

Global Home Bedding Market Outlook, 2028

「世界の家庭用寝具市場は、消費者が質の高い睡眠と快適な生活空間を重視するようになり、拡大している。その結果、こうしたニーズに応える高品質の寝具製品に対する需要が大幅に増加している。住宅セクターの活... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年11月5日 US$4,950
150 英語




「世界の家庭用寝具市場は、消費者が質の高い睡眠と快適な生活空間を重視するようになり、拡大している。その結果、こうしたニーズに応える高品質の寝具製品に対する需要が大幅に増加している。住宅セクターの活況と寝具製品への消費支出の増加が、市場の成長シナリオを拡大させている。主要企業は、オーガニック寝具の重要性に対する意識の高まりによって、消費者が高品質の寝具製品に投資する機会を得ている。例えば、2022年2月、米国を拠点とする寝具業界の主要プレーヤーであるParachute Home Inc.は、オーガニック素材をベースにしたコレクションを発表した。家庭用寝具の製造には洗濯可能な素材が使用され、快適性、スタイル、衛生上の理由からベッドの上に配置される。これらの素材には、毛布、枕、マットレス、シーツ、羽毛布団、枕、リネンなどが含まれる。これらは体のラインを整え、体圧を緩和し、首や背中を支えて楽にし、休息を促すのに役立つ。現在、家庭用寝具の需要が急増している背景には、可処分所得の増加と、個人の好みに合わせて様々な色、スタイル、サイズの製品が手に入る利便性という2つの要因がある。プレミアムな家庭用寝具の性能が向上し、家庭用寝具の需要が増加している。また、様々な便利な機能を備えた高品質な商品を簡単に手に入れることができるため、多くの人が自宅の寝具を買い替えようとしている。心身の健康には安眠が必要なため、高品質の寝具も欠かせない。米国睡眠時無呼吸症候群協会によると、5,000万~7,000万人のアメリカ人が睡眠関連の問題に苦しんでいるという。さらに、過去30年間で、アメリカの睡眠不足の割合は増加している。

Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「家庭用寝具の世界市場展望、2028年」によると、同市場は2022年の915億6000万米ドルから2028年には1382億7000万米ドルを超えると予測されている。同市場は2023-28年までに年平均成長率7.28%で成長すると予測されている。また、人口増加による腰痛の増加、ベビーブーム世代を中心とした調節可能なベッドの普及、人口増加、生活水準の向上などが、家庭用寝具市場の拡大に大きな影響を与えると予測される。しかし、前述の予測期間中に家庭用寝具市場の拡大を促進すると予想される主な要素の中には、パーソナライズされたマットレスやベッドリネンに対する需要の高まりや、モダンなインテリアに対する消費者の嗜好の急速な変化がある。寝具業界は常に進化しており、寝具製品の快適性、耐久性、機能性を向上させるための技術革新やテクノロジーが導入されている。消費者は、健康と幸福のために質の高い睡眠をとることの重要性をより強く認識するようになっている。その結果、快適さとサポートを提供する高級寝具製品を求めるようになっている。寝具市場では、持続可能性への関心が高まるにつれ、持続可能で環境に優しい寝具の需要が急増した。リネン、バンブー、オーガニックコットンなどのエコロジー素材で構成されたベッドが登場している。モノのインターネット(IoT)の発達に伴い、スマート寝具の人気も高まっている。睡眠パターンを追跡するマットレス、スピーカー内蔵枕、温度調節シーツなどがスマート寝具の一例だ。美観に優れ、長持ちし、快適な寝具製品は需要が高い。そのため、最先端で優れた寝具の市場が急増した。今や顧客は、シーツ、枕、布団カバーの色、デザイン、素材を、カスタマイズ可能な寝具を提供するさまざまな業者から選ぶことができる。米国を拠点とする家庭用寝具メーカー、アリエド・ホーム・ベッド(ALLIED Home Bedding)は、マットレス、枕、掛け布団、毛布などの寝具製品の温度調節をサポートする37.5テクノロジーを搭載した高級寝具のコレクションを拡充した。この技術革新は、温度による睡眠の妨げを減らし、長く深い睡眠サイクルをもたらし、寝具業界におけるこのようなスマート製品の需要を後押ししている。


