アンチヴェノム市場:世界の産業動向、シェア、サイズ、成長、機会、2023-2028年予測Anti-Venom Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028 市場の概要 世界のアンチヴェノム市場規模は、2022年に1,096.1Million米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に6.7%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年までに1,644.9 Million米ドルに達... もっと見る
サマリー市場の概要世界のアンチヴェノム市場規模は、2022年に1,096.1Million米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2023年から2028年の間に6.7%の成長率(CAGR)を示し、2028年までに1,644.9 Million米ドルに達すると予測しています。 抗毒素は、蛇毒が組織に結合し、重度のアレルギー反応、血液凝固、筋肉損傷、神経系障害を引き起こすことを阻止するために使用される精製抗体である。抗毒素は、ヘビ刺されによる中毒症状を予防または回復させ、死亡率や罹患率を最小限に抑えることができる。ヘビ、フナクイムシ、オニグモ、アカグモ、ハコクラゲなど、さまざまな動物種から、さまざまな技術で入手されます。現在、一般的に使用されるアンチベノムの種類は、患者の病歴や診察、地理的、臨床的、病理的要因によって異なります。 アンチベノムの市場動向: ヘビに刺される危険性は、特に農村部の人々が日常的に経験する公衆衛生上の危険である。農作業や狩猟をする人たちの職業病ともなっており、安全で効果的、かつ安価な抗毒素が必要とされる重要な要因の一つとなっています。また、熱帯地方で一般的なオープンプランの住宅や床で寝る習慣は、夜行性の猛毒ヘビに咬まれ、深刻な健康問題を引き起こす可能性があります。これらの健康問題は通常、腎不全、呼吸を妨げる重度の麻痺、致命的な出血につながる出血障害、後遺症を引き起こし、四肢切断に至る重度の局所組織破壊などです。このことが、世界中の抗悪性腫瘍剤の需要を喚起しています。これとは別に、咬傷部位、尿、血漿、血液、その他の組織や体液のサンプルからヘビ毒を試験管内で検出し、免疫学的に同定するための迅速酵素免疫測定法を備えたヘビ毒検出キットの導入が進んでいます。これは、業界関係者に有利な成長機会を提供し、市場全体を牽引すると予想される。 主要な市場セグメント: IMARC Groupは、世界の抗毒素市場レポートの各サブセグメントにおける主要動向の分析と、2023年から2028年までの世界、地域、国レベルでの予測を提供します。当レポートでは、種族、抗毒素の種類、作用機序、エンドユーザーなどに基づいて市場を分類しています。 生物種別の内訳: スネーク スコーピオン スパイダー その他 アンチベノムの種類別構成比: ポリバレントアンチベノム 一価の抗悪性腫瘍剤 作用機序による分解: 細胞毒性 神経毒性 血毒性 心毒性 筋毒性 その他 エンドユーザー別構成比: ホスピタルズ クリニック 外来手術センター 地域別構成比: 北アメリカ ユーエスエー カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 インド 南朝鮮 オーストラリア インドネシア その他 ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア スペイン ロシア その他 ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ その他 中近東・アフリカ 競合の状況: また、業界の競争環境についても、Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited(BSV)、Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH、Boston Scientific Corporation、CSL Limited、Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited、Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited、Merck & Co.Inc.、Merck KGaA、MicroPharm Limited、Pfizer Inc.、Rare Disease Therapeutics Inc. 本レポートで回答した主な質問 2022年の世界の抗悪性腫瘍剤市場規模は? 2023年~2028年の世界の抗悪性腫瘍剤市場の予想成長率は? COVID-19が世界の抗悪性腫瘍剤市場に与えた影響とは? 世界の抗悪性腫瘍剤市場を牽引する主要因は何か? 種族に基づく世界の抗venom市場の内訳は? 抗毒素の種類に基づく世界の抗毒素市場のブレークアップは? 抗悪性腫瘍剤の作用機序に基づく世界市場のブレークアップは? エンドユーザーに基づく世界の駆虫薬市場のブレークアップは? 世界の抗悪性腫瘍剤市場における主要地域は? 世界の抗悪性腫瘍剤市場における主要なプレイヤー/企業は? 目次1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 Global Anti-venom Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Forecast 6 Market Breakup by Species 6.1 Snake 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Market Forecast 6.2 Scorpion 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Market Forecast 6.3 Spider 6.3.1 Market Trends 6.3.2 Market Forecast 6.4 Others 6.4.1 Market Trends 6.4.2 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Anti-venom Type 7.1 Polyvalent Anti-venom 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 Monovalent Anti-venom 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Mode of Action 8.1 Cytotoxic 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Neurotoxic 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 8.3 Haemotoxic 8.3.1 Market Trends 8.3.2 Market Forecast 8.4 Cardiotoxic 8.4.1 Market Trends 8.4.2 Market Forecast 8.5 Myotoxic 8.5.1 Market Trends 8.5.2 Market Forecast 8.6 Others 8.6.1 Market Trends 8.6.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by End User 9.1 Hospitals 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 Clinics 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 9.3 Ambulatory Surgical Centers 9.3.1 Market Trends 9.3.2 Market Forecast 10 Market Breakup by Region 10.1 North America 10.1.1 United States Market Trends Market Forecast 10.1.2 Canada Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2 Asia-Pacific 10.2.1 China Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.2 Japan Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.3 India Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.4 South Korea Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.5 Australia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.6 Indonesia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3 Europe 10.3.1 Germany Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.2 France Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.3 United Kingdom Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.4 Italy Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.5 Spain Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.6 Russia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4 Latin America 10.4.1 Brazil Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.2 Mexico Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.3 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.5 Middle East and Africa 10.5.1 Market Trends 10.5.2 Market Breakup by Country 10.5.3 Market Forecast 11 SWOT Analysis 11.1 Overview 11.2 Strengths 11.3 Weaknesses 11.4 Opportunities 11.5 Threats 12 Value Chain Analysis 13 Porters Five Forces Analysis 13.1 Overview 13.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.4 Degree of Competition 13.5 Threat of New Entrants 13.6 Threat of Substitutes 14 Price Analysis 15 Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Structure 15.2 Key Players 15.3 Profiles of Key Players 15.3.1 Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV) Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.2 Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.3 Boston Scientific Corporation Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.4 CSL Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.5 Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.6 Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.7 Merck & Co. Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.8 Merck KGaA Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.9 MicroPharm Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.10 Pfizer Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.11 Rare Disease Therapeutics Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio List of Figures Figure 1: Global: Anti-venom Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: Global: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017-2022 Figure 3: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 4: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Species (in %), 2022 Figure 5: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Anti-venom Type (in %), 2022 Figure 6: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Mode of Action (in %), 2022 Figure 7: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by End User (in %), 2022 Figure 8: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 9: Global: Anti-venom (Snake) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 10: Global: Anti-venom (Snake) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 11: Global: Anti-venom (Scorpion) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 12: Global: Anti-venom (Scorpion) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 13: Global: Anti-venom (Spider) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 14: Global: Anti-venom (Spider) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 15: Global: Anti-venom (Other Species) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 16: Global: Anti-venom (Other Species) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 17: Global: Anti-venom (Polyvalent Anti-venom) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 18: Global: Anti-venom (Polyvalent Anti-venom) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 19: Global: Anti-venom (Monovalent Anti-venom) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 20: Global: Anti-venom (Monovalent Anti-venom) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 21: Global: Anti-venom (Cytotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 22: Global: Anti-venom (Cytotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 23: Global: Anti-venom (Neurotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: Global: Anti-venom (Neurotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 25: Global: Anti-venom (Haemotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: Global: Anti-venom (Haemotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 27: Global: Anti-venom (Cardiotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: Global: Anti-venom (Cardiotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 29: Global: Anti-venom (Myotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: Global: Anti-venom (Myotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 31: Global: Anti-venom (Other Mode of Actions) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: Global: Anti-venom (Other Mode of Actions) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 33: Global: Anti-venom (Hospitals) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: Global: Anti-venom (Hospitals) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 35: Global: Anti-venom (Clinics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: Global: Anti-venom (Clinics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 37: Global: Anti-venom (Ambulatory Surgical Centers) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 38: Global: Anti-venom (Ambulatory Surgical Centers) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 39: North America: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 40: North America: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 41: United States: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 42: United States: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 43: Canada: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 44: Canada: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 45: Asia-Pacific: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 46: Asia-Pacific: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 47: China: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 48: China: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 49: Japan: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 50: Japan: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 51: India: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 52: India: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 53: South Korea: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 54: South Korea: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 55: Australia: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 56: Australia: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 57: Indonesia: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 58: Indonesia: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 59: Others: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 60: Others: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 61: Europe: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 62: Europe: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 63: Germany: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 64: Germany: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 65: France: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 66: France: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 67: United Kingdom: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 68: United Kingdom: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 69: Italy: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 70: Italy: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 71: Spain: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 72: Spain: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 73: Russia: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 74: Russia: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 75: Others: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 76: Others: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 77: Latin America: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 78: Latin America: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 79: Brazil: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 80: Brazil: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 81: Mexico: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 82: Mexico: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 83: Others: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 84: Others: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 85: Middle East and Africa: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 86: Middle East and Africa: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2022 Figure 87: Middle East and Africa: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 88: Global: Anti-venom Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 89: Global: Anti-venom Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 90: Global: Anti-venom Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis List of Tables Table 1: Global: Anti-venom Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 2: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Species (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 3: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Anti-venom Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 4: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Mode of Action (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 5: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by End User (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 6: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 7: Global: Anti-venom Market: Competitive Structure Table 8: Global: Anti-venom Market: Key Players
