世界の銅市場。鉱業銅生産量、精製銅生産量、消費量、第一用途別(線材、平板製品、管、RBS、その他)、最終用途別(建設、電気ネットワーク、民生・一般、産業機械、輸送)、COVID-19の影響を受けた地域別のサイズと傾向、2027年までの予測分析Global Copper Market: Analysis By Mined Copper Production, By Refined Copper Production, By Consumption, By First-Use (Wire Rod, Flat-rolled Products, Tubes, and RBS & Other), By End-Use (Construction, Electrical Network, Consumer & General, Industrial Machinery, and Transport), By Region Size and Trends with Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2027 2021年の世界の採掘銅市場の生産量は22.42メガトンでした。採掘銅の生産量は、2027年には29.19メガトンに達すると予想されています。一方、精錬銅の生産量は2027年末に32.80メガトンに達すると予測されています。... もっと見る
サマリー2021年の世界の採掘銅市場の生産量は22.42メガトンでした。採掘銅の生産量は、2027年には29.19メガトンに達すると予想されています。一方、精錬銅の生産量は2027年末に32.80メガトンに達すると予測されています。一方、世界の銅消費量は2027年までに30.23メガトンに達すると予想されています。銅は、可鍛性・延性のある金属元素です。また、熱と電気の優れた伝導体でもあります。銅は耐腐食性があり、抗菌性もあります。銅は持続可能な未来に不可欠であり、e-モビリティや再生可能エネルギー源の実現、グリーンビルディングの加速、 最先端の電力網の電化、抗菌表面による病院のリスク軽減などを可能にします。このように、今後数年間の銅の需要の増加が、世界の採掘銅と精錬銅の生産量の伸びを促進すると思われます。世界の採掘銅生産量は、2022年から2027年の予測期間において、年平均成長率4.5%で成長すると予想されています。一方、精製銅の生産量はCAGR4.0%で成長すると予想されます。一方、世界の銅消費量は予測期間中、CAGR 2.4%で成長すると予想されます。 市場セグメンテーション分析 銅の採掘量別。本レポートでは、中南米、アジア、アフリカ、北米、ヨーロッパ、オセアニアの各地域をベースに、銅の生産量別の採掘市場について考察しています。中南米は世界の銅鉱山市場の40.55%という主要なシェアを占めています。中南米の銅鉱山生産は、3つの地域に基づいてさらに分析されています。チリ、ペルー、その他の中南米地域です。チリは世界最大の銅生産国であり、銅の埋蔵量も世界最大です。チリの生産量は、新技術への投資の増加により、今後数年間で増加すると予想されています。 アジアでは、銅鉱山の生産量を増やすため、各社が拡張探査に資金を投じています。また、インドネシアでは生産能力増強のための大規模な投資が行われており、今後、銅の生産量の伸びが期待されます。 世界的な銅価格の高騰と需要の増加により、アフリカの銅のホットスポットでは探鉱への投資が再開されており、コンゴ民主共和国とザンビアでは多額の資金が投入されています。これらの要因から、アフリカの銅生産量はさらに増加すると予想されます。 精製銅の生産量別世界の精銅生産量別市場は、以下の地域によって二分されています。アジア、欧州、中南米、北米、アフリカ、オセアニアの順です。アジアが市場の約5分の3を占め、次いで欧州、中南米となっています。中南米は、以下の地域に基づいてさらに分析されています。中南米は、チリおよびその他の地域です。精錬銅はチリが最も大きなシェアを占めており、その他の地域は今後数年間でCAGR9.1%と最も速い成長が見込まれています。 アジアでは、銅精錬の生産は以下の地域に基づいて調査されています。中国、日本、インド、その他のアジア地域。インドが最も速い成長を遂げ、今後数年間で CAGR 12.5%となる見込みです。 アフリカ政府は、国内の製錬能力と採掘量を支援するいくつかのイニシアチブを取っており、予測期間中のアフリカの銅生産量の成長に貢献すると思われます。アフリカの銅精錬生産は、以下の地域に基づいて調査されています。DRC(コンゴ民主共和国)、およびその他のアフリカ地域です。DRCは、2021年の精製銅の5分の3以上の最大の市場シェアを占めています。 消費量別では本レポートでは、世界各国の銅の消費量を垣間見ることができます。世界の銅の消費量は、以下の地域に基づいて区分されています。アジア、EU、米国、中南米、その他の地域。 多くの企業が、ロボットの内部部品や高速コンピュータ、家電製品、通信アプリケーションの生産において、アルミニウムに代わって銅にシフトしており、それが銅の消費量に貢献しています。アジアの銅消費量は、以下の地域によってさらに細分化されています。中国、日本、韓国、インド、台湾、その他のアジア地域です。中国は市場で約 75.9%の主要シェアを占めており、その他のアジア地域は今後数年で最も急速に成長することが予想され ます。中国の再生可能エネルギーシステムへの転換が、銅の需要を高める主な要因になると思われます。 米国では、EV の需要が増加傾向にあります。電気自動車(EV)には、追加配線、電気モーター、バッテリーがあるため、従来の車よりも多くの銅が使われており、銅の消費量は今後増加すると予想されます。 第一用途別:世界の銅市場は、第一用途によってさらに細分化されています。線材、平板製品、管、RBS・その他です。2021年、線材は世界の銅市場消費量の約73.0%の主要シェアを占めています。銅棒は電気製品の生産を目的としています。圧延線は、連続鋳造と圧延によって近代的な技術に従って生産されます。電気製品の製造が増加しているため、線材の消費は今後数年間で増加すると予想されます。 用途別:世界の銅市場の消費は、用途によっても区分されています。建設、電気ネットワーク、民生・一般、産業機械、運輸です。2021年には、世界各地で建設活動が活発化していることから、建設が世界の銅市場消費量の約29.0%を占める主要なシェアとなりました。銅とその合金(建築用ブロンズなど)は、ファサード、キャノピー、ドア、窓枠の建設にさまざまな場面で使用されています。 市場のダイナミクス 成長の原動力。再生可能エネルギーにおける銅の年間生産量の増加、スマートホームにおける銅の利用拡大、建設業界の拡大、パワーエレクトロニクスからの需要の増加、スクラップ銅の供給増加、電気機器の製造増加、その他多くの要因により、世界の銅市場は過去数年間に渡って成長を続けています。太陽光発電や風力発電の分野での銅の利用が拡大しているため、再生可能エネルギーにおける銅の年間生産能力の上昇につながり、世界の銅市場の成長を促進するものと思われます。 課題しかし、銅鉱石の品位の低下、銅産業からの鉱物廃棄物の増加など、市場はいくつかの課題に直面しています。 動向乗用車の銅消費量の増加、新規銅鉱山プロジェクトの計画など、様々な最新トレンドにより、予測期間中、市場は速いペースで成長すると予想されます。銅は EV や ICE(内燃機関)車のモーターからインバーター、電気配線に至るまで、あらゆる主要部品に使用されてい ます。しかし、今後はEVの方がICEよりも市場規模が大きくなるため、より多くの銅を使用することになります。そのため、EVの需要が増えれば増えるほど、銅の消費量も増えることになります。 COVID-19の影響分析と今後の方向性。 パンデミックにより操業や金属の需要パターンが乱れ、2020年前半に世界中の銅山生産が急降下した。鉱山操業の制限による銅鉱山の減産は、工場での銅精錬活動に大きな影響を与えた。しかし、鉱業制限が緩和されると、鉱山は操業を開始し、2020年の銅生産量は全体として増加しました。さらに、メンテナンスとアップグレードのための短期間の製錬所停止が、特に中国での銅生産の増加により、いくつかの国で生産量に影響を与えたにもかかわらず、2020年の世界の精銅生産量は2019年と比較して上昇した。さらに、最大の銅使用地域のうち、日本、欧州連合、米国で銅の使用量が減少したため、世界的に銅の消費量が減速した。しかし、中国の建設部門の需要増により、世界の銅消費量は増加しました。 競合の状況 世界の銅市場は断片的であり、多くのプレーヤーが取るに足らないシェアを占めています。世界の銅市場における主なプレイヤーは以下の通りです。 コデルコ グレンコア BHPグループ アングロ・アメリカン・ピーエルシー フリーポート・マクモラン社 ファースト・クォンタム・ミネラルズ KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. アントファガスタ・ピーエルシー リオティントグループ オールビスAG ノリルスク・ニッケル グルポ・メヒコ(南方銅公社) 江西銅業有限公司 市場の主要プレイヤー間の戦略には、合併、買収、協業などがあります。例えば、2022年にコデルコとリオ・ティントは、地下鉱山の設計、建設、運営における両社の蓄積された経験に焦点を当てた協力協定に調印しました。一方、BHPは、同社が「将来を見据えた」鉱物へのエクスポージャーを高め続ける中で、ペルーでのプレゼンスを拡大すると発表した。さらに、2021年にはコデルコが約7.9%のシェアで銅鉱山市場を独占した。一方、精銅市場はコデルコと江西銅業が各社5.3%前後のシェアを占め、圧倒的な存在感を示している。 目次1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Copper: An Analysis 2.1.1 Introduction to Copper 2.2 Copper Segmentation: An Analysis 2.2.1 Copper Segmentation by First-Use 2.2.2 Copper Segmentation by End-Use 3. Production Analysis 3.1 Global Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Mined Copper Market by Production 3.1.3 Global Mined Copper Market Production by Region (Latin America, Asia, Africa, North America, Europe, and Oceania) 3.1.4 Global Refined Copper Market by Production 3.1.5 Global Refined Copper Market Production by Region (Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, and Oceania) 3.2 Latin America Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.2.1 Latin America Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.2.2 Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.3 Latin America Mined Copper Market Production by Region (Chile, Peru, and Rest of the Latin America) 3.2.4 Chile Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.5 Peru Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.6 Rest of Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.7 Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production 