The Coherent Transceivers Market: 2023-2029
数年前までは考えられなかったコヒーレントPONの... もっと見る
本レポートではまず、コヒーレントトランシーバ市場の成長に影響を与える技術的および製品関連の開発について分析しています。 これには、さまざまな変調方式や関連する統合戦略、ROADMやWDMの使用による影響などが含まれます。また、コヒーレント通信分野でイノベーションを起こす主要企業の詳細なプロフィールを掲載しています。 本レポートに掲載されているコヒーレント技術のインフルエンサーには、OEM、主要トランシーバーメーカー、標準/MSA団体などが含まれます。本レポートは、OEM、トランシーバーメーカー、サードパーティトランシーバーサプライヤー、ネットワーク管理者を対象としています。
E.1 エグゼクティブサマリー
1.1 本レポートの背景
1.2 本レポートの目的および範囲
1.3 本レポートの方法論
第2章 コヒーレント通信 テクノロジーとその構成要素
2.1 ネットワークトラフィックとアーキテクチャの変化: コヒーレントへの影響
2.1.2 ROADM、WDM、コヒーレント通信の未来
2.3 コヒーレントトランシーバー用変調技術の進化
2.3.1 DP-QPSK
2.3.2 BPSK
2.3.2 QAM
2.3.3 統合変調器
2.4 消費電力とコヒーレントトランシーバ
2.5 本章のキーポイント
3.4 コパージュ光学系とコヒーレント光学系
第三章 規格・MSA・部品市場
3.1 OIFとIEEEはコヒーレント通信市場をどう形成しているか
3.2 コヒーレントのローエンド:100G、QSFP、CFP
3.3 800Gコヒーレント
3.4 OIF ZRプロジェクト
3.4.1 400 ZR
3.4.2 800 ZR
3.4.3 800G-LR
3.5 XR OpticsとオープンXRフォーラム
3.6 チューナブルレーザー契約
3.7 アナログ・コヒーレント通信
3.8 本章のキーポイント
第四章 コヒーレント通信市場の分析と10年後予測
4.1 長距離・メトロのバックボーンにおけるコヒーレントの将来性
4.1.1 コヒーレント通信とテラビットネットワーキング
4.2 キャンパスとDCIのアプリケーション
4.2.1 "コヒーレントライト"
4.2.2 増幅DWDMリンク
4.2.3 非増幅固定波長リンク
4.3 アクセスネットワークとPON
4.3.1 低複雑度コヒーレントPON
4.3.2 コヒーレント通信、フレキシブルPON、多標準PON
4.4 5G/6Gインフラ
4.5 本章のキーポイント
第五章 市場インフルエンサーのプロフィール
5.1 シスコ・アカシア
5.2 コヒーレント
5.3 Eoptolink
5.4 Infinera
5.5 Innolight
5.5 ジュニパー
5.6 ルメンタム
5.7 シエナ
5.8 ノキア
5.9 Gigalight
In the past few years, the coherent transceivers market has evolved from long-haul and regional networks into data centers and access networks. There is now even talk about coherent PONs, a concept inconceivable a few years back. Work continues towards the specifications that will take coherent communications to the Terabit level.
The breakout of this data is by
data rate,
network segment in which the transceivers are deployed.
As the table of contents below shows, the analysis of the market by network type is especially granular in this report.
The report begins with an analysis of the technological and product-related developments impacting the growth of the coherent transceivers market. This includes various modulation schemes and related integration strategies as well as the impact of the use ROADMs and WDM. The report also provides extended profiles of the leading innovating in the coherent communications space. Coherent technology influencers profiled in this report include OEMs, major transceiver makers and standards/MSA bodies. The report is targeted towards OEMs, transceiver makers, third-party transceiver suppliers, and network managers.
Table of Contents
E.1 Executive Summary
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background to this report
1.2 Objective and Scope of this report
1.3 Methodology of this report
Chapter Two: Coherent Communications: Technology and its Components
2.1 The changing nature of network traffic and architectures: Impact on coherent
2.1.2 ROADMs, WDM and the future of coherent communications
2.3 Evolution of modulation techniques for coherent transceivers
2.3.1 DP-QPSK
2.3.2 BPSK
2.3.2 QAM
2.3.3 Integrated modulators
2.4 Power consumption and coherent transceivers
2.5 Key points from this chapter
3.4 Co-packaged and coherent optics
Chapter Three: Standards, MSAs and Components Markets
3.1 How the OIF and IEEE are shaping the coherent communications market
3.2 The low end of coherent: 100G, QSFP and CFP
3.3 800G Coherent
3.4 The OIF ZR project
3.4.1 400 ZR
3.4.2 800 ZR
3.4.3 800G-LR
3.5 XR Optics and the Open XR Forum
3.6 Tunable laser agreements
3.7 Analog coherent communications
3.8 Key points from this chapter
Chapter Four: Analysis and Ten-Year Forecast of Coherent Communications Markets
4.1 The future of coherent in long-haul and metro backbones
4.1.1 Coherent communications and Terabit networking
4.2 Campus and DCI applications
4.2.1 “Coherent Lite”
4.2.2 Amplified DWDM links
4.2.3 Unamplified fixed-wavelength links
4.3 Access networks and PONs
4.3.1 Low-complexity coherent PONs
4.3.2 Coherent communications, flexible PONs, and multi-standard PONs
4.4 5G/6G infrastructure
4.5 Key points from this chapter
Chapter Five: Profiles of Market Influencers
5.1 Cisco-Acacia
5.2 Coherent
5.3 Eoptolink
5.4 Infinera
5.5 Innolight
5.5 Juniper
5.6 Lumentum
5.7 Ciena
5.8 Nokia
5.9 Gigalight
About the Author
Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in this Report
- Mobile Air Transfer Mats Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Blockchain in the Energy Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Silicon Photonics Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- LED Light Bar Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Digital Education Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Geospatial Solution Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Position Sensor Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Oscilloscope Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
- Consent Management Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2032 - By Product, Technology, Grade, Application, End-user, Region: (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)
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