Emission Reduction Methods and Innovations in Rice Production: Focus on Economic Assessment and Practical Viability Analysis
米の生産は、特に米を主食とするアジアにおいて、世界中の何百万人もの人々の食糧安全保障と経済的生活の礎となっている。しかし、伝統的な稲作は、温室効果ガス(GHG)、特にメタン(CH2)と亜酸化... もっと見る
サマリー 市場紹介
農業技術企業や種子生産者を含むいくつかの産業界は、稲作における排出削減を支援する新しいツールを開発している。ディア・アンド・カンパニーやシンジェンタといった企業は精密農業機器に投資し、BASF SEやヤラ・インターナショナルは低排出肥料に取り組んでいる。さらに、政府と民間企業とのコラボレーションも増加している。EUのHorizon 2020のようなプログラムを通じて、節水技術、コントロールリリース肥料、スマート農業など、持続可能な米生産の取り組みに資金やインセンティブが向けられている。
- 官民投資:EUのHorizon 2020のようなプログラムは、持続可能な稲作に関する数多くのプロジェクトに資金を提供している。ディア・アンド・カンパニー(Deere & Company)、シンジェンタ(Syngenta)、ヤラ・インターナショナル(Yara International)などの企業は、放出制御肥料、精密灌漑、作物モニタリングシステムなどの技術を開発・推進し、排出削減目標を支援している。
- スマート農業技術の採用:バリアブル・レート・テクノロジー(VRT)やドローンなどの精密ツールが、主要な米生産地域で普及しつつある。これらの技術は、水、肥料、農薬の最適な使用を可能にし、排出量の削減と資源の節約を実現する。
- 炭素貯留への取り組み:土壌の炭素貯留を強化するため、水田でのアグロフォレストリーや保全耕うんが採用されている。インドやベトナムなどの国々では、このような農法と炭素クレジット制度を統合し、農家が持続可能な技術を採用するための経済的インセンティブを生み出している。
- 政府主導のインセンティブ:アジア、米国、EUの各国政府は、コメ生産における排出削減技術にインセンティブ、補助金、炭素クレジットを導入している。ベトナムのVnSATプロジェクトやインドの気候変動に関する国家行動計画(NAPCC)は、AWDやSRIのような節水手法を採用する農家を支援している。
- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- さまざまなテクノロジーの競争状況の把握
この調査では、広範な二次調査、ディレクトリ、企業のウェブサイト、年次報告書を使用する。また、Hoovers、Bloomberg、Businessweek、Factivaなどのデータベースを活用し、世界市場の広範かつ技術的、市場志向的、商業的な調査に役立つ効果的な情報を収集している。前述のデータソースに加え、www.fao.org、www.worldbank.org などの他のデータソースやウェブサイトの助けを借りて調査を行っている。
- 市場の様々な側面、主要トレンド、イノベーションの新たな領域に関する定性的洞察
- 数学的・統計的計算のための定量的データ
- 中国
- インド
- インドネシア
- ベトナム
- 日本
- 米国
- 韓国
- イタリア
- スペイン
- ギリシャ
- その他
目次 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
1 市場産業展望
1.1 市場概要
1.1.1 トレンド分析 米の世界生産量、2019-2023年 米の世界消費量、2019-2023年
1.2 規制情勢
1.3 伝統的慣行における排出量追跡、2019-2023年
1.4 米生産における排出削減方法
1.4.1 交互湿潤乾燥(AWD)
1.4.2 好気稲作
1.4.3 稲作集約化システム(SRI)
1.4.4 メタン排出削減戦略 メタンの回収と利用 土壌改良 水管理
1.4.5 亜酸化窒素排出削減戦略 制御放出肥料 硝化抑制剤 適切な灌漑と排水
1.4.6 水田における炭素隔離 保全耕うん アグロフォレストリー アグロフォレストリーの導入により期待される排出削減量 カバークロッピング
2 稲作の革新的技術と慣行
2.1 作物モニタリング
2.2 VRT
2.3 精密植え付け
2.4 灌漑技術
2.5 データ管理と支援システム
2.6 作物残渣管理
2.7 排出削減技術の導入率と成功率(主要国別)
2.7.1 中国
2.7.2 インド
2.7.3 インドネシア
2.7.4 ベトナム
2.7.5 ブラジル
2.7.6 日本
2.7.7 米国
2.7.8 韓国
2.7.9 イタリア
2.7.10 スペイン
2.7.11 ギリシャ
2.7.12 その他
3 排出削減技術の経済評価
3.1 各種技術の費用便益分析
3.2 排出削減のために利用できる補助金とインセンティブ
3.3 排出削減技術の経済効果指標
3.4 欧州のコメ生産者のためのROI分析
3.5 実践的実行可能性分析
3.5.1 導入の課題
3.5.2 成功した導入事例
3.5.3 排出削減実践の実行可能性指標
4 結論と提言
4.1 主要な発見
