.3     システム&ソリューション

1.3.4     主要開発・ニュース

1.3.5     産業別ソリューション

1.3.6     製品・ソフトウエアソリューション

1.3.7     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.4        Vanderlande (Toyotaアドバンスdロジスティクス)

1.4.1     はじめに

1.4.2     一般情報

1.4.3     沿革

1.4.4     ヴァンダランデの過去の主な買収案件

1.4.5     主要投資先 - スマートロボティクス

1.4.6     主要開発・ニュース

1.4.7     製品・セグメント     空港     倉庫業     小包     ライフサイクルサービス

1.4.8     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.5       スイスログ(KUKA)

1.5.1     はじめに

1.5.2     一般情報

1.5.3     沿革

1.5.4     主要開発・ニュース

1.5.5     ロジスティクスオートメーション - 産業別提案

1.5.6     ロジスティクスオートメーション - 製品・システム別の提供

1.5.7     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.6       希少

1.6.1     はじめに

1.6.2     一般情報

1.6.3     主要開発・ニュース

1.6.4     製品別技術

1.6.5     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.6.6     沿革

1.7       村田機械株式会社

1.7.1     はじめに

1.7.2     一般情報

1.7.3     主要開発・ニュース

1.7.4     ロジスティクスオートメーション - 技術別ソリューション

1.7.5     市場・業種

1.7.6     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.7.7     沿革と発展

1.8        Elettric80

1.8.1     はじめに

1.8.2     一般情報

1.8.3     業界・製品・顧客層

1.8.4     主要開発・ニュース

1.9       Beumerグループ

1.9.1     はじめに

1.9.2     一般情報

1.9.3     主要開発・ニュース

1.9.4     フォーカス・ソリューション

1.9.5     技術別製品情報

1.9.6     成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.9.7     産業別ソリューション

1.10     ウィトロン・ロジスティクス+インフォメーション・テクノロジー

1.10.1   はじめに

1.10.2   一般情報

1.10.3   主要開発・ニュース

1.10.4   ストレージシステム、ウェアハウス技術&システムタイプ

1.10.5   産業別ソリューション

1.10.6   業界と事例(成功したクライアント)

1.11     TGWロジスティクス

1.11.1   はじめに

1.11.2   一般情報

1.11.3   提供する製品

1.11.4   ソリューション&サービス

1.11.5   主要開発・ニュース

1.11.6   成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.11.7   沿革開発状況

1.12     グレンゼバッハ社

1.12.1   はじめに

1.12.2   一般情報

1.12.3   沿革

1.12.4   主要開発・ニュース

1.12.5   製品・市場

1.12.6   トランスポート&ハンドリングソリューション

1.13     FIVESグループ

1.13.1   はじめに

1.13.2   沿革

1.13.3   一般情報

1.13.4   主要開発・ニュース

1.13.5   産業別ソリューション

1.14     ハネウェル・インテリジェント

1.14.1   はじめに

1.14.2   一般情報

1.14.3   沿革

1.14.4   主要開発・ニュース

1.14.5   技術・製品別ソリューション

1.14.6   業界と提供するソリューション

1.14.7   成功事例(顧客リスト)

1.15      Bastianソリューション (Toyotaアドバンスdロジスティクス)

1.15.1   はじめに

1.15.2   一般情報

1.15.3   主要開発・ニュース

1.15.4   機能別ソリューション

1.15.5   技術別ソリューション

1.15.6   業界と事例(成功したクライアント)

1.15.7   沿革

1.16     マテリアルハンドリングシステム(MHS)

1.17     ユングハインリッヒAG

1.18     LODIGE工業

1.19     ビアストア・システムズ

1.20     インターレイク・マカルクス

1.21     カーデックス

1.22     オートストア

1.23     DMW&H

1.24     ウエストファリア

1.25     ダンバックAG

1.26     PSB intralogistics GmbH

1.27     SIASUNロボットオートメーション(株)

1.28     サヴォア

1.29     株式会社オーペックス

1.30      Systemロジスティクス (Krones Group)

1.31     アドバーブテクノロジー

1.32     ローダマスターグループ

1.33     GÜDEL

2   AGV&AMR主要なプレーヤー

2.1       ギークプラス

2.2       クイックトロン(フラッシュホールド)

2.3       ForwardX Robotics

2.4       華翔精工(蘇州)有限公司(CSG Huaxiao Precision (Suzhou) Co.- (CSG Huaxiao)

2.5       グレーオレンジ

2.6       ヒクロボット

2.7        Mobile Industrialロボット – MiR (Teradyne)

2.8       インビア・ロボティクス

2.9       6 River Systems –6RS (Shopify)

2.10     Fetch Robotics(ゼブラテクノロジーズ)

2.11     ジョンビーン・テクノロジーズ(JBT株式会社)

2.12     JATEN

2.14     IAMロボティクス

2.15     ローカス・ロボティクス

2.16     ベクナ ロボティクス

2.17     BALYO

2.18     シーグリッド

2.19      Waypoint Robotics (Part ofローカス・ロボティクス)

2.20     トンプキンス・ロボティクス

2.21     スカログ

2.22     OTTOモーターズ(クリアパスロボティクス)

2.23     GIDEONブラザーズ

2.24     マガジーノ社

2.25     NextShift Robotics(JASCIロボティクス)

2.26      AutoGuide Mobileロボット (Teradyne)

2.27     エイラテック・ロボティクス

2.28     Aethon(STエンジニアリング)

2.29     プライムロボティクス(BLEUM)

2.30     HAIロボティクス

2.31     バイオニックハイブ

2.32     反対

2.33     パル・ロボティクス

2.34     Matthews Automation Solutions (マシューズ・オートメーション・ソリューションズ) (マシューズ・インターナショナル

2.35     GUOZIロボティクス

2.36     CAJAロボティクス

2.37     オムロン(アデプトテクノロジー)

2.38     ガイダンス・オートメーション(マシューズ・インターナショナル)

2.39     サイリアス・ロボティクス

2.40     MALUイノベーション

2.41     ユーロテック(ローパッド)

2.42     DS Automotion GmbH

2.43      Mitsubishi Logisnextヨーロッパ Oy (Rocla)

2.44     ネオボティクス

2.45     トランスボティクス(SCOTTグループ)

2.46     EK-Robotics(EKオートメーション)

2.47     オーシャネーション

2.48     ウェルウィット・ロボティクス

2.49     ロジスティック・ジェット

2.50     ムジニー

2.51     TÜNKERS Maschinenbau GmbH

2.52     CPM - D¨rrグループ

2.53     上海世爾智能科技有限公司 (SEER)

2.54     フレックスキューブ

2.55     IDEALworks GmbH

3   オートノミーサービスプロバイダー(ASP)

3.1       株式会社ブレーン

3.2       ブルーボティクス

3.3       コルモージェン

3.4       オートノミック・ソリューションズ社(ASI)

3.5       MOVEL AI

3.6       MOV AI

3.7       フリーダムロボティクス

3.8       ロボマインダ

3.9       ペルセプチン

3.10     ロームテクノロジー

4   マシンビジョン&イメージング

4.1       バスラーAG

4.2       キーエンス

4.3       オムロンマイクロスキャン

4.4       コグネックス

5   消毒ロボット

5.1       UVDロボティクス

5.2       サルコス・ロボティクス

5.3       テックメティックス ロボティクス

5.4        Wellwit消毒 Robotics

6   小売ロボット

6.1       ボサノバ・ロボティクス

6.2       シンベ・ロボティクス

6.3       バジャーテクノロジー

6.4       ロウズ - LoweBot (Powered by Fellow AI)

7   インドアデリバリーロボット

7.1       ベアロボティクス

7.2       キーノン・ロボティクス

7.3       株式会社サビオーク

7.4       ライスロボティクス

8   セキュリティと検査ロボット

8.1       コバルトロボティクス

8.2       ナイトスコープ ロボティクス

8.3       OTSAWデジタル

8.4       SMPロボティクス

9   遠隔操作/テレプレゼンスロボット

9.1       ディリゲント・ロボティクス

9.2       オームニ・ラボ

9.3       AVAロボティクス

9.4       GoBeロボティクス

10      クリーニングロボット

10.1     ソフトバンクロボティクス

10.2     アビッドボッツ

10.3     ガウシアンロボティクス

10.4     ライオンズボット

11      病院支援ロボット

11.1     レボトニックス L.L.C.

