
ラテンアメリカ建設産業データブックシリーズ 市場規模・予測:面積・ユニット別、都市レベル建設額・建設コスト構造、2024年第1四半期最新版

Latin America Construction Industry Databook Series Market Size & Forecast by Area and Units, City Level Construction by Value and Construction Cost Structure, Q1 2024 Update

レポート概要 ラテンアメリカの建設業界は中期的に安定した成長を記録すると予想されている。メキシコでは、ニアショアリングが産業建設部門の成長を後押ししている。メキシコは米国に近接していることから、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2024年5月16日 US$8,900
900 英語






- BMWは2024年3月、高電圧バッテリー生産センターの建設活動を2024年5月に開始すると発表した。ドイツに本社を置くBMWは、このプロジェクトに8億ユーロを投資すると発表しており、そのうち5億ユーロが新施設の建設に充てられる。生産センターはサン・ルイス・ポトシの工場に建設される。




米国のインフラ企業New Fortress Energyも、2024年4月に1.6GWのガス火力発電所の建設を開始した。この発電所はブラジルのバルカレナLNGターミナルに隣接しており、2026年8月までに稼働する予定だ。これらのインフラ建設プロジェクトは、中期的にブラジルとラテンアメリカの広範な建設市場の成長を支え続けるだろう。


- 港湾部門が投資を牽引した2023年第1四半期とは異なり、2024年第1四半期の勢いは、リマ地下鉄2号線と空港部門への支出増によるものだった。2024年第1四半期だけで、空港部門に8,470万米ドルが投資され、2023年同期間の1,500万米ドルから大幅に増加した。






- 金額、数量、台数別の市場ダイナミクス:建築・インフラ建設業界の規模と構造、業界ダイナミクス、最終市場の機会について、データ中心の包括的な見解を提供します。

- 住宅建設の展望:建設タイプ、開発段階、価格帯、主要都市別の市場分析を提供。KPIには金額、数量、戸数が含まれます。

- 商業建築の展望:オフィスビル、店舗ビル、ホスピタリティービル、レストランビル、スポーツ施設などの金額別、数量別の建設見通しを提供。

- 施設建築の展望:製造工場ビル、金属・材料加工ビル、化学・製薬ビルについて、金額・数量別の建設見通しを提供。

- 産業建築の展望:製造工場、教育施設などの金額別、数量別の建設見通しを提供。

- インフラ建設の展望:海洋・内陸、公共システム、輸送インフラ建設など3つの主要セクション別に成長ダイナミクスと市場分析を提供。

- 都市レベルの分析:各国の建設額上位10都市の見通しを提供。



- 市場データと洞察:本レポートは、2019年から2028年までの10年間における40以上の建設セグメントにわたる市場規模と予測を提供します。対象となるKPIは以下の通り:
- 金額ベースの市場規模
- 建設量による市場規模
- ユニット数

- 経済指標

- 上位都市建設データ

- 住宅建築のカバー範囲10年間の市場規模および予測(金額ベース、数量ベース、面積ベース、戸数ベース)。
- 住宅タイプ(集合住宅、一戸建て)
- 主要都市(Tier - 1、Tier - 2、Tier - 3のセグメンテーション)
- 価格帯/所得水準(高級住宅、中級住宅、手頃な住宅)
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、メンテナンス)

- 住宅グリーンビルディングの建設範囲10年間の市場規模および予測(金額・数量(面積・戸数)ベース):以下の通り
- 住宅タイプ別グリーンビルディング(集合住宅、一戸建て)
- 主要都市別グリーンビルディング(ティア1、ティア2、ティア3の区分)
- グリーンビルディング:価格帯/所得水準別(高級住宅、中級住宅、手頃な住宅)

- 商業ビルの建設範囲10年間の市場規模および予測:金額・数量(面積・戸数)ベース
- オフィス(グレードA、グレードB、グレードC別にさらに分類)
- 小売(グレードA、グレードB、グレードC別にさらに細分化)
- ホスピタリティ(さらにグレードA、グレードB、グレードC別に分類)
- レストラン(グレードA、グレードB、グレードC別にさらに細分化)
- エンターテインメント
- スポーツ施設
- その他の商業ビル建設
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、メンテナンス)

- 商業用グリーンビル建設の対象範囲10年間の市場規模・予測:金額ベース、数量ベース(面積・戸数)ベース
- オフィスグリーンビル建設
- 小売グリーンビルディング建設
- ホスピタリティ・グリーン・ビルディング建設
- レストラングリーンビルディング建設
- 娯楽施設グリーンビルディング建設
- スポーツ施設グリーンビルディング建設
- その他商業グリーンビル建設

- 産業用グリーンビルディング建設10年間の市場規模・予測:金額・数量(面積・単位)
- 製造工場建築
- 化学・製薬建築
- 金属・素材加工ビル建設
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、メンテナンス)

- 施設建築のカバー範囲10年間の市場規模および予測(金額ベース、数量ベース(面積ベース、単位ベース)):以下の通り。
- 医療施設建設
- 教育施設建設
- その他建築
- 建設段階(新築、再開発、メンテナンス)

- 施設用グリーンビルディングの建設範囲10年間の市場規模・予測:金額ベース、数量ベース(面積・戸数)ベース
- 医療グリーンビルディング建設
- 教育施設向けグリーンビルディング建設

- インフラ建設分野:10年間の市場規模・予測:金額ベース
- 海洋・内陸水インフラ
- ユーティリティシステム建設(石油・ガスインフラ、通信インフラ、電力インフラ、上下水道インフラ)
- 交通インフラ(高速道路、道路、橋梁建設、鉄道建設、空港建設、トンネル建設)
- 建設段階(新設、再開発、メンテナンス)

- グリーンインフラ建設:10年間の市場規模&予測(金額ベース

- 建設コスト構造分析:金額ベースの10年市場規模&予測
- タイプ別コスト分析(資材、労務、設備、その他)
- 材料・作業コスト別:建設に使用される材料の種類(セメント、鋼鉄、砂、骨材、レンガ、木材、窓ガラス、床材、配管、電気、塗装、その他材料)別に材料コストの見通しを提供する。
- 労務費別:労務費(RCC工事、石工・左官工事、配管工事、防水工事、大工工事、電気工事、タイル固定工事、CATVアンテナポイント、塗装工事、部門別労務費)のコスト見通しを提供する。
- 建設タイプ別(新築、再開発)
- 材料費別:建設に使用される材料の種類(コンクリート砂、石材骨材、普通ポルトランドセメント、鉄筋コンクリート(グレード30MPA)、鉄筋コンクリート(グレード40MPA)、高張力鉄筋、軟鋼丸棒、構造用鉄骨、合板型枠(1800*900*12mm)、粘土レンガ)別に材料費のコスト見通しを提供する。
- 労働力の種類(熟練対未熟練)
- 労働力の種類(熟練対未熟練)


