


South America Automotive Electronics Market Outlook, 2029

賑やかな大都市から険しい地形まで、南米大陸に広がる活気あふれるタペストリーの中で、南米の自動車市場は、この地域特有の課題と願望に後押しされ、変革の旅に乗り出している。南米における自動車の採用と普及... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2024年5月31日 US$2,950
2-3営業日以内 80 英語

※ 調査会社の事情により、予告なしに価格が変更になる場合がございます。




賑やかな大都市から険しい地形まで、南米大陸に広がる活気あふれるタペストリーの中で、南米の自動車市場は、この地域特有の課題と願望に後押しされ、変革の旅に乗り出している。南米における自動車の採用と普及は、この地域の多様な経済状況によって形成されてきた。ブラジルやアルゼンチンのような新興国が急速な都市化と中間所得層の増加を経験するにつれ、手頃な価格で信頼性の高い交通機関に対する需要が急増している。自動車メー カー各社は、現地の市場に合わせたエントリーレベルのモデルを 導入することでこれに応え、社会階層を超えたアクセシビリティの向上 とモビリティの民主化を実現してきた。しかし、こうした進歩の追求は、自動車産業が環境に与える影響への懸念にも火をつけた。南米の豊かな生物多様性と脆弱な生態系は、持続可能性への警鐘となっている。政府もメーカーも同様に、排出ガス、燃料効率、代替推進技術の開発に取り組む緊急性を認識し、電気自動車やハイブリッド車の採用に道を開いた。南米の自動車市場の主な発展は、革新と適応の融合によって推進されてきた。自動車メーカーは、消費者の進化するニーズに応えるため、先進運転支援システム(ADAS)、コネクテッドカー機能、自律走行機能などの最先端技術に投資してきた。同時に、この地域特有の地理的景観に合わせて、険しい地形や困難な道路状況でも走行可能な自動車を開発してきた。環境問題は、南米における業界の持続可能性追求の原動力となってきた。広大なアマゾンの熱帯雨林をはじめとするこの地域の豊かな生物多様性は、自動車製造と操業が環境に与える影響を軽減することの重要性を浮き彫りにしている。自動車メーカーは、廃棄物の削減、水管理、再生可能エネルギーの利用など、環境にやさしい取り組みを南米大陸各地の生産施設で実施している。南米では、豊富な農業資源を活用したバイオ燃料の開発が重要なイニシアティブとして浮上している。ブラジルのような国々は、従来のガソリンに代わる持続可能な燃料を提供し、温室効果ガスの排出を削減するエタノールベースの燃料の生産と利用における世界的リーダーとなっている。

Bonafide Research発行の調査レポート「南米自動車用エレクトロニクス市場の展望、2029年」によると、南米自動車用エレクトロニクス市場は2024年から2029年にかけて40億米ドル以上の成長が予測されている。南米自動車用エレクトロニクス分野の明確なダイナミクスは無数の要因に影響され、それぞれが業界内の戦略とトレンドに寄与している。このような状況を形成している顕著な要因は、この地域の多様な地理的地形であり、賑やかな都市部から険しい山岳地帯、広大な平原にまで及んでいる。この地理的多様性はカーエレクトロニクス・メーカーにとっての課題であり、異なる環境を移動するドライバーの多様なニーズに対応するためのオーダーメード・ソリューションの開発が必要となる。南米の消費者は、カーエレクトロニクスの嗜好において、スタイル、接続性、安全機能といった要素を重視することが多い。業界各社は、製品の多様化などの戦略的イニシアティブを通じてこうした嗜好に対応し、南米大陸全域で普及している多様な運転嗜好や気候条件に合わせた総合的なエレクトロニクス製品群を提供することを目指している。自動車の利用がレクリエーションとして、また主要な交通手段として進化し続けるにつれて、先進的な自動車用エレクトロニクスの需要が顕著に急増する。これに対応するため、メーカーは研究開発への投資を優先し、南米のドライバーの目の肥えた要求に応えるため、スタイル、機能性、安全性をシームレスに統合するイノベーションに注力している。技術の進歩は市場ダイナミクスの重要な側面であり、メーカーは高度なセンサー、接続オプション、インフォテインメント・システムなどの高度な機能を製品に組み込んでいる。こうした技術革新は、運転体験を向上させるだけでなく、南米の多様な地形を移動するドライバーの安全性と利便性を高めている。さらに、可処分所得水準や消費者の支出パターンといった要因が購買行動に影響を及ぼすなど、経済的変数が市場トレンドを大きく形成している。南米全域の経済が進化と拡大を続ける中、自動車用エレクトロニクス市場はさらなる成長を遂げ、業界参加者に有利な機会を提供しています。

