
リチウムの直接抽出 2025-2035年:技術、プレーヤー、市場、予測

リチウムの直接抽出 2025-2035年:技術、プレーヤー、市場、予測

Direct Lithium Extraction 2025-2035: Technologies, Players, Markets and Forecasts

世界のリチウム採掘市場は、2025年から2035年の間に年平均成長率(CAGR)9.7%で成長すると予測されています。リチウム採掘業界は、再生可能エネルギーと低炭素の未来への移行を支援する上で極めて重... もっと見る



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2024年8月13日 US$7,000
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このレポートでは、天然資源からリチウムを採掘するための確立された技術と新興技術の両方について包括的な概要を提供します。特に、直接リチウム抽出(DLE)と呼ばれる一連の技術に焦点を当てています。この技術は、塩水からリチウムをより効率的に抽出し、回収率を向上させ、環境、社会、ガバナンス(ESG)のメリットをさらに高める可能性があります。これらの DLE 技術は、その技術的進歩、市場動向、および将来の見通しの観点から紹介され、議論されています。
リチウムは、(i) 硬岩鉱物からの抽出と (ii) 塩水資源からの抽出という 2 つの方法で採掘されます。ただし、これらの資源からのリチウム生産は、それぞれの埋蔵量の大きさに比例して拡大するわけではありません。塩水資源は世界のリチウム埋蔵量の約 60% を占めていますが、世界のリチウム生産量の約 35% を占めるにすぎません。対照的に、環境への影響が大きく、自然発生率が低い (世界の埋蔵量の約 30%) 硬岩採掘は、世界のリチウム生産量の 60% 以上を占めています。リチウム資源と採掘の不一致は、さまざまなリチウム資源に採用されているリチウム抽出技術に関連しています。それでも、塩水からのリチウム抽出には未開発の大きな可能性があることを示唆しています。
リチウムの直接抽出: 塩水採掘の可能性を再定義
従来の塩水採掘は蒸発池に依存しており、リチウム抽出プロセスは 12 ~ 24 か月かかり、収率は 40 ~ 60% です。リチウムの生産速度と収率は、ハードロック採掘法に匹敵しません。さらに、経済的および技術的な実現可能性は、適切な塩水資源、気候条件、池のインフラに必要な土地がある特定の地理的場所に限定されます。そのため、従来の塩水採掘は、リチウム需要が急増している時代に、ハードロック採掘と競争するのに苦労しています。
DLE は、従来の塩水採掘が耐える多くの制限を克服し、追加の ESG メリットを提供できる新しいクラスの技術です。DLE を使用すると、塩水から選択的にリチウムを抽出して、蒸発池を必要とせずに、より迅速かつ高収率でリチウムを生産できます。これにより、さまざまな地理的場所で地熱塩水や油田塩水などのより広範な塩水資源を活用できるようになり、バッテリー サプライ チェーンのローカライズに役立ちます。最後に、リチウム採掘に関する規制は進化しており(チリの国家リチウム戦略など)、環境への影響が少ない抽出技術を奨励しています。
DLE 実装の課題
DLE の利点は、特にリチウム需要が急増している時期には魅力的な投資機会となります。ただし、DLE プロジェクトのリスク プロファイルを高める課題がいくつかあります。まず、塩水の組成とプロセス条件の変動により、多様な DLE 技術の開発が必要になります。6 つのクラスの DLE 技術が進化しており、各クラスには独自の長所と短所があります。2 つの塩水資源が同一ではないことを考えると、すべての塩水に対して普遍的に最適な単一の DLE ソリューションは存在しません。この変動性により、最適な投資機会を特定するには広範なテストが必要になります。
このレポートで取り上げられているリチウム抽出および回収技術。出典: IDTechEx
現在、最も理解され、商業的に実証されている DLE 技術は、アルゼンチンと中国で運用されている吸着 DLE です。この方法では、アルミニウムベースの吸着剤を使用してリチウムを捕捉し、水を使用してリチウム塩 (通常は塩化リチウム) を放出します。リチウム塩を放出するプロセスは脱着と呼ばれ、捕捉されたリチウムを含む溶液は溶出液と呼ばれます。イオン交換 DLE は、Lilac Solutions や Standard Lithium などの企業が採用している 2 番目に開発された技術です。この技術では、マンガンまたはチタンベースの吸着剤を使用してリチウムを捕捉し、塩酸などの酸で洗浄することでリチウム塩 (塩化リチウムまたは硫酸リチウム) を放出します。イオン交換 DLE の大きな利点は、低品位の塩水 (100 mg/L 未満のリチウム) からリチウムを抽出し、前処理または後処理の濃縮技術を必要とせずに、リチウム濃度の高い (通常は 2000 mg/L を超える) 溶出液を生成できることです。その結果、吸着 DLE と比較して、水の分離と塩水の濃縮の必要性が低くなります。しかし、酸の使用には課題​​があります。現場で製造されていない場合は現場に輸送する必要があり、イオン交換材料は酸で劣化したり溶解したりする可能性があるため、長期的なパフォーマンスを監視する必要があります。Standard Lithium や Controlled Thermal Resources などの複数のプレーヤーは、イオン交換 DLE を評価した後、吸着 DLE を選択しました。独自のイオン交換技術を開発した E3 Lithium は、最初の商業プラントを匿名の第三者と進めると発表しました。この技術が商業的に実証されれば、イオン交換 DLE に対する信頼は高まる可能性があります。