- 建設市場のダイナミクスを深く理解ラテンアメリカの建築・インフラ建設業界の40以上の市場セグメントとサブセグメントにわたる市場機会、業界力学、主要動向、促進要因を理解することができます。

- 建設コストの詳細な理解:本レポートでは、建設コストをタイプ別に詳細に分析します。また、材料費別、人件費別のデータも提供しています。本レポートはさらに、建設タイプ別と作業員タイプ別のコストを掲載しています。

- 上位10都市の建設金額データ:都市レベルの主要部門別建設市場規模。

- 数量と金額のデータ:過去および予測期間の金額および数量(活動別および単位別)の観点から市場を詳細に把握。

- 市場別戦略の策定成長セグメントを特定し、特定の機会をターゲットとして戦略を策定します。建設業界における市場特有の主要トレンド、促進要因、リスクを評価します。

- 都市レベルの洞察:Tier-1、Tier-2、Tier-3の各都市レベルのトレンド分析を入手できます。



国別レポート1 - ブラジル建設産業データブックシリーズ国別レポート2 - チリ建設産業データブックシリーズ国別レポート3 - アルゼンチン建設産業データブックシリーズ国別レポート4 - コロンビア建設産業データブックシリーズ国別レポート5 - メキシコ建設産業データブックシリーズ上記のすべての地域、国別レポートには以下の目次があります:1 本レポートについて1.1 方法論1.2 定義1.3 免責事項2 建設産業のダイナミクスと成長展望2.1 建設産業の成長ダイナミクス2.1.1 建設産業の市場規模(金額別)、2019年~20282.1.2 建築建設産業の市場規模(金額別)、2019年~20282.1.3 インフラ建設産業の市場規模(金額別)、2019年~20282.1.4 建築建設セクター別の市場シェア分析、2019年~20282.1.5 インフラ建設市場別の市場シェア分析、2019年~20282.1.6 グリーン建築建設産業の市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20282年)1.7 グリーン建築建設産業の市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20282年)1.8 グリーンインフラ建設産業の市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20282年)1.9 グリーン建築建設セクター別の市場シェア分析(2019年~20283 欧州の主要経済指標3.1 人口動向分析3.2 国内総生産動向分析3.3 一人当たり国内総生産3.4 総投資額動向分析3.5 インフレ動向分析4 主要都市別の建築建設分析4.1 主要都市別ビル建設市場スナップショット4.2 都市-1 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.3 都市-2 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.4 都市-3 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.5 都市-4 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.6 都市-5 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.7 都市-6 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.8 都市-7 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.9 都市-8 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.10 都市-9 ビル建設市場スナップショット4.11 都市-10ビル建設市場スナップショット5 住宅建設業界の市場規模と予測5.1 住宅ビル建設市場規模(金額別)、2019年~20285.2 住宅ビル建設市場規模(数量別)、2019年~20285.3 住宅ビル平均建設コスト、2019年~20285.4 住宅建設戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクス、2019年~20285.5 開発段階別住宅ビル建設市場スナップショット5.6 新築住宅ビル建設市場規模(金額別)、2019年~20285.7 再開発・メンテナンス住宅建築市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20285.8 グリーン住宅建築市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20285.9 グリーン住宅建築市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20286 建築タイプ別住宅建築市場展望別分析6.1 建築タイプ別住宅建築市場スナップショット6.2 マルチファミリー住宅建築市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20286.3 マルチファミリー住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20286.4 マルチファミリー住宅建築物平均建設コスト:2019年~20286.5 マルチファミリー建築物戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクス:2019年~20286.6 マルチファミリーグリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20286.7 マルチファミリーグリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20286.8 シングルファミリー住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20286.9 一戸建て住宅建築市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20286.10 一戸建て住宅建築平均建設費:2019年~20286.11 一戸建て建築戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクス:2019年~20286.12 一戸建てグリーン住宅建築市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20286.13 一戸建てグリーン住宅建築市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20287 主要都市別住宅建築市場展望分析7.1 主要都市別住宅建築市場スナップショット7.2 第1位都市住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20287.3 第1位都市住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20287.4 第1位都市住宅建築物平均建設コスト:2019年~20287.5 第1位都市グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20287.6 第1位都市グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20287.7 第2位都市住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20287.8 ティア - 2都市の住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20287.9 ティア - 2都市の住宅建築物平均建設コスト:2019年~20287.10 ティア - 2都市のグリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20287.11 ティア - 2都市のグリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20287.12 ティア - 3都市の住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~20287.13 ティア - 3都市の住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~20287.14 第3都市住宅建築物平均建設費の推移(2019年~20287年)15 第3都市グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20287年)16 第3都市グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量別)(2019年~20288年 価格帯別住宅建築物建設市場展望による分析8.1 価格帯別住宅建築物建設市場スナップショット8.2 高級住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20288年)3 高級住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量別)(2019年~20288年4 高級住宅建築物平均建設費の推移(2019年~20288年)5 高級住宅建築物戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクスの推移(2019年~20288年)6 高級グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20288年)7 高級グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量別)(2019年~20288年)9 中層住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20288年)10 中層住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量別)(2019年~20288年11 中層住宅建築物平均建設コストの推移(2019年~20288年).12 中層住宅建築物戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクスの推移(2019年~20288年).13 中層グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額別)の推移(2019年~20288年).14 中層グリーン住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量別)の推移(2019年~20288年).15 手頃な価格の住宅建築物建設市場規模(金額別)の推移(2019年~20288年).16 手頃な価格の住宅建築物建設市場規模(数量別)の推移(2019年~20288年).17 Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 20288.18 Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 20288.19 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 20288.20 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 20289 Commercial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast9.1 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 20289.2 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 20289.3 商業ビル平均建設費の推移(2019年~20289年)9.4 商業ビル建設市場別市場シェア分析9.5 商業ビル建設市場別スナップショット(開発段階別)9.6 新規商業ビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20289年)7 再開発・メンテナンス商業ビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20289年)8 商業グリーンビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~20289年9 商業用グリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202810 オフィスビル建設展望10.1 オフィスビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202810.2 オフィスビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202810.3 オフィスビル平均建設コスト:2019年~202810.4 オフィスビル建設戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクス:2019年~202810.5 オフィスビル建設市場別スナップショット(価格帯別)10.6 グレード-Aオフィスビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202810.7 グレード-Bのオフィスビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202810.8 グレード-Cのオフィスビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202810.9 オフィスビルのグリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202810.10 オフィスビルのグリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202811 小売ビル建設の展望11.1 小売ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202811.2 小売ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202811.3 小売ビル平均建設費の推移(2019年~2028年)11.4 小売ビル建設戸数別分析と成長ダイナミクス(2019年~2028年)11.5 小売ビル建設市場の価格帯別スナップショット11.6 Aグレード小売ビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~2028年)11.7 Bグレード小売ビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~2028年)11.8 Cグレード小売ビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~2028年)11.9 小売ビルグリーンビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~2028年)11.10 小売ビルグリーンビル建設市場規模(金額別)(2019年~2028年)11.1110 小売ビル用グリーンビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~2028年12 ホスピタリティビル建設展望12.1 ホスピタリティビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~2028年12.2 ホスピタリティビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~2028年12.3 ホスピタリティビル平均建設コスト(金額別):2019年~2028年12.4 ホスピタリティビル建設市場別スナップショット(価格帯別)12.5 グレード-Aのホスピタリティビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~2028年12.6 グレード-Bのホスピタリティービル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202812.7 グレード-Cのホスピタリティービル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202812.8 ホスピタリティグリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202812.9 ホスピタリティグリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202813 レストランビル建設の展望13.1 レストランビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202813.2 レストランビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202813.3 レストランビル平均建設コスト(金額ベース):2019年~202813.4 飲食店ビル建設市場別スナップショット(価格帯別)13.5 グレード-Aの飲食店ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース)(2019年~202813.6 グレード-Bの飲食店ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース)(2019年~202813.7 グレード-Cの飲食店ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース)(2019年~202813.8 飲食店グリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース)(2019年~202813.9 飲食店グリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース)(2019年~202814 スポーツ施設ビル建設の展望14.1 スポーツ施設ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202814.2 スポーツ施設ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202814.3 スポーツ施設ビル平均建設費:2019年~202814.4 スポーツ施設グリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202814.5 スポーツ施設グリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202815 