東南アジアのリサイクルポリ塩化ビニル市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:製品別(消費者向けリサイクルPVC、産業向けリサイクルPVC)、用途別、国別、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Post-consumer Recycled PVC, Post-industrial Recycled PVC), By Application, By Country, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 東南アジアの再生ポリ塩化ビニル市場の成長・動向 Grand View Research, Inc.の最新調査によると、東南アジアの再生ポリ塩化ビニル市場規模は2030年までに5億6315万米ドルに達すると予測されています。同市場... もっと見る
サマリー東南アジアの再生ポリ塩化ビニル市場の成長・動向Grand View Research, Inc.の最新調査によると、東南アジアの再生ポリ塩化ビニル市場規模は2030年までに5億6315万米ドルに達すると予測されています。同市場は、2022年から2030年にかけてCAGR4.9%で拡大すると予測されています。建築・建設、包装、電気・電子、自動車用途への浸透が、特にアジア・東南アジア地域でのインフラ支出の上昇と相まって、予測期間中、東南アジア全域の再生ポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)の主要推進要因であり続けると予測されます。 再生ポリ塩化ビニルよりも従来のポリ塩化ビニルの方がコスト効率が高く、入手が容易であることは、市場参加者にとって引き続き重要な課題であると予想されます。さらに、再生ポリ塩化ビニルの生産には、特殊な機械設備や、最も重要なポリ塩化ビニル廃棄物回収サービスが必要です。 2021年の市場シェアでは、消費者使用後のリサイクルポリ塩化ビニルが主要原料として浮上しました。家電製品の需要増と中流階級の可処分所得の増加が、東南アジア全域の消費後再生PVCの需要を派生させると予想されています。 2021年に実施された世界銀行グループの調査によると、フィリピン、タイ、マレーシアではリサイクル可能なプラスチックの75%以上が廃棄されています。これは、これらの国で再生ポリ塩化ビニルやその他の再生プラスチックを提供する企業にとって、未開拓のビジネスチャンスとなります。 また、東南アジアのプラスチック廃棄物管理問題に取り組むインキュベーションネットワーク(プラスチックエンドユーザー企業、政府機関、プラスチック樹脂メーカーで構成)、プラスチック廃棄物撲滅同盟、グローバルプラスチック行動パートナーシップの共同取り組みにより、再生塩ビ市場にさらなる成長機会を創出することができます。 例えば、6月にAlliance to End Plastic Waste、Global Plastic Action Partnership、The Incubation Networkによって2022 Plastic Waste to Value Southeast Asia Challengeが開始され、ベトナム、タイ、フィリピンでのプラスチックリサイクルやアップサイクルプロジェクトの開発に焦点を当てています。 COVID - 19が大流行した際、ウイルスの拡散を抑えるために閉鎖が実施されたため、他の地域と同様に東南アジアでもプラスチック廃棄物の回収が減少しました。さらに、リサイクル装置も停止されたため、地域全体のリサイクル工程がさらに減少した。そのため、東南アジアの再生PVC市場は大幅に縮小した。 東南アジアの再生ポリ塩化ビニル市場のレポートハイライト - 東南アジアのリサイクルPVC市場は、シンガポールが独占している。シンガポール政府は、国内の様々な用途で再生PVCの利用率を高めることを目標としている。この要因が市場成長を牽引すると思われる - 2021年には、ポスト工業用再生PVCが最大の製品セグメントになると推定され、予測期間中も市場を支配すると予想される。 - ヘルスケア、容器、パイプの製造用途におけるPVCの需要の増加は、製造および仕上げ作業中にPVCスクラップを発生させると予想され、予測期間中にポストインダストリアルリサイクル塩ビ市場の需要を促進することができます。 - 2022年1月、スエズ・ウォーター・テクノロジー&ソリューションズは、VinyThai Public Company Limitedから、水処理、廃水リサイクル、廃棄物回収システムの設計・構築を受注した。このパッケージは、生物廃棄物およびポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)廃棄物用のフィルタープレス、ZeeWeed - 500D Membrane Bioreactor、PROFlex - Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis system、SUEZのPoseidon - Dissolved Air Flotation Systemで構成される予定である。ビニタイ社は塩ビ樹脂の製造を行っているため、スエズ社のリサイクル技術は、再生塩ビの製造に貢献することができます。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology and Scope 1.1 Research Methodology 1.2 Research scope and assumptions 1.3 Information Procurement 1.3.1 Purchased Database 1.3.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3 Secondary Sources 1.3.4 Third Party Perspective 1.3.5 Primary Research 1.4 Information Analysis 1.4.1 Data Analysis Models 1.5 Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.6 Data Validation and Publishing 1.7 List of Abbreviations Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Summary 2.2 Segmental Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1 Penetration & growth prospect mapping 3.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.2.1 Raw Material Trends 3.2.2 Manufacturing Trends 3.3 Technology Overview 3.3.1 mechanical recycling 3.3.2 chemical recycling 3.4 Market variables analysis 3.4.1 Market Driver Analysis 3.4.2 Market Restraint Analysis 3.5 Southeast Asia recycled polyvinyl chloride market - Industry Analysis 3.5.1 Porter’s Five Force Analysis 3.5.2 PESTEL Analysis 3.6 Impact of COVID - 19 Pandemic on Recycled PVC Market 3.7 Global Waste PVC Collection, 2021 (Volume, Kilotons) Chapter 4 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Product Estimates & Analysis 4.1 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Product movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.2 Post - Consumer Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 4.2.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by post - consumer recycled PVC, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 4.3 Post Industrial Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 4.3.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by post - industrial recycled PVC, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 5 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Application Estimates & Analysis 5.1 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Application movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.2 Building & Construction 5.2.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in building & construction, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.3 Packaging 5.3.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in packaging, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.4 Electrical & Electronics 5.4.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in packaging, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.5 Automotive 5.5.