3.2.8 Latin America Refined Copper Market Production by Region (Chile and Rest of the Latin America) 3.2.9 Chile Refined Copper Market by Production 3.2.10 Rest of Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3 Asia Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.3.1 Asia Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.3.2 Asia Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.3 Asia Mined Copper Market Production by Region (China, Indonesia, and Rest of the Asia) 3.3.4 China Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.5 Indonesia Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.6 Rest of Asia Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.7 Asia Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.8 Asia Refined Copper Market Production by Region (China, Japan, India, and Rest of the Asia) 3.3.9 China Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.10 Japan Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.11 India Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.12 Rest of Asia Refined Copper Market by Production 3.4 Africa Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.4.1 Africa Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.4.2 Africa Mined Copper Market by Production 3.4.3 Africa Mined Copper Market Production by Region (DRC and Rest of the Africa) 3.4.4 DRC Mined Copper Market by Production 3.4.5 Rest of Africa Mined Copper Market by Production 3.4.6 Africa Refined Copper Market by Production 3.4.7 Africa Refined Copper Market Production by Region (DRC and Rest of the Africa) 3.4.8 DRC Refined Copper Market by Production 3.4.9 Rest of Africa Refined Copper Market by Production 3.5 North America Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.5.1 North America Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.5.2 North America Mined Copper Market by Production 3.5.3 North America Refined Copper Market by Production 3.6 Europe Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.6.1 Europe Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.6.2 Europe Mined Copper Market by Production 3.6.3 Europe Refined Copper Market by Production 3.7 Oceania Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.7.1 Oceania Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.7.2 Oceania Mined Copper Market by Production 3.7.3 Oceania Refined Copper Market by Production 4. Consumption Analysis 4.1 Global Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.1.1 Global Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.1.2 Global Copper Market by Consumption 4.1.3 Global Copper Market Consumption by First-Use (Wire rod, Flat-rolled Products, Tubes, and RBS & Others) 4.1.4 Global Copper Market Consumption by End-Use (Construction, Electrical Network, Consumer & General, Industrial Machinery, and Transport) 4.1.5 Global Copper Market Consumption by Region (Asia, EU, The US, Latin America, and Rest of the World) 4.2 Asia Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.2.1 Asia Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.2.2 Asia Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.3 Asia Copper Market Consumption by Region (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan, and Rest of the Asia) 4.2.4 China Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.5 Japan Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.6 South Korea Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.7 India Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.8 Taiwan Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.9 Rest of Asia Copper Market by Consumption 4.3 EU Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.3.1 EU Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.3.2 EU Copper Market by Consumption 4.4 The US Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.4.1 The US Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.4.2 The US Copper Market by Consumption 4.5 Latin America Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.5.1 Latin America Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.5.2 Latin America Copper Market by Consumption 4.6 Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.6.1 Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.6.2 Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Copper Market 5.1.1 Impact on Copper Mining 5.1.2 Impact on Copper Demand and Supply 5.1.3 Impact on Copper Price 5.2 Post COVID Impact on Copper Market 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Rising Copper Annual Capacity in Renewable Energy 6.1.2 Growing Use of Copper in Smart Home Applications 6.1.3 Expansion of Construction Industry 6.1.4 Growing Demand From Power Electronics 6.1.5 Growth in Scrap Copper Supply 6.1.6 Increasing Manufacturing of Electrical Equipment 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Decline in Copper Ore Grades 6.2.2 Challenges of More Mineral Waste from the Copper Industry 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Upsurge in the Copper Consumption in Passenger Vehicles 6.3.2 New Copper Mine Projects in Pipeline 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Copper Mine Production Players by Market Share 7.2 Global Copper Mine Market Players By Production Capacity 7.3 Global Refined Copper Production Players by Market Share 7.4 Global Refined Copper Market Players By Production Capacity 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Codelco 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Revenues by Product 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Glencore 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 BHP Group Limited 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Anglo American Plc 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segments 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 First Quantum Minerals Ltd. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segments 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Revenues by Product 8.7.3 Business Strategy 8.8 Antofagasta Plc 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Revenue by Division 8.8.3 Business Strategy 8.9 Rio Tinto Group 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Revenue by Product 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Aurubis AG 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Revenue by Product 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Norilsk Nickel 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Segments 8.11.3 Business Strategy 8.12 Grupo México (Southern Copper Corporation) 8.12.1 Business Overview 8.12.2 Sales by Division 8.13 Jiangxi Copper Company Limited 8.13.1 Business Overview 8.13.2 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Copper Segmentation by First-Use Figure 2: Copper Segmentation by End-Use Figure 3: Global Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 4: Global Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 5: Global Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 7: Global Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 8: Global Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 9: Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 10: Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 11: Latin America Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 12: Chile Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 13: Chile Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 14: Peru Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 15: Peru Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 16: Rest of Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 17: Rest of Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 18: Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 19: Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 20: Latin America Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 21: Chile Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 22: Chile Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 23: Rest of Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021(Kilotons) Figure 24: Rest of Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 25: Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 26: Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 27: Asia Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 28: China Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 29: China Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 30: Indonesia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 31: Indonesia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 32: Rest of Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 33: Rest of Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 34: Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 35: Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 36: Asia Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 37: China Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 38: China Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 39: Japan Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 40: Japan Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 41: India Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 42: India Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 43: Rest of Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 44: Rest of Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 45: Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 46: Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 47: Africa Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 48: DRC Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 49: DRC Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 50: Rest of Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 51: Rest of Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 52: Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 53: Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 54: Africa Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 55: DRC Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 56: DRC Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 57: Rest of Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 58: Rest of Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 59: North America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 60: North America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 61: North America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 62: North America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 63: Europe Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 64: Europe Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 65: Europe Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 66: Europe Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 