その他の商業ビル建設市場展望15.1 その他の商業ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202815.2 その他の商業ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202815.3 その他の商業ビル平均建設費:2019年~202815.4 その他の商業ビルグリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202815.5 その他の商業ビルグリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202816 施設建設業界市場規模・予測16.1 施設建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202816.2 開発段階別施設建設市場スナップショット16.3 新規機関ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202816.4 再開発・メンテナンス機関ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202816.5 機関ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202816.6 機関ビル平均建設コスト(金額ベース):2019年~202816.7 機関グリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202816.8 機関グリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202817 機関ビル建設分野別の展望と成長ダイナミクス17.1 ヘルスケアビル建設市場別の市場シェア分析17.2 ヘルスケアビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~202817.3 ヘルスケアビル建設市場規模(数量別):2019年~202817.4 ヘルスケアビル平均建設コスト:2019年~202817.5 ヘルスケアグリーンビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~202817.6 ヘルスケアグリーンビル建設市場規模(数量別):2019年~202817.7 教育ビル建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~202817.8 教育ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202817.9 教育ビル平均建設コスト:2019年~202817.10 教育グリーンビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202817.11 教育グリーンビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202817.12 その他機関セグメントビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202817.13 その他機関セグメントビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202817.14 その他機関セグメントビル平均建設コスト:2019年~202817.15 グリーンビル建設-その他施設セグメントビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202817.16 グリーンビル建設-その他施設セグメントビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202818 産業用建設業界の市場規模・予測18.1 産業用ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202818.2 産業用ビル建設市場別スナップショット(開発段階別)18.3 新規産業用ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202818.4 再開発・メンテナンス産業用ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202818.5 産業用ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202818.6 産業用ビル平均建設コスト(金額ベース):2019年~202818.7 グリーン産業用ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202818.8 グリーン産業用ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202819 産業用ビル建設セクター別の展望と成長ダイナミクス19.1 製造プラントビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.2 開発段階別製造プラントビル建設市場別スナップショット19.3 新規製造プラントビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.4 再開発・メンテナンス製造プラントビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.5 製造プラントビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202819.6 製造プラントビル平均建設コスト(金額ベース):2019年~202819.7 金属・素材加工ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.8 開発段階別金属・素材加工ビル建設市場スナップショット19.9 新規金属・素材加工ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.10 再開発・メンテナンス金属・素材加工ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.11 金属・素材加工ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202819.12 金属・素材加工ビル平均建設コスト(金額ベース):2019年~202819.13 化学・医薬ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.14 化学・製薬ビル建設市場の開発段階別スナップショット19.15 新規化学・製薬ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.16 再開発・メンテナンス化学・製薬ビル建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202819.17 化学・製薬ビル建設市場規模(数量ベース):2019年~202819.18 化学・製薬ビル平均建設コスト(金額ベース):2019年~202820 インフラ建設の展望20.1 インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~2028年20.2 インフラ建設市場別スナップショット(開発段階別)20.3 新規インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~2028年20.4 再開発・メンテナンスインフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~2028年20.5 グリーンインフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~2028年21 海洋・内水面インフラ建設業界市場規模・予測21.1 海洋・内水面インフラ建設市場規模・予測(金額ベース)(4 再開発・メンテナンス用ユーティリティシステム・インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202822.5 ユーティリティシステム・インフラ建設市場別スナップショット22.6 石油・ガスインフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202822.7 開発段階別石油・ガスインフラ建設市場規模別スナップショット22.8 新規石油・ガスインフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202822.9 再開発・メンテナンス用石油・ガスインフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202822.10 電力インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202822.11 開発段階別電力インフラ建設スナップショット22.12 新規電力インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202822.13 再開発・メンテナンス電力インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202822.14 上下水道インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202822.15 上下水道インフラ構築の開発段階別スナップショット22.16 新規上下水道インフラ構築の市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~2028年17 再開発・メンテナンス上下水道インフラ構築の市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~2028年3 新規交通インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202823.4 再開発・メンテナンス交通インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202823.5 交通インフラ建設市場別スナップショット23.6 高速道路・道路・橋梁インフラ建設市場規模(金額ベース):2019年~202823.7 開発段階別高速道路・道路・橋梁インフラ建設スナップショット23.8 新規高速道路・道路・橋梁インフラ建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~202823.9 再開発・メンテナンス高速道路・道路・橋梁インフラ建設市場規模(金額別):2019年~202823.10 鉄道インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202823.11 開発段階別鉄道インフラ建設スナップショット23.12 新規鉄道インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202823.13 再開発・メンテナンス高速道路・道路・橋梁インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202823.14 空港インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202823.15 開発段階別空港インフラ建設スナップショット23.16 新規空港インフラ建設市場規模:2019年~202823.17 再開発・メンテナンス空港インフラ建設市場規模:金額ベース、2019年~202823.18 トンネルインフラ建設市場規模:金額ベース、2019年~202823.19 トンネルインフラ建設市場スナップショット:開発ステージ別、2019年~202823.20 トンネルインフラ建設新規市場規模:金額ベース、2019年~202823.21 再開発・維持管理トンネルインフラ建設市場規模推移(金額別):2019年~202824 建設業コストタイプ別市場規模推移・予測24.1 建設業コストタイプ別市場規模推移・予測(金額別):2022年24.2 材料別建設コスト市場規模推移・予測(金額別):2019年~202824.3 建設コストの市場規模・予測(労働力別):2019年~202824.4 建設コストの市場規模・予測(設備別):2019年~202824.5 建設コストの市場規模・予測(その他別):2019年~202825 建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測(素材タイプ別)25.1 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測(資材種類別):202225.2 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測(セメント別):2019年~202825.3 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測(鉄鋼別):2019年~202825.4 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測(砂別):2019年~202825.5 建設資材コスト業界市場規模・予測:骨材別、2019年~202825.6 建設資材コスト業界市場規模・予測:レンガ別、2019年~202825.7 建設資材コスト業界市場規模・予測:木材別、2019年~202825.8 建設資材コスト業界市場規模・予測:窓ガラス別、2019年~202825.9 建設資材コスト業界市場規模・予測:フローリング別、2019年~202825.10 建設資材コスト業界市場規模・予測:配管別、2019年~202825.11 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:電気別、2019年~202825.12 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:塗装別、2019年~202825.13 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:その他別、2019年~202826 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:労働別26.1 労働者別建設コスト産業市場規模・予測:202226.2 労働者別建設コスト産業市場規模・予測:RCC建築工事別:2019年~202826.3 労働者別建設コスト産業市場規模・予測:石工・左官工事別:2019年~202826.4 労働建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測:配管工事別、2019年~202826.5 労働建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測:防水工事別、2019年~202826.6 労働建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測:大工工事別、2019年~202826.7 労働建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測:電気工事別、2019年~202826.8 労働建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測:タイル固定工事別、2019年~202826.9 労働建設コスト産業の市場規模・予測:CATVアンテナポイント別、2019年~202826.10 労働建設コスト産業市場規模・予測:塗装工事別、2019年~202826.11 労働建設コスト産業市場規模・予測:部門別労働力別、2019年~202827 建設産業市場規模・予測:建物タイプ別27.1 建設産業市場規模・予測:建物タイプ別、202227.2 リノベーションビル別建設業界市場規模・予測(2019年~202827.3 新築ビル別建設業界市場規模・予測(2019年~202828 リノベーションビル種類別建設業界市場規模・予測28.1 リノベーションビル別建設業界市場規模・予測(202228.2 リノベーションビル建設業界材料費別市場規模・予測(2019年~202828.3 リノベーションビル建設業界人件費別市場規模・予測(2019年~202828.4 リノベーションビル建設業界設備別市場規模・予測(2019年~202828.5 リノベーションビル建設業界その他別市場規模・予測(2019年~202829 新築ビル別建設業界市場規模・予測29.1 新築ビル別建設業界市場規模・予測(202229.2 新築ビル建設業界材料費別市場規模・予測(2019年~202829.3 新築建築物建設業界の市場規模・予測(人件費別):2019年~202829.4 新築建築物建設業界の市場規模・予測(設備別):2019年~202829.5 新築建築物建設業界の市場規模・予測(その他別):2019年~2028230 建設業界の市場規模・予測(材料費別)30.1 建設業界の市場規模・予測(材料費別):202230.2 建設材料費業界の市場規模・予測(コンクリート砂別):2019年~2028230.3 建設材料費業界の市場規模・予測(石骨材別):2019年~2028230.4 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:普通ポルトランドセメント別、2019年~202830.5 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:鉄筋コンクリート(グレード30MPA)別、2019年~202830.6 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:鉄筋コンクリート(グレード40MPA)別、2019年~202830.7 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:高張力鋼棒別、2019年~202830.8 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:軟鋼丸棒別、2019年~202830.9 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:構造用鉄筋別、2019年~202830.10 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:合板型枠(1800*900*12mm)別、2019年~202830.11 建設資材コスト産業の市場規模・予測:粘土レンガ別、2019年~202831 建設産業の市場規模・予測:建設労働者別31.1 建設労働者別の建設産業市場規模・予測(2022年)31.2 熟練労働者別の建設産業市場規模・予測(2019年~202831.3 未熟練労働者別の建設産業市場規模・予測(2019年~2028年)32 参考資料32.1 ConsTrack360について32.2 関連調査32.3 ConsTrack360ナレッジセンター



