


Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Outlook, 2028

中東・アフリカ(MEA)地域は重大な疾病負担と闘っており、この多様で広大な地理的地域におけるワクチン接種努力の重要性が強調されている。ワクチン接種回数の増加は、ワクチン副反応の報告の増加と関連している... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年9月30日 US$2,950
2-3営業日以内 87 英語





Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「中東・アフリカのワクチン市場概要、2028年」によると、同市場は2028年までに45億米ドル以上の市場規模に達すると予測されている。中東・アフリカ地域では、ワクチンの使用量が着実に増加しており、この急増の理由は、幅広い感染症の予防におけるワクチンの有効性が実証されているためです。天然痘の根絶、ポリオのほぼ根絶、麻疹やインフルエンザといった他の致死的疾患の発生率の大幅な減少において、ワクチンは重要な役割を果たしてきた。こうした成功は、ワクチン接種が疾病予防の強力な手段であるという信頼と自信を植え付けた。ワクチンの重要性に対する認識が高まったことも、ワクチン使用の増加に大きく寄与している。インターネットやソーシャルメディアを通じた情報の普及により、人々はワクチン関連の信頼できる情報源にアクセスできるようになった。公衆衛生キャンペーン、医療従事者、科学の進歩は、ワクチンの安全性と有効性に関する認識を高め、かつてワクチン接種を躊躇させた神話や誤った情報を払拭した。この地域の多くの国では、予防接種キャンペーン、スケジュール、戦略に重点を置いた国家予防接種プログラム(NIPs)を策定している。NIPは、予防接種の対象となるすべての人々がワクチンを容易に入手できるようにし、国や地域レベルで予防接種の取り組みを調整するために活動している。アフリカ諸国で構成される大陸組織であるアフリカ連合は、ワクチンの流通と保健に関連するイニシアティブを有している。ワクチンの開発と研究における革新も、使用量の増加に貢献している。継続的な科学の進歩により、新たな感染症に対するワクチンが開発され、既存のワクチンの安全性と有効性が向上している。このような絶え間ない進歩により、ワクチン接種によって予防できる疾病の範囲が広がっている。




エンドユーザーに基づき、ワクチン市場は小児用ワクチンと成人用ワクチンに区分される。幼児期におけるワクチン投与は、世界的に認知され優先される公衆衛生戦略であり、中東やアフリカでもこの習慣が普及している。これらの地域の政府は、予防可能な病気から子どもたちを守るために、幼少期のワクチン接種の重要性を強調する規則や政策を確立している。中東やアフリカの多くの国では、小児ワクチン接種プログラムが国の医療制度に組み込まれており、世界保健機関(WHO)が定めたガイドラインに従っている。こうしたプログラムには通常、麻疹、ポリオ、ジフテリア、破傷風、百日咳など、さまざまなワクチンの接種時期を定めた予防接種スケジュールが含まれている。政府の政策では、子どもたちが学校に通うためには最新の予防接種を受けていなければならないことがしばしば義務付けられており、ワクチン接種をさらに奨励している。また、これらの地域の保健当局は、十分なサービスを受けられ ていない人々にワクチン接種キャンペーンを実施し、社会 経済的地位や居住地にかかわらず、子どもたちが命を救うワ クチンにアクセスできるようにしている。成人や高齢者のワクチンへのアクセスは、多くの場合、公的医療施設、民間診療所、アウトリーチプログラムの組み合わせによって促進される。場合によっては、職場、コミュニティセンター、医療施設などでワクチン接種キャンペーンが実施され、接種範囲と利便性を最大限に高めている。インフルエンザ(Flu)ワクチン, COVID-19ワクチン, 破傷風・ジフテリア・百日咳(Tdap)ワクチン, 肺炎球菌ワクチン, 帯状疱疹(Herpes Zoster)ワクチン, 肝炎ワクチン, 髄膜炎菌ワクチン, 成人は旅行先や活動に応じて、腸チフス、黄熱病、狂犬病など、特定の地域で流行している病気から身を守るためのワクチンを必要とする。市場は、肺炎球菌感染症、がん、インフルエンザ、ロタウイルス、ジフテリア、百日咳、破傷風(DTP)、ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)などの疾患の治療に使用されるワクチンの種類に基づいて区分される、帯状疱疹、髄膜炎菌感染症、肝炎、水痘(水ぼうそう)、おたふくかぜ、その他(狂犬病、デング熱、腸チフス、ポリオ、日本脳炎、風疹、帯状疱疹、結核、黄熱など。).





