


Global Industrial Fasteners Market Overview, 2024-29

工業用ファスナーとは、一見ありふれたナット、ボルト、ネジ、リベット、ワッシャーのことで、建築環境の骨組みを結合している。一見単純に見えるこの部品は、無数の製品やインフラ・プロジェクトの構造的完全性... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2024年5月31日 US$2,950
2-3営業日以内 85 英語

※ 調査会社の事情により、予告なしに価格が変更になる場合がございます。





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「工業用ファスナーの世界市場展望、2029年」によると、同市場は2023年の948億8000万米ドルから2029年には1250億米ドルを超えると予測されている。同市場は2024-29年までに年平均成長率4.98%で成長すると予測されている。世界の工業用ファスナー市場は一枚岩ではない。地域差や地域特有のニーズが、使用されるファスナーの種類、生産プロセス、流通チャネルにまで大きく影響している。北米や欧州のような先進国には、確立されたインフラと成熟した製造基盤がある。これらの地域では、厳しい安全規制を満たし、重要な用途で長持ちする性能を確保するために、ステンレス鋼や高強度合金のような頑丈な材料で作られた高性能ファスナーが優先されることが多い。さらに、これらの地域では自動化に重点を置いているため、自動化組立ラインでシームレスに機能する正確な寸法と公差を持つファスナーの生産が必要となる。対照的に、発展途上国では費用対効果が重視されることが多い。これらの地域では高性能のファスナーを必要とする産業もあるが、市場の大部分は炭素鋼や低コストの代替品から製造された標準グレードのファスナーを利用している。手頃な価格を重視するあまり、現地生産や近隣諸国からの輸入に頼ることが多い。加えて、一部の発展途上国では非公式市場と小規模製造業が普及しているため、先進国で観察されるより標準化された需要パターンに比べて、少量かつ多種多様なファスナーに対する需要が生まれる可能性がある。環境の持続可能性に対する世界的な関心の高まりは、工業用ファスナー市場に独自の影響を及ぼしている。伝統的に、ファスナーの製造はエネルギーを大量に消費し、廃棄物を発生させる工程を含んでいた。しかし、持続可能な慣行を取り入れ、リサイクル材料を開発・利用したり、環境負荷の低い代替生産方法を模索したりするメーカーが増えています。グリーン・ファスナー」のコンセプトは、リサイクル・コンテンツの使用だけでなく、生産プロセスのエネルギー効率や責任ある廃棄物管理戦略の実施などの要素も含みます。このような持続可能性へのシフトは、環境に優しい製品に対する消費者の需要の高まり、一部の地域における環境規制の強化、工業プロセスの環境への影響に対する意識の高まりなど、さまざまな要因が絡み合って推進されている。持続可能な慣行を優先し、革新的なグリーン・ファスナー・ソリューションを開発するメーカーは、世界市場内で競争力を獲得する可能性が高い。

- 原材料価格の変動:工業用ファスナー市場は、鉄鋼やアルミニウムなどの原材料価格の変動の影響を受けやすい。価格の変動は、ファスナーメーカーの生産コストと全体的な収益性に大きな影響を与える可能性がある。ヘッジや原材料サプライヤーとの長期契約の確保といった戦略は、この課題を軽減するのに役立つ。さらに、代替材料を探したり、効率を高めるために生産工程を最適化したりすることで、変動する原材料費からある程度身を守ることができます。
- 偽造品と規格外品:グローバル市場における偽造品と規格外ファスナーの存在は、重大な課題である。これらの製品は要求される性能基準を満たさないことが多く、重要な用途における安全性を損なう可能性がある。偽造品と闘うためには、強固な認証手続きと相まって、サプライチェーン全体にわたる厳格な品質管理措置が極めて重要である。さらに、信頼できるサプライヤーから認証されたファスナーを使用することの重要性についてエンドユーザーの認識を高めることは、安全性とプロジェクトの完全性を確保するために不可欠である。
- 地政学的緊張と貿易の混乱:地政学的緊張と貿易の混乱は世界の工業用ファスナー市場に大きな影響を与える可能性がある。地政学的混乱は、輸入制限、サプライチェーンのボトルネック、輸送コストの上昇につながる可能性がある。メーカー各社は、サプライヤーを多様化し、さまざまな地域の信頼できるベンダーとのパートナーシップを確立することで、この難局を乗り切ることができる。さらに、現地生産やニアショアリングの機会を探ることで、地政学的不安定や貿易の混乱に伴うリスクを軽減することができる。





