

Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Outlook, 2029

中東・アフリカ(MEA)の食品保存市場は、人口増加、都市化、消費者のライフスタイルの変化、可処分所得の増加など、さまざまな要因によってダイナミックに進化する分野である。食品保管ソリューションは、食品を... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2024年4月30日 US$2,950
79 英語





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「中東・アフリカの食品貯蔵市場の展望、2029年」によると、中東・アフリカの食品貯蔵市場は2029年までに100億米ドル以上の市場規模に達すると予測されている。MEA地域の食品貯蔵市場は、便利で衛生的な食品貯蔵ソリューションに対する需要の増加に後押しされ、着実な成長を遂げている。人口の増加と都市化率の上昇に伴い、効率的な食品保存方法の必要性が顕著になっている。急速な都市化とライフスタイルの変化により、家庭で食品を保存するための便利で効率的な方法に対するニーズが高まり、冷蔵庫、冷凍庫、その他の保存製品の普及が進んでいる。アフリカは主要な農業地域であり、多様な気候と豊富な天然資源を有する。効果的な食品貯蔵ソリューションは、不十分な貯蔵施設、害虫の侵入、腐敗などの要因によって引き起こされるポストハーベスト・ロスを軽減する上で極めて重要である。コールドチェーン・インフラへの投資は、腐敗しやすい農産物を保存するために特に重要である。保存食品の安全性と衛生を確保する食品保存ソリューションへの需要が高まっている。MEA地域の消費者は食中毒や汚染に対する懸念を強めており、食品の鮮度を維持し腐敗を防ぐ製品を好むようになっている。MEA地域の多くの地域では高温が一般的であるため、正確な温度制御を提供する食品保存ソリューションが非常に必要とされている。冷蔵庫、冷凍庫、低温貯蔵施設は、生鮮食品の品質と安全性を、特に輸送中や貯蔵中に維持するために不可欠である。MEA地域の消費者はますます多忙なライフスタイルを採用するようになっており、便利で利用しやすい食品保存ソリューションへの需要が高まっている。これには、電子レンジ対応容器、再販可能な袋、食品の整理と取り出しが容易な積み重ね可能な保管システムなどの製品が含まれる。MEA地域では、環境問題や持続可能性への関心が高まっている。消費者は、環境にやさしく、リサイクル可能で、食品廃棄を減らす食品保存ソリューションをますます求めるようになっている。これには、再利用可能な容器、生分解性包装材料、エネルギー効率の高い冷蔵システムなどが含まれる。

- 人口増加と都市化:MEA地域では急速な人口増加と都市化が進んでいる。都市部への人口移動が進むにつれて、加工食品や包装食品への需要が高まり、食品貯蔵施設やインフラへの要求が高まっている。都市化はまた、生産センターから都市市場へ生鮮食品をタイムリーに配送するための効率的なコールドチェーン・ロジスティクスの必要性も高める。
- 消費者の嗜好の変化:可処分所得の上昇と世界的な食品トレンドへの関心の高まりに伴い、MEA 地域の消費者はますます簡便食品、冷凍食品、調理済み食 べ物を求めるようになっている。消費者の嗜好が簡便食品や加工食品へと変化しているため、サプライ・チェーン全体を通じて生鮮品の品質と安全性を維持するための冷蔵施設や冷凍技術に対する需要が高まっている。

