
欧州プレハブ建築業界のビジネスと投資機会データブック - 2024年第1四半期最新版

Europe Prefabricated Construction Industry Business and Investment Opportunities Databook - Q1 2024 Update

レポート概要 欧州のプレハブ建設市場は中期的に力強い成長を記録すると予想される。戦略的提携を結ぶ企業がプレハブ建設市場のイノベーションを促進している。モジュラー建築の大手企業であるポータカビンは... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2024年5月30日 US$4,900
1 英語







モジュラー建築の大手企業であるPortakabinは、2024年4月にSaint-Gobain Ecophonと提携した。この提携により、ポータカビンは建築物に最適な音響効果を提供することを目指す。
- サンゴバン・グループ傘下で音響システムの世界的リーダーであるエコフォンは、ポータカビンと5年前から協業している。両社の協力関係はイギリス、アイルランド、ヨーロッパ大陸に及んでいる。両社は持続可能性へのコミットメントを共有し、革新的な製品を提供しています。サンゴバンのエコフォンは、スピーチや音声を明瞭で理解しやすいものにするため、屋内の教育環境の向上に注力しています。
- ポータカビン社との戦略的提携の一環として、エコフォンは特に教育市場向けに様々な音響試作品を開発してきました。この音響製品は、プラスチックでコーティングされたスチール天井との相性が抜群です。両社は、軽量音響パネルを天井や壁に取り付けるためのマグネット・システムを開発し、取り付けを迅速かつ容易にした。


- 現在、同社の欧州市場は海外売上高の35%を占めている。しかし、今後5年間で、同社はこれを60%まで引き上げようとしている。同社は、国際的な販売目標を達成するために、ネットワークの開発と拡大を続けている。特に、カルモド社は、ヨーロッパ市場での高級スチール製別荘住宅の販売拡大に力を入れている。欧州に加え、米国での販売拡大も目標としている。



- 更新された枠組みは、モジュラー専門家にとって大きな成長機会となり、これまで未開拓だった新しい分野へのアクセスを提供する。この拡大は、2023年に受注したクラウン・コマーシャル・サービス・パートナーシップで、キアーやマカボイのような業界大手が成功したように、大手モジュラー企業からジョイント・ベンチャーの入札を呼び込む可能性が高い。
NHS SBSモジュラー・ビルディング3の枠組みは、幅広い分野をカバーするように構成されており、デベロッパーに専門知識を示し、ビジネスを成長させるチャンスを与えている。この枠組みには、新築プロジェクトから賃貸住宅までが含まれ、公共部門での地位確立を目指す企業に多様な機会を提供している。


- エンドマーケットダイナミクス国レベルでのプレハブ産業の規模と構造、産業ダイナミクス、最終市場の機会についてデータ中心の包括的な見解を提供します。

- プレハブ工法:パネル工法、モジュラー工法(容積式)、ハイブリッド工法(セミ容積式)の3つの工法について、業界の詳細な分析を提供します。

- プレハブ材料:アルミニウム、木材、鉄鋼、コンクリート、ガラスなど、7つの主要材料に関する需要分析を提供します。

- プレハブ製品:建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁など7つの主要製品別に市場の需要分析を提供。



国別レポート 1 - オーストリア プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート 2 - ベルギー プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート 3 - フィンランド プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート4 - フランス プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート5 - ドイツ プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート6 - ギリシャ プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート7 - イタリア プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート8 - オランダ プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート9 - ポーランド プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート10 - ロシア プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート11 - スペイン プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート12 - スイス プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート13 - イギリス プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ




- 住宅
- 一戸建て
- 集合住宅

- 商業
- オフィス
- 小売
- ホスピタリティ
- その他

- インスティテューショナル

- 産業


- パネル工法
- モジュラー(容積式)工法
- ハイブリッド(セミボリュウム)工法
- アルミニウム
- 木材
- 鉄鋼
- コンクリート
- ガラス
- その他