4.2 技術と実践が将来の排出削減目標に与える影響
4.3 欧州のコメ生産者の技術導入の将来展望
5 調査方法
5.1 データソース
5.1.1 一次データソース
5.1.2 二次データソース
図 21:コメ生産における作物モニタリングの重要性
図 22:コメ生産における作物モニタリングの重要性
図 25:VRTの実施
図 33:農作物残渣管理に関する地域の焦点と政府の取り組み
図 36:様々な排出削減技術による実施上の課題
表 1:規制の状況
BIS リサーチのプリンシパル・アナリスト、Debraj Chakraborty 氏によれば、「コメ生産業界は、食糧安全保障の需要と緊急の環境目標のバランスを取ろうと努力しており、極めて重要な局面に立っている。交互湿潤乾燥(AWD)やシステム・オブ・ライス・インテンシフィケーション(SRI)のような排出削減戦略は、温室効果ガスの削減だけでなく、水のような重要な資源の保全においても大きな可能性を示している。しかし、その導入は、特に零細農家にとって、コストとインフラの障壁を克服できるかどうかにかかっている。VRTやデジタル作物モニタリングのような精密農業技術が普及すれば、資源効率と排出削減の可能性は、さらに達成可能になる。政府の支援、炭素クレジット・プログラム、インセンティブが増えれば、特にアジアのような需要の高い地域で、コメ生産における持続可能な慣行の採用が加速化すると思われる。最終的に、これらの技術や政策が効果的に拡大されれば、稲作は農家の経済的回復力を向上させながら、世界の気候変動目標に大きく貢献することができる。"
- 2019年から2023年までの伝統的稲作農法における現在の排出レベルは?
- 稲作において最も採用の可能性が高い排出削減方法は何か?
- 稲作における排出削減のための革新的技術は何か?
- 水管理は稲作におけるメタン排出にどのような影響を与えるのか?
- これらの技術にはどのような経済的利益があるのか?
- これらの技術の採用率について、各国はどのように比較しているのか?
- これらの排出削減方法を促進するために、どのようなインセンティブや補助金が利用可能か?
- これらの技術を導入する上での主な課題は何か?
- 排出削減戦略は、世界的な気候変動目標とどのように整合させることができるか?
- 持続可能な稲作の今後の動向と展望は?
Summary Market Introduction
Rice production is a cornerstone of food security and economic livelihood for millions worldwide, particularly in Asia, where rice serves as a staple food. However, traditional rice cultivation practices contribute significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially methane (CH2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), primarily due to flooded field conditions and fertilizer usage. As global populations grow, with an anticipated 34% increase by 2050, the pressure on rice production to meet demand while minimizing environmental impact is intensifying.
In recent years, global policies and initiatives, including the EU Green Deal and the Global Methane Pledge, have emphasized reducing agricultural emissions as a critical step toward achieving climate targets. The EU Green Deal, in particular, aims for the EU to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, with interim targets such as a 50% reduction in chemical pesticide use and a 20% reduction in fertilizer application by 2030. Such regulations not only influence European markets but also affect countries heavily engaged in agricultural trade with the EU, incentivizing sustainable practices through subsidies, carbon credits, and technological investments.
