China Refurbished Mobile Phone Market Overview, 2029
中国の整備済携帯電話市場は、いくつかの重要な要因によってダイナミックかつ急速に成長している。人口が多く、スマートフォンへの需要が高い中国では、整備済携帯電話市場が近年大きく拡大している。この成長の... もっと見る
サマリー 中国の整備済携帯電話市場は、いくつかの重要な要因によってダイナミックかつ急速に成長している。人口が多く、スマートフォンへの需要が高い中国では、整備済携帯電話市場が近年大きく拡大している。この成長の大きな原動力の一つは、新品を購入する代わりに費用対効果の高い選択肢を求める、予算に敏感な消費者の間で整備済携帯電話の人気が高まっていることである。厳格なテストと改修プロセスを経た整備済携帯電話は、消費者に高品質なスマートフォンを低価格で入手する機会を提供している。また、中国の整備済携帯電話市場は、同国の堅調な電子機器製造部門に後押しされており、整備済の中古端末が安定的に供給されている。さらに、技術と再生技術の進歩により、再生携帯電話の品質と信頼性がさらに向上し、これらの製品に対する消費者の信頼が高まっている。しかし、再生端末の品質に対する消費者の懐疑的な見方や、新品のスマートフォン販売と中古電話市場の両方との競争といった課題にも直面している。このような課題にもかかわらず、中国の整備済携帯電話市場は継続的な成長を遂げようとしており、手頃な価格で持続可能な技術ソリューションに対する需要の高まりに対応するため、業界関係者にとって大きなチャンスとなっている。整備済携帯電話は通常、新品よりも低価格で販売されており、価格に敏感な消費者にとって魅力的な選択肢となっている。Eコマース・プラットフォームの台頭により、消費者がオンラインで整備済携帯電話を購入することが容易になり、市場の成長に寄与している。消費者が電子機器廃棄物による環境への影響を意識するようになるにつれ、より持続可能な選択肢として整備済端末を選ぶ傾向が強まっている。
Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「中国の整備済携帯電話市場の展望」によると、中国の整備済携帯電話市場は、手頃な価格のスマートフォン需要の増加、電子商取引の台頭、環境意識の高まりなどの要因によって、2024-29年までに年平均成長率7%以上で成長している。しかし、業界は品質への懸念、標準化の欠如、規制のハードルといった課題に直面している。品質に関する懸念は、再生工程に一貫性がないため、再生品の品質にばらつきが生じることに起因する。業界における標準化の欠如がこの問題をさらに悪化させている。電子廃棄物の削減を目的とした政府規制などの規制上のハードルも、整備済携帯電話市場に課題をもたらす可能性がある。こうした課題にもかかわらず、同市場は今後も成長を続けると予想される。中国の再生産業は、サプライチェーンに関する問題にも直面している。整備済携帯電話のサプライチェーンは複雑で、メーカー、卸売業者、小売業者、消費者など複数の関係者が関与している。この複雑さがサプライチェーンの非効率性やコスト増につながり、整備済携帯電話市場の収益性に影響を与える可能性がある。中国の整備済携帯電話市場が直面するもう一つの課題は、整備済携帯電話は新品端末よりも劣るという認識です。消費者は信頼性や性能に対する懸念から整備済携帯電話の購入をためらう可能性があるため、この認識を克服することは困難である。こうした課題に対処するため、中国の整備済携帯電話市場のプレーヤーは様々な戦略を実施している。例えば、整備済携帯電話の品質の一貫性を確保するため、整備プロセスの改善に投資している企業もある。また、ブランドの認知度を高め、整備済端末を購入するメリットについて消費者を啓蒙することに注力している企業もある。中国政府は整備済携帯電話市場の成長を支援するための措置を講じている。例えば、政府は新品端末に代わる持続可能な選択肢として整備済端末の利用を促進している。これにより、整備済携帯電話に対する消費者の認識と受容が高まっている。
本レポートに基づき、価格帯分析は低価格再生・中古携帯電話(200ドル未満)、中価格再生・中古携帯電話、中価格再生・中古携帯電話(200~350ドル)に分けられる。中国における整備済携帯電話市場は、消費者の多様なニーズと予算に対応するため、様々な価格帯に細分化されている。低価格の整備済携帯電話・中古携帯電話は、手頃な価格のスマートフォンオプションを求める予算重視の消費者をターゲットとしている。このカテゴリの整備済携帯電話には通常、機能性と信頼性を確保するための改修処理が施された旧モデルやエントリーレベルの端末が含まれる。また、この価格帯の中古スマホは、基本的な機能や古い仕様が提供されている場合があります。より手頃な価格であるにもかかわらず、これらのデバイスはスマートフォンに必要不可欠な機能を備えているため、必要な機能が控えめなユーザーや、セカンダリーデバイスを探しているユーザーに適しています。中価格帯の再生品および中古携帯電話, 中価格帯のセグメントは、手頃な価格と充実した機能のバランスを求める消費者に対応しています。この価格帯の整備済携帯電話には、評判の高いブランドのミッドレンジモデルが含まれることが多く、低価格のオプションと比較して、性能、カメラの画質、追加機能が向上しています。さらに、この価格帯の中古携帯電話には、より優れた仕様の端末やより新しいモデルが含まれることもあります。このセグメントの消費者は、一般的に価格に見合った価値を優先し、予算の制約を超えることなく、より優れた性能と機能を備えた端末に投資することを望んでいる可能性があります。プレミアム再生品・中古携帯電話, プレミアムセグメントは、最高級のスペック、高度な機能、優れたビルド品質を求める目の肥えた消費者をターゲットとしている。このカテゴリの整備済携帯電話には、大手スマートフォンブランドのフラッグシップモデルが含まれ、最新のテクノロジーとプレミアムなデザイン要素を提供しています。これらのデバイスは、高品質の基準を満たすために大規模な改修プロセスを経ており、多くの場合、保証または保証が付いています。さらに、この価格帯の中古携帯電話には、新しいモデルや使用感の少ない端末が含まれることもあり、性能と美観を優先する消費者にアピールしている。中国の整備済携帯電話市場における細分化された価格帯分析により、消費者は予算の制約や希望する仕様に応じて様々な選択肢から選ぶことができる。低予算で購入できるものから高級品まで、同市場は幅広い消費者の嗜好に対応しており、市場全体の成長と競争力強化に貢献している。