- 建築上部構造
- 屋根構造
- 床構造
- 室内モジュール
- 外壁
- 柱と梁
- その他


- アルミニウム(建築上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- 木造(建築上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- 鉄骨(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- コンクリート(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- ガラス(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- その他(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)


- 住宅(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- 商業(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- 産業用(建築上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)
- 施設(建物上部構造、屋根構造、床構造、室内モジュール、外壁、柱・梁、その他)


- プレハブ/プレキャスト建設市場のダイナミクスを深く理解する:地域別および国別の50以上の市場セグメントについて、市場機会、産業ダイナミクス、主要トレンドおよび促進要因を理解することができます。

- プレハブ製品の詳細分析:プレハブ製品、材料、製品X材料、製品X建設分野別の市場規模と予測。

- 市場別戦略の策定:成長セグメントを特定し、戦略を策定するために特定の機会を狙います。地域と国のプレハブ/プレキャスト建設業界における市場特有の主要動向、促進要因、リスクを評価します。

- 比較可能なデータ:プレハブ / プレキャスト市場規模に関する詳細で比較可能なデータを入手できます。ConsTrack360の調査手法は業界のベストプラクティスに基づいています。独自の分析プラットフォームを活用した偏りのない分析により、新たなビジネスおよび投資市場機会に関する詳細な見解を提供します。




国別レポート 1 - オーストリア プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート 2 - ベルギー プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート 3 - フィンランド プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート4 - フランス プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート5 - ドイツ プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート6 - ギリシャ プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート7 - イタリア プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート8 - オランダ プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート9 - ポーランド プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート10 - ロシア プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート11 - スペイン プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート12 - スイス プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ
国別レポート13 - イギリス プレハブ建築産業データブックシリーズ




















19.3.ConsTrack360 ナレッジセンター



All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:

Table 1: Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 2: Panelised Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 3: Modular (Volumetric) Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 4: Hybrid Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 5: Prefabricated Building Superstructure - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 6: Prefabricated Roof - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 7: Prefabricated Floor - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 8: Prefabricated Interior Room - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 9: Prefabricated Exterior Walls - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 10: Prefabricated Columns & Beams - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 11: Others Prefabricated Products - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 12: Iron & Steel Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 13: Concrete Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 14: Wood Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 15: Aluminium Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 16: Glass Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 17: Other Material Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 18: Residential Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 19: Commercial Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 20: Industrial Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 21: Institutional Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 22: Single-Family Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 23: Multi-Family Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 24: Office Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 25: Retail Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 26: Hospitality Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 27: Other Commercial Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 28: Building Superstructure Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 29: Roof Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 30: Floor Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 31: Interior Room Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 32: Exterior Walls Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 33: Columns & Beams Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 34: Building Superstructure Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 35: Roof Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 36: Floor Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 37: Interior Room Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 38: Exterior Room Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 39: Columns & Beams Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 40: Building Superstructure Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 41: Roof Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 42: Floor Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 43: Interior Room Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 44: Exterior Walls Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 45: Columns & Beams Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 46: Building Superstructure Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 47: Roof Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 48: Floor Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 49: Interior Room Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 50: Exterior Walls Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 51: Columns & Beams Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 52: Building Superstructure Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 53: Building Superstructure Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 54: Building Superstructure Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 55: Building Superstructure Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 56: Building Superstructure Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 57: Roof Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 58: Roof Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 59: Roof Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 60: Roof Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 61: Roof Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 62: Roof Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 63: Floor Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 64: Floor Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 65: Floor Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 66: Interior Room Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 67: Interior Room Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 68: Interior Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 69: Interior Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 70: Interior Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 71: Interior Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 72: Exterior Walls Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 73: Exterior Walls Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 74: Exterior Walls Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 75: Exterior Walls Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 76: Exterior Walls Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 77: Exterior Walls Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 78: Columns and Beams Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 79: Columns and Beams Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 80: Columns and Beams Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 81: Columns and Beams Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028





Report Description

The European prefabricated construction market is expected to record strong growth over the medium term. Firms entering into strategic collaborations is driving innovation in the prefabricated construction market. Portakabin, one of the leading modular construction firms, entered into a collaboration with Saint-Gobain Ecophon in April 2024. With this collaboration Portakabin seeks to offer optimal acoustics in its buildings.