All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:
Table 1: Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 2: Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 3: Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 4: Green Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 5: Green Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 6: Green Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 7: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 8: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 9: Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 10: Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 11: New Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 12: Re-development Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 13: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 14: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 15: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 16: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 17: Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 18: Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 19: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 20: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 21: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 22: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 23: Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 24: Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 25: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 26: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 27: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 28: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 29: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 30: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 31: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 32: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 33: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 34: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 35: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 36: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 37: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 38: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 39: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 40: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 41: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 42: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 43: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 44: Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 45: Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 46: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 47: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 48: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 49: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 50: Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 51: Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 52: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 53: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 54: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 55: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 56: Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 57: Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 58: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 59: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 60: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 61: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 62: Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 63: New Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 64: Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 65: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 66: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 67: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 68: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 69: Office Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 70: Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 71: Grade - A Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 72: Grade - B Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 73: Grade - C Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 74: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 75: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 76: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 77: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 78: Retail Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 79: Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 80: Grade - A Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 81: Grade - B Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 82: Grade - C Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 83: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 84: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 85: Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 86: Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 87: Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 88: Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 89: Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 90: Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 91: Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 92: Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 93: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 94: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 95: Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 96: Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 97: Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 98: Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 99: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 100: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 101: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 102: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 103: Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 104: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 105: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 106: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 107: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 108: Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 109: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 110: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 111: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 112: New Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 113: Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 114: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 115: Institutional Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 116: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 117: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 118: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 119: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 120: Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 121: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 122: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 123: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 124: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 125: Education Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 126: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 127: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 128: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 129: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 130: Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 131: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 132: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 133: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 134: New Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 135: Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 136: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 137: Industrial Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 138: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 139: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 140: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 141: New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 142: Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 143: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 144: Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 145: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 146: New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 147: Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 148: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 149: Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 150: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 151: New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 152: Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 153: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 154: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 155: Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 156: New Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 157: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 158: Green Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 159: Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 160: New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 161: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 162: Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 163: New Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 164: Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 165: Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 166: New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 167: Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 168: Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 169: New Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 170: Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 171: Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 172: New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 173: Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 174: Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 175: New Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 176: Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 177: Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 178: New Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 179: Re-development & Maintenance Transport Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 180: Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 181: New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 182: Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 183: Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 184: New Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 185: Re-development & Maintenance Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 186: Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 187: New Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 188: Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 189: Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 190: New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 191: Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 192: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Material (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 193: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Labour (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 194: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 195: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 196: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Cement (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 197: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Steel (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 198: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Sand (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 199: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 200: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Bricks (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 201: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Wood (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 202: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 203: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Flooring (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 204: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 205: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 206: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 207: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 208: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 209: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 210: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 211: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 212: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 213: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 214: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 215: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 216: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 217: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 218: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 219: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by New Building (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 220: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 221: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 222: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 223: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 224: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 225: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 226: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 227: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 228: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 229: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 230: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 231: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA) (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 232: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA) (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 233: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 234: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 235: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 236: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm) (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 237: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 238: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 239: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028





