![]() 2025-2035年の重要電池材料:技術、プレーヤー、市場、予測Critical Battery Materials 2025-2035: Technologies, Players, Markets, and Forecasts リチウムイオン電池(LIBs)が可能にする電化の拡大を支えるため、LIBsの必須原料である重要鉱物の安定的かつ責任ある供給の確保がますます急務となっている。重要な電池材料の需要は、2025-2035年の間に10.6%... もっと見る
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リチウムイオン電池の重要材料は、需要の伸び率がまちまちである。出典 IDTechEx.
目次 1.要旨 1.1.報告書の要約 1.2.リチウムイオン電池の構成部品とは? 1.3.重要材料需要に影響を与える主な動向 (1) 1.4.重要材料需要に影響を与える主な動向(2) 1.5.重要材料需要に影響を与える主な動向 (3) 1.6.世界のLIBからの重要材料需要(kt)の見通し(2025-2035年) 1.7.世界の重要電池材料の需要見通し(2025-2035年) 1.8.本レポートの対象となる電池材料 1.9.重要電池材料の需給見通し(2025~2035年) 1.10.鉱山プロジェクトの動向 1.11.鉱山会社のビジネスモデル 1.12.垂直統合型の「鉱山から市場へ」の事業が増加 1.13.世界のリチウム、ニッケル、コバルト、銅の生産量予測(2025~2035年) 1.14.様々な原材料の炭素集約度 1.15.重要な電池材料に関する地域政策 1.16.世界のリチウム市場の主な結論と見通し 1.17.国別リチウム生産量予測(2025~2035年) 1.18.リチウム採掘・抽出の既存手法と新手法 1.19.電池用リチウム化学品へのリチウム精製ルート 1.20.世界のニッケル市場に関する主な結論と展望 1.21.国別ニッケル鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年) 1.22.ニッケル製品の種類 1.23.ニッケル中間製品 1.24.ニッケル鉱石の加工ルートのまとめ 1.25.ニッケル加工技術のまとめ 1.26.コバルト、銅、ニッケル市場の相互関係 1.27.ニッケル、銅、コバルト生産における企業の状況 1.28.コバルト鉱山におけるニッケルの影響力の増大(2025~2035年) 1.29.国別コバルト鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年) 1.30.国別銅鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年) 1.31.リチウムイオン電池負極用の合成黒鉛と天然黒鉛 1.32.電池負極用の天然黒鉛加工による価値創造 1.33.天然黒鉛の精製方法 1.34.天然黒鉛の新規生産能力 1.35.深海鉱業の主な結論と展望 1.36.海洋における鉱業権に関する法制度 1.37.海底資源の種類と特徴 1.38.深海鉱業を支持する国と反対する国 1.39.深海鉱業におけるプレーヤーの状況 1.40.IDTechEx サブスクリプションでさらにアクセス 2.リチウムイオン電池と電池材料の紹介 2.1.リチウムイオン電池(LIB)の主要市場とその用途 2.2.用途別の正極化学 2.3.リチウムイオン電池正極の展望 2.4.リチウムイオン電池の需要はEV分野が牽引 2.5.リチウムイオン電池の構成要素とは? 2.6.リチウムイオン電池コストの大半を占めるセル材料 2.7.正極 - リチウムイオン電池材料における最大のコストドライバー 2.8.正極材料の強度 2.9.リチウムイオン材料の強度 2.10.セル材料の含有量 2.11.報告書に含まれる電池材料 2.12.一次および二次ソースからの重要材料生産量 2.13.重要素材とリチウムイオン電池に関する関連コンテンツ 3.鉱業プロジェクトとビジネスモデルの紹介 3.1.採鉱プロジェクトのライフサイクル 3.2.鉱山プロジェクトの開発 3.3.鉱山の操業上の不確実性 3.4.鉱山会社のビジネスモデル 3.5.垂直統合型の「鉱山から市場へ」の事業が増加 (1) 3.6.垂直統合型の「鉱山から市場へ」の事業が増加(2) 4.リチウムの採掘と抽出 4.1.リチウムはどこで使われるのか? 4.2.炭酸リチウムと水酸化リチウムの違い 4.3.過去のリチウム価格(2019~2024年上半期) 4.4.リチウムは自然界のどこで見つかるのか? 4.5.リチウム塩水鉱床の種類 4.6.硬質岩石と堆積物保有リチウム資源の紹介 4.7.リチウム資源の国別分類 4.8.様々なリチウム鉱床の抽出プロセス 4.9.蒸発池を利用した大陸かん水からのリチウム回収 4.10.商業的なかん水蒸発プロジェクト 4.11.直接リチウム抽出(DLE)の紹介 4.12.より広範なかん水資源にアクセスするためのDLEの必要性 4.13.DLE技術の分類 4.14.積極的なDLE事業 - ホンブレ・ムエルト岩塩 4.15.ブライン蒸発とブラインDLEの比較 4.16.硬質岩石リチウム資源からのリチウム回収(1) - スポジュメンのアップグレード 4.17.硬質岩石リチウム資源からのリチウム回収(2) - スポジュメン精製 4.18.硬質岩石リチウム資源からのリチウム回収(3) - 物流 4.19.商業的硬岩(スポジュメン)プロジェクト 4.20.