- 可処分所得の増加:北米における可処分所得の増加は、消費者の自動車への支出を促進し、乗用車や高級車への需要増につながっている。
- コンパクトSUV志向の高まり:北米におけるコンパクトSUVへの傾斜は、多用途で広々とした燃費の良い車を求める消費者の嗜好に後押しされ、市場の需要に影響を及ぼしている。
- 経済変動:南米のいくつかの国では、景気変動や為替レートの変動が発生しており、消費者の購買力や自動車メーカーの収益性に影響を与える可能性がある。
- 貿易障壁と規制:一部の南米諸国は保護貿易主義的な政策や規制をとっており、自動車や自動車部品の輸入を制限する可能性がある。
- インフラ整備:APAC地域と同様、南米でもEVとコネクテッドカー技術のインフラはまだ初期段階にある。必要なインフラを整備し、消費者にこれらの技術の採用を促すことは、課題となりうる。
- 電動化:電気自動車(EV)は、特にバス・セグメントにおいて、路線の短縮と政府のインセンティブにより、電子システムの採用の先陣を切っている。
- 効率とクリーンな空気の重視:電気モーターは優れた効率とゼロテールパイプエミッションを提供し、大幅なコスト削減と環境上のメリットをもたらします。
- テレマティクスとADASの普及:安全性向上のための先進運転支援システムとともに、車両管理とドライバー監視のためのシステムの導入が進んでいる。






南米における電子機器アフターマーケットの成長の主な理由は、可処分所得水準の上昇と、それに伴う自動車のアップグレード需要の増加である。消費者が豊かになるにつれて、自動車の性能、快適性、美観を高めようとする。このため、先進インフォテインメント・システム、プレミアム・オーディオ・システム、性能向上用電子制御ユニット(ECU)などのアフターマーケット用電子部品の需要が急増している。さらに、南米における自動車保有台数の高齢化は、電子アフターマーケットの成長を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。道路を走る自動車の多くは古いモデルであり、その所有者は、時代遅れの電子部品や故障した電子部品を交換するためにアフターマーケット・ソリューションを選ぶことが多い。この傾向は、自動車の平均年式が比較的高いブラジル、アルゼンチン、チリといった国々で特に顕著である。 費用対効果の高さも、南米における電子アフターマーケットの成長の原動力となっている。アフターマーケットの電子部品やサービスは、OEM(相手先ブランド製造)部品や修理よりも手頃な価格で代替品を提供することが多い。これは、法外な出費をせずに自動車の寿命を延ばそうとする、予算に敏感な消費者にとって特に魅力的である。さらに、南米の電子アフターマーケットは、自動車愛好家やカスタマイズ愛好家のコミュニティの拡大に対応している。こうした人々は、カスタム照明システム、先進運転支援システム(ADAS)、性能向上のための電子改造など、独自の電子機能で自動車をパーソナライズしようとしている。アフターマーケットの電子製品やサービスを利用することで、彼らは自分の車を特定の好みや要件に合わせてカスタマイズすることができる。マルチメディア・プレーヤー、ナビゲーション・システム、スマートフォン統合ソリューションなどのインフォテインメント・システムは、消費者が車内エンターテインメントとコネクティビティ体験を強化しようとしているため、高い需要がある。