アジア太平洋地域は、中国、インド、日本などの国々が市場ダイナミクスの形成に極めて重要な役割を果たしており、その多様な市場環境で際立っている。この地域は、広大な消費者基盤と繊維製造における豊かな伝統を誇っている。中国の豪華なシルク寝具からインドの鮮やかでカラフルな柄物まで、幅広い嗜好を網羅している。さらに、技術の進歩と中間層の急速な増加が、市場の革新と拡大に寄与している。素材や技術面での技術革新が進み、バスタオルやベッドリネンなど高級寝具製品の家庭への普及に革命が起きている。例えば、ハイグロコットンタオルは、インドに本社を置くSPACES社が、中空芯の綿糸(ハイグロ)を使用した独自の紡績技術で製造したソフトタオルである。そのため、この分野での技術革新の高まりが製品採用を後押しし、インドの家庭用寝具産業の成長を後押ししている。さらに、2022年1月、中国標準化管理局は寝具製品の更新版を発表した。基本的な要求事項、内部品質、外観品質、工程品質はすべて製品の品質の一部である。製品を販売するためにはGB 18401の基本基準を遵守しなければならない。こうしたことから、高品質な製品の購入を求める人口が増加している同国をターゲットに、世界中の寝具メーカーが誘致に乗り出している。さらに、ヨーロッパは広大で成長し続ける市場であり、世界進出を目指す家庭用寝具メーカーにとって有利な道である。この地域は、こうした企業がこの確立された市場に進出するための十分な機会を提供している。また、欧州連合(EU)市場へのアクセスは、グローバル企業にとって有利である。さらに、南米は家庭用寝具市場において文化的影響の融合を示している。ブラジルやアルゼンチンのような国々は、豊かな文化遺産を反映し、色や柄の鮮やかで多彩なミックスを導入している。この地域の消費者は、大胆なデザイン、天然繊維、快適でありながら視覚に訴える寝具を好む傾向がある。




スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット、専門店、その他を含むオフライン流通チャネルが最大のシェアを占めている。顧客がオフラインチャネルを好むのは、製品を直接見ることができ、素材や品質を確認しやすいからである。寝具を購入する前に、特に毛布やシーツのような大型商品については、多くの消費者が素材に触れ、感触を確かめたいと考えている。スーパーマーケットやハイパーマーケットでは、枕や枕カバーを購入する消費者が増えている。カテゴリーの成長は、これらの小売店の新製品リリースや商品開発にも助けられている。回転が速いため、これらのアウトレットは同時に大きな利益を上げている。さらに、自社製品を小売店で販売することで、代替流通チャネルと真っ向から対立するメーカーも増えているようだ。これらの小売業者は、製造と流通の両プロセスを完全にコントロールしている。彼らは家庭用寝具製品の製造と保管の両方を担当している。製品は大量に保管され、顧客からの需要に基づいて供給される。これは、製品の継続的な供給を保証することに貢献する。家庭用寝具製品の人気のあるオフライン流通チャネルには、ウォルマート、ターゲット、カルフール、テスコ、クローガーなどのスーパーマーケットやハイパーマーケットがある。専門店:ベッド・バス&ビヨンド、マットレス・ファーム、ウィリアムズ・ソノマ、クレート&バレル、レストレーション・ハードウェア。百貨店:メイシーズ、ブルーミングデールズ、ノードストローム、サックス・フィフス・アベニュー、コールズ。ディスカウントストアTJ Maxx、Ross Dress for Less、HomeGoods、Burlington Stores、Marshalls。


- 睡眠の健康とウェルネスに対する意識の高まり:家庭用寝具の世界市場を牽引する主な要因の一つは、睡眠の健康と全体的なウェルネスの重要性に対する意識の高まりである。質の高い睡眠が心身の健康に極めて重要な役割を果たすことが認識されるにつれ、優れた寝具製品、特にマットレス、枕、ベッドリネンに対する需要が急増し続けている。消費者は快適さ、サポート、リラクゼーションを提供する寝具を求め、睡眠の質と全体的な健康の向上を目指している。この傾向に拍車をかけているのは、特殊な寝具を必要とする高齢化社会と、休息と回復を優先するライフスタイルの変化である。健康的なライフスタイルの不可欠な一部として睡眠を促進することが強調されていることが市場成長の原動力となっており、体温調節、痛みの緩和、個人に合わせた快適性オプションなど、特定の睡眠ニーズに応える革新的な寝具技術や素材が登場している。

- 電子商取引と消費者直販モデル:電子商取引と消費者直販モデルの急速な拡大は、世界の家庭用寝具市場に大きな影響を与えている。オンライン・ショッピングの利便性と従来の小売経費の削減により、多くの寝具メーカーがオンライン・プラットフォームに移行している。この移行により、消費者のアクセシビリティとアフォーダビリティが向上し、自宅にいながらにして幅広い商品を検討し、価格を比較し、レビューを読み、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができるようになった。消費者直販モデルはまた、マットレス会社が試用期間や簡単な返品ポリシーを提供することを促し、消費者のリスクを軽減し、高価値の寝具をオンラインで購入する自信を高めている。このような購買行動の変化により、市場範囲が拡大し、既存の寝具ブランドと新興の寝具ブランドの両方がグローバルな消費者層に対応できるようになった。


- 激しい競争と市場の飽和:世界の家庭用寝具市場は、激しい競争と市場の飽和という課題に直面している。業界には多様な寝具製品を提供する多数のブランドが氾濫しており、既存企業にとっても新興企業にとっても差別化がますます難しくなっている。このような過飽和状態は、しばしば価格圧力、利益率の低下、混雑した市場で目立つための苦闘につながる。さらに、オンライン・マーケットプレイスの普及は、新規ブランドの参入障壁を下げ、競争をさらに激化させている。この課題を克服するために、企業はイノベーション、ブランディング、消費者の関心とロイヤリティを獲得するための独自の価値提案の創造に注力しなければならない。

