自動車診断スキャンツール市場:提供タイプ(診断ハードウェア、診断ソフトウェア、診断サービス)、ツールタイプ(DIY診断、OEMS診断、プロフェッショナル診断)、推進タイプ(ICエンジン車、電気自動車)、車両タイプ(乗用車、商用車)、地域別 2023-2028Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market by Offering Type (Diagnostic Hardware, Diagnostic Software, Diagnostic Services), Tool Type (DIY Diagnostic, OEMS Diagnostics, Professional Diagnostics), Propulsion Type (IC Engine Vehicles, Electric Vehicles), Vehicle Type (Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle), and Region 2023-2028 市場の概要 自動車診断スキャンツールの世界市場規模は、2022年に352億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に5.98%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年までに501億2000万米ドルに達す... もっと見る
サマリー市場の概要自動車診断スキャンツールの世界市場規模は、2022年に352億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に5.98%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年までに501億2000万米ドルに達すると予想している。交通安全強化のための様々な政府施策の実施、消費者の支出能力の向上、自動車産業の大幅な拡大などが、市場を牽引する主な要因の一つです。 自動車診断スキャンツールとは、自動車のあらゆる故障を診断するために使用される電子機器のことです。自動車の制御モジュールの再プログラムや、様々な自動車の電子システムの不具合を検出・分析するのに役立ちます。自動車のエンジン、トランスミッション、燃料システム、バッテリー、その他の電子システムにおける問題の診断とトラブルシューティングに広く使用されています。自動車診断スキャンツールは、自動車のオンボードコンピューターシステムに接続し、診断トラブルコード(DTC)の読み取りとクリア、ライブデータの表示、リプログラミングやコーディングなどの機能を実行する装置です。車両制御モジュールの再プログラミングや、さまざまな乗用車や商用車の電子システムの不具合の検出と解析を支援します。その結果、これらのツールは、自動車のワークショップやサービスステーションで、専門家やDIY愛好家が不具合を診断・修理するために使用されています。 自動車用診断スキャンツールの市場動向: 車両の複雑化と高度な診断へのニーズが世界中で高まっていることが、市場成長を促進する主な要因の一つです。自動車診断用スキャンツールは、現代の自動車には様々な電子システムやセンサーが搭載されているため、データへのアクセスや解釈のために広く使用されています。これに伴い、アフターマーケットの修理・メンテナンスサービスにおいて、車両の問題を迅速かつ正確に診断・修復するために、製品が広く利用されていることが、市場成長に好影響を与えています。さらに、自動車の電動化が進み、自動車のオンボードコンピューターと通信してリアルタイムでデータを取得できる診断スキャンツールのニーズが高まっていることも、成長を促進する要因となっています。これとは別に、全地球測位システム(GPS)フリートトラッキングデバイスがエンジン回転数、燃料使用量、故障コード、車速などの情報を記録できるオンボード診断II(OBD-II)ツールの利用が、市場成長を後押ししています。さらに、より正確で効率的な修理を可能にし、整備士にリアルタイムの情報を提供し、強化された予測メンテナンスを保証する自動車診断スキャンツールに人工知能(AI)を統合することが、市場成長の原動力となっています。このほか、厳しい排ガス規制のためのさまざまな政府のイニシアチブの実施により、排ガス関連の問題の特定とトラブルシューティングを支援する診断スキャンツールの需要が高まっていることも、市場成長にプラスの影響を与えています。その他、自動車産業の大幅な拡大、消費者の支出能力の上昇、ハイエンド車や高級車の需要の増加などが、市場の成長をさらに促進すると予想されます。 主要な市場セグメント: IMARC Groupは、世界の自動車診断スキャンツール市場の各セグメントにおける主要動向の分析と、2023年から2028年までの世界、地域、国レベルでの予測を提供します。当レポートでは、提供タイプ、ツールタイプ、推進タイプ、車両タイプに基づき、市場を分類しています。 オファリングタイプのインサイト: 診断用ハードウエア スキャナ アナライザー テスター コードリーダー その他 診断用ソフトウェア 車両システム試験用ソフトウェア 車両追跡と排出ガス分析 その他 診断サービス 自動車整備・修理 カスタム、トレーニング、サポート、インテグレーション 本レポートでは、自動車診断スキャンツール市場を提供タイプ別に詳細に分解・分析しています。これには、診断ハードウェア(スキャナー、アナライザー、テスター、コードリーダー、その他)、診断ソフトウェア(車両システム試験ソフトウェア、車両追跡、排ガス分析、その他)、診断サービス(車両メンテナンス・修理、カスタム、トレーニング、サポート、統合)などが含まれます。本レポートによると、診断ハードウェアが最も大きなセグメントを占めています。 ツールタイプのインサイトです: DIY診断 OEMSダイアグノスティックス プロフェッショナル・ダイアグノスティックス 本レポートでは、自動車診断用スキャンツール市場をツールタイプ別に詳細に分解・分析しています。これには、DIY、OEMS、プロフェッショナル診断が含まれます。それによると、プロフェッショナル診断が最も大きなセグメントを占めています。 推進タイプのインサイト ICエンジン搭載車 電気自動車 本レポートでは、自動車診断スキャンツール市場を推進タイプ別に詳細に分解・分析しています。これには、ICエンジン車と電気自動車が含まれます。それによると、ICエンジン車が最も大きなセグメントを占めています。 車種別インサイト: 乗用車 商用車 本レポートでは、自動車診断スキャンツール市場を車種別に詳細に分解・分析しています。これには乗用車と商用車が含まれます。それによると、乗用車が最大のセグメントを占めています。 地域別インサイト 北アメリカ ユーエスエー カナダ ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア スペイン その他 アジア太平洋 中国 日本 インド 南朝鮮 オーストラリア インドネシア その他 ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ その他 中近東・アフリカ また、北米(米国、カナダ)、アジア太平洋(中国、日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリア、インドネシア、その他)、欧州(ドイツ、フランス、英国、イタリア、スペイン、ロシア、その他)、中南米(ブラジル、メキシコ、その他)、中東・アフリカを含むすべての主要地域市場について包括的に分析しています。それによると、アジア太平洋地域は自動車診断用スキャンツールの最大市場でした。アジア太平洋地域の自動車診断スキャンツール市場を牽引する要因としては、大規模な研究開発(R&D)活動、ハイエンド車や高級車の需要の増加、さまざまな政府施策の実施などが挙げられます。 競合の状況: また、世界の自動車診断スキャンツール市場における競争環境についても包括的に分析しています。また、すべての主要企業の詳細なプロファイルも提供しています。対象となる企業には、Actia Group、Autel Intelligent Technology Corp.Ltd.、AVL DiTEST GmbH (AVL List GmbH)、Continental AG、Delphi Technologies (BorgWarner Inc.)、Fluke Corporation (Fortive Corporation), Robert Bosch GmbH (Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH), Snap-On Incorporated, Softing AG、などです。なお、これは企業の一部のリストであり、完全なリストは報告書に記載されています。 本レポートで回答した主な質問 自動車診断用スキャンツールの世界市場はこれまでどのように推移し、今後数年間はどのように推移するのか? 自動車診断用スキャンツールの世界市場における促進要因、阻害要因、機会は何か? 主要な地域市場とは? 最も魅力的な自動車診断用スキャンツール市場はどの国か? 提供タイプに基づく市場の内訳は? ツールタイプに基づく市場の内訳は? 推進力タイプに基づく市場のブレークアップは? 車両タイプに基づく市場のブレークアップは? 自動車用診断スキャンツールの世界市場の競争構造は? 自動車用診断スキャンツールの世界市場における主要プレイヤー/企業は? 目次1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 Global Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Forecast 6 Market Breakup by Offering Type 6.1 Diagnostic Hardware 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Key Segments Scanner Analyzer Tester Code Reader Others 6.1.3 Market Forecast 6.2 Diagnostic Software 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Key Segments Vehicle System Testing Software Vehicle Tracking and Emissions Analysis ECU Diagnosis Software Others 6.2.3 Market Forecast 6.3 Diagnostic Services 6.3.1 Market Trends 6.3.2 Key Segments Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Custom, Training, Support and Integration 6.3.3 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Tool Type 7.1 DIY Diagnostic 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 OEMS Diagnostics 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 7.3 Professional Diagnostics 7.3.1 Market Trends 7.3.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Propulsion Type 8.1 IC Engine Vehicles 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Electric Vehicles 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by Vehicle Type 9.1 Passenger Vehicle 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 Commercial Vehicle 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 10 Market Breakup by Region 10.1 North America 10.1.1 United States Market Trends Market Forecast 10.1.2 Canada Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2 Asia-Pacific 10.2.1 China Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.2 Japan Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.3 India Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.4 South Korea Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.5 Australia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.6 Indonesia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3 Europe 10.3.1 Germany Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.2 France Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.3 United Kingdom Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.4 Italy Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.5 Spain Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.6 Russia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4 Latin America 10.4.1 Brazil Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.2 Mexico Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.3 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.5 Middle East and Africa 10.5.1 Market Trends 10.5.2 Market Breakup by Country 10.5.3 Market Forecast 11 Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities 11.1 Overview 11.2 Drivers 11.3 Restraints 11.4 Opportunities 12 Value Chain Analysis 13 Porters Five Forces Analysis 13.1 Overview 13.