
アルミニウムパウダー市場レポート:技術別(空気噴霧法、その他)、用途別(工業、自動車、化学、建設、火薬、防衛・航空宇宙、その他)、原料別(アルミニウムインゴット、アルミニウムスクラップ)、地域別 2024-2032

アルミニウムパウダー市場レポート:技術別(空気噴霧法、その他)、用途別(工業、自動車、化学、建設、火薬、防衛・航空宇宙、その他)、原料別(アルミニウムインゴット、アルミニウムスクラップ)、地域別 2024-2032

Aluminium Powder Market Report by Technology (Air Atomization, and Others), End-Use (Industrial, Automotive, Chemical, Construction, Explosives, Defence and Aerospace, and Others), Raw Material (Aluminium Ingots, Aluminium Scrap), and Region 2024-2032

世界のアルミニウムパウダー市場規模は2023年に658,900トンに達した。今後、IMARC Groupは、2024年から2032年にかけて1.7%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2032年には767,500トンに達すると予測している。さまざまな産業... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
IMARC Services Private Limited.
2024年1月30日 US$3,899
3-5営業日以内 149 英語




世界のアルミニウムパウダー市場規模は2023年に658,900トンに達した。今後、IMARC Groupは、2024年から2032年にかけて1.7%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2032年には767,500トンに達すると予測している。さまざまな産業における3Dプリンティングと積層造形技術の採用の増加、再生可能エネルギーへの取り組みの増加、急速な都市化、建設活動の急増、粉末冶金プロセスと技術の継続的な進歩、ブランドイメージとマーケティングの重視の高まりは、市場を推進する主な要因の一部である。









IMARC Groupは、2024年から2032年までの世界および地域レベルの予測とともに、市場レポートの各セグメントにおける主要動向の分析を提供しています。当レポートでは、市場を技術、最終用途、原料に基づいて分類しています。























Toyal America, Inc.
ユナイテッド株式会社RUSAL PLC
AMG Alpoco UK Ltd.


2021年4月、RUSALはドイツ連邦カルテル局およびドイツ連邦経済エネルギー省の承認を受け、Aluminium Rheinfelden GmbHの買収完了を発表した。
2023年、米国を拠点とする製造会社Toyal America Inc (Del)は、コミュニケーションと生産性を強化するため、レガシーアプリの置き換えと既存システムとの統合を行い、Slack Connectと協業した。





