
水晶振動子と水晶発振器の世界市場、用途、競合:分析と予測 2019-2025年

Quartz Crystals & Oscillators

この調査レポートは水晶振動子と発振器、特に水晶振動子、発振器、温度補償型水晶発振器(TCXO)、電圧制御水晶発振器(VCXO)、恒温槽付水晶発振器(OCXO)の世界市場を詳細かつ広範に調査・分析しています。 ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 図表数 言語
Dedalus Consulting
2021年5月1日 US$4,950
350 550 英語



Quartz Crystals & Oscillators-Global Markets, Applications & Competitors: 2017-2023 Analysis & Forecastsこの調査レポートは水晶振動子と発振器、特に水晶振動子、発振器、温度補償型水晶発振器(TCXO)、電圧制御水晶発振器(VCXO)、恒温槽付水晶発振器(OCXO)の世界市場を詳細かつ広範に調査・分析しています。


  1. 技術概観
  2. 市場概観
  3. 水晶振動子
  4. 非補償型発振器(XO)
  5. 温度補償型水晶発振器(TCXO)
  6. 電圧制御水晶発振器(VCXO)
  7. 恒温槽付水晶発振器(OCXO)



  • 水晶共振器
  • 水晶発振器(XO)
  • 温度補償型水晶発振器(TCXO)
  • 電圧制御水晶発振器(VCXO)
  • 恒温槽付水晶発振器(OCXO)


  • セラミック
  • 金属
  • プラスチック
  • 特殊品(ガラスなど)


  • リード付き
  • SMD


  • アルゼンチン
  • オーストラリア
  • ブラジル
  • カナダ
  • 中国
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • 香港
  • インド
  • アイルランド
  • イスラエル
  • イタリア
  • 日本
  • 韓国
  • メキシコ
  • オランダ
  • ロシア
  • 南アフリカ
  • スペイン
  • スイス
  • 台湾
  • 英国
  • 英国
  • その他の南北アメリカ
  • その他のアジア太平洋地域
  • その他の欧州
  • その他の中東
  • その他の国々


  • 非精度
  • 低精度
  • 半精度
  • 精度
  • 高精度
  • 超高精度


  • <.999KHZ
  • 100KHZ to .999MHZ
  • 1MHZ to 33.999MHZ
  • 34MHZ to 99.999MHZ
  • 100MHZ to 199.999MHZ
  • 200MHZ to .999GHZ
  • 1GHz to 2.999Ghz
  • >3GHz


  • 商業
  • 専属


  • 直売
  • 販売店
  • 自社ブランド/EMS
  • インテグレータ
  • オンライン


  • モノのインターネット(IoT)
  • コンシューマ機器
  • モバイルインフラ
  • モバイル機器
  • 有線通信
  • コンピュータ/周辺機器
  • 産業
  • 軍事/防衛
  • 航空宇宙
  • 自動車
  • センシング
  • 研究/医療
  • 器具とタイミング











・To provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
・To determine the size of the total market opportunity by frequency control component product types, end-user industry, application, packaging, and connector;
・To forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
・To assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales, market share, and producer profiles.










・Quartz Crystal Resonators


・Specialty (e.g., glass and other)




・Low Precision
・High Precision
・Very High Precision


・100KHZ to .999MHZ
・1MHZ to 33.999MHZ
・34MHZ to 99.999MHZ
・100MHZ to 199.999MHZ
・200MHZ to .999GHZ
・1GHz to 2.999Ghz




・Private Labeling/EMS


・Hong Kong
・Korea (South)
・South Africa
・United Kingdom
・United States
・Other Americas
・Other Asia/Pacific
・Other Europe
・Other Mid East
・Rest of World


・Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT(Internet of Things)で接続されるアプリケーションは、タイミング業界を支配する立場にあります。予測期間内には、ほとんどの電子機器がIoTに接続され、周波数制御部品が重要になる。本レポートでは、個々のデバイスとサブシステムを市場カテゴリー別に分類し、各カテゴリーにはIoTの項目も組み込んでいます。

・Consumer Devices


・Mobile Infrastructure

モノのインターネット(Internet of Things)機器

・Mobile Devices


・Wired Communications


















・Instrumentation & Timing







  • 圧電効果
  • ディスカバリー&ヒストリー
  • 技術的な定義
    • エージング,周波数,基本波,ジッタ,ノイズ,安定性,公差 など
  • 周波数制御技術
    • 水晶系
    • その他の圧電材料
    • デジタルベース
    • シリコン系
    • セラミックベース
    • その他の技術
  • 出力
  • 補償技術
  • パッケージング


  • シリコン系(MEMS) vs. 圧電素子
  • MEMS共振器の安定性と精度の向上
  • 超安定型水晶振動子
  • 安定性向上のための新手法
  • 高周波SAW・BAWデバイス
  • デジタルパルス圧縮技術


  • 水晶振動子
    • 音叉型水晶振動子
    • KHzレンジ、MHzレンジ
  • XO (非補償型水晶発振器)
  • TCXO(温度補償型水晶発振器)
  • VCXO(電圧制御型水晶発振器)
  • OCXO(オーブン制御水晶発振器)
  • ハイブリッドデバイス(TCVCXO、VCTCXO、デジタルコンペンセイテッド)
  • MEMS型発振器
  • SAW&BAWデバイス
  • RbXO(ルビジウムクロックオシレータ)&原子時計
  • セラミックレゾネーター


  • 非精密
  • 低高精度
  • 準精密
  • 高精度
  • 高高精度
  • 非常に高高精度


  • 表面実装部品(SMD)
  • スルーホール
  • ディップ/シップ


  • メタル
  • セラミック
  • プラスチック
  • 専門分野パッケージング
  • パッケージング課題


  • トランジスタトランジスタロジック(TTL)
  • エミッタ結合ロジック(EML)
  • Complimentaryメタル Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
  • サインウェーブ
  • その他


  • 競合技術
  • 水晶系制限事項
  • 表面弾性波(SAW)とバルク弾性波(BAW)の比較
  • MEMSの進歩


  • 製造工程の改善による性能と安定性の向上
  • 原材料
  • 合成石英の製造
  • その他周波数制御用素材
  • クリスタルカット
  • 一回転ATカット/二回転SCカット
  • 水晶振動子の封止方法
  • MEMSベース発振器の製造




