
欧州の再生プラスチック市場レポート:供給源別(プラスチックボトル、プラスチックフィルム、硬質プラスチックと発泡体、繊維、その他)、用途別(包装、電気・電子、自動車、農業、建設・解体、家庭用(包装用途以外)、その他)、プラスチックタイプ別(ポリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)、高密度ポリエチレン(HDPE)、ポリプロピレン(PP)、低密度ポリエチレン(LDPE)、その他)、国別 2024-2032

欧州の再生プラスチック市場レポート:供給源別(プラスチックボトル、プラスチックフィルム、硬質プラスチックと発泡体、繊維、その他)、用途別(包装、電気・電子、自動車、農業、建設・解体、家庭用(包装用途以外)、その他)、プラスチックタイプ別(ポリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)、高密度ポリエチレン(HDPE)、ポリプロピレン(PP)、低密度ポリエチレン(LDPE)、その他)、国別 2024-2032

Europe Recycled Plastics Market Report by Source (Plastic Bottles, Plastic Films, Rigid Plastics and Foams, Fibres, and Others), Application (Packaging, Electrical and Electronic, Automotive, Agriculture, Construction and Demolition, Household (Non-Packaging Use), and Others), Plastic Type (Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), and Others), and Country 2024-2032

欧州の再生プラスチック市場規模は、2023年に1,270万トンに達した。今後、IMARC Groupは、2032年には1,930万トンに達し、2024〜2032年の成長率(CAGR)は4.6%になると予測している。企業の持続可能性への取り組み... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
IMARC Services Private Limited.
2024年3月2日 US$3,699
3-5営業日以内 135 英語




欧州の再生プラスチック市場規模は、2023年に1,270万トンに達した。今後、IMARC Groupは、2032年には1,930万トンに達し、2024〜2032年の成長率(CAGR)は4.6%になると予測している。企業の持続可能性への取り組みの増加、リサイクル技術の急速な進歩、消費者の環境意識の高まり、政府・企業・NGO間の協力的な取り組み、拡大生産者責任(EPR)プログラムの実施拡大などが、市場を推進している要因の一部である。







IMARC Groupは、2024年から2032年までの地域レベルおよび国レベルの予測とともに、市場レポートの各セグメントにおける主要動向の分析を提供しています。当レポートでは、供給元、用途、プラスチックの種類に基づいて市場を分類しています。




































