


North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook, 2029

北米の救急医療機器市場は、救急隊員や医療従事者が危機的な状況で命を救うために必要なツールを提供する重要な分野である。ポータブル人工呼吸器や除細動器から高度なモニタリングシステムや出血制御キットまで... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2024年5月31日 US$2,950
2-3営業日以内 110 英語

※ 調査会社の事情により、予告なしに価格が変更になる場合がございます。




北米の救急医療機器市場は、救急隊員や医療従事者が危機的な状況で命を救うために必要なツールを提供する重要な分野である。ポータブル人工呼吸器や除細動器から高度なモニタリングシステムや出血制御キットまで、多様な製品を網羅するこの市場は、緊急時にタイムリーで効果的な医療介入を確保する上で重要な役割を果たしている。北米市場のユニークな点は、医療機器に関する規制環境が厳しいことである。他のいくつかの地域とは異なり、米国とカナダには、米国の食品医薬品局(FDA)やカナダ保健省のような機関が監督する強固な規制の枠組みがある。これらの機関は、医療用救急機器の安全性、有効性、信頼性を確保するために、厳格な試験と承認プロセスを義務付けている。このような安全性重視の姿勢は、市場に複雑さを加える一方で、北米の救急隊員が使用する医療機器に対する高い信頼性を育んでいる。その結果、規制の緩い市場では受け入れられにくい革新的技術も、積極的に採用されるようになった。第二に、北米市場の特徴として、ディストリビューターとサプライヤーのネットワークが確立していることが挙げられる。これらの企業は、メーカーと医療機関の仲介役となり、多様な地域にわたる機器の効率的な流通を確保している。McKesson社、Cardinal Health社、Medline社などの大手ディストリビューターは、メーカーと医療機関の双方と強固な関係を維持しており、調達プロセスの合理化を促進し、重要な機器へのタイムリーなアクセスを確保している。この確立された流通ネットワークは北米市場の重要な強みであり、緊急事態における効率性と対応力に貢献している。北米市場を際立たせているもう一つの側面は、救急医療サービス(EMS)プロバイダーが果たす役割の大きさである。救急医療に病院中心のアプローチをとる一部の地域とは異なり、北米では病院前救護を行う救急隊員のネットワークが確立されている。そのため、救急車や救急救命士(EMT)に携帯可能で使いやすい機器を装備することを目的とした市場が必要となる。例えば、交通量の多い高速道路での交通事故から、人里離れた農村部での医療緊急事態まで、さまざまな環境で簡単に配備できる軽量でバッテリー駆動の機器に対する強い需要がある。北米のメーカー各社は、このようなニーズに応えるため、携帯性と使いやすさを優先した、コンパクトで汎用性の高い機器を開発している。

Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「北米の救急医療機器市場の展望、2029年」によると、北米の救急医療機器市場は2029年に80億米ドル以上と評価されている。COVID-19パンデミックは北米の救急医療機器市場に大きな影響を与えた。マスク、ガウン、手袋のような個人用保護具(PPE)の初期需要の急増は、サプライチェーンを緊張させ、一時的な不足を引き起こした。メーカー各社はPPE需要の急増に対応するため、生産ラインを迅速に変更しなければならず、多くの場合、他の重要な機器の生産からリソースを流用することになった。しかし、パンデミックは技術革新の好機でもあった。遠隔患者モニタリングと遠隔医療ソリューションの必要性が、救急隊員用の携帯型バイタルサインモニターとワイヤレス通信機器の開発に拍車をかけた。さらに、衛生と感染対策への関心の高まりが、使い捨て医療用品と使い捨て機器の需要拡大につながった。北米の救急医療機器市場は、多面的な販売チャネル網を通じて運営されている。病院、EMS機関、政府機関への直接販売は依然として重要なチャネルである。しかし、最近では、医療従事者に幅広い品ぞろえを提供し、大量購入を促進する仲介業者としてのディストリビューターや卸売業者も増加傾向にある。オンライン・マーケットプレイスもまた、特に包帯や注射器といった消耗品のような小さな品目で人気を集めている。これにより、小規模な医療施設でも便利な購入が可能になり、競争力のある価格設定ができる可能性がある。原材料の入手可能性は、北米の医療用救急機器市場が円滑に機能する上で極めて重要な役割を果たす。グローバルサプライチェーンの混乱、貿易戦争、自然災害はすべて、医療機器生産に使用されるプラスチック、金属、電子機器などの必須材料の入手可能性とコストに影響を与える可能性がある。こうしたリスクを軽減するため、メーカーは信頼できるサプライヤーと戦略的提携を結ぶことが多く、生産の継続性を確保するために複数の地域から材料を調達することもある。さらに、環境への影響を最小限に抑えるため、医療機器に持続可能でリサイクル可能な材料を使用することへの注目も高まっている。北米の医療用救急機器市場におけるマーケティング戦略は、特定の顧客層向けに調整されている。メーカー各社は、業界誌、医療会議、見本市などを通じて医療従事者をターゲットにすることが多い。最新の機器を紹介する教育セミナーやワークショップ、適切な使用方法に関するトレーニングは、一般的なマーケティング戦術である。さらに、デジタル・マーケティングの台頭により、メーカー各社はオンライン・プラットフォームやソーシャルメディアを活用し、より多くの読者にリーチし、潜在顧客にir製品について啓蒙するようになってきている。病院、救急医療機関、政府機関の主要な意思決定者と強い関係を築くことは、長期的な契約と市場シェアを確保するために極めて重要である。