1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the Study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 Global Aluminium Industry
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.2.1 Production Volume Trends
5.2.2 Consumption Volume Trends
5.3 Market Breakup by Region
5.4 Market Breakup by End-Use
5.5 Market Forecast
5.6 Market Breakup by Key Players
6 Global Aluminium Powder Industry
6.1 Market Overview
6.2 Market Performance
6.3 Impact of COVID-19
6.4 Market Breakup by Region
6.5 Market Breakup by Technology
6.6 Market Breakup by End-Use
6.7 Market Breakup by Raw Material
6.8 Market Forecast
6.9 SWOT Analysis
6.9.1 Overview
6.9.2 Strengths
6.9.3 Weaknesses
6.9.4 Opportunities
6.9.5 Threats
6.10 Value Chain Analysis
6.10.1 Raw Material Procurement
6.10.2 Manufacturing
6.10.3 Marketing
6.10.4 Distribution
6.10.5 Exports
6.10.6 End-Use
6.11 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
6.11.1 Overview
6.11.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
6.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
6.11.4 Degree of Competition
6.11.5 Threat of New Entrants
6.11.6 Threat of Substitutes
6.12 Key Success and Risk Factors
6.13 Aluminium Powder: Import and Export Data
6.13.1 Imports by Major Countries
6.13.2 Exports by Major Countries
7 Performance of Key Regions
7.1 North America
7.1.1 Market Trends
7.1.2 Market Forecast
7.2 Europe
7.2.1 Market Trends
7.2.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Asia Pacific
7.3.1 Market Trends
7.3.2 Market Forecast
7.4 South America
7.4.1 Market Trends
7.4.2 Market Forecast
7.5 Middle East and Africa
7.5.1 Market Trends
7.5.2 Market Forecast
8 Market Breakup by Technology
8.1 Air Atomization
8.1.1 Market Trends
8.1.2 Market Forecast
8.2 Others
8.2.1 Market Trends
8.2.2 Market Forecast
9 Market Breakup by End-Use
9.1 Industrial
9.1.1 Market Trends
9.1.2 Market Forecast
9.2 Automotive
9.2.1 Market Trends
9.2.2 Market Forecast
9.3 Chemical
9.3.1 Market Trends
9.3.2 Market Forecast
9.4 Construction
9.4.1 Market Trends
9.4.2 Market Forecast
9.5 Explosives
9.5.1 Market Trends
9.5.2 Market Forecast
9.6 Defense and Aerospace
9.6.1 Market Trends
9.6.2 Market Forecast
9.7 Others
9.7.1 Market Trends
9.7.2 Market Forecast
10 Market Breakup by Raw Material
10.1 Aluminium Ingots
10.1.1 Market Trends
10.1.2 Market Forecast
10.2 Aluminium Scrap
10.2.1 Market Trends
10.2.2 Market Forecast
11 Competitive Landscape
11.1 Market Structure
11.2 Market Breakup by Key Players
12 Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Process
12.1 Product Overview
12.2 Manufacturing Process
12.3 Raw Material Requirements
12.4 Mass Balance and Feedstock Conversion Rates
13 Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved
13.1 Land Requirements and Expenditures
13.2 Construction Requirements and Expenditures
13.3 Plant Layout
13.4 Plant Machinery
13.5 Machinery Pictures
13.6 Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures
13.7 Raw Material and Final Product Pictures
13.8 Packaging Requirements and Expenditures
13.9 Transportation Requirements and Expenditures
13.10 Utility Requirements and Expenditures
13.11 Manpower Requirements and Expenditures
13.12 Other Capital Investments
14 Loans and Financial Assistance
15 Project Economics
15.1 Capital Cost of the Project
15.2 Techno-Economic Parameters
15.3 Product Pricing and Margins Across Various Levels of the Supply Chain
15.4 Taxation and Depreciation
15.5 Income Projections
15.6 Expenditure Projections
15.7 Financial Analysis
15.8 Profit Analysis
16 Key Player Profiles
16.1 ECKA Granules Germany GmbH
16.2 Toyal America Inc.
16.3 Alcoa Corporation
16.4 United Co RUSAL PLC
16.5 AMG Alpoco UK Ltd
16.6 Metal Powder Company Limited (MEPCO)
List of Figures
Figure 1: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
Figure 2: Global: Aluminium Market: Production Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 3: Global: Aluminium Market: Consumption Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 4: Global: Aluminium Market: Production Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
Figure 5: Global: Aluminium Market: Consumption Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
Figure 6: Global: Aluminium Market: Breakup by End-Use (in %), 2023
Figure 7: Global: Aluminium Market Forecast: Production Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 8: Global: Aluminium Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 9: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Volume Trends (in ‘000 Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 10: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
Figure 11: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Technology (in %), 2023
Figure 12: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by End-Use (in %), 2023
Figure 13: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Raw Material (in %), 2023
Figure 14: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in ‘000 Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 15: Global: Aluminium Powder Industry: SWOT Analysis
Figure 16: Global: Aluminium Powder Industry: Value Chain Analysis
Figure 17: Global: Aluminium Powder Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 18: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Import Volume Breakup by Country (in %), 2022
Figure 19: Germany: Aluminium Powder Market: Import Volume (in Tons), 2018-2022
Figure 20: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Export Volume Breakup by Country (in %), 2022
Figure 21: Mozambique: Aluminium Powder Market: Export Volume (in Tons), 2018-2022
Figure 22: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Key Players (in %), 2023
Figure 23: North America: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 24: North America: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 25: Europe: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 26: Europe: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 27: Asia Pacific: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 28: Asia Pacific: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 29: South America: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 30: South America: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 31: Middle East and Africa: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 32: Middle East and Africa: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 33: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Air Atomization (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 34: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Air Atomization (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 35: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Other Technologies (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 36: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Other Technologies (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 37: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Industrial (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 38: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Industrial (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 39: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Automotive (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 40: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Automotive (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 41: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Chemical (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 42: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Chemical (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 43: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Construction (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 44: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Construction (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 45: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Explosive (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 46: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Explosive (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 47: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Defense and Aerospace (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 48: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Defense and Aerospace (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 49: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Other End-Uses (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 50: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Other End-Uses (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 51: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Aluminium Ingots (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 52: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Aluminium Ingots (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 53: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Aluminium Scraps (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 54: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Aluminium Scraps (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 55: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Detailed Process Flow
Figure 56: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing: Conversion Rate of Feedstocks
Figure 57: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Proposed Plant Layout
Figure 58: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Breakup of Capital Costs (in %)
Figure 59: Aluminium Powder Industry: Profit Margins at Various Levels of the Supply Chain
Figure 60: Aluminium Powder Production: Manufacturing Cost Breakup (in %)
List of Tables
Table 1: Global: Aluminium Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
Table 2: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
Table 3: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 4: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by Technology (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 5: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by End-Use (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 6: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by Raw Material (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 7: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Competitive Structure
Table 8: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Import Data of Major Countries, 2022
Table 9: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Export Data of Major Countries, 2022
Table 10: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Land and Site Development (in US$)
Table 11: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Civil Works (in US$)
Table 12: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Machinery (in US$)
Table 13: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures
Table 14: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Salaries and Wages (in US$)
Table 15: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Other Capital Investments (in US$)
Table 16: Details of Financial Assistance Offered by Financial Institutions
Table 17: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Capital Costs (in US$)
Table 18: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Techno-Economic Parameters
Table 19: Aluminium Powder Production: Prices of Raw Material and Final Product (US$/Kg)
Table 20: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Taxation and Depreciation (in US$)
Table 21: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Income Projections (in US$)
Table 22: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Expenditure Projections (in US$)
Table 23: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis Without Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$)
Table 24: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis on Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$)
Table 25: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Profit and Loss Account (in US$)





