


Global Hydrogen Peroxide Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Location, Process, Technology, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End Use, Regional Demand, Sales Channel, Technology Licensor, Company Share, Foreign Trade, Industry Market Size, Manufacturing Process, 2015-2032

世界の過酸化水素市場は、2022年には約4400千トンの需要に達するまでに膨れ上がり、2032年までの予測期間中にCAGR 5.88%で成長すると予想されている。 過酸化水素は驚異的な酸化特性を示す化合物である。紙... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2023年10月1日 US$6,000
ご注文後2-3営業日前後でアクセス可能です 英語




世界の過酸化水素市場は、2022年には約4400千トンの需要に達するまでに膨れ上がり、2032年までの予測期間中にCAGR 5.88%で成長すると予想されている。



地域別の需要に基づくと、アジア太平洋地域が世界の過酸化水素市場を支配し、次いでヨーロッパが続く。2022年には、アジア太平洋地域は世界で生産される過酸化水素の約35%を消費する。この地域は、紙消費、繊維生産、ヘルスケア、パーソナルケア製品の拠点であり、膨大な人口が存在するため、予測期間中に市場拡大が予測される。また、アジア太平洋地域は過酸化水素の生産能力の大半を占めており、中国が主要なプレーヤーである。さらに、中国はポリマーとプラスチックの中心地であり、多くの企業が製造工場を設置している。しかし、ヨーロッパは過酸化水素の第2位の消費国である。ヨーロッパ市場では、数多くのパーソナルケア用品の需要が増加しており、過酸化水素の需要は将来的に増加する可能性が高い。ドイツは欧州市場の拡大において重要な役割を果たしている。さらに、Solvay S.A.、Evonik Industries A.G.、Arkema S.A.などの大手企業が目立っており、この地域の発展競争を促進している。


世界の過酸化水素製造の主要企業は、Evonik Industries AG、SOLVAY、Arkema S.A、三菱ガス化学(MGC)、Sunkyong Chemicals Ltd.、Oci Chemicals、National Peroxide Limited (NPL)、Indian Peroxide Limited (IPL)、Eka Chemicals、Kemira Oyj、Taekwang Industrial Co. Ltd.などである。


基準年: 2022
予測年: 2023
予測期間: 2024-2032



- 世界の過酸化水素市場の生産、需要、供給をカバーする過酸化水素の需給シナリオを評価する。
- 過酸化水素の市場規模の分析と予測
- 過酸化水素の世界市場を用途別・地域別に分類・予測
- 世界における過酸化水素市場の拡大、M&Aなどの競争展開について調査します。




- 過酸化水素メーカーおよびその他の利害関係者
- 過酸化水素の流通に関連する組織、フォーラム、アライアンス
- 規制当局や政策立案者などの政府機関
- 市場調査機関およびコンサルティング会社






市場規模 2022年の数量 4400千トン
2032年の市場規模数量 7800千トン
2023年から2032年までの成長率CAGR 5.88
推計基準年 2023年
過去データ 2015年~2022年
予測期間 2024年~2032年
数量単位 2023年から2032年までの需要量(千トン)とCAGR

レポート対象範囲 産業市場規模, 企業別生産能力, 所在地別生産能力, 操業効率, 企業別生産量, 最終用途別需要, 地域別需要, 販売チャネル別需要, 需要と供給のギャップ, 企業シェア, 海外貿易

地域範囲 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ、南米
価格と購入オプション お客様の研究ニーズに合わせてカスタマイズした購入オプションをご利用いただけます。購入オプション


お探しのものが見つからない場合は、カスタムリサーチチーム までご連絡ください。



Market Data & Insights
1. Industry Market Size
It is an essential metric for market analysis, as it provides insights into the overall size and growth potential of Hydrogen Peroxide market in terms of value and volume.

2. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Hydrogen Peroxide.

3. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Hydrogen Peroxide by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

4. Plant Operating Efficiency [Quarterly Update]
To determine what percentage manufacturers are operating their plants or how much capacity is being currently used.

5. Production By Company [Quarterly Update]
Study the historical annual production of Hydrogen Peroxide by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use [Quarterly Update]
Discover which end-user industry (Paper & Pulp, Textiles, Water & Waste Water Treatment, Food Processing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals, and Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Hydrogen Peroxide market.