Merck & Co., GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Bharat Biotech International Limited, CSL, Sanofi S.A, AstraZeneca plc, Pfizer Inc, 武田薬品工業株式会社


- 地域中東・アフリカ
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028


- 中東およびアフリカのワクチン市場:その価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言


- アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)
- サウジアラビア
- 南アフリカ


- 混合ワクチン
- 不活化・サブユニットワクチン
- 不活化ワクチン
- 組み換えワクチン
- トキソイドワクチン


- 筋肉内および皮下投与
- 経口投与
- その他(皮内投与、経鼻投与、静脈内投与、経皮パッチ、経口粘膜ワクチン、マイクロニードルパッチ、ジェットインジェクター、腹腔内投与、点鼻薬など)


- 小児用ワクチン
- 成人用ワクチン


- 肺炎球菌感染症
- がん
- インフルエンザ
- ロタウイルス
- ジフテリア、百日咳、破傷風(DTP)
- ヒト乳頭腫ウイルス(HPV)
- 帯状疱疹
- 髄膜炎菌感染症
- 肝炎
- 水痘(水ぼうそう)
- 流行性耳下腺炎
- その他(狂犬病、デング熱、腸チフス、ポリオ、日本脳炎、風疹、帯状疱疹、結核、黄熱など)


- 多価ワクチン
- 一価ワクチン


- 病院薬局
- 小売薬局
- 施設販売
- その他(専門クリニック、地域医療センター、遠隔医療およびオンライン薬局、非営利団体、政府配布プログラムなど)








Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global Vaccines Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Technology
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By End-User
5.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
5.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Type
5.7. Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration
5.8. Market Size and Forecast, By Disease
6. Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Technology
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By End-User
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
6.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Type
6.7. Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration
6.8. Market Size and Forecast, By Disease
7. Market Dynamics
7.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
7.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
7.3. Market Trends
7.4. Covid-19 Effect
7.5. Supply chain Analysis
7.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
7.7. Industry Experts Views
7.8. UAE Vaccines Market Outlook
7.8.1. Market Size By Value
7.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
7.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7.8.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.9. Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Outlook
7.9.1. Market Size By Value
7.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
7.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7.9.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.10. South Africa Vaccines Market Outlook
7.10.1. Market Size By Value
7.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
7.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7.10.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8. Competitive Landscape
8.1. Competitive Dashboard
8.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
8.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
8.4. Porter's Five Forces
8.5. Company Profile
8.5.1. Merck & Co., Inc Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
8.5.2. GlaxoSmithKline PLC
8.5.3. Bharat Biotech International Limited
8.5.4. CSL
8.5.5. Sanofi S.A
8.5.6. AstraZeneca plc
8.5.7. Pfizer Inc
8.5.8. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
9. Strategic Recommendations
10. Annexure
10.1. FAQ`s
10.2. Notes
10.3. Related Reports
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Vaccines Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2022 & 2028
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2028
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2028
Figure 4: Global Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Vaccines Market Share By Region (2022)
Figure 6: Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 8: UAE Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: South Africa Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2022
Figure 12: Porter's Five Forces of Global Vaccines Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Global Vaccines Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2022 & 2028) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2020
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2020
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 6 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Disease (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Disease (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17 : Influencing Factors for Vaccines Market, 2022
Table 18 : United Arab Emirates Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19 : United Arab Emirates Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20 : United Arab Emirates Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21 : Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22 : Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23 : Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24 : South Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 25 : South Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 26 : South Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)