この地域の可処分所得が上昇を続ける中、より多くの消費者が、安全性と運転体験を優先する最先端技術を搭載した自動車に投資することを望んでいる。事故のリスクを軽減し、利便性を向上させるADASの能力は、南米の安全意識の高い消費者に強く響いている。さらに、この地域の各国政府は、新車に特定のADAS機能の搭載を義務付ける規制や基準の導入に積極的である。例えばブラジルは、自動緊急ブレーキなどのADAS技術と連動することが多い電子制御式安定制御やアンチロック・ブレーキ・システムの搭載を義務付ける規制を導入している。これらの規制措置は、南米市場における ADAS の採用を加速させる上で極めて重要な役割を果たしている。さらに、南米におけるADASの成長は、自動車エレクトロニクスとセンサー技術の分野における急速な技術進歩によって促進されている。レーダー、カメラ、LiDARなど、より洗練されたコスト効率の高いセンサーの開発により、自動車メーカーはより幅広い車種に先進運転支援システムを組み込むことが可能となり、これらの機能はより幅広い消費者層にとってより利用しやすいものとなっている。具体的なADAS技術としては、アダプティブ・クルーズ・コントロールが南米で大きな人気を博している。このシステムは、レーダーやカメラのセンサーを利用し、交通状況に応じて車速を自動的に調整し、先行車との安全な車間距離を保つものである。運転の利便性を高めるだけでなく、追突の危険性を減らすことで安全性も向上する。車両が意図せず車線から逸脱した場合にドライバーに警告を発する車線逸脱警告システムも、この地域で採用が増加している。これらのシステムは、カメラセンサーを活用して車線表示を監視し、ドライバーに音声または視覚による警告を提供することで、不注意や眠気による事故の防止に役立っている。自動緊急ブレーキ・システムは、衝突の危険が迫ると自動的にブレーキをかけるもので、南米市場で普及が進んでいる。このシステムは、レーダーセンサーとカメラセンサーを組み合わせて車両の進路上にある障害物を検知し、ドライバーが時間内に対応できなかった場合に緊急ブレーキを作動させるもので、衝突のリスクを大幅に低減し、事故の深刻度を軽減する。



- 歴史的な年2018
- 基準年2023
- 推定年2024
- 予測年2029

- オートモーティブエレクトロニクス市場の展望とセグメント別の市場価値と予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 電子制御ユニット
- センサー
- 電流伝送装置
- その他

- 乗用車
- 商用車

- アフターマーケット

- 先進運転支援システム
- 安全システム
- ボディエレクトロニクス
- エンターテインメント
- パワートレイン






8.5.1.ヘラGmbH & Co.KGaA会社概要会社概要財務ハイライト地理的洞察事業セグメントと業績製品ポートフォリオ主要役員戦略的な動きと展開
8.5.8.HL マンドーコーポレーション


図7:南米のカーエレクトロニクス市場 国別シェア(2023年)
図11: 上位5社の競争ダッシュボード(2023年)


表20:アルゼンチンの自動車用エレクトロニクス市場規模・予測:流通チャネル別 (2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル)
表21:アルゼンチンの自動車用エレクトロニクス市場規模・用途別予測(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表22:コロンビアの自動車用エレクトロニクス市場規模・予測:部品別(2018~2029F) (単位:USD億)
表23:コロンビアのカーエレクトロニクス市場規模・予測:自動車タイプ別 (2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル)
表25:コロンビアのカーエレクトロニクス市場規模・予測:用途別 (2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル)