他のクラスの DLE の開発は比較的遅れています。溶媒抽出 DLE と膜 DLE はパイロットおよびデモンストレーション スケールに達していますが、電気化学および化学沈殿 DLE は研究室での開発段階にあります。これらの技術を進歩させるには、さらなる研究が必要です。DLE は蒸発池なしではほとんど実証されておらず、地熱や油田の塩水などの非在来型資源ではまだ実証されていないことに注意することが重要です。最後に、DLE の経済性と持続可能性のプロファイル (炭素排出量などの指標を含む) は、従来の塩水蒸発法と競合するために改善する必要があります。
このレポートは、DLE セクターの詳細な分析を提供します。塩水からのリチウム抽出および回収技術、DLE に関連する市場活動、従来の塩水蒸発および硬岩採掘をベンチマークとした DLE の持続可能性とコストの考慮事項をカバーしています。さらに、このレポートでは、ボリビア、チリ、アルゼンチン、中国、米国、ヨーロッパのリチウム関連の規制とインセンティブをカバーしています。この分野ではいくつかのビジネス モデルが進化しており、DLE プレーヤーは 4 つのカテゴリに分類でき、それぞれ IDTechEx によって概説された独自の投資アプローチがあります。このレポートは 10 年間の予測期間をカバーし、詳細な市場予測と傾向を提供します。世界のリチウム採掘市場は、2025 年から 2035 年の間に 9.7% の複合年間成長率 (CAGR) で成長すると予測されており、塩水 (DLE) は 19.6% の CAGR で最も急速に成長するセグメントとして特定されています。塩水 (DLE) セグメントのこの高い成長率は、塩水採掘市場に混乱をもたらすと予想されます。塩水(DLE)セグメントの予測は、技術、国、塩水資源の種類別にさらに細分化されており、さまざまなDLEプロジェクトの明確な特性が強調されています。この詳細なセグメンテーションは、石油・ガス、水処理、淡水化など、幅広い業界にとって興味深いものとなるでしょう。
  • リチウム採掘の歴史と背景。
  • リチウム資源の天然形態、その世界的な分布、リチウム生産の見通し。
  • リチウム業界の市場動向に関する議論。
  • リチウム採掘の確立された技術と新興技術の概要。
  • 塩水からのリチウム直接抽出(DLE)とリチウム回収の技術の包括的な評価。
  • 吸着、イオン交換、溶媒抽出、膜、電気化学、化学沈殿技術を含むリチウム抽出および回収技術に関する6つのSWOT分析。
  • 従来の塩水資源や、地熱塩水や油田塩水などの非従来型塩水資源を含む、主要プレーヤーと新興 DLE プロジェクトに関する多数のケース スタディ。
  • リチウム抽出技術の技術動向と商業的可能性。
  • リチウム採掘に関するポリシーと規制の枠組み、および将来の見通し。
  • 硬岩、従来の塩水採掘、DLE 塩水採掘の持続可能性とコスト プロファイル。
  • セクター内の主要プレーヤー、パートナーシップ、ベンチャー ファンディング、ビジネス モデルの概要。
  • 2035 年までのリチウム生産の見通しと予測 (生産能力別)、ソース タイプ別 (特定のリソースと採掘方法付き)、および技術、国、塩水タイプ別にセグメント化された DLE の詳細な予測。





  • リチウムの採掘と抽出の紹介ブラインからのリチウム抽出と回収のための技術
  • DLEの市場活動
  • 持続可能性とコストに関する考察
  • リチウム抽出と採掘に関連する規制とインセンティブ
  • リチウム生産の見通しと予測
Report Summary
The global lithium mining market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% between 2025 and 2035. The lithium mining industry plays a pivotal role in supporting the transition towards renewable energy and a low-carbon future. Driven by the soaring demand for Li-ion batteries for energy storage applications and electric vehicles, the demand for critical materials, such as lithium, is increasingly rapidly, necessitating swift and substantial increases in production. Alongside this rapid growth, there is a growing awareness on sustainability throughout the battery value chain. Therefore, advancements in the lithium mining sector are crucial, as they determine how lithium supply can meet the surging demand in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner.
