![]() ヘルスケアにおけるブロックチェーン技術の世界市場規模調査&予測、ネットワークタイプ別(プライベート、パブリック、その他)、アプリケーション別(臨床データ交換&相互運用性、請求裁定&請求、サプライチェーン管理、臨床試験&e同意、その他)、エンドユーザー別(プロバイダー、ペイヤー、バイオ医薬品&医療機器企業、その他)、地域分析、2022-2029年Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Size study & Forecast, by Network Type (Private, Public, Others), By Application (Clinical Data Exchange & Interoperability, Claims Adjudication & Billing, Supply Chain Management, Clinical Trials & eConsent, Others), By End-user (Providers, Payers, Biopharmaceutical & Medical Device Companies, Others) and Regional Analysis, 2022-2029 ヘルスケアにおけるブロックチェーン技術の世界市場は、2021年に約11億9000万米ドルと評価され、予測期間2022-2029年には68.1%以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。ブロックチェーンは、コンピュー... もっと見る
サマリーヘルスケアにおけるブロックチェーン技術の世界市場は、2021年に約11億9000万米ドルと評価され、予測期間2022-2029年には68.1%以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。ブロックチェーンは、コンピュータネットワークのノード間で共有される分散型データベースまたは台帳を指します。ヘルスケア業界では、ブロックチェーンは、病院、診断ラボ、薬局、医師を通じた患者データの維持と交換に使用されています。さらに、医薬品のサプライチェーンや出荷プロセスの効率的な管理にも応用されています。ブロックチェーン技術の分散化された性質により、医師、病院、薬剤師、その他治療に関わるすべての人の間で、患者データの効率的で安全な取引が可能になります。情報漏えいやデータ漏洩の増加、効率的な健康データ管理システムに対するニーズの高まり、および主要な市場プレイヤーの戦略的イニシアティブは、市場成長を加速させる主要因となっています。データ漏洩や情報漏えいに関連する事件の増加は、ヘルスケアにおけるブロックチェーン技術の世界市場の成長に寄与しています。例えば、米国国立生物工学情報センター(NCBI)の推計によると - 2019年、ヘルスケア業界は86カ国以上で2013年前後のデータ漏洩を報告しています。また、2019年には、505件の医療データ侵害において、約4120万件の医療記録が暴露、盗難、または違法に開示されました。さらに、2021年3月には、ランサムウェア攻撃により、約400のユニバーサルヘルスケアサービスでEHRが停止し、復旧費用と収益損失で6,700万米ドルの損失が発生したと推定されています。また、AIやML技術の進歩が進み、eヘルスサービスの台頭が高まることで、予測期間中、市場に有利な成長機会が生まれると考えられます。しかし、共通規格の欠如が、2022年から2029年の予測期間を通じて市場の成長を阻害しています。 ヘルスケアにおけるブロックチェーン技術の世界市場調査において考慮された主要地域は、アジア太平洋、北米、ヨーロッパ、ラテンアメリカ、およびその他の地域です。北米は、主要な市場プレイヤーの優位性と、データ漏洩の発生件数の増加と相まってヘルスケア分野におけるデジタル化の進展により、収益面で市場を支配しています。一方、アジア太平洋地域は、eヘルスサービスの普及や医療インフラの整備が進んでいることなどから、予測期間中に最も高いCAGRで成長すると予想されます。 本レポートに含まれる主な市場関係者は以下の通りです: IBM株式会社 ペイシェントリー・インク ガードタイム アイソルブLLC ソルブドットケア オラクル チェンジヘルスケア バーストIQ メディカルチェーンSA ブロックファーマ 市場における最近の動向 2019年1月、Aetna、Anthem、Healthcare Service Corporation(HCSC)、PNC Bank、IBMは、ヘルスケア業界向けブロックチェーンエコシステムの設計・開発に関する新たな協業を発表しました。 世界のヘルスケアにおけるブロックチェーン技術市場レポートスコープ: 過去データ 2019年~2020年~2021年 推計基準年 2021年 予測期間2022年〜2029年 レポート対象 売上高予測、企業ランキング、競合環境、成長要因、トレンド 対象セグメント ネットワークタイプ、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、地域 地域範囲 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、その他の地域 カスタマイズ範囲 レポート購入時に無料カスタマイズ(アナリストの作業時間8時間分まで)。国別、地域別、セグメント別スコープの追加・変更*。 本調査の目的は、近年における様々なセグメントおよび国の市場規模を定義し、今後数年間の値を予測することである。本レポートは、調査対象国において、業界の質的・量的な側面を取り入れるよう設計されています。 また、市場の将来的な成長を規定する推進要因や課題など、重要な側面に関する詳細情報も提供しています。さらに、主要企業の競争環境と製品提供の詳細な分析とともに、関係者が投資するためのミクロ市場での潜在的な機会も組み込んでいます。市場の詳細なセグメントとサブセグメントを以下に説明します: ネットワークタイプ別 プライベート パブリック その他 アプリケーション別 臨床データ交換と相互運用性 クレーム処理と請求書作成 サプライチェーンマネジメント 臨床試験とeConsent その他 エンドユーザー別 プロバイダー ペイヤー バイオ医薬品・医療機器メーカー その他 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ 欧州 英国 ドイツ フランス スペイン イタリア ROE アジア・パシフィック 中国 インド 日本 オーストラリア 韓国 ロアパック ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ RoLA その他の地域(Rest of the World 目次Chapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.1. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Region, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.2. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Network Type, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.3. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Application, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by End-User, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Dynamics 3.1. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Impact Analysis (2019-2029) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Growing incidences of information leaks and data breaches Increasing need for efficient health data management systems Strategic initiatives from leading market players 3.1.2. Market Challenges Lack of common set of standards 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Growing advancements in AI and ML technologies Rising emergence of e-health services Chapter 4. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.2. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2019-2029) 4.3. PEST Analysis 4.3.1. Political 4.3.2. Economical 4.3.3. Social 4.3.4. Technological 4.4. Top investment opportunity 4.5. Top winning strategies 4.6. Industry Experts Prospective 4.7. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 Market scenario Chapter 6. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Network Type 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market by Network Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts by Network Type 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 6.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Private 6.4.2. Public 6.4.3. Others Chapter 7. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Application 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 7.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Clinical Data Exchange & Interoperability 7.4.2. Claims Adjudication & Billing 7.4.3. Supply Chain Management 7.4.4. Clinical Trials & eConsent 7.4.5. Others Chapter 8. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by End-User 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market by End-User, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts by End-User 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 8.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Providers 8.4.2. Payers 8.4.3. Biopharmaceutical & Medical Device Companies 8.4.4. Others Chapter 9. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Regional Analysis 9.1. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Regional Market Snapshot 9.2. North America Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.2.1. U.S. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Network Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 Application breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 End-User breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 9.2.2. Canada Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3. Europe Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Snapshot 9.3.1. U.K. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.2. Germany Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.3. France Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.4. Spain Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.5. Italy Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.6. Rest of Europe Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4. Asia-Pacific Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Snapshot 9.4.1. China Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.2. India Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.3. Japan Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.4. Australia Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.5. South Korea Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.5. Latin America Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Snapshot 9.5.1. Brazil Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.5.2. Mexico Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.5.3. Rest of Latin America Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.6. Rest of The World Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Chapter 10. Competitive Intelligence 10.1. Top Market Strategies 10.2. Company Profiles 10.2.1. IBM Corporation Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 10.2.2. PATIENTORY INC. 10.2.3. Guardtime 10.2.4. iSolve LLC 10.2.5. Solve.Care 10.2.6. Oracle 10.2.7. Change Healthcare 10.2.8. BurstIQ 10.2.9. Medicalchain SA 10.2.10. Blockpharma Chapter 11. Research Process 11.1. Research Process 11.1.1. Data Mining 11.1.2. Analysis 11.1.3. Market Estimation 11.1.4. Validation 11.1.5. Publishing 11.2. Research Attributes 11.3. Research Assumption