In the vibrant tapestry of South America, from the bustling metropolises to the rugged terrains that stretch across the continent, the South American automotive market has embarked on a transformative journey, driven by the region's unique challenges and aspirations. Adoption and penetration of vehicles in South America have been shaped by the region's diverse economic landscapes. As emerging economies like Brazil and Argentina have experienced rapid urbanization and rising middle-class incomes, the demand for affordable and reliable transportation has soared. Automakers have responded by introducing entry-level models tailored to the local market, enabling greater accessibility and democratizing mobility across social strata. However, this pursuit of progress has also ignited concerns over the environmental impact of the automotive industry. South America's rich biodiversity and fragile ecosystems have served as a clarion call for sustainability. Governments and manufacturers alike have recognized the urgency of addressing emissions, fuel efficiency, and the development of alternative propulsion technologies, paving the way for the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles. Key developments in the South American automotive market have been driven by a blend of innovation and adaptation. Automakers have invested in cutting-edge technologies, such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), connected car features, and autonomous driving capabilities, to cater to the evolving needs of consumers. At the same time, they have tailored their offerings to the region's unique geographical landscapes, developing vehicles capable of navigating rugged terrains and challenging road conditions. Environmental concerns have been a driving force behind the industry's pursuit of sustainability in South America. The region's rich biodiversity, including the vast Amazon rainforest, has underscored the importance of mitigating the environmental impact of automotive manufacturing and operations. Automakers have implemented eco-friendly practices, such as waste reduction, water management, and the use of renewable energy sources, in their production facilities across the continent. The development of biofuels has emerged as a pivotal initiative in South America, leveraging the region's abundant agricultural resources. Countries like Brazil have become global leaders in the production and utilization of ethanol-based fuels, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the research report "South America Automotive Electronics Market Outlook, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the South America Automotive Electronics market is projected to add more than USD 4 Billion from 2024 to 2029.The distinct dynamics of the South America automotive electronics sector are influenced by a myriad of factors, each contributing to the strategies and trends within the industry. A prominent factor shaping this landscape is the region's diverse geographical terrain, spanning from bustling urban centers to rugged mountainous regions and vast open plains. This geographical diversity presents a challenge for automotive electronics manufacturers, necessitating the development of tailored solutions to meet the varied needs of drivers navigating different environments. Cultural influences also exert significant sway, with South American consumers often placing emphasis on factors such as style, connectivity, and safety features in their automotive electronics preferences. Industry players respond to these preferences through strategic initiatives such as product diversification, aiming to offer a comprehensive array of electronics tailored to the diverse driving preferences and climatic conditions prevalent across the continent. As motor vehicle usage continues to evolve as both a recreational pursuit and a primary mode of transportation, the demand for advanced automotive electronics experiences a notable surge. In response, manufacturers prioritize investments in research and development, focusing on innovations that seamlessly integrate style, functionality, and safety features to meet the discerning requirements of South American drivers. Technological advancements constitute a crucial aspect of market dynamics, with manufacturers integrating sophisticated features such as advanced sensors, connectivity options, and infotainment systems into their products. These innovations not only enhance driving experiences but also elevate safety and convenience for motorists navigating South America's diverse terrain. Furthermore, economic variables significantly shape market trends, with factors such as disposable income levels and consumer spending patterns influencing purchasing behaviors. As economies across South America continue to evolve and expand, the automotive electronics market is poised for further growth, presenting lucrative opportunities for industry participants.

Major Drivers
• Rising disposable income: Increasing disposable income levels in North America are driving consumer spending on vehicles, leading to a higher demand for passenger cars and luxury vehicles.
• Increased inclination towards compact SUVs: The trend towards compact SUVs in North America is fueled by consumer preferences for versatile, spacious, and fuel-efficient vehicles, influencing the market demand.
Major Challenges
• Economic Volatility: Several South American countries have experienced economic volatility and fluctuations in currency exchange rates, which can impact consumer purchasing power and automakers' profitability.
• Trade Barriers and Regulations: Some South American countries have protectionist trade policies and regulations that can restrict the importation of vehicles and automotive components.
• Infrastructure Development: Similar to the APAC region, the infrastructure for EVs and connected car technologies in South America is still in its early stages. Developing the necessary infrastructure and encouraging consumer adoption of these technologies can be a challenge.
Market Trends
• Electrification: Electric vehicles (EVs) are spearheading the adoption of electronic systems, particularly in the bus segment, due to shorter routes and government incentives.
• Focus on Efficiency and Clean Air: Electric motors offer superior efficiency and zero tailpipe emissions, driving significant cost savings and environmental benefits.
• Telematics and ADAS Gaining Traction: Systems for fleet management and driver monitoring are increasingly deployed, alongside advanced driver-assistance systems for improved safety.

