


Spain Automotive Breaking Market Overview, 2029

ヨーロッパの中心に位置するスペインは、豊かな文化遺産、息をのむような景観、活気ある観光産業で有名な国です。その驚異のタペストリーの中で、自動車用ブレーキ市場は、スペインの革新と卓越性へのコミットメ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2024年5月31日 US$2,250
2-3営業日以内 63 英語

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Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「スペインの自動車用ブレーキ市場の概要、2029年」によると、スペインの自動車用ブレーキ市場の予測規模は2023年時点で10億1,000万米ドルである。スペインの自動車用ブレーキ市場のダイナミックな展望は、国の経済軌道、地域の多様性、メーカーの創意工夫と絡み合っている。スペインのGDPが経済的課題から回復を続ける中、自動車部門は回復力と革新の光明として浮上し、国内のさまざまな地域で持続的な拡大態勢を整えている。スペインの成長ストーリーの中心にあるのは、投資、技術革新、個人消費の起爆剤となる堅調な経済である。GDPが欧州で上位にランクされるスペインは、自動車産業が花開くための肥沃な土壌を提供している。消費者信頼感の向上、インフラ整備、政府の奨励策などの要因によって経済が回復と強化を続けるなか、自動車用ブレーキ市場は、先進ブレーキ技術を搭載した自動車に対する需要の高まりから恩恵を受けることになる。さらに、スペインの地域の多様性は、自動車用ブレーキ市場の成長見通しを形成する上で極めて重要な役割を果たしている。カタルーニャの活気ある産業中心地からアンダルシアの活気ある自動車製造拠点まで、各地域はメーカーや企業にとってユニークな機会と課題を提供している。バルセロナを擁し、自動車産業が盛んなカタルーニャは、イノベーションの結節点として世界中から投資と人材を集めている。ボッシュ・スペインやコンチネンタル・オートモーティブ・スペインのような企業は、カタルーニャの戦略的立地と堅牢なインフラを活用して、最先端のブレーキ・システムの研究、開発、生産を推進している。同様に、豊かな産業遺産と熟練した労働力を誇るアンダルシア地方も、スペインの自動車産業における重要な役割を担っている。TRWオートモーティブ・スペインやフォーレシア・オートモーティブ・スペインのような企業が牽引するアンダルシアの自動車用ブレーキ市場は、強力な製造基盤とグローバルOEMとの戦略的パートナーシップの恩恵を受けている。同地域がインフラと技術への投資を続けていることから、スペインの自動車産業におけるアンダルシアの地位はさらに高まり、ブレーキ市場のさらなる拡大と革新に拍車がかかるだろう。カタルーニャとアンダルシア以外にも、スペインの他の地域も自動車用ブレーキ市場の成長と多様化に貢献している。バスク地方の卓越したエンジニアリングの伝統から、バレンシアの戦略的立地と盛んな物流部門まで、スペインの自動車産業の強みを活かそうとするメーカーや企業にとって、それぞれの地域は独自のメリットを提供している。各地域の強みを生かし、自動車のバリューチェーン全体にわたって協力関係を促進することで、スペインは新たな機会を引き出し、ブレーキ市場の持続可能な成長を促進する態勢を整えている。さらに、スペインのメーカーと企業は、自動車用ブレーキ市場の成長軌道を形成する上で極めて重要な役割を果たしている。ボッシュ・スペイン、コンチネンタル・オートモーティブ・スペイン、TRWオートモーティブ・スペインのような企業は、技術革新と品質へのこだわりを受け継ぎ、技術進歩の最前線に立ち、次世代ブレーキシステムの開発を推進している。
スペインの自動車用ブレーキ市場では、ディスクブレーキとドラムブレーキの競争が、技術革新、地域的嗜好、業界動向のダイナミックな相互作用によって行われている。どちらのタイプのブレーキにも利点があるが、ディスクブレーキは最新の自動車では主要な選択肢として浮上している。しかし、ドラムブレーキは、費用対効果、簡便性、レガシーシステムなどの要因によって、特定の地域や産業では依然として大きな存在感を示している。スペインのさまざまな地域で、特にカタルーニャやマドリードのような都市中心部や技術先進クラスターでは、ディスクブレーキが好まれる傾向が顕著である。バルセロナがあり、自動車のエコシステムが盛んなカタルーニャでは、ボッシュ・スペインやコンチネンタル・オートモーティブ・スペインなどのメーカーが、最先端のディスクブレーキシステムの開発と生産をリードしている。その精密なエンジニアリングと安全性と性能に焦点を当てたディスクブレーキは、迅速な停止と応答性の高いブレーキが不可欠なカタルーニャの賑やかな通りや高速道路を運転するドライバーに好まれる選択肢となっている。同様に、スペインの賑やかな首都であり、技術革新と商業の中心地であるマドリードでも、ディスクブレーキは自動車用ブレーキ市場の頂点に君臨しています。TRWオートモーティブ・スペインやフォーレシア・オートモーティブ・スペインのような企業は、マドリードの戦略的立地と活気ある自動車エコシステムを活用し、国内外市場向けに製造される車両へのディスクブレーキの採用を推進している。マドリードがインフラと技術への投資を続けているため、先進的なブレーキ・ソリューションへの需要が伸び、この地域におけるディスクブレーキの優位性がさらに強固になると予想される。しかし、特定の地域や産業では、ドラムブレーキが足場を固め、特定の用途向けにコスト効率と信頼性の高いブレーキソリューションを提供している。険しい地形が多い地域や、鉱業や建設業などの重荷重産業では、ドラムブレーキはその堅牢性と耐久性から依然として好まれている。運輸業界のMAN Truck & Bus Iberiaや建設資材業界のCEMEXなど、これらの分野で事業を展開する企業は、厳しい事業環境において車両や機器の安全性と信頼性を確保するためにドラムブレーキを利用しています。