This report offers a comprehensive overview of both established and emerging techniques for mining lithium from natural resources. It focuses particularly on a collection of technologies known as direct lithium extraction (DLE), which have the potential to unlock lithium from brine more efficiently, with improved recovery rates and additional environmental, social, and governance (ESG) benefits. These DLE technologies are introduced and discussed in terms of their technological advancements, market dynamics, and future outlook.
Mismatch in lithium resources versus mined
Lithium is mined through two methods: (i) extraction from hard rock minerals and (ii) extraction from brine resources. However, lithium production from these sources does not scale proportionately to the size of their respective reserves. Although brine resources constitute approximately 60% of global lithium reserves, they only account for about 35% of global lithium production. In contrast, hard rock mining, which has significant environmental impacts and a lower natural occurrence (around 30% of global reserves), contributes to over 60% of global lithium production. The discrepancy in lithium resources versus mined is related to the lithium extraction techniques employed on different lithium resources. Nevertheless, it suggests that there exists significant untapped potential for lithium extraction from brine.
Direct lithium extraction: Redefining brine mining's potential
Conventional brine mining relies on evaporation ponds, with the lithium extraction process spanning 12-24 months and a yield between 40-60%. The rate and yield at which lithium is produced cannot compete with the hard rock mining method. Additionally, its economic and technical feasibility is restricted to specific geographical locations that possess suitable brine resources, climatic conditions, and necessary land for pond infrastructure. Thus, conventional brine mining has struggled to compete with hard rock mining in an era with rapid growing lithium demand.
DLE forms an emerging class of technologies that could overcome many restrictions that conventional brine mining endures while offering additional ESG benefits. Selective lithium extraction from brines can be achieved with DLE to produce lithium more quickly and at higher yields, bypassing the need for evaporation ponds. This also enables utilization of a wider range of brine resources such as geothermal and oilfield brines across different geographical locations which could help to localize the battery supply chain. Finally, regulations on lithium mining are evolving (such as Chile's National Lithium Strategy) to incentivize extraction technologies with low environmental impacts.
Challenges for DLE implementation
The benefits of DLE present a compelling investment opportunity, particularly in times where lithium demand is rapidly increasing. However, there are several challenges that increase the risk profile of DLE projects. Firstly, variations in brine compositions and process conditions necessitate the development of diverse DLE technologies. Six classes of DLE technologies have evolved, with each class exhibiting a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Given that no two brine resources are identical, there is no single universally optimal DLE solution for all brines. This variability necessitates extensive testing to identify the best investment opportunities.
Lithium extraction and recovery technologies covered in this report. Source: IDTechEx
Currently, the most understood and commercially proven DLE technology is adsorption DLE, which is operated in Argentina and China. This method uses aluminum-based sorbents to capture lithium and water to release lithium salts, typically lithium chloride. The process of releasing the lithium salts is known as desorption, and the solution containing the captured lithium is referred to as eluate. Ion exchange DLE is the second most developed technology, featuring companies like Lilac Solutions and Standard Lithium. This technology uses manganese or titanium-based sorbents to capture lithium and releases lithium salts (lithium chloride or lithium sulfate) by washing with an acid, such as hydrochloric acid. A significant advantage of ion exchange DLE is its ability to extract lithium from lower-grade brines (below 100 mg/L Li) and produce eluate with higher lithium concentrations (typically over 2000 mg/L) without requiring pre- or post-concentration techniques. Consequently, the need for water separation and brine concentration is lower compared to adsorption DLE. However, the use of acids poses challenges, as they must be transported to the sites if not produced on-site, and the long-term performance of ion exchange materials needs monitoring due to potential degradation and dissolution in acid. Several players, including Standard Lithium and Controlled Thermal Resources, have opted for adsorption DLE after evaluating ion exchange DLE. E3 Lithium, who developed its proprietary ion exchange technologies, announced to proceed with an unnamed third party for its first commercial plant. Confidence in ion exchange DLE may improve once the technology is commercially proven.
