グラフェンの市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:製品別(酸化グラフェン、グラフェンナノプレートレット、還元型酸化グラフェン)、用途別(エレクトロニクス、コンポジット、エネルギー)、地域別、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年Graphene Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Graphene Oxide, Graphene Nanoplatelets, Reduced Graphene Oxide), By Application (Electronics, Composites, Energy), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 グラフェン市場の成長・トレンド グランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、グラフェンの世界市場規模は2030年までに37億5000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。同市場は、2022年から2030年にかけ... もっと見る
サマリーグラフェン市場の成長・トレンドグランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、グラフェンの世界市場規模は2030年までに37億5000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。同市場は、2022年から2030年にかけてCAGR45.9%で拡大すると予測されている。この成長は、新興国におけるエレクトロニクス産業の成長と、コンポジット用途での高い普及率に起因していると考えられます。また、熱伝導性・電気伝導性が高く、化学的に不活性であることから、バッテリー産業でも注目されています。 また、グラフェンの電池への浸透を図るため、研究開発への投資も増加している。例えば、ブリストルに本社を置くAnaphite社は、2022年に430万米ドルを確保し、グラフェンを用いて製造されるEVバッテリーの改良に投資している。同社は、EV(電気自動車)用のリチウムイオン電池に同材料を使用する見込みである。さらに、この技術は2028年までに商業的なEV製造に対応できるようになる見込みである。 エネルギー分野は、エネルギー貯蔵やエネルギー生成のためのグラフェンベースのコンポーネントの用途が拡大していることから、主要なアプリケーションセグメントの1つとなっている。グラフェンコーティングは、エネルギー効率やデバイスの全体的な性能を向上させるために、さまざまなバッテリー、導体、発電機に使用されている。また、塗料の脱氷にも使用され、風力タービンの効率向上にも寄与している。 グラフェンナノプレートレットとグラフェンフィルムは、主に電子製品およびデバイスに使用される2つの主要製品である。グラフェンフィルムの需要は、スマートフォンやフレキシブル電子機器の保護膜のニーズの高まりにより、勢いを増すと予想される。このため、グラフェン系製品の生産能力は高まっている。 グラフェンの生産に必要な原料は、グラファイトのほかには、使用する製造プロセスの種類によって大きく異なる。銅、硫酸、硝酸、ヒドラジンなどの原材料は、使用する製造プロセスに応じて、商業メーカーや研究所で使用されている。BASF SE、Moon & Star、Glencoreなどが主要な原料サプライヤーとして挙げられる。 世界のグラフェン市場は、北米やヨーロッパなどの先進地域に高度に集中している。同市場は、中国に多数のサプライヤーとメーカーの存在を示している。米国、英国、カナダなどの先進国は、多国籍企業や研究機関、メーカーによる研究開発への取り組みが活発化していることから、主要市場として位置づけられている。 グラフェン市場のレポートハイライト - 酸化グラフェンは、2021年に4450万米ドルの売上を占めた。各種スマートフォンの透明導電膜、スーパーキャパシタ、光電子デバイス、フレキシブル電子デバイス、医療デバイスなど、幅広い用途で使用されている。優れた熱伝導性、電気伝導性、透明性、透過性、強度などのさまざまな優れた特性が、需要を押し上げる大きな要因となっている - エネルギー用途は、予測期間中に35.4%のCAGRで成長すると予想されています。電気化学的エネルギー貯蔵ソリューションが、予測期間中、エネルギー分野におけるグラフェン消費を促進すると予想される。さらに、エネルギーは市場のポテンシャルが高い分野であり、製品開発における継続的な技術革新が、再生可能な資源からのエネルギー生成に貢献すると期待されている - 北米は予測期間中、年平均成長率42.8%で成長すると予想されています。同市場は、航空機製造や自動車産業からの需要の高まりにより、コンポジット分野で成長を遂げています。ボーイング社をはじめとする大手航空機メーカーは、航空機の効率と性能を向上させるために、グラフェンなどの軽量複合材料に着目しています。同製品はその優れた特性からますます人気が高まっており、メーカーはさまざまな用途で同製品の普及を拡大させると予測しています。 - 市場は高度に統合されているとともに、集中している。主要企業のシェアは先進地域に集中しており、地域的なパートナーシップや販売契約が主要企業によって採用される主要な戦略的イニシアティブとなっています。さらに、中国には数多くのサプライヤーやメーカーが存在しています。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Research Methodology 1.2. Research Scope & Assumption 1.3. Information Procurement 1.3.1. Purchased Database 1.3.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3. Secondary Sources & Third-Party Perspectives 1.3.4. Primary Research 1.4. Information Analysis 1.4.1. Data Analysis Models 1.5. Market Formulation & Data Visualization 1.6. Data Validation & Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Outlook 2.2. Segmental Outlook 2.3. Competitive Insights Chapter 3. Graphene Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1. Market Segmentation 3.2. Market Penetration and Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Value Chain Analysis 3.4. Raw Material Trends 3.4.1. Graphite 3.5. Technology Overview 3.5.1. Manufacturing Process Chemical exfoliation Liquid phase exfoliation Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) 3.6. Regulatory Framework 3.6.1. U.S. EPA (TSCA) 3.6.2. France-ANSES 3.7. Market Dynamics 3.7.1. Market driver analysis Growing research activities in the graphene-based energy storage technologies Growth of the electronic industry 3.7.2. Market restraint analysis Lack of commercialization 3.8. Business Environment Analysis 3.8.1. Porter's Analysis Supplier Power Buyer Power Substitution Threat Threat from New Entrant Competitive Rivalry 3.8.2. PESTEL Analysis Political Landscape Environmental Landscape Social Landscape Technology Landscape Economic Landscape Legal Landscape Chapter 4. Graphene Market - Product Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Graphene Market: Product Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.3. Graphene Nanoplatelets 4.3.1. Graphene nanoplatelets market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 4.4. Graphene Oxide 4.4.1. Graphene oxide market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 4.5. Reduced Graphene Oxide 4.5.1. Reduced graphene oxide market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 4.6. Others 4.6.1. Other graphene products market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Chapter 5. Graphene Market - Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Graphene Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.3. Electronics 5.3.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for electronics application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 5.4. Composites 5.4.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for composites application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 5.5. Energy 5.5.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for energy application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 5.6. Others 5.6.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for other applications, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Chapter 6. Graphene Market - Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1. Definition & Scope 6.2. Graphene Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.3. North America 6.3.1. North America graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.3.2. North America graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.3.3. North America graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.3.4. U.S. U.S. graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.S. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.S. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4. Europe 6.4.1. Europe graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.2. Europe graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.3. Europe graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.4. U.K. U.K. graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.K. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.K. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.5. Spain Spain graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Spain graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Spain graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5. Asia Pacific 6.5.1. Asia Pacific graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.2. Asia Pacific graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.3. Asia Pacific graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.4. China China graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) China graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) China graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.5. India India graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) India graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) India graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.6. Rest of the World 6.6.1. Rest of the World graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.6.2. Rest of the World graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.6.3. Rest of the World graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Chapter 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1. Competitive Landscape 7.2. Vendor Landscape 7.3. Strategic Framework Chapter 8. Company Profiles 8.1. ACS Material 8.1.1. Company Overview 8.1.2. Financial Performance 8.1.3. Product Benchmarking 8.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.2. BGT Materials Limited, Ltd 8.2.1. Company Overview 8.2.2. Financial Performance 8.2.3. Product Benchmarking 8.2.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.3. CVD Equipment Corporation 8.3.1. Company Overview 8.3.2. Financial Performance 8.3.3. Product Benchmarking 8.3.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.4. Directa Plus S.p.A 8.4.1. Company Overview 8.4.2. Financial Performance 8.4.3. Product Benchmarking 8.4.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.5. Grafoid Inc 8.5.1. Company Overview 8.5.2. Financial Performance 8.5.3. Product Benchmarking 8.5.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.6. Graphenea 8.6.1. Company Overview 8.6.2. Financial Performance 8.6.3. Product Benchmarking 8.6.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.7. NanoXplore Inc 8.7.1. Company Overview 8.7.2. Financial Performance 8.7.3. Product Benchmarking 8.7.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.8. Haydale Graphene Industries plc 8.8.1. Company Overview 8.8.2. Financial Performance 8.8.3. Product Benchmarking 8.8.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.9. Applied Graphene Materials 8.9.1. Company Overview 8.9.2. Financial Performance 8.9.3. Product Benchmarking 8.9.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.10. 2D Carbon Graphene Material Co., Ltd 8.10.1. Company Overview 8.10.2. Financial Performance 8.10.3. Product Benchmarking 8.10.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.11. Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. 8.11.1. Company Overview 8.11.2. Financial Performance 8.11.3. Product Benchmarking 8.11.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.12. Graphene Laboratories, Inc. 8.12.1. Company Overview 8.12.2. Financial Performance 8.12.3. Product Benchmarking 8.12.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.13. Graphensic AB 8.13.1. Company Overview 8.13.2. Financial Performance 8.13.3. Product Benchmarking 8.13.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.14. Graphene Square, Inc 8.14.1. Company Overview 8.14.2. Financial Performance 8.14.3. Product Benchmarking 8.14.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.15. AMO GmbH 8.15.1. Company Overview 8.15.2. Financial Performance 8.15.3. Product Benchmarking 8.15.4. Strategic Initiatives
SummaryGraphene Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Research Methodology 1.2. Research Scope & Assumption 1.3. Information Procurement 1.3.1. Purchased Database 1.3.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3. Secondary Sources & Third-Party Perspectives 1.3.4. Primary Research 1.4. Information Analysis 1.4.1. Data Analysis Models 1.5. Market Formulation & Data Visualization 1.6. Data Validation & Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Outlook 2.2. Segmental Outlook 2.3. Competitive Insights Chapter 3. Graphene Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1. Market Segmentation 3.2. Market Penetration and Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Value Chain Analysis 3.4. Raw Material Trends 3.4.1. Graphite 3.5. Technology Overview 3.5.1. Manufacturing Process Chemical exfoliation Liquid phase exfoliation Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) 3.6. Regulatory Framework 3.6.1. U.S. EPA (TSCA) 3.6.2. France-ANSES 3.7. Market Dynamics 3.7.1. Market driver analysis Growing research activities in the graphene-based energy storage technologies Growth of the electronic industry 3.7.2. Market restraint analysis Lack of commercialization 3.8. Business Environment Analysis 3.8.1. Porter's Analysis Supplier Power Buyer Power Substitution Threat Threat from New Entrant Competitive Rivalry 3.8.2. PESTEL Analysis Political Landscape Environmental Landscape Social Landscape Technology Landscape Economic Landscape Legal Landscape Chapter 4. Graphene Market - Product Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Graphene Market: Product Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.3. Graphene Nanoplatelets 4.3.1. Graphene nanoplatelets market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 4.4. Graphene Oxide 4.4.1. Graphene oxide market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 4.5. Reduced Graphene Oxide 4.5.1. Reduced graphene oxide market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 4.6. Others 4.6.1. Other graphene products market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Chapter 5. Graphene Market - Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Graphene Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.3. Electronics 5.3.