


India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Overview, 2028

インドの医療事情は、整備された大都市病院から医療資源を利用できない遠隔地まで、多岐にわたっている。このような医療アクセスのばらつきがあるため、高級な病院にも分散した医療環境にも対応できる胎児モニタ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年11月30日 US$2,250
2-3営業日以内 64 英語





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「インドの胎児モニタリング装置市場概要、2028年」によると、インドの胎児モニタリング装置市場は2023年から2028年にかけて年平均成長率9%以上で成長すると予測されている。インドは、出生前ケアの強化をターゲットとした資金援助やプログラムの増加によって証明されるように、母親と新生児の健康改善を最優先事項としている。母体・胎児医療の成果を向上させるために、このような重点的な取り組みが最先端の胎児モニタリング機器に対する需要を高めている。インドにおけるハイリスク出産の発生率の高さは、母親の年齢、栄養不良、妊娠糖尿病などの病気の蔓延など、さまざまな要因に起因している。その結果、複雑な症例に対応し、ハイリスク妊娠の早期警告指標を特定できる専門的な胎児モニタリング機器が必要とされている。医療を求める行動は文化的な影響を受ける。インドでは医療を決定する際に家族が非常に重要視されることが多い。このような状況では、家族の参加を可能にしたり、家族や医療従事者が容易に解釈できるデータを提供したりする胎児モニタリング装置がより受け入れられる可能性がある。インドは、手頃な価格で質の高い医療を求める外国人患者の主要な目的地となっている。最先端の胎児モニタリング技術が利用できるようになれば、産科治療のために渡航する外国人患者にとってインドの医療システムの魅力が増す。電子カルテ(EHR)システムと簡単にリンクし、医療専門家による意思決定を改善するための包括的な分析を提供する胎児モニタリング機器は、データ主導型の医療ソリューションを重視するインドの高まりの結果、ますます機会が増えている。国民健康ミッションやプラダン・マントリ・スラクシット・マトリトヴァ・アビヤン(PMSMA)のようなイニシアチブは、インド政府が母子の健康増進のために開始した数多くのプログラムのうちの2つに過ぎません。政府が運営する医療施設における最先端の胎児モニタリング機器のニーズは、こうした活動によってもたらされています。



- 地理インド
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028

- インドの胎児モニタリング機器市場:その価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 超音波診断装置
- 電子母体/胎児モニター
- 子宮収縮モニター
- 胎児電極
- 胎児ドップラー装置
- テレメトリー装置
- アクセサリーと消耗品
- その他の製品

- 分娩前胎児モニタリング
- 分娩前胎児モニタリング

- 病院
- 産婦人科クリニック
- 在宅医療





Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. India Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Segmentations
7.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, By Product
7.1.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Ultrasound Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Electronic Maternal/Fetal Monitors, 2017-2028
7.1.3. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Uterine Contraction Monitor, 2017-2028
7.1.4. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Fetal Electrodes, 2017-2028
7.1.5. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Fetal Doppler Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.6. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Telemetry Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.7. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Accessories and Consumables, 2017-2028
7.1.8. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Other Products, 2017-2028
7.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, By Application
7.2.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Antepartum Fetal Monitoring, 2017-2028
7.2.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring, 2017-2028
7.3. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, By End User
7.3.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Hospitals, 2017-2028
7.3.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 2017-2028
7.3.3. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Home Care Settings, 2017-2028
8. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Product, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By Application, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By End User, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
Figure 5: Porter's Five Forces of India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, 2022
Table 2: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By Product (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By Application (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By End User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Ultrasound Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 6: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Electronic Maternal/Fetal Monitors (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Uterine Contraction Monitor (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Fetal Electrodes (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Fetal Doppler Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Telemetry Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Accessories and Consumables (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Other Products (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Antepartum Fetal Monitoring (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Hospitals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Home Care Settings (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion





The state of healthcare in India ranges widely, from well-developed metropolitan hospitals to remote communities with no access to healthcare resources. Fetal monitoring devices that serve both upscale hospitals and decentralised healthcare settings are in high demand because of this variation in healthcare access. Due to its sizable and diversified population, Namibia has a high birth rate. The market for fetal monitoring devices is sizable in part because of this demographic component. In this industry, it is critical to have dependable and affordable solutions that can meet the needs of different socioeconomic classes. The healthcare system in India is always changing. While urban areas have access to cutting-edge facilities, rural communities frequently lack sufficient resources. Fetal monitoring equipment must be flexible and scalable to accommodate the demands of various healthcare environments across the country. In India, the cost of healthcare is a major factor. Fetal monitoring devices that are inexpensive without sacrificing quality are in greater demand. Demand is increasing for solutions that can be accessed by a greater number of people, particularly in rural and impoverished areas. India's market is receptive to new and intuitive technologies. Healthcare providers with different skill levels are looking for portable, user-friendly fetal monitoring equipment. Moreover, the incorporation of telemedicine and remote monitoring functionalities is consistent with India's endeavours to narrow the healthcare divide between urban and rural areas. The variety and scope of India's healthcare problems present chances for creative approaches to fetal monitoring. Businesses concentrating on creating affordable, portable, and easy-to-use devices tailored to the Indian market have a significant advantage.