堆積鉱床からのリチウム回収 4.21.提案されているリチウムプロジェクトのスケジュール 4.22.堆積リチウム処理のプレーヤー 4.23.電池用リチウム化学物質 4.24.炭酸リチウムと水酸化リチウムの持続可能性プロファイル 4.25.電池用リチウム化学品へのリチウム精製ルート 4.26.リチウム精錬の脱炭素化戦略 4.27.リチウムプロジェクト間のコスト比較 4.28.電池用リチウムのバリューチェーン 4.29.章まとめ 5.ニッケルの採掘と加工 5.1.ニッケルの特性と用途 5.2.ニッケル製品の種類 5.3.ニッケル中間製品 5.4.LMEニッケル価格(2021~2024年) 5.5.ニッケル生産と資源 5.6.ニッケルはどこで天然に産出するか? 5.7.ニッケル鉱床中のコバルト 5.8.ニッケル含有鉱物 5.9.国別のニッケル鉱業 5.10.インドネシアのニッケル産業の発展 5.11.ニッケル鉱石の代表的な採掘方法 5.12.ニッケル加工技術の分類 5.13.現在のニッケル含有鉱石の加工技術 5.14.硫化鉱からのニッケル抽出(乾式製錬) 5.15.硫化鉱からのニッケル抽出(湿式冶金) 5.16.ラテライト鉱からのニッケル抽出 5.17.ラテライト鉱からのニッケル抽出 5.18.ロータリーキルン電気炉(RKEF)プロセス 5.19.NPIからニッケルマットへの転換 5.20.アンモニア-炭酸アンモニウム浸出(Caronプロセス) 5.21.高圧酸浸出(HPAL) (1) 5.22.高圧酸浸出 (HPAL) (2) 5.23.HPAL技術の進化 5.24.HPALはインドネシアにおけるニッケルラテライトからのコバルトとニッケル生産の主要な原動力である 5.25.大気圧酸浸出 5.26.増進加圧酸浸出法(EPAL) 5.27.ヒープ浸出 5.28.ニッケルラテライトの湿式冶金処理からのコバルトとニッケルの分離 5.29.ニッケル中間製品:MHP と MSP (1) 5.30.ニッケル中間製品:MHPとMSP(2) 5.31.直接溶媒抽出(DSX) 5.32.MHP精製プロセス 5.33.代表的な硫化ニッケル処理方法の長所と短所 5.34.代表的なラテライトニッケル処理方法の長所と短所 5.35.ニッケル採掘と加工の持続可能性プロファイル 5.36.ニッケル加工技術のまとめ 5.37.ニッケル鉱石の加工ルートのまとめ 5.38.ケーススタディPT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk (MBMA) 5.39.ケーススタディ:MBMAの加工施設の概要 5.40.ケーススタディカルグーリーニッケルプロジェクト(1) 5.41.ケーススタディカルグーリーニッケルプロジェクト(2) 5.42.ケーススタディタロンメタルズ社(Talon Metals Corp) (1) 5.43.ケーススタディタロンメタルズ社(2) 5.44.ケーススタディライフゾーンメタルズ 5.45.ケーススタディカナダ・ニッケル社(1) 5.46.ケーススタディカナダ・ニッケル社(2) 5.47.ケーススタディカナダ・ニッケル社 (3) 5.48.ニッケルプロジェクト間のコスト比較(1) 5.49.ニッケルプロジェクト間のコスト比較(2) 5.50.カナダとオーストラリアの新しいニッケル生産能力 5.51.章まとめ 6.銅の採掘と加工 6.1.銅の特性と用途 6.2.銅はどこで自然に採れるのか? 6.3.銅を含む鉱物 6.4.銅鉱床の種類 6.5.銅と共に産出する他の金属 6.6.銅資源と生産量 6.7.銅の国別採掘量(2018年~2023年) 6.8.LME銅価格(2021~2024年) 6.9.銅鉱石の代表的な採掘方法 6.10.銅の加工技術の分類 6.11.銅鉱石の加工ルート 6.12.硫化銅の乾式製錬 - 概要 6.13.硫化銅の選鉱 6.14.硫化銅の乾式製錬 6.15.直接銅製錬によるブリスター銅の生産 6.16.銅鉱石の湿式冶金処理-概要 6.17.銅の採掘と加工における浸出法のまとめ 6.18.銅鉱石の湿式冶金処理 6.19.銅の溶媒抽出と電解採取 6.20.銅の一次生産におけるエネルギーと排出強度 6.21.銅の採掘にかかる費用 6.22.銅の新規生産能力 6.23.章まとめ 7.コバルトの採掘と加工 7.1.コバルトの特性と用途 7.2.コバルトはどこで自然に採れるか? 7.3.コバルト含有鉱物 7.4.コバルト資源 7.5.国別のコバルト採掘 7.6.大規模採掘(LSM)と職人的小規模採掘(ASM) 7.7.ASMコバルトセクターの主な動き 7.8.コバルトの抽出と加工 7.9.堆積岩を主成分とする層状Cu-Co鉱からのコバルト加工 7.10.Ni-Coラテライト鉱からのコバルト加工 7.11.マグマチックNi-Cu-Co硫化鉱からのコバルト処理 7.12.コバルト抽出とコバルト製品の持続可能性プロファイル 7.13.コバルト生産コスト 7.14.過去のコバルト価格(2021~2024年) 7.15.コバルト、銅、ニッケル市場の相互関係 7.16.ケーススタディコバルトブルーホールディングス(1) 7.17.ケーススタディコバルトブルーホールディングス(2) 7.18.オーストラリアとインドネシアの新しいコバルト生産能力 7.19.章まとめ 8.天然黒鉛の採掘と加工 8.1.黒鉛の特性と用途 8.2.用途別黒鉛需要 8.3.合成黒鉛と天然黒鉛 8.4.リチウムイオン電池負極用の合成黒鉛と天然黒鉛 8.5.