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in automotive, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.6 Others 5.6.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in automotive, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 6 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Country Estimates & Analysis 6.1 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Country movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.2 Southeast Asia 6.2.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.2.2 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.2.3 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.4 Indonesia 6.4.1 Indonesia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.4.2 Indonesia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.4.3 Indonesia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.5 Malaysia 6.5.1 Malaysia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.5.2 Malaysia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.5.3 Malaysia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.6 Philippines 6.6.1 Philippines Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.6.2 Philippines Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.6.3 Philippines Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.7 Singapore 6.7.1 Singapore Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.7.2 Singapore Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.7.3 Singapore Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.8 Thailand 6.8.1 Thailand Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.8.2 Thailand Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.8.3 Thailand Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.9 Vietnam 6.9.1 Vietnam Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.9.2 Vietnam Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.9.3 Vietnam Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 7 Competitive Landscape 7.1 Key global players, Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 7.2 Key Company/Competition Categorization 7.2.1 Competitive Dashboard Analysis 7.3 Vendor Landscape 7.3.1 List of key Distributors and Channel Partners 7.3.2 Key Potential Customers/End - Users Chapter 8 Company Profiles 8.1 Veolia 8.1.1 Company overview 8.1.2 Financial performance 8.1.3 Product benchmarking 8.1.4 Strategic Initiatives 8.2 SUEZ 8.2.1 Company overview 8.2.2 Financial performance 8.2.3 Product benchmarking 8.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 8.3 PT. Rejeki Adigraha 8.3.1 Company overview 8.3.2 Product benchmarking 8.4 D.C.L. Plastic Co., Ltd. 8.4.1 Company overview 8.4.2 Product benchmarking 8.5 Global Plasts Center Co., Ltd. 8.5.1 Company overview 8.5.2 Product benchmarking 8.6 Withaya Intertrade Co., Ltd. 8.6.1 Company overview 8.6.2 Product benchmarking 8.7 Dong Phat Plastics 8.7.1 Company overview 8.7.2 Product benchmarking 8.8 CÔNG TY TNHH SẢN XUẤT THƯƠNG MẠI ĐỆ NHẤT 8.8.1 Company overview 8.8.2 Product benchmarking 8.9 TIN THANH PLASTIC MANUFACTURING - TRADING CO., LTD. 8.9.1 Company overview 8.9.2 Product benchmarking 8.10 Tran Thanh Phat 8.10.1 Company overview 8.10.2 Product benchmarking 8.11 Polindo Utama PT 8.11.1 Company overview 8.11.2 Product benchmarking 8.12 Pt. Production Recycling Indonesia 8.12.1 Company overview 8.12.2 Product benchmarking 8.13 K K Asia (HK) Ltd 8.13.1 Company overview 8.13.2 Product benchmarking 8.14 Taiplas Recycle Co., Ltd. 8.14.1 Company overview 8.14.2 Product benchmarking
SummarySoutheast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology and Scope 1.1 Research Methodology 1.2 Research scope and assumptions 1.3 Information Procurement 1.3.1 Purchased Database 1.3.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3 Secondary Sources 1.3.4 Third Party Perspective 1.3.5 Primary Research 1.4 Information Analysis 1.4.1 Data Analysis Models 1.5 Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.6 Data Validation and Publishing 1.7 List of Abbreviations Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Summary 2.2 Segmental Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1 Penetration & growth prospect mapping 3.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.2.1 Raw Material Trends 3.2.2 Manufacturing Trends 3.3 Technology Overview 3.3.1 mechanical recycling 3.3.2 chemical recycling 3.4 Market variables analysis 3.4.1 Market Driver Analysis 3.4.2 Market Restraint Analysis 3.5 Southeast Asia recycled polyvinyl chloride market - Industry Analysis 3.5.1 Porter’s Five Force Analysis 3.5.2 PESTEL Analysis 3.6 Impact of COVID - 19 Pandemic on Recycled PVC Market 3.7 Global Waste PVC Collection, 2021 (Volume, Kilotons) Chapter 4 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Product Estimates & Analysis 4.1 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Product movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.2 Post - Consumer Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 4.2.