SummaryGlobal Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market is valued at approximately USD 1.19 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 68.1% over the forecast period 2022-2029. Blockchain refers to a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. In Healthcare industry, blockchain is used for maintaining and exchange of patient data through hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, pharmacy firms, and physicians. Moreover, it also has applications in efficient management of pharmaceuticals’ supply chain and shipping process. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology enables efficient and secure transactions of patient data between doctors, hospitals, pharmacists and anyone else involved in treatment. The growing incidences of information leaks and data breaches and increasing need for efficient health data management systems as well as strategic initiatives from leading market players are key factors accelerating the market growth. Table of ContentsChapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.1. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Region, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.2. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Network Type, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.3. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Application, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.2.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by End-User, 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Dynamics 3.1. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Impact Analysis (2019-2029) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Growing incidences of information leaks and data breaches Increasing need for efficient health data management systems Strategic initiatives from leading market players 3.1.2. Market Challenges Lack of common set of standards 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Growing advancements in AI and ML technologies Rising emergence of e-health services Chapter 4. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.2. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2019-2029) 4.3. PEST Analysis 4.3.1. Political 4.3.2. Economical 4.3.3. Social 4.3.4. Technological 4.4. Top investment opportunity 4.5. Top winning strategies 4.6. Industry Experts Prospective 4.7. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 Market scenario Chapter 6. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Network Type 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market by Network Type, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts by Network Type 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 6.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Private 6.4.2. Public 6.4.3. Others Chapter 7. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by Application 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 7.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Clinical Data Exchange & Interoperability 7.4.2. Claims Adjudication & Billing 7.4.3. Supply Chain Management 7.4.4. Clinical Trials & eConsent 7.4.5. Others Chapter 8. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, by End-User 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market by End-User, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Estimates & Forecasts by End-User 2019-2029 (USD Billion) 8.4. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Providers 8.4.2. Payers 8.4.3. Biopharmaceutical & Medical Device Companies 8.4.4. Others Chapter 9. Global Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Regional Analysis 9.1. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market, Regional Market Snapshot 9.2. North America Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.2.1. U.S. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Network Type breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 Application breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 End-User breakdown estimates & forecasts, 2019-2029 9.2.2. Canada Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3. Europe Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Snapshot 9.3.1. U.K. Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.2. Germany Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.3. France Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.4. Spain Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.5. Italy Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.3.6. Rest of Europe Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4. Asia-Pacific Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Snapshot 9.4.1. China Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.2. India Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.3. Japan Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.4. Australia Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.5. South Korea Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.5. Latin America Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Snapshot 9.5.1. Brazil Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.5.2. Mexico Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.5.3. Rest of Latin America Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market 9.6. Rest of The World Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Market Chapter 10. Competitive Intelligence 10.1. Top Market Strategies 10.2. Company Profiles 10.2.1. IBM Corporation Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 10.2.2. PATIENTORY INC. 10.2.3. Guardtime 10.2.4. iSolve LLC 10.2.5. Solve.Care 10.2.6. Oracle 10.2.7. Change Healthcare 10.2.8. BurstIQ 10.2.9. Medicalchain SA 10.2.10. Blockpharma Chapter 11. Research Process 11.1. Research Process 11.1.1. Data Mining 11.1.2. Analysis 11.1.3. Market Estimation 11.1.4. Validation 11.1.5. Publishing 11.2. Research Attributes 11.3. Research Assumption
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