ラミネートベニアランバー市場世界の産業動向、シェア、サイズ、成長、機会、2023-2028年予測Laminated Veneer Lumber Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028 世界の化粧単板製材の市場規模は、2022年に52億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に2.6%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年までに61億米ドルに達すると予測しています。 LVL(Lamin... もっと見る
サマリー世界の化粧単板製材の市場規模は、2022年に52億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に2.6%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年までに61億米ドルに達すると予測しています。LVL(Laminated Veneer Lumber)は、木材を薄くスライスして剥がした単板を使用した、広く使用されている人工木材製品の一つです。軽量で、公共施設や産業用倉庫、製品部品、大型プレハブ建築物、木造注文住宅などに使用されています。その理由は、耐久性、均一性、高い強度、寸法精度にあります。このほか、根太、梁、まぐさ、棟木、コンクリート型枠、トラスコード、足場板など、商業・住宅建築の構造材としても使用されています。 ラミネートベニア製材の市場動向: 所得水準の上昇と世界人口の増加により、住宅、商業、インフラの各分野で新しい建設プロジェクトが増加しています。これは、市場の成長を強化する重要な要因の1つとなっています。さらに、LVLを使用した構造物は、コンクリートやレンガなどの従来の材料に比べて工期が短く、これが全体の売上にプラスの影響を与えています。これは、簡単かつ迅速に設置でき、収縮の時間が短縮されることに起因しています。また、LVLは頑丈な接着剤で作られているため、安定性と強度が増し、防水性や腐敗、虫、カビに対する耐性などの利点があるため、市場の見通しが良くなっています。さらに、LVLの製造工程は環境に優しいため、多くの国の政府がエンドユーザーにこの木質パネルへの移行を促しています。また、異なる材料を用いたLVL製造の実現可能性を探るため、大手企業が継続的に行っている研究も、市場の成長に拍車をかけています。 主要な市場セグメンテーション IMARC Groupは、世界の積層単板製材市場レポートの各サブセグメントにおける主要動向の分析と、2023年から2028年までの世界および地域レベルでの予測を提供します。当レポートでは、市場を用途と分野に基づいて分類しています。 住宅用と商業用の用途別構成比: レジデンシャル コマーシャル 住宅分野では、屋根、壁、床などの耐力構造としてLVLの利用が増加していることから、最大の市場シェアを占めています。 新設・更新部門別構成比: 新規建設 リプレースメント 現在、市場全体のシェアの大半を占めるのは新築部門である。これは、LVLが梁、母屋、まぐさ、型枠、トラスコードなどの用途で拡大していることに起因しているものと思われる。 地域別構成比: アジア太平洋 北アメリカ ヨーロッパ ラテンアメリカ 中近東・アフリカ 現在、北米は、特に米国における新築住宅プロジェクトの増加により、市場において主導的な地位を占めています。 競争環境: 本レポートでは、市場の競争環境について、業界で活動する主要プレイヤーの詳細なプロフィールとともに分析しています。これらのプレイヤーの中には、STEICO SE、Louisiana-Pacific Corporation、Roseburg Forest Products Co.、UFP Industries, Inc.、Brisco Manufacturing Ltd.、Huber Engineered Woods LLC、Murphy Company、Weyerhaeuser Company、Boise Cascade Company、Nelson Pine Industries Limited、Stora Enso Oyj、Magnus Plywood Pvt.Ltd. が含まれます。 本レポートは、世界の積層単板製材市場について、その本質的な側面をすべて網羅した深い洞察を提供します。その範囲は、市場のマクロ的な概観から、産業実績のミクロ的な詳細、最近の動向、主要な市場促進要因と課題、SWOT分析、ポーターの5つの力分析、バリューチェーン分析などです。また、積層単板製材の製造工場を立ち上げるための包括的な分析も行っています。加工・製造要件、プロジェクトコスト、プロジェクト資金、プロジェクト経済性、予想投資収益率、利益率などを分析しています。本レポートは、起業家、投資家、研究者、コンサルタント、ビジネス戦略家、そして何らかの形でラミネートベニア製材業界と関わりを持つ、あるいは進出を計画しているすべての方にとって必読の書です。 本レポートで回答した主な質問 1.2022年の世界の化粧単板製材の市場規模は? 2.2023-2028年の世界の積層単板製材市場の予想成長率は? 3.世界の化粧単板製材市場を牽引する主要因は何か? 4.COVID-19が世界の集成単板製材市場に与えた影響は? 5.世界の化粧単板製材市場の住宅用と商業用の用途に基づく内訳はどうなっていますか? 6.世界の化粧単板製材市場の新築部門と買い替え部門に基づく内訳は? 7.世界の積層単板製材市場の主要地域は? 8.世界の化粧単板製材市場の主要プレイヤー/企業は? 目次1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 Global Engineered Wood Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.2.1 Volume Trends 5.2.2 Value Trends 5.3 Price Trends 5.4 Market Breakup by Product Type 5.5 Market Breakup by Application 5.6 Market Breakup by Region 5.7 Market Forecast 6 Global Laminated Veneer Lumber Market 6.1 Market Overview 6.2 Market Performance 6.2.1 Volume Trends 6.2.2 Value Trends 6.3 Impact of COVID-19 6.4 Price Analysis 6.4.1 Key Price Indicators 6.4.2 Price Structure 6.4.3 Price Trends 6.5 Market Breakup by Region 6.6 Market Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application 6.7 Market Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector 6.8 Market Forecast 6.9 SWOT Analysis 6.9.1 Overview 6.9.2 Strengths 6.9.3 Weaknesses 6.9.4 Opportunities 6.9.5 Threats 6.10 Value Chain Analysis 6.10.1 Overview 6.10.2 Forest Owners 6.10.3 Sawmills 6.10.4 LVL Manufacturers 6.10.5 Distributors and Retailers 6.10.6 Exporters 6.10.7 End-Use Industries 6.11 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 6.11.1 Overview 6.11.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 6.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 6.11.4 Degree of Competition 6.11.5 Threat of New Entrants 6.11.6 Threat of Substitutes 6.12 Key Success and Risk Factors 7 Market Breakup by Region 7.1 Asia Pacific 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Market Trends 7.3.2 Market Forecast 7.4 Latin America 7.4.1 Market Trends 7.4.2 Market Forecast 7.5 Middle East and Africa 7.5.1 Market Trends 7.5.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application 8.1 Residential 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Commercial 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector 9.1 New Construction 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 Replacement 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 10 Competitive Landscape 11 Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Manufacturing 11.1 Product Overview 11.2 Detailed Process Flow 11.3 Various Types of Unit Operation Involved 11.4 Mass Balance and Raw Material Requirements 12 Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved 12.1 Land Requirements and Expenditures 12.2 Construction Requirements and Expenditures 12.3 Plant Machinery 12.4 Machinery Pictures 12.5 Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures 12.6 Raw Material and Final Product Pictures 12.7 Packaging Requirements and Expenditures 12.8 Transportation Requirements and Expenditures 12.9 Utilities Requirements and Expenditures 12.10 Manpower Requirements and Expenditures 12.11 Other Capital Investments 13 Loans and Financial Assistance 14 Project Economics 14.1 Capital