- インフラの限界:MEA 地域における重大な課題のひとつは、特に農村部や遠隔地において、食品の保管と流通のためのインフラが不十分であることである。信頼できる電力へのアクセスが限られていること、道路網が貧弱であること、コールド・チェーン施設が不十分であることなどが、生鮮食品を保存して賞味期限を延ばす上で重大な課題となっている。こうしたインフラの格差に対処するには、政府、民間セクターの利害関係者、国際機関の間で多額の投資と協力が必要である。
- 気候および環境要因:MEA 地域は、食品の腐敗を早める可能性のある高温・多湿などの極端な気候条件を特徴とする。さらに、この地域は洪水、干ばつ、砂嵐などの自然災害に見舞われやすく、食品サプライ・チェーンを混乱させ、貯蔵施設に損害を与える可能性がある。気候変動はこうした課題を悪化させ、予測不可能な天候パターンをもたらし、極端な事象の頻度と強度を増大させるため、強固な適応戦略と弾力性のある食品貯蔵インフラへの投資が必要となる。
- 技術革新の採用:インフラストラクチャーの制約を克服し、食品貯蔵業務の効率を高めるため、太陽電池式冷凍システム、コールドチェーン・ モニタリング・ソリューション、自動化貯蔵施設などの技術革新を採用する傾向が強まっている。こうした技術は、エネルギー消費の最適化、運用コストの削減、保存食品の品質と安全性の向上に役立つ。
- 食糧安全保障と持続可能性に焦点を当てる:MEA 地域の政府および組織は、国民が安全で栄養価の高い食糧を十分に入手できるようにするため、食糧安全保障と持続可能 性への取り組みをますます優先するようになっている。これには、持続可能な農業慣行の推進、食品廃棄物の削減、環境への影響を最小限に抑える気候に対応した貯蔵ソリューションへの投資などが含まれる。さらに、サプライ・チェーンにおける自給自足と外部からの衝撃に対する回復力を強化するために、地域の食糧生産と貯蔵能力を強化することが重視されるようになっている。

Bottles & Jars社は、文化的に配慮した革新的なパッケージング・ソリューションに重点を置き、この地域の人々の多様なニーズを満たすことで、中東・アフリカの食品貯蔵市場をリードしている。

中東・アフリカ市場でBottles & Jarsが優位に立つ主な理由の1つは、文化的に敏感で、地域の伝統や習慣を尊重したパッケージング・ソリューションの提供に力を入れていることである。多様な文化的・宗教的背景を特徴とするこの地域では、包装は食品を保存するだけでなく、文化的価値観や慣習を反映するという重要な役割を担っている。Bottles & Jarsはこの重要性を認識し、地域の人々の文化的規範や嗜好と調和するパッケージングデザインや素材を開発してきました。製品のハラル認証の確保であれ、文化に関連したモチーフやデザインを取り入れることであれ、Bottles & Jarsのパッケージング・ソリューションは消費者と深いレベルで共鳴し、多様なコミュニティーの信頼と忠誠心を育んでいる。Bottles & Jarsのイノベーション重視の姿勢は、中東・アフリカ市場でのリーダーとしての地位を確固たるものにしている。この地域のダイナミックで急速に進化する消費者環境は、機能的であるだけでなく、革新的で技術的に進んだパッケージング・ソリューションを求めている。Bottles & Jarsは研究開発に投資し、包装ソリューションの機能性、使いやすさ、持続可能性を高める新素材、デザイン、機能を導入することで、この課題に立ち向かってきた。Bottles & Jars社は、中東およびアフリカ全域の現地サプライヤー、流通業者、小売業者と強力なパートナーシップと協力関係を築き、複雑で多様な市場環境に効果的に浸透し、ナビゲートすることを可能にしています。




中東およびアフリカの食品貯蔵市場における冷蔵庫アプリケーションの優位性は、この地域に蔓延する特有の課題に対処する能力によって支えられている。この傾向を促進する主な要因の 1 つは、この地域の気候条件であり、気温の上昇と乾燥した環境が特徴である。このような過酷な環境では、周囲温度が生鮮品にとって最適な保存条件を超えることが多く、冷蔵技術は食品の鮮度を保ち、腐敗を防ぐための重要なソリューションを提供する。冷蔵庫は、温度と湿度を調節した環境を作り出すことで、生鮮品の賞味期限を延ばし、長期間にわたって消費できるようにします。さらに、中東とアフリカの多くの地域では電力供給が断続的であるため、食料供給を途絶から守る冷蔵技術の重要性が強調されている。エネルギー効率の高いコンプレッサー、断熱材、バックアップ電源オプションなどの機能を備えた冷蔵庫は、停電時でも食品の鮮度を維持する信頼性の高い手段を提供する。このような回復力は、電力へのアクセスが制限されていたり信頼性が低かったりする農村部やインフォーマルな居住地では特に不可欠であり、外部環境に関係なく、地域社会が安全で栄養価の高い食品を入手できるようにする。文化的嗜好と食習慣は、この地域における冷蔵庫アプリケーションの需要を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。中東でもアフリカでも、生鮮食品、乳製品、肉類は伝統的な料理の主食であり、その品質と風味を維持するために適切な保管ソリューションが必要である。冷蔵庫は、これらの生鮮食材を保存するだけでなく、文化的伝統や料理の伝統を反映して、家庭でさまざまな家庭料理や保存食を調理・保存することを可能にする。さらに、冷蔵技術は、中東やアフリカの料理に欠かせないナツメヤシ、オリーブ、スパイスなど、文化的に重要な品目の保存を容易にします。