The global aluminium powder market size reached 658,900 Tons in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach 767,500 Tons by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 1.7% during 2024-2032. The rising adoption of 3D printing and additive manufacturing techniques in various industries, increasing renewable energy initiatives, rapid urbanization, surge in construction activities, continuous advancements in powder metallurgy processes and technologies, and the growing emphasis on brand image and marketing are some of the major factors propelling the market.

Aluminium powder is a fine granular, silvery-white lightweight powder produced by grating or milling aluminium metal into a fine powder form. It is highly reactive and combustible when exposed to heat, flame, or certain chemicals. Its remarkable corrosion resistance and excellent thermal conductivity have led to its widespread use in wide-ranging applications across various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and construction. It plays a significant use in advanced manufacturing processes, including three-dimensional (3D) printing and additive manufacturing. Besides this, owing to its highly reactive nature, it is also employed as a crucial component in the production of metallic pigments, explosives, and pyrotechnics.

The increasing industrialization and the bolstering growth of the automotive, aerospace, and construction sectors are creating a robust demand for aluminium powder for its lightweight and corrosion-resistant properties, primarily driving its market growth. In addition to this, the automotive industry's shift towards lightweight materials to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions has led to a surge in the need for aluminium powder. Moreover, the aerospace industry's continuous expansion, driven by increasing air travel and the development of advanced aircraft, is fueling the demand for aluminium powder for manufacturing lightweight components and advanced materials. Besides this, the rising adoption of 3D printing and additive manufacturing techniques in various industries, wherein aluminium powder plays a vital role as a feedstock material, is strengthening the market growth. Furthermore, the expanding use of aluminium powder in the production of solar panels and wind turbines, in response to the global push for sustainable energy sources is aiding in market expansion.

