
カナダ建設産業データブックシリーズ - 市場規模&予測 - 2024年第2四半期最新版

Canada Construction Industry Databook Series Market Size & Forecast - Q2 2024 Update

「ConsTrack360によると、カナダの建設業界は2024年に3.9%成長し、2221億1200万カナダドルに達すると予想されている。 カナダの建設業界は、一部の建設セクターにおける当面の課題にもかかわらず、大... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2024年9月5日 US$2,400
344 英語







- 経済的課題の中での慎重な成長: カナダの建設セクターは、インフラ投資と商業建築の回復に牽引され、2024年には緩やかな成長が見込まれる。しかし、高金利とインフレが投資家心理を冷やし、住宅部門の縮小につながる。
- 労働力不足とスキル・ギャップ:当業界は、労働力の高齢化と新規参入者の不足により深刻な労働力不足に直面している。この人手不足はプロジェクトのスケジュールとコストに影響するため、多様な人材を惹きつけるための採用・定着戦略に注力する必要がある。
- 持続可能性への注目の高まり: 持続可能な建築慣行やグリーン・テクノロジーへの注目が高まっている。連邦政府は、住宅不足に対処し、環境に優しい建設方法を促進するため、カナダ住宅インフラ基金に60億ドルを拠出することを決定した。
- 技術の進歩: デジタルツール、人工知能(AI)、データ分析の採用は、建設プロセスを変革する。リスク管理やプロジェクトの効率化にAIを活用する企業が増えており、生産性の向上とコスト削減が期待される。

住宅建設: 縮小と好機を乗り切る

- 住宅不足に対処するための政府の取り組み: 連邦政府による手頃な価格の住宅プロジェクトへの投資は、増大する需要を満たすために極めて重要である。新築住宅の供給を増やし、既存の構造物を改修するためのイニシアチブは、このセクターの長期的な成長を支えるものと期待される。

商業建設: 回復と成長

- 商業プロジェクトに明るい見通し 商業建設部門は回復の態勢にあり、経済の安定化に伴い建築活動の増加が予測される。オフィススペース、小売店、複合施設開発への大規模投資が、都心部の成長を牽引すると予想される。
- ワークダイナミクスの変化の影響: ハイブリッド型ワークモデルへのシフトは、商業スペースのデザインや機能性に影響を及ぼしている。開発業者は、進化するビジネスニーズや従業員の嗜好に対応した柔軟な環境づくりに注力している。

施設建設: 公共ニーズの重視

- 医療と教育への投資: 施設建設部門は、医療・教育施設への大規模投資によって成長を遂げている。カナダ政府は、公共サービスを向上させるインフラ・プロジェクトを優先し、既存の施設の近代化に注力している。
- 施設プロジェクトにおける持続可能性: 新しい施設プロジェクトでは、国の環境責任やエネルギー効率の目標に沿い、持続可能な設計原則を取り入れる傾向が強まっている。この傾向は、気候変動の影響から公共インフラを将来にわたって守るために不可欠である。

産業建設: 経済基盤の強化

- 製造業と物流の成長: 産業建設部門は、製造施設や物流センターに対する需要の増加により成長している。これらの分野への投資は、サプライチェーンを支え、経済の回復力を強化するために不可欠である。
- 再生可能エネルギー・プロジェクトへの注目: 二酸化炭素排出量の削減と持続可能なエネルギー源の促進を目指す政府の取り組みに後押しされ、再生可能エネルギー・プロジェクト関連の建設活動が顕著に増加している。カナダが気候変動目標の達成を目指す中、この傾向は続くだろう。

インフラ建設: 開発の屋台骨

- 主要インフラ投資: カナダ政府は、交通、公共事業、公共交通システムなどのインフラ・プロジェクトに多額の投資を行っている。特筆すべきプロジェクトは、主要都市間を結ぶ高速鉄道のための1,000kmの新線路増設で、2024年夏に進む予定である。
- 長期インフラ計画: 長期的なインフラ計画に重点を置くことは、人口増加と都市化の課題に対処する上で極めて重要である。公共インフラへの継続的な投資は、地域間の連結性を高め、経済発展を支えるために不可欠である。