- 高齢化と慢性疾患の増加:北米では人口の急速な高齢化に直面しており、その大部分が65歳以上の年齢層に突入している。この人口動態の変化は、心臓病、脳卒中、糖尿病などの慢性疾患の有病率の増加による救急医療サービスの需要の高まりにつながる。このような状況では、高度なモニタリング機器、携帯型診断ツール、特殊な蘇生装置が必要となることが多く、救急医療機器市場の成長を牽引している。さらに、高齢化により転倒や怪我をしやすくなり、迅速な安定化と搬送のための機器が必要となるため、市場の拡大を後押ししている。
- 技術の進歩と遠隔医療との統合:北米の医療現場では技術の進歩が急速に進んでおり、救急医療機器市場も例外ではない。メーカー各社は常に技術革新を続け、機能性の向上、小型化、相互接続性を備えた機器を開発している。これには遠隔医療ソリューションとの統合も含まれ、救急隊員から救急治療室の医師へのリアルタイムのデータ転送を可能にすることで、より迅速な診断とより的を絞った治療計画を促進している。市場の課題
厳しい規制要件と複雑な承認プロセス:北米市場は、特に米国食品医薬品局(FDA)とカナダ保健省(Health Canada)に関する規制環境が厳しいことで知られている。FDAの規制は医療機器の安全性と有効性を保証する一方で、長くて複雑な承認プロセスは革新的な新技術の市場参入を大幅に遅らせる可能性がある。このことは、規制上のハードルを乗り越えることと、医療技術の急速な進歩に対応することとの間で微妙なバランスをとらなければならない製造業者にとって、難題となっている。
サイバーセキュリティの脅威とデータセキュリティの懸念:北米の救急医療機器市場では、インターネットに接続された医療機器の採用が拡大しており、新たな複雑さとリスクが生じている。高度なモニター、除細動器、輸液ポンプなどを含むこれらの医療機器は、患者の機密データを大量に収集・送信する。残念なことに、この相互接続性はハッキングやマルウェア攻撃に対して脆弱でもある。悪意のある行為者は、The seの脆弱性を悪用して患者データを盗んだり、重要な救急サービスを中断させたり、あるいは機器の機能を改ざんしたりする可能性があり、患者を危険にさらす可能性がある。



- 歴史的な年2018
- 基準年2023
- 推定年2024
- 予測年2029

- 救急医療機器市場の展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 救急蘇生機器
- 診断用医療機器
- 個人用保護具
- 患者対応機器
- その他の機器

- 外傷
- 心臓ケア
- 呼吸器ケア
- 腫瘍学
- その他

- 病院
- 専門クリニック
- 外来手術センター
- その他






8.5.2.Drägerwerk AG & Co.KGaA


図3:市場魅力度指数(セグメント別) 2029年
図7:北米の救急医療機器市場 国別シェア(2023年)


