インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場産業動向、シェア、サイズ、成長、機会、2023-2028年予測India Ayurvedic Products Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028 市場概要2023-2028年: インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場規模は、2022年にINR 626 Billionに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に19.3%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年には1兆824億イン... もっと見る
サマリー市場概要2023-2028年:インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場規模は、2022年にINR 626 Billionに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に19.3%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年には1兆824億インドルピーに達すると予測しています。 アーユルヴェーダは、古くから伝わる科学であり、世界中の文化に取り入れられてきた医療システムです。アーユルヴェーダは、個人の体型、心拍パターン、外見、視覚などを理解した上で、病気を分析し治療します。アーユルヴェーダでは、ハーブや植物、運動、食事、ライフスタイルの変化など、さまざまなプロトコルと治療法があり、病気を改善することができます。国内では、アーユルヴェーダのヘルスケア製品とパーソナルケア製品のさまざまな分野が販売されています。パーソナルケア製品では、オーラルケア、スキンケア、メイクアップ、ヘアケア、フレグランスに分類されます。一方、ヘルスケア製品では、アーユルヴェーダ栄養補助食品、アーユルヴェーダ医薬品、栄養補助食品に区分されます。全国の企業は、革新的なアーユルヴェーダ製品の開発と消費者の意識改革に力を入れています。 インド アーユルヴェーダ製品の市場動向と推進要因: インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場を牽引する主な要因は、消費者の間で天然・有機医薬品とその利点に対する人気が高まっていることです。健康への関心の高まりや西洋薬の副作用に対する認識などの要因が、同国におけるアーユルヴェーダ製品への消費者の嗜好をさらに高めています。さらに、経済成長と所得の増加に伴い、一人当たりのヘルスケア製品への支出が過去数年間で大幅に増加し、アーユルヴェーダ製品市場に好影響を及ぼしています。アーユルヴェーダ製品の流通網は大幅に改善され、都市部と農村部の両方において、アーユルヴェーダ製品へのアクセス性が向上しています。また、インド政府は、啓発プログラムや補助金を通じてアーユルヴェーダ製品の利用を促進しています。 IMARC Groupの最新レポートは、インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場について、その本質的な側面をすべて網羅した深い洞察を提供します。その内容は、市場のマクロ的な概要から、業界の業績、最近の動向、主要な市場促進要因と課題、SWOT分析、ポーターの5つの力分析、バリューチェーン分析などのミクロ的な詳細にまで及びます。本レポートは、起業家、投資家、研究者、コンサルタント、ビジネス戦略家、およびインドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場に何らかの利害関係を持つ、または何らかの形で参入を計画しているすべての人々にとって必読の書となります。 主要な市場セグメント: IMARC Groupは、インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場レポートの各サブセグメントにおける主要動向の分析と、2023年から2028年までの国・地域レベルの予測を提供します。当レポートでは、製品の種類や組織化/非組織化に基づき、市場を分類しています。 製品タイプ別構成比: ヘルスケア製品 アーユルヴェーダ・ニュートラシューティカルズとダイエットサプリメント アーユルヴェーダメディスン パーソナルケア製品 スキンケア オーラルケア ヘアケア&フレグランス 組織化/非組織化によるブレークアップ: オーガナイズド 未整理 地域別構成比: 北インド 東インド 西・中央インド 南インド 本レポートには、以下の内容も含まれています: 主要なドライバーと課題 バリューチェーン分析 輸入と輸出 ポーターズファイブフォース分析 PESTEL分析 政府規制 競合の状況: インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場は、大小さまざまな企業が存在し、価格や品質の面で競争しているため、非常に断片化されている。市場の主なプレイヤーには以下のようなものがある: ダブール インディア リミテッド パタンジャリ・アーユルヴェード・リミテッド ヒマラヤ薬品株式会社 ビッコ・ラボラトリーズ チャラクファーマ社(Charak Pharma Pvt.Ltd.)。 ハムダード・ラボラトリーズ フォレスト・エッセンシャルズ 有限会社エマミ Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt.Ltd. ケララ・アユルヴェーダ社(Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. アムルタンジャン・ヘルスケア・リミテッド(Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited 本レポートで回答した主な質問 インドアーユルヴェーダ製品市場2023-2028の予想成長率は? インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場を牽引する主要因は何か? COVID-19がインドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場に与えた影響とは? インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場の製品タイプに基づく内訳は? インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場の組織化/非組織化に基づくブレークアップは? インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場における主要地域は? インドのアーユルヴェーダ製品市場における主要なプレーヤー/企業はどこか? 目次1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 India Ayurvedic Products Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Breakup by Products Type 5.5 Market Breakup by Organized/Unorganized 5.6 Market Breakup by Region 5.7 Market Forecast 5.8 SWOT Analysis 5.8.1 Overview 5.8.2 Strengths 5.8.3 Weaknesses 5.8.4 Opportunities 5.8.5 Threats 5.9 Value Chain Analysis 5.10 Porters Five Forces Analysis 5.10.1 Overview 5.10.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 5.10.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 5.10.4 Degree of Competition 5.10.5 Threat of New Entrants 5.10.6 Threat of Substitutes 5.11 PESTEL Analysis 5.11.1 Political 5.11.2 Economic 5.11.3 Social 5.11.4 Legal 5.11.5 Environmental 5.11.6 Technological 5.12 Price Analysis 5.12.1 Price Indicators 5.12.2 Price Structure 5.12.3 Margin Analysis 6 Market Breakup by Product Type 6.1 Healthcare Products 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Market Breakup by Type Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements Market Trends Market Forecast Ayurvedic Medicines Market Trends Market Forecast 6.1.3 Market Forecast 6.2 Personal Care Products 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Market Breakup by Type Skin Care Market Trends Market Forecast Oral Care Market Trends Market Forecast Hair Care and Fragrances Market Trends Market Forecast 6.2.3 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Organized/Unorganized 7.1 Organized 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 Unorganized 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Region 8.1 North India 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 West and Central India 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 8.3 South India 8.3.1 Market Trends 8.3.2 Market Forecast 8.4 East India 8.4.1 Market Trends 8.4.2 Market Forecast 9 Imports and Exports 10 Government Regulations 11 Strategic Recommendations 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Market Structure 12.2 Key Players 12.3 Profiles of Key Players 12.3.1 Dabur India Ltd. 12.3.2 Patanjali Ayurved Limited 12.3.3 The Himalaya Drug Company 12.3.4 Vicco Laboratories 12.3.5 Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 12.3.6 Hamdard Laboratories 12.3.7 Forest Essentials 12.3.8 Emami Ltd. 12.3.9 Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. 