 - 金額、数量、台数別の市場ダイナミクス: 本レポートは、カナダの建築・インフラ建設業界の規模と構造、業界ダイナミクス、最終市場機会について、データ中心の包括的な見解を提供します。
 - 本レポートでは、住宅建設市場を詳細に分析し、様々な建設タイプ、開発段階、価格帯、主要都市を網羅しています。KPIには金額、数量、戸数が含まれ、この分野の包括的な見解を提供しています。
 - 商業建築の展望: オフィスビル、小売ビル、ホスピタリティービル、レストランビル、スポーツ施設などの金額別、数量別の建設見通しを提供します。
 - 施設建築の展望: 製造工場ビル、金属・材料加工ビル、化学・製薬ビルについて、金額・数量別の建設見通しを提供。
 - 工業建築の展望: 工業建築の展望:製造工場、教育施設などの建築物の金額別、数量別の見通しを提供。
 - インフラ建設の展望: 海洋・内陸、公共システム、輸送インフラ建設の3つの主要セクションについて、成長ダイナミクスと市場分析を提供。
 - 都市レベルの分析: カナダの建設額上位10都市の見通しを提供。
 - 本レポートの建設コスト構造分析モジュールは、材料、労働力、設備、その他など、建設金額別の建設コストの詳細な見通しを提供します。より詳細なレベルでは、資材の種類別の包括的な資材コスト分析、工事の種類別の労働コスト分析を提供し、関係者がコスト構造を深く理解できるようにしています。



"1 About this Report
1.1 Methodology
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Disclaimer

2 Canada Construction Industry Dynamics and Growth Prospects
2.1 Construction Industry Growth Dynamics
2.1.1 Canada Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.2 Canada Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.3 Canada Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.4 Market Share Analysis by Building Construction Sectors, 2019 - 2028
2.1.5 Market Share Analysis by Infrastructure Construction Markets, 2019 - 2028
2.1.6 Canada Green Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.7 Canada Green Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.8 Canada Green Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.9 Market Share Analysis by Green Building Construction Sectors, 2019 - 2028

3 Key economic indicators of Canada
3.1 Canada Population Trend Analysis
3.2 Canada Gross Domestic Product Trend Analysis
3.3 Canada Gross Domestic Product Per Capita
3.4 Canada Total Investments Trend Analysis
3.5 Canada Inflation Trend Analysis

4 Canada Building Construction Analysis by Key Cities
4.1 Snapshot of Building Construction Markets by Key Cities
4.2 City-1 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.3 City-2 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.4 City-3 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.5 City-4 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.6 City-5 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.7 City-6 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.8 City-7 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.9 City-8 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.10 City-9 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.11 City-10 Building Construction Markets Snapshot

5 Canada Residential Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
5.1 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.2 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
5.3 Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
5.4 Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
5.5 Snapshot by Residential Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
5.6 New Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.7 Re-development & Maintenance Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.8 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.9 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

6 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Construction type
6.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Construction Type
6.2 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.3 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
6.4 Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
6.5 Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
6.6 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.7 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
6.8 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.9 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
6.10 Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
6.11 Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
6.12 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.13 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

7 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Key Cities
7.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Key Cities
7.2 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.3 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.4 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
7.5 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.6 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.7 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.8 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.9 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
7.10 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.11 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.12 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.13 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.14 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
7.15 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.16 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

8 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Price Point
8.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Price Point
8.2 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.3 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.4 Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
8.5 Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
8.6 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.7 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.9 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.10 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.11 Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
8.12 Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
8.13 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.14 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.15 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.16 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.17 Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
8.18 Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
8.19 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.20 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

9 Canada Commercial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
9.1 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.2 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
9.3 Commercial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
9.4 Market Share Analysis by Commercial Building Construction Markets
9.5 Snapshot by Commercial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
9.6 New Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.7 Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.8 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.9 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

10 Office Building Construction Outlook
10.1 Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.2 Office Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
10.3 Office Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
10.4 Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
10.5 Snapshot by Office Building Construction Markets by Price Point
10.6 Grade - A Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.7 Grade - B Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.8 Grade - C Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.9 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.10 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