SummaryMarket Overview: Table of Contents1 Preface2 Scope and Methodology 2.1 Objectives of the Study 2.2 Stakeholders 2.3 Data Sources 2.3.1 Primary Sources 2.3.2 Secondary Sources 2.4 Market Estimation 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach 2.5 Forecasting Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Introduction 4.1 Overview 4.2 Key Industry Trends 5 Global Anti-venom Market 5.1 Market Overview 5.2 Market Performance 5.3 Impact of COVID-19 5.4 Market Forecast 6 Market Breakup by Species 6.1 Snake 6.1.1 Market Trends 6.1.2 Market Forecast 6.2 Scorpion 6.2.1 Market Trends 6.2.2 Market Forecast 6.3 Spider 6.3.1 Market Trends 6.3.2 Market Forecast 6.4 Others 6.4.1 Market Trends 6.4.2 Market Forecast 7 Market Breakup by Anti-venom Type 7.1 Polyvalent Anti-venom 7.1.1 Market Trends 7.1.2 Market Forecast 7.2 Monovalent Anti-venom 7.2.1 Market Trends 7.2.2 Market Forecast 8 Market Breakup by Mode of Action 8.1 Cytotoxic 8.1.1 Market Trends 8.1.2 Market Forecast 8.2 Neurotoxic 8.2.1 Market Trends 8.2.2 Market Forecast 8.3 Haemotoxic 8.3.1 Market Trends 8.3.2 Market Forecast 8.4 Cardiotoxic 8.4.1 Market Trends 8.4.2 Market Forecast 8.5 Myotoxic 8.5.1 Market Trends 8.5.2 Market Forecast 8.6 Others 8.6.1 Market Trends 8.6.2 Market Forecast 9 Market Breakup by End User 9.1 Hospitals 9.1.1 Market Trends 9.1.2 Market Forecast 9.2 Clinics 9.2.1 Market Trends 9.2.2 Market Forecast 9.3 Ambulatory Surgical Centers 9.3.1 Market Trends 9.3.2 Market Forecast 10 Market Breakup by Region 10.1 North America 10.1.1 United States Market Trends Market Forecast 10.1.2 Canada Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2 Asia-Pacific 10.2.1 China Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.2 Japan Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.3 India Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.4 South Korea Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.5 Australia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.6 Indonesia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.2.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3 Europe 10.3.1 Germany Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.2 France Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.3 United Kingdom Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.4 Italy Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.5 Spain Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.6 Russia Market Trends Market Forecast 10.3.7 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4 Latin America 10.4.1 Brazil Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.2 Mexico Market Trends Market Forecast 10.4.3 Others Market Trends Market Forecast 10.5 Middle East and Africa 10.5.1 Market Trends 10.5.2 Market Breakup by Country 10.5.3 Market Forecast 11 SWOT Analysis 11.1 Overview 11.2 Strengths 11.3 Weaknesses 11.4 Opportunities 11.5 Threats 12 Value Chain Analysis 13 Porters Five Forces Analysis 13.1 Overview 13.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.4 Degree of Competition 13.5 Threat of New Entrants 13.6 Threat of Substitutes 14 Price Analysis 15 Competitive Landscape 15.1 Market Structure 15.2 Key Players 15.3 Profiles of Key Players 15.3.1 Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV) Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.2 Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.3 Boston Scientific Corporation Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.4 CSL Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.5 Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.6 Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.7 Merck & Co. Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.8 Merck KGaA Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.9 MicroPharm Limited Company Overview Product Portfolio 15.3.10 Pfizer Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis 15.3.11 Rare Disease Therapeutics Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio List of Figures Figure 1: Global: Anti-venom Market: Major Drivers and Challenges Figure 2: Global: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017-2022 Figure 3: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 4: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Species (in %), 2022 Figure 5: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Anti-venom Type (in %), 2022 Figure 6: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Mode of Action (in %), 2022 Figure 7: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by End User (in %), 2022 Figure 8: Global: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2022 Figure 9: Global: Anti-venom (Snake) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 10: Global: Anti-venom (Snake) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 11: Global: Anti-venom (Scorpion) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 12: Global: Anti-venom (Scorpion) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 13: Global: Anti-venom (Spider) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 14: Global: Anti-venom (Spider) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 15: Global: Anti-venom (Other Species) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 16: Global: Anti-venom (Other Species) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 17: Global: Anti-venom (Polyvalent