  • 周波数制御部品の製品タイプ別世界市場(金額:MM、台数:MM、ASP)
  • 周波数制御部品の国別世界市場(金額:MM、台数:MM、ASP)
  • 比率 合計
  • 平均年間成長率(CAGR) 2017-2023
  • 製品タイプ別価格動向


  • 既存市場での有機的成長
  • 新しい応用分野
  • ニッチ市場
  • 製品の高度化・技術革新


  • 周波数制御部品の世界市場:商社 vs. 自社生産
  • 主なキャプティブ生産者
  • Captive Productionのエンドユーザー市場


  • SAWレゾネータ/オシレータの流通チャネル別世界市場(金額:MM、台数:MM、ASP)
  • 価格動向とディスカウント
  • プライベートブランド&EMSサプライチャネル
  • ディストリビューターマージン


  • 周波数制御部品のエンドユーザー&アプリケーション別世界市場(金額:MM、台数:MM、ASP)
  • エンドユーザーが求めるものエンドユーザーによる製品選択の基準
  • 高-成長市場
  • モノのインターネット(IoT)
    • IoT市場の定義
    • 周波数制御への影響とタイミングデバイス
    • 適用製品
    • コネクティビティにおける新しいアプリケーション


  • 産業の歴史的構造
    • この20年で何が変わったのでしょうか?
  • 市場参入の障壁
    • 設備投資額
    • サプライチェーン
    • カスタマー・ロイヤルティ
    • グローバルトレード
  • 競争要因
    • 性能と価格
    • 製造工程


  • 全プロデューサーの売上高と市場シェア($MM):2016年~2018年
  • シェア
  • 生産者別平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 企業戦略
  • 競争力のある強み&弱み
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 技術的要因
  • 高精度対パフォーマンス
  • 高ER周波数アプリケーション
  • 破壊的技術


  • グローバルでの方針転換
    • 米国、北米、中南米



  • 世界の主な市場動向


  • 水晶の世界市場:2017-2023年
  • 水晶振動子の国別世界市場価値($MM)
  • 比率 合計国別
  • 水晶振動子数量・国別需要推移(単位:MM)
  • 価格動向・分析国別
  • 水晶振動子の平均販売価格別市場 ($/Unit)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • 主なキャプティブ生産者
  • Captive Productionのエンドユーザー市場


  • 水晶振動子の世界市場:流通チャネル別(金額:MM、個数:MM、ASP)
  • 価格動向とディスカウント
  • プライベートブランド&EMSサプライチャネル
  • ディストリビューターマージン


  • 周波数別世界価値 (USDMM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 周波数別世界数量(UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

水晶振動子の分野別市場コネクタ Type

  • World Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

水晶振動子の分野別市場パッケージング Type

  • World Valueでパッケージング Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでパッケージング Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • World Valueで高精度 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • アプリケーション別市場価値($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023
  • アプリケーション別市場動向
  • アプリケーション別予測:2017-2023


  • 水晶振動子の地域別生産者売上高と市場シェア(MMドル、MM個数、ASP):2016-2018年
    • アジア・パシフィック
    • 米州
    • ヨーロッパ
    • その他
  • シェア地域別
  • 生産者別・地域別平均販売価格(ドル/台)(単位:円
  • 累積平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 水晶振動子のKHz周波数別生産者売上高と市場シェア($MM、Units MM、ASP):2016年~2018年
  • 水晶振動子のMHz周波数別生産者売上高と市場シェア($MM、Units MM、ASP):2016年~2018年
  • シェア周波数別
  • 生産者別・頻度別平均販売価格(ドル/台
  • 生産者別平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 高-成長市場
  • 技術革新



  • 世界の主な市場動向


  • XOの世界市場:2017-2023年
  • World Market Value for XOs国別 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計国別
  • XOの数量・国別需要推移(単位:MM)
  • 価格動向・分析国別
  • XOの平均販売価格別市場 ($/Unit)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • 主なキャプティブ生産者
  • Captive Productionのエンドユーザー市場


  • XOの世界市場:流通チャネル別(金額:MM、台数:MM、ASP)
  • 価格動向とディスカウント
  • プライベートブランド&EMSサプライチャネル
  • ディストリビューターマージン


  • 周波数別世界価値 (USDMM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 周波数別世界数量(UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

XOの市場でコネクタ Type

  • World Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

XOの市場でパッケージング Type

  • World Valueでパッケージング Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでパッケージング Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • World Valueで高精度 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • アプリケーション別市場価値($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023
  • アプリケーション別市場動向
  • アプリケーション別予測:2017-2023


  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for XOs地域別 ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • アジア・パシフィック
    • 米州
    • ヨーロッパ
    • その他
  • シェア地域別
  • 生産者別・地域別平均販売価格(ドル/台)(単位:円
  • 累積平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 生産者別平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 高-成長市場
  • 技術革新



  • 世界の主な市場動向


  • TCXOの世界市場:2017-2023年
  • World Market Value for TCXOs国別 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計国別
  • Demand for TCXOsで Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向・分析国別
  • TCXOの市場で Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • 主なキャプティブ生産者
  • Captive Productionのエンドユーザー市場


  • WorldTCXOの市場で Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • 価格動向とディスカウント
  • プライベートブランド&EMSサプライチャネル
  • ディストリビューターマージン


  • 周波数別世界価値 (USDMM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 周波数別世界数量(UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

TCXOの市場でコネクタ Type

  • World Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

TCXOの市場でパッケージング Type

  • World Valueでパッケージング Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでパッケージング Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • World Valueで高精度 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • アプリケーション別市場価値($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023
  • アプリケーション別市場動向
  • アプリケーション別予測:2017-2023


  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for TCXOs地域別 ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • アジア・パシフィック
    • 米州
    • ヨーロッパ
    • その他
  • シェア地域別
  • 生産者別・地域別平均販売価格(ドル/台)(単位:円
  • 累積平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 生産者別平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 高-成長市場
  • 技術革新



  • 世界の主な市場動向


  • VCXOの世界市場:2017-2023年
  • World Market Value for VCXOs国別 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計国別
  • Demand for VCXOsで Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向・分析国別
  • VCXOの市場で Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • 主なキャプティブ生産者
  • Captive Productionのエンドユーザー市場


  • WorldVCXOの市場で Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • 価格動向とディスカウント
  • プライベートブランド&EMSサプライチャネル
  • ディストリビューターマージン


  • 周波数別世界価値 (USDMM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 周波数別世界数量(UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