11 Retail Building Construction Outlook
11.1 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.2 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
11.3 Retail Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
11.4 Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
11.5 Snapshot by Retail Building Construction Markets by Price Point
11.6 Grade - A Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.7 Grade - B Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.8 Grade - C Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.9 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.10 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

12 Hospitality Building Construction Outlook
12.1 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.2 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
12.3 Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
12.4 Snapshot by Hospitality Building Construction Markets by Price Point
12.5 Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.6 Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.7 Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.8 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.9 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

13 Restaurant Building Construction Outlook
13.1 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.2 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
13.3 Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
13.4 Snapshot by Restaurant Building Construction Markets by Price Point
13.5 Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.6 Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.7 Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.8 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.9 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

14 Sports Facility Building Construction Outlook
14.1 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
14.2 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
14.3 Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
14.4 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
14.5 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

15 Other Commercial Building Construction Outlook
15.1 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
15.2 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
15.3 Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
15.4 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
15.5 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

16 Canada Institutional Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
16.1 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.2 Snapshot by Institutional Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
16.3 New Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.4 Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.5 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
16.6 Institutional Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
16.7 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.8 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

17 Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Institutional Building Construction Sectors
17.1 Market Share Analysis by Healthcare Building Construction Markets
17.2 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.3 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.4 Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
17.5 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.6 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.7 Education Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.8 Education Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.9 Education Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
17.10 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.11 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.12 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.13 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.14 Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
17.15 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.16 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

18 Canada Industrial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
18.1 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.2 Snapshot by Industrial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
18.3 New Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.4 Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.5 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
18.6 Industrial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
18.7 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.8 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

19 Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Industrial Building Construction Sectors
19.1 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.2 Snapshot by Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
19.3 New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.4 Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.5 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
19.6 Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
19.7 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.8 Snapshot by Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
19.9 New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.10 Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.11 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
19.12 Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
19.13 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.14 Snapshot by Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
19.15 New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.16 Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.17 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
19.18 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028

20 Infrastructure Construction Outlook
20.1 Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
20.2 Snapshot by Infrastructure Construction Markets by Development Stage
20.3 New Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
20.4 Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
20.5 Green Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

21 Canada Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
21.1 Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value, 2019 - 2028
21.2 Snapshot by Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
21.3 New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
21.4 Re-development & Maintenance Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

22 Canada Utility System Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
22.1 Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.2 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.3 New Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.4 Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.5 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction Markets
22.6 Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.7 Snapshot by Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.8 New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.9 Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.10 Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.11 Snapshot by Power Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.12 New Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.13 Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.14 Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.15 Snapshot by Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.16 New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.17 Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.18 Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.19 Snapshot by Communication Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.20 New Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.21 Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

23 Canada Transport Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
23.1 Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.2 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction by Development State
23.3 New Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.4 Re-development & Maintenance Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.5 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction Markets
23.6 Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.7 Snapshot by Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
23.8 New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.9 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.10 Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.11 Snapshot by Railway Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
23.12 New Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.13 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.14 Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.15 Snapshot by Airport Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
23.16 New Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.17 Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.18 Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.19 Snapshot by Tunnel Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage, 2019 - 2028
23.20 New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.21 Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

24 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cost Type
24.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cost Type, 2022
24.2 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Material, 2019 - 2028
24.3 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Labour, 2019 - 2028
24.4 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028
24.5 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

25 Canada Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Material
25.1 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Material, 2022
25.2 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cement, 2019 - 2028
25.3 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Steel, 2019 - 2028
25.4 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Sand, 2019 - 2028
25.5 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates, 2019 - 2028
25.6 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Bricks, 2019 - 2028
25.7 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Wood, 2019 - 2028
25.8 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing, 2019 - 2028
25.9 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Flooring, 2019 - 2028
25.10 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing, 2019 - 2028
25.11 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Electrical, 2019 - 2028
25.12 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Painting, 2019 - 2028
25.13 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

26 Canada Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour
26.1 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour, 2022
26.2 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work, 2019 - 2028
26.3 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work, 2019 - 2028
26.4 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work, 2019 - 2028
26.5 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work, 2019 - 2028
26.6 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work, 2019 - 2028
26.7 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work, 2019 - 2028
26.8 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work, 2019 - 2028
26.9 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points, 2019 - 2028
26.10 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work, 2019 - 2028
26.11 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour, 2019 - 2028