- サプライチェーンの混乱と原材料コスト:家庭用寝具市場は、他の多くの産業と同様、サプライチェーンの混乱と原材料コストの変動に関連する課題に直面している。綿、発泡スチロール、その他寝具製造に不可欠な成分を含む原材料コストの変動は、利益率や製品価格に大きな影響を与える可能性がある。さらに、世界的な出来事や貿易制限、物流の問題など、サプライチェーンの混乱は製造や配送の遅れにつながり、消費者の満足度やブランドの評判に影響を与える可能性がある。企業は、こうした課題を軽減するために、不測の事態に備えた計画、サプライヤーの多様化、持続可能で費用対効果の高い調達オプションの検討などを含む戦略を採用する必要がある。


- 持続可能性と環境に優しい製品:家庭用寝具市場の顕著なトレンドは、持続可能性と環境に優しい製品を重視する傾向が強まっていることである。オーガニック素材、リサイクル素材、生分解性素材を使った寝具を求める消費者が増えている。この傾向は、エコを意識した消費者行動を目指す幅広い動きと一致しており、持続可能な製造工程の開発、二酸化炭素排出量の削減、寝具製品への天然素材・無害素材の使用につながっている。持続可能性を重視するブランドは、倫理的な調達を推進し、廃棄物を削減し、生産と流通のプロセスを通じて環境に優しい慣行を取り入れることで、支持を集めている。

- スマート寝具と技術の進歩:寝具製品へのテクノロジーの統合は、しばしばスマート寝具と呼ばれ、市場を形成する重要なトレンドである。センサー、調節可能な硬さ、温度調節機能を備えたスマートマットレスなどの革新的なソリューションは、技術的に強化された睡眠体験を求める消費者に対応している。このようなスマート寝具ソリューションは、快適さを提供するだけでなく、睡眠パターンや健康指標に関するデータを提供し、個人が睡眠の質をモニターして改善できるようにする。同市場では、スマート枕、スピーカーやマッサージ器を内蔵したベッド、スマートホームエコシステムとシームレスに統合し、利便性と強化された睡眠環境を提供する寝具製品に対する需要が急増している。




家庭用寝具市場の競合情勢では、競合企業別に詳細を掲載している。詳細には、会社概要、財務状況、売上高、市場ポテンシャル、研究開発投資、新市場への取り組み、グローバルプレゼンス、生産拠点と施設、生産能力、企業の強みと弱み、製品発売、製品の幅と広さ、アプリケーションの優位性などが含まれる。提供された上記のデータポイントは、家庭用寝具市場に関連する企業の焦点にのみ関連しています。家庭用寝具市場レポートでカバーされている主なプレーヤーは、パラマウントベッド株式会社、レゲット&プラット社、キングスダウン社、スプリングエア社、キャスパー-スリープ社、Sheela Foam Limited、Serta Simmons Bedding社、LLC、パープルイノベーション社、スリープナンバーコーポレーション、Beurer GmbH、Saatva、ボンベイダイニングアンドマニュファクチャリングカンパニーリミテッド、テンピュールシーリーインターナショナル、Inter IKEA Holding B.V.、ネストベッドディング、Inc.、Southerland、Inc.、H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB、シンバスリープリミテッド、トライデントグループ、ラルフローレンコーポレーション。


- Serta Simmons Beddingは2023年4月、Serta.comのウェブサイトを改善し、新しいSerta Ideal SleeperとSerta iComfortECOコレクションを小売店で発売すると発表した。この改善により、ユーザーはより効率的なリサーチやショッピングが可能になる。

- アメリカン・テキスタイル・カンパニー(ATC)は2023年3月、最先端のHeiQアレルゲン技術を搭載した新しい寝具製品AllerEase®をデビューさせた。米国、カナダ、メキシコで数多くの寝具を発売するため、ATCはスイスの素材革新企業HeiQと提携した。これらの製品には、枕、マットレス・枕プロテクター、マットレス・パッド、毛布、掛け布団、スローなどが含まれる。

- スリープナンバー社の360スマートベッドシリーズの最新のアップデートには、2022年1月に睡眠時無呼吸症候群や不眠症などの可能性のある睡眠問題を特定する機能が含まれる。Sleep Number社は、寝具とインテリジェント・マットレスを製造する企業である。Sleep Number社は、生体センサーと高度な睡眠追跡技術を活用し、睡眠の質を向上させ、一般的な睡眠障害を治療するための個別ソリューションを消費者に提供している。

- デュロフレックスは2022年5月にインドでベッドリネンのSummer Story'22 Collectionを発表した。


- 地域世界
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028


- 家庭用寝具の世界市場展望とその価値とセグメント別予測
- 地域別・国別の家庭用寝具市場分析
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- トップ企業のプロファイル
- 戦略的提言


- 北米(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)
- ヨーロッパ(ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、スペイン、イタリア、ロシア)
- アジア太平洋(中国、日本、インド、オーストラリア、韓国)
- 南米(ブラジル、アルゼンチン、コロンビア)
- 中東・アフリカ(UAE、サウジアラビア、南アフリカ)


- マットレス
- ベッドリネン
- 枕
- 毛布
- その他(ベッドカバーとキルト、ベッドスロー、ベッドスカートまたはダストフリル、寝具小物、マットレストッパーまたはパッド、ピローシャム)


