
バイオメトリクス決済 - 市場、技術分析、導入戦略、2025-2030年予測

バイオメトリクス決済 - 市場、技術分析、導入戦略、2025-2030年予測

Biometric Payments Market & Technology Analysis, Adoption Strategies and Forecasts 2025-2030

この調査レポートはバイオメトリクス決済 - 2025-2030年の市場・技術分析、導入戦略、予測を掲載した301ページの市場分析書だ。 説明 グッドインテリジェンス社は、2030年までに35億人が生体認証技術... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Goode Intelligence
2025年1月6日 GBP3,750
2営業日程度 301 英語



この調査レポートはバイオメトリクス決済 - 2025-2030年の市場・技術分析、導入戦略、予測を掲載した301ページの市場分析書だ。







本レポートは、2015年に初版が発行され、2018年、2021年、そして今回は2025年に向けて改訂されたGoode Intelligence Biometrics for Paymentsの第4版である。


  • 重要な規制や技術基準の調査
  • デジタル・オンボーディング、決済取引、不正検知・防止など、決済プロセスにおけるバイオメトリクスの導入状況の分析
  • 現在の世界的な採用状況のレビュー
  • 広範な支払いシナリオにおける主な促進要因と導入障壁を含む市場分析
  • 技術分析-どのような方法が、どこで、なぜ採用されているか
  • 独占インタビューやベンダー・プロフィールを含む、この分野で事業を展開する重要なテクノロジー・ベンダーやサービス・プロバイダーの分析
  • 2025年から2030年までの6年間におけるユーザー、バイオメトリック・モダリティ、デバイス、トランザクション、収益の予測



  • モバイル・チャネルにおけるより高額な決済取引をサポートするため、デバイス・ベースからサーバー・ベースのバイオメトリック技術への移行が進んでいる。
  • 本人確認をサポートし、ディープフェイクを含むAI主導の詐欺の増加を防止するために、顔バイオメトリクスと顔の活性度検出ソリューションの利用が増加している。
  • 物理的な販売時点(POS)に統合された生体センサーを活用したトークンレス(裸)生体認証決済の採用を強化する。
  • 不正を検出・防止するためのリスクベースの認証や不正管理プラットフォームにおけるバイオメトリクス技術の採用レベルの上昇。
  • 英国のオンライン安全法(OSA)を含む政府の年齢関連規制を満たす、支払いプロセスの重要な部分としての年齢保証の出現。
  • 生体認証決済カードは、アクセシビリティの要件を満たすことができるプレミアムカード製品へと進化している。
  • バイオメトリクス・デジタル ID が、そのアプリケーション/ユースケースの 1 つとして、決済と組み合わ せて提供されるハイブリッド・シナリオ:
    • 渡航許可(高速レーンでの国境審査)
    • チケッティング
    • ロイヤリティ・プログラム
  • 自動車
    • 機内払い
    • ライドシェアと自律走行をサポートする





  • バイオメトリクス決済の利用者は、2030年までに35億人を超えるだろう。
  • バイオメトリクスサプライヤーの決済による総収入は、2030年までに113億ドルを超えるだろう。

本レポートには、Daon社、iProov社、Nuggets社、IDEX Biometrics社、Next Biometrics社、Tapeeze社、Thales社の重要関係者への独占インタビューが含まれている。