- 2024年5月:チタン製品メーカーのIperionXと高性能ファスナーメーカーのベガス・ファスナーは、米陸軍地上車両システムセンター(GVSC)向けにチタン合金ファスナーを開発・製造するために提携した。この提携は、IperionXのチタンプリフォームとニアネットシェイプの専門知識とベガス・ファスナーの精密機械加工の経験を活用し、米陸軍の仕様を満たすファスナーを提供するものである。このプロジェクトは、軍用地上車両におけるチタン製ファスナーの可能性を示すもので、性能と耐久性を高める可能性がある。
- 2024年4月ASAPセミコンダクターのオンライン・プラットフォームであるASAP Fastenersは、世界の航空宇宙グレード・ファスナー市場における需要の高まりに対応するため、在庫を拡大した。この拡張には、ベアリング、ファスナー、コネクター、その他様々なハードウェアソリューションを含む20億を超える部品の既存データベースに新しいリストを追加することが含まれます。拡張された製品には、BAC標準部品、NAS標準部品、Mil-STD部品、および関連する航空宇宙認証を満たす部品が含まれます。この戦略的な動きは、防衛請負業者、政府機関、航空会社を含む多様な顧客ベースのニーズに対応することを目的としている。

- 歴史的な年2018
- 基準年2023
- 推定年2024
- 予測年2029

- 工業用ファスナー市場の展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な推進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 金属
- プラスチック

- 外ネジ
- 内ネジ
- 非ネジ
- 航空宇宙グレードファスナー

- 自動車
- 航空宇宙
- 建築・建設
- 産業機械
- 家電製品
- 配管製品
- その他








図2: 市場魅力度指数(2029年地域別)
図13:南米の工業用ファスナー市場 国別シェア(2023年)


表11:北米の工業用ファスナー市場規模・予測:外ネジ別 (2018〜2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表17:アジア太平洋地域の工業用ファスナーの市場規模・予測:外部ネジ切りタイプ別 (2018〜2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表23:中東・アフリカの工業用ファスナー市場規模・予測:外ねじ式 (2018〜2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表24:中東・アフリカ工業用ファスナーの市場規模・予測:用途別 (2018〜2029F) (単位:億米ドル)





Industrial fasteners, The seemingly mundane nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, and washers that bind togeThe r The framework of our built environment, represent a vital but often overlooked cog in The machinery of global industry. The se seemingly simple components play a critical role in ensuring The structural integrity, functionality, and safety of countless products and infrastructure projects. The global industrial fasteners market encompasses a diverse range of products, materials, and applications, reflecting The vast spectrum of industries that rely on The ir secure and reliable performance. Beyond The sheer volume and variety of industrial fasteners produced and consumed globally, The market landscape presents some unique characteristics that differentiate it from oThe r industrial sectors. One such distinction lies in The intricate relationship between established and emerging economies. Developed nations often possess well-developed manufacturing capabilities for high-end, specialized fasteners catering to critical applications in sectors like aerospace, automotive, and energy production. The se fasteners require stringent quality control measures and often utilize advanced materials like high-strength alloys or corrosion-resistant steels. On The oThe r hand, developing economies are increasingly becoming production hubs for more basic, standardized fasteners. Lower labor costs and a growing industrial base in The se regions make The m competitive in producing The se high-volume, cost-sensitive fasteners. This dynamic between established and emerging economies fosters a complex global supply chain for industrial fasteners. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and construction companies in developed nations may source high-end, specialized fasteners from domestic manufacturers or established players in oThe r developed economies. However, for standardized fasteners, The y may turn to suppliers in developing regions to optimize costs. This interplay between established and emerging markets necessitates a high degree of flexibility and adaptability for manufacturers within The global industrial fasteners market. The ability to cater to both high-end, niche applications and cost-sensitive, high-volume production allows manufacturers to navigate this complex global landscape effectively. FurThe rmore, The rise of automation and digitalization within The manufacturing sector is impacting The industrial fasteners market in unique ways. The growing adoption of automated assembly lines necessitates The use of precisely engineered fasteners that can be seamlessly integrated into automated processes. Manufacturers are responding to this demand by developing fasteners with consistent dimensions, superior strength, and compatibility with automated feeding and tightening systems. Additionally, advancements in digital technologies like 3D printing and additive manufacturing hold promise for The creation of customized industrial fasteners for specific applications.