- 歴史的な年2018
- 基準年2023
- 推定年2024
- 予測年2029

- 食品保存容器市場の展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な推進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- ボトル&ジャー
- 箱
- 缶
- カップ&チューブ
- その他(袋・パウチ)

- プラスチック
- ガラス
- 金属
- その他

- 冷蔵庫
- 冷凍庫
- パントリー収納
- 持ち帰り用ランチ容器
- その他










表10:中東・アフリカの食品保存容器の市場規模・予測:用途別(2018~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)
表20:南アフリカの食品保存容器市場規模・予測:用途別(2018年~2029F) (単位:億米ドル)





The food storage market in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) is a dynamic and evolving sector driven by various factors such as population growth, urbanization, changing consumer lifestyles, and increasing disposable incomes. Food storage solutions encompass a wide range of products and technologies designed to preserve and protect food items from spoilage, contamination, and other adverse environmental conditions. The food storage market in the MEA region is characterized by the presence of both global and regional players. Competition is intense, with companies competing on factors such as product quality, pricing, distribution network, and after-sales service. The market for food storage solutions in the MEA region encompasses various products such as refrigerators, freezers, storage containers, bags, wraps, and packaging materials. These products cater to both residential and commercial consumers, including households, restaurants, hotels, and food processing industries. In MEA where temperatures could soar during the day and drop significantly at night, underground storage facilities such as root cellars were commonly used to preserve fruits, vegetables, grains, and other perishable food items. Drying was a prevalent method of food preservation in many parts of the Middle East and Africa. Fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish were dried in the sun or using other methods to remove moisture and inhibit bacterial growth. Sun-drying, in particular, was and still is a common practice for preserving fruits, vegetables, and herbs in regions with abundant sunlight. The food storage market in the MEA region is subject to various regulations and standards governing food safety, packaging materials, and labelling requirements. Compliance with these regulations is essential for manufacturers and suppliers to ensure the quality and safety of their products. The food storage market in the MEA region is poised for further growth driven by factors such as increasing urbanization, rising consumer disposable incomes, changing dietary habits, and the growing popularity of convenience foods. Additionally, the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly food storage solutions is expected to gain traction in the coming years.

According to the research report "Middle East & Africa Food Storage Market Outlook, 2029," published by Bonafide Research, the Middle East & Africa Food Storage market is anticipated to reach market size of more than USD 10 Billion by 2029. The food storage market in the MEA region has been experiencing steady growth, fuelled by the increasing demand for convenient and hygienic food storage solutions. With a growing population and rising urbanization rates, the need for efficient food preservation methods has become more pronounced. Rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have increased the need for convenient and efficient methods of storing food at home, leading to a higher uptake of refrigerators, freezers, and other storage products. Africa is a major agricultural region, with diverse climates and abundant natural resources. Effective food storage solutions are crucial in mitigating post-harvest losses caused by factors such as inadequate storage facilities, pest infestation, and spoilage. Investments in cold chain infrastructure are particularly important for preserving perishable agricultural produce. There is a growing demand for food storage solutions that ensure the safety and hygiene of stored food items. Consumers in the MEA region are increasingly concerned about foodborne illnesses and contamination, leading to a preference for products that maintain food freshness and prevent spoilage. With high temperatures prevalent in many parts of the MEA region, there is a critical need for food storage solutions that offer precise temperature control. Refrigerators, freezers, and cold storage facilities are essential for preserving the quality and safety of perishable food items, particularly during transportation and storage. Consumers in the MEA region are increasingly adopting busy lifestyles, leading to a demand for convenient and accessible food storage solutions. This includes products such as microwave-safe containers, resalable bags, and stackable storage systems that facilitate easy organization and retrieval of food items. There is a growing awareness of environmental issues and sustainability concerns in the MEA region. Consumers are increasingly seeking food storage solutions that are eco-friendly, recyclable, and reduce food wastage. This includes reusable containers, biodegradable packaging materials, and energy-efficient refrigeration systems.