27 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Building Type
27.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Building Type, 2022
27.2 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building, 2019 - 2028
27.3 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building, 2019 - 2028
28 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building Type
28.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building, 2022
28.2 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2019 - 2028
28.3 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost, 2019 - 2028
28.4 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028
28.5 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

29 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building
29.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building, 2022
29.2 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2019 - 2028
29.3 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost, 2019 - 2028
29.4 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028
29.5 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

30 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost
30.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2022
30.2 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand, 2019 - 2028
30.3 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates, 2019 - 2028
30.4 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement, 2019 - 2028
30.5 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA), 2019 - 2028
30.6 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA), 2019 - 2028
30.7 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars, 2019 - 2028
30.8 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars, 2019 - 2028
30.9 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork, 2019 - 2028
30.10 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm), 2019 - 2028
30.11 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks, 2019 - 2028

31 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Construction Worker
31.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Construction Worker, 2022
31.2 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker, 2019 - 2028
31.3 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker, 2019 - 2028

32 Further Reading
32.1 About ConsTrack360
32.2 Related Research
32.3 ConsTrack360 Knowledge Center"




"Table 1: Canada Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 2: Canada Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 3: Canada Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 4: Canada Green Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 5: Canada Green Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 6: Canada Green Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 7: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 8: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 9: Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 10: Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 11: New Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 12: Re-development Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 13: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 14: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 15: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 16: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 17: Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 18: Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 19: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 20: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 21: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 22: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 23: Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 24: Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 25: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 26: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 27: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 28: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 29: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 30: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 31: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 32: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 33: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 34: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 35: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 36: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 37: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 38: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 39: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 40: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 41: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 42: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 43: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 44: Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 45: Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 46: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 47: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 48: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 49: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 50: Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 51: Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 52: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 53: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 54: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 55: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 56: Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 57: Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 58: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 59: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 60: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 61: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 62: Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 63: New Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 64: Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 65: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 66: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 67: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 68: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 69: Office Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 70: Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 71: Grade - A Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 72: Grade - B Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 73: Grade - C Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 74: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 75: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 76: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 77: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 78: Retail Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 79: Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 80: Grade - A Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 81: Grade - B Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 82: Grade - C Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 83: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 84: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 85:  Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 86: Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 87: Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 88: Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 89: Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 90: Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 91:  Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 92: Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 93: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 94: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 95: Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 96: Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 97: Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 98: Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 99: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 100: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 101: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 102: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 103: Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 104: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 105: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 106: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 107: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 108: Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 109: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 110: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 111: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 112: New Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 113: Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 114: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 115: Institutional Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 116: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 117: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 118: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 119: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 120: Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 121: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 122: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 123: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 124: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 125: Education Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 126: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 127: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 128: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 129: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 130: Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 131: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 132: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 133: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 134: New Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 135: Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 136: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 137: Industrial Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 138: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 139: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 140: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 141: New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 142: Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 143: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 144: Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 145: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 146: New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 147: Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 148: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 149: Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 150: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 151: New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 152: Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 153: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 154: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 155: Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 156: New Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 157: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 158: Green Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 159: Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 160: New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 161: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 162: Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 163: New Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 164: Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 165: Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 166: New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 167: Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 168: Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 169: New Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 170: Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 171: Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 172: New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 173: Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 174: Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 175: New Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 176: Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 177: Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 178: New Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 179: Re-development & Maintenance Transport Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 180: Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 181: New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 182: Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 183: Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 184: New Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 185: Re-development & Maintenance Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 186: Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 187: New Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 188: Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 189: Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 190: New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 191: Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 192: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Material (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 193: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Labour (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 194: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 195: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 196: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Cement (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 197: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Steel (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 198: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Sand (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 199: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 200: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Bricks (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 201: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Wood (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 202: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 203: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Flooring (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 204: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 205: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 206: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 207: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 208: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 209: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 210: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 211: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 212: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 213: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 214: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 215: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 216: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 217: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 218: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 219: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by New Building (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 220: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 221: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 222: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 223: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 224: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 225: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 226: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 227: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 228: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 229: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 230: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 231: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA) (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 232: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA) (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 233: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 234: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 235: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 236: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm) (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 237: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 238: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 239: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028"






"According to ConsTrack360, the construction industry in Canada is expected to grow by 3.9% to reach CAD 222,112 million in 2024.