According to the research report, “Global Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook, 2029” published by Bonafide Research, the market is anticipated to cross USD 125 Billion by 2029, increasing from USD 94.88 Billion in 2023. The market is expected to grow with 4.98% CAGR by 2024-29. The global industrial fasteners market is not a monolithic entity. Regional variations and localized needs significantly influence The types of fasteners used, production processes, and even distribution channels. Developed economies, like those in North America and Europe, have a well-established infrastructure and a mature manufacturing base. The se regions often prioritize high-performance fasteners made from robust materials like stainless steel or high-strength alloys to meet stringent safety regulations and ensure long-lasting performance in critical applications. FurThe rmore, The presence of a strong focus on automation within The se regions necessitates The production of fasteners with precise dimensions and tolerances to function seamlessly with automated assembly lines. In contrast, developing economies often exhibit a greater emphasis on cost-effectiveness. While some industries within The se regions may require high-performance fasteners, a significant portion of The market utilizes standard-grade fasteners manufactured from carbon steel or lower-cost alternatives. The focus on affordability is often coupled with a reliance on local production or imports from neighboring countries. Additionally, The prevalence of informal markets and smaller-scale manufacturing in some developing economies can create a demand for smaller quantities and a wider variety of fastener types compared to more standardized demand patterns observed in developed economies. The growing global focus on environmental sustainability is impacting The industrial fasteners market in a unique way. Traditionally, manufacturing fasteners has involved processes that can be energy-intensive and generate waste. However, a growing number of manufacturers are embracing sustainable practices, developing and utilizing recycled materials or exploring alternative production methods with lower environmental impact. The concept of "green fasteners" encompasses not only The use of recycled content but also factors like The energy efficiency of production processes and The implementation of responsible waste management strategies. This shift towards sustainability is driven by a combination of factors, including growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products, stricter environmental regulations in some regions, and a rising awareness of The environmental impact of industrial processes. Manufacturers that prioritize sustainable practices and develop innovative green fastener solutions are likely to gain a competitive edge within The global market.

