

Global Helium Market: Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2022-2026)

ヘリウムの世界市場は、2022年から2026年までの期間に13%のCAGRで成長し、2026年には201億7000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。世界のヘリウム市場の成長は、腹腔鏡検査の施術量の増加や家電製品の需要拡大... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Koncept Analytics
2022年4月18日 US$1,300
87 英語







- このレポートは世界のヘリウム市場をCOVID-19の潜在的な影響を含めて包括的に分析したものです。
- 主要な地域市場である北米、欧州、アジア、アフリカ、中南米、MEAを分析しています。
- 成長ドライバー、市場動向、課題などの市場ダイナミクスを詳細に分析します。
- 市場の競争環境、主要企業(エクソンモービル、リンデ、ガスプロム、エア・リキード、PGNiG、メッサーグループ)の企業プロファイルも詳しく紹介されています。


- ヘリウム生産者
- サプライチェーンパートナー
- エンドユーザー(企業・消費者)
- コンサルティングファーム
- 投資銀行
- 政府機関・規制当局



1. Market Overview

1.1 Helium - Introduction
1.2 Physical & Chemical Properties of Helium
1.3 Extraction of Helium
1.4 Applications of Helium

2. Impact of COVID-19

2.1 Impact on Global Economy
2.2 Impact on Global Oil Production
2.3 Influence on Semiconductor Industry

3. Global Market

3.1 Global Helium Market by Value
3.2 Global Helium Market Forecast by Value
3.3 Global Helium Market by Type
3.3.1 Global Gaseous Helium Market by Value
3.3.2 Global Gaseous Helium Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 Global Liquid Helium Market by Value
3.3.4 Global Liquid Helium Market Forecast by Value
3.4 Global Helium Consumption Forecast
3.5 Global Helium Consumption by Industry
3.6 Global Helium Consumption Volume by Industry
3.7 Global Helium Consumption by Region
3.8 Global Helium Production
3.9 Global Helium Production Forecast
3.10 Global Helium Production by Supply Source
3.11 Global Helium Production Volume by Supply Source
3.12 Global Helium Production Volume Forecast by Supply Source
3.13 Global Helium Production by Country

4. Regional Market

4.1 North America
4.1.1 The US Helium Consumption Forecast
4.1.2 The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production
4.1.3 The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production Forecast
4.1.4 The US BLM Helium Production
4.1.5 The US BLM Helium Production Forecast
4.2 Europe
4.2.1 Europe & FSU Helium Consumption
4.2.2 Russia Helium Production
4.2.3 Russia Helium Production Forecast
4.2.4 Poland Helium Production
4.2.5 Poland Helium Production Forecast
4.3 Asia
4.3.1 China Helium Consumption Forecast
4.3.2 Qatar Helium Production
4.3.3 Qatar Helium Production Forecast
4.4 Africa
4.4.1 Algeria Helium Production
4.4.2 Algeria Helium Production Forecast
4.5 Latin America
4.5.1 Latin America Helium Consumption Forecast
4.6 MEA
4.6.1 MEA Helium Consumption Forecast

5. Market Dynamics

5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Growing GDP
5.1.2 Increase in Laparoscopy Procedures Volume
5.1.3 Surging Demand for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machines
5.1.4 Growing Demand for Semiconductors in Consumer Electronics
5.2 Key Trends & Developments
5.2.1 Upsurge in Demand for Party Balloons
5.2.2 Surge in Purchasing Power
5.2.3 Increase in Demand for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers
5.3 Challenges
5.3.1 Fluctuation in Smartphone Production
5.3.2 Barriers to Entry
5.3.3 High Cost Risks

6. Competitive Landscape

6.1 Global Market
6.1.1 Global Liquid Helium Market Share – Key Players

7. Company Profiles

7.1 Exxon Mobil Corporation
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.2 Linde
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.3 Gazprom
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.4 Air Liquide
7.4.1 Business Overview
7.5 PGNiG
7.5.1 Business Overview
7.6 Messer Group
7.6.1 Business Overview