Developments in other classes of DLE have comparatively lagged. Solvent extraction DLE and membrane DLE have reached pilot and demonstration scales, while electrochemical and chemical precipitation DLE remain in laboratory development. Further research is necessary to advance these technologies. It's important to note that DLE is largely unproven without evaporation ponds and has not yet been proven on unconventional resources such as geothermal and oilfield brines. Finally, the economics and sustainability profile of DLE (including metrics such as carbon emission), needs improvement to compete with conventional brine evaporation method.
Comprehensive analysis and future outlook
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the DLE sector. It covers lithium extraction and recovery technologies from brine, market activity related to DLE, and sustainability and cost considerations of DLE, benchmarked with conventional brine evaporation and hard rock mining. Additionally, the report covers lithium related regulations and incentives in Boliva, Chile, Argentina, China, USA and Europe. Several business models have evolved in the field, and DLE players can be classified into four categories, each with a unique investment approach outlined by IDTechEx. The report covers a10-year forecast period, offering detailed market predictions and trends. The global lithium mining market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% between 2025 and 2035, with brine (DLE) identified as the fastest-growing segment at a CAGR of 19.6%. This high growth rate in the brine (DLE) segment is expected to disrupt the brine mining market. The forecast for the brine (DLE) segment is further broken down by technology, country, and brine resource type, highlighting the distinct attributes of various DLE projects. This detailed segmentation will be of interest to a wide range of industries, including oil & gas, water treatment and desalination.
Lithium production capacity from lithium mining by source type in 2023 and 2035. Source: IDTechEx.
Key aspects of this report include:
  • History and context in lithium mining.
  • Natural forms of lithium resources, their global distribution and lithium production outlook.
  • A discussion on the market dynamics of the lithium industry.
  • An overview of established and emerging technologies for lithium mining.
  • A comprehensive evaluation of technologies for direct lithium extraction (DLE) and lithium recovery from brines.
  • Six SWOT analyses on lithium extraction and recovery technologies, including adsorption, ion exchange, solvent extraction, membrane, electrochemical and chemical precipitation technologies.
  • Numerous case studies on key players and emerging DLE projects, including conventional brine resources and unconventional brine resources like geothermal and oilfield brines.
  • Technological trends and commercial potentials of lithium extraction technologies.
  • Policies and regulatory frameworks for lithium mining and future prospects.
  • Sustainability and cost profiles for hard rock, conventional brine mining and DLE brine mining.
  • An overview of key players, partnerships, venture funding and business models within the sector.
  • Lithium production outlook and forecasts until 2035 by production capacity, decomposed by source type (with specified resource and mining methods) and detailed projections on DLE segmented by technology, country and brine types.



Table of Contents