11.2     ジェットブレーン

12      アグリカルチャーロボット

12.1     ボガーツ

12.2     ハーベスト・オートメーション

13      バッテリー&チャージャー

13.1     LG Chem(LGエナジーソリューションズ)

13.2     クラウン機器株式会社

13.3     イースト・ペン製造

13.4     エナーシス

14      モーションコントロール

14.1     アドバンスモーションコントロール

14.2     コルモージェン

14.3     エネルジッド(テラダイン社)

14.4     ハーモニック・ドライブ・システム

15      ピースピッキングロボット

15.1     バークシャー グレー

15.2     ライトハンドロボティクス

15.3     KINDRED(オカドグループ)

15.4     OSARO

15.5     プラスワンロボティクス

16      倉庫管理システムプロバイダー

16.1     ブルー・ヨンダー

16.1.1   はじめに

16.1.2   一般情報

16.1.3   企業買収

16.1.4   インテリジェントフルフィルメント&トレードWMS   ハイライト

16.2     インフォア(コーク・インダストリーズ)

16.2.1   はじめに

16.2.2   一般情報:

16.2.3   沿革開発状況:

16.2.4   CloudSuite™ WMS   ハイライト   注文の正確さと生産性

16.3     オラクル

16.3.1   はじめに

16.3.2   一般情報

16.3.3   製品・ソリューション   クラウド/オンプレミス型ソフトウェア事業   ハードウエア事業   サービス事業

16.3.4   オラクル倉庫管理クラウド(WMS)

16.4     エスエイピー

16.4.1   はじめに

16.4.2   一般情報

16.4.3   ポートフォリオ

16.4.4   エスエイピー拡張倉庫管理(SAP EWM)

16.5     マンハッタンアソシエイツ

16.5.1   はじめに

16.5.2   一般情報

16.5.3   ソリューション

16.5.4   Manhattan SCALE™WMS。

16.6     ハイジャンプ(Körber AG)

16.6.1   はじめに

16.6.2   一般情報

16.6.3    Körberロジスティクス System

16.6.4   HighJump WMS

17      自動認識・データキャプチャ(AIDC)

17.1     ゼブラテクノロジー

17.1.1   はじめに

17.1.2   一般情報

17.1.3   最近の買収案件

17.1.4   倉庫ソリューション

17.1.5   製品・業界

17.2     ハネウェルAIDC

17.2.1   はじめに

17.2.2   一般情報

17.2.3   製品・ソリューション

17.2.4   交通・運輸ロジスティクスソリューション

17.3     データロジック

17.3.1   はじめに

17.3.2   一般情報

17.3.3   対象業界

17.3.4   提供する製品・システム

17.4     佐藤

17.4.1   はじめに

17.4.2   一般情報

17.4.3   沿革

17.4.4   対象業界

17.4.5   ハンドラベリングシステム

17.4.6   ソフトウェア

17.5     SICK AG

17.5.1   はじめに

17.5.2   一般情報

17.5.3   沿革

17.5.4   製品ポートフォリオ

17.5.5   対象業界

18      倉庫ドローン

18.1     アイシー(HARDISグループ)

18.2     UVL ロボティクス

18.3     AirMap(DroneUp)(ドローンアップ

19      配送ロボット

19.1     スターシップ

19.2     NURO AI

19.3     テレ小売

19.4     キウイボット

19.5     ロビーテクノロジー



EXHIBIT1:Timeline of AGV development    11
EXHIBIT 2:数十年にわたるAGVの発展    12
EXHIBIT3:Timeline of AMR development    13
EXHIBIT4:AMR development through the decades    14
EXHIBIT5: Examples of AMRs    20
EXHIBIT6:小売 sales are declining in2020, but eCommerce adoption has accelerated    23
EXHIBIT7: Online Aggregation Model    25
EXHIBIT8: Illustration of Product Range by小売er: 英国衣料品    25
EXHIBIT9:ロボット deployed in Amazon’s warehouses have seen immense growth    26
EXHIBIT10: Online grocery penetration is increasing in major global economies    27
EXHIBIT11: Categories of Automated Guided Vehicles    31
EXHIBIT12:フォークリフト用AGV    32
EXHIBIT13:フォークリフト用AGV, standardised equipment    33
EXHIBIT14:パレットAGV    34
EXHIBIT15:タグボート/トーイングAGV    35
EXHIBIT16: The underride AGV    36
EXHIBIT17: AGVs for assembly and supply at Daimler    37
EXHIBIT18:重荷重式AGV    38
EXHIBIT19: The mini-AGV    39
EXHIBIT20: AGVs used for container handling at ports    40
EXHIBIT21:AGV Market Revenue by Form Factor (USD Million)    41
EXHIBIT22:AGV Market shipments by Form Factor (units)    42
EXHIBIT23:AGV Market Revenue byナビゲーション (USD Million)    43
EXHIBIT24: AGV Shipments byナビゲーション (units)    44
EXHIBIT25: AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション (USD Million)    44
EXHIBIT26: AMR Shipments byナビゲーション (units)    44
EXHIBIT27:AGV Market Revenue by Function (USD Million)    45
EXHIBIT28: AGV Shipments by Function (Units)    45
EXHIBIT29: AMR Market Revenue by Function (USD Million)    46
EXHIBIT30: AMR Shipments by Function (Units)    46
EXHIBIT31:AGV Market Revenue by Industry (USD Million)    47
EXHIBIT32: AGV Shipments by Industry (USD Million)    47
EXHIBIT33: AMR Market Revenue by Industry (USD Million)    48
EXHIBIT34: AMR Shipments by Industry (Units)    48
EXHIBIT35: Suitability table for conveyor systems in mass assembly tasks    51
EXHIBIT36:Handling of Paper Rolls    56
EXHIBIT37: AGVs handling cheese in the aging warehouse    59
EXHIBIT38: Coil transporter carries30-ton rolls    60
EXHIBIT39: Example of a floor-level block storage warehouse    61
EXHIBIT40: Characteristics of AGVs with pallet recognition in block storage a warehouse    62
EXHIBIT41:自動ケース搬送ロボットシャトル    63
EXHIBIT42:  G2P Mobileロボット (1/2)    63
EXHIBIT43:  G2P Mobileロボット (2/2)    64
EXHIBIT44: AGV carries a roller container (L); Underride AGV with pickup for towing roller containers (R)    66
EXHIBIT45: AGV used in hospitals to transport food trays    68
EXHIBIT46: Vehicle empty, loaded and with payload at transfer station    69
EXHIBIT47:消毒ロボット    70
EXHIBIT48:クリーニングロボット    71
EXHIBIT49:テレpresenceロボット    72
EXHIBIT50:セキュリティと検査ロボット    73
EXHIBIT51:アグリカルチャー Mobileロボット    74
EXHIBIT52:小売 and Inventory Managementロボット    75
EXHIBIT53: Hospital Assistanceロボット    76
EXHIBIT54:インドアデリバリーロボット (Hotels, Restaurants, Offices,空港s etc.)    77
EXHIBIT55:屋外配送ロボット    78
EXHIBIT56:データプラットフォームとリモートセンシングロボット    79
EXHIBIT57:AGV Market Revenue by Region and Geography (in USD Million)    81
EXHIBIT58:AGV Market Shipments by Region and Geography (units)    82
EXHIBIT59:AMR Market Revenue by Region and Geography (USD Million)    83
EXHIBIT60:AMR Market Shipments by Region and Geography (units)    84
EXHIBIT61:Top-10 eCommerce小売ers (2021) by % share of total eCommerce sales    86
EXHIBIT62:United States – Shipments and Revenues of AGV/AMR    86
EXHIBIT63: Investment Deals in USA for2021    88
EXHIBIT64:Canada AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    89
EXHIBIT65: Investment Deals inカナダ for2021    90
EXHIBIT66: UK AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    91
EXHIBIT67: Investment Deals inカナダ for2021    92
EXHIBIT68:ドイツ AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    93
EXHIBIT69: Investment Deals inドイツ for2021    94
EXHIBIT70: Investment Deals inフランス for2020-21    95
EXHIBIT71: Online grocery inフランス will be a $21bn market by2026    95
EXHIBIT72:フランス AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    96
EXHIBIT73:イタリア AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    97
EXHIBIT74:スペイン AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    98
EXHIBIT75: Nordics AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    100
EXHIBIT76:China eCommerce is booming, but distribution and logistics is lagging    103
EXHIBIT77:Automated warehouses cost more than15x traditional warehouse    104
EXHIBIT78:Investment Deals in中国 for2021    105
EXHIBIT79:中国 AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    105
EXHIBIT80:China AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    106
EXHIBIT81:日本 AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    109
EXHIBIT82:日本 AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    110
EXHIBIT83:南朝鮮 AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    111
EXHIBIT84:南朝鮮 AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    112
EXHIBIT85: Demand for warehouse space is being driven by eCommerce    113
EXHIBIT86:インド AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    114
EXHIBIT87:インド AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    115
EXHIBIT88:オーストラリア AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    116
EXHIBIT89:オーストラリア AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    118
EXHIBIT90:台湾 AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    119
EXHIBIT91:台湾 AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    120
EXHIBIT92: The South-east Asian eCommerce market is booming    122
EXHIBIT93:タイ AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    123
EXHIBIT94:タイ AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    124
EXHIBIT95:タイ AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    125
EXHIBIT96: Phillippines AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    127
EXHIBIT97:マレーシア AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    129
EXHIBIT98:マレーシア AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    130
EXHIBIT99:シンガポール AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    131
EXHIBIT100:シンガポール AGV/AMR Market Revenue byナビゲーション, and by Industry (USD Million)    132
EXHIBIT101: Middle-east & Africa AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    134
EXHIBIT102: eCommerce, Fashion & Beauty and Grocery will be the biggest end-consumers    135
EXHIBIT103: Middle East e-commerce is worth $10.3 billion and will grow by13% through2025    136
EXHIBIT104: E-commerce penetration as a percentage of total retail (2017)    137
EXHIBIT105:ラテンアメリカ AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    139
EXHIBIT106: System Integration Work Flow    141
EXHIBIT107: Benefits of in-sourcing vs outsourcing ofMROサービス    142
EXHIBIT108: Positions in a bid assessment    145
EXHIBIT109:Direct costs in AGV calculation    147
EXHIBIT110: Indirect costs in AGV calculation    147
EXHIBIT111:ブルーボティクスナビゲーションソフトウェア ANT® comparison chart    148
EXHIBIT112:Robots as a Service – Different Segments    149
EXHIBIT113:倉庫用ロボット – Examples    149
EXHIBIT114:倉庫用ロボット – RaaS Players    150
EXHIBIT115:配送ロボット – Examples    151
EXHIBIT116:配送ロボット – RaaS Players    152
EXHIBIT117:セキュリティロボット – Examples    153
EXHIBIT118:セキュリティロボット – RaaS Players    154
EXHIBIT119:クリーニングロボット – Examples    155
EXHIBIT120:クリーニングロボット – RaaS Players    155
EXHIBIT121:Types ofナビゲーション Systems    157
EXHIBIT122: Relevant criteria for choosing the right navigation system    158
EXHIBIT123: The common navigation procedures    160
EXHIBIT124: Basic sketch of inductive and optical track guidance    161
EXHIBIT125: Basic sketch of track guidance with a double conducting track for non-contacting energy transfer    161
EXHIBIT126: Basic sketch for dead-reckoning navigation (left) and for magnetic or transponder navigation (right)    162
EXHIBIT127: Magnetic measurement sensors    162
EXHIBIT128: Reading units for transponders    163
EXHIBIT129: Laser Scannerナビゲーション Method    163
EXHIBIT130: AGV systems with3D vision    164
EXHIBIT131: Landmark recognition    165
EXHIBIT132: Positioning based on reflector locations    165
EXHIBIT133: Moveable laser scanner (red), with natural markers on the ceiling: fixed personnel protection scanner. (ceiling navigation ((yellow):    166
EXHIBIT134:Mobile robot platform coupled with a dual-arm articulated robot works autonomously processing parts for lights-out manufacturing    171
EXHIBIT135: Autonomous mobile robot outfitted with shelves    172
EXHIBIT136: AMR Collision Avoidance Operation    175
EXHIBIT137:Roles and responsibilities of manufacturers, integrators and end-users to ensure safety in an AMR system workplace    177
EXHIBIT138:Laws, Policies and Binding Regulations on安全性 and Compatibility of AGV and AMR systems    178
EXHIBIT139: Diagrams of typical AGV chassis    179
EXHIBIT140: Left Diagram of the Mecanum wheel, right installed on a piggyback AGV    180
EXHIBIT141: A typical wheel hub drive for an AGV: The RNA27 with integrated steering unit,270 mm wheel diameter,1,300 kg wheel load, available in24 or48 V, in DC or AC version    181
EXHIBIT142: Comparison of current energy supply technologies    181
EXHIBIT143: AGV with non-contacting energy transfer    183
EXHIBIT144: System components for non-contacting energy transfer    184
EXHIBIT145:Assessment of battery technologies for use in AGV/AMR    185
EXHIBIT146: Comparison of power and energy densities of various energy storage sources    186
EXHIBIT147: Fuel cell stacks with24 cells and500 W each    187
EXHIBIT148: Battery exchange trolley and battery charging station    188
EXHIBIT149: Battery station with manual battery exchange    188
EXHIBIT150:Communication challenges in AGV/AMR    190
EXHIBIT151:AGV/AMR communication challenges and5G benefits    191
EXHIBIT152: AGV operating panel:2 stop switches, WLAN antenna, junction box, entry terminal, sensors & lights    192
EXHIBIT153:Function blocks for an AGV guidance control    193
EXHIBIT154: Stationary protection measures according to VDI2510-1 purpose of use    196
EXHIBIT155:革新的なスタートアップ企業 –消毒,クリーニング, Security and Hospital Automation    198
EXHIBIT156:革新的なスタートアップ企業 – Meal and Food Delivery, Floorクリーニング andテレ-operations    199
EXHIBIT157:Since2012, there has been more than $10B in M&A    200
EXHIBIT158: Centre-Controlled Rider自動フォークリフト and Core Tow Tractor自動フォークリフト    201
EXHIBIT159: Nord Modules – Quick Mover180    201
EXHIBIT160:小包 sortation robots fromギークプラス    202
EXHIBIT161: ASTI Mobile Robotics - UV-C光殺菌ロボット    203
EXHIBIT162: キーノン・ロボティクス –配送ロボット or Robotic Waiter    204