Sensors are growing in the automotive electronics market due to its technological advancements in the field of automotive electronics..

As disposable incomes in the region continue to rise, more consumers are willing to invest in vehicles equipped with advanced safety systems, such as automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning, and adaptive cruise control. These systems rely heavily on sensors, including radar, cameras, and LiDAR, to collect data about the vehicle's surroundings and make real-time decisions to avoid collisions or mitigate their impact. Additionally, governments in South America have been proactive in implementing regulations and standards that mandate the inclusion of certain safety features in new vehicles. For instance, Brazil has introduced regulations requiring the incorporation of electronic stability control and anti-lock braking systems in all new vehicles, which necessitates the use of sensors to monitor vehicle dynamics and brake performance. Furthermore, the growth of ADAS and sensor technology in South America is facilitated by technological advancements and the increasing availability of cost-effective components. As sensor technologies become more affordable and compact, automakers can integrate them into a wider range of vehicle models, making advanced safety features more accessible to a broader consumer base. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors, although still relatively expensive, are gaining traction in the region due to their ability to create highly detailed 3D maps of the vehicle's environment. LiDAR sensors are particularly useful for advanced features like autonomous emergency braking and autonomous driving capabilities. Sensor technology is not limited to ADAS applications. Various other sensors are integrated into modern vehicles to monitor and optimize performance. For instance, pressure sensors are used to monitor tire pressure, while temperature sensors track engine and transmission temperatures. Accelerometers and gyroscopes are employed to detect vehicle dynamics and support stability control systems..

Commercial Vehicles are growing in the automotive electronics market due to environmental concerns, rising fuel costs and efficiency.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are currently leading the charge in this transition, particularly in the bus segment. Major cities like Santiago, Chile, and Curitiba, Brazil, are pioneering the use of electric buses for public transportation. This is due to the well-defined routes and shorter distances typically covered by buses, making them ideal candidates for battery-powered technology. Additionally, government incentives and subsidies are accelerating the adoption of e-buses in South America. For instance, Colombia offers tax breaks and import duty exemptions for electric buses, while Chile has implemented ambitious targets for electrifying its bus fleet. The benefits of e-buses are compelling. They produce zero tailpipe emissions, leading to cleaner air in urban centers. Furthermore, electric motors offer superior efficiency compared to traditional diesel engines, translating to significant cost savings on fuel. Fleet management is also enhanced with EVs, as operators can remotely monitor battery health, optimize charging schedules, and streamline maintenance routines. The challenges remain for widespread EV adoption in South America. The upfront cost of electric vehicles is still higher than their diesel counterparts. Additionally, the region faces limitations in terms of charging infrastructure, particularly for long-haul trucking applications. Governments and private companies are collaborating to address these hurdles by investing in building a robust network of charging stations across major transportation corridors. Beyond EVs, other electronic technologies are making inroads into commercial vehicles in South America. Telematics systems are being increasingly deployed to track vehicle location, monitor driver behavior, and optimize routes. This real-time data empowers fleet managers to improve operational efficiency and ensure driver safety. Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) like lane departure warnings and automatic emergency braking are also gaining traction, potentially leading to a reduction in accidents and insurance costs.

After Market are growing in the automotive electronics market due to its demand for vehicle upgrades, the need for cost-effective repairs, and the desire for customization among automobile enthusiasts.