リチウムイオン電池用黒鉛系材料の製造工程 8.6.国別の天然黒鉛埋蔵量と生産量 8.7.天然黒鉛の種類:薄片状、脈状、非晶質 8.8.大きさによる天然黒鉛の分類 8.9.陽極用途での天然黒鉛加工の必要性(1) 8.10.陽極用途における天然黒鉛加工の必要性(2) 8.11.天然黒鉛の精製方法(1) 8.12.天然黒鉛の精製方法(2) 8.13.黒鉛精製の環境影響 8.14.中国における天然黒鉛精製の経済性(CAPEXとOPEX) 8.15.天然フレーク状黒鉛の価格 8.16.天然黒鉛プロジェクトの開発状況 8.17.プロジェクト別の天然黒鉛の新規生産能力 8.18.天然黒鉛の国別新規生産能力 8.19.天然黒鉛供給に関するオフテイク契約の発表 8.20.黒鉛生産への鉱山から市場までのアプローチ 8.21.増加する付加価値設備(天然黒鉛加工) 8.22.黒鉛陽極生産の持続可能性プロファイル 8.23.天然黒鉛プロジェクト間のコスト比較 8.24.天然黒鉛陽極施設の経済性 8.25.章まとめ 9.深海鉱業入門 9.1.深海鉱業入門 9.2.深海鉱業に対する賛否両論 9.3.海底資源の種類とその特徴 9.4.主要な海底資源の世界分布 9.5.海洋における法制度 9.6.海洋における鉱物資源の権利に関する法制度 9.7.国家管轄権内での鉱物探査と開発:パプアニューギニア 9.8.国家管轄権内での鉱物探査と開発:パプアニューギニア 9.8:クック諸島 9.9.国家管轄権内での鉱物探査と開発:クック諸島 9.9:ノルウェー 9.10.国家管轄権を超えた鉱物探査:国際海底機構(ISA) 9.11.地域環境管理計画(REMPs) 9.12.海域でISAの探査契約を後援する国 9.13.深海鉱業に賛成する国と反対する国 9.14.深海鉱業に反対する団体 9.15.深海鉱業の探査と採掘に使用される機器(1) 9.16.深海鉱業の探査と採掘に使われる機器(2) 9.17.深海鉱業の経済性は証明されていない 9.18.海底鉱床から供給される鉱物の加工 9.19.多金属ノジュールの加工(1) 9.20.多金属ノジュールの加工(2) 9.21.多金属硫化物とコバルトに富むフェロマンガンの加工 9.22.海洋鉱物処理の機会と課題 9.23.深海鉱業における未知の環境問題と鉱物処理における排出の課題 9.24.深海鉱業におけるプレーヤーの状況 9.25.深海鉱業のプレーヤーの概要(1) 9.26.深海鉱業のプレーヤーの概要(2) 9.27.本章のまとめ 10.重要鉱物と電池材料に関する政策 10.1.中国の規制 10.2.オーストラリアの規制とインセンティブ 10.3.オーストラリアの重要鉱物国際パートナーシップ・プログラム 10.4.オーストラリアの国家電池戦略 10.5.チリの規制 10.6.インドネシアのニッケル産業開発 10.7.インドネシアのニッケル採掘・加工産業に対するRKAB承認の影響 10.8.インドネシアのニッケル生産とEVサプライチェーンの成長を一致させる戦略 10.9.米国の規制とインセンティブ 10.10.欧州における規制とインセンティブ 10.11.鉱物資源安全保障パートナーシップ 10.12.鉱物資源安全保障パートナーシップのプロジェクト例 11.プレーヤー・ランドスケープ 11.1.リチウムの採掘、抽出、生産におけるプレーヤー・ランドスケープ 11.2.ニッケル採掘・生産におけるプレーヤー・ランドスケープ 11.3.ニッケル、銅、コバルト生産におけるプレーヤー・ランドスケープ 11.4.深海鉱業におけるプレーヤー事情 11.5.重要な電池材料のオフテイク契約(1) 11.6.重要な電池材料のオフテイク契約(2) 12.材料の需要と供給の予測 12.1.予測方法と前提条件 12.1.1.電池材料の需要予測方法 12.1.2.リチウムイオン電池セル材料の集約度 12.1.3.材料価格の前提 12.1.4.リチウム生産量の予測方法 12.1.5.リチウム生産量予測の前提 12.1.6.ニッケル、銅、コバルトの生産量予測方法 12.1.7.ニッケル、銅、コバルト生産量予測の前提 12.2.重要電池材料の需要見通しと予測 12.2.1.世界のLIB向け重要材料需要(kt)の見通し(2025~2035年) 12.2.2.世界の重要電池材料の需要見通し(2025~2035年) 12.2.3.重要材料需要に影響を与える主なトレンド(1) 12.2.4.重要材料需要に影響を与える主要動向(2) 12.2.5.重要材料需要に影響を与える主要動向 (3) 12.2.6.重要電池材料の地域別需要予測(2025~2035年)(1) 12.2.7.クリティカル電池材料の地域別需要予測(2025~2035年)(2) 12.2.8.重要電池材料の金額予測(2025~2035年) 12.2.9.市場用途別重要電池材料需要予測(1) 12.2.10.重要電池材料の市場用途別需要予測(2) 12.2.11.市場用途別重要電池材料需要予測(3) 12.3.供給の見通しと予測 12.3.1.リチウム年の世界のリチウム生産の概要 12.3.3.資源タイプ別リチウム生産量予測(2025~2035年) 12.3.4.資源タイプ別リチウム生産寄与率(2023~2035年) 12.3.5.国別リチウム生産量予測(2025~2035年) 12.3.6.各年のリチウム新規生産能力予測(2025~2035年) 12.3.7.コバルト年対2024年の世界のコバルト生産量 12.3.9.コバルト鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年) 12.3.10.