テーブル1    AGV市場の地域別・地理的収益(USD Million)

テーブル2    AGV市場 地域別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル3    AGV市場の産業別収益(USD Million)

テーブル4    AGV市場 産業別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル5    AGV市場のフォームファクター別収益(USD Million)

テーブル6    AGV市場 フォームファクター別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル7    AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル8    AGV Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル9    AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル10    AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル11    North America AGV市場の産業別収益(USD Million)

テーブル12    North America AGV市場 産業別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル13    North America AGV市場のフォームファクター別収益(USD Million)

テーブル14    North America AGV市場 フォームファクター別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル15    North America AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル16    North America AGV Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル17    North America AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル18    North America AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル19    Europe AGV市場の産業別収益(USD Million)

テーブル20    Europe AGV市場 産業別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル21    Europe AGV市場のフォームファクター別収益(USD Million)

テーブル22    Europe AGV市場 フォームファクター別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル23    Europe AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル24    Europe AGV Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル25    Europe AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル26    Europe AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル27    APAC AGV市場の産業別収益(USD Million)

テーブル28    APAC AGV市場 産業別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル29    APAC AGV市場のフォームファクター別収益(USD Million)

テーブル30    APAC AGV市場 フォームファクター別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル31    APAC AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル32    APAC AGV Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル33    APAC AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル34    APAC AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル35    ROW AGV市場の産業別収益(USD Million)

テーブル36    ROW AGV市場 産業別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル37    ROW AGV市場のフォームファクター別収益(USD Million)

テーブル38    ROW AGV市場 フォームファクター別出荷台数 (台)

テーブル39    ROW AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル40    ROW AGV Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル41    ROW AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル42    ROW AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル43    AMR Market Revenue By Region and Geography (USD Million)

テーブル44    AMR Market Shipments By Region and Geography (units)

テーブル45    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

テーブル46    AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

テーブル47    AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル48    AMR Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル49    AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル50    AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル51    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

テーブル52    North America AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

テーブル53    North America AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル54    North America AMR Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル55    North America AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル56    North America AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル57    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

テーブル58    Europe AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

テーブル59    Europe AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル60    Europe AMR Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル61    Europe AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル62    Europe AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル63    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

テーブル64    APAC AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

テーブル65    APAC AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル66    APAC AMR Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル67    APAC AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル68    APAC AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル69    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

テーブル70    ROW AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

テーブル71    ROW AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD Million)

テーブル72    ROW AMR Market Shipments Byナビゲーション (units)

テーブル73    ROW AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

テーブル74    ROW AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

テーブル75    United States AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル76    United States AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル77    Canada AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル78    Canada AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル79    Germany AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル80    Germany AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル81    UK AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル82    UK AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル83    France AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル84    France AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル85    Italy AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル86    Italy AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル87    Spain AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル88    Spain AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル89    Nordics AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル90    Nordics AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル91    China AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル92    China AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル93    Japan AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル94    Japan AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル95    South Korea AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル96    South Korea AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル97    Australia AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル98    Australia AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル99    India AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル100    India AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル101    Taiwan AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル102    Taiwan AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル103    Thailand AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル104    Thailand AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル105    Malaysia AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル106    Malaysia AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル107    Singapore AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル108    Singapore AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル109    Middle East & Africa AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル110    Middle East & Africa AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル111    Latin America AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

テーブル112    Latin America AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

テーブル113    China AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル114    China AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル115    China AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル116    China AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル117    Japan AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル118    Japan AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル119    Japan AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル120    Japan AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル121    South Korea AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル122    South Korea AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル123    South Korea AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル124    South Korea AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル125    Australia AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル126    Australia AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル127    Australia AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル128    Australia AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル129    India AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル130    India AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル131    India AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル132    India AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル133    Taiwan AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル134    Taiwan AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル135    Taiwan AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル136    Taiwan AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル137    Thailand AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル138    Thailand AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル139    Thailand AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル140    Thailand AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル141    Malaysia AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル142    Malaysia AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル143    Malaysia AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル144    Malaysia AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル145    Singapore AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル146    Singapore AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル147    Singapore AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル148    Singapore AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル149    Indonesia AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル150    Indonesia AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル151    Indonesia AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル152    Indonesia AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル153    Philippines AGV Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル154    Philippines AMR Market Revenue Byナビゲーション (USD million)

テーブル155    Philippines AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

テーブル156    フィリピン AMR 市場の産業別収益(百万米ドル)





AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) and AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) Market Opportunity worth more than $18B by 2027 with an installed base of 2.4 Million Robots - Driven by Logistics & Manufacturing


Mobile Robots (AGV and AMR Market) are enabling the optimization of space in warehouse facilities in logistics and manufacturing and can reduce the need for new and costly green field fulfillment and distribution centers. While new centers are still being built, they are being built with robots and other automation in mind. Even these robotic systems are flexible and can be added or removed as per the requirement. But we are witnessing new applications of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) apart from logistics and manufacturing due to advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Vision, manipulation capabilities for automatic picking and placing, and robotic mechanics.