67: Oceania Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 68: Oceania Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 69: Oceania Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 70: Oceania Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 71: Global Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 72: Global Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 73: Global Copper Market Consumption by First-Use; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 74: Global Copper Market Consumption by End-Use; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 75: Global Copper Market Consumption by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 76: Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 77: Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 78: Asia Copper Market Consumption by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 79: China Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 80: China Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 81: Japan Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 82: Japan Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 83: South Korea Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 84: South Korea Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 85: India Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 86: India Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 87: Taiwan Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 88: Taiwan Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 89: Rest of Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 90: Rest of Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 91: EU Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 92: EU Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 93: The US Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 94: The US Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 95: Latin America Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 96: Latin America Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 97: Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 98: Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 99: Global Copper Annual Capacity in Renewable Energy; 2021-2025 (Kilotons) Figure 100: Global Copper Consumption in Smart Home Applications; 2020-2025 (Million Tons) Figure 101: Global Construction Market Size; 2020-2030 (US$ Trillion) Figure 102: Global Copper Demand From Power Electronics; 2020-2030 (Kilotons) Figure 103: Global Refined and Smelted Scrap Copper Supply; 2017-2022 (Kilotons) Figure 104: The US Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Market Revenue; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 105: Global Copper Consumption in EVs and ICE Passenger Vehicles; 2020 & 2025 (Million Tons) Figure 106: Global Copper Mine Production Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 107: Global Refined Copper Production Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 108: Codelco Revenues by Product; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 109: Glencore Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 110: BHP Group Limited Revenue by Segment; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 111: Anglo American Plc Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 112: Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Revenues by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 113: First Quantum Minerals Ltd. Sales Revenues by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 114: KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Revenues by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 115: Antofagasta Plc Revenue by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 116: Rio Tinto Group Revenue by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 117: Aurubis AG Revenues by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 118: Norilsk Nickel Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 119: Grupo México Sales by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Table 1: Top Ten Copper Mine Projects; 2021/2022 Table 2: Global Copper Mine Market Players By Production Capacity; 2021 (Thousand metric tonnes) Table 3: Global Refined Copper Market Players By Production Capacity; 2021 (Thousand metric tonnes)
SummaryThe global mined copper market production was 22.42 megatons in 2021. The mined copper production is expected to reach 29.19 megatons by 2027. Whereas, refined copper production is projected to reach 32.80 megatons by the end of 2027. On the other hand, global copper consumption is expected to reach 30.23 megatons by the year 2027. Copper is a malleable and ductile metallic element. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Copper is corrosion-resistant and antimicrobial. Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Introduction 2.1 Copper: An Analysis 2.1.1 Introduction to Copper 2.2 Copper Segmentation: An Analysis 2.2.1 Copper Segmentation by First-Use 2.2.2 Copper Segmentation by End-Use 3. Production Analysis 3.1 Global Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.1.1 Global Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.1.2 Global Mined Copper Market by Production 3.1.3 Global Mined Copper Market Production by Region (Latin America, Asia, Africa, North America, Europe, and Oceania) 3.1.4 Global Refined Copper Market by Production 3.1.5 Global Refined Copper Market Production by Region (Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, and Oceania) 3.2 Latin America Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.2.1 Latin America Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.2.2 Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.3 Latin America Mined Copper Market Production by Region (Chile, Peru, and Rest of the Latin America) 3.2.4 Chile Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.5 Peru Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.6 Rest of Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production 3.2.7 Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production 3.2.8 Latin America Refined Copper Market Production by Region (Chile and Rest of the Latin America) 3.2.9 Chile Refined Copper Market by Production 3.2.10 Rest of Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3 Asia Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.3.1 Asia Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.3.2 Asia Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.3 Asia Mined Copper Market Production by Region (China, Indonesia, and Rest of the Asia) 3.3.4 China Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.5 Indonesia Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.6 Rest of Asia Mined Copper Market by Production 3.3.7 Asia Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.8 Asia Refined Copper Market Production by Region (China, Japan, India, and Rest of the Asia) 3.3.9 China Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.10 Japan Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.11 India Refined Copper Market by Production 3.3.12 Rest of Asia Refined Copper Market by Production 3.4 Africa Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.4.1 Africa Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.4.2 Africa Mined Copper Market by Production 3.4.3 Africa Mined Copper Market Production by Region (DRC and Rest of the Africa) 3.4.4 DRC Mined Copper Market by Production 3.4.5 Rest of Africa Mined Copper Market by Production 3.4.6 Africa Refined Copper Market by Production 3.4.7 Africa Refined Copper Market Production by Region (DRC and Rest of the Africa) 3.4.8 DRC Refined Copper Market by Production 3.4.9 Rest of Africa Refined Copper Market by Production 3.5 North America Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.5.1 North America Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.5.2 North America Mined Copper Market by Production 3.5.3 North America Refined Copper Market by Production 3.6 Europe Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.6.1 Europe Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.6.2 Europe Mined Copper Market by Production 3.6.3 Europe Refined Copper Market by Production 3.7 Oceania Copper Market by Production: An Analysis 3.7.1 Oceania Copper Market by Production: An Overview 3.7.2 Oceania Mined Copper Market by Production 3.7.3 Oceania Refined Copper Market by Production 4. Consumption Analysis 4.1 Global Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.1.1 Global Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.1.2 Global Copper Market by Consumption 4.1.3 Global Copper Market Consumption by First-Use (Wire rod, Flat-rolled Products, Tubes, and RBS & Others) 4.1.4 Global Copper Market Consumption by End-Use (Construction, Electrical Network, Consumer & General, Industrial Machinery, and Transport) 4.1.5 Global Copper Market Consumption by Region (Asia, EU, The US, Latin America, and Rest of the World) 4.2 Asia Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.2.1 Asia Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.2.2 Asia Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.3 Asia Copper Market Consumption by Region (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan, and Rest of the Asia) 4.2.4 China Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.5 Japan Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.6 South Korea Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.7 India Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.8 Taiwan Copper Market by Consumption 4.2.9 Rest of Asia Copper Market by Consumption 4.3 EU Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.3.1 EU Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.3.2 EU Copper Market by Consumption 4.4 The US Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.4.1 The US Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.4.2 The US Copper Market by Consumption 4.5 Latin America Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.5.1 Latin America Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.5.2 Latin America Copper Market by Consumption 4.6 Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption: An Analysis 4.6.1 Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption: An Overview 4.6.2 Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption 5. Impact of COVID-19 5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Copper Market 5.1.1 Impact on Copper Mining 5.1.2 Impact on Copper Demand and Supply 5.1.3 Impact on Copper Price 5.2 Post COVID Impact on Copper Market 6. Market Dynamics 6.1 Growth Drivers 6.1.1 Rising Copper Annual Capacity in Renewable Energy 6.1.2 Growing Use of Copper in Smart Home Applications 6.1.3 Expansion of