


Global Epichlorohydrin Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Production, Process, Technology, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End-Use, Foreign Trade, Sales Channel, Regional Demand, Company Share, 2015-2030

世界のエピクロロヒドリン市場は2021年に約2000千トンとなり、2030年までの予測期間中に年平均成長率4.39%で成長すると予想されている。最近、クロルアルカリの大手メーカーであるMeghmani Finechem社が、インド... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2023年10月1日 US$6,000
ご注文後2-3営業日前後でアクセス可能です 英語




世界のエピクロロヒドリン市場は2021年に約2000千トンとなり、2030年までの予測期間中に年平均成長率4.39%で成長すると予想されている。最近、クロルアルカリの大手メーカーであるMeghmani Finechem社が、インドのグジャラート州Dahejにエピクロルヒドリンの新プラントを稼働させた。このプラントの年産能力は5万トンになると予想されている。このプロジェクトの総事業費は275億インドルピーと見積もられている。





世界のエピクロロヒドリン市場の主要企業は、Olin(旧Dow Chemical)、Shandong Haili Chemical、Vinythai AGC Group、Dow Chemical、Samsung Fine Chemical、Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group Co.Ltd.、Yihai Kerry (Wilmar), Osaka Soda (Daiso organics), Shandong Sanyue Chemical Co.,, Shandong Befar Group Ruicheng Chemical Co., Ltd., Formosa Chemicals And Fibre Corp., Triplex Chemical (Yee Fong Chemical & Industrial Co.,) である。

基準年: 2021
予測年: 2022年
予測期間: 2023-2030

- エピクロロヒドリンの需給シナリオを評価することで、世界中のエピクロロヒドリンの生産、需要、供給を網羅する。
- エピクロロヒドリンの市場規模を分析・予測すること。
- Epichlorohydrinの世界市場を最終用途と地域分布に基づいて分類し予測する。
- Epichlorohydrin市場の新たな生産能力拡大、合併・買収などの世界的な競争展開を調査します。


- エピクロロヒドリンメーカーおよびその他の利害関係者
- エピクロロヒドリンの流通に関連する組織、フォーラム、アライアンス
- 規制当局や政策立案者などの政府機関
- 市場調査機関およびコンサルティング会社

- 最終用途別市場用途別市場:塗料・コーティング、電気・電子、接着剤、水処理薬品、エラストマー、繊維、製紙、イオン交換樹脂、その他
- 市場:販売チャネル別:直接販売、間接販売
- 市場:地域別地域別市場:北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ、南米




Table of Content
1. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Epichlorohydrin.

2. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Epichlorohydrin by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

3. Capacity By Process
To evaluate the demand of various methods and their capacities while looking for the future growth of each process.

4. Capacity By Technology
To better assess the manufacturing capacities with different technologies as well as understand which technology is more in demand.

5. Production By Company
Study the historical annual production of Epichlorohydrin by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use
Discover which end-user industry (Paints & Coatings, Electrical & Electronics, Adhesives, Water Treatment Chemicals, and Elastomers, Textiles, Paper Industries, Ion Exchange Resins & Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Epichlorohydrin market.

7. Demand by Region
Analyzing the change in demand of Epichlorohydrin in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Epichlorohydrin. Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Epichlorohydrin.

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Epichlorohydrin is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Epichlorohydrin exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Epichlorohydrin imported by major countries.

13. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032








The global Epichlorohydrin market stood at approximately 2000 thousand tonnes in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.39% during the forecast period until 2030. Recently, Meghmani Finechem, one of the leading producers of Chlor-Alkali, commissioned a new plant of Epichlorohydrin at Dahej, Gujarat, India. This plant is anticipated to have an annual capacity of 50 thousand tonnes. The project is estimated to have worth INR 275 crore.

Epichlorohydrin is an epoxide and an organochlorine substance. It is a white liquid with a strong garlic-like odour. This compound is miscible with most of the polar organic solvents but only moderately soluble in water. There are three main ways to synthesize Epichlorohydrin- allyl chloride, allyl alcohol and glycerine route. However, chlorination of Propylene Acetate is the conventional method and most widely used one. The niche applications of epichlorohydrin are for the production of epoxies, fabrics, paper goods, dyes, pigments, automobile and aviation parts, biocides, cosmetic, and ion-exchange resins.

The primary market driver of the global Epichlorohydrin market industry is the Paints & Coatings industry which is utilized in industries like architecture, vehicle, aviation, and other significant industries. Additionally, its usage to manufacture epoxies which are also frequently utilized in flooring because they offer excellent chemical and abrasion resistance, wear resistance, and slip resistance, is also a significant market driver. Owing to rising construction projects, the demand of paints, coatings and epoxies are bound to hike up, which is anticipated to propel the Epichlorohydrin market in coming years. The global Epichlorohydrin market is anticipated to reach approximately 3200 thousand tonnes by 2030.