As per LogisticsIQ™ latest market research study, AGV and AMR Market is expected to reach more than18 Billion by 2027 with a growth rate of around 24% and 43% for AGV and AMR respectively. Both AGVs and AMRs collectively are going to cross the installed base of 2.4 million in 2027 to make the mobile robots a new normal in our day-to-day operational activities.

The 3rd edition of this post-pandemic AGV and AMR business research is first and exclusive market study covering new emerging applications like Healthcare, Disinfection, Retail and Inventory Management, Security and Inspection, Agriculture, Hospital Assistance, Indoor and Outdoor Delivery, Cleaning, Tele-presence and Tele-operation, and Data Platforms & Remote Sensing apart from old revenue sources like Logistics and Manufacturing. AGV and AMR market study is having a market analysis of more than 600 players (part of our exclusive AGV/AMR Market Map), Key Navigation Technologies, Major Form factors & Functions, Targeted Industry Verticals & Applications, and 20+ geographical regions. Analysis is validated through 80+ in-depth interviews across the value chain with components and technology providers, system integrators, robot manufacturers (OEM/ODM), robotic software & service providers, and end-user industry verticals. Apart this, study also focuses on different components and integral parts of AGV/AMR like Motion Control, Batteries & Chargers, Cameras / Vision Sensor, LiDAR, Sensor Fusion, QR Code and Wireless Communication. Market size and forecast database is also available in excel format to analyse and strategize further along with 156 market tables. It is a best reference to analyse the market attractiveness, to identify the partner, customer or supplier, to check the competitive landscape, to benchmark the new technologies and to select the right geography & industry vertical for your products and services. Voice and opinion of end-users have been taken as the key parameter for this market forecast.


AGV and AMR Market – Highlights

  • Industry witnessed a good growth despite of pandemic and is supposed to register more than $3 Billion sales in 2021. Around 640,000 mobile robots (AGVs & AMRs) are expected to be shipped in 2027 only with an installed base of 2.4 million
  • AMRs are supposed to grow with a CAGR of ~43% between 2022 and 2027 and are going to be more attractive market as compared to AGVs by 2027 with relatively more shipment and TAM share.
  • United States, Germany, U.K., China and Japan are going to lead the market with an annual demand of more than 200,000 mobile robots (AGV & AMR) by 2027
  • Goods to Person (G2P) and Person to Goods (P2G), both type of AMRs are having their own market with some advantages and disadvantage. It depends on what exactly can be more efficient and cost-effective solution for your existing or new warehouse.
  • Piece picking and sortation mobile robots are going to emerge as a new important category with a growth of 45% by 2027, specially in micro-fulfillment space
  • China is supposed to be hub for Autonomous Mobile Robots, both in terms of demand and supply as it is expected that Made in China AMRs will be 30%-40% more economical due to labour cost advantages and huge volume consumption in China itself.
  • After QR code, LiDAR, Vision Cameras and Sensor Fusions are the key navigation technologies to be commercialized in this space due to flexibility, safety concerns and higher accuracy. Even Sensor Fusion AMRs are expected to grow with ~70% growth rate. There are dedicated companies (Autonomy Service Providers) for navigation technology and software who are supporting mobile robot manufacturers to build such capabilities with the help of AI and Machine Vision.
  • Delivery, Retail and Cleaning are the emerging applications to target with an attractive growth of ~35% apart from logistics and manufacturing although absolute market size is relatively low.


Top Factors & Challenges

  • Automation is the key focus in manufacturing and logistics sector as a part of Industry 4.0 and Supply Chain 4.0 initiatives for continuous growth and sustainability. Robotics is an important aspect of this automation.
  • Growth in e-commerce is the main driver for AGV/AMR demand in warehouse automation. Global e-Commerce sales have grown at a CAGR of 20% over the last decade, reaching ~$4.5 trillion worldwide in 2021, and expected to grow to $7.5 trillion by 2026. The share of online retail sales has gone from 2% of total to ~13%, and is further expected to reach 22% by 2026.
  • High personnel costs and wage rates are especially high in the developed countries. Annual costs for a forklift operator can run up to $50,000. If a forklift has to be operated around the clock, then at least 3-4 drivers are needed. Adding the invest costs of $10,000 for a forklift truck to the personnel costs, the annual costs for one forklift come to over $200,000.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning are also at a tipping point and are already disrupting multiple industries and will definitely impact the way warehouses are operated currently. In Jan 2022, Berkshire Grey, Inc. introduced an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled reverse logistics solutions designed to help retailers accelerate the re-sale of returned goods and improve labour utilization in the returns process. This solution includes Berkshire Grey’s robotic product sortation with Identification (RPSi) and Robotic Shuttle Put Wall (RSPW) systems.
  • RaaS and different leasing options are reducing upfront investment as end-users are not having enough CapEx for pilot runs to validate the RoI. Now there are the options like Pay Per Pick, Pay Per Mile, Pay Per Peak Day etc. to balance your OpEx and RaaS cost.
  • Safety Challenge – The evolution of AGV/AMRs over the last 15 years has created a broad range of machines and markets. Everything from AGV/AMRs in the warehouse to the home. One of the key chasms in the world of AGV/AMRs is the safety requirement differences between “service” AGV/AMRs and “industrial” AGV/AMRs. While the intent is that no AGV/AMR harm a human, service robots operate in the realm of the human beings. Working environments for service robots might include operation in a grocery store, a retail store, a mall, a hospital, on the sidewalk or in the home.



  • In our study, we have considered Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) where movement is highly structured and monolithic in static environment with the help of magnetic strips or wires. If there is any obstacle in the path then it has to be removed to make AGV in motion again. Re-deployment of guided technology like magnetic strips or wires is required with an additional cost if there is a change in the facility like renovation, upgrade or change in location.
  • Opposite of AGV, Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) works in dynamic environment with autonomous navigation. It creates and saves the locations or map of the facility to find the alternative path if there is an obstacle in the defined route. Also, it requires minimum changes as there is any change related to facility as AMR can be just unboxed and put to work within one hour if it’s already mapped with the facility. It’s extremely flexible to deploy.


Key Players Analyzed:

  • AGV & AMR: Geek+, Quicktron (Flashhold), ForwardX Robotics, GreyOrange, HikRobot (HikVision), Mobile Industrial Robots – MiR (Teradyne), inVia Robotics, River Systems – 6RS (Shopify), Fetch Robotics (Zebra), JATEN, IAM Robotics, Locus Robotics, Vecna Robotics, Waypoint Robotics (Part of Locus Robotics), Tompkins Robotics, Scallog, OTTO Motors (Clearpath Robotics), GIDEON Brothers, Magazino GmbH, NextShift Robotics (JASCI), AutoGuide Mobile Robots (Teradyne), EiraTech Robotics, Aethon (ST Engineering), Prime Robotics (BLEUM), HAI Robotics, Bionic HIVE, Oppent, PAL Robotics, Matthews Automation Solutions (Matthews International), GUOZI Robotics, CAJA Robotics, Omron (Adept Technology), Guidance Automation (Matthews International), Syrius Robotics, MALU Innovation (JD), Eurotec (Lowpad), DS Automation, Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe Oy (Rocla), NeoBotix, John Bean Technologies (JBT Corporation), Transbotics (Scott Group), CSG Huaxiao, EK-Robotics (EK Automation), OCEANEERING, Wellwit Robotics, Logistic-Jet, SEEGRID, BALYO, Mushiny, TÜNKERS Maschinenbau GmbH, CPM – Dürr Group, SEER, FlexQube, IDEALworks GmbH
  • System Integrators (SI): Daifuku, Dematic (KION Group), SSI-Schaefer, Vanderlande (Toyota Advanced Logistics), Swisslog (KUKA), Knapp, Murata Machinery Ltd., Elettric 80, Beumer Group, Witron Logistik + Informatik, TGW Logistics, Grenzebach GmbH, FIVES Group, Honeywell Intelligrated, Bastian Solutions (Toyota Advanced Logistics), Material Handling System (MHS), Jungheinrich AG, LODIGE Industries, ViaStore Systems, Interlake Macalux, Kardex, AutoStore, DMW&H, Westfalia, Dambach AG, PSB intralogistics GmbH, SIASUN Robot Automation Co., Ltd., SAVOYE, OPEX Corporation, System Logistics (Krones Group), GÜDEL
  • Autonomy Service Providers (ASP): Brain Corporation, Bluebotics, KOLLMORGEN, Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI), MOVEL AI, MOV AI, FREEDOM ROBOTICS, ROBOMINDS, PERCEPTIN, ROMB Technologies, Balyo, Seegrid, Vecna Robotics
  • Machine Vision & Imaging: Basler AG, Keyence, Omron Microscan, Cognex
  • Disinfection Robots: UVD Robotics, Sarcos Robotics, Techmetics Robotics, Wellwit, Geek+, Fybots, Sherpa, Akara, MiR, Sesto, LionsBot, SmartGuardUV, Milvus, Revotonix, YouiBot
  • Retail & Inventory Management Robots: Bossa Nova Robotics, Simbe Robotics, Badger Technologies, Lowe’s – LoweBot (Powered by Fellow AI), Fetch Robotics, Brain Corporation
  • Indoor Delivery Robots: Bear Robotics, Keenon Robotics, Savioke Inc., Rice Robotics, Pudu, PAL Robotics, Keenon, Savioke, Segway Robotics, Anscer, Aethon
  • Security and Inspection Robots: Cobalt Robotics, Knightscope Robotics, OTSAW Digital, SMP Robotics, Enova, Secom, AgileX
  • Tele-operated / Telepresence Robots: Diligent Robotics, Ohmni Labs, AVA Robotics, GoBe Robotics, Double Robotics, Temi Robotics
  • Cleaning Robots: Softbank Robotics, Avidbots, Gaussian Robotics, LionsBot
  • Hospital Support Robots: Revotonix L.L.C, Jetbrain, Aethon, MiR, MeanWhile, Keenon, Savioke, ABB, Diligent
  • Agriculture Robots: Bogaerts, Harvest Automation, AIS, Katif, Naio Technologies, Robotnik
  • Delivery Robots (Last Mile Delivery Robots): STARSHIP, NURO AI, Tele Retail, Kiwibot, Robby Technologies, Postmates, Eliport, Hello World Robotics, OTSAW,, Scout
  • Battery & Chargers: LG Chem (LG Energy Solutions), Crown Equipment Corporation, East Penn Manufacturing, EnerSys, SBS, iN2Power, Wiferion, Inventus Power, Toshiba SCiB
  • Motion Control: Advance Motion Control, Kollmorgen, Energid (Teradyne), Harmonic Drive System, Parker, Elmo Motion, CGI, Brother, Nidec, Allied Motion, SEW Eurodrive, Pilz, Nord