The Middle East and Africa (MEA) region grapples with a significant disease burden, which underscores the critical importance of vaccination efforts in this diverse and expansive geographical area. The increasing numbers of vaccine administrations are associated with increased reports of adverse vaccine reactions. Vaccines are a vital tool in safeguarding public health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Their necessity cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in protecting individuals and communities from potentially life-threatening illnesses. Various infectious diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, polio, hepatitis, and a range of neglected tropical diseases, continue to affect millions of people across the region. These diseases can lead to substantial morbidity, mortality, and socioeconomic challenges. In response to this formidable disease burden, vaccination campaigns play a pivotal role in preventing, controlling, and reducing the impact of these diseases. National immunization programs, often supported by international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, are instrumental in providing vaccines to vulnerable populations in the MEA region. These programs aim to improve vaccine coverage rates, protect communities, and ultimately enhance public health and well-being by addressing the unique health challenges faced by countries in the Middle East and Africa. The MEA region is also exploring innovations in vaccine delivery to overcome challenges related to access and distribution. This includes the use of mobile health (mHealth) technologies for vaccine tracking and reminders, as well as initiatives to improve the cold chain infrastructure to maintain the integrity of vaccines.

According to the research report “Middle East & Africa Vaccine Market Overview, 2028," published by Bonafide Research, The market is projected to reach market size above USD 4.50 Billion by 2028. The usage of vaccines has been steadily increasing in Middle East and Africa region the reasons for this surge is the demonstrable effectiveness of vaccines in preventing a wide range of infectious diseases. Vaccines have played an instrumental role in the eradication of smallpox, near-elimination of polio, and substantial reductions in the incidence of other deadly diseases like measles and influenza. These successes have instilled trust and confidence in vaccination as a powerful tool for disease prevention. The raising awareness about the importance of vaccines has contributed significantly to their increased usage. With the proliferation of information through the internet and social media, people now have greater access to reliable sources of vaccine-related information. Public health campaigns, healthcare professionals, and scientific advancements have collectively raised awareness about vaccines' safety and efficacy, dispelling myths and misinformation that once deterred some individuals from getting vaccinated. Many countries in this region have established National Immunization Programs (NIPs) that focus on vaccination campaigns, schedules, and strategies. NIPs work to ensure that vaccines are readily available to all eligible individuals and coordinate vaccination efforts at the national and regional levels. The African Union, a continental organization consisting of African countries, has initiatives related to vaccine distribution and health. Innovations in vaccine development and research have also contributed to increased usage. Ongoing scientific advancements have led to the development of vaccines for emerging infectious diseases and improvements in the safety and effectiveness of existing vaccines. This continuous progress ensures that a broader spectrum of diseases can be prevented through vaccination.

Based on the geography, the market is segmented into UAE, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. Saudi Arabia dominates the market, which is anticipated to reach more than USD 786 Million by 2028. The Saudi Ministry of Health is responsible for healthcare and vaccination programs in the country. Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) oversee the regulation and approval of vaccines and medicines in Saudi Arabia. They may provide information on approved vaccines and their distribution. Public awareness has played a crucial role in this growing market. Increased access to information through various media channels and healthcare campaigns has empowered individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Government initiatives have been instrumental in driving vaccine utilization in South Africa. The government has not only invested in healthcare infrastructure and distribution networks but has also actively promoted vaccination through public health campaigns. The UAE government has demonstrated a strong commitment to public health by actively promoting and facilitating vaccine distribution. Their efficient and organized vaccination campaigns have instilled confidence in the population. The UAE's approach of importing and offering a diverse range of vaccines has attracted a broad spectrum of individuals.