Aluminium Powder Market Trends/Drivers:
Increasing industrialization, particularly across the emerging economies

The ongoing trend of industrialization is a primary driving force behind the escalating demand for aluminum powder. With numerous countries continuing to develop their infrastructure and manufacturing sectors, the need for materials that offer a balance of strength, durability, and weight reduction becomes paramount, propelling the market forward. Aluminum powder's versatility makes it an ideal candidate for meeting these requirements, finding extensive use in industries, such as automotive, construction, and packaging in the production of lightweight components, contributing to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions in alignment with stringent environmental regulations. Apart from this, the aluminum powder's corrosion-resistant properties are fueling its incorporation into lightweight construction materials, fostering a favorable landscape for the market growth.

Rising demand for lightweight materials in the automotive industry

The automotive industry, a major consumer of aluminum powder, is experiencing transformative shifts driven by sustainability goals and consumer preferences for more fuel-efficient vehicles, which is acting as a significant driver for the aluminum powder market. Automakers are increasingly turning to aluminum powder to craft lightweight components, including engine blocks, chassis parts, and body panels, to reduce overall vehicle weight. This weight reduction enhances fuel efficiency and improves handling and performance, thereby boosting the product demand. Moreover, as electric vehicles (EVs) gain traction, aluminum powder is essential in constructing lightweight batteries and structural elements. Thus, the automotive industry's continuous pursuit of innovation and sustainability is a pivotal factor propelling the demand for aluminum powder in this sector.

Flourishing expansion of the aerospace sector

The aerospace industry, renowned for its stringent quality and safety standards, remains a major driver in the global aluminum powder market. The growth of air travel and the development of advanced aircraft require materials that are lightweight and possess exceptional strength and durability, making aluminum powder a critical component in aircraft manufacturing. This lightweight metal is utilized in the production of various aerospace components, including airframes, engine parts, and structural components. The use of aluminum powder contributes to improved fuel efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and reduced emissions, aligning with the aviation industry's sustainability goals. Furthermore, the ongoing advancements in materials science and aerospace engineering continue to expand the applications of aluminum powder in the development of innovative materials and components for the aerospace sector, solidifying its position as a key market driver.

Aluminium Powder Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market report, along with forecasts at the global and regional level from 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on technology, end use, and raw material.

Breakup by Technology:

Air Atomization

Air Atomization accounts for the majority of the market share

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the technology. This includes air atomization and others. According to the report, air atomization represented the largest segment.

Air atomization has emerged as the dominant technology segment in the aluminum powder market due to its precision, efficiency, and ability to produce high-quality aluminum powder with specific characteristics. This technology involves spraying molten aluminum into a controlled environment where it is rapidly cooled and solidified into fine powder particles using compressed air. Concurrent with this, the rising use of air atomization to allow for precise control over the particle size distribution and shape of the aluminum powder produced is contributing to the market growth. Manufacturers can tailor the powder's properties to meet the exact requirements of various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and 3D printing, thereby fueling the product demand. Apart from this, it is a highly efficient process with minimal material wastage, making it cost-effective and environmentally friendly, aligning with the global shift towards sustainability, which is aiding in market expansion.

Breakup by End-Use:

Defence and Aerospace

Industrial holds the largest share in the industry

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end-use has also been provided in the report. This includes industrial, automotive, chemical, construction, explosives, defence and aerospace, and others. According to the report, the industrial sector accounted for the largest market share.

The bolstering industrial sector across the globe represents a key factor influencing the growth of the aluminum powder market. The industrial sector encompasses a wide array of industries, each with specific requirements for materials that offer strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. Aluminum powder, with its versatility and ability to meet these demands, finds extensive use in diverse applications across these industries, thereby aiding in market expansion. In confluence with this, the emerging trends of global industrialization have led to an increased need for lightweight materials that can improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. Aluminum powder aligns perfectly with this requirement, thereby presenting lucrative opportunities for market expansion. Furthermore, the trend towards urbanization and infrastructure development leads to increased use of aluminum powder in architectural coatings and lightweight construction materials, supporting the demand across the industrial landscape.