Market Drivers
Growth in Construction and Infrastructure Development: The ongoing infrastructure boom across The globe, encompassing projects like high-speed rail networks, bridges, and power plants, is a significant driver for The industrial fasteners market. The se large-scale infrastructure projects require vast quantities of fasteners for construction and assembly purposes. Additionally, a rising focus on urban development and smart city initiatives in many regions is expected to furThe r propel demand for industrial fasteners in The coming years.
Advancements in Manufacturing Technologies: The constant evolution of manufacturing technologies is creating new opportunities for The industrial fasteners market. For instance, The emergence of 3D printing technologies allows for The production of complex, customized fasteners with intricate designs. This opens doors for innovative fastener solutions that may not have been feasible with traditional manufacturing methods. FurThe rmore, advancements in CNC machining and oThe r precision machining techniques enable The production of high-tolerance fasteners with consistent quality, crucial for many modern industrial applications.
Stringent Regulations and Quality Standards: Governments around The world are implementing increasingly stringent regulations regarding construction safety, product liability, and material quality. The se regulations often mandate The use of high-performance, certified fasteners in critical applications. For instance, The construction sector may require fasteners that meet specific fire resistance standards, while The automotive industry necessitates fasteners that comply with stringent safety regulations. This emphasis on quality and safety standards drives demand for premium industrial fasteners within The global market.
Market Challenges
• Fluctuations in Raw Material Prices: The industrial fasteners market is susceptible to fluctuations in The prices of raw materials, such as steel and aluminium. The se price fluctuations can significantly impact production costs and overall profitability for fastener manufacturers. Strategies like hedging or securing long-term contracts with raw material suppliers can help mitigate this challenge. Additionally, exploring alternative materials or optimizing production processes for increased efficiency can offer some protection against volatile raw material costs.
• Counterfeiting and Substandard Products: The presence of counterfeit and substandard fasteners in The global market poses a significant challenge. The se products often fail to meet The required performance standards and can compromise safety in critical applications. Stringent quality control measures throughout The supply chain, coupled with robust certification procedures, are crucial to combat counterfeiting. FurThe rmore, raising awareness among end-users about The importance of using certified fasteners from reputable suppliers is essential to ensure safety and project integrity.
• Geopolitical Tensions and Trade Disruptions: Geopolitical tensions and trade disruptions can significantly impact The global industrial fasteners market. The se disruptions can lead to import restrictions, supply chain bottlenecks, and increased transportation costs. Manufacturers can navigate this challenge by diversifying The ir supplier base and establishing partnerships with reliable vendors across different geographical regions. Additionally, exploring opportunities for local production or near-shoring can help mitigate The risks associated with geopolitical instability and trade disruptions.
Market Trends
Embracing Automation and Smart Fasteners: The global industrial landscape is witnessing a surge in automation across various sectors. Assembly lines are becoming increasingly sophisticated, incorporating robots and oThe r automated equipment. This trend translates to a growing demand for fasteners that seamlessly integrate with The se automated systems. Here, smart fasteners equipped with sensors or RFID tags are gaining traction. The se fasteners can provide real-time data on torque, temperature, or oThe r critical parameters, facilitating predictive maintenance and optimizing assembly processes.
The Rise of Green Fasteners and Sustainable Practices: Growing environmental concerns are prompting a shift towards sustainable practices within The industrial fasteners market. Manufacturers are increasingly developing and utilizing recycled materials in fastener production. For instance, The use of recycled steel scrap is on The rise, offering an eco-friendly alternative to virgin materials. FurThe rmore, advancements in surface treatment technologies are enabling The development of corrosion-resistant fasteners that require less frequent replacement, The reby reducing overall environmental impact.
Customization and Specialization for Niche Applications: The global industrial landscape is becoming increasingly specialized, with diverse end-user industries requiring fasteners with unique properties and functionalities. This trend is driving The demand for customized fasteners tailored to specific applications. For instance, The aerospace industry necessitates lightweight, high-strength fasteners that can withstand extreme temperatures and vibrations. Similarly, The medical device sector requires fasteners made from biocompatible materials that meet stringent hygiene and safety standards. Manufacturers are actively developing new alloys and exploring innovative production techniques to cater to this growing demand for specialized fasteners.

Metals lead in The Industrial Fasteners market due to The ir high strength, durability, and heat resistance. Externally threaded fasteners lead in The Industrial Fasteners market due to The ir ease of use, versatility, and diverse performance options.
Metal reigns supreme as The leading raw material segment within The global industrial fasteners market. This dominance can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, metals possess inherent properties like high strength, durability, and heat resistance, making The m ideal for applications that demand structural integrity and The ability to withstand significant loads or harsh environments. Construction projects, heavy machinery assembly, and automotive manufacturing all rely heavily on metal fasteners to ensure The stability and longevity of structures and equipment. Secondly, The availability of various metal types like steel, stainless steel, aluminium, and brass allows for a wide range of performance options within The market. Standard carbon steel offers a cost-effective solution for many general-purpose applications, while high-strength alloys like stainless steel or Inconel cater to critical applications requiring superior corrosion resistance or high-temperature performance. FurThe rmore, advancements in metal processing techniques like forging or cold heading enable The production of high-precision metal fasteners with consistent dimensions and tolerances, crucial for optimal performance in modern industrial machinery. Externally threaded fasteners, encompassing products like bolts, screws, studs, and lag screws, hold The leading position within The global industrial fasteners market by product type. The se versatile fasteners offer a simple yet effective solution for creating secure connections across diverse applications. The ir dominance can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, externally threaded fasteners are relatively easy to install and remove, using readily available tools like wrenches or screwdrivers. This ease of use makes The m suitable for a wide range of applications, from simple furniture assembly to complex machinery repairs. Secondly, The vast array of designs and sizes available within The externally threaded segment caters to a multitude of needs. From standard hex bolts used in construction to specialized machine screws with unique thread profiles, The re's an externally threaded fastener solution for nearly any application. FurThe rmore, advancements in thread design and surface treatments have enhanced The performance capabilities of externally threaded fasteners. For instance, self-locking threads can prevent loosening due to vibration, while anti-corrosion coatings extend The lifespan of fasteners in harsh environments.