- オフライン
- オンライン








Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Dynamics
2.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
2.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
2.3. Market Trends
2.4. Covid-19 Effect
2.5. Supply chain Analysis
2.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
2.7. Industry Experts Views
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Market Structure
4.1. Market Considerate
4.2. Assumptions
4.3. Limitations
4.4. Abbreviations
4.5. Sources
4.6. Definitions
5. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
6. Global Home Bedding Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Region
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Geography
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
7. North America Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size By Value
7.2. Market Share By Country
7.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
7.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
7.5. United States Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.5.1. Market Size By Value
7.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.6. Canada Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.6.1. Market Size By Value
7.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.7. Mexico Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.7.1. Market Size By Value
7.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8. Europe Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size By Value
8.2. Market Share By Country
8.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
8.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
8.5. Germany Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.5.1. Market Size By Value
8.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.6. United Kingdom Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.6.1. Market Size By Value
8.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.7. France Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.7.1. Market Size By Value
8.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.8. Italy Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.8.1. Market Size By Value
8.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.9. Spain Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.9.1. Market Size By Value
8.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.10. Russia Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.10.1. Market Size By Value
8.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9. Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size By Value
9.2. Market Share By Country
9.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
9.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
9.5. China Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.5.1. Market Size By Value
9.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.6. Japan Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.6.1. Market Size By Value
9.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.7. India Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.7.1. Market Size By Value
9.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.8. Australia Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.8.1. Market Size By Value
9.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.9. South Korea Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.9.1. Market Size By Value
9.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
10. South America Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size By Value
10.2. Market Share By Country
10.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
10.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
10.5. Brazil Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.5.1. Market Size By Value
10.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
10.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
10.6. Argentina Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.6.1. Market Size By Value
10.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
10.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
10.7. Columbia Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.7.1. Market Size By Value
10.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
10.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
11. Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.1. Market Size By Value
11.2. Market Share By Country
11.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
11.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
11.5. UAE Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.5.1. Market Size By Value
11.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
11.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
11.6. Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.6.1. Market Size By Value
11.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
11.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
11.7. South Africa Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.7.1. Market Size By Value
11.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
11.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Dashboard
12.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
12.3. Key Players Market Share Insights and Analysis, 2022
12.4. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
12.5. Porter's Five Forces
12.6. Company Profile
12.6.1. Paramount Bed Co., Ltd. Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
12.6.2. Leggett & Platt, Inc.
12.6.3. Kingsdown Inc.
12.6.4. Spring Air Company
12.6.5. Casper Sleep Inc.
12.6.6. Sheela Foam Limited
12.6.7. Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC
12.6.8. Purple Innovation, Inc.
12.6.9. Sleep Number Corporation
12.6.10. Beurer GmbH
12.6.11. Saatva
12.6.12. Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited
12.6.13. Tempur Sealy International, Inc
12.6.14. Inter IKEA Holding B.V.
12.6.15. Nest Bedding, Inc.
12.6.16. Southerland, Inc
12.6.17. H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB
12.6.18. Simba Sleep Limited
12.6.19. Trident Group
12.6.20. Ralph Lauren Corporation
13. Strategic Recommendations
14. Annexure
14.1. FAQ`s
14.2. Notes
14.3. Related Reports
15. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Home Bedding Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2022 & 2028
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2028
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2028
Figure 4: Global Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Home Bedding Market Share By Region (2022)
Figure 6: North America Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: North America Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 8: US Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Canada Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: Mexico Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Europe Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 12: Europe Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 13: Germany Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 14: UK Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 15: France Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 16: Italy Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 17: Spain Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 18: Russia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 19: Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 20: Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 21: China Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 22: Japan Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 23: India Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 24: Australia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 25: South Korea Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 26: South America Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 27: South America Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 28: Brazil Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 29: Argentina Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 30: Columbia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 31: Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 32: Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 33: UAE Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 34: Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 35: South Africa Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 36: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2022
Figure 37: Market Share insights of key players, 2022
Figure 38: Porter's Five Forces of Global Home Bedding Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Global Home Bedding Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2022 & 2028) (in USD Billion)
Table 2 : Influencing Factors for Home Bedding Market, 2022
Table 3: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2020
Table 4: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2020
Table 5: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 6: Global Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Geography (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7 : Global Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8 : Global Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9 : North America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10 : North America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11 : United States Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12 : United States Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13 : Canada Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14 : Canada Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15 : Mexico Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16 : Mexico Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17 : Europe Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 18 : Europe Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19 : Germany Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20 : Germany Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21 : United Kingdom Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22 : United Kingdom Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23 : France Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24 : France Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 25 : Italy Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 26 : Italy Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 27 : Spain Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 28 : Spain Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 29 : Russia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 30 : Russia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 31 : Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 32 : Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 33 : China Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 34 : China Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 35 : Japan Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 36 : Japan Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 37 : India Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 38 : India Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 39 : Australia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 40 : Australia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 41 : South Korea Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 42 : South Korea Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 43 : South America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 44 : South America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 45 : Brazil Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 46 : Brazil Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 47 : Argentina Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 48 : Argentina Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 49 : Colombia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 50 : Colombia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 51 : Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 52 : Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 53 : United Arab Emirates Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 54 : United Arab Emirates Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 55 : Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 56 : Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 57 : South Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 58 : South Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)