7. Demand by Region
Analysing the change in demand of Hydrogen Peroxide in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Hydrogen Peroxide. Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Hydrogen Peroxide.

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Hydrogen Peroxide is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Hydrogen Peroxide exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Hydrogen Peroxide imported by major countries.

13. Manufacturing Process
Discover insights into the intricate manufacturing process of Hydrogen Peroxide.

14. Technology Licensor
Plant wise detail of Technology Licensor and detailed description of technology is mapped.

15. Capacity By Technology
To better assess the manufacturing capacities with different technologies as well as understand which technology is more in demand.

16. Capacity by Process
To Evaluate the demand of various methods and their capacities while looking for the future growth of each process.

17. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032








The global Hydrogen Peroxide market has swelled to reach demand of approximately 4400 thousand tonnes in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.88% during the forecast period until 2032.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound which displays amazing oxidizing properties. In the paper and pulp sector, it functions as a bleaching agent to boost brightness levels, enhance brightness stability, and lower production costs. The use of hydrogen peroxide helps to reduce the amount of harmful halogenated substances and effluents present in pulp. Additionally, it makes the effluent's colour lighter. Hydrogen peroxide is also used to bleach mechanical pulp produced by the traditional groundwood method to reach high brightness levels. It is used along with caustic soda to stabilise and buffer wood pulp while removing traces of heavy metals. The most used textile bleaching agent is hydrogen peroxide. It is used to bleach natural cellulose-based fibres from plants and animals, including cotton, linen, and other fibres. Hydrogen peroxide has a strong bleaching effect among oxidizing agents and is comparably inexpensive.

The hydrogen peroxide market is expected to witness major expansion with the increasing demand from the pulp and paper industry. In the textile sector, hydrogen peroxide is frequently employed as a bleaching agent, which significantly adds to the market growth rate. Foods products like wheat flour and rice are cleaned and bleached using hydrogen peroxide to enhance color which further contributes to the hydrogen peroxide market expansion. The global Hydrogen Peroxide market is expected to expand significantly and touch nearly 7800 thousand tonnes by 2032.

Based on demand by region, Asia Pacific dominates the global Hydrogen Peroxide market followed by Europe. In 2022, Asia Pacific consumed approximately 35% of total Hydrogen Peroxide globally produced. This region is anticipated to foresee a market expansion in the forecast period as it is a hub for paper consumption, textile production, healthcare, and personal care products and has a presence of a huge population. Asia Pacific also holds the majority production capacity of Hydrogen Peroxide with China being the key player. Furthermore, China is the hub of polymers and plastics, and many companies have set up manufacturing plants. However, Europe is the second largest consumer of Hydrogen Peroxide. With the increasing demand in the European market for numerous personal care goods, the demand for hydrogen peroxide will most likely rise in future. Germany plays a significant role in the expansion of the European market. Additionally, the prominence of major firms like Solvay S.A., Evonik Industries A.G., and Arkema S.A. fosters competition for the development of this region.

Based on the end-user industry, the global Hydrogen Peroxide market is segmented into Paper & Pulp, Textiles, Water & Waste Water Treatment, Food Processing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals, and Others. Among these, the Paper & Pulp industry is dominating the Hydrogen Peroxide market. This industry consumed approximately 47% of the market in 2022 and is anticipated to domain the market in the forecast period as well. Hydrogen Peroxide is frequently used in the paper industry to produce high-quality paper and packaging purposes. Globally, rate of paper consumption has been rising over the past few years and is likely to augment market expansion in future. However, the textiles sector also uses hydrogen peroxide extensively and constitutes a sizeable portion of the market. Furthermore, due to its powerful oxidizing capacity, hydrogen peroxide is used as a bleaching agent in certain edible products including wheat flour, edible oil, egg white, etc. in countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Major players in the production of Global Hydrogen Peroxide are Evonik Industries AG, SOLVAY, Arkema S.A, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company (MGC), Sunkyong Chemicals Ltd., Oci Chemicals, National Peroxide Limited (NPL), Indian Peroxide Limited (IPL), Eka Chemicals, Kemira Oyj, Taekwang Industrial Co. ltd., and Others.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032

This report will be delivered on an online digital platform with one-year subscription and quarterly update.