VCXOの市場でコネクタ Type

  • World Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

VCXOの市場でパッケージング Type

  • World Valueでパッケージング Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでパッケージング Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • World Valueで高精度 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • アプリケーション別市場価値($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023
  • アプリケーション別市場動向
  • アプリケーション別予測:2017-2023


  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for VCXOs地域別 ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • アジア・パシフィック
    • 米州
    • ヨーロッパ
    • その他
  • シェア地域別
  • 生産者別・地域別平均販売価格(ドル/台)(単位:円
  • 累積平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 生産者別平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 高-成長市場
  • 技術革新



  • 世界の主な市場動向


  • OCXOの世界市場:2017-2023年
  • World Market Value for OCXOs国別 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計国別
  • Demand for OCXOsで Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向・分析国別
  • OCXOの市場で Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • 主なキャプティブ生産者
  • Captive Productionのエンドユーザー市場


  • WorldOCXOの市場で Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • 価格動向とディスカウント
  • プライベートブランド&EMSサプライチャネル
  • ディストリビューターマージン


  • 周波数別世界価値 (USDMM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 周波数別世界数量(UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

OCXOの市場でコネクタ Type

  • World Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023

OCXOの市場でパッケージング Type

  • World Valueでパッケージング Type ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeでパッケージング Type (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • World Valueで高精度 ($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • World Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM)
  • 価格動向
  • 平均販売価格別世界市場 ($/台)
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023


  • アプリケーション別市場価値($MM)
  • 比率 合計
  • 年平均成長率 2017-2023
  • アプリケーション別市場動向
  • アプリケーション別予測:2017-2023


  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for OCXOs地域別 ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • アジア・パシフィック
    • 米州
    • ヨーロッパ
    • その他
  • シェア地域別
  • 生産者別・地域別平均販売価格(ドル/台)(単位:円
  • 累積平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 生産者別平均成長率 2016-2018
  • 価格動向とマーケティング戦略


  • 高-成長市場
  • 技術革新




  • Table 2.1: World Frequency Control Components Market Valueで Product Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.2: World Frequency Control Components Market Valueで Product Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.3: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Changeで Product Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.4: World Frequency Control Components Market Volumeで Product Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.5: World Frequency Control Components Market Volumeで Product Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.6: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Changeで Product Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.7: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Componentsで Product Type ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.8: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP ofで Product Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.9: World Frequency Control Components Market Value国別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.10: World Frequency Control Components Market Value国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.11: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.12: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume国別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.13: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.14: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.15: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components国別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.16: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.17: World Frequency Control Components Market Valueで Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.18: World Frequency Control Components Market Valueで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.19: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.20: World Frequency Control Components Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.21: World Frequency Control Components Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.22: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.23: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Componentsで Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.24: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASPで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.25: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Componentsでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.26: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Componentsでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.27: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Componentsでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション, Year-over-Year Change (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.28: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Componentsでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.29: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Componentsでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.30: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Componentsでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション, Year-over-Year Change (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.31: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Componentsで End-User Market & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.32: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASPで End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.33: World Frequency Control Componentsで生産者売上高・市場シェア ($MM): 2019-2020


  • 表3.1:世界の水晶振動子市場合計($MM、UnitsMM、$/Unit)。2019-2025
  • Table 3.2: World Quartz Crystals Market Value国別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.3: World Quartz Crystals Market Value国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.4: World Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.5: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume国別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.6: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.7: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.8: World Quartz Crystals Average Selling Price国別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.9: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.10: World Quartz Crystals Market Valueで Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.11: World Quartz Crystals Market Valueで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.12: World Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.13: World Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.14: World Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.15: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.16: World Quartz Crystals Average Selling Priceで Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.17: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASPで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.18: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value周波数別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.19: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.20: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.21: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume周波数別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.22: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.23: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.24: Global Quartz Crystals Average Selling Price周波数別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.25: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.26: World Quartz Crystals Market Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.27: World Quartz Crystals Market Valueでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.28: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Valueでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.29: World Quartz Crystals Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.30: World Quartz Crystals Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.31: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.32: World Quartz Crystalsでコネクタ Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.33: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASPでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.34: Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueでパッケージング ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.35: Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.36: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.37: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeでパッケージング (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.38: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.39: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.40: Global Quartz Crystals Average Selling Priceでパッケージング ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.41: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASPでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.42: World Quartz Crystals Market Valueで高精度 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.43: World Quartz Crystals Market Valueで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.44: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Valueで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.45: World Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.46: World Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.47: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.48: World Quartz Crystalsで高精度 ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.49: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASPで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.50: Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueで End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.51: Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.53: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.54: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.56: World Quartz Crystals ASPでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.57: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASPで End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.58: Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.59: Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.61: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.62: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.64: World Quartz Crystals ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.65: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.66: World Quartz Crystals Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 3.67: World Quartz Crystals Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 3.68: World Quartz Crystals Suppliersで ASP地域別 ($/Unit): 2019-2020


  • 表4.1:世界のXOs市場合計($MM、UnitsMM、$/Unit)。2019-2025
  • Table 4.2: World XOs Market Value国別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.3: World XOs Market Value国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.4: World XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.5: World XOs Market Volume国別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.6: World XOs Market Volume国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.7: World XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.8: World XOs Average Selling Price国別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.9: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.10: World XOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.11: World XOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.12: World XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.13: World XOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.14: World XOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.15: World XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.16: World XOs Average Selling Priceで Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.17: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASPで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.18: Global XOs Market Value周波数別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.19: Global XOs Market Value周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.20: Global XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.21: Global XOs Market Volume周波数別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.22: Global XOs Market Volume周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.23: Global XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.24: Global XOs Average Selling Price周波数別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.25: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.26: World XOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.27: World XOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.28: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.29: World XOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.30: World XOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.31: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.32: World XOsでコネクタ Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.33: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASPでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.34: Global XOs Market Valueでパッケージング ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.35: Global XOs Market Valueでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.36: Global XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.37: Global XOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.38: Global XOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.39: Global XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.40: Global XOs Average Selling Priceでパッケージング ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.41: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASPでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.42: World XOs Market Valueで高精度 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.43: World XOs Market Valueで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.44: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Valueで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.45: World XOs Market Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.46: World XOs Market Volumeで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.47: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Volumeで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.48: World XOsで高精度 ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.49: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASPで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.50: Global XOs Market Valueで End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.51: Global XOs Market Valueで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Valueでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.53: Global XOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.54: Global XOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.56: World XOs ASPでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.57: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASPで End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.58: Global XOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.59: Global XOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.61: Global XOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.62: Global XOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.64: World XOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.65: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.66: World XOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 4.67: World XOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 4.68: World XOs Suppliersで ASP地域別 ($/Unit): 2019-2020