Report Description

The Latin American construction industry is expected to record steady growth over the medium term. In Mexico, nearshoring is aiding the growth in the industrial construction sector. With global firms seeking to benefit from the country's proximity to the United States, more companies are expected to develop manufacturing facilities in Mexico over the medium term.
Various infrastructure projects have been undertaken in Brazil in 2024, many of which are currently under construction. This includes the US$3 billion metro line No.6 São Paulo. New Fortress Energy, the US-based infrastructure firm, has also commenced the construction of a 1.6GW gas-fired plant in April 2024. In Peru, investment in airport infrastructure is expected to gain momentum in 2024.

Nearshoring is aiding the growth of the industrial construction market in Mexico

Several leading global corporations have relocated their manufacturing to Mexico. The relocation move is part of the strategy to benefit from the proximity to the United States. This trend is projected to continue further over the medium term in the Mexican market.
• BMW, in March 2024, announced that the firm is set to commence the construction activities of its high-voltage battery production center in May 2024. The German-based firm has announced an investment of €800 million for this project, of which, €500 million has been earmarked for the construction of the new facility. The production center will be built at its plant in San Luis Potosí.

Tesla, which announced to build a facility in Mexico in 2023, is also expected to begin the construction activities in 2024. The Mexican government, notably, has asked the firm to commence construction soon. In Brazil, too, global automakers have begun construction of their industrial plants in 2024. BYD, for instance, commenced construction on its manufacturing complex in Brazil in March 2024. The new facility is expected to be put under operation by the end of 2024 or early 2025. These industrial construction projects are expected to support the growth of the broader construction market across the Latin American region.

Investment in infrastructure construction projects will support market growth in Brazil in 2024

Various infrastructure projects have been undertaken in Brazil in 2024, many of which are currently under construction. This includes the US$3 billion metro line No.6 São Paulo. The 15.3-kilometer-long railway project includes 15 stations and will be able to carry approximately 630,000 passengers per day. This project is being termed as the largest infrastructure development currently in Latin America. Several other railway infrastructure projects are also under construction in Brazil. This includes metro line No. 15, line No. 17, line No. 2, and the Fortaleza metro east line.

New Fortress Energy, the US-based infrastructure firm, has also commenced the construction of a 1.6GW gas-fired plant in April 2024. The plant, located next to the Barcarena LNG terminal in Brazil, is set to become operational by August 2026. These infrastructure construction projects will keep providing growth support to the broader construction market in Brazil and Latin America over the medium term.

Investment in transport infrastructure is projected to remain steady in Peru in 2024

Peruvian investments in transportation infrastructure have continued to perform well in 2024, indicating a similar level of activity when compared to 2023. According to a report from the transportation regulator Ositrán, investments in projects reached US$232 million in Q1 2024, slightly up from US$230 million compared to the same period of 2023.
• Unlike the first quarter of 2023, where the port sector drove investments, the momentum in Q1 2024 came from increased spending on Line No. 2 of the Lima metro and in the airport sector. In Q1 2024 alone, US$84.7 million has been invested in the airport sector, which represents a significant increase from the US$15 million invested during the same period in 2023.

According to Ositrán, a substantial portion of these investments, totaling US$49 million, went into the construction of the new Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima in Q1 2024. This project, which has a budget of US$2 billion, is over 77% complete and is scheduled to be finished by December 2024.

While the road construction sector has not received any major increase in investment, the Pativilca-Salaverry section of road network No. 4, spanning 356 kilometers along the coast of Áncash and La Libertad regions, received US$11.4 million in investments during Q1 2024. This amount is consistent with the spending seen in Q1 2023.

This report from ConsTrack360 provides data and trend analyses on Latin America construction industry, with over 100 KPIs. This is a data-centric report and it provides trend analyses with over 1,500+ charts and 1,200+ tables. It details market size & forecast, top cities construction data, emerging trends, market opportunities, and investment risks in over 40 segments in residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and infrastructure construction sectors.

It provides a comprehensive understanding of construction industry sectors in both value and volume (both by activity and units) terms. The report focuses on combining industry dynamics with macro-economic scenario and changing consumer behavior to offer a 360-degree view of the opportunities and risks.

This title from ConsTrack360 is a bundled offering, comprising 5 country reports.Each country report covers the following modules:

• Market Dynamics by Value, Volume, and No. of Units: Provides a comprehensive data-centric view of size and structure, industry dynamics, and end market opportunities in the building and infrastructure construction industry.

• Residential Construction Outlook: Provides market analysis by type of construction, development stage, price point, and key cities. KPIs include value, volume and number of units.