The primary reasons for the growth of the electronic aftermarket in South America is the rising disposable income levels and the subsequent increase in the demand for vehicle upgrades. As consumers become more affluent, they seek to enhance the performance, comfort, and aesthetics of their vehicles. This has led to a surge in demand for aftermarket electronic components such as advanced infotainment systems, premium audio systems, and performance-enhancing electronic control units (ECUs). Furthermore, the age of the vehicle fleet in South America plays a crucial role in fueling the growth of the electronic aftermarket. Many vehicles on the roads are older models, and their owners often opt for aftermarket solutions to replace outdated or malfunctioning electronic components. This trend is particularly prevalent in countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Chile, where the average age of vehicles is relatively high Cost-effectiveness is another driving force behind the growth of the electronic aftermarket in South America. Aftermarket electronic components and services often offer more affordable alternatives to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts and repairs. This is particularly appealing to budget-conscious consumers who seek to extend the lifespan of their vehicles without incurring exorbitant expenses Additionally, the electronic aftermarket in South America caters to the growing community of automobile enthusiasts and customization enthusiasts. These individuals seek to personalize their vehicles with unique electronic features, such as custom lighting systems, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), and performance-enhancing electronic modifications. The availability of aftermarket electronic products and services allows them to tailor their vehicles to their specific preferences and requirements In terms of product types, the electronic aftermarket in South America encompasses a wide range of offerings. Infotainment systems, including multimedia players, navigation systems, and smartphone integration solutions, are in high demand as consumers seek to enhance their in-vehicle entertainment and connectivity experiences.
ADAS are growing in the automotive electronics market due to regulatory mandates, and technological advancements..

As disposable incomes in the region continue to rise, more consumers are willing to invest in vehicles equipped with cutting-edge technologies that prioritize their safety and driving experience. The ability of ADAS to mitigate the risk of accidents and provide added convenience has resonated strongly with safety-conscious consumers in South America. Furthermore, governments across the region have been proactive in implementing regulations and standards that mandate the inclusion of certain ADAS features in new vehicles. For instance, Brazil has introduced regulations requiring the incorporation of electronic stability control and anti-lock braking systems, which often work in tandem with ADAS technologies such as automatic emergency braking. These regulatory measures have played a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of ADAS in the South American market. Additionally, the growth of ADAS in South America is facilitated by rapid technological advancements in the field of automotive electronics and sensor technologies. The development of more sophisticated and cost-effective sensors, such as radar, cameras, and LiDAR, has enabled automakers to integrate advanced driver assistance systems into a wider range of vehicle models, making these features more accessible to a broader consumer base. In terms of specific ADAS technologies, adaptive cruise control has gained significant popularity in South America. This system utilizes radar or camera sensors to automatically adjust the vehicle's speed based on the traffic conditions, maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle ahead. It not only enhances driving convenience but also improves safety by reducing the risk of rear-end collisions. Lane departure warning systems, which alert drivers when the vehicle unintentionally drifts from its lane, have also witnessed increased adoption in the region. These systems leverage camera sensors to monitor lane markings and provide audible or visual warnings to the driver, helping to prevent accidents caused by inattentiveness or drowsiness. Automatic emergency braking systems, which automatically apply the brakes when an imminent collision is detected, have become increasingly prevalent in South American markets. These systems rely on a combination of radar and camera sensors to detect obstacles in the vehicle's path and initiate emergency braking if the driver fails to respond in time, significantly reducing the risk of collisions and mitigating the severity of accidents.

Based on report market includes three major countries including Brazil, Argentina and Colombia. Among them Brazil is anticipated to lead the South America Automotive Electronics market with significant market share.