12.3.10 Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. 12.3.11 Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited List of Figures Figure 1: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Billion INR), 2017-2022 Figure 3: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Breakup by Products Type (in %), 2022 Figure 4: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Breakup by Organized/Unorganized (in %), 2022 Figure 5: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 6: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion INR), 2023-2028 Figure 7: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 8: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 9: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Figure 10: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: PESTEL Analysis Figure 11: India: Ayurvedic Products (Healthcare Products) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 12: India: Ayurvedic Products (Healthcare Products) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 13: India: Ayurvedic Products (Personal Care Products) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 14: India: Ayurvedic Products (Personal Care Products) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 15: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 16: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 17: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Medicines) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 18: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Medicines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 19: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Skin Care) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 20: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Skin Care) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 21: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Oral Care) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 22: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Oral Care) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 23: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Hair Care and Fragrances) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Hair Care and Fragrances) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 25: India: Ayurvedic Products (Organized) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: India: Ayurvedic Products (Organized) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 27: India: Ayurvedic Products (Unorganized) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: India: Ayurvedic Products (Unorganized) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 29: North India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: North India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 31: West and Central India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: West and Central India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 33: South India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: South India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 35: East India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: East India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 List of Tables Table 1: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 2: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Breakup by Products Type (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Table 3: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Breakup by Organized/Unorganized (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Table 4: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Table 5: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Competitive Structure Table 6: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Key Players
SummaryMarket Overview 2023-2028: Table of Contents1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 India Ayurvedic Products Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Breakup by Products Type 5.5 Market Breakup by Organized/Unorganized 5.6 Market Breakup by Region 5.7 Market Forecast 5.8 SWOT Analysis 5.8.1 Overview 5.8.2 Strengths 5.8.3 Weaknesses 5.8.4 Opportunities 5.8.5 Threats 5.9 Value Chain Analysis 5.10 Porters Five Forces Analysis 5.10.1 Overview 5.10.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 5.10.