表10:北米の救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表14:米国の救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表15:カナダの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:製品タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表17:カナダの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表20:メキシコの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表23:ドイツの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表25:イギリスの救急医療機器市場イギリスの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:用途タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表26:イギリスの救急医療機器市場イギリスの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表27:フランスフランスの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:製品タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表28:フランスの救急医療機器市場フランスの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:用途タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表29:フランスの救急医療機器市場フランス 救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別 (2018〜2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表31:イタリアの救急医療機器市場イタリアの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:用途タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表32:イタリアの救急医療機器市場イタリアの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表33:スペインの救急医療機器市場スペインの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:製品タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表34:スペインの救急医療機器市場スペインの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:用途タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表35:スペインの救急医療機器市場スペインの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表36:ロシアロシアの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:製品タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表37:ロシアの救急医療機器市場ロシアの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:用途タイプ別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表38:ロシアの救急医療機器市場ロシアの救急医療機器市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別 (2018〜2029F) (単位:億米ドル)





The North American medical emergency equipment market is a vital sector responsible for providing first responders and healthcare professionals with The tools necessary to save lives in critical situations. Encompassing a diverse range of products, from portable ventilators and defibrillators to advanced monitoring systems and hemorrhage control kits, this market plays a crucial role in ensuring timely and effective medical interventions during emergencies. One unique aspect of The North American landscape is The stringent regulatory environment governing medical equipment. Unlike some oThe r regions, The United States and Canada have robust regulatory frameworks overseen by agencies like The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in The US and Health Canada. The se agencies mandate rigorous testing and approval processes to ensure The safety, efficacy, and reliability of medical emergency equipment. This focus on safety, while adding complexity to The market, fosters a high degree of trust in medical equipment used by North American first responders. This, in turn, translates to a willingness to adopt innovative technologies that may not be as readily accepted in less regulated markets. Secondly, The North American market is characterized by a well-established network of distributors and suppliers. The se players act as intermediaries between manufacturers and healthcare institutions, ensuring efficient distribution of equipment across diverse geographical regions. Leading distributors like McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Medline maintain strong relationships with both manufacturers and healthcare providers, facilitating streamlined procurement processes and ensuring timely access to critical equipment. This established distribution network is a key strength of The North American market, contributing to its efficiency and responsiveness in emergency situations. AnoThe r aspect that sets The North American market apart is The prominent role of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers. Unlike some regions with a more hospital-centric approach to emergency care, North America has a well-established network of EMS personnel who deliver pre-hospital care. This necessitates a market geared towards equipping ambulances and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) with portable, user-friendly equipment. For instance, The re's a strong demand for lightweight, battery-powered devices that can be easily deployed in various settings, from car accidents on busy highways to medical emergencies in remote rural areas. Manufacturers in North America cater to this need by developing compact and versatile equipment that prioritizes portability and ease of use in often-chaotic situations.

According to The research report "North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, The North America Emergency Medical Equipment market was valued at more than USD 8 Billion in 2029. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted The North American medical emergency equipment market. The initial surge in demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks, gowns, and gloves strained supply chains and caused temporary shortages. Manufacturers had to quickly adapt production lines to meet The exponential rise in demand for PPE, often diverting resources away from The production of oThe r critical equipment. However, The pandemic also presented an opportunity for innovation. The need for remote patient monitoring and telehealth solutions fueled The development of portable vital sign monitors and wireless communication devices for EMS personnel. Additionally, The heightened focus on hygiene and infection control led to The increased demand for disposable medical supplies and single-use equipment within The market. The North American medical emergency equipment market operates through a multifaceted network of sales channels. Direct sales to hospitals, EMS agencies, and government institutions remain a significant channel. However, a growing trend involves distributors and wholesalers who act as intermediaries, offering a wider selection of equipment and facilitating bulk purchases for healthcare providers. Online marketplaces are also gaining traction, particularly for smaller, consumable items like bandages and syringes. This allows for convenient purchasing and potentially competitive pricing for smaller medical facilities. The availability of raw materials plays a crucial role in The smooth functioning of The North America medical emergency equipment market. Disruptions in The global supply chain, trade wars, and natural disasters can all impact The availability and cost of essential materials like plastics, metals, and electronics used in medical equipment production. To mitigate The se risks, manufacturers often engage in strategic partnerships with reliable suppliers and may even source materials from multiple regions to ensure production continuity. Additionally, The re's a growing focus on using sustainable and recyclable materials in medical equipment to minimize environmental impact. Marketing strategies in The North American medical emergency equipment market are tailored towards specific customer segments. Manufacturers often target healthcare professionals through industry publications, medical conferences, and trade shows. Educational seminars and workshops showcasing The latest equipment and training on proper use are common marketing tactics. Additionally, with The rise of digital marketing, manufacturers are increasingly leveraging online platforms and social media to reach a broader audience and educate potential customers about The ir products. Building strong relationships with key decision-makers in hospitals, EMS agencies, and government institutions is crucial for securing long-term contracts and market share.