Despite near-term challenges in certain construction sectors, Canada's construction industry is poised for significant growth. The industry is expected to grow steadily over the next four quarters, with the growth momentum continuing over the forecast period. A CAGR of 3.7% is projected during 2024-2028, with the country's construction output expected to reach CAD 256,420.8 million by 2028, indicating substantial growth potential.

The Canadian construction industry is at a pivotal moment, characterized by cautious growth, evolving market demands, and significant challenges. As the sector adapts to economic fluctuations and embraces technological advancements, stakeholders must proactively address labour shortages and promote sustainable practices. By leveraging government initiatives and focusing on innovation, executives can position their organizations for success in this dynamic landscape.

Key Trends and Developments

• Cautious Growth Amid Economic Challenges: The construction sector in Canada is projected to experience slow growth in 2024, driven by infrastructure investments and a rebound in commercial construction. However, high interest rates and inflation are tempering investor sentiment, leading to a contraction in the residential sector.
• Labour Shortages and Skills Gap: The industry faces significant labour shortages, exacerbated by an aging workforce and insufficient new entrants. This shortage impacts project timelines and costs, necessitating a focus on recruitment and retention strategies to attract diverse talent.
• Increased Focus on Sustainability: There is a growing emphasis on sustainable building practices and green technologies. The federal government has committed $6 billion to the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund to address housing shortages and promote environmentally friendly construction methods.
• Technological Advancements: Adopting digital tools, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics transforms construction processes. Companies are increasingly utilizing AI for risk management and project efficiency, which is expected to enhance productivity and reduce costs.

Residential Construction: Navigating Contractions and Opportunities

• Government Initiatives to Address Housing Shortages: The federal government’s investment in affordable housing projects is crucial for meeting the growing demand. Initiatives to increase the supply of new homes and retrofit existing structures are expected to support long-term growth in this sector.

Commercial Construction: Recovery and Growth

• Positive Outlook for Commercial Projects: The commercial construction sector is poised for recovery, with a projected increase in building activity as the economy stabilizes. Major investments in office spaces, retail, and mixed-use developments are expected to drive growth in urban centers.
• Impact of Changing Work Dynamics: The shift towards hybrid work models is influencing the design and functionality of commercial spaces. Developers focus on creating flexible environments catering to evolving business needs and employee preferences.

Institutional Construction: Focusing on Public Needs

• Investment in Healthcare and Education: The institutional construction segment is experiencing growth driven by significant investments in healthcare and educational facilities. The Canadian government is prioritizing infrastructure projects that enhance public services, focusing on modernizing existing institutions.
• Sustainability in Institutional Projects: New institutional projects increasingly incorporate sustainable design principles, aligning with national environmental responsibility and energy efficiency goals. This trend is essential for future-proofing public infrastructure against climate change impacts.

Industrial Construction: Strengthening Economic Foundations

• Growth in Manufacturing and Logistics: The industrial construction sector is growing due to increased demand for manufacturing facilities and logistics centers. Investments in these areas are essential for supporting the supply chain and enhancing economic resilience.
• Focus on Renewable Energy Projects: There has been a notable increase in construction activity related to renewable energy projects, driven by government initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy sources. This trend will continue as Canada seeks to meet its climate targets.

Infrastructure Construction: The Backbone of Development

• Major Infrastructure Investments: The Canadian government invests heavily in infrastructure projects, including transportation, utilities, and public transit systems. A notable project is the addition of 1,000 km of new rail track for high-speed rail services between major cities, which is expected to advance in summer 2024.
• Long-Term Infrastructure Planning: The focus on long-term infrastructure planning is critical for addressing population growth and urbanization challenges. Continued investment in public infrastructure is essential for enhancing connectivity and supporting economic development across regions.