"The Global Home bedding market is rise with consumers placing more emphasis on the importance of quality sleep and comfortable living spaces. As a result, the market has seen a significant increase in demand for high-quality bedding products that cater to these needs. The boom in the housing sector and growing consumer spending on bedding products has expanded the growth scenario for the market. Key players are gaining opportunity by the increase in awareness of the importance of organic bedding, inducing consumers to invest in quality bedding products. For instance, in February 2022, Parachute Home Inc., a U.S.-based key player in the bedding industry launched a collection based on organic materials. Washable materials are used to make home bedding, which is arranged above the bed for comfort, style, and hygiene reasons. These materials include, among others, blankets, pillows, mattresses, sheets, duvets, pillows, and linens. They help to contour the body, ease pressure spots, support and ease the neck and back, and encourage rest. The present surge in demand for home bedding can be attributed to two factors: rising disposable incomes and the convenience with which products can be found in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes to suit personal preferences. Premium home bedding items are performing better, which has led to an increase in demand for bedding products at home. Additionally, a lot of people are drawn to purchase new bedding for their homes by the simple accessibility of high-quality goods with a range of useful features. Because restful sleep is necessary for a healthy body and mind, high-quality bedding is also crucial. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, 50–70 million Americans struggle with sleep-related issues. Furthermore, during the last 30 years, America's rate of sleep deprivation has grown.

According to the research report, “Global Home Bedding Market Outlook, 2028” published by Bonafide Research, the market is anticipated to cross USD 138.27 Billion by 2028, increasing from USD 91.56 Billion in 2022. The market is expected to grow with 7.28% CAGR by 2023-28. In addition, the growing prevalence of back issues among the growing population, the widespread use of adjustable beds, particularly by baby boomers, the population growth, and the rising standard of living are all anticipated to have a significant influence on the home bedding market's expansion. However, among the key elements anticipated to propel the expansion of the home bedding market during the aforementioned projected period is the rising demand for personalized mattresses and bed linens as well as the quick shift in consumer preference towards modern interiors. The bedding industry is constantly evolving, with innovations and technologies being introduced to improve the comfort, durability, and functionality of bedding products. Consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of getting quality sleep for their health and well-being. As a result, they are looking for luxury bedding products that offer comfort and support. The bedding market saw a spike in demand for sustainable and eco-friendly bedding items as sustainability became more and more of a concern. It has beds composed of ecological materials like linen, bamboo, and organic cotton. With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart bedding has also grown in popularity. Mattresses that track sleep patterns, pillows with built-in speakers, and temperature-regulating sheets are examples of smart bedding. Bedding products that are aesthetically pleasing, long-lasting, and comfy are in high demand. It caused a surge in the market for cutting-edge, superior bedding products. Customers can now choose the colours, designs, and materials for their sheets, pillows, and duvet covers from a wide variety of vendors who offer customizable bedding alternatives. A U.S.-based home bedding company; ALLIED Home Bedding extended its collection of luxury bedding with 37.5 Technology that aids in controlling the temperature of the bedding products such as mattresses, pillows, comforters, and blankets. The innovation reduces the disruption in sleep due to temperature, leading to long and deep sleep cycles and boosting the demand for such smart products in the bedding industry.

Asia Pacific accounted for the largest share of more than 38% in 2022 and is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period.

The Asia-Pacific region stands out for its diverse market landscape, with countries such as China, India, and Japan playing a pivotal role in shaping the market dynamics. This region boasts a vast consumer base and a rich heritage in textile manufacturing. It encompasses a wide spectrum of preferences, from luxurious silk bedding in China to vibrant and colorful patterns in India. Moreover, technological advancements and a rapidly growing middle-class population have contributed to the market's innovation and expansion. Increasing innovation in terms of materials and technology has revolutionized the adoption of luxury bedding products such as bath towels, bed linen, and more across households. For instance, Hygro-cotton towels are SPACES, an Indian-based company’s soft towels manufactured with unique spinning technology employing a hollow core cotton yarn (Hygro). Therefore, increasing innovations in the sector is boosting product adoption, thereby fueling the growth of the Indian home bedding industry. Furthermore, in January 2022, The Standardization Administration of China announced the updated version for bedding products. A few of the requirements include - basic requirements, internal quality, appearance quality, and process quality are all parts of a product's quality. The product must adhere to GB 18401's fundamental standards in order to be sold. These factors have been luring bedding manufacturers from across the globe to target the growing population of the country who seek to purchase high-quality products. In addition, Europe is a vast and ever-growing market and a lucrative avenue for home bedding companies looking to expand globally. The region provides ample opportunities for these players to expand into this established market. In addition, gaining access to any European Union market is advantageous for global businesses. Furthermore, South America showcases a blend of cultural influences in its home bedding market. Countries like Brazil and Argentina introduce a vibrant and eclectic mix of colors and patterns, reflecting their rich cultural heritage. Consumers here often lean towards bold designs, natural fibers, and comfortable yet visually appealing bedding options.

Based on the product type, the Mattress segment dominated the industry in 2022 and accounted for the highest share of the overall revenue during the forecast period.