Construction Industry 6.1.4 Growing Demand From Power Electronics 6.1.5 Growth in Scrap Copper Supply 6.1.6 Increasing Manufacturing of Electrical Equipment 6.2 Challenges 6.2.1 Decline in Copper Ore Grades 6.2.2 Challenges of More Mineral Waste from the Copper Industry 6.3 Market Trends 6.3.1 Upsurge in the Copper Consumption in Passenger Vehicles 6.3.2 New Copper Mine Projects in Pipeline 7. Competitive Landscape 7.1 Global Copper Mine Production Players by Market Share 7.2 Global Copper Mine Market Players By Production Capacity 7.3 Global Refined Copper Production Players by Market Share 7.4 Global Refined Copper Market Players By Production Capacity 8. Company Profiles 8.1 Codelco 8.1.1 Business Overview 8.1.2 Revenues by Product 8.1.3 Business Strategy 8.2 Glencore 8.2.1 Business Overview 8.2.2 Operating Segments 8.2.3 Business Strategy 8.3 BHP Group Limited 8.3.1 Business Overview 8.3.2 Operating Segments 8.3.3 Business Strategy 8.4 Anglo American Plc 8.4.1 Business Overview 8.4.2 Operating Segments 8.4.3 Business Strategy 8.5 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 8.5.1 Business Overview 8.5.2 Operating Segments 8.5.3 Business Strategy 8.6 First Quantum Minerals Ltd. 8.6.1 Business Overview 8.6.2 Operating Segments 8.6.3 Business Strategy 8.7 KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. 8.7.1 Business Overview 8.7.2 Revenues by Product 8.7.3 Business Strategy 8.8 Antofagasta Plc 8.8.1 Business Overview 8.8.2 Revenue by Division 8.8.3 Business Strategy 8.9 Rio Tinto Group 8.9.1 Business Overview 8.9.2 Revenue by Product 8.9.3 Business Strategy 8.10 Aurubis AG 8.10.1 Business Overview 8.10.2 Revenue by Product 8.10.3 Business Strategy 8.11 Norilsk Nickel 8.11.1 Business Overview 8.11.2 Operating Segments 8.11.3 Business Strategy 8.12 Grupo México (Southern Copper Corporation) 8.12.1 Business Overview 8.12.2 Sales by Division 8.13 Jiangxi Copper Company Limited 8.13.1 Business Overview 8.13.2 Business Strategy List of Figures Figure 1: Copper Segmentation by First-Use Figure 2: Copper Segmentation by End-Use Figure 3: Global Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 4: Global Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 5: Global Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 6: Global Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 7: Global Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 8: Global Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 9: Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 10: Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 11: Latin America Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 12: Chile Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 13: Chile Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 14: Peru Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 15: Peru Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 16: Rest of Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 17: Rest of Latin America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 18: Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 19: Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 20: Latin America Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 21: Chile Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 22: Chile Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 23: Rest of Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021(Kilotons) Figure 24: Rest of Latin America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 25: Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 26: Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 27: Asia Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 28: China Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 29: China Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 30: Indonesia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 31: Indonesia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 32: Rest of Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 33: Rest of Asia Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 34: Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 35: Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 36: Asia Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 37: China Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 38: China Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 39: Japan Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 40: Japan Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 41: India Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 42: India Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 43: Rest of Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 44: Rest of Asia Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 45: Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 46: Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 47: Africa Mined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 48: DRC Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 49: DRC Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 50: Rest of Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 51: Rest of Africa Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 52: Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 53: Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 54: Africa Refined Copper Market Production