


Analgesics Market Size, Share, Trends, and Forecast by Type, Drug Class, Route of Administration, Pain Type, Application, and Region, 2025-2033

鎮痛剤の世界市場規模は2024年に563億2000万米ドルとなった。今後、IMARC Groupは、2033年には810億6,000万米ドルに達し、2025~2033年のCAGRは3.71%になると予測している。現在、北米が市場を支配しており、2024... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
IMARC Services Private Limited.
2025年2月10日 US$2,999
3-5営業日以内 134 英語




鎮痛剤の世界市場規模は2024年に563億2000万米ドルとなった。今後、IMARC Groupは、2033年には810億6,000万米ドルに達し、2025~2033年のCAGRは3.71%になると予測している。現在、北米が市場を支配しており、2024年には32.8%を超える大きな市場シェアを占めている。同市場は主に、慢性疼痛疾患の有病率の上昇、世界的な高齢者人口の増加、薬剤製剤の大幅な技術進歩によって牽引されている。また、非オピオイド鎮痛薬や一般用医薬品(OTC)鎮痛薬に対する需要も高まっており、市場の見通しは明るい。









IMARC Groupは、市場の各セグメントにおける主要動向の分析と、2025~2033年の世界および地域レベルの予測を提供しています。当レポートでは、市場をタイプ、薬物クラス、投与経路、痛みの種類、用途に基づいて分類しています。


- 処方薬
- 市販薬(OTC)








- オピオイド
- 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬
- その他








- 経口
- 非経口
- 局所
- 経皮
- 直腸








- 筋骨格系
- 外科・外傷
- がん
- 神経障害性
- 片頭痛
- 産科
- 線維筋痛症
- 火傷による痛み
- 歯科/顔面
- 小児
- その他







- 内部
- 外部





- アジア太平洋
- 北米
- 欧州
- 中東・アフリカ
- 中南米








- バイエル
- ノバルティスインターナショナルAG
- グラクソ・スミスクラインPLC
- ファイザー
- ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン
- レキットベンキーザー(RB)グループ PLC
- エンド・ファーマシューティカルズPLC
- ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ・カンパニー
- イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー
- サノフィSA




1 序文
2 調査範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 利害関係者
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次情報源
2.3.2 二次情報源
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法
3 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
4 はじめに
4.1 概要
4.2 主要産業動向
5 世界の鎮痛剤市場
5.1 市場概要
5.2 市場パフォーマンス
5.3 COVID-19の影響
5.4 タイプ別市場構成
5.5 薬効別市場構成
5.6 投与経路別市場構成比
5.7 疼痛タイプ別市場構成比
5.8 用途別市場構成比
5.9 地域別市場構成比
5.10 市場予測
6 タイプ別市場構成
6.1 処方薬
6.1.1 市場動向
6.1.2 市場予測
6.2 一般用医薬品(OTC)
6.2.1 市場動向
6.2.2 市場予測
7 薬効分類別市場
7.1 オピオイド
7.1.1 市場動向
7.1.2 市場予測
7.2 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬
7.2.1 市場動向
7.2.2 市場予測
7.3 その他
7.3.1 市場動向
7.3.2 市場予測
8 投与経路別市場構成
8.1 経口剤
8.1.1 市場動向
8.1.2 市場予測
8.2 非経口剤
8.2.1 市場動向
8.2.2 市場予測
8.3 外用剤
8.3.1 市場動向
8.3.2 市場予測
8.4 経皮
8.4.1 市場動向
8.4.2 市場予測
8.5 直腸
8.5.1 市場動向
8.5.2 市場予測
9 痛みタイプ別市場
9.1 筋骨格系
9.1.1 市場動向
9.1.2 市場予測
9.2 外科および外傷
9.2.1 市場動向
9.2.2 市場予測
9.3 癌
9.3.1 市場動向
9.3.2 市場予測
9.4 神経障害性
9.4.1 市場動向
9.4.2 市場予測
9.5 片頭痛
9.5.1 市場動向
9.5.2 市場予測
9.6 産科
9.6.1 市場動向
9.6.2 市場予測
9.7 線維筋痛症
9.7.1 市場動向
9.7.2 市場予測
9.8 熱傷による疼痛
9.8.1 市場動向
9.8.2 市場予測
9.9 歯科/顔面
9.9.1 市場動向
9.9.2 市場予測
9.10 小児科
9.10.1 市場動向
9.10.2 市場予測
9.11 その他
9.11.1 市場動向
9.11.2 市場予測
10 用途別市場
10.1 内部
10.1.1 市場動向
10.1.2 市場予測
10.2 外部
10.2.1 市場動向
10.2.2 市場予測
11 地域別市場構成
11.1 北米
11.1.1 市場動向
11.1.2 市場予測
11.2 欧州
11.2.1 市場動向
11.2.2 市場予測
11.3 アジア太平洋
11.3.1 市場動向
11.3.2 市場予測
11.4 中東・アフリカ
11.4.1 市場動向
11.4.2 市場予測
11.5 中南米
11.5.1 市場動向
11.5.2 市場予測
12 世界の鎮痛剤産業SWOT分析
12.1 概要
12.2 強み
12.3 弱点
12.4 機会
12.5 脅威
13 世界の鎮痛剤産業:バリューチェーン分析
13.1 概要
13.2 研究開発
13.3 原材料の調達
13.4 製造
13.5 マーケティング
13.6 流通
13.7 最終用途
14 世界の鎮痛剤産業:ポーターズファイブフォース分析
14.1 概要
14.2 買い手の交渉力
14.3 供給者の交渉力
14.4 競争の程度
14.5 新規参入の脅威
14.6 代替品の脅威
15 世界の鎮痛剤産業:価格分析
15.1 価格指標
15.2 価格構造
15.3 マージン分析
16 競争環境
16.1 市場構造
16.2 主要プレーヤー
16.3 主要プレーヤーのプロフィール
16.3.1 バイエル
16.3.2 ノバルティス
16.3.3 グラクソ・スミスクラインPLC
16.3.4 ファイザー
16.3.5 Johnson & Johnson Pvt.
16.3.6 レキットベンキーザー(RB)グループPLC
16.3.7 エンド・ファーマシューティカルズPLC
16.3.8 ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ・カンパニー
16.3.9 イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー
16.3.10 サノフィSA