Breakup by Raw Material:

Aluminium Ingots
Aluminium Scrap

Aluminium ingots represent the leading market segment

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the raw material. This includes aluminium ingots and aluminium scrap. According to the report, aluminium ingots represented the largest segment.

Aluminum ingots serve as the primary source material to produce aluminum powder. The process involves melting these ingots and subsequently atomizing or grinding them into a fine powder. This ingot-based production process allows for strict control over the particle size and distribution, enabling manufacturers to tailor the powder to meet specific requirements, whether for automotive components, aerospace parts, or construction materials. Besides this, the process ensures a low level of impurities and contaminants, crucial for industries where material purity is critical, such as electronics and aerospace. Additionally, aluminum ingots are readily available in large quantities, making them a cost-effective choice for raw material sourcing. The abundance of aluminum ore and efficient extraction processes contribute to a stable and affordable supply of ingots, thereby minimizing production costs for aluminum powder, which, in turn, is contributing to the market’s growth.

Breakup by Region:

North America
Asia Pacific
South America
Middle East and Africa

Asia Pacific leads the market, accounting for the largest aluminium powder market share

The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America; Europe; Asia Pacific; South America; and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share.

Asia Pacific's rapid industrialization and urbanization have fueled a substantial demand for lightweight and corrosion-resistant materials like aluminum powder across a wide range of industries, strengthening the market growth. In confluence with this, the automotive sector, in particular, has experienced exponential growth in Asia Pacific, with a significant shift towards lightweight vehicles to improve fuel efficiency, boosting the use of aluminum powder in manufacturing lightweight automotive components. Moreover, the region's commitment to sustainable practices and environmental regulations has propelled the adoption of lightweight and recyclable materials such as aluminum, positively impacting the market growth. Apart from this, the expansion of the renewable energy sector, particularly in countries like China, has created a need for aluminum powder for applications in solar panels, wind turbines, and electrical conductors. Furthermore, as governments in the region focus on infrastructure development and sustainability, the use of aluminum powder in architectural coatings and green building materials has witnessed a significant uptick.

Competitive Landscape:
The global aluminum powder market is characterized by intense competition among a mix of established manufacturers and emerging players. The leading players in the aluminum powder market are actively engaged in several strategic initiatives to maintain and expand their market presence. They are investing in research and development (R&D) to innovate and diversify their product offerings, including developing advanced aluminum powder formulations tailored to meet specific industry demands, such as powders optimized for 3D printing or aerospace applications. In addition to this, these key players are focusing on expanding their production capacities to meet the growing demand for aluminum powder. As industries continue to seek lightweight, durable, and environmentally friendly materials, the global aluminum powder market remains dynamic and highly competitive, fostering innovation and expansion among market participants.

The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:

ECKA Granules Germany GmbH
Toyal America, Inc.
Alcoa Corporation
AMG Alpoco UK Ltd.
Metal Powder Company Limited (MEPCO)

(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)

Recent Developments:
In April 2021, RUSAL, announced its completion of the acquisition of Aluminium Rheinfelden GmbH following approval by the German Federal Cartel Office and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
In 2023, Toyal America Inc (Del), a United States based manufacturing organization collaborated with Slack Connect, replacing Legacy Apps and integrating with the existing systems , in a move to enhance communication and productivity.
In November 2022, Rusal announced that its sales for 2023 have picked up after the London Metal Exchange (LME) decided not to ban Russian metal from being traded and stored in its system.

Key Questions Answered in This Report

1. What was the size of the global aluminium powder market in 2023?
2. What is the expected growth rate of the global aluminium powder market during 2024-2032?
3. What are the key factors driving the global aluminium powder market?
4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global aluminium powder market?
5. What is the breakup of the global aluminium powder market based on the technology?
6. What is the breakup of the global aluminium powder market based on the end-use?
7. What is the breakup of the global aluminium powder market based on the raw material?
8. What are the key regions in the global aluminium powder market?
9. Who are the key players/companies in the global aluminium powder market?