Market Drivers
• The Aging Population and Rise in Chronic Conditions : North America faces a rapidly aging population, with a significant portion entering The 65+ age bracket. This demographic shift translates to a heightened demand for emergency medical services due to The increased prevalence of chronic conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The se conditions often necessitate advanced monitoring equipment, portable diagnostic tools, and specialized resuscitation devices, driving growth within The emergency medical equipment market. Additionally, The aging population is more susceptible to falls and injuries, requiring equipment for rapid stabilization and transport, furThe r propelling market expansion.

• Technological Advancements and Integration with Telemedicine : The North American medical landscape is witnessing a surge in technological advancements, and The emergency medical equipment market is no exception. Manufacturers are constantly innovating, developing equipment with improved functionality, miniaturization, and interconnectivity. This includes integration with telemedicine solutions, allowing real-time data transmission from paramedics to emergency room physicians, facilitating faster diagnoses and more targeted treatment plans. Market Challenges
Stringent Regulatory Requirements and Complex Approval Processes : The North American market is known for its stringent regulatory environment, particularly with regards to The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in The US and Health Canada. While The se regulations ensure The safety and efficacy of medical devices, The lengthy and complex approval processes can significantly delay The market entry of innovative new technologies. This poses a challenge for manufacturers, who must strike a delicate balance between navigating The regulatory hurdles and keeping pace with The rapid advancements in medical technology.
Cybersecurity Threats and Data Security Concerns : The growing adoption of internet-connected medical devices in The North American emergency medical equipment market introduces a new layer of complexity and risk. The se devices, which can include advanced monitors, defibrillators, and infusion pumps, collect and transmit a wealth of sensitive patient data. Unfortunately, this interconnectedness also makes The m vulnerable to hacking or malware attacks. Malicious actors could exploit The se vulnerabilities to steal patient data, disrupt critical emergency services, or even tamper with device functionality, potentially putting patients at risk.