The global analgesics market size was valued at USD 56.32 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group estimates the market to reach USD 81.06 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.71% during 2025-2033. North America currently dominates the market, holding a significant market share of over 32.8% in 2024. The market is mainly driven by the rising prevalence of chronic pain conditions, an increasing global geriatric population, and significant technological advancements in drug formulations. There is also a growing demand for non-opioid and over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers which creates a positive outlook for the market.

Analgesics are substances or medications primarily developed to alleviate pain and discomfort. It works by targeting the nervous system to reduce the perception of pain without addressing the underlying cause. It can be classified into non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, and non-opioids. Additionally, NSAIDs, including ibuprofen and aspirin, reduce pain by mitigating inflammation. Opioids, such as morphine and codeine, act on the central nervous system to provide more potent pain relief, which can have addictive potential. As a result, the growing popularity of non-opioid analgesics, including acetaminophen, offers pain relief without the addictive risks of opioids.

The market is driven by increasing incidences of pain-related conditions and a growing awareness of the importance of pain management. In addition, the prevalence of chronic ailments, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, often come with chronic pain as a symptom, requiring the use of analgesics for relief, thus influencing market growth. Moreover, advances in medical technology led to more surgical interventions and post-operative pain management, leading to the use of analgesics in hospitals and clinics, representing another major growth-inducing factor. Besides this, the growing geriatric population is prone to chronic pain conditions such as arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders, which is accelerating the product demand. Along with this, sedentary lifestyles, poor posture, and increased stress levels contribute to increasing pain complaints, resulting in individuals seeking over-the-counter medicines for relief from headaches, back pain, and muscle aches, propelling the market growth.

Analgesics Market Trends/Drivers:
The growing incidences of chronic ailments

The market is driven by the prevalence of chronic ailments such as arthritis, and migraines. In addition, the growing geriatric population is more susceptible to chronic health conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis which are often characterized by persistent joint pain and inflammation, requiring the use of analgesics for pain management, is influencing the market growth. Moreover, the rising incidence of chronic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and cancer are escalating the demand for pain relief solutions, representing another major growth-inducing factor. Many of these diseases are associated with painful symptoms or side effects of treatments, making analgesics an essential component of the management and palliative care strategies. Furthermore, lifestyle changes are contributing to the surge in chronic ailments, sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, and high-stress levels linked to conditions such as chronic back pain, migraines, and fibromyalgia, resulting in the adoption of analgesics to alleviate their discomfort and enhance their quality of life, are creating a positive market outlook.