Cost of the Project 14.2 Techno-Economic Parameters 14.3 Product Pricing and Margins Across Various Levels of the Supply Chain 14.4 Taxation and Depreciation 14.5 Income Projections 14.6 Expenditure Projections 14.7 Financial Analysis 14.8 Profit Analysis 15 Key Player Profiles 15.1 STEICO SE 15.2 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 15.3 Roseburg Forest Products Co 15.4 UFP Industries, Inc 15.5 Brisco Manufacturing Ltd. 15.6 Huber Engineered Woods LLC 15.7 Murphy Company 15.8 Weyerhaeuser Company 15.9 Boise Cascade Company 15.10 Nelson Pine Industries Limited 15.11 Stora Enso Oyj 15.12 Magnus Plywood Pvt. Ltd. List of Figures Figure 1: Global: LVL Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017-2022 Figure 3: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2017-2022 Figure 4: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Average Prices (in US$/Cubic Metre), 2017-2022 Figure 5: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Breakup by Product Type (in %), 2022 Figure 6: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2022 Figure 7: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 8: Global: Engineered Wood Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meter), 2023-2028 Figure 9: Global: Engineered Wood Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2023-2028 Figure 10: Global: LVL Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017-2022 Figure 11: Global: LVL Market: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2017-2022 Figure 12: LVL Market: Price Structure Figure 13: Global: LVL Market: Average Prices (in US$/Cubic Metre), 2017-2022 Figure 14: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Average Prices (in US$/Cubic Metre), 2023-2028 Figure 15: Global: LVL Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 16: Global: LVL Market: Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application (in %), 2022 Figure 17: Global: LVL Market: Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector (in %), 2022 Figure 18: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 19: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2023-2028 Figure 20: Global: LVL Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 21: Global: LVL Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 22: Global: LVL Industry: Porters Five Forces Analysis Figure 23: Asia-Pacific: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: Asia-Pacific: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 25: North America: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: North America: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 27: Europe: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: Europe: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 29: Latin America: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: Latin America: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 31: Middle East and Africa: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: Middle East and Africa: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 33: Global: LVL (Residential Applications) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: Global: LVL (Residential Applications) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 35: Global: LVL (Commercial Applications) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: Global: LVL (Commercial Applications) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 37: Global: LVL (New Construction Sector) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 38: Global: LVL (New Construction Sector) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 39: Global: LVL (Replacement Sector) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 40: Global: LVL (Replacement Sector) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 41: LVL Manufacturing: Detailed Process Flow Figure 42: LVL Manufacturing: Conversion Rates of Feedstocks Figure 43: LVL Manufacturing: Breakup of Capital Costs (in %) Figure 44: LVL Industry: Profit Margins at Various Levels of the Supply Chain Figure 45: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Breakup of Operating Costs (in %) List of Tables Table 1: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 2: Global: LVL Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 3: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Table 4: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Table 5: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Table 6: Global: LVL Market: Competitive Structure Table 7: Global: LVL Market: Key Players Table 8: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Land and Site Development (in US$) Table 9: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Civil Works (in US$) Table 10: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Machinery (in US$) Table 11: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Raw Material Requirements (in Tons/Day) and Expenditure (in US$/Ton) Table 12: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Salaries and Wages (in US$) Table 13: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Other Capital Investments (in US$) Table 14: Details of Financial Assistance