Anti-venom) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 18: Global: Anti-venom (Polyvalent Anti-venom) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 19: Global: Anti-venom (Monovalent Anti-venom) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 20: Global: Anti-venom (Monovalent Anti-venom) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 21: Global: Anti-venom (Cytotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 22: Global: Anti-venom (Cytotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 23: Global: Anti-venom (Neurotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 24: Global: Anti-venom (Neurotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 25: Global: Anti-venom (Haemotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 26: Global: Anti-venom (Haemotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 27: Global: Anti-venom (Cardiotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 28: Global: Anti-venom (Cardiotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 29: Global: Anti-venom (Myotoxic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 30: Global: Anti-venom (Myotoxic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 31: Global: Anti-venom (Other Mode of Actions) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 32: Global: Anti-venom (Other Mode of Actions) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 33: Global: Anti-venom (Hospitals) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 34: Global: Anti-venom (Hospitals) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 35: Global: Anti-venom (Clinics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 36: Global: Anti-venom (Clinics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 37: Global: Anti-venom (Ambulatory Surgical Centers) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 38: Global: Anti-venom (Ambulatory Surgical Centers) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 39: North America: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 40: North America: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 41: United States: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 42: United States: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 43: Canada: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 44: Canada: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 45: Asia-Pacific: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 46: Asia-Pacific: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 47: China: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 48: China: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 49: Japan: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 50: Japan: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 51: India: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 52: India: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 53: South Korea: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 54: South Korea: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 55: Australia: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 56: Australia: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 57: Indonesia: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 58: Indonesia: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 59: Others: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 60: Others: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 61: Europe: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 62: Europe: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 63: Germany: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 64: Germany: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 65: France: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 66: France: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 67: United Kingdom: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 68: United Kingdom: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 69: Italy: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 70: Italy: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 71: Spain: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 72: Spain: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 73: Russia: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 74: Russia: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 75: Others: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 76: Others: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 77: Latin America: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 78: Latin America: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 79: Brazil: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 80: Brazil: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 81: Mexico: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 82: Mexico: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 83: Others: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 84: Others: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 85: Middle East and Africa: Anti-venom Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2017 & 2022 Figure 86: Middle East and Africa: Anti-venom Market: Breakup by Country (in %), 2022 Figure 87: Middle East and Africa: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Figure 88: Global: Anti-venom Industry: SWOT Analysis Figure 89: Global: Anti-venom Industry: Value Chain Analysis Figure 90: Global: Anti-venom Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis List of Tables Table 1: Global: Anti-venom Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2022 and 2028 Table 2: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Species (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 3: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Anti-venom Type (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 4: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Mode of Action (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 5: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by End User (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 6: Global: Anti-venom Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2023-2028 Table 7: Global: Anti-venom Market: Competitive Structure Table 8: Global: Anti-venom Market: Key Players
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