by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 55: DRC Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 56: DRC Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 57: Rest of Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 58: Rest of Africa Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 59: North America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 60: North America Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 61: North America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 62: North America Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 63: Europe Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 64: Europe Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 65: Europe Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 66: Europe Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 67: Oceania Mined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 68: Oceania Mined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 69: Oceania Refined Copper Market by Production; 2017-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 70: Oceania Refined Copper Market by Production; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 71: Global Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 72: Global Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 73: Global Copper Market Consumption by First-Use; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 74: Global Copper Market Consumption by End-Use; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 75: Global Copper Market Consumption by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 76: Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 77: Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 78: Asia Copper Market Consumption by Region; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 79: China Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 80: China Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 81: Japan Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 82: Japan Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 83: South Korea Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 84: South Korea Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 85: India Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 86: India Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 87: Taiwan Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 88: Taiwan Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 89: Rest of Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2019-2021 (Megatons) Figure 90: Rest of Asia Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 91: EU Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 92: EU Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 93: The US Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Megatons) Figure 94: The US Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Megatons) Figure 95: Latin America Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 96: Latin America Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 97: Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption; 2017-2021 (Kilotons) Figure 98: Rest of World Copper Market by Consumption; 2022-2027 (Kilotons) Figure 99: Global Copper Annual Capacity in Renewable Energy; 2021-2025 (Kilotons) Figure 100: Global Copper Consumption in Smart Home Applications; 2020-2025 (Million Tons) Figure 101: Global Construction Market Size; 2020-2030 (US$ Trillion) Figure 102: Global Copper Demand From Power Electronics; 2020-2030 (Kilotons) Figure 103: Global Refined and Smelted Scrap Copper Supply; 2017-2022 (Kilotons) Figure 104: The US Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Market Revenue; 2018-2022 (US$ Billion) Figure 105: Global Copper Consumption in EVs and ICE Passenger Vehicles; 2020 & 2025 (Million Tons) Figure 106: Global Copper Mine Production Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 107: Global Refined Copper Production Players by Market Share; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 108: Codelco Revenues by Product; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 109: Glencore Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 110: BHP Group Limited Revenue by Segment; 2022 (Percentage, %) Figure 111: Anglo American Plc Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 112: Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Revenues by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 113: First Quantum Minerals Ltd. Sales Revenues by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 114: KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Revenues by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 115: Antofagasta Plc Revenue by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 116: Rio Tinto Group Revenue by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 117: Aurubis AG Revenues by Product; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 118: Norilsk Nickel Revenue by Segment; 2021 (Percentage, %) Figure 119: Grupo México Sales by Division; 2021 (Percentage, %) Table 1: Top Ten Copper Mine Projects; 2021/2022 Table 2: Global Copper Mine Market Players By Production Capacity; 2021 (Thousand metric tonnes) Table 3: Global Refined Copper Market Players By Production Capacity; 2021 (Thousand metric tonnes)
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