Market Drivers
• Population Growth and Urbanization: The MEA region is experiencing rapid population growth and urbanization. As more people move to urban areas, there is a greater demand for processed and packaged foods, leading to increased requirements for food storage facilities and infrastructure. Urbanization also drives the need for efficient cold chain logistics to ensure the timely delivery of perishable goods from production centres to urban markets.
• Changing Consumer Preferences: With rising disposable incomes and exposure to global food trends, consumers in the MEA region are increasingly seeking convenience foods, frozen foods, and ready-to-eat meals. This shift in consumer preferences towards convenience and processed foods is boosting the demand for cold storage facilities and refrigeration technologies to maintain the quality and safety of perishable goods throughout the supply chain.

Market Challenges
• Infrastructure Limitations: One of the significant challenges in the MEA region is the inadequate infrastructure for food storage and distribution, particularly in rural and remote areas. Limited access to reliable electricity, poor road networks, and insufficient cold chain facilities pose significant challenges for preserving perishable foods and extending their shelf life. Addressing these infrastructure gaps requires substantial investment and collaboration between governments, private sector stakeholders, and international organizations.
• Climate and Environmental Factors: The MEA region is characterized by extreme climate conditions, including high temperatures and humidity levels, which can accelerate the spoilage of food products. Moreover, the region is prone to natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and sandstorms, which can disrupt food supply chains and damage storage facilities. Climate change exacerbates these challenges, leading to unpredictable weather patterns and increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events, necessitating robust adaptation strategies and investments in resilient food storage infrastructure.
Market Trends
• Adoption of Technological Innovations: To overcome infrastructure limitations and enhance the efficiency of food storage operations, there is a growing trend towards the adoption of technological innovations such as solar-powered refrigeration systems, cold chain monitoring solutions, and automated storage facilities. These technologies help optimize energy consumption, reduce operational costs, and improve the quality and safety of stored food products.
• Focus on Food Security and Sustainability: Governments and organizations in the MEA region are increasingly prioritizing food security and sustainability initiatives to ensure adequate access to safe and nutritious food for their populations. This includes promoting sustainable farming practices, reducing food waste, and investing in climate-smart storage solutions that minimize environmental impact. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on strengthening local food production and storage capacities to enhance self-sufficiency and resilience to external shocks in the supply chain.

Bottles & Jars leads the Middle East and Africa food storage market due to its focus on culturally sensitive and innovative packaging solutions, meeting the diverse needs of the region's populations.

One of the key reasons for Bottles & Jars' dominance in the Middle East and Africa market is its commitment to offering packaging solutions that are culturally sensitive and respectful of local traditions and customs. In a region characterized by diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, packaging plays a crucial role not only in preserving food but also in reflecting cultural values and practices. Bottles & Jars has recognized this significance and has developed packaging designs and materials that are in harmony with the cultural norms and preferences of the region's populations. Whether it's ensuring halal certification for products or incorporating culturally relevant motifs and designs, Bottles & Jars' packaging solutions resonate with consumers on a deeper level, fostering trust and loyalty among diverse communities. Bottles & Jars' emphasis on innovation has been instrumental in solidifying its leadership position in the Middle East and Africa market. The region's dynamic and rapidly evolving consumer landscape demands packaging solutions that are not only functional but also innovative and technologically advanced. Bottles & Jars has risen to this challenge by investing in research and development to introduce new materials, designs, and features that enhance the functionality, usability, and sustainability of its packaging solutions. Bottles & Jars has established strong partnerships and collaborations with local suppliers, distributors, and retailers across the Middle East and Africa, enabling it to effectively penetrate and navigate the complex and diverse market landscape.