Brazil has been proactive in implementing safety regulations that encourage the adoption of electronic safety features. For instance, the Brazilian government has made it mandatory for new vehicles to be equipped with features such as ABS and dual front airbags. The Brazilian government, in collaboration with academic institutions and private businesses, has been consistently advocating for research and development initiatives in the realm of automotive electronics. Efforts to nurture innovation and facilitate technological partnerships have resulted in the formation of numerous research centers and cooperative ventures, all committed to driving progress in automotive electronics. This ongoing support and commitment significantly elevate Brazil's standing in the market. The Brazilian government has enacted regulations and standards that encourage the incorporation of safety and emission control systems in vehicles. These measures press automakers to integrate a higher number of electronic components into their designs. Coupled with a skilled workforce, this regulatory environment provides an ideal setting for the growth and implementation of automotive electronics within Brazil. There is a noticeable shift in consumer preferences among Brazilian consumers, who are increasingly favoring vehicles equipped with advanced features such as infotainment systems, parking assistance, and connectivity solutions. This change in demand is primarily driven by the growing middle class and heightened awareness around safety and comfort. As a result, automakers are motivated to incorporate more sophisticated electronic systems in their vehicles to cater to this evolving market.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Automotive Electronics market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Component
• Electronic Control Unit
• Sensors
• Current Carrying Devices
• Others

By vehicle type
• Passenger Vehicles
• Commercial Vehicles

By distribution channel
• Aftermarket

By Application
• Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
• Safety Systems
• Body Electronics
• Entertainment
• Powertrain

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Automotive Electronics industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global Automotive Electronics Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Component
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Vehicle Type
5.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
5.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
6. South America Automotive Electronics Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Component
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Vehicle Type
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
6.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
7. Market Dynamics
7.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
7.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
7.3. Market Trends
7.3.1. XXXX
7.3.2. XXXX
7.3.3. XXXX
7.3.4. XXXX
7.3.5. XXXX
7.4. Covid-19 Effect
7.5. Supply chain Analysis
7.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
7.7. Industry Experts Views
7.8. Brazil Automotive Electronics Market Outlook
7.8.1. Market Size By Value
7.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Vehicle Type
7.8.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.8.5. Market Size and Forecast By Application
7.9. Argentina Automotive Electronics Market Outlook
7.9.1. Market Size By Value
7.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Vehicle Type
7.9.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.9.5. Market Size and Forecast By Application
7.10. Columbia Automotive Electronics Market Outlook
7.10.1. Market Size By Value
7.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Component
7.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By Vehicle Type
7.10.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.10.5. Market Size and Forecast By Application
8. Competitive Landscape
8.1. Competitive Dashboard
8.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
8.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
8.4. Porter's Five Forces
8.5. Company Profile
8.5.1. Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
8.5.2. Denso Corporation
8.5.3. Robert Bosch GmbH
8.5.4. Valeo S.A.
8.5.5. ZF Friedrichshafen AG
8.5.6. Magna International Inc
8.5.7. Infineon Technologies AG
8.5.8. HL Mando Corporation
9. Strategic Recommendations
10. Annexure
10.1. FAQ`s
10.2. Notes
10.3. Related Reports
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures

Figure 1:Global Automotive Electronics Market Size (USD billion) By Region, 2023 & 2029
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2029
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2029
Figure 4: Global Automotive Electronics Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD billion)
Figure 5: Global Automotive Electronics Market Share By Region (2023)
Figure 6: South America Automotive Electronics Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD billion)
Figure 7: South America Automotive Electronics Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 8: Brazil Automotive Electronics Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD billion)
Figure 9: Argentina Automotive Electronics Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD billion)
Figure 10: Columbia Automotive Electronics Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD billion)
Figure 11: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2023
Figure 12: Porter's Five Forces of Global Automotive Electronics Market

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Automotive Electronics Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2023 & 2029) (in USD billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2022
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2022
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5: Global Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 6: Global Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Vehicle Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 7: Global Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 8: Global Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 9: South America Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 10: South America Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Vehicle Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 11: South America Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 12: South America Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 13: Influencing Factors for Automotive Electronics Market, 2023
Table 14: Brazil Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 15: Brazil Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Vehicle Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 16: Brazil Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 17: Brazil Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 18: Argentina Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 19: Argentina Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Vehicle Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 20: Argentina Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 21: Argentina Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 22: Colombia Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Component (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 23: Colombia Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Vehicle Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 24: Colombia Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)
Table 25: Colombia Automotive Electronics Market Size and Forecast By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD billion)






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