1 序文
2 調査範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 利害関係者
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次情報源
2.3.2 二次情報源
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法
3 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
4 はじめに
4.1 概要
4.2 主要産業動向
5 欧州の再生プラスチック市場
5.1 市場概要
5.2 市場パフォーマンス
5.3 COVID-19の影響
5.4 供給源別市場構成
5.5 用途別市場構成
5.6 プラスチックタイプ別市場構成
5.7 国別市場構成比
5.8 市場予測
5.9 SWOT分析
5.9.1 概要
5.9.2 長所
5.9.3 弱点
5.9.4 機会
5.9.5 脅威
5.10 バリューチェーン分析
5.10.1 概要
5.10.2 原材料調達
5.10.3 製造
5.10.4 流通
5.10.5 輸出
5.10.6 最終用途
5.11 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
5.11.1 概要
5.11.2 買い手の交渉力
5.11.3 供給者の交渉力
5.11.4 競争の程度
5.11.5 新規参入の脅威
5.11.6 代替品の脅威
6 供給源別市場構成
6.1 プラスチックボトル
6.1.1 市場動向
6.1.2 市場予測
6.2 プラスチックフィルム
6.2.1 市場動向
6.2.2 市場予測
6.3 硬質プラスチックと発泡体
6.3.1 市場動向
6.3.2 市場予測
6.4 繊維
6.4.1 市場動向
6.4.2 市場予測
6.5 その他
6.5.1 市場動向
6.5.2 市場予測
7 用途別市場
7.1 パッケージング
7.1.1 市場動向
7.1.2 市場予測
7.2 電気・電子
7.2.1 市場動向
7.2.2 市場予測
7.3 自動車
7.3.1 市場動向
7.3.2 市場予測
7.4 農業
7.4.1 市場動向
7.4.2 市場予測
7.5 建設・解体
7.5.1 市場動向
7.5.2 市場予測
7.6 家庭用(非包装用)
7.6.1 市場動向
7.6.2 市場予測
7.7 その他
7.7.1 市場動向
7.7.2 市場予測
8 プラスチックの種類別市場
8.1 ポリエチレンテレフタレート(PET)
8.1.1 市場動向
8.1.2 市場予測
8.2 高密度ポリエチレン(HDPE)
8.2.1 市場動向
8.2.2 市場予測
8.3 ポリプロピレン(PP)
8.3.1 市場動向
8.3.2 市場予測
8.4 低密度ポリエチレン(LDPE)
8.4.1 市場動向
8.4.2 市場予測
8.5 その他
8.5.1 市場動向
8.5.2 市場予測
9 国別市場内訳
9.1 ドイツ
9.1.1 市場動向
9.1.2 市場予測
9.2 イギリス
9.2.1 市場動向
9.2.2 市場予測
9.3 イタリア
9.3.1 市場動向
9.3.2 市場予測
9.4 フランス
9.4.1 市場動向
9.4.2 市場予測
9.5 スペイン
9.5.1 市場動向
9.5.2 市場予測
9.6 その他
9.6.1 市場動向
9.6.2 市場予測
10 再生プラスチックの製造工程
10.1 製品の概要
10.2 原材料要件
10.3 製造プロセス
10.4 主な成功要因とリスク要因
11 競争環境
11.1 市場構造
11.2 主要プレーヤー
11.3 主要プレーヤーのプロフィール
11.3.1 ミュラー・グッテンブルン・グループ
11.3.2 MBAポリマー社
11.3.3 Paprecグループ
11.3.4 モルシンホフ・ライモプラスト
図1: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場:主な推進要因と課題
図2: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018~2023年
図3:欧州:再生プラスチック市場欧州:再生プラスチック市場:欧州:再生プラスチックの供給源別内訳(単位:%), 2023年
図4: 欧州:欧州:再生プラスチック市場:図4:欧州:再生プラスチック市場:用途別構成比(単位
図5: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場:用途別構成比(単位:%)、2023年図5:欧州:再生プラスチック市場:プラスチックタイプ別構成比(単位
図6: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場:国別構成比(%)、2023年欧州:再生プラスチック市場:国別構成比(%)、2023年
図7: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場の予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024~2032年
図9: 欧州:欧州:再生プラスチック産業:SWOT分析バリューチェーン分析
図10: 欧州:再生プラスチック産業:バリューチェーン分析ポーターのファイブフォース分析
図11: 欧州:再生プラスチック(ペットボトル)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図12: 欧州:再生プラスチック(ペットボトル)市場予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図13: 欧州:再生プラスチック(プラスチックフィルム)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図14: 欧州:再生プラスチック(プラスチックフィルム)市場予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図15: 欧州:再生プラスチック(硬質プラスチックと発泡体)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図16: 欧州:再生プラスチック(硬質プラスチックと発泡体)市場予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図17: 欧州:再生プラスチック(繊維)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図18: 欧州:再生プラスチック(繊維)市場予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図19: 欧州:再生プラスチック(その他)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図20: 欧州:再生プラスチック(その他)市場予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図21: 欧州:再生プラスチック(包装)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図22: 欧州:再生プラスチック(包装)市場の予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図23: 欧州:再生プラスチック(電気・電子)市場:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2018年・2023年
図24: 欧州:再生プラスチック(電気・電子機器)市場予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024年~2032年
図50: イタリア:再生プラスチック市場の予測:数量推移(単位:百万トン)、2024~2032年
表1: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場:主要産業ハイライト(2023年、2032年
表4: 欧州:再生プラスチックの市場予測:プラスチックタイプ別構成比(単位:百万トン)、2024-2032年
表8: 欧州:再生プラスチック市場:主要プレーヤー





The Europe recycled plastics market size reached 12.7 Million Tons in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach 19.3 Million Tons by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6% during 2024-2032. The increasing corporate sustainability initiatives, the rapid advancements in recycling technologies, the rising environmental awareness among consumers, the collaborative efforts between governments, businesses, and NGOs, and the escalating implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs are some of the factors propelling the market.