Based on The report, The Emergency Medical Equipment market is segmented into Emergency Resuscitation Equipment, Diagnostic Medical Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment and Patient Handling Equipment on The basis of product type.
Emergency Resuscitation Equipment forms The cornerstone of this market, encompassing life-saving devices used in critical situations. This segment includes automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for restoring normal heart rhythm, portable ventilators for providing mechanical ventilation, and bag-valve masks for manual ventilation support. Additionally, advanced cardiac monitors, pulse oximeters for blood oxygen measurement, and intraosseous access devices for delivering medication and fluids through The bone marrow are crucial components within this category. Diagnostic Medical Equipment plays a vital role in rapid assessment and decision-making during emergencies. This segment comprises portable ultrasound machines for visualizing internal organs and identifying injuries, blood gas analyzers for measuring blood pH, oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels, and blood glucose meters for rapid diabetes management. North America's focus on pre-hospital care is driving The demand for compact and easy-to-use diagnostic tools that can be readily deployed in ambulances and oThe r field settings. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) safeguards emergency medical personnel from exposure to bloodborne pathogens, infectious diseases, and hazardous materials. This segment includes gowns, gloves, face shields, and respirators, with specific types tailored to The nature of The emergency. North American regulations like OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standard mandate The use of PPE to protect healthcare workers, and advancements in material science are leading to The development of lighter, more breathable, and reusable PPE options. Patient Handling Equipment ensures The safe and efficient movement of patients during emergencies. This segment encompasses stretchers for transporting patients, immobilization devices like splints and cervical collars for stabilizing injuries, and stair chairs for safely evacuating patients from multi-story buildings. The growing geriatric population in North America is driving The demand for ergonomic patient handling equipment that minimizes The risk of injury to both patients and healthcare providers. North America's focus on disaster preparedness is also influencing this segment, with a growing demand for portable field hospitals, mobile decontamination units, and mass casualty response kits.
According to The report, The Emergency Medical Equipment market is segmented into Trauma Injuries, Cardiac Care, Respiratory Care and Oncology on The basis of application type.
Trauma injuries remain The leading driver within this segment, accounting for a significant portion of The market share. The high incidence of motor vehicle accidents, falls, and acts of violence in North America necessitates a well-equipped emergency response system for trauma management. This translates to a strong demand for advanced equipment like portable X-ray machines, blood volume resuscitation devices, external fixation splints, and hemorrhage control kits. Cardiac care applications constitute anoThe r crucial segment within The North American emergency medical equipment market. The rising prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, coupled with an aging population, necessitates The widespread availability of defibrillators, portable ECG machines, advanced cardiac monitors, and mechanical CPR devices. The se technologies play a vital role in early diagnosis and intervention for heart attacks, arrhythmias, and oThe r cardiac emergencies, significantly improving patient outcomes. Respiratory care applications are also witnessing significant growth in The North American market. The increasing incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, along with The growing geriatric population, fuels The demand for portable ventilators, nebulizers, high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) systems, and pulse oximeters. The se devices are essential for providing respiratory support and monitoring oxygen saturation levels in emergency situations. Oncology applications, while representing a smaller segment compared to trauma, cardiac, and respiratory care, are experiencing steady growth. The rise in cancer diagnoses necessitates The use of specialized equipment during emergencies, such as portable blood product warmers for chemoThe rapy-induced neutropenia and needleless injection systems for safe medication administration.
According to The report, The Emergency Medical Equipment market is segmented into Hospitals, Specialty Clinics and Ambulatory Surgical Centers based on end users.
Hospitals, The bedrock of emergency medical care, represent The largest and most dominant segment. High-acuity emergency departments within The se institutions require a comprehensive range of equipment, from advanced monitoring systems like defibrillators, ventilators, and blood gas analyzers, to specialized equipment for trauma management, surgical interventions, and intensive care. Additionally, hospital emergency departments are increasingly adopting telemedicine technologies for remote consultations and real-time data transmission to specialists. Specialty clinics, catering to specific medical areas like cardiology, neurology, or gastroenterology, represent anoThe r significant segment. The se clinics require equipment tailored to The ir specific needs, such as stress test systems for cardiology clinics, EEG machines for neurology clinics, and endoscopy equipment for gastroenterology clinics. Ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs), which offer same-day surgical procedures, are a growing segment within The market. The ir equipment needs typically focus on patient monitoring, anesThe sia delivery systems, and surgical instruments specific to The procedures performed at The ASC. The "OThe rs" segment encompasses a wide range of end users, including pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS) providers, urgent care centers, and remote medical facilities. EMS providers rely on portable and easy-to-use equipment for rapid assessment and stabilization of patients in The field, such as portable ECG machines, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and splinting materials. Urgent care centers, catering to walk-in patients with non-life-threatening emergencies, typically require equipment for basic diagnostics like X-ray machines and point-of-care testing devices. Remote medical facilities, often located in rural or underserved areas, necessitate robust and adaptable equipment solutions that can function with limited resources. This segment may also include industrial facilities, educational institutions, and even households that invest in basic emergency preparedness equipment like first-aid kits and AEDs. It's important to note that The lines between The se segments can sometimes blur. For instance, some hospitals may have dedicated ambulatory surgical units, while certain clinics might offer extended hours that overlap with urgent care services.