Asia Pacific is the dominating all over the world with the highest demand of Epichlorohydrin. This region accounted a market share of about 55% of the global Epichlorohydrin market in 2021. Market growth is anticipated through 2030 in countries like India, China and Japan as a result of the rising modernization, industrialization, and continuous construction projects with the additional funds from government. The second-largest market for epichlorohydrin is in Europe. Moreover, the rise in petroleum refining activities coupled with increasing demand for epoxy resins is also expected to propel market growth in these regions. China is the giant for the manufacture of Epichlorohydrin due to abundance of raw material to produce the chemical.

Based on the end-user industry, the Epichlorohydrin market is segmented into sectors such as Paints & Coatings, Electrical & Electronics, Adhesives, Water Treatment Chemicals, and Elastomers, Textiles, Paper Industries, Ion Exchange Resins & Others. Among these, Paints & Coatings industry is leading segment and accounted around 40% of the share of total Epichlorohydrin demand in 2021. This industry is anticipated to dominate the global Epichlorohydrin market owing to the growing demand of paints and varnishes with the industrial activities and construction sector. Additionally, Electrical & Electronics industry also hold noticeable market shares.

Significant companies for Global Epichlorohydrin market are Olin (Former Dow Chemical), Shandong Haili Chemical, Vinythai AGC Group, Dow Chemical, Samsung Fine Chemical, Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group Co. Ltd, Yihai Kerry (Wilmar), Osaka Soda (Daiso organics), Shandong Sanyue Chemical Co.,, Shandong Befar Group Ruicheng Chemical Co., Ltd., Formosa Chemicals And Fibre Corp., and Triplex Chemical (Yee Fong Chemical & Industrial Co.,).

Years considered for this report:
Historical Period: 2015- 2021
Base Year: 2021
Estimated Year: 2022
Forecast Period: 2023-2030

The objective of the Study:
• To assess the demand-supply scenario of Epichlorohydrin, which covers the production, demand, and supply of Epichlorohydrin around the globe.
• To analyze and forecast the market size of Epichlorohydrin.
• To classify and forecast the Global Epichlorohydrin market based on end-use and regional distribution.
• To examine global competitive developments such as new capacity expansions, mergers & acquisitions, etc., of the Epichlorohydrin market.

To extract data for the Global Epichlorohydrin market, primary research surveys were conducted with Epichlorohydrin manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, and Traders. While interviewing, the respondents were also inquired about their competitors. Through this technique, ChemAnalyst was able to include manufacturers that could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. Moreover, ChemAnalyst analyzed various segments and projected a positive outlook for the Global Epichlorohydrin market over the coming years.

ChemAnalyst calculated Epichlorohydrin demand in the globe by analyzing the historical data and demand forecast which was carried out considering the historical extraction and supply and demand of Epichlorohydrin across the globe. ChemAnalyst sourced these values from industry experts, and company representatives and externally validated through analyzing historical sales data of respective manufacturers to arrive at the overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, association reports, annual reports, etc., were also studied by ChemAnalyst.
Key Target Audience:
• Epichlorohydrin manufacturers and other stakeholders
• Organizations, forums and alliances related to Epichlorohydrin distribution
• Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers
• Market research organizations and consulting companies
The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for industry stakeholders such as Epichlorohydrin manufacturers, customers and policy makers. The study would also help them to target the growing segments over the coming years, thereby aiding the stakeholders in taking investment decisions and facilitating their expansion.

Report Scope:
In this report, Global Epichlorohydrin market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
• Market, by End-use: Paints & Coatings, Electrical & Electronics, Adhesives, Water Treatment Chemicals, and Elastomers, Textiles, Paper Industries, Ion Exchange Resins & Others
• Market, by Sales Channel: Direct Sale and Indirect Sale
• Market, by Region: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America.

Available Customizations:
With the given market data, ChemAnalyst offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs.


Table of Contents

Table of Content
1. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Epichlorohydrin.

2. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Epichlorohydrin by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

3. Capacity By Process
To evaluate the demand of various methods and their capacities while looking for the future growth of each process.

4. Capacity By Technology
To better assess the manufacturing capacities with different technologies as well as understand which technology is more in demand.

5. Production By Company
Study the historical annual production of Epichlorohydrin by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use
Discover which end-user industry (Paints & Coatings, Electrical & Electronics, Adhesives, Water Treatment Chemicals, and Elastomers, Textiles, Paper Industries, Ion Exchange Resins & Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Epichlorohydrin market.

7. Demand by Region
Analyzing the change in demand of Epichlorohydrin in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Epichlorohydrin. Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Epichlorohydrin.

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Epichlorohydrin is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Epichlorohydrin exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Epichlorohydrin imported by major countries.

13. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032



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