According to the research report "India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Overview, 2028," published by Bonafide Research, the India Fetal Monitoring Devices market is expected to grow with more than 9% CAGR from 2023 to 2028. India has made improving mother and newborn health a top priority, as evidenced by the rise in funding and programmes targeted at enhancing prenatal care. In order to improve the outcomes of maternal-fetal healthcare, this focus increases the demand for cutting-edge fetal monitoring devices. The higher incidence of high-risk births in India can be attributed to various factors, including maternal age, malnourishment, and the prevalence of illnesses like gestational diabetes. As a result, specialised fetal monitoring equipment is required that can handle complicated cases and identify early warning indicators in pregnancies that are high-risk. Healthcare-seeking behaviour is influenced by cultural influences. Families are frequently very important when making healthcare decisions in India. In this situation, fetal monitoring devices that allow family participation or give family members and healthcare professionals easily interpreted data could be more acceptable. India has become a major destination for foreign patients looking for affordable, high-quality medical care. The availability of cutting-edge fetal monitoring technology increases the allure of India's healthcare system for foreign patients travelling for obstetric treatment. Fetal monitoring devices that easily link with electronic health record (EHR) systems and deliver comprehensive analytics for improved decision-making by healthcare professionals are becoming more and more opportunities as a result of India's growing emphasis on data-driven healthcare solutions. The National Health Mission and initiatives like Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) are only two of the many programmes the Indian government has started to improve the health of mothers and children. The need for cutting-edge fetal monitoring equipment in government-run healthcare facilities is being driven by these activities.

Based on product market is segmented into ultrasound devices, electronic maternal/fetal monitors, uterine contraction monitor, fetal electrodes, fetal doppler devices, telemetry devices, accessories and consumables and other products. Ultrasound devices are commonly preferred in India while having a fetal test and are significantly propelling the market of India fetal monitoring devices market. Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging procedure that does not use radiation, making it safer for both the mother and the foetus. Its non-invasive nature corresponds with the need for safer diagnostic approaches, contributing to its widespread acceptance in fetal testing. Ultrasound technologies enable real-time imaging, allowing healthcare personnel to see the foetus in great detail, monitor its growth, check organ development, and discover any anomalies during pregnancy. This real-time capability aids in making quick decisions and intervening if necessary. Continuous advances in ultrasonic technology have resulted in the development of more sophisticated and high-resolution imaging instruments. These developments improve the precision and clarity of fetal pictures, boosting diagnostic capabilities.

Based on application segment market is majorly divided into antepartum fetal monitoring and intrapartum fetal monitoring. Antepartum fetal monitoring is common fetal monitoring devices application in India. Due to variables such as maternal health issues, dietary deficits, and socioeconomic circumstances, India has a considerable proportion of high-risk pregnancies. Antepartum monitoring allows for close observation of the fetus well-being in these circumstances, assisting in the early discovery of any difficulties. Antepartum monitoring devices give a way to examine fetal health without the need for frequent hospital visits in areas with limited access to healthcare resources. This is especially true in rural locations where specialised care may not be readily available. In terms of end user segment market includes hospitals, obstetrics and gynecology clinics and home care settings. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics in India are of the major end users of fetal monitoring devices. Obstetrics and gynaecology clinics focus on maternal-fetal care. They serve pregnant women by providing complete prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care. Fetal monitoring is an important part of their services, as it ensures the health of both the mother and the baby throughout pregnancy. These clinics typically see a high volume of patients, allowing them to provide continuous treatment throughout the pregnancy. Fetal monitoring devices allow these clinics to continuously monitor fetal health, contributing to better outcomes. These clinics provide routine prenatal check-ups and include fetal monitoring as part of their services. During these check-ups, the fetus growth, heart rate, and overall health are monitored to discover any potential issues or anomalies.

Considered in this report:
• Geography: India
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report:
• India Fetal Monitoring Devices market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Product:
• Ultrasound Devices
• Electronic Maternal/Fetal Monitors
• Uterine Contraction Monitor
• Fetal Electrodes
• Fetal Doppler Devices
• Telemetry Devices
• Accessories and Consumables
• Other Products

By Application:
• Antepartum Fetal Monitoring
• Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring

By End User:
• Hospitals
• Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics
• Home Care Settings

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience:
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Fetal Monitoring Devices industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. India Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Application
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Segmentations
7.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, By Product
7.1.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Ultrasound Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Electronic Maternal/Fetal Monitors, 2017-2028
7.1.3. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Uterine Contraction Monitor, 2017-2028
7.1.4. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Fetal Electrodes, 2017-2028
7.1.5. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Fetal Doppler Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.6. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Telemetry Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.7. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Accessories and Consumables, 2017-2028
7.1.8. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Other Products, 2017-2028
7.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, By Application
7.2.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Antepartum Fetal Monitoring, 2017-2028
7.2.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring, 2017-2028
7.3. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, By End User
7.3.1. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Hospitals, 2017-2028
7.3.2. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 2017-2028
7.3.3. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size, By Home Care Settings, 2017-2028
8. India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Product, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By Application, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By End User, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
Figure 5: Porter's Five Forces of India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market, 2022
Table 2: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By Product (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By Application (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size and Forecast By End User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Ultrasound Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 6: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Electronic Maternal/Fetal Monitors (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Uterine Contraction Monitor (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Fetal Electrodes (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Fetal Doppler Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Telemetry Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Accessories and Consumables (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Other Products (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Antepartum Fetal Monitoring (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Hospitals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: India Fetal Monitoring Devices Market Size of Home Care Settings (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion






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