The development of novel analgesic drugs and delivery methods

The market has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, particularly in the development of novel drugs and innovative delivery methods. These advancements are essential in reshaping the landscape. In addition, pharmaceutical companies are investing in research and development (R&D) to create novel drugs developed to be more effective in providing pain relief while minimizing side effects, influencing market growth. They often target specific pain pathways in the body, offering a more tailored approach to pain management. Moreover, advances in genetics and pharmacogenomics allowed for personalized pain management., and healthcare providers consider a patient's genetic makeup when prescribing medicines, ensuring a more tailored and effective treatment approach, representing another major growth-inducing factor. Along with this, several innovative delivery methods, including transdermal patches, intravenous infusions, and subcutaneous injections offer alternative ways to administer analgesics that can provide controlled, sustained pain relief and improve patient compliance, propelling the market growth.

Escalating demand for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines

The market expansion is due to growing the over-the-counter (OTC) segment. In addition, consumers are becoming more proactive in managing their health and seek convenience and accessibility when it comes to addressing common ailments including headaches, muscle pain, or minor injuries, thus influencing the market growth. Moreover, the growing pharmacies and retail outlets are expanding their OTC analgesic offerings, making these products more accessible to consumers including several brands and formulations, catering to different pain relief needs, representing another major growth-inducing factor. Besides this, the growing awareness of OTC drugs' safety, effectiveness, proper use, and potential side effects, has built trust in these products, thus accelerating the market growth. Along with this, modern lifestyles involve hectic schedules and stress, leading to increased instances of headaches and body aches resulting in the adoption of OTC analgesics, with their ease of purchase and use becoming a go-to choice for individuals seeking quick relief from these everyday discomforts.

Analgesics Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global and regional levels for 2025-2033. Our report has categorized the market based on type, drug class, route of administration, pain type, and application.

Breakup by Type:

• Prescription
• Over the counter (OTC)

Prescription analgesics represent the most popular type

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes prescription, over-the-counter (OTC). According to the report, prescriptions accounted for the largest market share.

The prescription analgesics market is typically dispensed under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It offers a higher level of efficacy and potency compared to its over-the-counter (OTC) counterparts which are often recommended for patients experiencing severe or chronic pain. This effectiveness makes them a preferred choice for healthcare providers when managing pain associated with conditions including post-surgical recovery, cancer, and advanced musculoskeletal disorders.

Moreover, it includes numerous drug classes, allowing healthcare practitioners to tailor treatment to the specific needs of individual patients, thus representing another major growth-inducing factor. It includes opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and adjuvant medications, each addressing different types and levels of pain.

Besides this, the rising importance of proper dosage and monitoring by healthcare professionals to minimize the risk of misuse, addiction, and adverse side effects, particularly concerning opioids is accelerating the market growth.

Additionally, the growing geriatric population is contributing to the escalating demand for prescription analgesics to experience chronic pain conditions, requiring specialized pain management that often involves prescription medications is propelling the market growth.

Breakup by Drug Class:

• Opioids
• Others

Opioids hold the largest share of the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the drug class has also been provided in the report. This includes opioids, NSAID, and others. According to the report, opioids accounted for the largest market share.

Opioids are a class of potent pain-relieving medications that act on the body's opioid receptors, providing effective relief from moderate to severe pain. In addition, opioids are employed to manage pain and are effective for severe pain, such as that experienced post-surgery, during cancer treatment, or in cases of chronic pain conditions, influencing the market growth. This effectiveness has made opioids a preferred choice for healthcare professionals and patients seeking relief from intense pain.

Moreover, opioids are used in pain management, with some formulations dating back centuries. While concerns about addiction and misuse exist, proper medical supervision and stringent prescription regulations helped curb these risks.

Additionally, the development of extended-release formulations that provide prolonged pain relief expanded the range of conditions for which opioids can be prescribed safely and effectively, thus augmenting the market growth.

Furthermore, the prevalence of chronic pain conditions, such as osteoarthritis and lower back pain is escalating the demand for opioids due to the growing geriatric population and as the burden of chronic pain, which is propelling the market growth.