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for electronics application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 5.4. Composites 5.4.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for composites application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 5.5. Energy 5.5.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for energy application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 5.6. Others 5.6.1. Graphene market estimates and forecasts for other applications, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Chapter 6. Graphene Market - Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1. Definition & Scope 6.2. Graphene Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.3. North America 6.3.1. North America graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.3.2. North America graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.3.3. North America graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.3.4. U.S. U.S. graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.S. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.S. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4. Europe 6.4.1. Europe graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.2. Europe graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.3. Europe graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.4. U.K. U.K. graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.K. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) U.K. graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.4.5. Spain Spain graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Spain graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Spain graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5. Asia Pacific 6.5.1. Asia Pacific graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.2. Asia Pacific graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.3. Asia Pacific graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.4. China China graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) China graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) China graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.5.5. India India graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) India graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) India graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.6. Rest of the World 6.6.1. Rest of the World graphene market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.6.2. Rest of the World graphene market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) 6.6.3. Rest of the World graphene market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2017 - 2030 (Tons) (USD Million) Chapter 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1. Competitive Landscape 7.2. Vendor Landscape 7.3. Strategic Framework Chapter 8. Company Profiles 8.1. ACS Material 8.1.1. Company Overview 8.1.2. Financial Performance 8.1.3. Product Benchmarking 8.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.2. BGT Materials Limited, Ltd 8.2.1. Company Overview 8.2.2. Financial Performance 8.2.3. Product Benchmarking 8.2.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.3. CVD Equipment Corporation 8.3.1. Company Overview 8.3.2. Financial Performance 8.3.3. Product Benchmarking 8.3.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.4. Directa Plus S.p.A 8.4.1. Company Overview 8.4.2. Financial Performance 8.4.3. Product Benchmarking 8.4.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.5. Grafoid Inc 8.5.1. Company Overview 8.5.2. Financial Performance 8.5.3. Product Benchmarking 8.5.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.6. Graphenea 8.6.1. Company Overview 8.6.2. Financial Performance 8.6.3. Product Benchmarking 8.6.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.7. NanoXplore Inc 8.7.1. Company Overview 8.7.2. Financial Performance 8.7.3. Product Benchmarking 8.7.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.8. Haydale Graphene Industries plc 8.8.1. Company Overview 8.8.2. Financial Performance 8.8.3. Product Benchmarking 8.8.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.9. Applied Graphene Materials 8.9.1. Company Overview 8.9.2. Financial Performance 8.9.3. Product Benchmarking 8.9.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.10. 2D Carbon Graphene Material Co., Ltd 8.10.1. Company Overview 8.10.2. Financial Performance 8.10.3. Product Benchmarking 8.10.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.11. Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. 8.11.1. Company Overview 8.11.2. Financial Performance 8.11.3. Product Benchmarking 8.11.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.12. Graphene Laboratories, Inc. 8.12.1. Company Overview 8.12.2. Financial Performance 8.12.3. Product Benchmarking 8.12.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.13. Graphensic AB 8.13.1. Company Overview 8.13.2. Financial Performance 8.13.3. Product Benchmarking 8.13.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.14. Graphene Square, Inc 8.14.1. Company Overview 8.14.2. Financial Performance 8.14.3. Product Benchmarking 8.14.4. Strategic Initiatives 8.15. AMO GmbH 8.15.1. Company Overview 8.15.2. Financial Performance 8.15.3. Product Benchmarking 8.15.4. Strategic Initiatives
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