The market is segmented into Mattress, Bed Linen, Pillows, Blankets and others. The mattress industry has witnessed remarkable innovation in recent years. Manufacturers are constantly developing new technologies and materials to enhance comfort, support, and durability. From memory foam to hybrid mattresses, advancements in materials and construction techniques have appealed to a broad spectrum of consumers, including those seeking relief from back pain, improved sleep, and temperature regulation during the night. Mattresses are essential for ensuring a good night's sleep, promoting overall health and well-being. As awareness of the importance of sleep quality grows, consumers are increasingly willing to invest in high-quality mattresses. The increasing recognition of the impact of sleep on health has significantly boosted the demand for superior mattresses. The aging population across the globe has increased the demand for mattresses catering to specific needs such as orthopedic support, pressure relief, and comfort for various age-related conditions. This demographic shift has further boosted the market for specialized mattresses. The mattress market's global reach and penetration have expanded with the growing adoption of online retail and the emergence of mattress-in-a-box delivery models. This has facilitated market entry for new and innovative brands, fostering increased competition and providing consumers with a wide array of choices. The introduction of smart mattresses equipped with sensors and technology to track sleep patterns, adjust firmness or temperature, and provide personalized comfort has added a new dimension to the market. Consumers interested in tech-driven solutions have shown interest in these innovative offerings, further boosting the segment. In addition, everything arranged above the mattress for comfort, warmth, mattress protection, and aesthetic appeal is referred to as bed linen. Softness is a key factor that influences consumer choice in these products; the most popular kind are sheets made entirely of cotton. Consumers prefer the suppleness of genuine cotton; especially long-fiber weaves like Egyptian, Pima, or Supima cotton, to polyester blends, even if the latter are more durable and wrinkle resistant. Additionally silky and soft, eco-friendly bamboo sheets are in style.

On the basis of distribution channel, the offline segment is expected to register higher revenue generation by 2028.

The offline distribution channel, which includes supermarkets/hypermarkets, specialty stores, and others, held the largest share. Customers prefer the offline channel because it allows them to view the products directly, making it easier to verify the materials and quality. Before making a bedding purchase, a lot of consumers would rather touch and feel the materials, especially for larger items like blankets and sheets. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are attracting more and more customers who purchase pillows and pillowcases from them because of their substantial savings. Category growth is also being aided by these outlets' new product releases and product development. Due to rapid turnover, these outlets make large profits concurrently. Furthermore, by offering their products for sale in their retail locations, an increasing number of manufacturers seem to be in direct conflict with alternative distribution channels. These retailers are in complete control of both the manufacturing and distribution processes. They are in charge of both manufacturing and storing the home bedding products. The products are kept in large quantities and supplied based on demand from clients. This contributes to guaranteeing the products' continuous availability. Popular offline distribution channels for home bedding products include supermarkets and hypermarkets, including Walmart, Target, Carrefour, Tesco, and Kroger. Specialty stores: Bed Bath & Beyond, Mattress Firm, Williams-Sonoma, Crate & Barrel, and Restoration Hardware. Department stores: Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Kohl's. Discount stores: TJ Maxx, Ross Dress for Less, HomeGoods, Burlington Stores, and Marshalls.

Market Drivers:

• Rising Awareness of Sleep Health and Wellness: One of the primary drivers for the global home bedding market is the increasing awareness of the importance of sleep health and overall wellness. As individuals recognize the pivotal role quality sleep plays in their physical and mental well-being, the demand for superior bedding products, particularly mattresses, pillows, and bed linens, continues to surge. Consumers are seeking bedding solutions that offer comfort, support, and relaxation, aiming to enhance their sleep quality and overall health. This trend is further fueled by an aging population, which requires specialized bedding solutions, as well as lifestyle changes that prioritize rest and recovery. The emphasis on promoting sleep as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle is a driving force behind the market's growth, leading to innovative bedding technologies and materials that cater to specific sleep needs, such as temperature regulation, pain relief, and personalized comfort options.

• E-commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Models: The rapid expansion of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer models has significantly influenced the global home bedding market. With the convenience of online shopping and the elimination of traditional retail overheads, many bedding companies have transitioned to online platforms. This shift has increased accessibility and affordability for consumers, allowing them to explore a wide range of products, compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions from the comfort of their homes. Direct-to-consumer models have also encouraged mattress companies to offer trial periods and easy return policies, reducing the risk for consumers and boosting their confidence in purchasing high-value bedding items online. This shift in purchasing behavior has expanded the market reach, allowing both established and emerging bedding brands to cater to a global consumer base.

Market Challenges:

• Intense Competition and Market Saturation: The global home bedding market faces challenges associated with intense competition and market saturation. The industry is inundated with a multitude of brands offering diverse bedding products, making it increasingly challenging for both established and emerging companies to differentiate themselves. This oversaturation often leads to pricing pressures, reduced profit margins, and the struggle to stand out in a crowded market. Moreover, the proliferation of online marketplaces has lowered barriers to entry for new brands, intensifying the competition further. To overcome this challenge, companies must focus on innovation, branding, and creating unique value propositions to capture consumer attention and loyalty.