Many firms are also seeking to expand their European presence in 2024. Karmod, the Turkish firm offering prefabricated construction components, revealed that it is planning to expand its market share in Europe in February 2024. This is aiding the competitive landscape in the sector. Overall, ConsTrack360 maintains a positive growth outlook for the prefabricated construction market in Europe in 2024.

Firms entering into strategic collaborations is driving innovation in the prefabricated construction market

Portakabin, one of the leading modular construction firms, entered into a collaboration with Saint-Gobain Ecophon in April 2024. With this collaboration Portakabin seeks to offer optimal acoustics in its buildings.
- Ecophon, a global leader in acoustic systems and part of the Saint-Gobain Group, has been working with Portakabin for five years. Their collaboration spans the United Kingdom, Ireland, and continental Europe. Both companies share a commitment to sustainability and offer innovative products. Saint-Gobain Ecophon focuses on enhancing indoor teaching environments to make speech and sound clear and understandable.
- As part of this strategic collaboration with Portakabin, Ecophon have been developing various acoustic prototypes, specifically for the education market. The acoustic products work exceptionally well with plastic-coated steel ceilings. The firms have created a magnetic system for attaching lightweight acoustic panels to ceilings and walls, making installation quick and easy.
Going forward, in 2024, ConsTrack360 expects more such strategic collaborations in the European prefabricated construction industry. This will keep driving innovation and market growth over the medium term across Europe.

Turkish firms are eyeing expansion in the fast-growing European prefabricated construction market in 2024

Karmod, the Turkish firm offering prefabricated construction components, revealed that it is planning to expand its market share in Europe in February 2024. The firm, in 2023, experienced a negative export growth rate, due to the three-month ban on overseas sale. The ban was imposed due to the earthquakes.
- Currently, the firm’s European market makes up 35% of its foreign sales. However, over the next five-year period, the firm seeks to increase the number to 60%. The firm is continuing to develop and expand its network to meet the international sales targets. Karmod, notably, is focused on increasing the sales of its premium steel villa housing in the European market. In addition to Europe, the firm is also targeting higher sales in the United States.

Karmod is not the only Turkish firm seeking to expand its market share in the European region. Module-T, one of the leading manufacturers of prefabricated containers known for its portable cabins, launched its first warehouse in southern France in October 2023. The Turkish firm seeks to strengthen its presence in the French market and speed up monobloc road shipments across Europe with this new facility. The firm aims to achieve a turnover of US$45 million by 2025. The expansion strategy of these Turkish-based prefabricated firms will drive the competitive landscape in the fast-growing market in 2024.

NHS has expanded the modular buildings framework to cover new sectors in the United Kingdom

As many as 21 specialized firms are competing for spots on the new NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) modular building framework. This revamped framework is expanding to include new sectors and is expected to double its workload to an impressive £3.6 billion over the next four years.
- The updated framework offers a major growth opportunity for modular specialists and access to new, previously unexplored sectors. This expansion is likely to attract joint venture bids from leading modular companies, similar to how industry giants like Kier and McAvoy succeeded with the Crown Commercial Services partnership awarded in 2023.
The NHS SBS Modular Building 3 framework is structured to cover a wide range of sectors, giving developers the chance to demonstrate their expertise and grow their businesses. It includes everything from new construction projects to residential hire and lease options, providing diverse opportunities for firms aiming to establish themselves in the public sector.

This market intelligence report from ConsTrack360 provides a detailed view of market opportunities in the prefabricated building construction industry at Europe and country level. With over 100+ KPIs, covering end markets, prefabricated/precast materials, and products at country level, this databook offering primarily provides data-centric analysis with charts and tables.

