


China Hearing Aids Market Overview, 2028

アジア太平洋地域は補聴器の重要な成長市場である。人口の高齢化、聴覚の健康に対する意識の高まり、技術の進歩などの要因により、市場は拡大している。他の多くの地域と同様に、アジア太平洋地域の国々でも人口... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年11月30日 US$2,250
2-3営業日以内 60 英語





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「中国の補聴器市場概要、2028年」によると、中国の補聴器市場の2022年の市場規模は6億米ドル以上である。中国の補聴器市場はデジタル補聴器にシフトしており、音質の向上、プログラム可能性、個人の聴力プロファイルに基づいたカスタマイズを提供している。ブルートゥース機能を搭載した補聴器が人気を集めており、ユーザーはスマートフォンやテレビ、その他の電子機器に接続してシームレスなオーディオ体験を楽しむことができる。電子商取引とオンライン・プラットフォームの拡大傾向は、中国における補聴器の流通に影響を与えている。オンライン・プラットフォームは、消費者が情報にアクセスし、製品を比較し、購入するのに便利な方法を提供する。中国の規制変更により、一般用補聴器の導入が可能になり、消費者は処方箋を必要とせず、より利用しやすく手頃な価格で補聴器を購入できるようになった。補聴器へのスマート機能の統合は、注目すべき傾向である。このような機能には、スマートフォンへの接続、健康モニタリング機能、人工知能を使ったさまざまな環境への適応能力などが含まれる。中国では、モバイルアプリを使った聴力検査を含む遠隔医療サービスが普及している。これらのアプリは、個人が自分の聴力を評価し、補聴器が必要かどうかのガイダンスを求める便利な方法を提供する。より高度な音響処理を提供するために、補聴器にAIが組み込まれつつある。これには、さまざまな聞き取り環境への自動適応や、時間の経過とともにユーザーの好みを学習して調整する機能などが含まれる。中国では充電式補聴器の採用が増加している。これらの補聴器は利便性が高く、使い捨て電池に比べて環境に優しいと考えられている。


- 地域中国
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028

- 中国補聴器市場の価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 現在進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- 耳かけ型補聴器
- 耳かけ型補聴器
- 耳かけ型補聴器
- カナル型補聴器
- その他の補聴器(骨伝導補聴器、埋め込み型補聴器)

- デジタル
- アナログ

- 成人
- 小児科





Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. China Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Segmentations
7.1. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, By Product
7.1.1. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.2. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV), 2017-2028
7.1.3. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Airway Clearance Systems, 2017-2028
7.1.4. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Oxygen Delivery Products, 2017-2028
7.1.5. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Oral Appliances, 2017-2028
7.1.6. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.2. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, By End-User
7.2.1. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Home care Settings & Individuals, 2017-2028
7.2.2. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Sleep laboratories & Hospitals, 2017-2028
8. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Product, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By End-User, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By End-User
Figure 4: Porter's Five Forces of China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, 2022
Table 2: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size and Forecast By Product (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 5: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 6: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Airway Clearance Systems (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Oxygen Delivery Products (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Oral Appliances (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Home care Settings & Individuals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Sleep laboratories & Hospitals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion





The Asia-Pacific region is a significant and growing market for hearing aids. The market has been expanding due to factors such as an aging population, increased awareness of hearing health, and advancements in technology. Like many other regions, countries in the Asia-Pacific have witnessed demographic shifts, with an increasing aging population. As people age, the prevalence of hearing loss tends to rise, driving the demand for hearing aids. China is a key player in the Asia-Pacific hearing aids market and is often considered one of the leading markets globally. The country's large population, rising middle class, and increasing awareness of hearing health contribute to its prominence. Economic stability and increasing disposable income levels in countries like China contribute to the affordability of hearing aids. As people become more financially capable, they are more likely to invest in healthcare, including hearing aids. While urban areas often have better access to healthcare facilities, rural areas may face challenges in terms of accessibility to hearing healthcare services. Addressing these disparities is essential for the equitable growth of the hearing aids market. China, like other countries, has regulatory frameworks governing the production and sale of medical devices, including hearing aids. Understanding and complying with these regulations is crucial for manufacturers entering or operating in the Chinese market. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss. This is about 6.1% of the world's population. The level of health insurance coverage for hearing aids can impact market dynamics. In some cases, increased insurance coverage may encourage more individuals to seek and afford hearing aids.