本レポートでは以下の企業について言及している:Apple、ANSI、Ariadnext、Aadhaar、Apple Pay、Alipay、AU10TIX、American Express、Amazon Pay、Amazon One、Amadeus、Alibaba、Airport Authority of Hong Kong、Aramark、Allied Irish Bank (AIB)、Bank of Korea, BehavioSec, Blik, BNP Paribas, Bank of China Hong King (BOCHK), Banco Bradesco, BioCatch, China Union Pay, Carte Bancaire, Cubic Transportation Systems, Clear, CDF-Lagardè;re、、CaxiaBank、Cerence、Cognitec、Daon、Diners Club、Danske Bank、Dermalog、Diebold、EMVco、Entrust、Eastern Bank PLC (EBL)、Facebook (Meta)、FIDO Alliance、Fujitsu、FacePhi、Feedzai、Face++、FaceTec、指紋カード、GBG、Google、Google Pay、G+D、Garanti BBVA、Gilbarco Veeder-Root、ゼネラルモーターズ、香港国際空港(HKIA)、HID Global、ホンダ、日立、IDEMIA、IBM、ISO、iProov、IDnow、Idology、、IDPal、Incode、iDeal、IN Groupe、IDEX Biometrics、Itaú Bank、Iris ID、IPS Group、ID R&D、Innovatrics、Jumio、日本クレジットビューロー(JCB)、J.P. Morgan、Klarna、Lexus、J.P.Morgan、Klarna、LexisNexis Risk Solutions、Lumidigm、LumenVox、Microsoft、Mitek、Mox、Microblink、Mastercard、MODO、Mobikwik、Mercedes Benz、Megvii、M2SYS、Nuggets、NIST、Nok Nok Labs、NTT DoCoMo, NCR, NEC, Nuance, Next Biometrics, NICE, Onfido, OCR Labs, OCBC, Payments and Clearing Association of China, Persona, PayPal, Paytm, PhonePe, PopID, PayEye, Parkopedia、Paravision、Phonexia、Precise Biometrics、Qualcomm、Reserve Bank of India、Redrock Biometrics、Revelock、State Bank of Vietnam、Standard Chartered Bank、Samsung、Samsung Pay、Synaptics、Silone CardTechThales、Trulioo、Toppan Forms Card、Tapeeze、TECH5、Thames Technology、TypigDNA、Tencent、UK CESG、Veriff、Visa、Veridas、Worldpay、WeChat Pay、Yoti、Zwipe。





The fourth edition of Biometric Payments - Market & Technology Analysis, Adoption Strategies & Forecasts 2025-2030 is a 301 page market analyst report that provides detailed analysis of the market and adoption of biometrics for payments with six-year forecasts.


Goode Intelligence forecasts that that 3.5 billion people will be benefiting from biometric technology to secure payments by 2030.

The 301 page report is the most comprehensive analysis of biometric payments investigating how biometrics is being integrated into all major parts of the payment process from onboarding, payment transacting, and fraud detection and prevention.

The report details current global adoption with market analysis including key drivers and barriers, interviews with leading stakeholders, technology analysis with review of key biometric technologies and profiles of companies supplying biometric systems for payments. It includes regional and global market forecasts for users, biometric modalities, devices, transactions and revenue for the six-year period from 2025 to 2030.

This report is available to purchase at £3,750.00 for an Enterprise+ license (includes full forecasts in Excel format, 12-month subscription for regular forecast updates, and a 20 minute analyst call).


This is the fourth edition of the Goode Intelligence Biometrics for Payments report, first published in 2015 and refreshed in 2018, 2021, and now for 2025.

The reports covers:

  • Investigation of important regulations and technology standards
  • Analysis of where biometrics is being adopted in the payment process, from digital onboarding, payment transactions, and fraud detection / prevention
  • Review of current global adoption
  • Market analysis, including key drivers and barriers for adoption across a wide range of payment scenarios
  • Technology analysis - what modalities are being adopted, where and why
  • Analysis of important technology vendors and services providers operating in this sector, including exclusive interviews and vendor profiles
  • Forecasts for users, biometric modalities, devices, transactions and revenue for the six-year period 2025 to 2030

The 301 page report is the most detailed and comprehensive guide to the market for biometrics for payments published to date exploring the adoption of biometric technology for payments across all major payment channels – from traditional to emerging – delivered by the world’s leading biometrics analyst company with a track record of detailed analysis and accurate forecasts.

Key findings from the report include:

  • A movement away from device-based to server-based biometric technology to support higher value payment transactions in the mobile channel.
  • Increasing use of face biometrics and face liveness detection solutions to support identity verification and to prevent increasing levels of AI-driven fraud, including deepfakes.
  • Strengthening adoption for Tokenless (naked) biometric payments leveraging integrated biometric sensors at the physical point of sale (POS).
  • Rising levels of adoption for biometric technology in risk-based authentication and fraud management platforms to detect and prevent fraud.
  • The emergence of age assurance as an important part of the payment process, meeting government age related regulation including the UK’s Online Safety Act (OSA).
  • Biometric Payment Cards evolving into a premium card product that can meet accessibility requirements.
  • Hybrid scenarios where a Biometric Digital ID offers payment as one of its applications/use cases in combination with:
    • ­Permission to travel (Fast lane border control)
    • ­ Ticketing
    • ­ Loyalty programs
  • Automotive
    • ­ In-cabin payments
    • ­ Support ride-share and autonomous