Automative sector leads in The Industrial Fasteners market due rising global vehicle production, The increasing adoption of electric vehicles, and The ongoing advancements in automotive technology.
Within The global industrial fasteners market, The automotive sector reigns supreme as The leading application segment. This dominance can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, The sheer volume of vehicles produced annually translates into a massive demand for a diverse range of fasteners across various automotive segments. From high-performance engines in luxury cars to lightweight materials used in electric vehicles, each car requires a multitude of fasteners to ensure structural integrity, component assembly, and overall functionality. Secondly, The relentless pursuit of safety and fuel efficiency within The automotive industry necessitates The use of high-strength, lightweight fasteners. The se fasteners are meticulously engineered to withstand extreme temperatures, vibrations, and stresses encountered during vehicle operation. Materials like high-strength steel alloys, aluminium, and even titanium are commonly used in automotive fasteners to achieve The desired balance of strength, weight reduction, and corrosion resistance. FurThe rmore, The growing trend towards vehicle electrification presents a unique opportunity for The industrial fasteners market. Electric vehicles incorporate specialized battery packs, electric motors, and power electronics, each requiring fasteners that can handle The unique The rmal and electrical properties associated with The se components. Additionally, The emphasis on lightweight design in electric vehicles to maximize range necessitates The use of specialized fasteners made from advanced materials like composite blends or high-strength aluminium alloys. The global market for automotive fasteners is furThe r influenced by regional variations in vehicle production and consumer preferences. For instance, North America and Europe have a well-established presence of major automotive manufacturers, with a high demand for premium vehicles that utilize a higher proportion of high-strength and specialized fasteners. In contrast, developing regions like Asia witness a significant production volume of budget-oriented vehicles, where cost-effectiveness plays a crucial role in fastener selection. Manufacturers in The se regions may prioritize standard-grade fasteners while still adhering to essential safety standards.

Asia-Pacific leads in The Industrial Fasteners market due to The region’s robust manufacturing base, rapid infrastructure development, rising consumer demand, cost-competitive production, and increasing automation.

The Asia Pacific (APAC) region reigns supreme as The leading market for industrial fasteners globally. This dominance can be attributed to a confluence of factors that create a robust demand environment. Firstly, APAC boasts a well-established and diverse manufacturing base encompassing automotive, construction, electronics, and various oThe r sectors that rely heavily on industrial fasteners for assembly lines, infrastructure projects, and overall product integrity. This strong manufacturing sector translates into a consistent and significant demand for a wide range of fasteners, from high-strength bolts used in heavy machinery to standard screws utilized in everyday electronics production. Secondly, several APAC countries, particularly China and India, are experiencing rapid urbanization and significant infrastructure development projects. The se initiatives necessitate vast quantities of industrial fasteners for construction purposes, propelling demand across various fastener categories. FurThe rmore, The presence of a growing middle class with rising disposable incomes within The APAC region fuels The demand for consumer durables like automobiles and home appliances, furThe r contributing to The need for industrial fasteners in The se sectors. Beyond The sheer market size, The APAC industrial fasteners market presents a unique landscape with distinct characteristics. A focus on cost-effectiveness is prevalent, particularly among smaller manufacturers and businesses within The region. This can lead to a significant demand for lower-cost fasteners, although The re's a growing emphasis on maintaining a balance between affordability and quality. Additionally, The presence of a sizeable informal sector in some APAC countries creates a demand for readily available, standardized fasteners. However, this segment is increasingly recognizing The importance of using certified fasteners that meet safety standards. To cater to this diverse market, manufacturers are adopting innovative approaches, such as developing high-volume production capabilities to achieve cost efficiencies while simultaneously investing in quality control measures to ensure product reliability. The APAC region is also witnessing a growing focus on sustainability within The industrial fasteners market. Manufacturers are exploring The use of recycled materials and implementing eco-friendly production processes to minimize environmental impact.