Plastic is leading in the Food Storage Market in the Middle East and Africa due to its affordability, durability, and versatility, making it accessible to a wide range of consumers and businesses in the region.

Plastic has emerged as the dominant material in the food storage market in the Middle East and Africa primarily because of its affordability, durability, and versatility. These regions, characterized by diverse economic landscapes and consumer demographics, find plastic containers and packaging to be the most practical and accessible option for storing and transporting food items. First and foremost, affordability plays a crucial role in the widespread adoption of plastic in these markets. Plastic containers are significantly cheaper to produce compared to alternatives such as glass or stainless steel. This cost-effectiveness makes plastic food storage solutions accessible to a broader segment of the population, including lower-income households and small businesses, which form a significant portion of the market in the Middle East and Africa. Durability is another key factor driving the popularity of plastic in food storage. Plastic containers are lightweight yet robust, offering resistance to breakage and damage during handling and transportation. In regions where infrastructure and logistics systems may not be as advanced or reliable as in developed countries, the durability of plastic containers ensures that food items remain intact and safe throughout the supply chain, reducing the risk of spoilage and food wastage. It's essential to acknowledge the environmental concerns associated with plastic packaging, including pollution and waste management issues. While efforts are underway to promote sustainable alternatives and improve recycling infrastructure, the convenience and cost-effectiveness of plastic continue to drive its dominance in the food storage market in the Middle East and Africa.

Refrigerator applications lead the food storage market in the Middle East and Africa due to their ability to counteract the challenges posed by high ambient temperatures, intermittent power supply, and cultural preferences for fresh and preserved foods.

The predominance of refrigerator applications in the Middle East and Africa's food storage market is underpinned by their capacity to address the unique challenges prevalent in the region. One of the primary factors driving this trend is the region's climatic conditions, characterized by soaring temperatures and arid environments. In such harsh settings, where ambient temperatures often exceed optimal storage conditions for perishable goods, refrigeration technology provides a critical solution for preserving food freshness and preventing spoilage. By creating a controlled environment with regulated temperature and humidity levels, refrigerators extend the shelf life of perishable items, ensuring their availability for consumption over extended periods. Moreover, the intermittent power supply in many parts of the Middle East and Africa underscores the importance of refrigeration technology in safeguarding food supplies against disruptions. Refrigerators equipped with features such as energy-efficient compressors, insulation, and backup power options offer a reliable means of maintaining food freshness even during power outages. This resilience is especially vital in rural areas and informal settlements where access to electricity may be limited or unreliable, ensuring that communities have access to safe and nutritious food regardless of external circumstances. Cultural preferences and dietary habits play a significant role in driving the demand for refrigerator applications in the region. In both the Middle East and Africa, fresh produce, dairy products, and meat are staple components of traditional cuisines, necessitating proper storage solutions to maintain their quality and flavor. Refrigerators not only preserve these perishable ingredients but also enable households to prepare and store a variety of homemade dishes and preserves, reflecting cultural traditions and culinary heritage. Additionally, refrigeration technology facilitates the storage of culturally significant items such as dates, olives, and spices, which are integral to Middle Eastern and African cuisines.

Saudi Arabia's leading position in the food storage market in the Middle East and Africa is primarily due to its significant investments in modern storage infrastructure and strategic initiatives to enhance food security through stockpiling and distribution networks.