- 歴史的な年2018
- 基準年2023
- 推定年2024
- 予測年2029

- 自動車用ブレーキングシステム市場の展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- ディスクブレーキ
- ドラムブレーキ
- その他

- 二輪車
- 乗用車
- 商用車

- アフターマーケット















In the heart of Europe lies Spain, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant tourism industry. Amidst its tapestry of wonders, the automotive braking market stands as a testament to Spain's commitment to innovation and excellence. Nestled within its diverse geography, from the sun-kissed beaches of the Costa del Sol to the rugged terrain of the Pyrenees Mountains, Spain's automotive braking industry thrives on the intersection of natural beauty and technological advancement. One cannot overlook the significance of Spain's geography in shaping its automotive braking market. With a diverse landscape encompassing mountains, plains, and coastlines, Spain presents a myriad of driving conditions that demand top-notch braking systems. From navigating winding mountain roads to cruising along scenic coastal highways, vehicles rely on robust braking technology to ensure safety and performance. Manufacturers in Spain have adeptly tailored their braking systems to meet these varied demands, leveraging the country's geographical diversity as both a testing ground and a source of inspiration for innovation. Moreover, Spain's status as a global tourism hotspot further elevates its automotive braking market. Welcoming millions of visitors each year, Spain's bustling cities, historic landmarks, and picturesque countryside beckon travellers from around the world. As tourists explore Spain's enchanting landscapes and vibrant urban centres, they rely on dependable vehicles equipped with reliable braking systems to navigate unfamiliar terrain safely. This influx of tourism not only fuels the demand for vehicles within Spain but also creates opportunities for automotive manufacturers to showcase their braking technologies on an international stage, cementing Spain's reputation as a hub of automotive excellence. At the heart of Spain's automotive braking market lie its esteemed manufacturers, whose dedication to quality and innovation sets them apart on the global stage. Companies such as Bosch Spain, Continental Automotive Spain, and TRW Automotive Spain have established themselves as leaders in the field, producing cutting-edge braking systems that combine precision engineering with advanced safety features. These industry giants leverage Spain's skilled workforce, robust infrastructure, and culture of excellence to develop braking solutions that exceed industry standards and meet the evolving needs of consumers worldwide. Yet, it is not only the manufacturers who shape Spain's automotive braking market but also the discerning consumers who demand nothing but the best. Spanish drivers, renowned for their passion for automobiles, prioritize safety and performance when selecting vehicles, making the braking system a crucial factor in their purchasing decisions. Whether commuting through bustling city streets or embarking on cross-country adventures, Spanish motorists rely on top-of-the-line braking technology to navigate with confidence and peace of mind. This discerning consumer base drives manufacturers to continually push the boundaries of innovation, ensuring that Spain remains at the forefront of the global automotive braking industry. In addition to manufacturers and consumers, key players in Spain's automotive braking market also include industry stakeholders such as regulatory bodies, research institutions, and aftermarket suppliers. Regulatory agencies like the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers (SERNAUTO) work tirelessly to uphold safety standards and promote technological advancements within the industry. Meanwhile, research institutions and universities collaborate with manufacturers to conduct cutting-edge research and development, driving innovation in braking technology. Additionally, aftermarket suppliers play a vital role in Spain's automotive ecosystem, providing maintenance and upgrade solutions to ensure the longevity and performance of braking systems across the country's diverse fleet of vehicles.
According to the research report "Spain Automotive Braking Market Overview, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the Spain Automotive Braking market is recorded at a forecast size of 1.01$ USD billion as in 2023. In the dynamic landscape of Spain's automotive braking market, growth prospects intertwine with the nation's economic trajectory, regional diversity, and the ingenuity of its manufacturers. As Spain's GDP continues to rebound from economic challenges, the automotive sector emerges as a beacon of resilience and innovation, poised for sustained expansion across different regions of the country. At the heart of Spain's growth story lies its robust economy, which serves as a catalyst for investment, innovation, and consumer spending. With a GDP ranked among the top in Europe, Spain provides a fertile ground for the automotive industry to flourish. As the economy continues to recover and strengthen, driven by factors such as increased consumer confidence, infrastructure development, and government incentives, the automotive braking market stands to benefit from heightened demand for vehicles equipped with advanced braking technology. Moreover, Spain's regional diversity plays a pivotal role in