

Mexico Blood Glucose Monitor Market Overview, 2028

メキシコは糖尿病の有病率が高く、血糖値モニタリング機器市場の重要な牽引役となっている。国際糖尿病連合は、メキシコにおける糖尿病患者の顕著な増加を報告している。モニタリング機器の需要は、糖尿病と診断... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年11月30日 US$2,250
65 英語




メキシコは糖尿病の有病率が高く、血糖値モニタリング機器市場の重要な牽引役となっている。国際糖尿病連合は、メキシコにおける糖尿病患者の顕著な増加を報告している。モニタリング機器の需要は、糖尿病と診断される患者の増加に直結している。さらに、メキシコは医療インフラの改善に取り組んでいる。医療施設の充実、医療サービスへのアクセスの向上、訓練を受けた医療従事者の増加などが、血糖値モニタリング機器の採用を後押しし、市場の成長に寄与している。肥満は糖尿病の重大な危険因子であり、メキシコは肥満率の上昇に関する課題に直面している。肥満と糖尿病には相関関係があるため、糖尿病のリスクがある、または糖尿病と診断された人々の間で、効果的な血糖モニタリングの必要性が高まっている。IDF Diabetes Atlas 2021によると、メキシコの糖尿病有病率は16.9%で、6人に1人の割合である。2021年までに、メキシコの成人は1,400万人が糖尿病に罹患すると予測されており、この2年間で10%増加している。また、米国では1,100万人が耐糖能異常(IGT)を有しており、2型糖尿病のリスクが高まっている。メキシコは総医療費の上位10カ国・地域に入っており、糖尿病関連費用は200億米ドルを超えている。国民の糖尿病患者の半数近く(47.5%)が未診断の糖尿病である。適切な発見や治療を受けない糖尿病患者は、心臓発作、脳卒中、腎不全、失明、下肢切断など、重篤で致命的な結果を招く危険性がある。その結果、生活水準が低下し、医療費が増大し、介護を受ける必要性が高まる。

Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「メキシコの血糖値モニタリング装置市場概要、2028年」によると、メキシコの血糖値モニタリング装置市場は2023年から2028年にかけて年平均成長率9%以上で成長すると予測されています。費用対効果の高い血糖値モニタリングデバイスを開発することで、アクセシビリティの問題に対処し、より幅広い層に対応することができる。手頃な価格のソリューションは、経済的に余裕のない個人にも普及する可能性があり、糖尿病管理の成果の向上に貢献する。遠隔医療サービスの普及に伴い、血糖モニタリング装置を遠隔医療プラットフォームと統合する機会がある。これにより、遠隔患者モニタリングやバーチャル診察が容易になり、糖尿病患者が医療専門家に便利にアクセスできるようになる可能性がある。血糖モニタリング機器と統合するデジタルヘルスプラットフォームやモバイルアプリケーションを開発または強化する機会がある。これらのプラットフォームは、データ追跡、傾向分析、個別化された洞察などの機能をユーザーに提供し、全体的なユーザーエクスペリエンスとモニタリングプロトコルの遵守を向上させることができる。使いやすく、快適で、メキシコの人々の嗜好に合わせた血糖モニタリング機器の設計は、好機となる。文化的およびライフスタイル的要因を考慮したカスタマイズされた機器は、受容と採用を促進することができる。スマートウォッチやフィットネストラッカーのような一般的なウェアラブル技術と血糖モニタリングを統合する機会を探ることは、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させることができる。ウェアラブルとの統合は、継続的なモニタリングやデータ共有の習慣を促す可能性がある。SMSアラートやモバイルアプリなどのモバイルヘルス技術を活用することは、血糖モニタリング装置を使用している個人とのコミュニケーションや関わりを強化する機会を提示する。mHealthにおける革新は、モニタリングのルーチンの遵守を改善し、ユーザー間の共同体感覚を育むことができる。



- 地域メキシコ
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028

- メキシコの血糖値モニタリング機器市場:その価値とセグメント別予測
- 各種推進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 自己血糖測定装置
- 持続血糖モニタリング機器