• Supply Chain Disruptions and Raw Material Costs: The home bedding market, like many other industries, faces challenges related to supply chain disruptions and fluctuating raw material costs. Volatility in material costs, including cotton, foam, and other essential components for bedding production, can significantly impact profit margins and product pricing. Additionally, disruptions in the supply chain, whether due to global events, trade restrictions, or logistical issues, can lead to delays in manufacturing and delivery, affecting consumer satisfaction and brand reputation. Companies need to adopt strategies that include contingency plans, diversification of suppliers, and exploring sustainable and cost-effective sourcing options to mitigate these challenges.

Market Trends:

• Sustainability and Eco-friendly Products: A prominent trend in the home bedding market is the growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly products. Consumers are increasingly seeking bedding items made from organic, recycled, or biodegradable materials. This trend aligns with the broader movement toward eco-conscious consumer behavior, leading to the development of sustainable manufacturing processes, reduced carbon footprints, and the use of natural, non-toxic materials in bedding products. Brands focusing on sustainability are gaining traction by promoting ethical sourcing, reducing waste, and embracing eco-friendly practices throughout their production and distribution processes.

• Smart Bedding and Technological Advancements: The integration of technology into bedding products, often referred to as smart bedding, is a significant trend shaping the market. Innovative solutions, such as smart mattresses with sensors, adjustable firmness, and temperature control, cater to consumers seeking a technologically enhanced sleep experience. These smart bedding solutions not only provide comfort but also offer data on sleep patterns and health metrics, empowering individuals to monitor and improve their sleep quality. The market is witnessing a surge in demand for smart pillows, beds with built-in speakers or massagers, and bedding products that integrate seamlessly with smart home ecosystems, offering convenience and enhanced sleep environments.

Covid-19 Impacts

During the pandemic, as people spent more time at home due to lockdowns, remote work, and social distancing measures, there was a notable surge in demand for home bedding products. With individuals spending more time in their homes, there was a heightened focus on comfort, leading to increased purchases of mattresses, pillows, bedding sets, and accessories. This was particularly pronounced in the initial stages of the pandemic when individuals sought to create comfortable workspaces and improve their home environments for extended periods indoors. As physical stores faced restrictions and closures, e-commerce became the primary purchasing channel for home bedding products. Online sales and direct-to-consumer models saw significant growth as consumers turned to digital platforms for their shopping needs. Companies that had robust online strategies and seamless delivery services were better positioned to meet the increased demand and capitalize on the shifting consumer behavior. With more time spent at home, there was a surge in do-it-yourself (DIY) and home improvement projects, including revamping bedrooms and creating more comfortable living spaces. This trend fueled increased purchases of bedding items and accessories as consumers sought to upgrade and personalize their home environments.

Competitive Landscape

The home bedding market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to home bedding market. The major players covered in the home bedding market report are Paramount Bed Co., Ltd., Leggett & Platt, Inc., Kingsdown Inc., Spring Air Company , Casper Sleep Inc., Sheela Foam Limited, Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC, Purple Innovation, Inc., Sleep Number Corporation, Beurer GmbH, Saatva, Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited, Tempur Sealy International, Inc, Inter IKEA Holding B.V., Nest Bedding, Inc., Southerland, Inc, H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB, Simba Sleep Limited , Trident Group , Ralph Lauren Corporation.

Key Developments

• Serta Simmons Bedding announced in April 2023 that it will be improving its website and launching its new Serta Ideal Sleeper and Serta iComfortECO collections at retailers. Users will benefit from a more efficient research and shopping experience thanks to the improvements.

• The American Textile Company (ATC) debuted AllerEase®, a new bedding product featuring state-of-the-art HeiQ Allergen technology, in March 2023. In order to introduce a number of bedding items in the USA, Canada, and Mexico, ATC partnered with the Swiss materials innovation company HeiQ. These products included pillows, mattress and pillow protectors, mattress pads, blankets, comforters, and throws.

• The most recent updates to Sleep Number's 360 Smart Bed series will include the ability to identify possible sleep issues like sleep apnea and insomnia in January 2022. Sleep Number is a company that produces bedding and intelligent mattresses. Sleep Number offers consumers individualised solutions to improve their quality of sleep and treat common sleep disorders through the use of biometric sensors and advanced sleep tracking technologies.

• Duroflex introduced the Summer Story'22 Collection of bed linens in India in May 2022.

Considered in this report

• Geography: Global
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report

• Global Home Bedding market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Region & Country-wise Home Bedding market analysis
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

Regions & Countries covered in the report

• North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)
• Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Russia)
• Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea)
• South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)
• Middle-East & Africa (UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa)

By Product Type

• Mattress
• Bed Linen
• Pillows
• Blankets
• Others (Bedspreads and Quilts, Bed Throws, Bed Skirts or Dust Ruffles, Bedding Accessories, Mattress Toppers or Pads, Pillow Shams)

By Distribution Channel

• Offline
• Online

The approach of the report:

This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience

This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organisations related to the Smart Home industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Dynamics
2.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
2.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
2.3. Market Trends
2.4. Covid-19 Effect
2.5. Supply chain Analysis
2.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
2.7. Industry Experts Views
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Market Structure
4.1. Market Considerate
4.2. Assumptions
4.3. Limitations
4.4. Abbreviations
4.5. Sources
4.6. Definitions
5. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
6. Global Home Bedding Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Region
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Geography
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
7. North America Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.1. Market Size By Value
7.2. Market Share By Country
7.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
7.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
7.5. United States Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.5.1. Market Size By Value
7.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.6. Canada Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.6.1. Market Size By Value
7.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.7. Mexico Home Bedding Market Outlook
7.7.1. Market Size By Value
7.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
7.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8. Europe Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.1. Market Size By Value
8.2. Market Share By Country
8.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
8.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
8.5. Germany Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.5.1. Market Size By Value
8.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.6. United Kingdom Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.6.1. Market Size By Value
8.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.7. France Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.7.1. Market Size By Value
8.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.8. Italy Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.8.1. Market Size By Value
8.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.9. Spain Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.9.1. Market Size By Value
8.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8.10. Russia Home Bedding Market Outlook
8.10.1. Market Size By Value
8.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
8.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9. Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.1. Market Size By Value
9.2. Market Share By Country
9.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
9.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
9.5. China Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.5.1. Market Size By Value
9.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.6. Japan Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.6.1. Market Size By Value
9.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.7. India Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.7.1. Market Size By Value
9.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.8. Australia Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.8.1. Market Size By Value
9.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
9.9. South Korea Home Bedding Market Outlook
9.9.1. Market Size By Value
9.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
9.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
10. South America Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.1. Market Size By Value
10.2. Market Share By Country
10.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
10.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
10.5. Brazil Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.5.1. Market Size By Value
10.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
10.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
10.6. Argentina Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.6.1. Market Size By Value
10.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
10.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
10.7. Columbia Home Bedding Market Outlook
10.7.1. Market Size By Value
10.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
10.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
11. Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.1. Market Size By Value
11.2. Market Share By Country
11.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type
11.4. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
11.5. UAE Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.5.1. Market Size By Value
11.5.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
11.5.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
11.6. Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.6.1. Market Size By Value
11.6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
11.6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
11.7. South Africa Home Bedding Market Outlook
11.7.1. Market Size By Value
11.7.2. Market Size and Forecast By Product Type
11.7.3. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
12. Competitive Landscape
12.1. Competitive Dashboard
12.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
12.3. Key Players Market Share Insights and Analysis, 2022
12.4. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
12.5. Porter's Five Forces
12.6. Company Profile
12.6.1. Paramount Bed Co., Ltd. Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
12.6.2. Leggett & Platt, Inc.
12.6.3. Kingsdown Inc.
12.6.4. Spring Air Company
12.6.5. Casper Sleep Inc.
12.6.6. Sheela Foam Limited
12.6.7. Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC
12.6.8. Purple Innovation, Inc.
12.6.9. Sleep Number Corporation
12.6.10. Beurer GmbH
12.6.11. Saatva
12.6.12. Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited
12.6.13. Tempur Sealy International, Inc
12.6.14. Inter IKEA Holding B.V.
12.6.15. Nest Bedding, Inc.
12.6.16. Southerland, Inc
12.6.17. H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB
12.6.18. Simba Sleep Limited
12.6.19. Trident Group
12.6.20. Ralph Lauren Corporation
13. Strategic Recommendations
14. Annexure
14.1. FAQ`s
14.2. Notes
14.3. Related Reports
15. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Home Bedding Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2022 & 2028
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2028
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2028
Figure 4: Global Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Home Bedding Market Share By Region (2022)
Figure 6: North America Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: North America Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 8: US Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Canada Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: Mexico Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Europe Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 12: Europe Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 13: Germany Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 14: UK Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 15: France Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 16: Italy Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 17: Spain Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 18: Russia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 19: Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 20: Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 21: China Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 22: Japan Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 23: India Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 24: Australia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 25: South Korea Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 26: South America Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 27: South America Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 28: Brazil Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 29: Argentina Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 30: Columbia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 31: Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 32: Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 33: UAE Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 34: Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 35: South Africa Home Bedding Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 36: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2022
Figure 37: Market Share insights of key players, 2022
Figure 38: Porter's Five Forces of Global Home Bedding Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Global Home Bedding Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2022 & 2028) (in USD Billion)
Table 2 : Influencing Factors for Home Bedding Market, 2022
Table 3: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2020
Table 4: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2020
Table 5: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 6: Global Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Geography (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7 : Global Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8 : Global Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9 : North America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10 : North America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11 : United States Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12 : United States Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13 : Canada Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14 : Canada Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15 : Mexico Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16 : Mexico Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17 : Europe Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 18 : Europe Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19 : Germany Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20 : Germany Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21 : United Kingdom Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22 : United Kingdom Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23 : France Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24 : France Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 25 : Italy Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 26 : Italy Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 27 : Spain Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 28 : Spain Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 29 : Russia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 30 : Russia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 31 : Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 32 : Asia-Pacific Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 33 : China Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 34 : China Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 35 : Japan Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 36 : Japan Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 37 : India Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 38 : India Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 39 : Australia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 40 : Australia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 41 : South Korea Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 42 : South Korea Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 43 : South America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 44 : South America Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 45 : Brazil Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 46 : Brazil Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 47 : Argentina Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 48 : Argentina Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 49 : Colombia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 50 : Colombia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 51 : Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 52 : Middle East & Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 53 : United Arab Emirates Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 54 : United Arab Emirates Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 55 : Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 56 : Saudi Arabia Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 57 : South Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Product Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 58 : South Africa Home Bedding Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)







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