Table of Contents

1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the Study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 Global Aluminium Industry
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.2.1 Production Volume Trends
5.2.2 Consumption Volume Trends
5.3 Market Breakup by Region
5.4 Market Breakup by End-Use
5.5 Market Forecast
5.6 Market Breakup by Key Players
6 Global Aluminium Powder Industry
6.1 Market Overview
6.2 Market Performance
6.3 Impact of COVID-19
6.4 Market Breakup by Region
6.5 Market Breakup by Technology
6.6 Market Breakup by End-Use
6.7 Market Breakup by Raw Material
6.8 Market Forecast
6.9 SWOT Analysis
6.9.1 Overview
6.9.2 Strengths
6.9.3 Weaknesses
6.9.4 Opportunities
6.9.5 Threats
6.10 Value Chain Analysis
6.10.1 Raw Material Procurement
6.10.2 Manufacturing
6.10.3 Marketing
6.10.4 Distribution
6.10.5 Exports
6.10.6 End-Use
6.11 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
6.11.1 Overview
6.11.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
6.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
6.11.4 Degree of Competition
6.11.5 Threat of New Entrants
6.11.6 Threat of Substitutes
6.12 Key Success and Risk Factors
6.13 Aluminium Powder: Import and Export Data
6.13.1 Imports by Major Countries
6.13.2 Exports by Major Countries
7 Performance of Key Regions
7.1 North America
7.1.1 Market Trends
7.1.2 Market Forecast
7.2 Europe
7.2.1 Market Trends
7.2.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Asia Pacific
7.3.1 Market Trends
7.3.2 Market Forecast
7.4 South America
7.4.1 Market Trends
7.4.2 Market Forecast
7.5 Middle East and Africa
7.5.1 Market Trends
7.5.2 Market Forecast
8 Market Breakup by Technology
8.1 Air Atomization
8.1.1 Market Trends
8.1.2 Market Forecast
8.2 Others
8.2.1 Market Trends
8.2.2 Market Forecast
9 Market Breakup by End-Use
9.1 Industrial
9.1.1 Market Trends
9.1.2 Market Forecast
9.2 Automotive
9.2.1 Market Trends
9.2.2 Market Forecast
9.3 Chemical
9.3.1 Market Trends
9.3.2 Market Forecast
9.4 Construction
9.4.1 Market Trends
9.4.2 Market Forecast
9.5 Explosives
9.5.1 Market Trends
9.5.2 Market Forecast
9.6 Defense and Aerospace
9.6.1 Market Trends
9.6.2 Market Forecast
9.7 Others
9.7.1 Market Trends
9.7.2 Market Forecast
10 Market Breakup by Raw Material
10.1 Aluminium Ingots
10.1.1 Market Trends
10.1.2 Market Forecast
10.2 Aluminium Scrap
10.2.1 Market Trends
10.2.2 Market Forecast
11 Competitive Landscape
11.1 Market Structure
11.2 Market Breakup by Key Players
12 Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Process
12.1 Product Overview
12.2 Manufacturing Process
12.3 Raw Material Requirements
12.4 Mass Balance and Feedstock Conversion Rates
13 Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved
13.1 Land Requirements and Expenditures
13.2 Construction Requirements and Expenditures
13.3 Plant Layout
13.4 Plant Machinery
13.5 Machinery Pictures
13.6 Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures
13.7 Raw Material and Final Product Pictures
13.8 Packaging Requirements and Expenditures
13.9 Transportation Requirements and Expenditures
13.10 Utility Requirements and Expenditures
13.11 Manpower Requirements and Expenditures
13.12 Other Capital Investments
14 Loans and Financial Assistance
15 Project Economics
15.1 Capital Cost of the Project
15.2 Techno-Economic Parameters
15.3 Product Pricing and Margins Across Various Levels of the Supply Chain
15.4 Taxation and Depreciation
15.5 Income Projections
15.6 Expenditure Projections
15.7 Financial Analysis
15.8 Profit Analysis
16 Key Player Profiles
16.1 ECKA Granules Germany GmbH
16.2 Toyal America Inc.
16.3 Alcoa Corporation
16.4 United Co RUSAL PLC
16.5 AMG Alpoco UK Ltd
16.6 Metal Powder Company Limited (MEPCO)
List of Figures
Figure 1: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
Figure 2: Global: Aluminium Market: Production Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 3: Global: Aluminium Market: Consumption Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 4: Global: Aluminium Market: Production Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
Figure 5: Global: Aluminium Market: Consumption Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
Figure 6: Global: Aluminium Market: Breakup by End-Use (in %), 2023
Figure 7: Global: Aluminium Market Forecast: Production Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 8: Global: Aluminium Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Trends (in Million Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 9: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Volume Trends (in ‘000 Tons), 2018-2023
Figure 10: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
Figure 11: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Technology (in %), 2023
Figure 12: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by End-Use (in %), 2023
Figure 13: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Raw Material (in %), 2023
Figure 14: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in ‘000 Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 15: Global: Aluminium Powder Industry: SWOT Analysis
Figure 16: Global: Aluminium Powder Industry: Value Chain Analysis
Figure 17: Global: Aluminium Powder Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 18: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Import Volume Breakup by Country (in %), 2022
Figure 19: Germany: Aluminium Powder Market: Import Volume (in Tons), 2018-2022
Figure 20: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Export Volume Breakup by Country (in %), 2022
Figure 21: Mozambique: Aluminium Powder Market: Export Volume (in Tons), 2018-2022
Figure 22: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Breakup by Key Players (in %), 2023