  • 表5.1:世界のTCXO市場合計($MM、UnitsMM、$/Unit)。2019-2025
  • Table 5.2: World TCXOs Market Value国別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.3: World TCXOs Market Value国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.4: World TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.5: World TCXOs Market Volume国別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.6: World TCXOs Market Volume国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.7: World TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.8: World TCXOs Average Selling Price国別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.9: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.10: World TCXOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.11: World TCXOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.12: World TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.13: World TCXOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.14: World TCXOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.15: World TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.16: World TCXOs Average Selling Priceで Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.17: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASPで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.18: Global TCXOs Market Value周波数別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.19: Global TCXOs Market Value周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.20: Global TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.21: Global TCXOs Market Volume周波数別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.22: Global TCXOs Market Volume周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.23: Global TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.24: Global TCXOs Average Selling Price周波数別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.25: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.26: World TCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.27: World TCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.28: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.29: World TCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.30: World TCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.31: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.32: World TCXOsでコネクタ Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.33: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASPでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.34: Global TCXOs Market Valueでパッケージング ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.35: Global TCXOs Market Valueでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.36: Global TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.37: Global TCXOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.38: Global TCXOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.39: Global TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.40: Global TCXOs Average Selling Priceでパッケージング ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.41: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASPでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.42: World TCXOs Market Valueで高精度 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.43: World TCXOs Market Valueで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.44: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Valueで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.45: World TCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.46: World TCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.47: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.48: World TCXOsで高精度 ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.49: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASPで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.50: Global TCXOs Market Valueで End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.51: Global TCXOs Market Valueで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Valueでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.53: Global TCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.54: Global TCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.56: World TCXOs ASPでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.57: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASPで End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.58: Global TCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.59: Global TCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.61: Global TCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.62: Global TCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.64: World TCXOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.65: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.66: World TCXOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 5.67: World TCXOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 5.68: World TCXOs Suppliersで ASP地域別 ($/Unit): 2019-2020


  • 表 6.1:世界のVCXO市場合計($MM、UnitsMM、$/Unit)。2019-2025
  • Table 6.2: World VCXOs Market Value国別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.3: World VCXOs Market Value国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.4: World VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.5: World VCXOs Market Volume国別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.6: World VCXOs Market Volume国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.7: World VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.8: World VCXOs Average Selling Price国別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.9: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.10: World VCXOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.11: World VCXOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.12: World VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.13: World VCXOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.14: World VCXOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.15: World VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.16: World VCXOs Average Selling Priceで Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.17: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASPで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.18: Global VCXOs Market Value周波数別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.19: Global VCXOs Market Value周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.20: Global VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.21: Global VCXOs Market Volume周波数別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.22: Global VCXOs Market Volume周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.23: Global VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.24: Global VCXOs Average Selling Price周波数別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.25: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.26: World VCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.27: World VCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.28: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.29: World VCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.30: World VCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.31: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.32: World VCXOsでコネクタ Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.33: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASPでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.34: Global VCXOs Market Valueでパッケージング ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.35: Global VCXOs Market Valueでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.36: Global VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.37: Global VCXOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.38: Global VCXOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.39: Global VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.40: Global VCXOs Average Selling Priceでパッケージング ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.41: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASPでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.42: World VCXOs Market Valueで高精度 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.43: World VCXOs Market Valueで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.44: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Valueで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.45: World VCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.46: World VCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.47: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.48: World VCXOsで高精度 ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.49: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASPで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.50: Global VCXOs Market Valueで End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.51: Global VCXOs Market Valueで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Valueでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.53: Global VCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.54: Global VCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.56: World VCXOs ASPでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.57: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASPで End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.58: Global VCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.59: Global VCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.61: Global VCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.62: Global VCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.64: World VCXOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.65: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.66: World VCXOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 6.67: World VCXOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 6.68: World VCXOs Suppliersで ASP地域別 ($/Unit): 2019-2020


  • 表7.1:世界のOCXO市場合計($MM、UnitsMM、$/Unit)。2019-2025
  • Table 7.2: World OCXOs Market Value国別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.3: World OCXOs Market Value国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.4: World OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.5: World OCXOs Market Volume国別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.6: World OCXOs Market Volume国別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.7: World OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.8: World OCXOs Average Selling Price国別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.9: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP国別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.10: World OCXOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.11: World OCXOs Market Valueで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.12: World OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.13: World OCXOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.14: World OCXOs Market Volumeで Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.15: World OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.16: World OCXOs Average Selling Priceで Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.17: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASPで Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.18: Global OCXOs Market Value周波数別 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.19: Global OCXOs Market Value周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.20: Global OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.21: Global OCXOs Market Volume周波数別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.22: Global OCXOs Market Volume周波数別 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.23: Global OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.24: Global OCXOs Average Selling Price周波数別 ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.25: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP周波数別 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.26: World OCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.27: World OCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.28: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Valueでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.29: World OCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.30: World OCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.31: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Volumeでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.32: World OCXOsでコネクタ Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.33: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASPでコネクタ Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.34: Global OCXOs Market Valueでパッケージング ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.35: Global OCXOs Market Valueでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.36: Global OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.37: Global OCXOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.38: Global OCXOs Market Volumeでパッケージング (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.39: Global OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Changeでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.40: Global OCXOs Average Selling Priceでパッケージング ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.41: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASPでパッケージング (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.42: World OCXOs Market Valueで高精度 ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.43: World OCXOs Market Valueで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.44: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Valueで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.45: World OCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.46: World OCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.47: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Volumeで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.48: World OCXOsで高精度 ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.49: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASPで高精度 (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.50: Global OCXOs Market Valueで End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.51: Global OCXOs Market Valueで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Valueでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.53: Global OCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.54: Global OCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Volumeで End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.56: World OCXOs ASPでエンドユーザー業界&アプリケーション ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.57: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASPで End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.58: Global OCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.59: Global OCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Valueで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.61: Global OCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.62: Global OCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Volumeで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.64: World OCXOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.65: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASPで Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.66: World OCXOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 7.67: World OCXOs Suppliersで Sales and Market Share地域別 (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 7.68: World OCXOs Suppliersで ASP地域別 ($/Unit): 2019-2020





This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the world market for quartz crystals and oscillators — in particular quartz crystals, XOs, TCXOs, VCXOs, and OCXOs. The report builds on our extensive knowledgebase and compiles the best available data on the quartz crystal and oscillator industries. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by product type. A detailed Market Overview provides valuable information on product types, as well as recent advancements in frequency control technology trends and competitive analogs.