Breakup by Route of Administration:

• Oral
• Parenteral
• Topical
• Transdermal
• Rectal

Oral presently accounts for the largest market share

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the route of administration has also been provided in the report. This includes oral, parenteral, topical, transdermal, and rectal. According to the report, oral accounted for the largest market share.

The oral route of administration established itself as the dominant choice in the global market. In addition, the increasing use of oral analgesics offers convenience and ease of use that are available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, and liquids, making them accessible to numerous patients, and influencing the market growth. This versatility in dosage forms allows healthcare providers to tailor pain relief regimens to individual patient needs, enhancing patient compliance.

Moreover, oral medications are familiar among healthcare professionals and patients employed for numerous health conditions which fosters trust and confidence in the effectiveness of these medications, representing another major growth-inducing factor.

Besides this, the oral route provides a reliable and consistent absorption profile with a predictable absorption pattern, and ensures consistent pain relief for patients, accelerating the market growth.

Furthermore, the wide range of oral medications available, from over-the-counter (OTC) products to prescription medications, cater to various pain management needs are propelling the market growth.

Breakup by Pain Type:

• Musculoskeletal
• Surgical and Trauma
• Cancer
• Neuropathic
• Migraine
• Obstetrical
• Fibromyalgia
• Pain due to Burns
• Dental/Facial
• Pediatric
• Others

Musculoskeletal pain dominates the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the pain type has also been provided in the report. This includes musculoskeletal, surgical and trauma, cancer, neuropathic, migraine, obstetrical, fibromyalgia, pain due to burns, dental/facial, pediatric, and others. According to the report, musculoskeletal pain accounted for the largest market share.

Musculoskeletal pain includes numerous conditions affecting the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It includes ailments such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, and sports-related injuries, among others.

Besides this, the growing geriatric population is susceptible to musculoskeletal pain due to the natural degeneration of joints and tissues. This shift led to a substantial increase in the prevalence of conditions including osteoarthritis, which often requires pain management solutions.

Apart from this, sedentary lifestyles, lack of physical activity, and poor ergonomics in work environments contribute to musculoskeletal issues. Individuals working long hours at desks or engaging in repetitive tasks are more susceptible to conditions including chronic back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome, driving the demand for medications.

Breakup by Application:

• Internal
• External

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application has also been provided in the report. This includes internal and external.

Internal application of analgesics involves the ingestion or injection of pain-relief medications which includes oral tablets, capsules, liquids, and injectable forms. It is developed to provide systemic relief by acting on the central nervous system, making it suitable for various pain types, including headaches, post-surgical pain, and systemic conditions.

External application of analgesics involves the use of topical formulations, such as creams, gels, patches, and ointments, applied directly to the skin at the site of pain. These products are designed to provide localized relief, making them particularly effective for musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, and surface injuries. It is gaining traction in the market due to its non-invasive nature, reduced risk of systemic side effects, and ease of use. Additionally, they are preferred by individuals seeking targeted pain relief without affecting the entire body.

Breakup by Region:

• Asia Pacific
• North America
• Europe
• Middle East and Africa
• Latin America

North America leads the market, accounting for the majority of the analgesics market share

The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America accounted for the largest market share.

The North America market is driven by the growing healthcare infrastructure and rising healthcare expenditure. The United States boasts advanced medical facilities, a well-established pharmaceutical industry, and a strong emphasis on pain management to create a conducive environment for the development, manufacturing, and distribution of analgesic products.

Additionally, the prevalence of chronic pain conditions in the region is augmenting the market growth. Also, chronic pain affects millions of individuals across North America, with ailments including chronic lower back pain, osteoarthritis, and neuropathic pain being common which requires a consistent demand for medications and treatments, thus propelling the market growth.

Furthermore, the proactive approach to pain management and the promotion of pain relief options contribute to market domination. Healthcare professionals in the region are actively advocating for patient access to pain relief, and this awareness is further escalating the demand for medications.

Competitive Landscape:
At present, key players in the market are implementing various strategies to strengthen their positions and stay competitive in this dynamic industry. These strategies are driven by the need to address evolving consumer preferences, regulatory changes, and market trends. They are allocating substantial resources to research and develop (R&D) new drugs and formulations that offer improved pain relief, reduce side effects, and enhance patient compliance. It also focuses on exploring non-opioid alternatives to address concerns about opioid addiction and misuse. Moreover, companies are expanding their product portfolios by acquiring or partnering with smaller firms specializing in complementary pain management solutions which allows them to offer a wider range of medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications, topical creams, and medical devices. Besides this, key players are helping companies establish a strong presence in the market by collaborating with healthcare professionals to educate patients and providers about the benefits of their products.