- 病院
- 在宅医療
- 診断センター

- 糖尿病
- 妊娠
- 心血管疾患と高血圧
- 癌
- 呼吸器疾患
- 運動障害
- 聴覚障害
- 創傷治療
- その他の適応症(睡眠障害、腎臓障害、神経血管疾患、HIV)





Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Mexico Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By product
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By End User
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By Indication
7. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Segmentations
7.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, By product
7.1.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Self-monitoring Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices, 2017-2028
7.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, By End User
7.2.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Hospitals, 2017-2028
7.2.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Home Care, 2017-2028
7.2.3. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Diagnostic Centers, 2017-2028
7.3. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, By Indication
7.3.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Diabetes, 2017-2028
7.3.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Pregnancy, 2017-2028
7.3.3. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Cardiovascular Disorders & Hypertension, 2017-2028
7.3.4. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Cancer, 2017-2028
7.3.5. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Respiratory Diseases, 2017-2028
7.3.6. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Movement Disorders, 2017-2028
7.3.7. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Hearing Disorders, 2017-2028
7.3.8. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Wound Care, 2017-2028
7.3.9. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Other Indications, 2017-2028
8. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By product, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By End User, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By Indication, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By product
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Indication
Figure 5: Porter's Five Forces of Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, 2022
Table 2: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By product (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By End User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By Indication (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Self-monitoring Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 6: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Hospitals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Home Care (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Diagnostic Centers (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Diabetes (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Pregnancy (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Cardiovascular Disorders & Hypertension (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Cancer (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Respiratory Diseases (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Movement Disorders (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Hearing Disorders (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Wound Care (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 18: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Other Indications (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion





Mexico has a high prevalence of diabetes, making it a significant driver for the Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market. The International Diabetes Federation has reported a notable increase in diabetes cases in Mexico. The demand for monitoring devices is directly linked to the increasing number of individuals diagnosed with diabetes. Furthermore, Mexico has been working to improve its healthcare infrastructure. Enhanced healthcare facilities, better access to healthcare services, and an increasing number of trained healthcare professionals contribute to the growth of the market, as these factors support the adoption of blood glucose monitoring devices. Obesity is a significant risk factor for diabetes, and Mexico faces challenges related to rising obesity rates. The correlation between obesity and diabetes contributes to an increased need for effective blood glucose monitoring among individuals at risk or diagnosed with diabetes. Mexico has 16.9% diabetes prevalence, or one in every six persons, according to the IDF Diabetes Atlas 2021. By 2021, 14 million adults in Mexico are predicted to have diabetes, a 10% increase over the preceding two years. In addition, 11 million persons in the US have impaired glucose tolerance, or IGT, which increases their risk of type 2 diabetes. Mexico is in the top ten countries or territories in terms of total health expenditure, with diabetes-related costs surpassing USD 20 billion. Nearly half of all diabetics in the nation (47.5%) have undiagnosed diabetes. Patients with diabetes who do not receive appropriate detection or treatment run the danger of developing severe and potentially fatal consequences, including heart attacks, strokes, renal failure, blindness, and amputation of lower limbs. This results in a reduced standard of living, increased expenses for healthcare, and an increased requirement for care access.

According to the research report "Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Overview, 2028," published by Bonafide Research, the Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices market is anticipated to grow at more than 9% CAGR from 2023 to 2028. Developing cost-effective blood glucose monitoring devices can address accessibility issues and cater to a broader segment of the population. Affordable solutions have the potential to reach individuals with limited financial resources and contribute to better diabetes management outcomes. With the increasing adoption of telehealth services, there is an opportunity to integrate blood glucose monitoring devices with telehealth platforms. This could facilitate remote patient monitoring and virtual consultations, providing individuals with diabetes convenient access to healthcare professionals. There is an opportunity to develop or enhance digital health platforms and mobile applications that integrate with blood glucose monitoring devices. These platforms can provide users with features such as data tracking, trend analysis, and personalized insights, enhancing the overall user experience and adherence to monitoring protocols. Designing blood glucose monitoring devices that are user-friendly, comfortable, and cater to the preferences of the Mexican population presents an opportunity. Customized devices that consider cultural and lifestyle factors can enhance acceptance and adoption. Exploring opportunities to integrate blood glucose monitoring with popular wearable technologies, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, can enhance the user experience. Wearable integrations may encourage continuous monitoring and data-sharing habits. Leveraging mobile health technologies, such as SMS alerts and mobile apps, presents an opportunity to enhance communication and engagement with individuals using blood glucose monitoring devices. Innovations in mHealth can improve adherence to monitoring routines and foster a sense of community among users.