- 歴史的な年2018
- 基準年2023
- 推定年2024
- 予測年2029
- 再生携帯電話市場の展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言
- 再生電話
- 中古電話
- 低価格再生・中古携帯電話(200ドル未満)
- 中価格再生・中古携帯電話 ($200-$350)
- プレミアム再生・中古携帯電話 (350ドル以上)
- オフライン
- オンライン
目次 目次
Summary China's refurbished phone market presents a dynamic and rapidly growing landscape driven by several key factors. With a large population and a high demand for smartphones, China's market for refurbished phones has seen significant expansion in recent years. One major driver of this growth is the increasing popularity of refurbished phones among budget-conscious consumers who seek cost-effective alternatives to purchasing new devices. Refurbished phones, which undergo rigorous testing and refurbishment processes, offer consumers the opportunity to access high-quality smartphones at lower price points. Additionally, the refurbished phone market in China is fueled by the country's robust electronics manufacturing sector, which ensures a steady supply of pre-owned devices available for refurbishment. Moreover, advancements in technology and refurbishment techniques have further enhanced the quality and reliability of refurbished phones, boosting consumer confidence in these products. However, the market also faces challenges such as consumer skepticism regarding the quality of refurbished devices, as well as competition from both new smartphone sales and the used phone market. Despite these challenges, China's refurbished phone market is poised for continued growth, presenting significant opportunities for industry players and stakeholders to capitalize on the increasing demand for affordable and sustainable technology solutions. Refurbished phones are typically priced lower than new devices, making them an attractive option for price-sensitive consumers. The rise of e-commerce platforms has made it easier for consumers to purchase refurbished phones online, contributing to the growth of the market. As consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of electronic waste, they are increasingly opting for refurbished devices as a more sustainable choice.