Offered by Financial Institutions Table 15: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Capital Costs (in US$) Table 16: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Techno-Economic Parameters Table 17: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Taxation and Depreciation (in US$) Table 18: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Income Projections (in US$) Table 19: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Expenditure Projections (in US$) Table 20: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis Without Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$) Table 21: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis on Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$) Table 22: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Profit and Loss Account (in US$)
SummaryThe global laminated veneer lumber market size reached US$ 5.2 Billion in 2022. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 6.1 Billion by 2028, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 2.6% during 2023-2028. Table of Contents1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 Global Engineered Wood Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.2.1 Volume Trends 5.2.2 Value Trends 5.3 Price Trends 5.4 Market Breakup by Product Type 5.5 Market Breakup by Application 5.6 Market Breakup by Region 5.7 Market Forecast 6 Global Laminated Veneer Lumber Market 6.1 Market Overview 6.2 Market Performance 6.2.1 Volume Trends 6.2.2 Value Trends 6.3 Impact of COVID-19 6.4 Price Analysis 6.4.1 Key Price Indicators 6.4.2 Price Structure 6.4.3 Price Trends 6.5 Market Breakup by Region 6.6 Market Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application 6.7 Market Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector 6.8 Market Forecast 6.9 SWOT Analysis 6.9.1 Overview 6.9.2 Strengths 6.9.3 Weaknesses 6.9.4 Opportunities 6.9.5 Threats 6.10 Value Chain Analysis 6.10.1 Overview 6.10.2 Forest Owners 6.10.3 Sawmills 6.10.4 LVL Manufacturers 6.10.5 Distributors and Retailers 6.10.6 Exporters 6.10.7 End-Use Industries 6.11 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 6.11.1 Overview 6.11.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 6.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 6.11.4 Degree of Competition 6.11.5 Threat of New Entrants 6.11.6 Threat of Substitutes 6.12 Key Success and Risk Factors 7 Market Breakup by Region 7.1 Asia Pacific 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 North America 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Market Trends 7.3.2 Market Forecast 7.4 Latin America 7.4.1 Market Trends 7.4.2 Market Forecast 7.5 Middle East and Africa 7.5.1 Market Trends 7.5.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application 8.1 Residential 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Commercial 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector 9.1 New Construction 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 Replacement 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 10 Competitive Landscape 11 Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Manufacturing 11.1 Product Overview 11.2 Detailed Process Flow 11.3 Various Types of Unit Operation Involved 11.4 Mass Balance and Raw Material Requirements 12 Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved 12.1 Land Requirements and Expenditures 12.2 Construction Requirements and Expenditures 12.3 Plant Machinery 12.4 Machinery Pictures 12.5 Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures 12.6 Raw Material and Final Product Pictures 12.7 Packaging Requirements and Expenditures 12.8 Transportation Requirements and Expenditures 12.9 Utilities Requirements and Expenditures 12.10 Manpower Requirements and Expenditures 12.11 Other Capital Investments 13 Loans and Financial Assistance 14 Project Economics 14.1 Capital Cost of the Project 14.2 Techno-Economic Parameters 14.3 Product Pricing and Margins Across Various Levels of the Supply Chain 14.4 Taxation and Depreciation 14.5 Income Projections 14.6 Expenditure Projections 14.7 Financial Analysis 14.8 Profit Analysis 15 Key Player Profiles 15.1 STEICO SE 15.2 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 15.3 Roseburg Forest Products Co 15.4 UFP Industries, Inc 15.5 Brisco Manufacturing Ltd. 15.6 Huber Engineered Woods LLC 15.7 Murphy Company 15.8 Weyerhaeuser Company 15.9 Boise Cascade Company 15.10 Nelson Pine Industries Limited 15.11 Stora Enso Oyj 15.12 Magnus Plywood Pvt. Ltd. List of Figures Figure 1: Global: LVL Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017-2022 Figure 3: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2017-2022 Figure 4: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Average Prices (in US$/Cubic Metre), 2017-2022 Figure 5: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Breakup by Product Type (in %), 2022 Figure 6: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Breakup by Application (in %), 2022 Figure 7: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 8: Global: Engineered Wood Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meter), 2023-2028 Figure 9: Global: Engineered Wood Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2023-2028 Figure 10: Global: LVL Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017-2022 Figure 11: Global: LVL Market: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2017-2022 Figure 12: LVL Market: Price Structure Figure 13: Global: LVL Market: Average Prices (in US$/Cubic Metre), 2017-2022 Figure 14: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Average Prices (in US$/Cubic Metre), 2023-2028 Figure 15: Global: LVL Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 16: Global: LVL Market: Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application (in %), 2022 Figure 17: Global: LVL Market: Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector (in %), 2022 Figure 18: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 19: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Value Trends (in Billion US$), 2023-2028 Figure 20: Global: LVL Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 21: Global: LVL Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 22: Global: LVL Industry: Porters Five Forces Analysis Figure 23: Asia-Pacific: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: Asia-Pacific: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 25: North America: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: North America: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 27: Europe: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: Europe: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 29: Latin America: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: Latin America: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 31: Middle East and Africa: LVL Market (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: Middle East and Africa: LVL Market Forecast (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 33: Global: LVL (Residential Applications) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: Global: LVL (Residential Applications) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 35: Global: LVL (Commercial Applications) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: Global: LVL (Commercial Applications) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 37: Global: LVL (New Construction Sector) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 38: Global: LVL (New Construction Sector) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 39: Global: LVL (Replacement Sector) Market: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2017 & 2022 Figure 40: Global: LVL (Replacement Sector) Market Forecast: Volume Trends (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Figure 41: LVL Manufacturing: Detailed Process Flow Figure 42: LVL Manufacturing: Conversion Rates of Feedstocks Figure 43: LVL Manufacturing: Breakup of Capital Costs (in %) Figure 44: LVL Industry: Profit Margins at Various Levels of the Supply Chain Figure 45: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Breakup of Operating Costs (in %) List of Tables Table 1: Global: Engineered Wood Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 2: Global: LVL Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 3: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Table 4: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Breakup by Residential and Commercial Application (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Table 5: Global: LVL Market Forecast: Breakup by New Construction and Replacement Sector (in Million Cubic Meters), 2023-2028 Table 6: Global: LVL Market: Competitive Structure Table 7: Global: LVL Market: Key Players Table 8: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Land and Site Development (in US$) Table 9: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Civil Works (in US$) Table 10: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Machinery (in US$) Table 11: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Raw Material Requirements (in Tons/Day) and Expenditure (in US$/Ton) Table 12: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Salaries and Wages (in US$) Table 13: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Costs Related to Other Capital Investments (in US$) Table 14: Details of Financial Assistance Offered by Financial Institutions Table 15: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Capital Costs (in US$) Table 16: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Techno-Economic Parameters Table 17: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Taxation and Depreciation (in US$) Table 18: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Income Projections (in US$) Table 19: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Expenditure Projections (in US$) Table 20: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis Without Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$) Table 21: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Cash Flow Analysis on Considering the Income Tax Liability (in US$) Table 22: LVL Manufacturing Plant: Profit and Loss Account (in US$)
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2024/12/19 10:26 155.94 円 162.31 円 199.02 円 |