Alan Goode, founder and CEO of Goode Intelligence and author of the report, said “The pay by me revolution is well underway. Customers want choice for payments. They also want the assurance that payments are secure and safe. The payment experience also must be convenient with as little friction as possible. The average online cart abandonment rate currently stands at 70 percent, with 31 percent abandoned due to friction – often led by frustration of identity and authentication processes.”

“Biometrics for payments is increasingly a vital part of a payment service providers’ toolkit in the never-ending task of reducing financial fraud and ensuring that their customers can conveniently prove their identity and authorise transactions when paying for trillions of dollars’ worth goods and services in a variety of payment channels. Supporting customers for the entire payment journey in both physical and digital scenarios from onboarding (identity verification) to authentication, transaction authorisation and fraud detection / prevention.”

Biometric modalities covered include behavioral, face, fingerprint, finger-vein, palm-vein, palmprint, and voice. The report investigates adoption of biometric software and hardware.

The report forecasts that:

  • There will be over 3.5 billion biometric payment users by 2030.
  • Total revenue for biometric suppliers from payments will surpass $11.3 billion by 2030.

The report includes exclusive interviews with important stakeholders from the following companies, Daon, iProov, Nuggets, IDEX Biometrics, Next Biometrics, Tapeeze, and Thales.

The following companies are referenced in the report: Apple, ANSI, Ariadnext, Aadhaar, Apple Pay, Alipay, AU10TIX, American Express, Amazon Pay, Amazon One, Amadeus, Alibaba, Airport Authority of Hong Kong, Aramark, Allied Irish Bank (AIB), Bank of Korea, BehavioSec, Blik, BNP Paribas, Bank of China Hong King (BOCHK), Banco Bradesco, BioCatch, China Union Pay, Carte Bancaire, Cubic Transportation Systems, Clear, CDF-Lagardère,, CaxiaBank, Cerence, Cognitec, Daon, Diners Club, Danske Bank, Dermalog, Diebold, EMVco, Entrust, Eastern Bank PLC (EBL), Facebook (Meta), FIDO Alliance, Fujitsu, FacePhi, Feedzai, Face++, FaceTec, Fingerprint Cards, GBG, Google, Google Pay, G+D, Garanti BBVA, Gilbarco Veeder-Root, General Motors, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), HID Global, Honda, Hitachi, IDEMIA, IBM, ISO, iProov, IDnow, Idology,, IDPal, Incode, iDeal, IN Groupe, IDEX Biometrics, Itaú Bank, Iris ID, IPS Group, ID R&D, Innovatrics, Jumio, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB), J.P. Morgan, Klarna, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Lumidigm, LumenVox, Microsoft, Mitek, Mox, Microblink, Mastercard, MODO, Mobikwik, Mercedes Benz, Megvii, M2SYS, Nuggets, NIST, Nok Nok Labs, NTT DoCoMo, NCR, NEC, Nuance, Next Biometrics, NICE, Onfido, OCR Labs, OCBC, Payments and Clearing Association of China, Persona, PayPal, Paytm, PhonePe, PopID, PayEye, Parkopedia, Paravision, Phonexia, Precise Biometrics, Qualcomm, Reserve Bank of India, Redrock Biometrics, Revelock, State Bank of Vietnam, Standard Chartered Bank, Samsung, Samsung Pay, Synaptics, Silone CardTechThales, Trulioo, Toppan Forms Card, Tapeeze, TECH5, Thames Technology, TypigDNA, Tencent, UK CESG, Veriff, Visa, Veridas, Worldpay, WeChat Pay, Yoti, and Zwipe.










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グッドインテリジェンス(Goode Intelligence)は、生体認証 (バイオメトリクス)やセキュリティ市場を専門とする英国の調査会社です。   分析・予測レポート    指紋認証市場... もっと見る


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2025/03/03 10:26

151.56 円

158.23 円

193.78 円