Industrial Impact
The rice production industry, while essential to global food security, faces increasing pressure to adapt to sustainable practices due to its significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Methane emissions from flooded rice paddies alone contribute approximately 10-12% of total global agricultural methane emissions. With heightened environmental regulations and market demands for sustainability, the rice industry is at a critical juncture, requiring innovations that balance productivity with environmental stewardship.
Key policies such as the EU Green Deal, Global Methane Pledge, and national climate commitments are pushing countries to implement emission reduction strategies in agriculture, including rice farming. For instance, under the EU Green Deal, the European Commission (EC) has set ambitious goals for the agricultural sector: reducing pesticide use by 50%, fertilizer use by 20%, and shifting 25% of farmland to organic practices by 2030. These regulations influence not only EU rice markets but also impact major rice-exporting countries that trade with the EU, spurring them to align with sustainable practices.
To meet these targets, the rice industry is embracing various emission reduction technologies such as Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), System of Rice Intensification (SRI), precision agriculture tools, and soil amendments like biochar. These methods not only decrease emissions but also enhance resource efficiency and crop yields. For instance, AWD can reduce methane emissions by up to 48%, while SRI reduces water use and improves productivity, making it an attractive method in water-scarce regions.
Several industrial players, including agricultural technology firms and seed producers, are developing new tools to support emission reduction in rice farming. Companies like Deere & Company and Syngenta have invested in precision agriculture equipment, while BASF SE and Yara International are working on low-emission fertilizers. Additionally, collaborations between governments and private enterprises are on the rise. Through programs like the EU’s Horizon 2020, funding and incentives are directed towards sustainable rice production initiatives, including water-saving technologies, controlled-release fertilizers, and smart agriculture practices.
Despite these advancements, the industry faces significant challenges. The high initial cost of technology, limited access to funding for smallholder farmers, and inadequate technical support hinder the large-scale adoption of emission reduction methods. Moreover, successful adoption of data-driven systems like Variable Rate Technology (VRT) or Data Management Supporting Systems (DMSS) requires robust infrastructure and digital literacy, both of which are often lacking in rural rice-growing regions.
Nonetheless, the industry impact of emission reduction in rice farming is promising. By implementing sustainable practices, rice producers can improve their resilience to climate impacts, gain access to carbon credit markets, and meet rising consumer demand for sustainable products. If adopted widely, these practices could contribute significantly to reducing global agricultural emissions and advancing climate goals, while also opening new economic opportunities within the rice production sector.
Adoption of Water Management Practices—particularly Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD)
A crucial factor in reducing emissions in rice production is the adoption of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), a water management practice that lowers methane emissions by up to 48%. Unlike traditional continuous flooding, AWD involves intermittently drying fields, which interrupts methane-producing bacteria. This method not only reduces emissions but also cuts water use by about 30%, benefiting areas with water scarcity and lowering irrigation costs. AWD is cost-effective and accessible for smallholders, yet challenges remain, including the need for farmer training and technical support. With proper incentives and support, AWD has the potential to be a cornerstone in sustainable, low-emission rice farming.
Recent Developments
• Public-Private Investments: Programs like the EU’s Horizon 2020 have funded numerous projects in sustainable rice farming. Companies such as Deere & Company, Syngenta, and Yara International are developing and promoting technologies like controlled-release fertilizers, precision irrigation, and crop monitoring systems to support emission reduction goals. • Adoption of Smart Farming Technologies: Precision tools such as Variable Rate Technology (VRT) and drones are gaining traction in major rice-producing regions. These technologies enable optimized use of water, fertilizers, and pesticides, reducing emissions and conserving resources. • Carbon Sequestration Initiatives: Agroforestry and conservation tillage in rice paddies are being adopted to enhance soil carbon storage. Countries such as India and Vietnam are integrating carbon credit programs with these practices, creating financial incentives for farmers to adopt sustainable techniques. • Government-Led Incentives: Governments in Asia, the U.S., and the EU are introducing incentives, subsidies, and carbon credits for emission reduction technologies in rice production. Vietnam’s VnSAT project and India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) offer support for farmers adopting water-saving methods like AWD and SRI.