国別コバルト鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年)(1) 12.3.11.国別コバルト鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年)(2) 12.3.12.ニッケルのコバルト鉱山への影響拡大(2025~2035年) 12.3.13.ニッケル年対2024年の世界のニッケル生産量 12.3.15.ニッケル鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年) 12.3.16.国別ニッケル鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年)(1) 12.3.17.国別ニッケル鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年)(2) 12.3.18.銅年対2024年の世界の銅生産量 12.3.20.銅鉱山生産量予測(2025~2035年) 12.3.21.国別銅鉱山生産量予測(2025年~2035年)(1) 12.3.22.銅鉱山国別生産量予測(2025~2035年)(2)
Report Summary
To support the growing electrification enabled by lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), securing a stable and responsible supply of critical minerals that are essential raw materials for LIBs has become increasingly urgent. The demand for critical battery materials will triple in market value, exhibiting a 10.6% CAGR between 2025-2035.
This report uncovers the evolving critical materials demand trends for LIBs and provides comprehensive overviews on mineral extraction and processing technology advancements, and market supply outlooks for five key minerals: lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, and natural graphite. The global mineral supply outlook is based on over 649 data points from land-based mine operations and projects. Additionally, the report examines the potential of deep-sea mining, evaluating its opportunities and challenges as a future source of critical minerals.
Global critical battery materials demand outlook
The demand for different battery minerals shows different growth rates. This is due to several factors, including the demand for LIBs of different chemistries, material intensity variations across battery chemistries, and ongoing developments in lithium-ion cell design. Minerals experiencing a fast growth in demand are manganese and nickel, while copper and cobalt are experiencing comparatively slower growth.
Critical materials for lithium-ion batteries are experiencing varying demand growth rates. Source: IDTechEx.
Graphite remains the dominant anode material for LIBs and is the most required critical battery material by weight, with the highest projected growth in demand by weight. However, the increasing prominence of silicon as anode materials is a key driver in slowing down graphite demand in the future.