This market intelligence report from ConsTrack360 offers a comprehensive view of market opportunities in the building and infrastructure construction industry at the country level. With over 100+ KPIs covering growth dynamics in building and infrastructure construction, construction cost structure analysis, and analysis by key cities in Canada, this databook provides a wealth of data-centric analysis with charts and tables, ensuring stakeholders are fully informed.
 • Market Dynamics by Value, Volume, and Number of Units: This report provides a comprehensive data-centric view of size and structure, industry dynamics, and end market opportunities in Canada's building and infrastructure construction industry.
 • The report provides a detailed analysis of the residential construction market, covering various types of construction, development stages, price points, and key cities. KPIs include value, volume, and number of units, offering a comprehensive view of this sector.
 • Commercial Construction Outlook: Provides construction outlook by value and volume across office buildings, retail buildings, hospitality buildings, restaurant buildings, and sports facilities.
 • Institutional Construction Outlook: Provides construction outlook by value and volume across manufacturing plant buildings, metal & material processing buildings, and chemical & pharmaceutical buildings.
 • Industrial Construction Outlook: Provides construction outlook by value and volume across manufacturing plants and educational buildings.
 • Infrastructure Construction Outlook: This report provides growth dynamics and market analysis for three key sections: marine and inland, utility system and transport infrastructure construction.
 • City Level Analysis: Provides outlook of the top 10 cities in Canada by construction value.
 • The Construction Cost Structure Analysis module in this report provides a detailed outlook on construction costs by construction value, such as material, labor, equipment, and others. At a granular level, it offers a comprehensive material cost analysis by type of materials and labor cost by type of work, ensuring stakeholders deeply understand the cost structure."



Table of Contents

"1 About this Report
1.1 Methodology
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Disclaimer

2 Canada Construction Industry Dynamics and Growth Prospects
2.1 Construction Industry Growth Dynamics
2.1.1 Canada Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.2 Canada Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.3 Canada Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.4 Market Share Analysis by Building Construction Sectors, 2019 - 2028
2.1.5 Market Share Analysis by Infrastructure Construction Markets, 2019 - 2028
2.1.6 Canada Green Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.7 Canada Green Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.8 Canada Green Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
2.1.9 Market Share Analysis by Green Building Construction Sectors, 2019 - 2028

3 Key economic indicators of Canada
3.1 Canada Population Trend Analysis
3.2 Canada Gross Domestic Product Trend Analysis
3.3 Canada Gross Domestic Product Per Capita
3.4 Canada Total Investments Trend Analysis
3.5 Canada Inflation Trend Analysis

4 Canada Building Construction Analysis by Key Cities
4.1 Snapshot of Building Construction Markets by Key Cities
4.2 City-1 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.3 City-2 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.4 City-3 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.5 City-4 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.6 City-5 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.7 City-6 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.8 City-7 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.9 City-8 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.10 City-9 Building Construction Markets Snapshot
4.11 City-10 Building Construction Markets Snapshot

5 Canada Residential Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
5.1 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.2 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
5.3 Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
5.4 Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
5.5 Snapshot by Residential Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
5.6 New Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.7 Re-development & Maintenance Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.8 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
5.9 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

6 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Construction type
6.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Construction Type
6.2 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.3 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
6.4 Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
6.5 Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
6.6 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.7 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
6.8 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.9 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
6.10 Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
6.11 Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
6.12 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
6.13 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

7 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Key Cities
7.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Key Cities
7.2 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.3 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.4 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
7.5 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.6 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.7 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.8 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.9 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
7.10 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.11 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.12 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.13 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
7.14 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
7.15 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
7.16 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

8 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Price Point
8.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Price Point
8.2 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.3 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.4 Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
8.5 Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
8.6 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.7 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.9 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.10 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.11 Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
8.12 Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
8.13 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.14 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.15 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.16 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
8.17 Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
8.18 Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
8.19 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
8.20 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

9 Canada Commercial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
9.1 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.2 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
9.3 Commercial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
9.4 Market Share Analysis by Commercial Building Construction Markets
9.5 Snapshot by Commercial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
9.6 New Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.7 Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.8 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
9.9 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

10 Office Building Construction Outlook
10.1 Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.2 Office Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
10.3 Office Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
10.4 Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
10.5 Snapshot by Office Building Construction Markets by Price Point
10.6 Grade - A Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.7 Grade - B Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.8 Grade - C Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.9 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
10.10 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

11 Retail Building Construction Outlook
11.1 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.2 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
11.3 Retail Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
11.4 Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
11.5 Snapshot by Retail Building Construction Markets by Price Point
11.6 Grade - A Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.7 Grade - B Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.8 Grade - C Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.9 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
11.10 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