Saudi Arabia has emerged as a prominent player in the food storage market within the Middle East and Africa region, propelled by strategic investments and proactive measures to ensure food security. Central to Saudi Arabia's leadership in this domain is its recognition of the vulnerability of its arid climate and limited arable land to fluctuations in global food markets. In response, the Saudi government has implemented comprehensive strategies aimed at reducing dependence on food imports and safeguarding against supply disruptions. A key driver of Saudi Arabia's dominance in the food storage market is its substantial investments in modern storage infrastructure. The country has made significant strides in developing a diverse range of storage facilities, including warehouses, silos, cold storage units, and specialized facilities for perishable goods. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and automated systems to optimize storage capacity, ensure product quality, and minimize post-harvest losses. Moreover, Saudi Arabia's emphasis on sustainability has led to the adoption of eco-friendly practices and energy-efficient solutions in its storage operations, further enhancing its competitive edge in the market. Saudi Arabia's proactive approach to food security has led to the establishment of strategic food reserves and distribution networks. The government has implemented stockpiling initiatives to maintain adequate reserves of essential food commodities, such as grains, rice, and pulses, to mitigate the impact of market volatility and supply disruptions. These reserves are strategically located across the country and managed through efficient distribution channels to ensure timely availability in times of need. Saudi Arabia's geopolitical significance and economic stability contribute to its leadership in the food storage market. As the largest economy in the Gulf region and a key player in global energy markets, Saudi Arabia enjoys a favorable investment climate and access to capital for infrastructure development.

Recent Developments

Considered in this report
• Historic year: 2018
• Base year: 2023
• Estimated year: 2024
• Forecast year: 2029

Aspects covered in this report
• Food Storage Container market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Product Type
• Bottles & Jars
• Boxes
• Cans
• Cups & Tubs
• Others (Bags and pouch)

By Material
• Plastic
• Glass
• Metal
• Others

By Application
• Refrigerator storage
• Freezer Storage
• Pantry Storage
• On-the-go $ Lunch Containers
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Food Storage Container industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global Food Storage Container Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Material
5.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
6. Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Material
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Application
7. Market Dynamics
7.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
7.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
7.3. Market Trends
7.3.1. XXXX
7.3.2. XXXX
7.3.3. XXXX
7.3.4. XXXX
7.3.5. XXXX
7.4. Covid-19 Effect
7.5. Supply chain Analysis
7.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
7.7. Industry Experts Views
7.8. UAE Food Storage Container Market Outlook
7.8.1. Market Size By Value
7.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Material
7.8.4. Market Size and Forecast By Application
7.9. Saudi Arabia Food Storage Container Market Outlook
7.9.1. Market Size By Value
7.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Material
7.9.4. Market Size and Forecast By Application
7.10. South Africa Food Storage Container Market Outlook
7.10.1. Market Size By Value
7.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By Material
7.10.4. Market Size and Forecast By Application
8. Competitive Landscape
8.1. Competitive Dashboard
8.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
8.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
8.3.1. Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation
8.4. Porter's Five Forces
8.5. Company Profile
8.5.1. Amcor plc Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
8.5.2. Berry Global Group, Inc.
8.5.3. Ardagh Group
8.5.4. Ball Corporation
8.5.5. The Clorox Company
8.5.6. Tupperware Brands Corporation
8.5.7. Plastipak Packaging, Inc.
9. Strategic Recommendations
10. Annexure
10.1. FAQ`s
10.2. Notes
10.3. Related Reports
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Food Storage Container Market Size (USD Billions) By Region, 2023 & 2029
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2029
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2029
Figure 4: Global Food Storage Container Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billions)
Figure 5: Global Food Storage Container Market Share By Region (2023)
Figure 6: Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billions)
Figure 7: Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Share By Country (2023)
Figure 8: UAE Food Storage Container Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billions)
Figure 9: Saudi Arabia Food Storage Container Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billions)
Figure 10: South Africa Food Storage Container Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Billions)
Figure 11: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2023
Figure 12: Porter's Five Forces of Global Food Storage Container Market

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Food Storage Container Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2023 & 2029) (in USD Billions)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2022
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2022
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5: Global Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 6: Global Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast, By Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 7: Global Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 8: Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 9: Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast, By Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 10: Middle East & Africa Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast, By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 11: Influencing Factors for Food Storage Container Market, 2023
Table 12: United Arab Emirates Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 13: United Arab Emirates Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 14: United Arab Emirates Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 15: Saudi Arabia Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 16: Saudi Arabia Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 17: Saudi Arabia Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 18: South Africa Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 19: South Africa Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Material (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)
Table 20: South Africa Food Storage Container Market Size and Forecast By Application (2018 to 2029F) (In USD Billions)






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2024/07/05 10:26

162.17 円

175.82 円

209.73 円