Lithium remains essential across all cathode and anode chemistries, with small variations in lithium intensity. However, while alternative battery technologies like sodium-ion could weaken lithium demand, any significant shift is unlikely in the near term.
Copper, an essential component for anode current collectors in LIBs, is experiencing slower demand growth due to efforts to reduce current collector thickness and the development of composite alternatives with lower copper content.
The evolving cathode chemistry trend directly influences demand for nickel, manganese and cobalt. Nickel demand is trending high due to the increasing adoption of high- and ultra-high-nickel cathode formulations for the EV industry. However, this growth faces competition from non-nickel or low-nickel alternatives like lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and lithium manganese iron phosphate (LMFP). Manganese demand is set to rise, driven by the increasing adoption of LMFP cathodes and, to a lesser extent, manganese-rich cathodes like high-voltage lithium nickel-manganese oxide (LNMO). However, manganese battery-related demand remains small compared to non-battery demand in the medium term. Cobalt is expected to have the slowest demand growth among LIB materials and the lowest demand growth by weight. Lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) batteries, the most cobalt-intensive chemistry primarily used in consumer electronics, have already seen a decline in market share -- a trend that is expected to continue. Additionally, the growing adoption of cobalt-free formulations will further suppress cobalt demand in the future.
The report provides detailed forecasts on critical material demand from LIBs, segmented by application and region, taking into account of the evolving cell chemistry trends and developments in lithium-ion cell design.
Global mineral supply outlook
Materials demand from LIBs are growing at a faster rate than their global supply from mining. Battery-sector demand is becoming increasingly dominant, as seen with lithium and cobalt, and is expected to extend to other minerals—most notably nickel, due to its rapid demand growth and currently moderate battery-related consumption.
Producing LIBs requires battery-grade purity levels for materials such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite. However, refining these minerals to battery-grade is both costly and energy-intensive. Currently, the majority of global refining capacity is concentrated in China, posing geopolitical risks to the battery supply chain. In response, countries like Australia are prioritizing the expansion of domestic refining capacities for batteries. Additionally, vertical integration — linking mineral extraction with battery-grade chemical production — is rising across several key battery materials.
Currently, battery minerals are primarily sourced from land-based mining operations. Larger, near-surface, high-grade deposits have historically been prioritized. As these high-grade sources become depleted, mining shifts toward lower-grade ores, which require processing larger volumes to extract the same amount of material. This decline in ore grades and changes in mineralogy can pose both economic and technical challenges. In response, advanced mineral extraction and processing technologies are being developed, but these innovations require significant time and investment, introducing financial risks.
Deep-sea mining holds potential to future mineral supply. However, deep-sea mining for these minerals remains uncertain in the near-to-medium term due to issues including regulatory challenges, public acceptance, and economic feasibility. The report explores seabed resources, detailing their distribution and characteristics, along with outlooks on mineral exploration and exploitation in both domestic and international waters. It also examines advancements in marine mineral processing technologies and provides an overview on the activities of key players in the sector.
Comprehensive analysis and outlook
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the critical minerals used in LIBs and analyzes key material demand trends. It examines advancements in mineral extraction and processing technologies, as well as market supply outlooks for five essential minerals: lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, and natural graphite.
Additionally, the report reviews critical mineral regulations in major regions, including China, Australia, Indonesia, Chile, Europe, and the United States.
The report covers a10-year forecast period, offering detailed market predictions and trends. It includes projections of critical material demand from LIBs, segmented by application and region. Furthermore, it provides global supply forecasts for lithium, nickel, cobalt, and copper from mining, with regional breakdowns.