What will you get in this report?

  • 450 Pages and 143 Exhibits Market Report for 18+ Industry Verticals or Applications
  • A bottom-up analysis of AGV AMR market for 20+ countries and regions
  • In-depth analysis of 600 companies in the ecosystem with more than 160 company profiles
  • Focus Group Discussion with 80+ key industry stakeholders across the value chain to collect the first-hand information to validate our analysis
  • Excel file with a proper modelling and 150+ market tables including forecast till 2027
  • 2 Analyst Sessions to brainstorm further
  • Investment details of 2019-21 with 150+ M&A and 750+ funding deals
  • LogisticsIQ™ Exclusive Market Map (600 Players across 15 categories)




Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1    Introduction

1.1        A brief history of AGVs and AMRs

1.1.1      Applications for AGVs

1.1.2      Types of AGVs      Automated Guided Carts      Forklift AGVs      Towing/Tugger AGVs      Unit Load Handlers/Single-Piece conveying      Heavy Burden Carriers      Autonomous Mobile Robots

1.1.3      Working Principles of AGVs and AMRs      Navigation      Steering      Traffic control

1.2        Current state of the industry

1.3        AMR Definition

2    Executive Summary

2.1        Drivers & Challenges

2.1.1      Drivers      Increase efficiency and productivity      RaaS and leasing options reducing upfront investment      Flexibility      Less space required      Improved safety      E-commerce order fulfilment      Robotics & Automation: Key success factors for order fulfilment      Online grocery is set to be the next disruption and may be the prime candidate for warehouse automation      Labour Cost and Safety Concerns    Technology improvements    Increasing supply and lowering of costs    Emerging use cases, pave way for more adoption and less dependence on industrial business cycle

2.2        Challenges

2.2.1      Order Picking Remains a Robotic Challenge

2.2.2      Technology Challenges related to Safety

3    Automated Guided Vehicle Technology

3.1        AGV Types and Features

3.1.1      Forklift AGV

3.1.2      Pallet AGV

3.1.3      Tugger/Towing AGV

3.1.4      Single piece AGV

3.1.5      Assembly Line AGV

3.1.6      Heavy Load AGV

3.1.7      Mini-AGV

3.1.8      Outdoor AGV

4    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Form Factor (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to 2027

4.1        Deck-load

4.2        Tugger-Pull

4.3        Automated Forklift

5    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Navigation Technology (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to 2027

5.1        Tape/Wire/Magnet

5.2        Reflector (2D/3D Laser)

5.3        QR/2D Codes

5.4        LIDAR

5.5        Camera/Vision Sensor

5.6        Sensor Fusion

6    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Function (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to 2027

6.1        Conveying (<500kg)

6.2        Conveying (>=500kg)

6.3        Single Piece Conveying

6.4        Towing

6.5        Pallet Moving

7    Market Size of AGV /AMR by End-use Industry (Units and USD Million) – Forecast to 2027

7.1        Manufacturing

7.1.1      AGVs as a Means of Organization

7.1.2      Taxi Operations

7.1.3      Flow Line Organisation and the Focus on Series Production

7.1.4      Automotive and Auto Components Industry      AGVs in Transparent Manufacturing in Dresden (Volkswagen)      Production of the BMW 300 Series in the New Leipzig Plant      Logistics Tasks at Deutz AG in Cologne-Porz      Assembly Line for Cockpits at VW in Wolfsburg      Use of AGVs in Automotive Seat Manufacturing      Use of AGVs as a Mobile Final Assembly Platform      Improving Production Efficiency at Denso in the Czech Republic

7.1.5      Paper Manufacturing and Processing      Transport and Handling of Paper Rolls at Einsa Print International      Newspaper Printing in the Druckzentrum in Braunschweig

7.1.6      Electronics Industry      Just-in-Time Container Transport at Wöhner

7.1.7      Food and Beverage Industry      Intralogistics Initiatives in the Beverage Industry      Innovative Commissioning at Marktkauf Logistik GmbH      AGVs Monitors Cheese Aging Process at Campina

7.1.8      Steel-Making Industry

7.2        Logistics

7.2.1      Floor-Level Block Storage Warehouses

7.2.2      Multi-story Block Storage

7.2.3      Automated Case Handling Robot Shuttles

7.2.4      New Emerging AMR Offerings

7.3        Outdoor and Shipping

7.4        Healthcare

7.4.1      Clinic Logistics      AGVs in the State Hospital in Klagenfurt, Austria      Advanced Clinic Logistics with AGVs in Vorarlberg      AGVs in the University of Oslo, Norway

7.4.2      Pharmaceutical Industry

7.5        Specialty

7.5.1      Disinfection

7.5.2      Cleaning

7.5.3      Tele-presence and Tele-operation

7.5.4      Security & Inspection

7.5.5      Agriculture

7.5.6      Retail & Inventory Management

7.5.7      Hospital Support

7.5.8      Indoor Delivery

7.5.9      Outdoor Delivery

7.5.10    Data Platforms and Remote Sensing

8    Market Size of AGV/AMR by Geography – Forecast to 2027 (Units and USD Million)

8.1        North America

8.1.1      U.S.

8.1.2      Canada

8.2        Europe

8.2.1      U.K.

8.2.2      Germany

8.2.3      France

8.2.4      Italy

8.2.5      Spain

8.2.6      Nordic Region      eGrocery Development

8.2.7      Rest of Europe      Poland is emerging as a distribution hub for Europe      Czech Republic – A new hub for warehouse automation      Romania has started adopting the mobile robotics in multiple applications

8.3        APAC

8.3.1      China      Logistics and Warehousing still has a lot of room to grow in China      Leading AGV-AMR players in China

8.3.2      Japan

8.3.3      South Korea

8.3.4      India

8.3.5      Australia

8.3.6      Taiwan

8.3.7      South-East Asia (ASEAN)      Indonesia      Thailand      Philippines      Vietnam      Malaysia      Singapore

8.4        Rest of World

8.4.1      Middle East & Africa      The Middle-East e-commerce market      Middle East: Key players and Developments

8.4.2      Latin America      Logistics Is Still the Main Bottleneck in Brazil      Omni-Channel rather than Pure-play online strategy is more common amongst eCommerce players

9    AGV/AMR Business Model

9.1        System Integration Business Model

9.1.1      MRO services      Specialization      Return on Investment considerations (ROI)      Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)      Analysis of the Supplier Market      Invitation to Bid      Bid Assessment and Awarding Contract      Maintenance and Repair Services      Direct and Indirect cost for AGV deployment