shaping growth prospects within the automotive braking market. From Catalonia's bustling industrial centres to Andalusia's vibrant automotive manufacturing hubs, each region offers unique opportunities and challenges for manufacturers and companies. Catalonia, home to Barcelona and a thriving automotive cluster, serves as a nexus of innovation, attracting investment and talent from around the world. Companies like Bosch Spain and Continental Automotive Spain leverage Catalonia's strategic location and robust infrastructure to drive research, development, and production of cutting-edge braking systems. Similarly, Andalusia emerges as a key player in Spain's automotive sector, boasting a rich industrial heritage and a skilled workforce. With companies like TRW Automotive Spain and Faurecia Automotive Spain leading the charge, Andalusia's automotive braking market benefits from a strong manufacturing base and strategic partnerships with global OEMs. As the region continues to invest in infrastructure and technology, Andalusia's prominence within Spain's automotive industry is set to grow, fuelling further expansion and innovation in the braking market. Beyond Catalonia and Andalusia, other regions of Spain also contribute to the growth and diversification of the automotive braking market. From the Basque Country's tradition of engineering excellence to Valencia's strategic location and thriving logistics sector, each region offers unique advantages for manufacturers and companies seeking to capitalize on Spain's automotive prowess. By harnessing the strengths of each region and fostering collaboration across the automotive value chain, Spain is poised to unlock new opportunities and drive sustainable growth in the braking market. Furthermore, Spain's manufacturers and companies play a pivotal role in shaping the growth trajectory of the automotive braking market. With a legacy of innovation and a commitment to quality, companies like Bosch Spain, Continental Automotive Spain, and TRW Automotive Spain are at the forefront of technological advancement, driving the development of next-generation braking systems.
The report has been segmented on the basis of different types of criteria including Type, Vehicle type and Sales Channel. On the basis of vehicle type, In the captivating realm of Spain's automotive braking market, two-wheelers and passenger vehicles emerge as distinct yet intertwined segments, each with its own leading players and opportunities for expansion across different regions of the country. At the forefront of Spain's automotive braking market, passenger vehicles reign supreme, representing the epitome of mobility and comfort for millions of Spaniards. With a vast network of highways, urban thoroughfares, and scenic byways crisscrossing the country, passenger vehicles equipped with advanced braking systems navigate Spain's diverse terrain with ease and precision. Leading manufacturers such as Bosch Spain, Continental Automotive Spain, and TRW Automotive Spain dominate this segment, leveraging their expertise in engineering and technology to develop cutting-edge braking solutions that ensure safety, performance, and comfort for drivers and passengers alike. Meanwhile, two-wheelers carve out their own niche within Spain's automotive landscape, catering to a growing segment of commuters, enthusiasts, and adventurers seeking agility, efficiency, and freedom on the open road. From bustling city streets to winding mountain trails, motorcycles and scooters equipped with reliable braking systems offer a unique mode of transportation for urban dwellers and thrill-seekers alike. While the market for two-wheelers may be smaller compared to passenger vehicles, it is experiencing steady growth fuelled by changing mobility preferences, urbanization trends, and environmental concerns. Across different regions of Spain, the dynamics of the automotive braking market vary, reflecting the unique economic, cultural, and geographical characteristics of each area. In Catalonia, home to Barcelona and a thriving automotive cluster, passenger vehicles dominate the market, driven by urbanization, economic growth, and a strong tradition of engineering excellence. Companies like Bosch Spain and Continental Automotive Spain capitalize on Catalonia's strategic location, skilled workforce, and robust infrastructure to develop and manufacture advanced braking systems for domestic and international markets. In contrast, regions like Andalusia and Valencia offer fertile ground for the growth of the two-wheeler segment, fuelled by a combination of urbanization, tourism, and favourable climate conditions. With companies like TRW Automotive Spain and Faurecia Automotive Spain leading the charge, Andalusia's automotive industry benefits from a strong manufacturing base and strategic partnerships with global OEMs, driving innovation and expansion in the two-wheeler market. Similarly, Valencia's vibrant motorcycle culture and extensive network of scenic routes attract riders from around the world, creating opportunities for manufacturers and companies to capitalize on the growing demand for two-wheelers equipped with advanced braking technology.