The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:

• Bayer AG
• Novartis International AG
• GlaxoSmithKline PLC
• Pfizer Inc.
• Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd.
• Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Group PLC
• Endo Pharmaceuticals PLC
• Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
• Eli Lilly and Company
• Sanofi SA

Key Questions Answered in This Report
1.How big is the analgesics market?
2.What is the future outlook of analgesics market?
3.What are the key factors driving the analgesics market?
4.Which region accounts for the largest analgesics market share?
5.Which are the leading companies in the global analgesics market?


Table of Contents

1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the Study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 Global Analgesics Market
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.3 Impact of COVID-19
5.4 Market Breakup by Type
5.5 Market Breakup by Drug Class
5.6 Market Breakup by Route of Administration
5.7 Market Breakup by Pain Type
5.8 Market Breakup by Application
5.9 Market Breakup by Region
5.10 Market Forecast
6 Market Breakup by Type
6.1 Prescription
6.1.1 Market Trends
6.1.2 Market Forecast
6.2 Over the counter (OTC)
6.2.1 Market Trends
6.2.2 Market Forecast
7 Market Breakup by Drug Class
7.1 Opioids
7.1.1 Market Trends
7.1.2 Market Forecast
7.2.1 Market Trends
7.2.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Others
7.3.1 Market Trends
7.3.2 Market Forecast
8 Market Breakup by Route of Administration
8.1 Oral
8.1.1 Market Trends
8.1.2 Market Forecast
8.2 Parenteral
8.2.1 Market Trends
8.2.2 Market Forecast
8.3 Topical
8.3.1 Market Trends
8.3.2 Market Forecast
8.4 Transdermal
8.4.1 Market Trends
8.4.2 Market Forecast
8.5 Rectal
8.5.1 Market Trends
8.5.2 Market Forecast
9 Market Breakup by Pain Type
9.1 Musculoskeletal
9.1.1 Market Trends
9.1.2 Market Forecast
9.2 Surgical and Trauma
9.2.1 Market Trends
9.2.2 Market Forecast
9.3 Cancer
9.3.1 Market Trends
9.3.2 Market Forecast
9.4 Neuropathic
9.4.1 Market Trends
9.4.2 Market Forecast
9.5 Migraine
9.5.1 Market Trends
9.5.2 Market Forecast
9.6 Obstetrical
9.6.1 Market Trends
9.6.2 Market Forecast
9.7 Fibromyalgia
9.7.1 Market Trends
9.7.2 Market Forecast
9.8 Pain due to Burns
9.8.1 Market Trends
9.8.2 Market Forecast
9.9 Dental/Facial
9.9.1 Market Trends
9.9.2 Market Forecast
9.10 Pediatric
9.10.1 Market Trends
9.10.2 Market Forecast
9.11 Others
9.11.1 Market Trends
9.11.2 Market Forecast
10 Market Breakup by Application
10.1 Internal
10.1.1 Market Trends
10.1.2 Market Forecast
10.2 External
10.2.1 Market Trends
10.2.2 Market Forecast
11 Market Breakup by Region
11.1 North America
11.1.1 Market Trends
11.1.2 Market Forecast
11.2 Europe
11.2.1 Market Trends
11.2.2 Market Forecast
11.3 Asia Pacific
11.3.1 Market Trends
11.3.2 Market Forecast
11.4 Middle East and Africa
11.4.1 Market Trends
11.4.2 Market Forecast
11.5 Latin America
11.5.1 Market Trends
11.5.2 Market Forecast
12 Global Analgesics Industry: SWOT Analysis
12.1 Overview
12.2 Strengths
12.3 Weaknesses
12.4 Opportunities
12.5 Threats
13 Global Analgesics Industry: Value Chain Analysis
13.1 Overview
13.2 Research and Development
13.3 Raw Material Procurement
13.4 Manufacturing
13.5 Marketing
13.6 Distribution
13.7 End-Use
14 Global Analgesics Industry: Porters Five Forces Analysis
14.1 Overview
14.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
14.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
14.4 Degree of Competition
14.5 Threat of New Entrants
14.6 Threat of Substitutes
15 Global Analgesics Industry: Price Analysis
15.1 Price Indicators
15.2 Price Structure
15.3 Margin Analysis
16 Competitive Landscape
16.1 Market Structure
16.2 Key Players
16.3 Profiles of Key Players
16.3.1 Bayer AG
16.3.2 Novartis International AG
16.3.3 GlaxoSmithKline PLC
16.3.4 Pfizer Inc.
16.3.5 Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd.
16.3.6 Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Group PLC
16.3.7 Endo Pharmaceuticals PLC
16.3.8 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
16.3.9 Eli Lilly and Company
16.3.10 Sanofi SA