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.4 Degree of Competition 13.5 Threat of New Entrants 13.6 Threat of Substitutes 14 Price Analysis 15 Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Structure 15.2 Key Players 15.3 Profiles of Key Players 14.3.1 Actia Group Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials 14.3.2 Autel Intelligent Technology Corp. Ltd. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials 14.3.3 AVL DiTEST GmbH (AVL List GmbH) Company Overview Product Portfolio 14.3.4 Continental AG Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 14.3.5 Delphi Technologies (BorgWarner Inc.) Company Overview Product Portfolio 14.3.6 DENSO Corporation Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 14.3.7 Fluke Corporation (Fortive Corporation) Company Overview Product Portfolio 14.3.8 Robert Bosch GmbH (Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH) Company Overview Product Portfolio SWOT Analysis 14.3.9 Snap-On Incorporated Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 14.3.10 Softing AG Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials Kindly, note that this only represents a partial list of companies, and the complete list has been provided in the report. List of Figures Figure 1: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2017-2022 Figure 3: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2023-2028 Figure 4: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Offering Type (in %), 2022 Figure 5: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Tool Type (in %), 2022 Figure 6: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Propulsion Type (in %), 2022 Figure 7: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Vehicle Type (in %), 2022 Figure 8: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 9: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Hardware) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 10: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Hardware) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 11: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Software) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 12: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Software) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 13: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Services) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 14: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Services) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 15: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (DIY Diagnostic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 16: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (DIY Diagnostic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 17: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (OEMS Diagnostics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 18: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (OEMS Diagnostics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 19: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Professional Diagnostics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 20: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Professional Diagnostics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 21: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (IC Engine Vehicles) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 22: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (IC Engine Vehicles) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 23: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Electric Vehicles) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Electric Vehicles) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 25: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Passenger Vehicle) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Passenger Vehicle) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 27: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Commercial Vehicle) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Commercial Vehicle) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 29: North America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: North America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 31: United States: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: United States: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 33: Canada: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: Canada: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 35: Asia-Pacific: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: Asia-Pacific: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 37: China: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 38: China: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 39: Japan: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 40: Japan: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 41: India: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 42: India: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 43: South Korea: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 44: South Korea: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 45: Australia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 46: Australia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 47: Indonesia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 48: Indonesia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 49: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 50: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 51: Europe: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 52: Europe: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 53: Germany: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 54: Germany: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 55: France: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 56: France: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 57: United Kingdom: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 58: United Kingdom: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 59: Italy: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 60: Italy: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 61: Spain: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 62: Spain: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 