Table of Contents
1.1. Report summary
1.2. What are the components in a lithium-ion cell?
1.3. Key trends impacting critical material demand (1)
1.4. Key trends impacting critical material demand (2)
1.5. Key trends impacting critical material demand (3)
1.6. Global critical material demand (kt) from LIBs forecast (2025-2035)
1.7. Global critical battery material demand outlook (2025-2035)
1.8. Battery materials covered in the report
1.9. Critical battery materials supply vs demand outlook (2025-2035)
1.10. Mining projects developments
1.11. Business models for mining companies
1.12. Vertically integrated "mine-to-market" operations on the rise
1.13. Global lithium, nickel, cobalt and copper production forecasts (2025-2035)
1.14. Carbon intensities of different raw materials
1.15. Regional policies on critical battery materials
1.16. Key conclusions and outlooks for the global lithium market
1.17. Lithium production forecast by country (2025-2035)
1.18. Incumbent and emerging methods for lithium mining & extraction
1.19. Lithium refining routes to battery-grade lithium chemicals
1.20. Key conclusions and outlooks for the global nickel market
1.21. Nickel mine production forecast by country (2025-2035)
1.22. Nickel product types
1.23. Intermediate nickel products
1.24. A summary of nickel ore processing routes
1.25. Summary of nickel processing technologies
1.26. The interplay between cobalt, copper, and nickel markets
1.27. Company landscape in nickel, copper and cobalt production
1.28. The growing influence of nickel on cobalt mining (2025-2035)
1.29. Cobalt mine production forecast by country (2025-2035)
1.30. Copper mine production forecast by country (2025-2035)
1.31. Synthetic vs natural graphite for lithium-ion battery anodes
1.32. Value-creation from natural graphite processing for battery anodes
1.33. Purification methods of natural graphite
1.34. New natural graphite capacity
1.35. Key conclusions and outlooks for deep-sea mining
1.36. Legal regime for mineral rights at sea
1.37. Types of seabed resources and their characteristics
1.38. Countries supporting and opposing deep-sea mining
1.39. Player landscape in deep-sea mining
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2.1. The key markets for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and their applications