How Can This Report Add Value to an Organization? Product/Innovation Strategy: The report provides insights into various emission reduction methods in rice production, such as Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), System of Rice Intensification (SRI), and precision irrigation. These sustainable practices enable rice producers to align with global climate goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, primarily methane and nitrous oxide. By detailing each method’s efficiency, cost-benefit analysis, and adoption challenges, the report equips stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of how these technologies can be implemented across key rice-producing regions. The report highlights opportunities to capitalize on carbon credit schemes and government subsidies that incentivize the adoption of emission reduction technologies, offering a practical guide for organizations aiming to invest in low-emission rice production.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The report analyzes significant developments in sustainable rice farming, including technological advancements, partnerships, and policy-driven incentives that promote emission reduction. Key players in the rice sector, such as technology providers and agricultural equipment manufacturers, are launching products and expanding operations to support sustainable practices. The report also outlines strategic partnerships, such as collaborations between government agencies and agricultural technology companies to facilitate training and equipment access for smallholders. For example, in 2024, several rice-producing countries in Asia and the U.S. rolled out AWD and crop residue management programs, supported by subsidies and financial incentives. These developments create an avenue for companies to broaden their customer base while meeting rising demand for sustainable, low-emission rice production solutions.
Competitive Strategy: The report profiles key rice-producing countries, comparing their progress in adopting emission reduction methods and sustainable farming practices. It analyzes the regulatory frameworks, infrastructure availability, and financial support that influence adoption rates in countries like China, India, Vietnam, and the United States. This competitive analysis helps stakeholders understand how countries stack against each other in emission reduction efforts and market maturity for sustainable rice farming. The report further explores regional incentives and barriers, providing a clear landscape of opportunities for companies to tailor their strategies according to each country’s sustainability goals and regulatory requirements. This analysis helps organizations identify competitive advantages and potential areas for strategic expansion within the global low-emission rice production market.
Primary Research
The primary sources involve the emission reduction from rice production industry experts and stakeholders such as platform developers and service providers. Respondents such as vice presidents, CEOs, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to verify this research study's qualitative and quantitative aspects.
The key data points taken from primary sources include:
• validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs • understanding the competitive landscape of different technologies
Secondary Research
This research study involves the usage of extensive secondary research, directories, company websites, and annual reports. It also makes use of databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg, Businessweek, and Factiva, to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global market. In addition to the aforementioned data sources, the study has been undertaken with the help of other data sources and websites, such as www.fao.org and www.worldbank.org.
Secondary research was done to obtain crucial information about the industry’s value chain, revenue models, the market’s monetary chain, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications.