Figure 23: North America: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 24: North America: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 25: Europe: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 26: Europe: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 27: Asia Pacific: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 28: Asia Pacific: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 29: South America: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 30: South America: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 31: Middle East and Africa: Aluminium Powder Market (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 32: Middle East and Africa: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 33: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Air Atomization (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 34: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Air Atomization (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 35: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Other Technologies (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 36: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Other Technologies (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 37: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Industrial (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 38: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Industrial (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 39: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Automotive (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 40: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Automotive (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 41: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Chemical (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 42: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Chemical (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 43: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Construction (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 44: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Construction (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 45: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Explosive (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 46: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Explosive (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 47: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Defense and Aerospace (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 48: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Defense and Aerospace (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 49: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Other End-Uses (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 50: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Other End-Uses (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 51: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Aluminium Ingots (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 52: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Aluminium Ingots (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 53: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Aluminium Scraps (in Tons), 2018 & 2023
Figure 54: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Aluminium Scraps (in Tons), 2024-2032
Figure 55: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Detailed Process Flow
Figure 56: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing: Conversion Rate of Feedstocks
Figure 57: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Proposed Plant Layout
Figure 58: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Breakup of Capital Costs (in %)
Figure 59: Aluminium Powder Industry: Profit Margins at Various Levels of the Supply Chain
Figure 60: Aluminium Powder Production: Manufacturing Cost Breakup (in %)
List of Tables
Table 1: Global: Aluminium Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
Table 2: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
Table 3: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 4: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by Technology (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 5: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by End-Use (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 6: Global: Aluminium Powder Market Forecast: Breakup by Raw Material (in Tons), 2024-2032
Table 7: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Competitive Structure
Table 8: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Import Data of Major Countries, 2022
Table 9: Global: Aluminium Powder Market: Export Data of Major Countries, 2022
Table 10: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Land and Site Development (in US$)
Table 11: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Civil Works (in US$)
Table 12: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Machinery (in US$)
Table 13: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures
Table 14: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Salaries and Wages (in US$)
Table 15: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Other Capital Investments (in US$)
Table 16: Details of Financial Assistance Offered by Financial Institutions
Table 17: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Capital Costs (in US$)
Table 18: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Techno-Economic Parameters
Table 19: Aluminium Powder Production: Prices of Raw Material and Final Product (US$/Kg)
Table 20: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Taxation and Depreciation (in US$)
Table 21: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Income Projections (in US$)
Table 22: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Expenditure Projections (in US$)
Table 23: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis Without Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$)
Table 24: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis on Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$)
Table 25: Aluminium Powder Manufacturing Plant: Profit and Loss Account (in US$)






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