Based on the pathogen that is being targeted to produce the vaccine, different vaccine technologies are involved in its production. Thus, the market is segmented on the basis of Technology, which involves; Conjugate vaccines, Inactivated & Subunit vaccines, Live Attenuated vaccines, Recombinant vaccines, and Toxoid vaccines. As of 2022, the use of conjugate vaccines dominates the market by the great market share. Following closely is the live attenuated vaccines; live attenuated vaccines are a vital class of vaccines that provide numerous important advantages in the field of vaccination. These vaccines are made using weaker versions of the microbes that actually cause diseases, such as viruses or bacteria. The primary benefit of live attenuated vaccines is their ability to closely resemble the course of a typical infection without actually transmitting the disease. A strong and persistent immune response is triggered in the immunized person by this repetition of the infectious process. Therefore, live attenuated vaccinations frequently confer robust and long-lasting immunity, necessitating fewer doses or boosters over time. These vaccines can also offer broad-spectrum protection, which means they work well against several strains or variations of a pathogen. Recombinant vaccines offer several notable benefits in the field of immunization. These vaccines are developed through genetic engineering techniques that combine genetic material from a disease-causing organism, often a virus or bacterium, with genetic material from another organism, such as yeast or bacteria, to produce a safer and more effective vaccine. One of the key advantages of recombinant vaccines is their safety profile. Since they do not contain live or inactivated pathogens, there is no risk of causing the disease in the vaccinated individual. This makes them suitable for use in individuals with weakened immune systems.

The market is segmented on the basis of route of administration of vaccine, which includes Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Administration, Oral Administration, and Others (Intradermal Administration, Nasal Administration, Intravenous Administration, Transdermal Patches, Oral-Mucosal Vaccines, Microneedle Patches, Jet Injectors, Intraperitoneal Administration, Intranasal Droplets, etc.) Oral administration of vaccines offers a distinct and valuable approach to immunization. Unlike traditional vaccines that are typically administered via injection, oral vaccines are ingested, usually in the form of a liquid, tablet, or capsule. The advantages of oral vaccines are their non-invasive nature, which eliminates the need for needles and syringes. This makes them more acceptable to individuals who may have a fear of injections or needle-related anxiety. Additionally, oral vaccines are easier to administer, making them particularly useful in large-scale vaccination campaigns, especially in remote or resource-limited areas where access to healthcare facilities and trained medical personnel may be limited. Oral vaccines stimulate both systemic and mucosal immune responses. Mucosal immunity is particularly important in defending against pathogens that enter the body through mucosal surfaces, such as the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. By eliciting mucosal immunity, oral vaccines can provide a first line of defense against infections at these entry points. A notable example of an oral vaccine is the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which has been instrumental in the global effort to eradicate polio. Other oral vaccines include those for cholera and rotavirus. The oral administrated vaccines hold the market size of more than USD 176 Million. However, most vaccines are administered through either intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) routes because these methods offer distinct advantages in terms of immune response and safety and thus dominate the market in 2022.

Based on the end-user, the vaccine market is segmented into Pediatric Vaccines and Adult Vaccines. Vaccine administration during early childhood is a globally recognized and prioritized public health strategy, and this practice is also prevalent in the Middle East and Africa. Governments in these regions have established rules and policies that emphasize the importance of vaccinating children at a young age to protect them from preventable diseases. In many Middle Eastern and African countries, childhood vaccination programs are integrated into national healthcare systems and follow guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO). These programs typically include vaccination schedules that specify when children should receive various vaccines, such as those for measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Government policies often mandate that children must be up-to-date on their vaccinations to attend school, further encouraging vaccine uptake. Health authorities in these regions also conduct vaccination campaigns to reach underserved populations, ensuring that children, regardless of their socioeconomic status or location, have access to life-saving vaccines. Access to vaccines for adults and the elderly is often facilitated through a combination of public healthcare facilities, private clinics, and outreach programs. In some instances, vaccination campaigns are conducted in workplaces, community centers, and healthcare settings to maximize coverage and convenience. Influenza (Flu) Vaccine, COVID-19 Vaccine, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine, Pneumococcal Vaccine, Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccine, Hepatitis Vaccines, Meningococcal Vaccine, and Depending on travel destinations and activities, adults require vaccines such as typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, and others to protect against diseases prevalent in specific regions. The market is segmented based on the type of vaccines used to cure Diseases like Pneumococcal diseases, Cancer, Influenza, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DTP), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Shingles, Meningococcal diseases, Hepatitis, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Mumps, Others (Rabies, Dengue, Typhoid, Polio, Japanese Encephalitis, Rubella, Herpes Zoster, Tuberculosis, Yellow Fever, etc.).