According to the research report "China Hearing Aids Market Overview, 2028," published by Bonafide Research, the China Hearing Aids market was valued more than USD 600 Million in 2022. The market in China has seen a shift toward digital hearing aids, offering improved sound quality, programmability, and customization based on individual hearing profiles. Hearing aids with Bluetooth capabilities are gaining popularity, allowing users to connect their devices to smartphones, TVs, and other electronic gadgets for a seamless audio experience. The growing trend of e-commerce and online platforms has influenced the distribution of hearing aids in China. Online platforms offer a convenient way for consumers to access information, compare products, and make purchases. Regulatory changes in China have allowed for the introduction of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, providing consumers with more accessible and affordable options without the need for a prescription. The integration of smart features into hearing aids is a notable trend. These features include connectivity to smartphones, health monitoring capabilities, and the ability to adapt to different environments using artificial intelligence. Telehealth services, including hearing screenings conducted through mobile apps, are becoming more popular in China. These apps provide a convenient way for individuals to assess their hearing and seek guidance on whether they may need hearing aids. AI is being integrated into hearing aids to provide more sophisticated sound processing. This includes features such as automatic adaptation to different listening environments and the ability to learn and adjust to users' preferences over time. The adoption of rechargeable hearing aids is increasing in China. These devices offer convenience and are viewed as more environmentally friendly compared to disposable battery options.

The Behind-the-ear Hearing Aids, Receiver-in-the-ear Hearing Aids, In-the-ear Hearing Aids, Canal Hearing Aids and Other Hearings Aid Devices products are the main product categories. ITE hearing aids are custom-fit and designed to sit discreetly within the ear, making them less visible compared to larger behind-the-ear (BTE) models. This cosmetic appeal may attract individuals who prioritize aesthetics and wish to have a less noticeable hearing aid. ITE hearing aids are known for their comfort as they are custom-molded to fit the individual's ear. The custom fit enhances comfort during extended wear, and the absence of an external component behind the ear can be more convenient for certain users. ITE hearing aids are typically easy to use, with simple controls accessible on the device. Individuals who prefer a straightforward and user-friendly solution may find ITE hearing aids appealing. The placement of ITE hearing aids within the ear canal can provide a natural barrier against wind noise, contributing to improved comfort for users who spend time outdoors. With a significant aging population in China, there is a growing need for hearing aids. ITE hearing aids, with their versatility and discreet design, may appeal to older individuals who seek a hearing solution without the visibility of larger devices. In terms of technology, the market is divided into digital and Analog. Analogue hearing aids are generally more cost-effective than their digital counterparts. Affordability can be a significant factor, especially for individuals who are price-sensitive or do not have access to comprehensive insurance coverage. Analog hearing aids are known for their simplicity. Some users may prefer the straightforward functionality of Analog devices, which amplify all sounds uniformly without the sophisticated signal processing found in digital hearing aids. Analog hearing aids are often perceived as more robust and durable. The absence of complex digital components makes them less prone to malfunctions, and they may require less maintenance over time. Analog hearing aids are less susceptible to interference from electronic devices or certain environments. Users in specific situations, such as those working in environments with high electromagnetic interference, may find Analog devices more suitable. Analog hearing aids typically have longer battery life compared to digital ones. This can be advantageous for users who prefer not to change batteries frequently or for those living in areas where obtaining specialized batteries for digital hearing aids may be challenging.

Considered in this report:
• Geography: China
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report:
• China Hearing Aids market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Product
• Behind-the-ear Hearing Aids
• Receiver-in-the-ear Hearing Aids
• In-the-ear Hearing Aids
• Canal Hearing Aids
• Other Hearings Aid Devices (Bone Conduction Hearing Aids, Implantable Hearing Devices)

By Technology
• Digital
• Analogy

By Patient Type
• Adults
• Pediatrics

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience:
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Hearing Aids industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. China Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Segmentations
7.1. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, By Product
7.1.1. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices, 2017-2028
7.1.2. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV), 2017-2028
7.1.3. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Airway Clearance Systems, 2017-2028
7.1.4. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Oxygen Delivery Products, 2017-2028
7.1.5. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Oral Appliances, 2017-2028
7.1.6. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.2. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, By End-User
7.2.1. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Home care Settings & Individuals, 2017-2028
7.2.2. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size, By Sleep laboratories & Hospitals, 2017-2028
8. China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Product, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By End-User, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Product
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By End-User
Figure 4: Porter's Five Forces of China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, 2022
Table 2: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size and Forecast By Product (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 5: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 6: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Airway Clearance Systems (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Oxygen Delivery Products (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Oral Appliances (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Home care Settings & Individuals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: China Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Size of Sleep laboratories & Hospitals (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion







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