Recycled plastic is derived from discarded or waste plastic, undergoing various recycling processes to create new and useful products. When diverse plastic types are melted, they tend to phase-separate, like oil and water, forming distinct layers. This recycling is accomplished through methods such as heat compression or the monomer recycling process, which reverses polymerization, allowing the reuse of the same type of condensed polymer. Europe, the world's second-largest plastics producer, faces significant environmental challenges due to substantial plastic production, leading to vast amounts of plastic waste. Recycling these extensive plastic volumes proves instrumental in conserving energy, preserving natural resources that would otherwise be used for virgin plastics, and reclaiming landfill space. This not only aids in environmental sustainability but also maintains equilibrium within the plastics industry in the region, showcasing the multifaceted benefits of recycled plastic.

The market in Europe is majorly driven by the increasing efforts to combat the environmental impact of plastic waste. Generating substantial plastic waste has raised environmental concerns, prompting the rising adoption of recycling practices. Furthermore, the growing government initiatives and stringent regulations to reduce plastic waste and promote a circular economy are pivotal in catalyzing the market. Moreover, the escalating awareness among consumers and businesses regarding the environmental footprint of plastics has fueled demand for sustainable alternatives. The circular economy model, emphasizing recycling and reusing materials, has gained momentum in Europe, further boosting the market. As a result, industries increasingly incorporate recycled plastics into their manufacturing processes, reducing dependence on virgin plastics. Besides, the recycling industry's focus on technological advancements and innovation has enhanced the efficiency of plastic recycling, making it a more economically viable and environmentally friendly option. The shift towards a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach by businesses and a rising consumer preference for eco-friendly products catalyzes the expanding recycled plastics market in Europe. As the circular economy gains traction and environmental awareness continues to grow, the market is poised for sustained expansion, contributing significantly to the region's efforts in mitigating plastic pollution and fostering sustainable resource management.

Europe Recycled Plastics Market Trends/Drivers:
Increasing government incentives and subsidies for businesses

The increasing government incentives and subsidies for businesses are catalyzing the market. Governments across the continent are recognizing the pivotal role of recycling in mitigating plastic pollution and fostering sustainable practices. By offering financial incentives and subsidies, authorities encourage businesses to invest in recycling technologies, infrastructure, and the integration of recycled plastics into their products. These incentives act as a catalyst, offsetting some of the costs of transitioning to recycled materials and making sustainable practices economically viable for businesses. Moreover, government support reflects a commitment to broader environmental goals, aligning with international efforts to combat climate change and reduce carbon footprints. The financial backing incentives enable businesses to innovate and streamline their recycling processes, enhancing efficiency and scalability. This, in turn, drives down the overall cost of producing goods with recycled plastics, making them more competitive in the market. Furthermore, government subsidies create a level playing field, encouraging healthy competition among businesses to adopt sustainable practices. As more companies embrace recycled plastics due to these incentives, the increased demand fosters a self-reinforcing market growth cycle.

Rising awareness about energy savings

The rising awareness about energy savings is propelling the market. As environmental consciousness becomes more ingrained in societal values, businesses and consumers recognize the significant energy savings associated with using recycled plastics. Compared to the energy-intensive processes involved in manufacturing virgin plastics, recycling post-consumer or post-industrial plastics consumes considerably less energy. This understanding is steering industries toward adopting recycled plastics as a sustainable alternative, aligning with broader energy efficiency goals. Moreover, realizing that recycling plastics mitigates the need to extract and process raw materials further underscores the energy-saving potential. The life cycle assessment of recycled plastics consistently demonstrates lower energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to their virgin counterparts. Businesses, driven by a desire to enhance their environmental credentials and capitalize on cost efficiencies, are thus increasingly integrating these plastics into their production processes. This growing awareness has a cascading effect on consumer choices. Informed consumers are actively seeking products made from these plastics, creating a market demand that, in turn, encourages industries to invest in recycling infrastructure and technologies. As energy savings become a focal point in sustainability discussions, the market is positioned for sustained growth, driven by the collective recognition of its pivotal role in conserving resources and reducing environmental impact.

Europe Recycled Plastics Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market report, along with forecasts at the regional and country levels from 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on source, application and plastic type.