On the basis of types, In Spain's automotive braking market, the competition between disk brakes and drum brakes is a dynamic interplay of technological innovation, regional preferences, and industry trends. While both types of brakes have their merits, disk brakes have emerged as the leading choice for modern vehicles. However, drum brakes still maintain a significant presence in certain regions and industries, driven by factors such as cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and legacy systems. Across different regions of Spain, the preference for disk brakes is evident, particularly in urban centres and technologically advanced clusters such as Catalonia and Madrid. In Catalonia, home to Barcelona and a thriving automotive ecosystem, manufacturers like Bosch Spain and Continental Automotive Spain lead the charge in developing and producing state-of-the-art disk brake systems. With their precision engineering and focus on safety and performance, disk brakes have become the preferred choice for drivers navigating Catalonia's bustling streets and highways, where quick stops and responsive braking are essential. Similarly, in Madrid, the bustling capital of Spain and a hub of innovation and commerce, disk brakes reign supreme in the automotive braking market. Companies like TRW Automotive Spain and Faurecia Automotive Spain leverage Madrid's strategic location and vibrant automotive ecosystem to drive the adoption of disk brakes in vehicles manufactured for both domestic and international markets. As Madrid continues to invest in infrastructure and technology, the demand for advanced braking solutions is expected to grow, further solidifying the dominance of disk brakes in the region. However, in certain regions and industries, drum brakes maintain a foothold, offering a cost-effective and reliable braking solution for specific applications. In regions with rugged terrain or heavy-duty industries such as mining and construction, drum brakes remain a preferred choice for their robustness and durability. Companies operating in these sectors, such as MAN Truck & Bus Iberia in the transportation industry and CEMEX in the construction materials sector, rely on drum brakes to ensure the safety and reliability of their vehicles and equipment in challenging operating environments.
On the basis of Sales channels, within Spain's automotive braking market, the dynamics of sales channels, namely OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and aftermarket, intertwine with regional nuances, manufacturer strategies, and evolving consumer preferences, painting a compelling picture of growth and leadership across different regions of the country. At the forefront of the sales channels is the OEM sector, representing the integration of braking systems into new vehicles during the manufacturing process. Across Spain's diverse regions, OEM sales channels demonstrate resilience and dominance, driven by partnerships between manufacturers and automakers seeking to deliver cutting-edge braking technology to discerning consumers. In Catalonia, home to automotive giants like Bosch Spain and Continental Automotive Spain, OEM sales channels thrive on innovation and collaboration, leveraging the region's research and development capabilities to deliver advanced braking solutions to global OEM partners. Similarly, in Andalusia, where companies like TRW Automotive Spain and Faurecia Automotive Spain have established a strong manufacturing presence, OEM sales channels benefit from strategic partnerships with leading automakers, capitalizing on the region's skilled workforce and logistical advantages to meet growing demand for vehicles equipped with high-performance braking systems. However, while OEM sales channels maintain their leadership position within Spain's automotive braking market, the aftermarket segment emerges as a dynamic and rapidly growing force, driven by factors such as vehicle aging, consumer preferences, and technological advancements. Across regions such as the Basque Country and Valencia, where aftermarket suppliers and distributors play a vital role in Spain's automotive ecosystem, aftermarket sales channels experience robust growth, fuelled by demand for replacement parts, performance upgrades, and customization options. Companies specializing in aftermarket braking solutions, such as Brembo Spain and Akebono Brake Spain, leverage their expertise and distribution networks to cater to a diverse range of consumers, from DIY enthusiasts to professional mechanics and fleet operators, driving innovation and competition within the aftermarket segment. Furthermore, the interplay between OEM and aftermarket sales channels underscores the dynamic nature of Spain's automotive braking market, where manufacturers and companies must navigate shifting consumer preferences and market trends to maintain competitiveness and drive growth. While OEM sales channels remain the cornerstone of the automotive industry, aftermarket sales channels represent an increasingly important avenue for manufacturers and companies seeking to diversify revenue streams and capitalize on emerging opportunities in Spain's aftermarket landscape. By embracing digitalization, e-commerce, and customer-centric strategies, OEM and aftermarket players alike can unlock new avenues for growth and innovation, ensuring that Spain's automotive braking market continues to thrive in the years to come.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Automotive Breaking System market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Type
• Disk Brake
• Drums Brake
• Others