9.2        Direct sales / OEM

9.3        Robots as a Service (RaaS)

9.3.1      Warehouse Robots

9.3.2      Delivery Robots

9.3.3      Security Robots

9.3.4      Cleaning Robots

10       AGV/AMR Components & Functions

10.1      Navigation and Safety

10.1.1    Tape and Magnetic Sensors

10.1.2    2D/3D Laser based

10.1.3    Vision sensors

10.1.4    LiDAR    Improvements in AGVs    Simultaneous localization and mapping

10.1.5    Sensor Fusion

10.2      Safety

10.2.1    Laws, Policies and Regulations

10.2.2    Need for new Safety Standards    E-stop Handling    Mobile Manipulation    Primary Controls

10.2.3    Upcoming standards

10.2.4    Responsibility for ensuring Workplace Safety

10.3      Motion Control    Wheels    Steering    Drives

10.4      AGV Energy Supply

10.4.1    Traction Batteries (EVBs – Electric Vehicle Batteries)

10.4.2    Non-contacting Energy Transfer

10.4.3    Hybrid System

10.5      Batteries and Chargers

10.5.1    Lithium-Ion Batteries

10.5.2    Capacitors

10.5.3    Fuel Cells

10.5.4    Charging Stations    Manual battery exchange station    Automatic battery exchange machine for AGVs

10.6      Wireless Communication

10.6.1    Limitations of existing 802.11 technologies

10.6.2    Addressing Challenges with 5G Cellular

10.7      Software and Control

10.7.1    Vehicle Guidance Control    Vehicle Guidance Control Interfaces

10.7.2    Function Blocks

10.7.3    AGV Working Environment

10.7.4    System-Specific Interfaces

11       Competitive landscape

11.1      Key Players

11.2      Innovative Start-Ups

11.3      Competitive Situation & Trends

11.3.1    Mergers & Acquisitions

11.3.2    New Product Developments

11.3.3    Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements

11.3.4    Major Players by HQ location



1    System Integrators

1.1        Daifuku

1.1.1      Introduction

1.1.2      General Information

1.1.3      The Innovation Center

1.1.4      Geographical Presence

1.1.5      Major Development & News

1.1.6      Product Portfolio By Industry

1.1.7      Product Portfolio By Function

1.1.8      Industries & Solutions Offered

1.1.9      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.2        Dematic (KION Group)

1.2.1      Introduction

1.2.2      General Information

1.2.3      Major Developments & News

1.2.4      Micro-Fulfillment Center (MFC)

1.2.5      Latest Developments

1.2.6      Recent Win & Projects

1.2.7      Product Portfolio

1.2.8      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.2.9      Industries & Solutions Offered

1.3        SSI-Schaefer

1.3.1      Introduction

1.3.2      General Information

1.3.3      System & Solutions

1.3.4      Major Development & News

1.3.5      Solutions By Industry

1.3.6      Product & Software Solutions

1.3.7      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.4        Vanderlande (Toyota Advanced Logistics)

1.4.1      Introduction

1.4.2      General Information

1.4.3      History

1.4.4      Major Acquisitions by Vanderlande in the past

1.4.5      Key Investment - Smart Robotics

1.4.6      Major Development & News

1.4.7      Products & Segments      Airport      Warehousing      Parcel      Life Cycle Services

1.4.8      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.5        Swisslog (KUKA)

1.5.1      Introduction

1.5.2      General Information

1.5.3      History

1.5.4      Major Development & News

1.5.5      Logistics Automation - Offering by Industries

1.5.6      Logistics Automation – Offering by Products & Systems

1.5.7      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.6        Knapp

1.6.1      Introduction

1.6.2      General Information

1.6.3      Major Development & News

1.6.4      Technologies by Products

1.6.5      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.6.6      History

1.7        Murata Machinery Ltd.

1.7.1      Introduction

1.7.2      General Information

1.7.3      Major Development & News

1.7.4      Logistics & Automation - Solutions by Technology

1.7.5      Markets & Industries Served

1.7.6      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.7.7      History and Developments

1.8        Elettric 80

1.8.1      Introduction

1.8.2      General Information

1.8.3      Industries, Products & Successful Client Base

1.8.4      Major Development & News

1.9        Beumer Group

1.9.1      Introduction

1.9.2      General Information

1.9.3      Major Development & News

1.9.4      Focused Solutions

1.9.5      Products by Technology

1.9.6      Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.9.7      Solutions by Industry

1.10      Witron Logistik + Informatik

1.10.1    Introduction

1.10.2    General Information

1.10.3    Major Development & News

1.10.4    Storage System, Warehouse Technology & System Type

1.10.5    Solutions by Industry

1.10.6    Industries and Case studies (Successful Clients)

1.11      TGW Logistics

1.11.1    Introduction

1.11.2    General Information

1.11.3    Products Offering

1.11.4    Solutions & Services

1.11.5    Major Development & News

1.11.6    Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.11.7    History & Developments

1.12      Grenzebach GmbH

1.12.1    Introduction

1.12.2    General Information

1.12.3    History

1.12.4    Major Development & News

1.12.5    Products & Markets

1.12.6    Transport and Handling Solutions

1.13      FIVES GROUP

1.13.1    Introduction

1.13.2    History

1.13.3    General Information

1.13.4    Major Development & News

1.13.5    Solutions By Industry

1.14      Honeywell Intelligrated

1.14.1    Introduction

1.14.2    General Information

1.14.3    History

1.14.4    Major Development & News

1.14.5    Solutions by Technology/Product

1.14.6    Industries & Solutions Offered

1.14.7    Successful Case Studies (Customer List)

1.15      Bastian Solutions (Toyota Advanced Logistics)

1.15.1    Introduction

1.15.2    General Information

1.15.3    Major Development & News

1.15.4    Solutions by Function

1.15.5    Solutions by Technology

1.15.6    Industries and Case studies (Successful Clients)

1.15.7    History

1.16      Material Handling System (MHS)

1.17      Jungheinrich AG

1.18      LODIGE Industries

1.19      ViaStore Systems

1.20      Interlake Macalux

1.21      Kardex

1.22      AutoStore

1.23      DMW&H

1.24      Westfalia

1.25      Dambach AG

1.26      PSB intralogistics GmbH

1.27      SIASUN Robot Automation Co., Ltd.

1.28      SAVOYE

1.29      OPEX Corporation

1.30      System Logistics (Krones Group)

1.31      Addverb Technologies

1.32      Lodamaster Group

1.33      GÜDEL

2    AGV & AMR – Key Players

2.1        Geek+

2.2        Quicktron (Flashhold)

2.3        ForwardX Robotics

2.4        Huaxiao Precision (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. – (CSG Huaxiao)

2.5        GreyOrange


2.7        Mobile Industrial Robots – MiR (Teradyne)

2.8        inVia Robotics

2.9        6 River Systems – 6RS (Shopify)

2.10      Fetch Robotics (Zebra Technologies)

2.11      John Bean Technologies (JBT Corporation)

2.12      JATEN

2.14      IAM Robotics

2.15      Locus Robotics

2.16      Vecna Robotics

2.17      BALYO

2.18      SEEGRID

2.19      Waypoint Robotics (Part of Locus Robotics)

2.20      Tompkins Robotics

2.21      Scallog

2.22      OTTO Motors (Clearpath Robotics)

2.23      GIDEON Brothers

2.24      Magazino GmbH

2.25      NextShift Robotics (JASCI Robotics)

2.26      AutoGuide Mobile Robots (Teradyne)

2.27      EiraTech Robotics

2.28      Aethon (ST Engineering)

2.29      Prime Robotics (BLEUM)

2.30      HAI Robotics

2.31      Bionic HIVE

2.32      Oppent

2.33      PAL Robotics

2.34      Matthews Automation Solutions (Matthews International)

2.35      GUOZI Robotics

2.36      CAJA Robotics

2.37      Omron (Adept Technology)

2.38      Guidance Automation (Matthews International)

2.39      Syrius Robotics

2.40      MALU Innovation

2.41      Eurotec (Lowpad)

2.42      DS Automotion GmbH

2.43      Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe Oy (Rocla)

2.44      NeoBotix

2.45      Transbotics (SCOTT Group)

2.46      EK-Robotics (EK Automation)


2.48      Wellwit Robotics

2.49      Logistic-Jet

2.50      Mushiny

2.51      TÜNKERS Maschinenbau GmbH

2.52      CPM – Dürr Group

2.53      Shanghai Seer Intelligent Technology Corporation (SEER)

2.54      FlexQube

2.55      IDEALworks GmbH

3    Autonomy Service Providers (ASP)

3.1        Brain Corporation

3.2        Bluebotics

3.3        Kollmorgen

3.4        Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI)

3.5        MOVEL AI

3.6        MOV AI


3.8        ROBOMINDS

3.9        PERCEPTIN

3.10      Romb Technologies

4    Machine Vision & Imaging

4.1        Basler AG

4.2        Keyence

4.3        Omron Microscan

4.4        Cognex

5    Disinfection Robots

5.1        UVD Robotics

5.2        Sarcos Robotics

5.3        Techmetics Robotics

5.4        Wellwit Disinfection Robotics

6    Retail Robots

6.1        Bossa Nova Robotics

6.2        Simbe Robotics

6.3        Badger Technologies

6.4        Lowe’s – LoweBot (Powered by Fellow AI)

7    Indoor Delivery Robots

7.1        Bear Robotics

7.2        Keenon Robotics

7.3        Savioke Inc.

7.4        Rice Robotics

8    Security and Inspection Robots

8.1        Cobalt Robotics

8.2        Knightscope Robotics

8.3        OTSAW Digital

8.4        SMP Robotics

9    Tele-operated / Telepresence Robots

9.1        Diligent Robotics

9.2        Ohmni Labs

9.3        AVA Robotics

9.4        GoBe Robotics

10       Cleaning Robots

10.1      Softbank Robotics

10.2      Avidbots

10.3      Gaussian Robotics

10.4      LionsBot

11       Hospital Support Robots

11.1      Revotonix L.L.C

11.2      Jetbrain

12       Agriculture Robots

12.1      Bogaerts

12.2      Harvest Automation

13       Battery & Chargers

13.1      LG Chem (LG Energy Solutions)

13.2      Crown Equipment Corporation

13.3      East Penn Manufacturing

13.4      EnerSys

14       Motion Control

14.1      Advance Motion Control

14.2      Kollmorgen

14.3      Energid (Teradyne)

14.4      Harmonic Drive System

15       Piece Picking Robots

15.1      Berkshire Grey

15.2      Righthand Robotics

15.3      KINDRED (Ocado Group)

15.4      OSARO

15.5      Plus One Robotics

16       Warehouse Management System Providers

16.1      BLUE YONDER (JDA)

16.1.1    Introduction

16.1.2    General Information

16.1.3    Company Acquisitions

16.1.4    Intelligent Fulfillment™ WMS    Highlights

16.2      Infor (Koch Industries)

16.2.1    Introduction

16.2.2    General Information:

16.2.3    History & Developments:

16.2.4    CloudSuite™ WMS    Highlights    Order Accuracy and Productivity

16.3      Oracle

16.3.1    Introduction

16.3.2    General Information

16.3.3    Products & Solutions    Cloud and On-Premise Software Business    Hardware Business    Services Business

16.3.4    Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud (WMS)