• Commercial Construction Outlook: Provides construction outlook by value and volume across office buildings, retail buildings, hospitality buildings, restaurant buildings, and sports facilities.

• Institutional Construction Outlook: Provides construction outlook by value and volume across manufacturing plant buildings, metal & material processing buildings, chemical & pharmaceutical buildings.

• Industrial Construction Outlook: Provides construction outlook by value and volume across manufacturing plants, educational buildings.

• Infrastructure Construction Outlook: Provides growth dynamics and market analysis by three key sections such as marine and inland, utility system and transport infrastructure construction.

• City Level Analysis: Provides outlook of top 10 cities by construction value for each country.


Each country report covers the following:

• Market Data and Insights: This report provides market size and forecast across 40+ construction segments for a period of 10 years from 2019 – 2028. KPIs covered include the following:
• Market size by value
• Market size by volume of construction
• Number of units

• Economic Indicators

• Top Cities Construction Data

• Residential Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Housing type (multi family, single family)
• Key cities (Tier – 1, Tier – 2, Tier – 3 segmentation)
• Price point / income level (luxury, mid-tier, affordable)
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• Residential Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Green building by Housing type (multi family, single family)
• Green building by Key cities (Tier – 1, Tier – 2, Tier – 3 segmentation)
• Green building by Price point / income level (luxury, mid-tier, affordable)

• Commercial Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Office (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Retail (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Hospitality (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Restaurant (further broken down by Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C)
• Entertainment
• Sports facility
• Other commercial building construction
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• Commercial Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Office green building construction
• Retail green building construction
• Hospitality green building construction
• Restaurant green building construction
• Entertainment green building construction
• Sports facility green building construction
• Other commercial green building construction

• Industrial Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units)
• Manufacturing Plants building construction
• Chemical & Pharmaceutical building construction
• Metal & Material Processing building construction
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• Institutional Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Healthcare construction
• Educational construction
• Other building construction
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• Institutional Green Building Construction Coverage: 10-year market size & forecast in value and volume (area and units) terms by
• Healthcare green building construction
• Educational green building construction

• Infrastructure Construction Sectors: 10- year market size & forecast in value terms by
• Marine and inland water infrastructure
• Utility system construction (oil and gas infrastructure, communication infrastructure, power infrastructure, water and sewer infrastructure)
• Transportation infrastructure (highway, street and bridge construction, railway construction, airport construction, and tunnel construction)
• Construction stage (new construction, re-development & maintenance)

• Green Infrastructure Construction: 10- year market size & forecast in value terms

• Construction Cost Structure Analysis: 10- year market size & forecast in value terms
• Cost Analysis by Type (Material, Labour, Equipment, Others)
• By Material & Work Cost: It provides the cost outlook of material costs by type of materials used in construction (Cement, Steel, Sand, Aggregates, Bricks, Wood, Windows Glazing, Flooring, Plumbing, Electrical, Painting, Other Materials)
• By Labour Cost: It provides the cost outlook of labour costs (RCC Construction Work, Masonry and Plastering Work, Plumbing Work, Water Proofing Work, Carpentry Work, Electrical Work, Tile Fixing Work, CATV Antenna Points, Painting Work, Departmental Labour)
• By Type of Construction (New, Re-Development)
• By Material Cost: It provides the cost outlook of material costs by type of materials used in construction (Concreting Sand, Stone Aggregate, Ordinary Portland Cement, Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA), Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA), High Tensile Steel bars, Mild Steel Round Bars, Structural Steelwork, Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm), Clay Bricks)
• Type of Labour (Skilled Vs Unskilled)
• Type of Labour (Skilled Vs Unskilled)

Reasons to buy

• In-depth Understanding of Construction Market Dynamics: Understand market opportunity, industry dynamics, key trends, and drivers across 40+ market segments and sub-segments of building and infrastructure construction industry in Latin America.

• In-depth Understanding of Construction Cost: This report provides in depth analysis of construction costs by type of cost. It also provides data points by different material costs involved and different labour cost. This report further provides information by type of construction and Cost by type of worker.

• Top Ten Cities Construction Value Data: Construction market size by key sectors at city level.

• Volume and Value Data: Get detailed understanding of the market both from value and volume (both by activity and units) perspective for historical as well as forecast period

• Develop Market Specific Strategies: Identify growth segments and target specific opportunities to formulate your strategy; assess market specific key trends, drivers, and risks in construction industry.

• City Level Insights: Get city level trend analyses by tier-1, tier-2, and tier-3 cities.