1.1. Where can lithium be found in nature?
1.2. Incumbent and emerging methods for lithium mining & extraction
1.3. DLE: key drivers and challenges
1.4. The overall process of recovering lithium using DLE technologies
1.5. An overview of technologies for lithium recovery
1.6. Technology comparisons by maturity and function
1.7. DLE methods overview (1)
1.8. DLE methods overview (2)
1.9. Comparing Al/Mn/Ti-based sorbents
1.10. Technology for lithium recovery: challenges, opportunities and recommendations (1)
1.11. Technology for lithium recovery: challenges, opportunities and recommendations (2)
1.12. A map of status on DLE technology developers
1.13. Business models by DLE player activity
1.14. Business models by Li recovery process (via DLE)
1.15. Lithium extraction by resource type
1.16. Attributes of lithium extraction projects
1.17. Brine resource, regulation and state of development by region
1.18. Trends in direct lithium extraction (DLE)
1.19. Overview of global lithium production in 2023
1.20. Global lithium production in 2023 by country
1.21. Lithium production forecast from mining and extraction 2023-2035
1.22. Global lithium market 2025-2035
1.23. Li production contribution from brine extraction
1.24. DLE forecast by extraction technology
1.25. Key findings: DLE project development
1.26. The characteristics of different DLE players
1.27. Outlook of lithium supply vs demand 2023-2035
1.28. Access More With an IDTechEx Subscription
2.1. Where is lithium used?
2.2. Differences between lithium carbonate and hydroxide
2.3. Historic lithium prices (2019-2024 1H)
2.4. The volatility of lithium prices
2.5. Where can lithium be found in nature?
2.6. Types of lithium brine deposits
2.7. Introduction to hard rock and sediment-hosted lithium resources
2.8. Lithium resource split by country (1)
2.9. Lithium resource split by country (2)
2.10. Extraction processes for different lithium deposits
2.11. Lithium recovery from continental brine via evaporation pond
2.12. Commercial brine evaporation projects
2.13. Introduction to direct lithium extraction (DLE)
2.14. The need for DLE to access a wider range of brine resources
2.15. Active DLE operations - Salar del Hombre Muerto
2.16. Brine evaporation vs brine DLE
2.17. Lithium recovery from hard rock lithium resources (1) - spodumene upgrading
2.18. Lithium recovery from hard rock lithium resources (2) - spodumene refining
2.19. Lithium recovery from hard rock lithium resources (3) - logistics
2.20. Commercial hard rock (spodumene) projects
2.21. Lithium recovery from sediment-hosted deposits
2.22. Proposed lithium project timeline
2.23. Players in sedimentary lithium processing
2.24. Chapter summary
3.1.1. An overview of technologies for lithium recovery
3.1.2. The overall process of recovering lithium using DLE technologies
3.1.3. Technology comparisons by maturity and function
3.2. Sorbent-based technologies
3.2.1. Sorption DLE - adsorption vs ion exchange
3.2.2. Many names for aluminum-based sorbents
3.2.3. Sorbent materials
3.2.4. Preparation of ion sieves and ion-sieve effect
3.2.5. Comparing Al/Mn/Ti-based sorbents (1)
3.2.6. Comparing Al/Mn/Ti-based sorbents (2)
3.2.7. Sorbent composites
3.2.8. Sorbent-based process designs
3.3. Adsorption
3.3.1. Adsorption vs absorption
3.3.2. Adsorption processes for lithium extraction
3.3.3. SWOT analysis of adsorption technologies
3.3.4. Technology developers in the space of adsorption DLE
3.4. Ion exchange
3.4.1. Ion exchange processes for lithium extraction
3.4.2. SWOT analysis of ion exchange technologies
3.4.3. Technology developers in the space of ion exchange DLE
3.5. Solvent extraction
3.5.1. Solvent extraction processes for lithium extraction
3.5.2. Extraction systems
3.5.3. Carbonation using CO2
3.5.4. SWOT analysis of solvent extraction technologies
3.5.5. Technology developers in the space of solvent extraction DLE
3.6. Membrane technologies
3.6.1. Membrane processes for lithium recovery
3.6.2. Membrane technology overview
3.6.3. Pressure-driven membrane processes - an introduction
3.6.4. Pressure-driven membrane processes - reverse osmosis (RO)
3.6.5. Membrane fouling poses a challenge to membrane-based processes
3.6.6. Thermally driven membrane process - membrane distillation (MD)
3.6.7. Electrically-driven membrane processes - electrodialysis (ED) (1)
3.6.8. Electrically-driven membrane processes - electrodialysis (ED) (2)
3.6.9. Membrane processes for lithium recovery - examples
3.6.10. Membrane materials
3.6.11. Supported liquid membrane (SLM)
3.6.12. SWOT analysis of membrane technologies
3.6.13. Technology developers in the space of membrane technologies
3.7. Electrochemical technologies
3.7.1. Electrochemical technologies for lithium recovery