According to the research report, "China Refurbished Phone Market Outlook," published by Bonafide Research, The refurbished phone market in China has been growing with over 7% CAGR by 2024-29, driven by factors such as increasing demand for affordable smartphones, the rise of e-commerce, and growing environmental awareness. However, the industry has faced challenges such as quality concerns, lack of standardization, and regulatory hurdles. Quality concerns arise due to inconsistencies in the refurbishment process, leading to variability in the quality of refurbished phones. The lack of standardization in the industry further exacerbates this issue. Regulatory hurdles, such as government regulations aimed at reducing electronic waste, can also pose challenges for the refurbished phone market. Despite these challenges, the market is expected to continue growing in the coming years. The refurbishment industry in China has also been facing issues related to the supply chain. The supply chain for refurbished phones is complex and involves multiple parties, including manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. This complexity can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs in the supply chain, which can impact the profitability of the refurbished phone market. Another challenge faced by the refurbished phone market in China is the perception of refurbished phones as being inferior to new devices. This perception can be difficult to overcome, as consumers may be hesitant to purchase refurbished phones due to concerns about their reliability and performance. To address these challenges, players in the refurbished phone market in China have been implementing various strategies. For example, some companies have been investing in improving the refurbishment process to ensure consistency in the quality of refurbished phones. Others have been focusing on building brand awareness and educating consumers about the benefits of buying refurbished devices. The Chinese government has been taking steps to support the growth of the refurbished phone market. For example, the government has been promoting the use of refurbished devices as a more sustainable alternative to new devices. This has helped to increase consumer awareness and acceptance of refurbished phones.
Based on the report, the type analysis is segmented into Refurbished Phones and Used Phones. In terms, In China, the market for refurbished phones and used phones offers consumers a variety of options to meet their needs and budgets. Refurbished phones undergo thorough testing and refurbishment processes to restore them to a like-new condition, often conducted by manufacturers or certified refurbishers. These devices are meticulously inspected, repaired, and may have components replaced as needed, ensuring they meet stringent quality standards. Refurbished phones typically come with warranties and assurances, providing consumers with confidence in the device's performance and reliability. They offer a reliable alternative to purchasing new smartphones, often at lower price points. On the other hand, used phones are pre-owned devices that may vary in condition depending on factors such as age, usage, and maintenance. While used phones may offer lower prices compared to refurbished devices, they come with a higher degree of uncertainty regarding their condition and reliability. Consumers purchasing used phones must carefully assess factors such as the device's age, usage history, and overall condition to ensure they are getting a satisfactory product. Additionally, used phones may not come with warranties or guarantees, leaving buyers vulnerable to potential issues or defects. Overall, both refurbished and used phones cater to the diverse preferences and budgets of consumers in China, offering options for those seeking cost-effective alternatives to purchasing new devices. The market is driven by factors such as increased adoption through e-commerce channels and competitive pricing and value-added services from major vendors. However, the market also faces challenges such as short-term impacts of COVID-related supply chain disruptions and general decline in demand for smartphones. Additionally, the China-US trade war has led to considerable import-export constraints in recent years. The refurbished phone market in China presents significant opportunities for growth, driven by increasing demand for affordable smartphones and the rise of e-commerce. However, the market also faces challenges such as supply chain disruptions and the China-US trade war. Despite these challenges, the market is expected to grow at a significant rate in the coming years.