Table of Contents

This title from ConsTrack360 a bundled offering, comprising 5 country reports. Country Report 1 - Brazil Construction Industry Databook Series Country Report 2 - Chile Construction Industry Databook Series Country Report 3 - Argentina Construction Industry Databook Series Country Report 4 - Colombia Construction Industry Databook Series Country Report 5 - Mexico Construction Industry Databook Series All regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents: 1 About this Report 1.1 Methodology 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Disclaimer 2 Construction Industry Dynamics and Growth Prospects 2.1 Construction Industry Growth Dynamics 2.1.1 Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 2.1.2 Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 2.1.3 Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 2.1.4 Market Share Analysis by Building Construction Sectors, 2019 - 2028 2.1.5 Market Share Analysis by Infrastructure Construction Markets, 2019 - 2028 2.1.6 Green Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 2.1.7 Green Building Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 2.1.8 Green Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 2.1.9 Market Share Analysis by Green Building Construction Sectors, 2019 - 2028 3 Key economic indicators of Europe 3.1 Population Trend Analysis 3.2 Gross Domestic Product Trend Analysis 3.3 Gross Domestic Product Per Capita 3.4 Total Investments Trend Analysis 3.5 Inflation Trend Analysis 4 Building Construction Analysis by Key Cities 4.1 Snapshot of Building Construction Markets by Key Cities 4.2 City-1 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.3 City-2 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.4 City-3 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.5 City-4 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.6 City-5 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.7 City-6 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.8 City-7 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.9 City-8 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.10 City-9 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 4.11 City-10 Building Construction Markets Snapshot 5 Residential Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 5.1 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 5.2 Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 5.3 Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 5.4 Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 5.5 Snapshot by Residential Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 5.6 New Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 5.7 Re-development & Maintenance Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 5.8 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 5.9 Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 6 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Construction type 6.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Construction Type 6.2 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 6.3 Multi Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 6.4 Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 6.5 Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 6.6 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 6.7 Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 6.8 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 6.9 Single Family Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 6.10 Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 6.11 Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 6.12 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 6.13 Single Family Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 7 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Key Cities 7.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Key Cities 7.2 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 7.3 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 7.4 Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 7.5 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 7.6 Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 7.7 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 7.8 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 7.9 Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 7.10 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 7.11 Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 7.12 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 7.13 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 7.14 Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 7.15 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 7.16 Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 8 Analysis by Residential Construction Markets Outlook by Price Point 8.1 Snapshot of Residential Building Construction Markets by Price Point 8.2 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 8.3 Luxury Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 8.4 Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 8.5 Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 8.6 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 8.7 Luxury Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 8.9 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 8.10 Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 8.11 Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 8.12 Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 8.13 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 8.14 Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 8.15 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 8.16 Affordable Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 8.17 Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 8.18 Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 8.19 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 8.20 Affordable Green Residential Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 9 Commercial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 9.1 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 9.2 Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 9.3 Commercial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 9.4 Market Share Analysis by Commercial Building Construction Markets 9.5 Snapshot by Commercial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 9.6 New Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 9.7 Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 9.8 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 9.9 Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 10 Office Building Construction Outlook 10.1 Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 10.2 Office Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 10.3 Office Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 10.4 Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 10.5 Snapshot by Office Building Construction Markets by Price Point 10.6 Grade - A Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 10.7 Grade - B Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 10.8 Grade - C Office Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 10.9 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 10.10 Office Building Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 11 Retail Building Construction Outlook 11.1 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 11.2 Retail Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 11.3 Retail Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 11.4 Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028 11.5 Snapshot by Retail Building Construction Markets by Price Point 11.6 Grade - A Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 11.7 Grade - B Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 11.8 Grade - C Retail Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 11.9 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 11.10 Retail Buildings Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 12 Hospitality Building Construction Outlook 12.1 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 12.2 Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 12.3 Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 12.4 Snapshot by Hospitality Building Construction Markets by Price Point 12.5 Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 12.6 Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 12.7 Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 12.8 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 12.9 Hospitality Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 13 Restaurant Building Construction Outlook 13.1 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 13.2 Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 13.3 Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 13.4 Snapshot by Restaurant Building Construction Markets by Price Point 13.5 Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 13.6 Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 13.7 Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 13.8 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 13.9 Restaurant Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 14 Sports Facility Building Construction Outlook 14.1 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 14.2 Sports Facility Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 14.3 Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 14.4 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 14.5 Sports Facility Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 15 Other Commercial Building Construction Outlook 15.1 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 15.2 Other Commercial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 15.3 Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 15.4 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 15.5 Other Commercial Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 16 Institutional Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 16.1 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 16.2 Snapshot by Institutional Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 16.3 New Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 16.4 Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 16.5 Institutional Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 16.6 Institutional Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 16.7 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 16.8 Institutional Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 17 Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Institutional Building Construction Sectors 17.1 Market Share Analysis by Healthcare Building Construction Markets 17.2 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 17.3 Healthcare Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 17.4 Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 17.5 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 17.6 Healthcare Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 17.7 Education Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 17.8 Education Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 17.9 Education Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 17.10 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 17.11 Education Green Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 17.12 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 17.13 Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 17.14 Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 17.15 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 17.16 Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 18 Industrial Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 18.1 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 18.2 Snapshot by Industrial Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 18.3 New Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 18.4 Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 18.5 Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 18.6 Industrial Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 18.7 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 18.8 Green Industrial Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 19 Outlook and Growth Dynamics by Industrial Building Construction Sectors 19.1 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.2 Snapshot by Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 19.3 New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.4 Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.5 Manufacturing Plant Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 19.6 Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 19.7 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.8 Snapshot by Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 19.9 New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.10 Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.11 Metal & Material Processing Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 19.12 Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 19.13 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.14 Snapshot by Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Markets by Development Stage 19.15 New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.16 Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 19.17 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction Market Size by Volume, 2019 - 2028 19.18 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost, 2019 - 2028 20 Infrastructure Construction Outlook 20.1 Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 20.2 Snapshot by Infrastructure Construction Markets by Development Stage 20.3 New Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 20.4 Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 20.5 Green Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 21 Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 21.1 Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value ( Million), 2019 - 2028 21.2 Snapshot by Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 21.3 New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 21.4 Re-development & Maintenance Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22 Utility System Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 22.1 Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.2 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 22.3 New Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.4 Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.5 Snapshot by Utility System Infrastructure Construction Markets 22.6 Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.7 Snapshot by Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 22.8 New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.9 Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.10 Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.11 Snapshot by Power Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 22.12 New Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.13 Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.14 Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.15 Snapshot by Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 22.16 New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.17 Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.18 Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.19 Snapshot by Communication Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 22.20 New Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 22.21 Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23 Transport Infrastructure Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast 23.1 Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.2 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction by Development State 23.3 New Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.4 Re-development & Maintenance Transport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.5 Snapshot by Transport Infrastructure Construction Markets 23.6 Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.7 Snapshot by Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 23.8 New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.9 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.10 Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.11 Snapshot by Railway Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 23.12 New Railway Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.13 Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.14 Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.15 Snapshot by Airport Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage 23.16 New Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.17 Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.18 Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.19 Snapshot by Tunnel Infrastructure Construction by Development Stage, 2019 - 2028 23.20 New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 23.21 Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction Market Size by Value, 2019 - 2028 24 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cost Type 24.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cost Type, 2022 24.2 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Material, 2019 - 2028 24.3 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Labour, 2019 - 2028 24.4 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028 24.5 Construction Cost Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028 25 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Material 25.1 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Type of Material, 2022 25.2 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Cement, 2019 - 2028 25.3 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Steel, 2019 - 2028 25.4 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Sand, 2019 - 2028 25.5 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates, 2019 - 2028 25.6 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Bricks, 2019 - 2028 25.7 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Wood, 2019 - 2028 25.8 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing, 2019 - 2028 25.9 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Flooring, 2019 - 2028 25.10 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing, 2019 - 2028 25.11 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Electrical, 2019 - 2028 25.12 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Painting, 2019 - 2028 25.13 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028 26 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour 26.1 Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour, 2022 26.2 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work, 2019 - 2028 26.3 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work, 2019 - 2028 26.4 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work, 2019 - 2028 26.5 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work, 2019 - 2028 26.6 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work, 2019 - 2028 26.7 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work, 2019 - 2028 26.8 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work, 2019 - 2028 26.9 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points, 2019 - 2028 26.10 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work, 2019 - 2028 26.11 Labour Construction Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour, 2019 - 2028 27 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Building Type 27.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Building Type, 2022 27.2 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building, 2019 - 2028 27.3 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building, 2019 - 2028 28 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building Type 28.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building, 2022 28.2 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2019 - 2028 28.3 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost, 2019 - 2028 28.4 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028 28.5 Renovation Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028 29 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building 29.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by New Building, 2022 29.2 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2019 - 2028 29.3 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost, 2019 - 2028 29.4 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Equipment, 2019 - 2028 29.5 New Building Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Others, 2019 - 2028 30 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost 30.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost, 2022 30.2 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand, 2019 - 2028 30.3 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates, 2019 - 2028 30.4 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement, 2019 - 2028 30.5 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA), 2019 - 2028 30.6 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA), 2019 - 2028 30.7 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars, 2019 - 2028 30.8 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars, 2019 - 2028 30.9 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork, 2019 - 2028 30.10 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm), 2019 - 2028 30.11 Construction Material Cost Industry Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks, 2019 - 2028 31 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Construction Worker 31.1 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Construction Worker, 2022 31.2 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker, 2019 - 2028 31.3 Construction Industry Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker, 2019 - 2028 32 Further Reading 32.1 About ConsTrack360 32.2 Related Research 32.3 ConsTrack360 Knowledge Center