Our core database dates back to 1994, and our history of covering this market has seen technological surges and disruptions, major globalization changes, and drastic changes in supply-side economics. The report builds on that extensive knowledgebase and compiles the best available data on the frequency control and timing industry.

Published: November 2018.

Summary of Report Contents

Each section is broken down according to market criteria. The report contains detailed market data including market by value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit). Specific quantitative analysis tables include product markets by region, application, end-user industry, and competitive supplier sales/market share. Data and analysis include: size of total market opportunity; market forecasts in regional and end-use markets; competition by product type.

The report contains over 350 pages and over 550 data tables and data visualizations.

Research Objectives

The primary objectives in this analysis are:

•To provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
•To determine the size of the total market opportunity by frequency control component product types, end-user industry, application, packaging, and connector;
•To forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
•To assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales, market share, and producer profiles.

History of Coverage

Dedalus Consulting has prepared reports on the frequency control and timing industry since 1994 starting with an in-depth analysis of the global shifts in production and consumption in the quartz crystal and oscillators industry. Over the next next several years into the early 2000's, reporting expanded to include other types of frequency control devices such as atomic frequency standards, RBXO's, and ceramic resonators. Finally in 2004, we added silicon timing and MEMS oscillators to our coverage as that market started developing.

In 2017, we expanded our product and services offerings to include not only printed and digital reports, but also a searchable database of our complete knowledgebase in the frequency control & timing space.

This report is part of the 9th edition of our complete frequency control and timing coverage. Our extensive database covering historical and forecast data from 1994 through 2025, as well as our industry knowledge, experience, and reliability make us a trusted source for market and competitive intelligence.

Methodology & Sources

Dedalus Consulting employs all current market and competitive intelligence techniques in order to ensure comprehensive research and analysis. This includes primary and secondary research. The research methodology applies generally to all database services, published and custom research. It can also be modified to suit a project and the client’s specific objectives.

Scope of Coverage

Each section contains quantitative market data including market by value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit) by country, supplier sales & market share, applications & end-user, packaging type and connector. Data is given for the years 2019-2025 by year with 2019 as the base year, 2020 as the estimate year, and 2025 as the forecast year.

Product Types and Subtypes Covered

•Quartz Crystal Resonators

Packaging Covered

•Specialty (e.g., glass and other)

Connectors Covered


Precision Covered

•Low Precision
•High Precision
•Very High Precision

Frequencies Covered

•100KHZ to .999MHZ
•1MHZ to 33.999MHZ
•34MHZ to 99.999MHZ
•100MHZ to 199.999MHZ
•200MHZ to .999GHZ
•1GHz to 2.999Ghz

Markets Covered


Distribution Channels Covered

•Private Labeling/EMS

Geographic Scope

•Hong Kong
•Korea (South)
•South Africa
•United Kingdom
•United States
•Other Americas
•Other Asia/Pacific
•Other Europe
•Other Mid East
•Rest of World

End-User Industries & Applications

•Internet of Things (IoT)

◦Applications connected by the Internet of Things (IoT) stand to dominate the timing industry. Within the forecast period, most electronic devices will be connected to the IoT, and frequency control components become critical. This report breaks out individual devices and sub-systems by market category, and each category also incorporates a line item for the IoT.

•Consumer Devices

◦Video Games
◦Set Top Boxes
◦Digital TVs
◦DVD/Blu-Ray Players
◦Audio/Visual Equipment
◦Internet of Things Devices

•Mobile Infrastructure

◦4G Hotspots
◦Internet of Things Devices

•Mobile Devices

◦Smart Phones
◦Audio (MP3 players, etc.)
◦Internet of Things Devices

•Wired Communications

◦Fiber Channels
◦Data Transfer Devices
◦LAN Nodes
◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Video Cards
◦Internal Hard Drives
◦External Hard Drives
◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Machine Control
◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Electronic Warfare
◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Mobile GPS Devices
◦Internet of Things Devices


◦Diagnostic Equipment
◦Observation Equipment
◦Other Scientific
◦Internet of Things Devices

•Instrumentation & Timing

◦Telecom Test Equipment
◦Internet of Things Devices


Table of Contents

Detailed Report Contents

Section One: Technology Overview


  • Piezoelectric Effect
  • Discovery & History
  • Technological Definitions
    • Aging, Frequency, Fundamental Mode, Jitter, Noise, Stability, Tolerance & more...
  • Frequency Control Technologies
    • Quartz-based
    • Other Piezoelectric Materials
    • Digitally-based
    • Silicon-based
    • Ceramic-based
    • Other Technologies
  • Outputs
  • Compensation Techniques
  • Packaging

Technological Advances

  • Silicon-based (MEMS) vs. Piezoelectric Devices
  • Stability and Precision Advances in MEMS Resonators
  • Ultra-stable Quartz Crystal Resonators
  • New Methods in Increasing Stability
  • High-Frequency SAW and BAW Devices
  • Digital Pulse Compression Technology

Frequency Control Products Defined

  • Quartz Crystal Resonator
    • Tuning Fork Crystal
    • KHz Range, MHz Range
  • XO (Uncompensated Crystal Oscillator)
  • TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator)
  • VCXO (Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
  • OCXO (Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator)
  • Hybrid Devices (TCVCXO, VCTCXO, Digitally Compensated)
  • MEMS-based Oscillators
  • SAW & BAW Devices
  • RbXO (Rubidium Clock Oscillator) & Atomic Clocks
  • Ceramic Resonator


  • Non-Precision
  • Low Precision
  • Semi-Precision
  • Precision
  • High Precision
  • Very High Precision


  • Surface-Mount Devices (SMD)
  • Through-hole


  • Metal
  • Ceramic
  • Plastic
  • Specialty Packaging
  • Packaging Issues

Output Type

  • Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
  • Emitter-Coupled Logic (EML)
  • Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
  • Sinewave
  • Other

Technological Differences

  • Competing Technologies
  • Quartz-based Limitations
  • Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) vs. Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW)
  • MEMS Advances

Frequency Control and Timing Devices Manufacturing Processes

  • Improvements in Manufacturing Impact Performance and Stability
  • Raw Materials
  • Synthetic Quartz Production
  • Other Materials for Frequency Control
  • Crystal Cuts
  • Single-Rotated AT-cut/Double-Rotated SC-cut
  • Crystal Sealing Methods
  • MEMS-Based Oscillator Manufacturing