16.4      SAP

16.4.1    Introduction

16.4.2    General Information

16.4.3    Portfolio

16.4.4    SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM)

16.5      Manhattan Associates

16.5.1    Introduction

16.5.2    General Information

16.5.3    Solutions

16.5.4    Manhattan SCALE™ WMS

16.6      HighJump (Körber AG)

16.6.1    Introduction

16.6.2    General Information

16.6.3    Körber Logistics System

16.6.4    HighJump WMS

17       Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)

17.1      Zebra Technologies

17.1.1    Introduction

17.1.2    General Information

17.1.3    Recent Acquisitions

17.1.4    Warehouse Solutions

17.1.5    Products & Industries

17.2      Honeywell AIDC

17.2.1    Introduction

17.2.2    General Information

17.2.3    Products & Solutions

17.2.4    Transportation & Logistics Solutions

17.3      Data Logic

17.3.1    Introduction

17.3.2    General Information

17.3.3    Industries Targeted

17.3.4    Products and Systems Offered

17.4      SATO

17.4.1    Introduction

17.4.2    General Information

17.4.3    History

17.4.4    Industries Targeted

17.4.5    Hand Labeling Systems

17.4.6    Software

17.5      SICK AG

17.5.1    Introduction

17.5.2    General Information

17.5.3    History

17.5.4    Product Portfolio

17.5.5    Industries Targeted

18       Warehouse Drones

18.1      Eyesee (HARDIS Group)

18.2      UVL ROBOTICS

18.3      AirMap (DroneUp)

19       Delivery Robots

19.1      STARSHIP

19.2      NURO AI

19.3      Tele Retail

19.4      Kiwibot

19.5      Robby Technologies



EXHIBIT 1:Timeline of AGV development    11
EXHIBIT 2:AGV development through the decades    12
EXHIBIT 3:Timeline of AMR development    13
EXHIBIT 4:AMR development through the decades    14
EXHIBIT 5: Examples of AMRs    20
EXHIBIT 6: Retail sales are declining in 2020, but eCommerce adoption has accelerated    23
EXHIBIT 7: Online Aggregation Model    25
EXHIBIT 8: Illustration of Product Range by Retailer:  U.K. Clothing    25
EXHIBIT 9: Robots deployed in Amazon’s warehouses have seen immense growth    26
EXHIBIT 10: Online grocery penetration is increasing in major global economies    27
EXHIBIT 11: Categories of Automated Guided Vehicles    31
EXHIBIT 12: Forklift AGV    32
EXHIBIT 13: Forklift AGV, standardised equipment    33
EXHIBIT 14: Pallet AGV    34
EXHIBIT 15: Tugger/Towing AGV    35
EXHIBIT 16: The underride AGV    36
EXHIBIT 17: AGVs for assembly and supply at Daimler    37
EXHIBIT 18: Heavy Load AGV    38
EXHIBIT 19: The mini-AGV    39
EXHIBIT 20: AGVs used for container handling at ports    40
EXHIBIT 21:AGV Market Revenue by Form Factor (USD Million)    41
EXHIBIT 22:AGV Market shipments by Form Factor (units)    42
EXHIBIT 23:AGV Market Revenue by Navigation (USD Million)    43
EXHIBIT 24: AGV Shipments by Navigation (units)    44
EXHIBIT 25: AMR Market Revenue by Navigation (USD Million)    44
EXHIBIT 26: AMR Shipments by Navigation (units)    44
EXHIBIT 27:AGV Market Revenue by Function (USD Million)    45
EXHIBIT 28: AGV Shipments by Function (Units)    45
EXHIBIT 29: AMR Market Revenue by Function (USD Million)    46
EXHIBIT 30: AMR Shipments by Function (Units)    46
EXHIBIT 31:AGV Market Revenue by Industry (USD Million)    47
EXHIBIT 32: AGV Shipments by Industry (USD Million)    47
EXHIBIT 33: AMR Market Revenue by Industry (USD Million)    48
EXHIBIT 34: AMR Shipments by Industry (Units)    48
EXHIBIT 35: Suitability table for conveyor systems in mass assembly tasks    51
EXHIBIT 36:Handling of Paper Rolls    56
EXHIBIT 37: AGVs handling cheese in the aging warehouse    59
EXHIBIT 38: Coil transporter carries 30-ton rolls    60
EXHIBIT 39: Example of a floor-level block storage warehouse    61
EXHIBIT 40: Characteristics of AGVs with pallet recognition in block storage a warehouse    62
EXHIBIT 41: Automated Case Handling Robot Shuttles    63
EXHIBIT 42:  G2P Mobile Robots (1/2)    63
EXHIBIT 43:  G2P Mobile Robots (2/2)    64
EXHIBIT 44: AGV carries a roller container (L); Underride AGV with pickup for towing roller containers (R)    66
EXHIBIT 45: AGV used in hospitals to transport food trays    68
EXHIBIT 46: Vehicle empty, loaded and with payload at transfer station    69
EXHIBIT 47: Disinfection Robots    70
EXHIBIT 48: Cleaning Robots    71
EXHIBIT 49: Telepresence Robots    72
EXHIBIT 50: Security and Inspection Robots    73
EXHIBIT 51: Agriculture Mobile Robots    74
EXHIBIT 52: Retail and Inventory Management Robots    75
EXHIBIT 53: Hospital Assistance Robots    76
EXHIBIT 54: Indoor Delivery Robots (Hotels, Restaurants, Offices, Airports etc.)    77
EXHIBIT 55: Outdoor Delivery Robots    78
EXHIBIT 56: Data Platforms and Remote Sensing Robots    79
EXHIBIT 57:AGV Market Revenue by Region and Geography (in USD Million)    81
EXHIBIT 58:AGV Market Shipments by Region and Geography (units)    82
EXHIBIT 59:AMR Market Revenue by Region and Geography (USD Million)    83
EXHIBIT 60:AMR Market Shipments by Region and Geography (units)    84
EXHIBIT 61:Top-10 eCommerce Retailers (2021) by % share of total eCommerce sales    86
EXHIBIT 62:United States – Shipments and Revenues of AGV/AMR    86
EXHIBIT 63: Investment Deals in USA for 2021    88
EXHIBIT 64:Canada AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    89
EXHIBIT 65: Investment Deals in Canada for 2021    90
EXHIBIT 66: UK AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    91
EXHIBIT 67: Investment Deals in Canada for 2021    92
EXHIBIT 68: Germany AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    93
EXHIBIT 69: Investment Deals in Germany for 2021    94
EXHIBIT 70: Investment Deals in France for 2020-21    95
EXHIBIT 71: Online grocery in France will be a $21bn market by 2026    95
EXHIBIT 72: France AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    96
EXHIBIT 73: Italy AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    97
EXHIBIT 74: Spain AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    98
EXHIBIT 75: Nordics AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    100
EXHIBIT 76:China eCommerce is booming, but distribution and logistics is lagging    103
EXHIBIT 77:Automated warehouses cost more than 15x traditional warehouse    104
EXHIBIT 78:Investment Deals in China for 2021    105
EXHIBIT 79: China AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    105
EXHIBIT 80:China AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    106
EXHIBIT 81: Japan AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    109
EXHIBIT 82: Japan AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    110
EXHIBIT 83: South Korea AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    111
EXHIBIT 84: South Korea AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    112
EXHIBIT 85: Demand for warehouse space is being driven by eCommerce    113
EXHIBIT 86: India AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    114
EXHIBIT 87: India AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    115
EXHIBIT 88: Australia AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    116
EXHIBIT 89: Australia AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    118
EXHIBIT 90: Taiwan AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    119
EXHIBIT 91: Taiwan AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    120
EXHIBIT 92: The South-east Asian eCommerce market is booming    122
EXHIBIT 93: Thailand AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    123
EXHIBIT 94: Thailand AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    124
EXHIBIT 95: Thailand AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    125
EXHIBIT 96: Phillippines AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    127
EXHIBIT 97: Malaysia AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    129
EXHIBIT 98: Malaysia AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    130
EXHIBIT 99: Singapore AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    131
EXHIBIT 100: Singapore AGV/AMR Market Revenue by Navigation, and by Industry (USD Million)    132
EXHIBIT 101: Middle-east & Africa AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    134
EXHIBIT 102: eCommerce, Fashion & Beauty and Grocery will be the biggest end-consumers    135
EXHIBIT 103: Middle East e-commerce is worth $10.3 billion and will grow by 13% through 2025    136
EXHIBIT 104: E-commerce penetration as a percentage of total retail (2017)    137
EXHIBIT 105: Latin America AGV/AMR Market, Shipments (units) and Revenue (USD Million)    139
EXHIBIT 106: System Integration Work Flow    141
EXHIBIT 107: Benefits of in-sourcing vs outsourcing of MRO services    142
EXHIBIT 108: Positions in a bid assessment    145
EXHIBIT 109:Direct costs in AGV calculation    147
EXHIBIT 110: Indirect costs in AGV calculation    147
EXHIBIT 111: Bluebotics Navigation Software ANT® comparison chart    148
EXHIBIT 112:Robots as a Service – Different Segments    149
EXHIBIT 113: Warehouse Robots – Examples    149
EXHIBIT 114: Warehouse Robots – RaaS Players    150
EXHIBIT 115: Delivery Robots – Examples    151
EXHIBIT 116: Delivery Robots – RaaS Players    152
EXHIBIT 117: Security Robots – Examples    153
EXHIBIT 118: Security Robots – RaaS Players    154
EXHIBIT 119: Cleaning Robots – Examples    155
EXHIBIT 120: Cleaning Robots – RaaS Players    155
EXHIBIT 121:Types of Navigation Systems    157
EXHIBIT 122: Relevant criteria for choosing the right navigation system    158
EXHIBIT 123: The common navigation procedures    160
EXHIBIT 124: Basic sketch of inductive and optical track guidance    161
EXHIBIT 125: Basic sketch of track guidance with a double conducting track for non-contacting energy transfer    161
EXHIBIT 126: Basic sketch for dead-reckoning navigation (left) and for magnetic or transponder navigation (right)    162
EXHIBIT 127: Magnetic measurement sensors    162
EXHIBIT 128: Reading units for transponders    163
EXHIBIT 129: Laser Scanner Navigation Method    163
EXHIBIT 130: AGV systems with 3D vision    164
EXHIBIT 131: Landmark recognition    165
EXHIBIT 132: Positioning based on reflector locations    165
EXHIBIT 133: Moveable laser scanner (red), with natural markers on the ceiling: fixed personnel protection scanner. (ceiling navigation ((yellow):    166
EXHIBIT 134:Mobile robot platform coupled with a dual-arm articulated robot works autonomously processing parts for lights-out manufacturing    171
EXHIBIT 135: Autonomous mobile robot outfitted with shelves    172
EXHIBIT 136: AMR Collision Avoidance Operation    175
EXHIBIT 137:Roles and responsibilities of manufacturers, integrators and end-users to ensure safety in an AMR system workplace    177
EXHIBIT 138:Laws, Policies and Binding Regulations on Safety and Compatibility of AGV and AMR systems    178
EXHIBIT 139: Diagrams of typical AGV chassis    179
EXHIBIT 140: Left Diagram of the Mecanum wheel, right installed on a piggyback AGV    180
EXHIBIT 141: A typical wheel hub drive for an AGV: The RNA 27 with integrated steering unit, 270 mm wheel diameter, 1,300 kg wheel load, available in 24 or 48 V, in DC or AC version    181
EXHIBIT 142: Comparison of current energy supply technologies    181
EXHIBIT 143: AGV with non-contacting energy transfer    183
EXHIBIT 144: System components for non-contacting energy transfer    184
EXHIBIT 145:Assessment of battery technologies for use in AGV/AMR    185
EXHIBIT 146: Comparison of power and energy densities of various energy storage sources    186
EXHIBIT 147: Fuel cell stacks with 24 cells and 500 W each    187
EXHIBIT 148: Battery exchange trolley and battery charging station    188
EXHIBIT 149: Battery station with manual battery exchange    188
EXHIBIT 150:Communication challenges in AGV/AMR    190
EXHIBIT 151:AGV/AMR communication challenges and 5G benefits    191
EXHIBIT 152: AGV operating panel: 2 stop switches, WLAN antenna, junction box, entry terminal, sensors & lights    192
EXHIBIT 153:Function blocks for an AGV guidance control    193
EXHIBIT 154: Stationary protection measures according to VDI 2510-1 purpose of use    196
EXHIBIT 155: Innovative Start-Ups – Disinfection, Cleaning, Security and Hospital Automation    198
EXHIBIT 156: Innovative Start-Ups – Meal and Food Delivery, Floor Cleaning and Tele-operations    199
EXHIBIT 157:Since 2012, there has been more than $10B in M&A    200
EXHIBIT 158: Centre-Controlled Rider Automated Forklift and Core Tow Tractor Automated Forklift    201
EXHIBIT 159: Nord Modules – Quick Mover 180    201
EXHIBIT 160: Parcel sortation robots from Geek+    202
EXHIBIT 161:  ASTI Mobile Robotics - UV-C light disinfection robot    203
EXHIBIT 162:  Keenon Robotics – Delivery Robots or Robotic Waiter    204