The market is segmented based on the type of vaccines used to cure Diseases like Pneumococcal diseases, Cancer, Influenza, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DTP), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Shingles, Meningococcal diseases, Hepatitis, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Mumps, Others (Rabies, Dengue, Typhoid, Polio, Japanese Encephalitis, Rubella, Herpes Zoster, Tuberculosis, Yellow Fever, etc.). Diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumonia (the pneumococcus) are a major public health problem in European countries, which has contributed to the largest usage of Pneumococcal Vaccines. Along with this, the usage of vaccines to cure cancers in European countries has increased, especially the use of HBV (human papillomaviruses) vaccines have boosted the overall growth of the marker.

The market is divided into two types of vaccines: multivalent vaccine and monovalent vaccine. Modern vaccination tactics are increasingly reliant on multivalent vaccines, which offer protection from several different illnesses or pathogen strains in a single shot. Convenience, cost-effectiveness, and increased immunization coverage are just a few benefits that these vaccines can provide. With the help of multivalent vaccines, fewer shots are required to provide complete protection against a variety of diseases. As a result, in 2022, the market for multivalent vaccines will have the biggest market share. The MMR vaccine, which offers defense against measles, mumps, and rubella; the pentavalent vaccine, which protects against five illnesses, including diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b; and the quadrivalent influenza vaccine, which offers defense against four influenza virus strains, are examples of commonly used multivalent vaccines. Classes of vaccines known as monovalent vaccines are made to protect against just one particular disease or infection. Monovalent vaccines aim to immunize people against a single infectious agent, as opposed to multivalent vaccines that target numerous illnesses or strains in a single shot. These vaccinations are crucial for preventing a variety of ailments, from prevalent childhood illnesses to new infectious risks.

Based on the Distributional channels of vaccines, the market is segmented into Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, Institutional Sales, and Others (Specialized Clinics, Community Health Centers, Telemedicine and Online Pharmacies, Nonprofit Organizations, Government Distribution Programs, etc). Since these facilities frequently have the right circumstances for safe vaccination administration and storage, hospitals and pharmacies are in fact the primary locations where vaccines are sold. The effectiveness of vaccines, which are delicate biological products, must be maintained under tight temperature control. In order to keep vaccinations at the prescribed temperatures, which are typically between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius (35.6 and 46.4 degrees Fahrenheit), hospitals pharmacies have the necessary refrigeration units and storage procedures in place. Hospital pharmacies hold the largest market share in 2022. In many Middle Eastern and African countries, government-sponsored distribution programs play a pivotal role in making vaccines accessible to the population. These programs are typically organized and administered by the respective Ministries of Health or similar government health authorities. The primary goal of these initiatives is to ensure equitable access to vaccines, especially among underserved and marginalized communities. Many retail pharmacies have dedicated vaccine storage units and trained pharmacists or nurses who can administer vaccines. This accessibility makes it easier for individuals to receive vaccinations without needing to visit a healthcare facility or make a doctor's appointment.

Companies covered in the report:

Merck & Co., GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Bharat Biotech International Limited, CSL, Sanofi S.A, AstraZeneca plc, Pfizer Inc, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Considered in this report:

• Geography: Middle East and Africa
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report:

• Middle East and Africa Vaccine Market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

Countries covered in the report:

• United Arab Emirates (UAE)
• Saudi Arabia
• South Africa

By Technology:

• Conjugate vaccines
• Inactivated & Subunit vaccines
• Live Attenuated vaccines
• Recombinant vaccines
• Toxoid vaccines

By Route of Administration:

• Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Administration
• Oral Administration
• Others (Intradermal Administration, Nasal Administration, Intravenous Administration, Transdermal Patches, Oral-Mucosal Vaccines, Microneedle Patches, Jet Injectors, Intraperitoneal Administration, Intranasal Droplets, etc.)

By End-User:

• Paediatric Vaccines
• Adult Vaccines

By End-User:

• Pneumococcal diseases
• Cancer
• Influenza
• Rotavirus
• Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DTP)
• Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
• Shingles
• Meningococcal diseases
• Hepatitis
• Varicella (Chicken Pox)
• Mumps
• Others (Rabies, Dengue, Typhoid, Polio, Japanese Encephalitis, Rubella, Herpes Zoster, Tuberculosis, Yellow Fever, etc.)