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 5.10.4 Degree of Competition 5.10.5 Threat of New Entrants 5.10.6 Threat of Substitutes 5.11 PESTEL Analysis 5.11.1 Political 5.11.2 Economic 5.11.3 Social 5.11.4 Legal 5.11.5 Environmental 5.11.6 Technological 5.12 Price Analysis 5.12.1 Price Indicators 5.12.2 Price Structure 5.12.3 Margin Analysis 6 Market Breakup by Product Type 6.1 Healthcare Products 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Market Breakup by Type Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements Market Trends Market Forecast Ayurvedic Medicines Market Trends Market Forecast 6.1.3 Market Forecast 6.2 Personal Care Products 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Market Breakup by Type Skin Care Market Trends Market Forecast Oral Care Market Trends Market Forecast Hair Care and Fragrances Market Trends Market Forecast 6.2.3 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Organized/Unorganized 7.1 Organized 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 Unorganized 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Region 8.1 North India 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 West and Central India 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 8.3 South India 8.3.1 Market Trends 8.3.2 Market Forecast 8.4 East India 8.4.1 Market Trends 8.4.2 Market Forecast 9 Imports and Exports 10 Government Regulations 11 Strategic Recommendations 12 Competitive Landscape 12.1 Market Structure 12.2 Key Players 12.3 Profiles of Key Players 12.3.1 Dabur India Ltd. 12.3.2 Patanjali Ayurved Limited 12.3.3 The Himalaya Drug Company 12.3.4 Vicco Laboratories 12.3.5 Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd. 12.3.6 Hamdard Laboratories 12.3.7 Forest Essentials 12.3.8 Emami Ltd. 12.3.9 Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. 12.3.10 Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. 12.3.11 Amrutanjan Healthcare Limited List of Figures Figure 1: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Billion INR), 2017-2022 Figure 3: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Breakup by Products Type (in %), 2022 Figure 4: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Breakup by Organized/Unorganized (in %), 2022 Figure 5: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 6: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion INR), 2023-2028 Figure 7: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 8: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 9: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Figure 10: India: Ayurvedic Products Industry: PESTEL Analysis Figure 11: India: Ayurvedic Products (Healthcare Products) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 12: India: Ayurvedic Products (Healthcare Products) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 13: India: Ayurvedic Products (Personal Care Products) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 14: India: Ayurvedic Products (Personal Care Products) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 15: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 16: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 17: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Medicines) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 18: India: Ayurvedic Healthcare Products (Ayurvedic Medicines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 19: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Skin Care) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 20: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Skin Care) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 21: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Oral Care) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 22: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Oral Care) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 23: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Hair Care and Fragrances) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: India: Ayurvedic Personal Care Products (Hair Care and Fragrances) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 25: India: Ayurvedic Products (Organized) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: India: Ayurvedic Products (Organized) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 27: India: Ayurvedic Products (Unorganized) Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: India: Ayurvedic Products (Unorganized) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 29: North India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: North India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 31: West and Central India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: West and Central India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 33: South India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: South India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Figure 35: East India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: East India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million INR), 2023-2028 List of Tables Table 1: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 2: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Breakup by Products Type (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Table 3: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Breakup by Organized/Unorganized (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Table 4: India: Ayurvedic Products Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million INR), 2023-2028 Table 5: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Competitive Structure Table 6: India: Ayurvedic Products Market: Key Players
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2024/12/18 10:27 154.74 円 162.88 円 199.42 円 |