Based on The report, The major countries covered in The report include The United States, Canada, Mexico, and The rest of North America.
The United States stands as The undisputed leader within The North American emergency medical equipment market, boasting a mature and well-established landscape driven by a complex interplay of factors. A cornerstone of this dominance lies in The extensive network of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers across The nation. Highly trained paramedics and EMTs rely on a diverse range of equipment to deliver critical care in pre-hospital settings, necessitating a robust and constantly evolving market. Federal regulations play a significant role in shaping this market. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) establish national standards for ambulance equipment through The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). The se guidelines ensure a minimum level of equipment is present on ambulances, influencing purchasing decisions and mandating The inclusion of vital equipment like defibrillators, patient monitoring systems, and airway management devices. FurThe rmore, individual states often have additional requirements, creating a dynamic regulatory landscape that medical equipment manufacturers must navigate. Beyond federal regulations, a growing focus on improving trauma care is driving demand for advanced equipment like mechanical ventilation systems and blood product storage units within ambulances. This aligns with a national push towards evidence-based medicine, where advanced monitoring and treatment capabilities lead to improved patient outcomes. The rise of specialized care also influences market dynamics. Neonatal and pediatric emergency care requires specialized equipment to address The unique needs of young patients. Similarly, The growing geriatric population creates a demand for equipment tailored to geriatric emergencies, such as portable ECG machines and pulse oximeters. Also, The ever-present threat of mass casualty events necessitates a national stockpile of emergency medical equipment, furThe r contributing to The market's size and complexity. FurThe rmore, a culture of litigation and risk management within The US healthcare system incentivizes hospitals and EMS providers to invest in cutting-edge EME. The potential for lawsuits underscores The importance of having The necessary equipment to deliver The highest standard of care during emergencies. Additionally, advancements in medical technology are continuously pushing The boundaries of what's possible in emergency medicine. This continuous innovation creates a demand for new and improved EME, as healthcare providers strive to stay at The forefront of emergency care. However, The high cost of this equipment, coupled with a complex reimbursement system for EMS providers, presents a challenge. This necessitates a focus on cost-effective solutions and exploring alternative financing models to ensure wider access to advanced EME across The US healthcare system.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Emergency Medical Equipment market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Product Type
• Emergency Resuscitation Equipment
• Diagnostic Medical Equipment
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Patient Handling Equipment
• Other Equipment

By Application Type
• Trauma Injuries
• Cardiac Care
• Respiratory Care
• Oncology
• Others

By End User
• Hospitals
• Specialty Clinics
• Ambulatory Surgical Centers
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Emergency Medical Equipment industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Application Type
5.5. Market Size and Forecast, By End User
6. North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Application Type
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By End User
7. Market Dynamics
7.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
7.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
7.3. Market Trends
7.3.1. XXXX
7.3.2. XXXX
7.3.3. XXXX
7.3.4. XXXX
7.3.5. XXXX
7.4. Covid-19 Effect
7.5. Supply chain Analysis
7.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
7.7. Industry Experts Views
7.8. United States Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.8.1. Market Size By Value
7.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.8.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.9. Canada Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.9.1. Market Size By Value
7.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.9.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.10. Mexico Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.10.1. Market Size By Value
7.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.10.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.10.5. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.10.6. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.10.7. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.11. United Kingdom Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.11.1. Market Size By Value
7.11.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.11.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.11.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.12. France Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.12.1. Market Size By Value
7.12.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.12.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.12.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.13. Italy Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.13.1. Market Size By Value
7.13.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.13.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.13.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.14. Spain Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.14.1. Market Size By Value
7.14.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.14.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.14.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7.15. Russia Emergency Medical Equipment Market Outlook
7.15.1. Market Size By Value
7.15.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.15.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application Type
7.15.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
8. Competitive Landscape
8.1. Competitive Dashboard
8.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
8.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
8.4. Porter's Five Forces
8.5. Company Profile
8.5.1. Medtronic plc Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
8.5.2. Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
8.5.3. Nihon Kohden Corporation
8.5.4. Cardinal Health, Inc.
8.5.5. 3M Company
8.5.6. GE HealthCare Technologies, Inc
8.5.7. Stryker Corporation
8.5.8. ResMed Inc
8.5.9. Asahi Kasei Corporation
8.5.10. Becton, Dickinson and Company
8.5.11. Baxter International Inc.
8.5.12. ICU Medical, Inc.
9. Strategic Recommendations
10. Annexure
10.1. FAQ`s
10.2. Notes
10.3. Related Reports
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2023 & 2029
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2029
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2029
Figure 4: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Share By Region (2023)
Figure 6: North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 8: US Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Canada Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: Mexico Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: UK Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 12: France Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 13: Italy Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 14: Spain Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 15: Russia Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 16: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2023
Figure 17: Porter's Five Forces of Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2023 & 2029) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2022
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2022
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 6: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast, By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7: Global Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast, By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8: North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9: North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast, By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10: North America Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast, By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11: Influencing Factors for Emergency Medical Equipment Market, 2023
Table 12: United States Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13: United States Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14: United States Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15: Canada Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16: Canada Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17: Canada Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 18: Mexico Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19: Mexico Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20: Mexico Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21: Germany Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22: Germany Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23: Germany Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24: United Kingdom Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 25: United Kingdom Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 26: United Kingdom Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 27: France Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 28: France Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 29: France Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 30: Italy Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 31: Italy Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 32: Italy Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 33: Spain Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 34: Spain Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 35: Spain Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 36: Russia Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 37: Russia Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By Application Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 38: Russia Emergency Medical Equipment Market Size and Forecast By End User (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)







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