2.2. Cathode chemistry for different applications
2.3. Li-ion battery cathode outlook
2.4. Li-ion battery demand is driven by the EV sector
2.5. What are the components in a lithium-ion cell?
2.6. Cell materials account for the majority of Li-ion battery costs
2.7. Cathode - the biggest cost driver in Li-ion cell materials
2.8. Cathode material intensities
2.9. Li-ion material intensities
2.10. Cell material content
2.11. Battery materials covered in the report
2.12. Critical material production from primary and secondary sources
2.13. Related content on critical materials and lithium-ion batteries
3.1. Life cycle of a mining project
3.2. Mining projects developments
3.3. Operational uncertainties of mines
3.4. Business models for mining companies
3.5. Vertically integrated "mine-to-market" operations on the rise (1)
3.6. Vertically integrated "mine-to-market" operations on the rise (2)
4.1. Where is lithium used?
4.2. Differences between lithium carbonate and hydroxide
4.3. Historic lithium prices (2019-2024 1H)
4.4. Where can lithium be found in nature?
4.5. Types of lithium brine deposits
4.6. Introduction to hard rock and sediment-hosted lithium resources
4.7. Lithium resource split by country
4.8. Extraction processes for different lithium deposits
4.9. Lithium recovery from continental brine via evaporation pond
4.10. Commercial brine evaporation projects
4.11. Introduction to direct lithium extraction (DLE)
4.12. The need for DLE to access a wider range of brine resources
4.13. Classes of DLE technologies
4.14. Active DLE operations - Salar del Hombre Muerto
4.15. Brine evaporation vs brine DLE
4.16. Lithium recovery from hard rock lithium resources (1) - spodumene upgrading
4.17. Lithium recovery from hard rock lithium resources (2) - spodumene refining
4.18. Lithium recovery from hard rock lithium resources (3) - logistics
4.19. Commercial hard rock (spodumene) projects
4.20. Lithium recovery from sediment-hosted deposits
4.21. Proposed lithium project timeline
4.22. Players in sedimentary lithium processing
4.23. Battery-grade lithium chemicals
4.24. Sustainability profiles of lithium carbonate vs lithium hydroxide
4.25. Lithium refining routes to battery-grade lithium chemicals
4.26. Strategies to decarbonize lithium refining
4.27. Cost comparisons between lithium projects
4.28. Lithium value chain for batteries
4.29. Chapter summary
5.1. Nickel properties and applications
5.2. Nickel product types
5.3. Intermediate nickel products
5.4. LME Nickel prices (2021-2024)
5.5. Nickel production and resource
5.6. Where is nickel naturally found ?
5.7. Cobalt in nickel deposits
5.8. Nickel-bearing minerals
5.9. Nickel mining by country
5.10. Indonesia's nickel industry development
5.11. Typical mining methods for nickel ores
5.12. Classes of nickel processing techniques
5.13. Incumbent nickel-bearing ore processing techniques
5.14. Extraction of nickel from sulfide ores (pyrometallurgical)
5.15. Extraction of nickel from sulfide ores (hydrometallurgical)
5.16. Extraction of nickel from laterite ores
5.17. An overview of nickel laterite processing routes
5.18. The rotary kiln-electric furnace (RKEF) process
5.19. NPI to nickel matte conversion
5.20. Ammonia-ammonium carbonate leaching (the Caron process)
5.21. High pressure acid leach (HPAL) (1)
5.22. High pressure acid leach (HPAL) (2)
5.23. Evolution of HPAL Technology
5.24. HPAL is a key driver for cobalt and nickel production from nickel laterites in Indonesia
5.25. Atmospheric acid leaching
5.26. Enhanced pressure acid leach (EPAL)
5.27. Heap leaching
5.28. Separating cobalt and nickel from hydrometallurgical processing of nickel laterite
5.29. Intermediate nickel products: MHP and MSP (1)
5.30. Intermediate nickel products: MHP and MSP (2)
5.31. Direct solvent extraction (DSX)
5.32. MHP refining processes
5.33. Pros and cons of typical nickel sulfide processing methods
5.34. Pros and cons of typical nickel laterite processing methods
5.35. Sustainability profiles for nickel mining and processing
5.36. Summary of nickel processing technologies
5.37. A summary of nickel ore processing routes
5.38. Case study: PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk (MBMA)
5.39. Case study: A summary of MBMA's processing facilities
5.40. Case study: The Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (1)
5.41. Case study: The Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (2)
5.42. Case study: Talon Metals Corp (1)
5.43. Case study: Talon Metals Corp (2)
5.44. Case study: Lifezone Metals
5.45. Case study: Canada Nickel Company (1)
5.46. Case study: Canada Nickel Company (2)
5.47. Case study: Canada Nickel Company (3)
5.48. Cost comparisons between nickel projects (1)
5.49. Cost comparisons between nickel projects (2)
5.50. New nickel capacity from Canada and Australia
5.51. Chapter summary
6.1. Copper properties and applications
6.2. Where is copper naturally found?
6.3. Copper-bearing minerals
6.4. Types of copper deposits
6.5. Other metals occurring with copper
6.6. Copper resource and production
6.7. Copper mining by country (2018-2023)
6.8. LME Copper prices (2021-2024)
6.9. Typical mining methods for copper ores
6.10. Classes of copper processing techniques
6.11. Copper ore processing routes
6.12. Pyrometallurgical processing of copper sulfides - an overview
6.13. Beneficiation of copper sulfides
6.14. Pyrometallurgical processing of copper sulfides
6.15. Direct-to-copper smelting to produce blister copper
6.16. Hydrometallurgical processing of copper ores - an overview
6.17. Summary of leaching methods for copper mining and processing
6.18. Hydrometallurgical processing of copper ores
6.19. Solvent extraction and electrowinning of copper
6.20. Energy and emission intensity from primary copper production
6.21. Cost on copper mining operations
6.22. New copper capacity
6.23. Chapter summary
7.1. Cobalt properties and applications
7.2. Where can cobalt be found naturally?
7.3. Cobalt-bearing minerals
7.4. Cobalt resources
7.5. Cobalt mining by country
7.6. Large-scale mining (LSM) vs artisanal small-scale mining (ASM)
7.7. Key developments in the ASM cobalt sector
7.8. Cobalt extraction and processing
7.9. Processing cobalt from sediment-hosted stratiform Cu-Co ores
7.10. Processing cobalt from Ni-Co laterite ores
7.11. Processing cobalt from magmatic Ni-Cu-Co sulfide ores
7.12. Sustainability profiles of cobalt extraction and cobalt products
7.13. Cost to cobalt production
7.14. Historic cobalt prices (2021-2024)
7.15. The interplay between cobalt, copper, and nickel markets
7.16. Case study: Cobalt Blue Holdings (1)