12 Hospitality Building Construction Outlook
12.1 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.2 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
12.3 Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
12.4 Snapshot by Hospitality Building Construction Markets by Price Point
12.5 Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.6 Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.7 Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.8 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
12.9 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

13 Restaurant Building Construction Outlook
13.1 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.2 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
13.3 Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
13.4 Snapshot by Restaurant Building Construction Markets by Price Point
13.5 Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.6 Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.7 Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.8 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
13.9 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

14 Sports Facility Building Construction Outlook
14.1 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
14.2 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
14.3 Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
14.4 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
14.5 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

15 Other Commercial Building Construction Outlook
15.1 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
15.2 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
15.3 Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
15.4 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
15.5 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

16 Canada Institutional Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
16.1 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.2 Snapshot by Institutional Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
16.3 New Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.4 Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.5 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
16.6 Institutional Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
16.7 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
16.8 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

17 Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Institutional Building Construction Sectors
17.1 Market Share Analysis by Healthcare Building Construction Markets
17.2 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.3 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.4 Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
17.5 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.6 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.7 Education Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.8 Education Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.9 Education Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
17.10 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.11 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.12 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.13 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
17.14 Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
17.15 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
17.16 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

18 Canada Industrial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
18.1 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.2 Snapshot by Industrial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
18.3 New Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.4 Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.5 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
18.6 Industrial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
18.7 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
18.8 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028

19 Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Industrial Building Construction Sectors
19.1 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.2 Snapshot by Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
19.3 New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.4 Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.5 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
19.6 Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
19.7 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.8 Snapshot by Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
19.9 New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.10 Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.11 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
19.12 Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028
19.13 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.14 Snapshot by Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Markets by Development Stage
19.15 New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.16 Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
19.17 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028
19.18 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028

20 Infrastructure Construction Outlook
20.1 Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
20.2 Snapshot by Infrastructure Construction Markets by Development Stage
20.3 New Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
20.4 Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
20.5 Green Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

21 Canada Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
21.1 Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value, 2019 - 2028
21.2 Snapshot by Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
21.3 New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
21.4 Re-development & Maintenance Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

22 Canada Utility System Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
22.1 Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.2 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.3 New Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.4 Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.5 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction Markets
22.6 Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.7 Snapshot by Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.8 New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.9 Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.10 Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.11 Snapshot by Power Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.12 New Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.13 Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.14 Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.15 Snapshot by Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.16 New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.17 Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.18 Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.19 Snapshot by Communication Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
22.20 New Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
22.21 Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

23 Canada Transport Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast
23.1 Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.2 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction by Development State
23.3 New Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.4 Re-development & Maintenance Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.5 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction Markets
23.6 Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.7 Snapshot by Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
23.8 New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.9 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.10 Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.11 Snapshot by Railway Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
23.12 New Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.13 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.14 Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.15 Snapshot by Airport Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage
23.16 New Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.17 Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.18 Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.19 Snapshot by Tunnel Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage, 2019 - 2028
23.20 New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028
23.21 Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028

24 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cost Type
24.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cost Type, 2022
24.2 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Material, 2019 - 2028
24.3 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Labour, 2019 - 2028
24.4 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028
24.5 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

25 Canada Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Material
25.1 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Material, 2022
25.2 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cement, 2019 - 2028
25.3 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Steel, 2019 - 2028
25.4 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Sand, 2019 - 2028
25.5 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates, 2019 - 2028
25.6 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Bricks, 2019 - 2028
25.7 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Wood, 2019 - 2028
25.8 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing, 2019 - 2028
25.9 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Flooring, 2019 - 2028
25.10 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing, 2019 - 2028
25.11 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Electrical, 2019 - 2028
25.12 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Painting, 2019 - 2028
25.13 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

26 Canada Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour
26.1 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour, 2022
26.2 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work, 2019 - 2028
26.3 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work, 2019 - 2028
26.4 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work, 2019 - 2028
26.5 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work, 2019 - 2028
26.6 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work, 2019 - 2028
26.7 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work, 2019 - 2028
26.8 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work, 2019 - 2028
26.9 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points, 2019 - 2028
26.10 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work, 2019 - 2028
26.11 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour, 2019 - 2028