Based on the report, the Pricing Range Analysis is divided into Low-priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (Less than $200), Mid-Priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones Mid-Priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones ($200-$350). In terms, In China, the market for refurbished phones is segmented into various pricing ranges to cater to the diverse needs and budgets of consumers. Low-priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones, these segment targets budget-conscious consumers seeking affordable smartphone options. Refurbished phones in this category typically include older models or entry-level devices that have undergone refurbishment processes to ensure functionality and reliability. Additionally, used phones in this price range may offer basic features and older specifications. Despite being more affordable, these devices still provide essential smartphone functionalities, making them suitable for users with modest requirements or those looking for a secondary device. Mid-Priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones, The mid-priced segment caters to consumers seeking a balance between affordability and enhanced features. Refurbished phones in this range often include mid-range models from reputable brands, offering improved performance, camera quality, and additional functionalities compared to lower-priced options. Additionally, used phones in this price range may include devices with better specifications and more recent models. Consumers in this segment typically prioritize value for money and may be willing to invest in devices with better performance and features without exceeding their budget constraints. Premium Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones, The premium segment targets discerning consumers seeking top-of-the-line specifications, advanced features, and superior build quality. Refurbished phones in this category include flagship models from leading smartphone brands, offering the latest technology and premium design elements. These devices undergo extensive refurbishment processes to ensure they meet high-quality standards and often come with warranties or guarantees. Additionally, used phones in this price range may include newer models or devices with minimal signs of wear, appealing to consumers who prioritize performance and aesthetics. The segmented pricing range analysis in China's refurbished phone market provides consumers with a variety of options to choose from based on their budget constraints and desired specifications. From budget-friendly options to premium devices, the market caters to a wide range of consumer preferences, contributing to its overall growth and competitiveness.
On the basis of the report, the distribution channel is distinguished into offline and online. In terms, In China, the distribution of refurbished phones is primarily facilitated through offline and online channels, each presenting unique advantages and challenges for consumers and industry stakeholders. Offline distribution channels include physical retail stores, specialty shops, and authorized resellers, providing consumers with the opportunity to interact with refurbished phones in person before making a purchase. This tactile experience allows for greater trust and confidence in the product, especially for consumers who prefer hands-on inspection. The offline segment is facing challenges due to the increasing popularity of online channels, which offer convenience, a wider range of products, and competitive prices. On the other hand, online distribution channels such as e-commerce platforms and dedicated refurbished phone websites offer convenience and a wider selection of products. Consumers can browse through various refurbished phone models, compare prices, and make purchases from the comfort of their homes. These online channels also enable refurbishers and retailers to reach a broader audience beyond geographical limitations. When compared to other countries the distribution channel for refurbished phones in China is more diversified and fragmented. In the US and Europe, the offline segment is still the dominant channel for refurbished phones, while the online segment is growing rapidly. In China, the online segment is already the dominant channel, with a market share of over 60%. This is due to the high penetration of e-commerce platforms and online marketplaces in China, which offer a convenient and efficient way for consumers to purchase refurbished phones.
The environmental impact of the refurbished phone market in China has been a growing concern in recent years. The rapid growth of the electronics industry has led to an increase in electronic waste, which has negative consequences for the environment and human health. Refurbished phones can help reduce electronic waste by extending the lifespan of devices and reducing the demand for new phones. However, the refurbishment process itself can also contribute to electronic waste if not done properly. Refurbished phone companies in China can also take steps to reduce their environmental impact. For example, they can use sustainable packaging materials, optimize transportation routes to reduce carbon emissions, and ensure that non-functioning phones and parts are disposed of properly. Additionally, they can promote the environmental benefits of refurbished phones to consumers, encouraging them to choose refurbished phones as a more sustainable option. The environmental impact of the refurbished phone market in China is a growing concern, but there are steps that can be taken to reduce electronic waste and promote sustainability. Refurbished phone companies can take responsibility for their environmental impact by implementing sustainable practices and promoting the environmental benefits of refurbished phones to consumers.
Considered in this report • Historic year: 2018 • Base year: 2023 • Estimated year: 2024 • Forecast year: 2029
Aspects covered in this report • Refurbished Mobile Phone market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments • Various drivers and challenges • On-going trends and developments • Top profiled companies • Strategic recommendation
By Type • Refurbished Phones • Used Phones
By Pricing Range • Low-priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (Less than $200) • Mid-Priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones ($200-$350) • Premium Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (More than $350)
By Distribution Channel • Offline • Online
The approach of the report: This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.
Intended audience This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Refurbished Mobile Phone industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.