- End Market Dynamics: Provides a comprehensive data-centric view of size and structure, industry dynamics, and end market opportunities in the prefabricated industry at country level.

- Prefabricated Methods: Provides an in-depth analysis of industry across 3 methods- panelised construction, modular (Volumetric) construction, and hybrid (Semi-volumetric) construction.

- Prefabricated Materials: Provides demand analysis across 7 key materials such as aluminum, wood, iron & steel, concrete, glass, and other.

- Prefabricated Products: Provides demand analysis of market by 7 key products such as building superstructure, roof construction, floor construction, interior room modules, exterior walls, columns & beams, and other.

ConsTrack360’s research methodology is based on industry best practices. Its unbiased analysis leverages a proprietary analytics platform to offer a detailed view on emerging business and investment market opportunities.

This title from ConsTrack360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 13 reports (1053 tables and 1274 charts):

Country Report 1 - Austria Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 2 - Belgium Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 3 - Finland Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 4 - France Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 5 - Germany Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 6 - Greece Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 7 - Italy Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 8 - Netherlands Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 9 - Poland Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 10 - Russia Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 11 - Spain Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 12 - Switzerland Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 13 - United Kingdom Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series


This report provides a detailed data-centric analysis of the prefabricated construction industry at Europe and country level, covering market opportunity, and industry dynamics by prefabricated materials, methods, and products across various construction sectors. In addition, it provides market size and forecast of the prefabricated industry covering end markets along with demand analysis. With over 100 KPIs at the country level, this bundled offering provides comprehensive understanding of market dynamics at a more granular level.

Precast Market Size and Forecast by Building Construction Sector, 2019-2028

- Residential
- Single-Family
- Multi Family

- Commercial
- Office
- Retail
- Hospitality
- Other

- Institutional

- Industrial

Market Size and Forecast by Prefabrication Methods, 2019-2028

- Panelised construction
- Modular (Volumetric) construction
- Hybrid (Semi-volumetric) construction
by Prefabricated Material
- Aluminium
- Wood
- Iron & Steel
- Concrete
- Glass
- Other

Market Size and Forecast by Prefabricated Product, 2019-2028

- Building Superstructure
- Roof Construction
- Floor Construction
- Interior Room Modules
- Exterior Walls
- Columns & Beams
- Other

Market Size and Forecast by Prefabricated Material X Product, 2019-2028

- Aluminium (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Wood (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Iron & Steel (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Concrete (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Glass (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Other (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)

Market Size and Forecast by Prefabrication Product X Construction Sector, 2019-2028

- Residential (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Commercial (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Industrial (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)
- Institutional (Building Superstructure, Roof Construction, Floor Construction, Interior Room Modules, Exterior Walls, Columns & Beams, Other)

Reasons to buy

- In-depth Understanding of Prefabricated / Precast Construction Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunity, industry dynamics, key trends and drivers across 50+ market segments at regional and country level.

- Deeper Segmentation of Prefabricated Product Analysis: Market size and forecast by prefabricated products, materials, product X materials, and product X construction sectors.

- Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate your strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers and risks in prefabricated / precast construction industry in the region and country.

- Comparable Data: Get detailed and comparable data for the prefabricated / precast market size. ConsTrack360’s research methodology is based on industry best practices. Its unbiased analysis leverages a proprietary analytics platform to offer a detailed view on emerging business and investment market opportunities.


Table of Contents

This title from ConsTrack360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 13 reports:

Country Report 1 - Austria Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 2 - Belgium Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 3 - Finland Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 4 - France Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 5 - Germany Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 6 - Greece Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 7 - Italy Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 8 - Netherlands Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 9 - Poland Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 10 - Russia Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 11 - Spain Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 12 - Switzerland Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series
Country Report 13 - United Kingdom Prefabricated Construction Industry Databook Series

All regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:

1. About this Report
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Definitions
1.3. Disclaimer

2. Prefabricated Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

3. Prefabricated Building Construction Market Dynamics by Prefabrication Methods
3.1. Market Share Trend Analysis by Type of Prefabricated Construction, 2019 - 2028
3.2. Panelised Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
3.3. Modular (Volumetric) Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
3.4. Hybrid Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