Section Two: Market Overview

General Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by Product Type ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by Country ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 2017-2023
  • Pricing Trends by Product Type

Factors Affecting Demand

  • Organic Growth within Existing Markets
  • New Application Areas
  • Niche Markets
  • Product Sophistication & Technological Innovation

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by Merchant vs. Captive Production
  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for SAW Resonators/Oscillators by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

End-User Market Demand

  • World Market for Frequency Control Components by End-User & Application ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • What are End-User Looking for: End-User Criteria for Product Selection
  • High-Growth Markets
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Defining the IoT Market
    • Impact on Frequency Control & Timing Devices
    • Products Applied
    • New Applications in Connectivity

Competitive Environment

  • Historical Structure of the Industry
    • What has changed over the last 20 years?
  • Barriers of Market Entry
    • Capital Investment
    • Supply Chain
    • Customer Loyalty
    • Global Trade
  • Factors of Competition
    • Performance versus Price
    • Manufacturing Processes

Producer Sales & Market Share

  • Total Producer Sales and Market Shares ($MM): 2016-2018
  • Percentage Share
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2016-2018
  • Company Strategies
  • Competitive Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • Technological Factors
  • Precision versus Performance
  • Higher Frequency Applications
  • Disruptive Technologies

Shifting International Environment

  • Policy Changes Globally
    • United States, North & Latin America
      NAFTA Impacts
      Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
      Shifting Manufacturing Landscape in Mexico & Latin America
      European Union
      Chinese Response to Shifting Trade
      Changing Southeast Asia Manufacturing Landscape
      Rest of World
      Leapfrogs in African Infrastructure
      Wireless & Telecom
      Renewable Energy
      Military & Defense in the Middle East

Section Three: Quartz Crystals (XTALs)


  • Major World Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for Quartz Crystals: 2017-2023
  • World Market Value for Quartz Crystals by Country ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals by Country
  • Demand for Quartz Crystals by Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends & Analysis by Country
  • Market for Quartz Crystals by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for Quartz Crystals by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

Market for Quartz Crystals by Frequency

  • World Value by Frequency ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for Quartz Crystals by Connector Type

  • World Value by Connector Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for Quartz Crystals by Packaging Type

  • World Value by Packaging Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Packaging Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for Quartz Crystals by Precision

  • World Value by Precision ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Precision (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for Quartz Crystals by End-User Industry & Application

  • Market Value by Application ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate 2017-2023
  • Market Trends by Application
  • Forecast by Application: 2017-2023

Competitive Environment

  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for Quartz Crystals by Region ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Americas
    • Europe
    • Other
  • Percentage Share by Region
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Region
  • Cumulative Average Growth Rate 2016-2018
  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for Quartz Crystals by KHz Frequency ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for Quartz Crystals by MHz Frequency ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
  • Percentage Share by Frequency
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Frequency
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2016-2018
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • High-Growth Markets
  • Technological Innovations

Section Four: Uncompensated Oscillators (XOs)


  • Major World Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for XOs: 2017-2023
  • World Market Value for XOs by Country ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals by Country
  • Demand for XOs by Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends & Analysis by Country
  • Market for XOs by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for XOs by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

Market for XOs by Frequency

  • World Value by Frequency ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for XOs by Connector Type

  • World Value by Connector Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for XOs by Packaging Type

  • World Value by Packaging Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Packaging Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for XOs by Precision

  • World Value by Precision ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Precision (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for XOs by End-User Industry & Application

  • Market Value by Application ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate 2017-2023
  • Market Trends by Application
  • Forecast by Application: 2017-2023

Competitive Environment

  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for XOs by Region ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Americas
    • Europe
    • Other
  • Percentage Share by Region
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Region
  • Cumulative Average Growth Rate 2016-2018
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2016-2018
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • High-Growth Markets
  • Technological Innovations

Section Five: Temperature Compensated Quartz Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs)


  • Major World Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for TCXOs: 2017-2023
  • World Market Value for TCXOs by Country ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals by Country
  • Demand for TCXOs by Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends & Analysis by Country
  • Market for TCXOs by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for TCXOs by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

Market for TCXOs by Frequency

  • World Value by Frequency ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for TCXOs by Connector Type

  • World Value by Connector Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for TCXOs by Packaging Type

  • World Value by Packaging Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Packaging Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for TCXOs by Precision

  • World Value by Precision ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Precision (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for TCXOs by End-User Industry & Application

  • Market Value by Application ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate 2017-2023
  • Market Trends by Application
  • Forecast by Application: 2017-2023

Competitive Environment

  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for TCXOs by Region ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Americas
    • Europe
    • Other
  • Percentage Share by Region
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Region
  • Cumulative Average Growth Rate 2016-2018
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2016-2018
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • High-Growth Markets
  • Technological Innovations

Section Six: Voltage Controlled Quartz Crystal Oscillators (VCXOs)


  • Major World Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for VCXOs: 2017-2023
  • World Market Value for VCXOs by Country ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals by Country
  • Demand for VCXOs by Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends & Analysis by Country
  • Market for VCXOs by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for VCXOs by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

Market for VCXOs by Frequency

  • World Value by Frequency ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for VCXOs by Connector Type

  • World Value by Connector Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for VCXOs by Packaging Type

  • World Value by Packaging Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Packaging Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for VCXOs by Precision

  • World Value by Precision ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Precision (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for VCXOs by End-User Industry & Application

  • Market Value by Application ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate 2017-2023
  • Market Trends by Application
  • Forecast by Application: 2017-2023

Competitive Environment

  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for VCXOs by Region ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Americas
    • Europe
    • Other
  • Percentage Share by Region
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Region
  • Cumulative Average Growth Rate 2016-2018
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2016-2018
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • High-Growth Markets
  • Technological Innovations

Section Seven: Oven Controlled Quartz Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs)


  • Major World Market Trends

Total Market Value

  • World Market for OCXOs: 2017-2023
  • World Market Value for OCXOs by Country ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals by Country
  • Demand for OCXOs by Volume & Country (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends & Analysis by Country
  • Market for OCXOs by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Merchant vs. Captive Production & Consumption Analysis

  • Major Captive Producers
  • End-User Markets for Captive Production

Distribution Channel Analysis

  • World Market for OCXOs by Distribution Channel ($MM, UnitsMM, ASP)
  • Pricing Trends and Discounting
  • Private Labeling & EMS Supply Channels
  • Distributor Margins