Breakup by Source:

Plastic Bottles
Plastic Films
Rigid Plastics and Foams

Plastic bottles accounts for the majority of the market share

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the source. This includes plastic bottles, plastic films, rigid plastics and foams, fibres, and others. According to the report, plastic bottles represented the largest segment.

Plastic bottles constitute a significant portion of post-consumer plastic waste, and initiatives targeting their recycling align with global efforts to curb plastic pollution. With an escalating awareness of the environmental impact of single-use plastics, there has been a notable rise in recycling programs and regulations, emphasizing the need to repurpose plastic bottles.

Recycled plastic bottles find extensive applications in various industries, such as packaging, textiles, and even the production of new bottles. As consumer preferences shift towards eco-friendly products, businesses increasingly incorporate recycled plastic bottles into their packaging materials. The demand for recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate), commonly used in beverage bottles, is particularly noteworthy, as it contributes significantly to the circular economy.

Additionally, technological advancements in sorting and processing techniques enhance the feasibility of recycling plastic bottles, ensuring higher-quality recycled materials. This segment's growth is symbolic of a broader movement towards sustainable practices, illustrating how targeted efforts on specific sources, like plastic bottles, are crucial in reshaping the landscape of the recycled plastics market and fostering a more environmentally responsible approach to plastic usage.

Breakup by Application:

Electrical and Electronic
Construction and Demolition
Household (Non-Packaging Use)

Packaging holds the largest share in the industry

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application have also been provided in the report. This includes packaging, electrical and electronic, automotive, agriculture, construction and demolition, household (non-packaging use), and others. According to the report, packaging accounted for the largest market share.

Packaging materials, a substantial contributor to plastic waste, are undergoing a significant transformation as industries embrace recycled plastics. This shift is fueled by environmental consciousness and the pressing need to reduce the ecological impact of packaging materials. The demand for recycled plastics in packaging applications encompasses a wide spectrum, including food packaging, beverage containers, industrial packaging, and more.

These plastics offer a sustainable alternative to virgin materials for packaging, contributing to the circular economy by diverting plastic waste from landfills. Industries are increasingly adopting recycled plastics in their packaging solutions to meet consumer demands for eco-friendly products. The versatility of recycled plastics allows them to be utilized in various forms, such as films, bottles, containers, and pouches, catering to diverse packaging needs.

Moreover, regulatory measures and initiatives encouraging the use of recycled content in packaging materials further propel the adoption of recycled plastics. The packaging segment's commitment to incorporating recycled materials aligns with sustainability goals. It fosters innovation in material science and recycling technologies, driving these plastics' overall growth and acceptance in the packaging industry.

Breakup by Plastic Type:

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Polypropylene (PP)
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) represents the leading market segment

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the plastic type. This includes polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), low density polyethylene (LDPE), and others. According to the report, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) represented the largest segment.

PET, a versatile and commonly used plastic, is prominently found in beverage bottles, food packaging, and textiles. The emphasis on recycling PET is crucial, given its widespread usage and the environmental concerns associated with its disposal. The recycled PET market is witnessing substantial growth as industries increasingly recognize its economic and ecological advantages in various applications.

Recycled PET, often referred to as rPET, plays a pivotal role in the circular economy, reducing the dependency on virgin plastics and mitigating the environmental impact of PET production. Its demand is particularly strong in the packaging industry, where it is utilized to create new bottles, containers, and packaging materials. The quality and versatility of rPET have improved significantly, making it a preferred choice for industries seeking sustainable alternatives without compromising performance.

Moreover, as consumer awareness about plastic waste and recycling grows, there is a heightened preference for products and packaging made from recycled PET. This shift in consumer behavior, coupled with regulatory support and advancements in recycling technologies, positions it as a key driver in reshaping the market and contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible plastics industry.

Breakup by Country:


Germany leads the market, accounting for the largest market share

The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Spain, and others. According to the report, Germany was the largest market for Europe Recycled Plastics in the country.

Germany stands as a key influencer and contributor to the recycling landscape in Europe, characterized by robust environmental policies and a strong commitment to sustainability. The country's recycling infrastructure is well-developed, featuring advanced sorting and processing facilities, enhancing recycled plastics' efficiency and quality. Government initiatives in Germany, such as extended producer responsibility programs and waste management regulations, incentivize businesses to incorporate recycled plastics into their production processes. The emphasis on a circular economy and reducing plastic waste align with the country's broader sustainability goals.