Objective of the Study:

• To assess the demand-supply scenario of Hydrogen Peroxide which covers production, demand and supply of Hydrogen Peroxide market in the globe.
• To analyse and forecast the market size of Hydrogen Peroxide
• To classify and forecast Global Hydrogen Peroxide market based on end-use and regional distribution.
• To examine competitive developments such as expansions, mergers & acquisitions, etc., of Hydrogen Peroxide market in the globe.

To extract data for Global Hydrogen Peroxide market, primary research surveys were conducted with Hydrogen Peroxide manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, and Traders. While interviewing, the respondents were also inquired about their competitors. Through this technique, ChemAnalyst was able to include manufacturers that could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. Moreover, ChemAnalyst analyzed various segments and projected a positive outlook for Global Hydrogen Peroxide market over the coming years.

ChemAnalyst calculated Hydrogen Peroxide demand in the globe by analyzing the historical data and demand forecast which was carried out considering the historical extraction and supply and demand of Hydrogen Peroxide across the globe. ChemAnalyst sourced these values from industry experts, and company representatives and externally validated through analyzing historical sales data of respective manufacturers to arrive at the overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, association reports, annual reports, etc., were also studied by ChemAnalyst.

Key Target Audience:

• Hydrogen Peroxide manufacturers and other stakeholders
• Organizations, forums and alliances related to Hydrogen Peroxide distribution
• Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers
• Market research organizations and consulting companies

The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for industry stakeholders such as Hydrogen Peroxide manufacturers, customers and policy makers. The study would also help them to target the growing segments over the coming years (next two to five years), thereby aiding the stakeholders in taking investment decisions and facilitating their expansion.

Report Scope:

In this report, Global Hydrogen Peroxide market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:



Market size Volume in 2022 4400 thousand tonnes
Market size Volume by 2032 7800 thousand tonnes
Growth Rate CAGR of 5.88% from 2023 to 2032
Base year for estimation 2023
Historic Data 2015 – 2022
Forecast period 2024 – 2032
Quantitative units Demand in thousand tonnes and CAGR from 2023 to 2032

Report coverage Industry Market Size, Capacity by Company, Capacity by Location, Operating Efficiency, Production by Company, Demand by End- Use, Demand by Region, Demand by Sales Channel, Demand-Supply Gap, Company Share, Foreign Trade

Segments covered By End-Use: (Paper & Pulp, Textiles, Water & Waste Water Treatment, Food Processing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals, and Others)
By Sales Channel: (Direct Sale and Indirect Sale)
Regional scope North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America.
Pricing and purchase options Avail customized purchase options to meet your exact research needs. Explore purchase options
Available Customizations:

With the given market data, ChemAnalyst offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs.

In case you do not find what, you are looking for, please get in touch with our custom research team at


Table of Contents

Market Data & Insights
1. Industry Market Size
It is an essential metric for market analysis, as it provides insights into the overall size and growth potential of Hydrogen Peroxide market in terms of value and volume.

2. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Hydrogen Peroxide.

3. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Hydrogen Peroxide by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

4. Plant Operating Efficiency [Quarterly Update]
To determine what percentage manufacturers are operating their plants or how much capacity is being currently used.

5. Production By Company [Quarterly Update]
Study the historical annual production of Hydrogen Peroxide by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use [Quarterly Update]
Discover which end-user industry (Paper & Pulp, Textiles, Water & Waste Water Treatment, Food Processing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals, and Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Hydrogen Peroxide market.

7. Demand by Region
Analysing the change in demand of Hydrogen Peroxide in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Hydrogen Peroxide. Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Hydrogen Peroxide.

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Hydrogen Peroxide is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Hydrogen Peroxide exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Hydrogen Peroxide imported by major countries.

13. Manufacturing Process
Discover insights into the intricate manufacturing process of Hydrogen Peroxide.

14. Technology Licensor
Plant wise detail of Technology Licensor and detailed description of technology is mapped.

15. Capacity By Technology
To better assess the manufacturing capacities with different technologies as well as understand which technology is more in demand.

16. Capacity by Process
To Evaluate the demand of various methods and their capacities while looking for the future growth of each process.

17. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032



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