63: Russia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 64: Russia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 65: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 66: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 67: Latin America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 68: Latin America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 69: Brazil: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 70: Brazil: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 71: Mexico: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 72: Mexico: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 73: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 74: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 75: Middle East and Africa: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 76: Middle East and Africa: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2022 Figure 77: Middle East and Africa: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 78: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Industry: Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities Figure 79: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 80: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis List of Tables Table 1: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 & 2028 Table 2: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Offering Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 3: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Tool Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 4: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Propulsion Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 5: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Vehicle Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 6: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 7: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Competitive Structure Table 8: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Key Players
SummaryMarket Overview: Table of Contents1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 Global Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Forecast 6 Market Breakup by Offering Type 6.1 Diagnostic Hardware 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Key Segments Scanner Analyzer Tester Code Reader Others 6.1.3 Market Forecast 6.2 Diagnostic Software 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Key Segments Vehicle System Testing Software Vehicle Tracking and Emissions Analysis ECU Diagnosis Software Others 6.2.3 Market Forecast 6.3 Diagnostic Services 6.3.1 Market Trends 6.3.2 Key Segments Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Custom, Training, Support and Integration 6.3.3 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Tool Type 7.1 DIY Diagnostic 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 OEMS Diagnostics 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 7.3 Professional Diagnostics 7.3.1 Market Trends 7.3.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Propulsion Type 8.1 IC Engine Vehicles 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Electric Vehicles 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by Vehicle Type 9.1 Passenger Vehicle 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 Commercial Vehicle 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 10 Market Breakup by Region 10.1 North America 10.1.1 United States Market Trends Market Forecast 10.1.2 Canada Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2 Asia-Pacific 10.2.1 China Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.2 Japan Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.3 India Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.4 South Korea Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.5 Australia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.6 Indonesia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3 Europe 10.3.1 Germany Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.2 France Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.3 United Kingdom Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.4 Italy Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.5 Spain Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.6 Russia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4 Latin America 10.4.1 Brazil Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.2 Mexico Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.3 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.5 Middle East and Africa 10.5.1 Market Trends 10.5.2 Market Breakup by Country 10.5.3 Market Forecast 11 Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities 11.1 Overview 11.2 Drivers 11.3 Restraints 11.4 Opportunities 12 Value Chain Analysis 13 Porters Five Forces Analysis 13.1 Overview 13.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.4 Degree of Competition 13.5 Threat of New Entrants 13.6 Threat of Substitutes 14 Price Analysis 15 Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Structure 15.2 Key Players 15.3 Profiles of Key Players 14.3.1 Actia Group Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials 14.3.2 Autel Intelligent Technology Corp. Ltd. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials 14.3.3 AVL DiTEST GmbH (AVL List GmbH) Company Overview Product Portfolio 14.3.4 Continental AG Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 14.3.5 Delphi Technologies (BorgWarner Inc.) Company Overview Product Portfolio 14.3.6 DENSO Corporation Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 14.3.7 Fluke Corporation (Fortive Corporation) Company Overview Product Portfolio 14.3.8 Robert Bosch GmbH (Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH) Company Overview Product Portfolio SWOT Analysis 14.3.9 Snap-On Incorporated Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 14.3.10 Softing AG Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials Kindly, note that this only represents a partial list of companies, and the complete list has been provided in the report. List of Figures Figure 1: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2017-2022 Figure 3: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2023-2028 Figure 4: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Offering Type (in %), 2022 Figure 5: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Tool Type (in %), 2022 Figure 6: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Propulsion Type (in %), 2022 Figure 7: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Vehicle Type (in %), 2022 Figure 8: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 