27 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Building Type
27.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Building Type, 2022
27.2 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building, 2019 - 2028
27.3 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building, 2019 - 2028
28 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building Type
28.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building, 2022
28.2 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2019 - 2028
28.3 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost, 2019 - 2028
28.4 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028
28.5 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

29 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building
29.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building, 2022
29.2 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2019 - 2028
29.3 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost, 2019 - 2028
29.4 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028
29.5 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028

30 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost
30.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2022
30.2 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand, 2019 - 2028
30.3 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates, 2019 - 2028
30.4 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement, 2019 - 2028
30.5 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA), 2019 - 2028
30.6 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA), 2019 - 2028
30.7 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars, 2019 - 2028
30.8 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars, 2019 - 2028
30.9 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork, 2019 - 2028
30.10 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm), 2019 - 2028
30.11 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks, 2019 - 2028

31 Canada Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Construction Worker
31.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Construction Worker, 2022
31.2 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker, 2019 - 2028
31.3 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker, 2019 - 2028

32 Further Reading
32.1 About ConsTrack360
32.2 Related Research
32.3 ConsTrack360 Knowledge Center"



List of Tables/Graphs

"Table 1: Canada Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 2: Canada Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 3: Canada Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 4: Canada Green Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 5: Canada Green Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 6: Canada Green Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 7: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 8: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 9: Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 10: Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 11: New Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 12: Re-development Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 13: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 14: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 15: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 16: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 17: Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 18: Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 19: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 20: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 21: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 22: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 23: Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 24: Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 25: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 26: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 27: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 28: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 29: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 30: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 31: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 32: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 33: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 34: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 35: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 36: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 37: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 38: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 39: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 40: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 41: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 42: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 43: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 44: Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 45: Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 46: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 47: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 48: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 49: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 50: Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 51: Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 52: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 53: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 54: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 55: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 56: Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 57: Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 58: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 59: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 60: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 61: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 62: Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 63: New Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 64: Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 65: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 66: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 67: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 68: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 69: Office Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 70: Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 71: Grade - A Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 72: Grade - B Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 73: Grade - C Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 74: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 75: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 76: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 77: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 78: Retail Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 79: Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 80: Grade - A Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 81: Grade - B Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 82: Grade - C Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 83: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 84: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 85:  Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 86: Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 87: Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 88: Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 89: Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 90: Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 91:  Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 92: Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 93: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 94: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 95: Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 96: Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 97: Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 98: Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 99: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 100: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 101: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 102: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 103: Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 104: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 105: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 106: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 107: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 108: Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 109: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 110: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 111: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 112: New Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 113: Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 114: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 115: Institutional Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 116: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 117: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 118: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 119: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 120: Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 121: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 122: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 123: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 124: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 125: Education Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 126: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 127: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 128: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 129: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 130: Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 131: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 132: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 133: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 134: New Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 135: Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 136: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 137: Industrial Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 138: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 139: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 140: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 141: New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 142: Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 143: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 144: Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 145: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 146: New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 147: Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 148: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 149: Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 150: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 151: New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 152: Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 153: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 154: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost (CAD / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 155: Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 156: New Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 157: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 158: Green Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 159: Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 160: New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 161: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 162: Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 163: New Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 164: Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 165: Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 166: New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 167: Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 168: Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 169: New Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 170: Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 171: Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 172: New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 173: Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 174: Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 175: New Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 176: Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 177: Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 178: New Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 179: Re-development & Maintenance Transport Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 180: Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 181: New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 182: Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 183: Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 184: New Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 185: Re-development & Maintenance Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 186: Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 187: New Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 188: Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 189: Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 190: New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 191: Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 192: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Material (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 193: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Labour (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 194: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 195: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 196: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Cement (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 197: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Steel (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 198: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Sand (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 199: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 200: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Bricks (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 201: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Wood (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 202: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 203: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Flooring (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 204: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 205: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 206: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 207: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 208: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 209: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 210: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 211: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 212: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 213: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 214: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 215: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 216: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 217: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 218: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 219: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by New Building (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 220: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 221: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 222: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 223: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 224: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 225: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 226: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 227: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 228: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 229: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 230: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 231: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA) (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 232: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA) (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 233: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 234: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 235: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 236: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm) (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 237: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 238: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 239: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker (CAD Million), 2019 - 2028"







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