List of Charts

Properties of Helium
Physical & Chemical Properties of Helium
Global Crude Oil Production (Sep’19 – Sep’20)
Global Helium Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Helium Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Helium Market by Type (2021)
Global Gaseous Helium Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Gaseous Helium Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Liquid Helium Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Liquid Helium Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
Global Helium Consumption by Industry (2021)
Global Helium Consumption Volume by Industry (2021-2026)
Global Helium Consumption by Region (2021)
Global Helium Production (2017-2021)
Global Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Global Helium Production by Supply Source (2021)
Global Helium Production Volume by Supply Source (2017-2021)
Global Helium Production Volume Forecast by Supply Source (2022-2026)
Global Helium Production by Country (2021)
The US Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production (2017-2021)
The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
The US BLM Helium Production (2017-2021)
The US BLM Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Europe & FSU Helium Consumption (2021-2026)
Russia Helium Production (2017-2021)
Russia Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Poland Helium Production (2017-2021)
Poland Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
China Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
Qatar Helium Production (2017-2021)
Qatar Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Algeria Helium Production (2017-2021)
Algeria Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Latin America Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
MEA Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (2017-2021)
Global Laparoscopic Device & Accessories Market (2016-2022)
Global Magnetic Resonance Imaging Market (2014-2022)
Global Consumer Electronics Market (2016-2021)
Global Part Balloons Market (2021-2030)
Global Purchasing Power (2017 & 2030)
Global Smartphone Production (2016-2021)
Key Players – Global Liquid Helium Market Share (2021)

List of Tables

Process of Helium Extraction
Applications of Helium
Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Demand
Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Supply
Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Workforce





The global helium market is forecasted to reach US$20.17 billion in 2026, growing at a CAGR of 13% during the period spanning from 2022 to 2026. Growth in the global helium market was supported by various factors such as an increase in laparoscopy procedure volumes and growing demand for consumer electronics. The market is anticipated to face certain trends such as escalating demand for party balloons and upsurge in consumer purchasing power. Fluctuations in smartphone production and cost risks associated with energy sector are likely to act as challenges for the market.

The global helium market on the basis of type can be segmented as follows: gas and liquid. In 2021, the dominant share of the market was held by gas segment. The global helium consumption by industry can be segmented into the following: MRI/NMR, laboratory/sciences, lifting, semiconductor manufacturing, welding/cutting, fiber optic manufacturing, military & space, leak detection and diving. The dominant share in 2021 was held by MRI/NMR segment. The global helium consumption on the basis of region can be segmented as follows: Europe & FSU, the US, China, Latin America, MEA and other APAC. The dominant share of consumption in 2021 was recorded from Europe & FSU segment, followed by the US.

The global helium production by supply source can be segmented into the following: LNG, by-product, BLM reserve and primary. The largest share of production was generated from LNG, followed by by-product segment. By region, the production can be segmented as follows: the US, Qatar, Algeria, US BLM, Russia and Poland, with US holding the dominant share in 2021. Factors such as increasing number of R&D centers and rising number of manufacturing plants enabled US to obtain the highest share of global production.

Scope of the report:

• The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global helium market with potential impact of COVID-19.
• The major regional markets North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and MEA have been analyzed.
• The market dynamics such as growth drivers, market trends and challenges are analyzed in-depth.
• The competitive landscape of the market, along with the company profiles of leading players (ExxonMobil Corporation, Linde, Gazprom, Air Liquide, PGNiG and Messer Group) are also presented in detail.

Key Target Audience:

• Helium Producers
• Supply Chain Partners
• End Users (Businesses/ Consumers)
• Consulting Firms
• Investment Banks
• Government Bodies & Regulating Authorities


Table of Contents

1. Market Overview

1.1 Helium - Introduction
1.2 Physical & Chemical Properties of Helium
1.3 Extraction of Helium
1.4 Applications of Helium