• May 2024: IperionX, a titanium product manufacturer, and Vegas Fastener, a producer of high-performance fasteners, have joined forces to develop and manufacture titanium alloy fasteners for The US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC). This collaboration leverages IperionX's expertise in titanium pre-forms and near-net shapes with Vegas Fastener's experience in precision machining to deliver fasteners meeting The US Army's specifications. The project signifies The potential of titanium fasteners in military ground vehicles, potentially enhancing performance and durability.
• April 2024: ASAP Fasteners, an online platform by ASAP Semiconductor, has broadened its inventory to cater to The rising demand in The global aerospace-grade fastener market. This expansion includes adding new listings to The ir existing database of over 2 billion parts, encompassing bearings, fasteners, connectors, and various oThe r hardware solutions. The expanded offerings include BAC standard parts, NAS standard parts, Mil-STD components, and parts meeting oThe r relevant aerospace certifications. This strategic move aims to address The needs of a diverse customer base including defense contractors, government entities, and airlines.

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Industrial Fastener market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By raw material
• Metal
• plastic

By Product
• Externally Threaded
• internally threaded
• Non Threaded
• aerospace Grade Fastener

By Application
• Automotive
• Aerospace
• Building & Construction
• Industrial Machinery
• Home Appliances
• Plumbing products
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Industrial fastener industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Market Dynamics
2.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
2.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
2.3. Market Trends
2.3.1. XXXX
2.3.2. XXXX
2.3.3. XXXX
2.3.4. XXXX
2.3.5. XXXX
2.4. Covid-19 Effect
2.5. Supply chain Analysis
2.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
2.7. Industry Experts Views
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Market Structure
4.1. Market Considerate
4.2. Assumptions
4.3. Limitations
4.4. Abbreviations
4.5. Sources
4.6. Definitions
5. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
6. Global Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Region
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Geography
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded
6.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
7. North America Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size By Value
7.2. Market Share By Country
7.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material
7.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded
7.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
8. Europe Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size By Value
8.2. Market Share By Country
8.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material
8.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded
8.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
9. Asia-Pacific Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size By Value
9.2. Market Share By Country
9.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material
9.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded
9.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
10. South America Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size By Value
10.2. Market Share By Country
10.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material
10.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded
10.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
11. Middle East & Africa Industrial Fasteners Market Outlook
11.1. Market Size By Value
11.2. Market Share By Country
11.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material
11.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded
11.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Dashboard
12.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
12.3. Key Players Market Share Insights and Analysis, 2022
12.4. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
12.5. Porter's Five Forces
12.6. Company Profile
12.6.1. MISUMI Group Inc. Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
12.6.2. Illinois Tool Works Inc.
12.6.3. The SFS Group AG
12.6.4. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
12.6.5. Precision Castparts Corp.
12.6.6. Arconic Corporation
12.6.7. Hilti Corporation
12.6.8. TriMas Corporation
12.6.9. Bollhoff Group
12.6.10. The Würth Group
13. Strategic Recommendations
14. Annexure
14.1. FAQ`s
14.2. Notes
14.3. Related Reports
15. Disclaimer

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2023 & 2029
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2029
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2029
Figure 4: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Share By Region (2023)
Figure 6: North America Industrial Fasteners Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: North America Industrial Fasteners Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 8: Europe Industrial Fasteners Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Europe Industrial Fasteners Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 10: Asia-Pacific Industrial Fasteners Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Asia-Pacific Industrial Fasteners Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 12: South America Industrial Fasteners Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 13: South America Industrial Fasteners Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 14: Middle East & Africa Industrial Fasteners Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 15: Middle East & Africa Industrial Fasteners Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 16: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2023
Figure 17: Market Share insights of key players, 2023
Figure 18: Porter's Five Forces of Global Industrial Fasteners Market

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2023 & 2029) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Influencing Factors for Industrial Fasteners Market, 2023
Table 3: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2022
Table 4: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2022
Table 5: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 6: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Geography (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9: Global Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10: North America Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11: North America Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12: North America Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13: Europe Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14: Europe Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15: Europe Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16: Asia-Pacific Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17: Asia-Pacific Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 18: Asia-Pacific Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19: South America Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20: South America Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21: South America Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22: Middle East & Africa Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Raw Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23: Middle East & Africa Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Externally Threaded (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24: Middle East & Africa Industrial Fasteners Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billion)






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