The key data points taken from secondary research include:
• qualitative insights into various aspects of the market, key trends, and emerging areas of innovation • quantitative data for mathematical and statistical calculations
Key Countries
The countries that are analysed have been selected based on inputs gathered from analysing the country’s imports, export, and agricultural trade agreements. Some major countries analysed in this report are:
• China • India • Indonesia • Vietnam • Japan • U.S. • South Korea • Italy • Spain • Greece • Other
Table of Contents Executive Summary Scope of the Study 1 Market: Industry Outlook 1.1 Market Overview 1.1.1 Trend Analysis Global Rice Production, 2019-2023 Global Rice Consumption, 2019-2023 1.2 Regulatory Landscape 1.3 Emission Tracking in Traditional Practice, 2019-2023 1.4 Emission Reduction Methods in Rice Production 1.4.1 Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) 1.4.2 Aerobic Rice Cultivation 1.4.3 System of Rice Intensification (SRI) 1.4.4 Methane Emission Reduction Strategies Methane Capture and Use Soil Amendments Water Management 1.4.5 Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Strategies Controlled-Release Fertilizers Nitrification Inhibitors Proper Irrigation and Drainage 1.4.6 Carbon Sequestration in Rice Fields Conservation Tillage Agroforestry Expected Emission Reduction with AgroForestry Adoption Cover Cropping 2 Innovative Technologies and Practices for Rice Production 2.1 Crop Monitoring 2.2 VRT 2.3 Precision Planting 2.4 Irrigation Technology 2.5 Data Management and Supporting System 2.6 Crop Residue Management 2.7 Adoption Rate and Succes Metrix of Emission Reduction Technology (by Key Country) 2.7.1 China 2.7.2 India 2.7.3 Indonesia 2.7.4 Vietnam 2.7.5 Brazil 2.7.6 Japan 2.7.7 U.S. 2.7.8 South Korea 2.7.9 Italy 2.7.10 Spain 2.7.11 Greece 2.7.12 Others 3 Economic Assessment of Emission Reduction Technologies 3.1 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Various Technologies 3.2 Subsidies and Incentives Available for Emission Reduction 3.3 Economic Impact Metrics of Emission Reduction Technologies 3.4 ROI Analysis for European Rice Producers 3.5 Practical Viability Analysis 3.5.1 Implementation Challenges 3.5.2 Case Studies of Successful Implementations 3.5.3 Viability Metrics for Emission Reduction Practices 4 Conclusion and Recommendations 4.1 Key Findings 4.2 Implications of Technologies and Practices on Future Emission Reduction Goals 4.3 Future Outlook for European Rice Producer’s Technology Adoption 5 Research Methodology 5.1 Data Sources 5.1.1 Primary Data Sources 5.1.2 Secondary Data Sources List of Figures Figure 1: Three Objectives of Emission Reduction Methods and Innovations in Rice Production Figure 2: Major Sectors of GHG Emissions in Agriculture Figure 3: Emission Reduction Techniques Figure 4: Framework of Emissions Reduction from Rice Production Figure 5: Global Rice Production Trends (2019-2023) Figure 6: Global Rice Consumption Trends (2019-2023) Figure 7: Top 10 Rice Consuming Countries (2020-2021 and 2022-2023: Annual Average Consumption, Milled Basis Figure 8: Overview of Emissions Tracked from Traditional Rice Production Figure 9: Year-Wise Percentage Increase for Emissions in Traditional Rice Production from 2019 To 2023 Figure 10: Benefits of Alternate Wetting and Drying Method Figure 11: Countries Representing Alternate Wetting and Drying Method Figure 12: Countries Representing Alternate Wetting and Drying Method Figure 13: Key Benefits Figure 14: Why to Transform Conventional Rice to Aerobic Rice Figure 15: Adoption of Aerobic Rice Cultivation Method Figure 16: Countries With SRI Utilization in their NDCs Figure 17: Benefits and Adoption of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Figure 18: Global Consumption of CRFs vs Nitrogen Fertilizers Figure 19: Expected Emission Reduction with AgroForestry Adoption Figure 20: Patents Filed or Granted for Agroforestry (Global), January 2018-December 2022 Figure 21: Importance of Crop Monitoring in Rice Production Figure 22: Importance of Crop Monitoring in Rice Production Figure 23: Importance of Crop Monitoring in Rice Production Figure 24: Benefits of VRT in Rice Production Figure 25: VRT Implementation Figure 26: Technologies Adopted Figure 27: Expected Emission Reduction with Precision Agriculture Adoption Figure 28: Different Types of Irrigation Technology Figure 29: Global Framework of Irrigation Technology Figure 30: Regional Analysis of Irrigation Technology for Rice Production: Figure 31: Case Study: The success story Figure 32: Major Methods: Figure 33: Regional Focus and Government Initiatives on Crop Residue Management Figure 34: Highlights of Economic Impacts Figure 35: Highlights of Sensitivity Analysis Figure 36: Implementation Challenges from Various Emission Reduction Technologies Figure 37: EU’s Action Plan for Promoting the Farm-to-Fork Strategy Figure 38: Emission Reduction Methods and Innovations in Rice Production: Focus on Economic Assessment and Practical Viability Analysis: Research Methodology List of Tables Table 1: Regulatory Landscape Table 2: Comparison between SRI and Conventional Method of Rice Cultivation Table 3: Adoption Rate and Succes Matrix of Emission Reduction Technology (by Key Country) Table 4: Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Table 5: Subsidies and Incentives for Emission Reduction Technologies in Rice Production Table 6: Economic Impact Metrics of Emission Reduction Technologies in Rice Production Table 7: Summary of Economic Impact Metrics Table 8: Subsidies and Incentives for Emission Reduction Technologies in Rice Production Table 9: Viability Metrics for Emission Reduction Practices in Rice Production
Press Release
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of emission reduction methods in rice production, with a particular focus on economic assessment and the practical viability of these technologies and practices. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of innovative agricultural techniques on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O), which are major contributors to global climate change.