By Type:

• Multivalent vaccines
• Monovalent vaccines

By Distribution Channel:

• Hospital Pharmacy
• Retail Pharmacy
• Institutional Sales
• Others (Specialized Clinics, Community Health Centers, Telemedicine and Online Pharmacies, Nonprofit Organizations, Government Distribution Programs, etc.)

The approach of the report:

This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience:

This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Vaccine market, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.

***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Secondary Research
2.2. Primary Data Collection
2.3. Market Formation & Validation
2.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
3. Market Structure
3.1. Market Considerate
3.2. Assumptions
3.3. Limitations
3.4. Abbreviations
3.5. Sources
3.6. Definitions
4. Economic /Demographic Snapshot
5. Global Vaccines Market Outlook
5.1. Market Size By Value
5.2. Market Share By Region
5.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Technology
5.4. Market Size and Forecast, By End-User
5.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
5.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Type
5.7. Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration
5.8. Market Size and Forecast, By Disease
6. Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Outlook
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Share By Country
6.3. Market Size and Forecast, By Technology
6.4. Market Size and Forecast, By End-User
6.5. Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel
6.6. Market Size and Forecast, By Type
6.7. Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration
6.8. Market Size and Forecast, By Disease
7. Market Dynamics
7.1. Market Drivers & Opportunities
7.2. Market Restraints & Challenges
7.3. Market Trends
7.4. Covid-19 Effect
7.5. Supply chain Analysis
7.6. Policy & Regulatory Framework
7.7. Industry Experts Views
7.8. UAE Vaccines Market Outlook
7.8.1. Market Size By Value
7.8.2. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
7.8.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7.8.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.9. Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Outlook
7.9.1. Market Size By Value
7.9.2. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
7.9.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7.9.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
7.10. South Africa Vaccines Market Outlook
7.10.1. Market Size By Value
7.10.2. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
7.10.3. Market Size and Forecast By End-User
7.10.4. Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel
8. Competitive Landscape
8.1. Competitive Dashboard
8.2. Business Strategies Adopted by Key Players
8.3. Key Players Market Positioning Matrix
8.4. Porter's Five Forces
8.5. Company Profile
8.5.1. Merck & Co., Inc Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
8.5.2. GlaxoSmithKline PLC
8.5.3. Bharat Biotech International Limited
8.5.4. CSL
8.5.5. Sanofi S.A
8.5.6. AstraZeneca plc
8.5.7. Pfizer Inc
8.5.8. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
9. Strategic Recommendations
10. Annexure
10.1. FAQ`s
10.2. Notes
10.3. Related Reports
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Vaccines Market Size (USD Billion) By Region, 2022 & 2028
Figure 2: Market attractiveness Index, By Region 2028
Figure 3: Market attractiveness Index, By Segment 2028
Figure 4: Global Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 5: Global Vaccines Market Share By Region (2022)
Figure 6: Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 7: Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Share By Country (2022)
Figure 8: UAE Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 9: Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 10: South Africa Vaccines Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 11: Competitive Dashboard of top 5 players, 2022
Figure 12: Porter's Five Forces of Global Vaccines Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Global Vaccines Market Snapshot, By Segmentation (2022 & 2028) (in USD Billion)
Table 2: Top 10 Counties Economic Snapshot 2020
Table 3: Economic Snapshot of Other Prominent Countries 2020
Table 4: Average Exchange Rates for Converting Foreign Currencies into U.S. Dollars
Table 5 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 6 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 7 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 8 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 9 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 10 : Global Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Disease (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 11 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 12 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 13 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 14 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Type (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 15 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Route of Administration (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 16 : Middle East & Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast, By Disease (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 17 : Influencing Factors for Vaccines Market, 2022
Table 18 : United Arab Emirates Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 19 : United Arab Emirates Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 20 : United Arab Emirates Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 21 : Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 22 : Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 23 : Saudi Arabia Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 24 : South Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 25 : South Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By End-User (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)
Table 26 : South Africa Vaccines Market Size and Forecast By Distribution Channel (2017 to 2028F) (In USD Billion)






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