List of Tables/Graphs

All country reports mentioned above will have the following tables:
Table 1: Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 2: Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 3: Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 4: Green Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 5: Green Building Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 6: Green Infrastructure Construction Industry – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 7: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 8: Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 9: Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 10: Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 11: New Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 12: Re-development Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 13: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 14: Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 15: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 16: Multi Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 17: Multi Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 18: Multi Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 19: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 20: Multi Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 21: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 22: Single Family Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 23: Single Family Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 24: Single Family Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 25: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 26: Single Family Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 27: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 28: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 29: Tier – 1 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 30: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 31: Tier – 1 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 32: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 33: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 34: Tier – 2 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 35: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 36: Tier – 2 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 37: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 38: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 39: Tier – 3 Cities Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 40: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 41: Tier – 3 Cities Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 42: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 43: Luxury Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 44: Luxury Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 45: Luxury Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 46: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 47: Luxury Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 48: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 49: Mid–Tier Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 50: Mid–Tier Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 51: Mid-Tier Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 52: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 53: Mid–Tier Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 54: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 55: Affordable Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 56: Affordable Residential Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 57: Affordable Residential Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 58: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 59: Affordable Green Residential Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 60: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 61: Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 62: Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 63: New Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 64: Re-development & Maintenance Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 65: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 66: Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 67: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 68: Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 69: Office Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 70: Office Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 71: Grade - A Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 72: Grade - B Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 73: Grade - C Office Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 74: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 75: Office Building Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 76: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 77: Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 78: Retail Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 79: Retail Building Construction Analysis and Growth Dynamics by Number of Units, 2019 - 2028
Table 80: Grade - A Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 81: Grade - B Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 82: Grade - C Retail Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 83: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 84: Retail Buildings Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 85: Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 86: Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 87: Hospitality Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 88: Grade - A Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 89: Grade - B Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 90: Grade - C Hospitality Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 91: Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 92: Hospitality Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 93: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 94: Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 95: Restaurant Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 96: Grade - A Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 97: Grade - B Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 98: Grade - C Restaurant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 99: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 100: Restaurant Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 101: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 102: Sports Facility Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 103: Sports Facility Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 104: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 105: Sports Facility Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 106: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 107: Other Commercial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 108: Other Commercial Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 109: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 110: Other Commercial Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 111: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 112: New Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 113: Re-development & Maintenance Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 114: Institutional Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 115: Institutional Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 116: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 117: Institutional Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 118: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 119: Healthcare Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 120: Healthcare Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 121: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 122: Healthcare Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 123: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 124: Education Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 125: Education Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 126: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 127: Education Green Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 128: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 129: Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 130: Other Institutional Segment Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 131: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 132: Green Building Construction - Other Institutional Segment Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 133: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 134: New Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 135: Re-development & Maintenance Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 136: Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 137: Industrial Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 138: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 139: Green Industrial Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 140: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 141: New Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 142: Re-development & Maintenance Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 143: Manufacturing Plant Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 144: Manufacturing Plant Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 145: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 146: New Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 147: Re-development & Maintenance Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 148: Metal & Material Processing Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 149: Metal & Material Processing Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 150: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 151: New Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 152: Re-development & Maintenance Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 153: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Volume (Million Sq. Ft.), 2019 - 2028
Table 154: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Building Average Construction Cost (LCU / Square Feet), 2019 - 2028
Table 155: Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 156: New Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 157: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 158: Green Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 159: Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 160: New Marine and Inland Water Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 161: Re-development & Maintenance Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 162: Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 163: New Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 164: Re-development & Maintenance Utility System Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 165: Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 166: New Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 167: Re-development & Maintenance Oil and Gas Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 168: Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 169: New Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 170: Re-development & Maintenance Power Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 171: Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 172: New Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 173: Re-development & Maintenance Water and Sewage Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 174: Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 175: New Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 176: Re-development & Maintenance Communication Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 177: Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 178: New Transport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 179: Re-development & Maintenance Transport Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 180: Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 181: New Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 182: Re-development & Maintenance Highway, Street and Bridge Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 183: Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 184: New Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 185: Re-development & Maintenance Railway Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 186: Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 187: New Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 188: Re-development & Maintenance Airport Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 189: Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 190: New Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 191: Re-development & Maintenance Tunnel Infrastructure Construction – Market Size & Forecast by Value (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 192: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Material (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 193: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Labour (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 194: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 195: Construction Cost - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 196: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Cement (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 197: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Steel (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 198: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Sand (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 199: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Aggregates (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 200: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Bricks (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 201: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Wood (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 202: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Windows Galzing (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 203: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Flooring (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 204: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 205: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 206: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 207: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 208: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Rcc Construction Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 209: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Masonry and Plastering Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 210: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plumbing Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 211: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Water Proofing Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 212: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Carpentry Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 213: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Electrical Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 214: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Tile Fixing Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 215: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Catv Antenna Points (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 216: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Painting Work (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 217: Labour Construction Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Departmental Labour (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 218: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Renovation Building (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 219: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by New Building (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 220: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 221: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 222: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 223: Renovation Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 224: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Material Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 225: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Labour Cost (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 226: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Equipment (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 227: New Building Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Others (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 228: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Concreting Sand (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 229: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Stone Aggregates (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 230: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Ordinary Portland Cement (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 231: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 30 MPA) (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 232: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Reinforced Concrete (Grade 40 MPA) (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 233: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by High Tensile Steel bars (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 234: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Mild Steel Round Bars (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 235: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Structural Steelwork (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 236: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Plywood Formwork (1800*900*12mm) (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 237: Construction Material Cost Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Clay Bricks (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 238: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Skilled Worker (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028
Table 239: Construction Industry - Market Size and Forecast by Unskilled Worker (LCU Million), 2019 - 2028







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