Market for OCXOs by Frequency

  • World Value by Frequency ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for OCXOs by Connector Type

  • World Value by Connector Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for OCXOs by Packaging Type

  • World Value by Packaging Type ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Packaging Type (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for OCXOs by Precision

  • World Value by Precision ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • World Volume by Precision (UnitsMM)
  • Pricing Trends
  • World Market by Average Selling Price ($/Unit)
  • Average Annual Growth 2017-2023

Market for OCXOs by End-User Industry & Application

  • Market Value by Application ($MM)
  • Percentage Totals
  • Average Annual Growth Rate 2017-2023
  • Market Trends by Application
  • Forecast by Application: 2017-2023

Competitive Environment

  • Producer Sales and Market Shares for OCXOs by Region ($MM, Units MM, ASP): 2016-2018
    • Asia/Pacific
    • Americas
    • Europe
    • Other
  • Percentage Share by Region
  • Average Selling Price ($/Unit) by Producer and Region
  • Cumulative Average Growth Rate 2016-2018
  • Average Growth Rate by Producer 2016-2018
  • Pricing Trends and Marketing Strategies

Future Outlook

  • High-Growth Markets
  • Technological Innovations


List of Tables and Charts
Data tables are presented with accompanying pie charts and/or line charts.

Section Two: Market Overview

  • Table 2.1: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Product Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.2: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Product Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.3: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change by Product Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.4: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Product Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.5: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Product Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.6: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change by Product Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.7: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by Product Type ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.8: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP of by Product Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.9: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Country ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.10: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.11: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.12: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.13: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.14: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.15: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by Country ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.16: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.17: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.18: World Frequency Control Components Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.19: World Frequency Control Components Value Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.20: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.21: World Frequency Control Components Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.22: World Frequency Control Components Volume Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.23: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.24: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.25: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.26: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.27: Global Market Value for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application, Year-over-Year Change (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.28: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.29: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.30: Global Market Volume for Frequency Control Components by End-User Industry & Application, Year-over-Year Change (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.31: Average Selling Price of Frequency Control Components by End-User Market & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.32: Year-over-Year Change in Frequency Control Component ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 2.33: World Frequency Control Components by Producer Sales & Market Share ($MM): 2019-2020

Section Three: Quartz Crystals

  • Table 3.1: World Quartz Crystals Market Total ($MM, UnitsMM, $/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.2: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Country ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.3: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.4: World Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.5: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.6: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.7: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.8: World Quartz Crystals Average Selling Price by Country ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.9: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.10: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.11: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.12: World Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.13: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.14: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.15: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.16: World Quartz Crystals Average Selling Price by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.17: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.18: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Frequency ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.19: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.20: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.21: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.22: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.23: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.24: Global Quartz Crystals Average Selling Price by Frequency ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.25: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.26: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Connector Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.27: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.28: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Value by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.29: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.30: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.31: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.32: World Quartz Crystals by Connector Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.33: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.34: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Packaging ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.35: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.36: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.37: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Packaging (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.38: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.39: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.40: Global Quartz Crystals Average Selling Price by Packaging ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.41: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.42: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Precision ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.43: World Quartz Crystals Market Value by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.44: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Value by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.45: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Precision (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.46: World Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.47: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.48: World Quartz Crystals by Precision ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.49: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.50: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.51: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by End-User Industry & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.53: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.54: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.56: World Quartz Crystals ASP by End-User Industry & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.57: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.58: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.59: Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.61: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.62: Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global Quartz Crystals Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.64: World Quartz Crystals ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.65: Year-over-Year Change of Quartz Crystals ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 3.66: World Quartz Crystals Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 3.67: World Quartz Crystals Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 3.68: World Quartz Crystals Suppliers by ASP by Region ($/Unit): 2019-2020

Section Four: XOs

  • Table 4.1: World XOs Market Total ($MM, UnitsMM, $/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.2: World XOs Market Value by Country ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.3: World XOs Market Value by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.4: World XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.5: World XOs Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.6: World XOs Market Volume by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.7: World XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.8: World XOs Average Selling Price by Country ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.9: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.10: World XOs Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.11: World XOs Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.12: World XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.13: World XOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.14: World XOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.15: World XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.16: World XOs Average Selling Price by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.17: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.18: Global XOs Market Value by Frequency ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.19: Global XOs Market Value by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.20: Global XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.21: Global XOs Market Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.22: Global XOs Market Volume by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.23: Global XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.24: Global XOs Average Selling Price by Frequency ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.25: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.26: World XOs Market Value by Connector Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.27: World XOs Market Value by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.28: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Value by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.29: World XOs Market Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.30: World XOs Market Volume by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.31: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Volume by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.32: World XOs by Connector Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.33: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.34: Global XOs Market Value by Packaging ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.35: Global XOs Market Value by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.36: Global XOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.37: Global XOs Market Volume by Packaging (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.38: Global XOs Market Volume by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.39: Global XOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.40: Global XOs Average Selling Price by Packaging ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.41: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.42: World XOs Market Value by Precision ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.43: World XOs Market Value by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.44: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Value by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.45: World XOs Market Volume by Precision (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.46: World XOs Market Volume by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.47: Year-over-Year Change of XOs Market Volume by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.48: World XOs by Precision ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.49: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.50: Global XOs Market Value by End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.51: Global XOs Market Value by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Value by End-User Industry & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.53: Global XOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.54: Global XOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.56: World XOs ASP by End-User Industry & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.57: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.58: Global XOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.59: Global XOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.61: Global XOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.62: Global XOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global XOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.64: World XOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.65: Year-over-Year Change of XOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 4.66: World XOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 4.67: World XOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 4.68: World XOs Suppliers by ASP by Region ($/Unit): 2019-2020