3.7.2. Electrolysis for lithium refining
3.7.3. Introduction to capacitive deionization (CDI)
3.7.4. Introduction to battery-based electrochemical technologies
3.7.5. Example processes: Battery-based electrochemical technologies
3.7.6. Comparing electrically-driven techniques
3.7.7. SWOT analysis of electrochemical technologies
3.7.8. Technology developers in the space of electrochemical technologies
3.8. Chemical precipitation
3.8.1. Chemical precipitation for lithium recovery
3.8.2. SWOT analysis of chemical precipitation
3.8.3. Key findings: Chemical precipitation
3.8.4. Key findings: Technologies for lithium recovery from brines
4.1.1. Lithium extraction by resource type
4.1.2. Emerging DLE projects and players
4.1.3. Business models by DLE player activity
4.1.4. Business models by Li recovery process (via DLE)
4.1.5. Investments and partnerships (1)
4.1.6. Investments and partnerships (2)
4.1.7. Offtake/marketing agreements from DLE projects
4.2. Adsorption DLE
4.2.1. Active DLE operations - Salar del Hombre Muerto
4.2.2. Active and emerging operations supplied by Sunresin
4.2.3. Emerging projects based on adsorption DLE
4.2.4. Adsorption DLE lithium projects overview
4.2.5. Technology developers in the space of adsorption DLE
4.3. Company and project case studies based on adsorption DLE
4.3.1. Company case study (1): Eramet
4.3.2. Company case study (1): Eramet (2)
4.3.3. Company case study (2) - Vulcan Energy Resources (1)
4.3.4. Company case study (2) - Vulcan Energy Resources (2)
4.3.5. Company case study (2) - Vulcan Energy Resources (3)
4.3.6. Company case study (3) - Koch Technology Solutions (KTS)
4.3.7. Company case study (4) - Standard Lithium (1)
4.3.8. Company case study (4) - Standard Lithium (2)
4.3.9. Company case study (5) - International Battery Metals (IBAT) (1)
4.3.10. Company case study (5) - International Battery Metals (IBAT) (2)
4.3.11. Company case study (6) - CleanTech Lithium
4.3.12. Comparisons between adsorption DLE projects
4.3.13. Key findings: Adsorption DLE market
4.4. Ion exchange DLE
4.4.1. Technology developers in the space of ion exchange DLE
4.4.2. Ion exchange DLE lithium project overview
4.5. Company and project case studies based on ion exchange DLE
4.5.1. Case study (1) - Lilac Solutions (1)
4.5.2. Case study (1) - Lilac Solutions (2)
4.5.3. Case study (2) - Go2Lithium (G2L) (1)
4.5.4. Case study (2) - Go2Lithium (G2L) (2)
4.5.5. Case study (3) - Volt Lithium Corp (1)
4.5.6. Case study (3) - Volt Lithium Corp (2)
4.5.7. Comparison between DLE projects
4.5.8. Key findings: Ion exchange DLE market
4.6. Solvent extraction DLE
4.6.1. Technology developers in the space of solvent extraction DLE
4.6.2. Case study (1) - Tenova
4.6.3. Case study (2) - Ekosolve (1)
4.6.4. Case study (2) - Ekosolve (2)
4.6.5. Case study (3) - Adionics
4.6.6. Key findings: Solvent extraction DLE market
4.7. Membrane technologies
4.7.1. Technology developers in the space of membrane technologies
4.7.2. Membrane technology developers by Li recovery process
4.7.3. Case study (1) - Evove
4.7.4. Case study (2) - ElectraLith
4.7.5. Key findings: Membrane technology market
4.8. Electrochemical technologies
4.8.1. Technology developers in the space of electrochemical technologies
4.8.2. Market overview in the electrochemical technology space
5.1. Sustainability comparisons between lithium projects
5.2. Battery-grade lithium chemicals
5.3. Cost comparisons between lithium projects
5.4. Cost comparisons within DLE projects
6.1. Regulations and incentives in Bolivia
6.2. Regulations and incentives in Chile
6.3. Regulations and incentives in Argentina
6.4. Regulations and incentives in China (1)
6.5. Regulations and incentives in China (2)
6.6. Regulations and incentives in Europe
6.7. Regulations and incentives in the USA
7.1.1. Chapter overview
7.2. Overview of lithium production in 2023
7.2.1. Overview of global lithium production in 2023
7.2.2. Global lithium production in 2023 by country
7.3. Lithium production outlook - key assumptions
7.3.1. Factors affecting lithium production outlook
7.3.2. Assumptions for lithium production forecast
7.3.3. Announced vs assumed DLE outlook
7.4. Lithium production forecast 2025-2035
7.4.1. Forecast methodology
7.4.2. Lithium production forecast from mining and extraction 2023-2035
7.4.3. Li production contribution by resource type
7.4.4. Li production contribution from brine extraction
7.4.5. Global lithium market 2025-2035
7.4.6. DLE forecast segmented by brine type
7.4.7. DLE forecast segmented by country
7.4.8. DLE forecast by extraction technology
7.4.9. Outlook of lithium supply vs demand 2023-2035





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