2. Impact of COVID-19

2.1 Impact on Global Economy
2.2 Impact on Global Oil Production
2.3 Influence on Semiconductor Industry

3. Global Market

3.1 Global Helium Market by Value
3.2 Global Helium Market Forecast by Value
3.3 Global Helium Market by Type
3.3.1 Global Gaseous Helium Market by Value
3.3.2 Global Gaseous Helium Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 Global Liquid Helium Market by Value
3.3.4 Global Liquid Helium Market Forecast by Value
3.4 Global Helium Consumption Forecast
3.5 Global Helium Consumption by Industry
3.6 Global Helium Consumption Volume by Industry
3.7 Global Helium Consumption by Region
3.8 Global Helium Production
3.9 Global Helium Production Forecast
3.10 Global Helium Production by Supply Source
3.11 Global Helium Production Volume by Supply Source
3.12 Global Helium Production Volume Forecast by Supply Source
3.13 Global Helium Production by Country

4. Regional Market

4.1 North America
4.1.1 The US Helium Consumption Forecast
4.1.2 The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production
4.1.3 The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production Forecast
4.1.4 The US BLM Helium Production
4.1.5 The US BLM Helium Production Forecast
4.2 Europe
4.2.1 Europe & FSU Helium Consumption
4.2.2 Russia Helium Production
4.2.3 Russia Helium Production Forecast
4.2.4 Poland Helium Production
4.2.5 Poland Helium Production Forecast
4.3 Asia
4.3.1 China Helium Consumption Forecast
4.3.2 Qatar Helium Production
4.3.3 Qatar Helium Production Forecast
4.4 Africa
4.4.1 Algeria Helium Production
4.4.2 Algeria Helium Production Forecast
4.5 Latin America
4.5.1 Latin America Helium Consumption Forecast
4.6 MEA
4.6.1 MEA Helium Consumption Forecast

5. Market Dynamics

5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Growing GDP
5.1.2 Increase in Laparoscopy Procedures Volume
5.1.3 Surging Demand for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machines
5.1.4 Growing Demand for Semiconductors in Consumer Electronics
5.2 Key Trends & Developments
5.2.1 Upsurge in Demand for Party Balloons
5.2.2 Surge in Purchasing Power
5.2.3 Increase in Demand for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers
5.3 Challenges
5.3.1 Fluctuation in Smartphone Production
5.3.2 Barriers to Entry
5.3.3 High Cost Risks

6. Competitive Landscape

6.1 Global Market
6.1.1 Global Liquid Helium Market Share – Key Players

7. Company Profiles

7.1 Exxon Mobil Corporation
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.2 Linde
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.3 Gazprom
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.4 Air Liquide
7.4.1 Business Overview
7.5 PGNiG
7.5.1 Business Overview
7.6 Messer Group
7.6.1 Business Overview

List of Charts

Properties of Helium
Physical & Chemical Properties of Helium
Global Crude Oil Production (Sep’19 – Sep’20)
Global Helium Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Helium Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Helium Market by Type (2021)
Global Gaseous Helium Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Gaseous Helium Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Liquid Helium Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Liquid Helium Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
Global Helium Consumption by Industry (2021)
Global Helium Consumption Volume by Industry (2021-2026)
Global Helium Consumption by Region (2021)
Global Helium Production (2017-2021)
Global Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Global Helium Production by Supply Source (2021)
Global Helium Production Volume by Supply Source (2017-2021)
Global Helium Production Volume Forecast by Supply Source (2022-2026)
Global Helium Production by Country (2021)
The US Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production (2017-2021)
The US (excluding BLM) Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
The US BLM Helium Production (2017-2021)
The US BLM Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Europe & FSU Helium Consumption (2021-2026)
Russia Helium Production (2017-2021)
Russia Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Poland Helium Production (2017-2021)
Poland Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
China Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
Qatar Helium Production (2017-2021)
Qatar Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Algeria Helium Production (2017-2021)
Algeria Helium Production Forecast (2022-2026)
Latin America Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
MEA Helium Consumption Forecast (2021-2026)
Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (2017-2021)
Global Laparoscopic Device & Accessories Market (2016-2022)
Global Magnetic Resonance Imaging Market (2014-2022)
Global Consumer Electronics Market (2016-2021)
Global Part Balloons Market (2021-2030)
Global Purchasing Power (2017 & 2030)
Global Smartphone Production (2016-2021)
Key Players – Global Liquid Helium Market Share (2021)

List of Tables

Process of Helium Extraction
Applications of Helium
Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Demand
Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Supply
Impact of COVID-19 on Semiconductor Workforce







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