4. Prefabricated Product Demand Analysis and Outlook
4.1. Market Share Trend Analysis by Prefabricated Product, 2019 - 2028
4.2. Prefabricated Building Superstructure Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
4.3. Prefabricated Roof Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
4.4. Prefabricated Floor Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
4.5. Prefabricated Interior Room Modules Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
4.6. Prefabricated Exterior Walls Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
4.7. Prefabricated Columns & Beams Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
4.8. Other Prefabricated Products Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

5. Prefabricated Material Demand Analysis and Outlook
5.1. Market Share Trend Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
5.2. Iron & Steel in Prefabricated Building Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
5.3. Concrete in Prefabricated Building Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
5.4. Wood in Prefabricated Building Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
5.5. Aluminium in Prefabricated Building Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
5.6. Glass in Prefabricated Building Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
5.7. Other Material in Prefabricated Building Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

6. Prefabricated Market Dynamics and Outlook by Construction Sector
6.1. Market Share Trend Analysis by Construction Sector, 2019 - 2028
6.2. Residential Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
6.3. Commercial Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
6.4. Industrial Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
6.5. Institutional Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

7. Residential Prefabricated Construction Market Dynamics and Outlook
7.1. Market Share Trend Analysis by Residential Construction Sector, 2019 - 2028
7.2. Single-Family Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
7.3. Multi-Family Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

8. Commercial Prefabricated Construction Market Dynamics and Outlook
8.1. Market Share Trend Analysis by Commercial Construction Sector, 2019 - 2028
8.2. Office Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.3. Retail Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.4. Hospitality Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.5. Other Commercial Prefabricated Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

9. Residential Construction Demand Analysis and Outlook by Prefabricated Products
9.1. Residential Construction Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Products, 2019 - 2028
9.2. Building Superstructure Demand in Residential Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
9.3. Roof Demand in Residential Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
9.4. Floor Demand in Residential Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
9.5. Interior Room Modules Demand in Residential Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
9.6. Exterior Walls Demand in Residential Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
9.7. Columns & Beams Demand in Residential Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

10. Commercial Construction Demand Analysis and Outlook by Prefabricated Products
10.1. Commercial Construction Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Products, 2019 - 2028
10.2. Building Superstructure Demand in Commercial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.3. Roof Demand in Commercial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.4. Floor Demand in Commercial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.5. Interior Room Modules Demand in Commercial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.6. Exterior Walls Demand in Commercial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.7. Columns & Beams Demand in Commercial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

11. Industrial Construction Demand Analysis and Outlook by Prefabricated Products
11.1. Industrial Construction Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Products, 2019 - 2028
11.2. Building Superstructure Demand in Industrial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.3. Roof Demand in Industrial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.4. Floor Demand in Industrial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.5. Interior Room Modules Demand in Industrial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.6. Exterior Walls Demand in Industrial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.7. Columns & Beams Demand in Industrial Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

12. Institutional Construction Demand Analysis and Outlook by Prefabricated Products
12.1. Institutional Construction Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Products, 2019 - 2028
12.2. Building Superstructure Demand in Institutional Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.3. Roof Demand in Institutional Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.4. Floor Demand in Institutional Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.5. Interior Room Modules Demand in Institutional Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.6. Exterior Walls Demand in Institutional Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.7. Columns & Beams Demand in Institutional Construction Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

13. Prefabricated Building Superstructure Demand Analysis by Material
13.1. Building Superstructure Demand Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
13.2. Building Superstructure Demand by Iron & Steel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.3. Building Superstructure Demand by Concrete Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.4. Building Superstructure Demand by Wood Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.5. Building Superstructure Demand by Aluminium Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.6. Building Superstructure Demand by Other Materials Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

14. Prefabricated Roof Demand Analysis by Material
14.1. Roof Demand Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
14.2. Roof Demand by Iron & Steel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.3. Roof Demand by Concrete Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.4. Roof Demand by Wood Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.5. Roof Demand by Aluminium Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.6. Roof Demand by Glass Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.7. Roof Demand by Other Materials Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