Section Five: TCXOs

  • Table 5.1: World TCXOs Market Total ($MM, UnitsMM, $/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.2: World TCXOs Market Value by Country ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.3: World TCXOs Market Value by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.4: World TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.5: World TCXOs Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.6: World TCXOs Market Volume by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.7: World TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.8: World TCXOs Average Selling Price by Country ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.9: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.10: World TCXOs Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.11: World TCXOs Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.12: World TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.13: World TCXOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.14: World TCXOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.15: World TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.16: World TCXOs Average Selling Price by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.17: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.18: Global TCXOs Market Value by Frequency ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.19: Global TCXOs Market Value by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.20: Global TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.21: Global TCXOs Market Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.22: Global TCXOs Market Volume by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.23: Global TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.24: Global TCXOs Average Selling Price by Frequency ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.25: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.26: World TCXOs Market Value by Connector Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.27: World TCXOs Market Value by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.28: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Value by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.29: World TCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.30: World TCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.31: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.32: World TCXOs by Connector Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.33: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.34: Global TCXOs Market Value by Packaging ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.35: Global TCXOs Market Value by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.36: Global TCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.37: Global TCXOs Market Volume by Packaging (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.38: Global TCXOs Market Volume by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.39: Global TCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.40: Global TCXOs Average Selling Price by Packaging ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.41: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.42: World TCXOs Market Value by Precision ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.43: World TCXOs Market Value by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.44: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Value by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.45: World TCXOs Market Volume by Precision (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.46: World TCXOs Market Volume by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.47: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs Market Volume by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.48: World TCXOs by Precision ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.49: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.50: Global TCXOs Market Value by End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.51: Global TCXOs Market Value by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Value by End-User Industry & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.53: Global TCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.54: Global TCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.56: World TCXOs ASP by End-User Industry & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.57: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.58: Global TCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.59: Global TCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.61: Global TCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.62: Global TCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global TCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.64: World TCXOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.65: Year-over-Year Change of TCXOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 5.66: World TCXOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 5.67: World TCXOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 5.68: World TCXOs Suppliers by ASP by Region ($/Unit): 2019-2020

Section Six: VCXOs

  • Table 6.1: World VCXOs Market Total ($MM, UnitsMM, $/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.2: World VCXOs Market Value by Country ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.3: World VCXOs Market Value by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.4: World VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.5: World VCXOs Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.6: World VCXOs Market Volume by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.7: World VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.8: World VCXOs Average Selling Price by Country ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.9: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.10: World VCXOs Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.11: World VCXOs Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.12: World VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.13: World VCXOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.14: World VCXOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.15: World VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.16: World VCXOs Average Selling Price by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.17: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.18: Global VCXOs Market Value by Frequency ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.19: Global VCXOs Market Value by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.20: Global VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.21: Global VCXOs Market Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.22: Global VCXOs Market Volume by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.23: Global VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.24: Global VCXOs Average Selling Price by Frequency ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.25: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.26: World VCXOs Market Value by Connector Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.27: World VCXOs Market Value by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.28: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Value by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.29: World VCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.30: World VCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.31: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.32: World VCXOs by Connector Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.33: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.34: Global VCXOs Market Value by Packaging ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.35: Global VCXOs Market Value by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.36: Global VCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.37: Global VCXOs Market Volume by Packaging (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.38: Global VCXOs Market Volume by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.39: Global VCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.40: Global VCXOs Average Selling Price by Packaging ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.41: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.42: World VCXOs Market Value by Precision ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.43: World VCXOs Market Value by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.44: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Value by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.45: World VCXOs Market Volume by Precision (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.46: World VCXOs Market Volume by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.47: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs Market Volume by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.48: World VCXOs by Precision ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.49: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.50: Global VCXOs Market Value by End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.51: Global VCXOs Market Value by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Value by End-User Industry & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.53: Global VCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.54: Global VCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.56: World VCXOs ASP by End-User Industry & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.57: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.58: Global VCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.59: Global VCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.61: Global VCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.62: Global VCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global VCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.64: World VCXOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.65: Year-over-Year Change of VCXOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 6.66: World VCXOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 6.67: World VCXOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 6.68: World VCXOs Suppliers by ASP by Region ($/Unit): 2019-2020

Section Seven: OCXOs

  • Table 7.1: World OCXOs Market Total ($MM, UnitsMM, $/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.2: World OCXOs Market Value by Country ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.3: World OCXOs Market Value by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.4: World OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.5: World OCXOs Market Volume by Country (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.6: World OCXOs Market Volume by Country (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.7: World OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.8: World OCXOs Average Selling Price by Country ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.9: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Country (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.10: World OCXOs Market Value by Distribution Channel ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.11: World OCXOs Market Value by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.12: World OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.13: World OCXOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.14: World OCXOs Market Volume by Distribution Channel (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.15: World OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.16: World OCXOs Average Selling Price by Distribution Channel ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.17: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Distribution Channel (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.18: Global OCXOs Market Value by Frequency ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.19: Global OCXOs Market Value by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.20: Global OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.21: Global OCXOs Market Volume by Frequency (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.22: Global OCXOs Market Volume by Frequency (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.23: Global OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.24: Global OCXOs Average Selling Price by Frequency ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.25: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Frequency (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.26: World OCXOs Market Value by Connector Type ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.27: World OCXOs Market Value by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.28: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Value by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.29: World OCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.30: World OCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.31: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Volume by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.32: World OCXOs by Connector Type ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.33: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Connector Type (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.34: Global OCXOs Market Value by Packaging ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.35: Global OCXOs Market Value by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.36: Global OCXOs Market Value, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.37: Global OCXOs Market Volume by Packaging (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.38: Global OCXOs Market Volume by Packaging (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.39: Global OCXOs Market Volume, Year-over-Year Change by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.40: Global OCXOs Average Selling Price by Packaging ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.41: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Packaging (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.42: World OCXOs Market Value by Precision ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.43: World OCXOs Market Value by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.44: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Value by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.45: World OCXOs Market Volume by Precision (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.46: World OCXOs Market Volume by Precision (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.47: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs Market Volume by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.48: World OCXOs by Precision ASP ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.49: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Precision (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.50: Global OCXOs Market Value by End-User & Application ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.51: Global OCXOs Market Value by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.52: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Value by End-User Industry & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.53: Global OCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.54: Global OCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.55: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Volume by End-User & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.56: World OCXOs ASP by End-User Industry & Application ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.57: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by End-User Market & Application (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.58: Global OCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($MM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.59: Global OCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.60: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Value by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.61: Global OCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (UnitsMM): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.62: Global OCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (%): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.63: Year-over-Year Change of Global OCXOs Market Volume by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.64: World OCXOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market ($/Unit): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.65: Year-over-Year Change of OCXOs ASP by Merchant vs. Captive Market (CAGR %): 2019-2025
  • Table 7.66: World OCXOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region ($MM): 2019-2020
  • Table 7.67: World OCXOs Suppliers by Sales and Market Share by Region (UnitsMM): 2019-2020
  • Table 7.68: World OCXOs Suppliers by ASP by Region ($/Unit): 2019-2020






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