In the Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, the Self-monitoring Devices segment is poised to capture the highest market share, driven by several key factors. Self-monitoring devices, encompassing traditional blood glucose meters and test strips, are widely favored for their user-friendly nature, allowing individuals with diabetes to monitor their blood glucose levels conveniently at home. The accessibility and affordability of these devices contribute to their widespread adoption, enabling regular monitoring without the need for frequent visits to healthcare facilities. The simplicity and ease of use associated with self-monitoring devices align with the increasing trend of patient-centric healthcare, empowering individuals to take an active role in managing their diabetes. The familiarity and long-standing presence of traditional meters make them a go-to choice for many users, especially those who prefer a straightforward approach to blood glucose monitoring. Furthermore, the self-monitoring devices segment benefits from the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, which often requires routine monitoring of blood glucose levels. As lifestyle factors contribute significantly to the incidence of type 2 diabetes, individuals find self-monitoring devices instrumental in tracking and managing their condition on a day-to-day basis.

The Home Care segment is experiencing significant growth in the Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, driven by various factors that underscore the increasing preference for home-based diabetes management. One of the key drivers is the rising awareness and emphasis on patient empowerment, encouraging individuals to take an active role in monitoring and controlling their blood glucose levels. The convenience and comfort offered by home care settings align with the growing trend of personalized healthcare, allowing individuals with diabetes to integrate monitoring seamlessly into their daily lives. The Home Care segment is particularly favored due to the user-friendly design of blood glucose monitoring devices, including self-monitoring tools and continuous glucose monitoring systems. These devices are often designed for easy use by individuals, providing a practical solution for regular monitoring without the need for frequent visits to healthcare facilities. This convenience is especially crucial for those with chronic conditions like diabetes, promoting adherence to monitoring routines.

Considered in this report:
• Geography: Mexico
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report:
• Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Product
• Self-monitoring Devices
• Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices

By End User
• Hospitals
• Home Care
• Diagnostic Centers

By Indication
• Diabetes
• Pregnancy
• Cardiovascular Disorders & Hypertension
• Cancer
• Respiratory Diseases
• Movement Disorders
• Hearing Disorders
• Wound Care
• Other Indications (sleep disorders, kidney disorders, neurovascular diseases, and HIV)

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience:
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Mexico Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By product
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By End User
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By Indication
7. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Segmentations
7.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, By product
7.1.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Self-monitoring Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices, 2017-2028
7.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, By End User
7.2.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Hospitals, 2017-2028
7.2.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Home Care, 2017-2028
7.2.3. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Diagnostic Centers, 2017-2028
7.3. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, By Indication
7.3.1. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Diabetes, 2017-2028
7.3.2. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Pregnancy, 2017-2028
7.3.3. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Cardiovascular Disorders & Hypertension, 2017-2028
7.3.4. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Cancer, 2017-2028
7.3.5. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Respiratory Diseases, 2017-2028
7.3.6. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Movement Disorders, 2017-2028
7.3.7. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Hearing Disorders, 2017-2028
7.3.8. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Wound Care, 2017-2028
7.3.9. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Other Indications, 2017-2028
8. Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By product, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By End User, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By Indication, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By product
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Indication
Figure 5: Porter's Five Forces of Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market, 2022
Table 2: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By product (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By End User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By Indication (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Self-monitoring Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 6: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Hospitals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Home Care (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Diagnostic Centers (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Diabetes (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Pregnancy (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Cardiovascular Disorders & Hypertension (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Cancer (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Respiratory Diseases (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Movement Disorders (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Hearing Disorders (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Wound Care (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 18: Mexico Blood Glucose Monitoring Devices Market Size of Other Indications (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion







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