By Vehicle Type
• Two wheelers
• Passenger Vehicles
• Commercial Vehicles

By Sales channel
• After Market

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Automotive Breaking System industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Spain Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.3. Market Trends
5.3.1. XXXX
5.3.2. XXXX
5.3.3. XXXX
5.3.4. XXXX
5.3.5. XXXX
5.4. Covid-19 Effect
5.5. Supply chain Analysis
5.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.7. Industry Experts Views
6. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast, By Type Leading
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Vehicle Type
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Sales channel
7. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Segmentations
7.1. Spain Automotive Breaking Market, By Type Leading
7.1.1. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By Disk Brake, 2018-2029
7.1.2. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By Drums Brake, 2018-2029
7.1.3. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By Others, 2018-2029
7.2. Spain Automotive Breaking Market, By Vehicle Type
7.2.1. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By Two wheelers, 2018-2029
7.2.2. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By Leading Passanger Vehicles, 2018-2029
7.2.3. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By Commercial Vehicles, 2018-2029
7.3. Spain Automotive Breaking Market, By Sales channel
7.3.1. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By OEM, 2018-2029
7.3.2. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size, By After Market, 2018-2029
8. Spain Automotive Breaking Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Type Leading, 2024 to 2029
8.2. By Vehicle Type, 2024 to 2029
8.3. By Sales channel, 2024 to 2029
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures

Figure 1: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Million)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Type Leading
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Vehicle Type
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Sales channel
Figure 5: Porter's Five Forces of Spain Automotive Breaking Market

List of Tables

Table 1: Influencing Factors for Automotive Breaking Market, 2023
Table 2: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size and Forecast, By Type Leading (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Million)
Table 3: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size and Forecast, By Vehicle Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Million)
Table 4: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size and Forecast, By Sales channel (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Million)
Table 5: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of Disk Brake (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 6: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of Drums Brake (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 7: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of Others (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 8: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of Two wheelers (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 9: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of Leading Passanger Vehicles (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 10: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of Commercial Vehicles (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 11: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of OEM (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
Table 12: Spain Automotive Breaking Market Size of After Market (2018 to 2029) in USD Million






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