7.17. Case study: Cobalt Blue Holdings (2)
7.18. New cobalt production capacity from Australia and Indonesia
7.19. Chapter summary
8.1. Graphite properties and applications
8.2. Graphite demand by application
8.3. Synthetic vs natural graphite
8.4. Synthetic vs natural graphite for lithium-ion battery anodes
8.5. Production processes for graphite-based materials for lithium-ion battery
8.6. Natural graphite reserves and production by country
8.7. Types of natural graphite: Flake, vein, amorphous
8.8. Classification of natural graphite as a function of size
8.9. The need to process natural graphite for anode applications (1)
8.10. The need to process natural graphite for anode applications (2)
8.11. Purification methods of natural graphite (1)
8.12. Purification methods of natural graphite (2)
8.13. Environmental impacts of graphite purification
8.14. The economics (CAPEX and OPEX) of natural graphite purification in China
8.15. Natural flake graphite pricing
8.16. Natural graphite project states of development
8.17. New natural graphite capacity by project status
8.18. New natural graphite capacity by country
8.19. Announced offtake agreements on natural graphite supply
8.20. A mine-to-market approach to graphite production
8.21. Value-added facilities (natural graphite processing) on the rise
8.22. Sustainability profiles for graphite anode production
8.23. Cost comparisons between natural graphite projects
8.24. The economics of natural graphite anode facilities
8.25. Chapter summary
9.1. Introduction to deep-sea mining
9.2. Arguments for and against deep-sea mining
9.3. Types of seabed resources and their characteristics
9.4. Global distribution of major seabed resources
9.5. Legislations in sea
9.6. Legal regime for mineral rights at sea
9.7. Mineral exploration and exploitation within national jurisdictions: Papua New Guinea
9.8. Mineral exploration and exploitation within national jurisdictions: Cook Islands
9.9. Mineral exploration and exploitation within national jurisdictions: Norway
9.10. Mineral exploration beyond national jurisdictions: The International Seabed Authority (ISA)
9.11. Regional environmental management plans (REMPs)
9.12. Countries sponsoring ISA exploration contracts in the Area
9.13. Countries supporting and opposing deep-sea mining
9.14. Organizations opposing deep-sea mining
9.15. Equipment used in deep-sea mining exploration and extraction (1)
9.16. Equipment used in deep-sea mining exploration and extraction (2)
9.17. The economic viability of deep-sea mining is not proven
9.18. The processing of minerals sourced from sea-floor deposits
9.19. The processing of polymetallic nodules (1)
9.20. The processing of polymetallic nodules (2)
9.21. The processing of polymetallic sulfides and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts
9.22. The opportunities and challenges in marine mineral processing
9.23. Environmental unknowns in deep-sea mining and emissions challenges in mineral processing
9.24. Player landscape in deep-sea mining
9.25. Deep-sea mining players overview (1)
9.26. Deep-sea mining players overview (2)
9.27. Chapter summary
10.1. Regulations in China
10.2. Regulations and incentives in Australia
10.3. Australia's Critical Minerals International Partnerships program
10.4. Australian National Battery Strategy
10.5. Regulations in Chile
10.6. Indonesia's nickel industry development
10.7. The impact of RKAB approvals on Indonesia's nickel mining & processing industry
10.8. Indonesia's strategy to align nickel production with EV supply chain growth
10.9. Regulations and incentives in the USA
10.10. Regulations and incentives in Europe
10.11. Minerals Security Partnership
10.12. Minerals Security Partnership project examples
11.1. Player landscape in lithium mining, extraction and production
11.2. Player landscape in nickel mining and production
11.3. Company landscape in nickel, copper and cobalt production
11.4. Player landscape in deep-sea mining
11.5. Offtake agreements on critical battery materials (1)
11.6. Offtake agreements on critical battery materials (2)
12.1. Forecast methodology and assumptions
12.1.1. Forecast methodology on battery materials demand
12.1.2. Li-ion battery cell material intensities
12.1.3. Materials price assumptions
12.1.4. Forecast methodology on lithium production
12.1.5. Assumptions for lithium production forecast
12.1.6. Forecast methodology on nickel, copper and cobalt production
12.1.7. Assumptions for nickel, copper and cobalt production forecasts
12.2. Critical battery materials demand outlooks and forecasts
12.2.1. Global critical material demand (kt) from LIBs forecast (2025-2035)
12.2.2. Global critical battery material demand outlook (2025-2035)
12.2.3. Key trends impacting critical material demand (1)
12.2.4. Key trends impacting critical material demand (2)
12.2.5. Key trends impacting critical material demand (3)
12.2.6. Critical battery materials demand forecast by region (2025-2035) (1)
12.2.7. Critical battery materials demand forecast by region (2025-2035) (2)
12.2.8. Critical battery material value forecast (2025-2035)
12.2.9. Critical battery materials demand forecast by market application (1)
12.2.10. Critical battery materials demand forecast by market application (2)
12.2.11. Critical battery materials demand forecast by market application (3)
12.3. Supply outlooks and forecasts
12.3.1. Lithium
12.3.2. Overview of global lithium production in 2024
12.3.3. Lithium production forecast by resource source type (2025-2035)
12.3.4. Li production contribution by resource type (2023-2035)
12.3.5. Lithium production forecast by country (2025-2035)
12.3.6. Projected new lithium capacity each year (2025-2035)
12.3.7. Cobalt
12.3.8. Global cobalt production in 2023 vs 2024
12.3.9. Cobalt mine production forecast (2025-2035)
12.3.10. Cobalt mine production forecast by country (2025-2035) (1)
12.3.11. Cobalt mine production forecast by country (2025-2035) (2)
12.3.12. The growing influence of nickel on cobalt mining (2025-2035)
12.3.13. Nickel
12.3.14. Global nickel production in 2023 vs 2024
12.3.15. Nickel mine production forecast (2025-2035)
12.3.16. Nickel mine production forecast by country (2025-2035) (1)
12.3.17. Nickel mine production forecast by country (2025-2035) (2)
12.3.18. Copper
12.3.19. Global copper production in 2023 vs 2024
12.3.20. Copper mine production forecast (2025-2035)
12.3.21. Copper mine production forecast by country (2025-2035) (1)
12.3.22. Copper mine production forecast by country (2025-2035) (2)
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