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by post - consumer recycled PVC, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 4.3 Post Industrial Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 4.3.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by post - industrial recycled PVC, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 5 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Application Estimates & Analysis 5.1 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Application movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.2 Building & Construction 5.2.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in building & construction, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.3 Packaging 5.3.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in packaging, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.4 Electrical & Electronics 5.4.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in packaging, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.5 Automotive 5.5.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in automotive, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.6 Others 5.6.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in automotive, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 6 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Country Estimates & Analysis 6.1 Southeast Asia Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market: Country movement analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.2 Southeast Asia 6.2.1 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.2.2 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.2.3 Southeast Asia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.4 Indonesia 6.4.1 Indonesia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.4.2 Indonesia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.4.3 Indonesia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.5 Malaysia 6.5.1 Malaysia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.5.2 Malaysia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.5.3 Malaysia Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.6 Philippines 6.6.1 Philippines Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.6.2 Philippines Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.6.3 Philippines Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.7 Singapore 6.7.1 Singapore Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.7.2 Singapore Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.7.3 Singapore Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.8 Thailand 6.8.1 Thailand Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.8.2 Thailand Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.8.3 Thailand Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.9 Vietnam 6.9.1 Vietnam Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.9.2 Vietnam Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, by product, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.9.3 Vietnam Recycled polyvinyl chloride Market estimates and forecasts, in application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 7 Competitive Landscape 7.1 Key global players, Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 7.2 Key Company/Competition Categorization 7.2.1 Competitive Dashboard Analysis 7.3 Vendor Landscape 7.3.1 List of key Distributors and Channel Partners 7.3.2 Key Potential Customers/End - Users Chapter 8 Company Profiles 8.1 Veolia 8.1.1 Company overview 8.1.2 Financial performance 8.1.3 Product benchmarking 8.1.4 Strategic Initiatives 8.2 SUEZ 8.2.1 Company overview 8.2.2 Financial performance 8.2.3 Product benchmarking 8.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 8.3 PT. Rejeki Adigraha 8.3.1 Company overview 8.3.2 Product benchmarking 8.4 D.C.L. Plastic Co., Ltd. 8.4.1 Company overview 8.4.2 Product benchmarking 8.5 Global Plasts Center Co., Ltd. 8.5.1 Company overview 8.5.2 Product benchmarking 8.6 Withaya Intertrade Co., Ltd. 8.6.1 Company overview 8.6.2 Product benchmarking 8.7 Dong Phat Plastics 8.7.1 Company overview 8.7.2 Product benchmarking 8.8 CÔNG TY TNHH SẢN XUẤT THƯƠNG MẠI ĐỆ NHẤT 8.8.1 Company overview 8.8.2 Product benchmarking 8.9 TIN THANH PLASTIC MANUFACTURING - TRADING CO., LTD. 8.9.1 Company overview 8.9.2 Product benchmarking 8.10 Tran Thanh Phat 8.10.1 Company overview 8.10.2 Product benchmarking 8.11 Polindo Utama PT 8.11.1 Company overview 8.11.2 Product benchmarking 8.12 Pt. Production Recycling Indonesia 8.12.1 Company overview 8.12.2 Product benchmarking 8.13 K K Asia (HK) Ltd 8.13.1 Company overview 8.13.2 Product benchmarking 8.14 Taiplas Recycle Co., Ltd. 8.14.1 Company overview 8.14.2 Product benchmarking
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