Table 1    AGV Market Revenue By Region and Geography (USD Million)

Table 2    AGV Market Shipments By Region and Geography (units)

Table 3    AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 4    AGV Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 5    AGV Market Revenue By Form Factor (USD Million)

Table 6    AGV Market Shipments By Form Factor (units)

Table 7    AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 8    AGV Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 9    AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 10    AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 11    North America AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 12    North America AGV Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 13    North America AGV Market Revenue By Form Factor (USD Million)

Table 14    North America AGV Market Shipments By Form Factor (units)

Table 15    North America AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 16    North America AGV Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 17    North America AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 18    North America AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 19    Europe AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 20    Europe AGV Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 21    Europe AGV Market Revenue By Form Factor (USD Million)

Table 22    Europe AGV Market Shipments By Form Factor (units)

Table 23    Europe AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 24    Europe AGV Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 25    Europe AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 26    Europe AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 27    APAC AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 28    APAC AGV Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 29    APAC AGV Market Revenue By Form Factor (USD Million)

Table 30    APAC AGV Market Shipments By Form Factor (units)

Table 31    APAC AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 32    APAC AGV Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 33    APAC AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 34    APAC AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 35    ROW AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 36    ROW AGV Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 37    ROW AGV Market Revenue By Form Factor (USD Million)

Table 38    ROW AGV Market Shipments By Form Factor (units)

Table 39    ROW AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 40    ROW AGV Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 41    ROW AGV Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 42    ROW AGV Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 43    AMR Market Revenue By Region and Geography (USD Million)

Table 44    AMR Market Shipments By Region and Geography (units)

Table 45    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 46    AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 47    AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 48    AMR Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 49    AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 50    AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 51    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 52    North America AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 53    North America AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 54    North America AMR Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 55    North America AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 56    North America AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 57    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 58    Europe AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 59    Europe AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 60    Europe AMR Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 61    Europe AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 62    Europe AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 63    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 64    APAC AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 65    APAC AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 66    APAC AMR Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 67    APAC AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 68    APAC AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 69    AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD Million)

Table 70    ROW AMR Market Shipments By Industry (units)

Table 71    ROW AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD Million)

Table 72    ROW AMR Market Shipments By Navigation (units)

Table 73    ROW AMR Market Revenue By Function (USD Million)

Table 74    ROW AMR Market Shipments By Function (units)

Table 75    United States AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 76    United States AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 77    Canada AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 78    Canada AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 79    Germany AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 80    Germany AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 81    UK AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 82    UK AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 83    France AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 84    France AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 85    Italy AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 86    Italy AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 87    Spain AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 88    Spain AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 89    Nordics AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 90    Nordics AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 91    China AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 92    China AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 93    Japan AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 94    Japan AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 95    South Korea AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 96    South Korea AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 97    Australia AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 98    Australia AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 99    India AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 100    India AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 101    Taiwan AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 102    Taiwan AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 103    Thailand AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 104    Thailand AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 105    Malaysia AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 106    Malaysia AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 107    Singapore AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 108    Singapore AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 109    Middle East & Africa AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 110    Middle East & Africa AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 111    Latin America AGV/AMR Market Shipments (units)

Table 112    Latin America AGV/AMR Market Revenue (USD million)

Table 113    China AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 114    China AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 115    China AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 116    China AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 117    Japan AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 118    Japan AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 119    Japan AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 120    Japan AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 121    South Korea AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 122    South Korea AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 123    South Korea AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 124    South Korea AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 125    Australia AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 126    Australia AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 127    Australia AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 128    Australia AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 129    India AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 130    India AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 131    India AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 132    India AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 133    Taiwan AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 134    Taiwan AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 135    Taiwan AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 136    Taiwan AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 137    Thailand AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 138    Thailand AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 139    Thailand AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 140    Thailand AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 141    Malaysia AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 142    Malaysia AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 143    Malaysia AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 144    Malaysia AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 145    Singapore AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 146    Singapore AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 147    Singapore AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 148    Singapore AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 149    Indonesia AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 150    Indonesia AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 151    Indonesia AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 152    Indonesia AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 153    Philippines AGV Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 154    Philippines AMR Market Revenue By Navigation (USD million)

Table 155    Philippines AGV Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)

Table 156    Philippines AMR Market Revenue By Industry (USD million)






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2025/03/03 10:26

151.56 円

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