List of Figures

​Figure 1: Global: Analgesics Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
Figure 2: Global: Analgesics Market: Sales Value (in Billion USD), 2019-2024
Figure 3: Global: Analgesics Market: Breakup by Type (in %), 2024
Figure 4: Global: Analgesics Market: Breakup by Drug Class (in %), 2024
Figure 5: Global: Analgesics Market: Breakup by Route of Administration (in %), 2024
Figure 6: Global: Analgesics Market: Breakup by Pain Type (in %), 2024
Figure 7: Global: Analgesics Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2024
Figure 8: Global: Analgesics Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2024
Figure 9: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion USD), 2025-2033
Figure 10: Global: Analgesics Industry: SWOT Analysis
Figure 11: Global: Analgesics Industry: Value Chain Analysis
Figure 12: Global: Analgesics Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 13: Global: Analgesics (Prescription) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 14: Global: Analgesics (Prescription) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 15: Global: Analgesics (Over the counter-OTC) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 16: Global: Analgesics (Over the counter-OTC) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 17: Global: Analgesics (Opioids) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 18: Global: Analgesics (Opioids) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 19: Global: Analgesics (NSAID) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 20: Global: Analgesics (NSAID) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 21: Global: Analgesics (Others) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 22: Global: Analgesics (Others) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 23: Global: Analgesics (Oral) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 24: Global: Analgesics (Oral) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 25: Global: Analgesics (Parenteral) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 26: Global: Analgesics (Parenteral) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 27: Global: Analgesics (Topical) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 28: Global: Analgesics (Topical) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 29: Global: Analgesics (Transdermal) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 30: Global: Analgesics (Transdermal) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 31: Global: Analgesics (Rectal) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 32: Global: Analgesics (Rectal) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 33: Global: Analgesics (Musculoskeletal) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 34: Global: Analgesics (Musculoskeletal) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 35: Global: Analgesics (Surgical and Trauma) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 36: Global: Analgesics (Surgical and Trauma) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 37: Global: Analgesics (Cancer) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 38: Global: Analgesics (Cancer) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 39: Global: Analgesics (Neuropathic) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 40: Global: Analgesics (Neuropathic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 41: Global: Analgesics (Migraine) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 42: Global: Analgesics (Migraine) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 43: Global: Analgesics (Obstetrical) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 44: Global: Analgesics (Obstetrical) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 45: Global: Analgesics (Fibromyalgia) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 46: Global: Analgesics (Fibromyalgia) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 47: Global: Analgesics (Pain due to Burns) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 48: Global: Analgesics (Pain due to Burns) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 49: Global: Analgesics (Dental/Facial) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 50: Global: Analgesics (Dental/Facial) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 51: Global: Analgesics (Pediatric) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 52: Global: Analgesics (Pediatric) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 53: Global: Analgesics (Other Pain Types) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 54: Global: Analgesics (Other Pain Types) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 55: Global: Analgesics (Internal) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 56: Global: Analgesics (Internal) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 57: Global: Analgesics (External) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 58: Global: Analgesics (External) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 59: North America: Analgesics Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 60: North America: Analgesics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 61: Europe: Analgesics Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 62: Europe: Analgesics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 63: Asia Pacific: Analgesics Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 64: Asia Pacific: Analgesics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 65: Middle East and Africa: Analgesics Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 66: Middle East and Africa: Analgesics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 67: Latin America: Analgesics Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 68: Latin America: Analgesics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033

List of Tables

Table 1: Global: Analgesics Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2024 & 2033
Table 2: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Breakup by Type (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 3: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Breakup by Drug Class (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 4: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Breakup by Route of Administration (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 5: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Breakup by Pain Type (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 6: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Breakup by Application (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 7: Global: Analgesics Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 8: Global: Analgesics Market Structure
Table 9: Global: Analgesics Market: Key Players






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