9: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Hardware) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 10: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Hardware) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 11: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Software) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 12: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Software) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 13: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Services) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 14: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Diagnostic Services) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 15: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (DIY Diagnostic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 16: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (DIY Diagnostic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 17: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (OEMS Diagnostics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 18: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (OEMS Diagnostics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 19: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Professional Diagnostics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 20: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Professional Diagnostics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 21: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (IC Engine Vehicles) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 22: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (IC Engine Vehicles) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 23: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Electric Vehicles) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Electric Vehicles) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 25: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Passenger Vehicle) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Passenger Vehicle) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 27: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Commercial Vehicle) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools (Commercial Vehicle) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 29: North America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: North America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 31: United States: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: United States: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 33: Canada: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: Canada: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 35: Asia-Pacific: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: Asia-Pacific: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 37: China: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 38: China: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 39: Japan: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 40: Japan: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 41: India: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 42: India: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 43: South Korea: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 44: South Korea: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 45: Australia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 46: Australia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 47: Indonesia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 48: Indonesia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 49: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 50: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 51: Europe: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 52: Europe: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 53: Germany: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 54: Germany: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 55: France: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 56: France: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 57: United Kingdom: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 58: United Kingdom: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 59: Italy: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 60: Italy: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 61: Spain: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 62: Spain: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 63: Russia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 64: Russia: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 65: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 66: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 67: Latin America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 68: Latin America: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 69: Brazil: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 70: Brazil: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 71: Mexico: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 72: Mexico: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 73: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 74: Others: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 75: Middle East and Africa: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 76: Middle East and Africa: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2022 Figure 77: Middle East and Africa: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 78: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Industry: Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities Figure 79: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 80: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis List of Tables Table 1: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 & 2028 Table 2: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Offering Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 3: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Tool Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 4: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Propulsion Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 5: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Vehicle Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 6: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 7: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Competitive Structure Table 8: Global: Automotive Diagnostic Scan Tools Market: Key Players
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