The scope of the report encompasses an in-depth examination of the technological advancements and methods used in rice production to mitigate emissions, such as alternate wetting and drying (AWD), System of Rice Intensification (SRI), aerobic rice cultivation, controlled-release fertilizers, nitrification inhibitors, and crop residue management. It also includes an analysis of emission tracking, global trends from 2019-2023, and the economic impacts of adopting these practices.
Furthermore, the report investigates the regulatory landscape, including national and international policies aimed at promoting low-emission agricultural practices. It evaluates the role of subsidies, carbon credit schemes, and incentives in encouraging the adoption of sustainable farming techniques. The report references real-world case studies from major rice-producing countries, such as China, India, Vietnam, and the U.S., to illustrate successful implementation strategies for reducing emissions in rice farming.
A key component of this research is the cost-benefit analysis of various emission reduction technologies, offering insights into their financial viability. This includes a detailed assessment of initial investment costs, savings on inputs such as water and fertilizer, yield improvements, and potential returns on investment (ROI).
The report also outlines the adoption rates and success metrics of emission reduction technologies across different regions, highlighting sustainable rice farming practices' economic and environmental benefits. In addition, the report addresses the challenges and barriers associated with implementing these emission reduction methods, particularly in smallholder farming systems, where high initial costs, fragmented landholdings, and technical limitations hinder widespread adoption. The practical viability of these technologies is analyzed, taking into account both economic constraints and environmental benefits.
Analyst Perspective
According to Debraj Chakraborty, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, " The rice production industry stands at a pivotal point as it strives to balance food security demands with urgent environmental goals. Emission reduction strategies such as Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) and System of Rice Intensification (SRI) have demonstrated substantial promise, not only in reducing greenhouse gases but also in conserving vital resources like water. However, adoption hinges on overcoming cost and infrastructure barriers, particularly for smallholder farmers. As precision agriculture technologies such as VRT and digital crop monitoring gain traction, the potential for resource efficiency and emission reduction becomes even more attainable. With increasing government support, carbon credit programs, and incentives, we are likely to see accelerated adoption of sustainable practices in rice production, particularly in high-demand regions such as Asia. Ultimately, if these technologies and policies are scaled effectively, rice farming can contribute significantly to global climate objectives while improving economic resilience for farmers.”
Key questions answered in the report:
• What are the current emission levels in traditional rice farming practices from 2019-2023? • Which emission reduction methods have the highest potential for adoption in rice production? • What are the innovative technologies for reducing emissions in rice farming? • How does water management affect methane emissions in rice production? • What economic benefits are associated with these technologies? • How do different countries compare in terms of their adoption rates of these technologies? • What incentives and subsidies are available to promote these emission reduction methods? • What are the main challenges in implementing these technologies? • How can emission reduction strategies align with global climate change goals? • What are the future trends and outlooks for sustainable rice farming?
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