Moreover, industries across the country, spanning automotive, packaging, and manufacturing, are increasingly adopting recycled plastics, particularly in response to consumer demand for eco-friendly products. The consumer's environmental consciousness has spurred businesses to invest in sustainable practices and integrate recycled plastics into their products. Besides, the country's position as a leading industrial hub amplifies the impact of its commitment to recycled plastics, influencing neighboring countries and contributing to the overall growth of the market. As Germany continues to pioneer innovative recycling solutions and sustainable initiatives, its role in shaping the market remains pivotal, making it a significant driver in the broader European recycling landscape.

Competitive Landscape:
Top companies are strengthening market growth through strategic initiatives and innovations prioritizing sustainability. These companies actively invest in advanced recycling technologies, enabling them to process diverse plastic waste streams efficiently. By leveraging cutting-edge sorting, cleaning, and reprocessing techniques, these industry leaders enhance the quality of recycled plastics, making them more appealing for a broader range of applications. Additionally, their commitment to research and development facilitates the creation of high-performance recycled plastics that can compete with virgin materials in terms of quality and functionality. Moreover, top companies are forging partnerships with stakeholders across the supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers. Collaborative efforts streamline the integration of recycled plastics into various products, fostering a more circular approach to plastic use. These companies are also actively engaging with regulatory bodies and participating in industry associations to influence policies that support sustainable practices and incentivize the adoption of recycled materials. Furthermore, their emphasis on corporate sustainability and transparent communication resonates with environmentally conscious consumers. By showcasing their commitment to reducing plastic waste and carbon footprints, these companies are meeting market demands and driving a positive narrative around the viability and importance of recycled plastics.

The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:

Müller-Guttenbrunn Group
MBA Polymers, Inc.
Paprec Group
Morssinkhof Rymoplast

(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)

Key Questions Answered in This Report

1. What was the size of the Europe recycled plastics market in 2023?
2. What is the expected growth rate of the Europe recycled plastics market during 2024-2032?
3. What are the key factors driving the Europe recycled plastics market?
4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the Europe recycled plastics market?
5. What is the breakup of the Europe recycled plastics market based on the source?
6. What is the breakup of the Europe recycled plastics market based on the application?
7. What is the breakup of the Europe recycled plastics market based on the plastic type?
8. What are the key regions in the Europe recycled plastics market?
9. Who are the key players/companies in the Europe recycled plastics market?