Table of Contents Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 2. Market Structure 2.1. Market Considerate 2.2. Assumptions 2.3. Limitations 2.4. Abbreviations 2.5. Sources 2.6. Definitions 2.7. Geography 3. Research Methodology 3.1. Secondary Research 3.2. Primary Data Collection 3.3. Market Formation & Validation 3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery 4. China Macro Economic Indicators 5. Market Dynamics 5.1. Key Findings 5.2. Key Developments 5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities 5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges 5.5. Market Trends 5.5.1. XXXX 5.5.2. XXXX 5.5.3. XXXX 5.5.4. XXXX 5.5.5. XXXX 5.6. Covid-19 Effect 5.7. Supply chain Analysis 5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework 5.9. Industry Experts Views 6. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Overview 6.1. Market Size By Value 6.2. Market Size and Forecast, By Type 6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Price Range 6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel 7. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Segmentations 7.1. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market, By Type 7.1.1. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Refurbished Phones, 2018-2029 7.1.2. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Used Phones, 2018-2029 7.2. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market, By Price Range 7.2.1. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Low-priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (Less than $200), 2018-2029 7.2.2. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Mid-Priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones ($200-$350), 2018-2029 7.2.3. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Premium Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (More than $350), 2018-2029 7.3. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market, By Distribution Channel 7.3.1. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Offline, 2018-2029 7.3.2. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size, By Online, 2018-2029 8. China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Opportunity Assessment 8.1. By Type, 2024 to 2029 8.2. By Price Range, 2024 to 2029 8.3. By Distribution Channel, 2024 to 2029 9. Competitive Landscape 9.1. Porter's Five Forces 9.2. Company Profile 9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments 9.2.2. Company 2 9.2.3. Company 3 9.2.4. Company 4 9.2.5. Company 5 9.2.6. Company 6 9.2.7. Company 7 9.2.8. Company 8 10. Strategic Recommendations 11. Disclaimer
List of Figures
Figure 1: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size By Value (2018, 2023 & 2029F) (in USD Million) Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Type Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Price Range Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Distribution Channel Figure 5: Porter's Five Forces of China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market
List of Tables
Table 1: Influencing Factors for China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market, 2023 Table 2: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size and Forecast By Type (2018, 2023 & 2029F) Table 3: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size and Forecast By Price Range (2018, 2023 & 2029F) Table 4: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2018, 2023 & 2029F) Table 5: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Refurbished Phones (2018 to 2029) in USD Million Table 6: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Used Phones (2018 to 2029) in USD Million Table 7: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Low-priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (Less than $200) (2018 to 2029) in USD Million Table 8: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Mid-Priced Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones ($200-$350) (2018 to 2029) in USD Million Table 9: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Premium Refurbished and Used Mobile Phones (More than $350) (2018 to 2029) in USD Million Table 10: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Offline (2018 to 2029) in USD Million Table 11: China Refurbish Mobile Phone Market Size of Online (2018 to 2029) in USD Million
- Digital Signature Market by Offering (Hardware, Software, and Services), Type (SES, AES, QES), End User (Individual and Enterprises), Business Function (Finance & Accounting, Legal, IT, HR, Sales and Marketing) - Global Forecast to 2030
- 移動式空気搬送マット市場 - 世界の産業分析、市場規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別、技術別、グレード別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別:(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中南米、中東・アフリカ)
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- シリコンフォトニクス市場 - 世界の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別, 技術別, グレード別, 用途別, エンドユーザー別, 地域別: (北米, 欧州, アジア太平洋, 中南米, 中東アフリカ)
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- デジタル教育市場 - 世界の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別、技術別、グレード別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別:(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東アフリカ)
- 地理空間ソリューション市場 - 世界の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別, 技術別, グレード別, 用途別, エンドユーザー別, 地域別: (北米, 欧州, アジア太平洋, 中南米, 中東アフリカ)
- ポジションセンサ市場 - 世界の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別, 技術別, グレード別, 用途別, エンドユーザー別, 地域別: (北米, 欧州, アジア太平洋, 中南米, 中東アフリカ)
- オシロスコープ市場 - 世界の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別、技術別、グレード別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別: (北米, 欧州, アジア太平洋, 中南米, 中東アフリカ)
- 炭化水素会計ソリューション市場 - 世界の産業分析、規模、シェア、成長、動向、2032年予測 - 製品別、技術別、グレード別、用途別、エンドユーザー別、地域別:(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中南米、中東・アフリカ)
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