15. Prefabricated Floor Demand Analysis by Material
15.1. Floor Demand Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
15.2. Floor Demand by Iron & Steel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
15.3. Floor Demand by Concrete Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
15.4. Floor Demand by Glass Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

16. Prefabricated Interior Room Modules Demand Analysis by Material
16.1. Interior Room Modules Demand Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
16.2. Interior Room Modules Demand by Iron & Steel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.3. Interior Room Modules Demand by Concrete Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.4. Interior Room Modules Demand by Wood Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.5. Interior Room Modules Demand by Aluminium Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.6. Interior Room Modules Demand by Glass Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.7. Interior Room Modules Demand by Other Materials Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

17. Prefabricated Exterior Walls Demand Analysis by Material
17.1. Exterior Walls Demand Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
17.2. Exterior Walls Demand by Iron & Steel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
17.3. Exterior Walls Demand by Concrete Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
17.4. Exterior Walls Demand by Wood Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
17.5. Exterior Walls Demand by Aluminium Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
17.6. Exterior Walls Demand by Glass Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
17.7. Exterior Walls Demand by Other Materials Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

18. Prefabricated Columns and Beams Demand Analysis by Material
18.1. Columns and Beams Demand Market Share Analysis by Prefabricated Material, 2019 - 2028
18.2. Columns and Beams Demand by Iron & Steel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
18.3. Columns and Beams Demand by Concrete Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
18.4. Columns and Beams Demand by Wood Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
18.5. Columns and Beams Demand by Aluminium Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

19. Further Reading
19.1. About ConsTrack360
19.2. Related Research
19.3. ConsTrack360 Knowledge Center


List of Tables/Graphs

All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:

Table 1: Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 2: Panelised Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 3: Modular (Volumetric) Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 4: Hybrid Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 5: Prefabricated Building Superstructure - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 6: Prefabricated Roof - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 7: Prefabricated Floor - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 8: Prefabricated Interior Room - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 9: Prefabricated Exterior Walls - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 10: Prefabricated Columns & Beams - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 11: Others Prefabricated Products - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 12: Iron & Steel Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 13: Concrete Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 14: Wood Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 15: Aluminium Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 16: Glass Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 17: Other Material Prefabricated Building Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 18: Residential Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 19: Commercial Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 20: Industrial Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 21: Institutional Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 22: Single-Family Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 23: Multi-Family Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 24: Office Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 25: Retail Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 26: Hospitality Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 27: Other Commercial Prefabricated Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 28: Building Superstructure Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 29: Roof Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 30: Floor Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 31: Interior Room Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 32: Exterior Walls Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 33: Columns & Beams Residential Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 34: Building Superstructure Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 35: Roof Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 36: Floor Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 37: Interior Room Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 38: Exterior Room Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 39: Columns & Beams Commercial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 40: Building Superstructure Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 41: Roof Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 42: Floor Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 43: Interior Room Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 44: Exterior Walls Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 45: Columns & Beams Industrial Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 46: Building Superstructure Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 47: Roof Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 48: Floor Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 49: Interior Room Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 50: Exterior Walls Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 51: Columns & Beams Institutional Construction - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 52: Building Superstructure Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 53: Building Superstructure Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 54: Building Superstructure Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 55: Building Superstructure Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 56: Building Superstructure Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 57: Roof Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 58: Roof Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 59: Roof Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 60: Roof Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 61: Roof Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 62: Roof Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 63: Floor Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 64: Floor Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 65: Floor Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 66: Interior Room Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 67: Interior Room Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 68: Interior Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 69: Interior Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 70: Interior Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 71: Interior Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 72: Exterior Walls Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 73: Exterior Walls Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 74: Exterior Walls Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 75: Exterior Walls Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 76: Exterior Walls Glass - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 77: Exterior Walls Other Materials - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 78: Columns and Beams Iron & Steel - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 79: Columns and Beams Concrete - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 80: Columns and Beams Wood - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028
Table 81: Columns and Beams Aluminium - Market Size (LCU Million), 2019-2028







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