Table of Contents

1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the Study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 European Recycled Plastics Market
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.3 Impact of COVID-19
5.4 Market Breakup by Source
5.5 Market Breakup by Application
5.6 Market Breakup by Plastic Type
5.7 Market Breakup by Country
5.8 Market Forecast
5.9 SWOT Analysis
5.9.1 Overview
5.9.2 Strengths
5.9.3 Weaknesses
5.9.4 Opportunities
5.9.5 Threats
5.10 Value Chain Analysis
5.10.1 Overview
5.10.2 Raw Material Procurement
5.10.3 Manufacturing
5.10.4 Distribution
5.10.5 Export
5.10.6 End-Use
5.11 Porters Five Forces Analysis
5.11.1 Overview
5.11.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
5.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
5.11.4 Degree of Competition
5.11.5 Threat of New Entrants
5.11.6 Threat of Substitutes
6 Market Breakup by Source
6.1 Plastic Bottles
6.1.1 Market Trends
6.1.2 Market Forecast
6.2 Plastic Films
6.2.1 Market Trends
6.2.2 Market Forecast
6.3 Rigid Plastics and Foams
6.3.1 Market Trends
6.3.2 Market Forecast
6.4 Fibres
6.4.1 Market Trends
6.4.2 Market Forecast
6.5 Others
6.5.1 Market Trends
6.5.2 Market Forecast
7 Market Breakup by Application
7.1 Packaging
7.1.1 Market Trends
7.1.2 Market Forecast
7.2 Electrical and Electronics
7.2.1 Market Trends
7.2.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Automotive
7.3.1 Market Trends
7.3.2 Market Forecast
7.4 Agriculture
7.4.1 Market Trends
7.4.2 Market Forecast
7.5 Construction and Demolition
7.5.1 Market Trends
7.5.2 Market Forecast
7.6 Household (Non-Packaging Use)
7.6.1 Market Trends
7.6.2 Market Forecast
7.7 Others
7.7.1 Market Trends
7.7.2 Market Forecast
8 Market Breakup by Plastic Type
8.1 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
8.1.1 Market Trends
8.1.2 Market Forecast
8.2 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
8.2.1 Market Trends
8.2.2 Market Forecast
8.3 Polypropylene (PP)
8.3.1 Market Trends
8.3.2 Market Forecast
8.4 Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
8.4.1 Market Trends
8.4.2 Market Forecast
8.5 Others
8.5.1 Market Trends
8.5.2 Market Forecast
9 Market Breakup by Country
9.1 Germany
9.1.1 Market Trends
9.1.2 Market Forecast
9.2 UK
9.2.1 Market Trends
9.2.2 Market Forecast
9.3 Italy
9.3.1 Market Trends
9.3.2 Market Forecast
9.4 France
9.4.1 Market Trends
9.4.2 Market Forecast
9.5 Spain
9.5.1 Market Trends
9.5.2 Market Forecast
9.6 Others
9.6.1 Market Trends
9.6.2 Market Forecast
10 Recycled Plastics Manufacturing Process
10.1 Product Overview
10.2 Raw Material Requirements
10.3 Manufacturing Process
10.4 Key Success and Risk Factors
11 Competitive Landscape
11.1 Market Structure
11.2 Key Players
11.3 Profiles of Key Players
11.3.1 Müller-Guttenbrunn Group
11.3.2 MBA Polymers, Inc.
11.3.3 Paprec Group
11.3.4 Morssinkhof Rymoplast
List of Figures
Figure 1: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
Figure 2: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 3: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Breakup by Source (in %), 2023
Figure 4: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2023
Figure 5: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Breakup by Plastic Type (in %), 2023
Figure 6: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2023
Figure 7: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 8: Europe: Recycled Plastics Industry: SWOT Analysis
Figure 9: Europe: Recycled Plastics Industry: Value Chain Analysis
Figure 10: Europe: Recycled Plastics Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 11: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Plastic Bottles) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 12: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Plastic Bottles) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 13: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Plastic Films) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 14: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Plastic Films) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 15: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Rigid Plastics and Foams) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 16: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Rigid Plastics and Foams) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 17: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Fibres) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 18: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Fibres) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 19: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Others) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 20: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Others) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 21: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Packaging) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 22: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Packaging) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 23: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Electrical and Electronics) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 24: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Electrical and Electronics) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 25: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Automotive) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 26: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Automotive) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 27: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Agriculture) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 28: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Agriculture) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 29: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Construction and Demolition) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 30: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Construction and Demolition) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 31: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Household- Non-Packaging Use) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 32: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Household- Non-Packaging Use) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 33: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Others) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 34: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Others) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 35: Europe: Recycled Plastics (PET) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 36: Europe: Recycled Plastics (PET) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 37: Europe: Recycled Plastics (HDPE) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 38: Europe: Recycled Plastics (HDPE) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 39: Europe: Recycled Plastics (PP) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 40: Europe: Recycled Plastics (PP) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 41: Europe: Recycled Plastics (LDPE) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 42: Europe: Recycled Plastics (LDPE) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 43: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Others) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 44: Europe: Recycled Plastics (Others) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 45: Germany: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 46: Germany: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 47: UK: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 48: UK: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 49: Italy: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 50: Italy: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 51: France: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 52: France: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 53: Spain: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 54: Spain: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 55: Others: Recycled Plastics Market: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 56: Others: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 57: Recycled Plastics Manufacturing: Detailed Process Flow
List of Tables
Table 1: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
Table 2: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Breakup by Source (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Table 3: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Breakup by Application (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Table 4: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Breakup by Plastic Type (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Table 5: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market Forecast: Breakup by Country (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Table 6: Recycled Plastics Manufacturing: Raw Material Requirements
Table 7: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market Structure
Table 8: Europe: Recycled Plastics Market: Key Players





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