固体電池市場 - 世界および地域別分析:電解質タイプ、電池タイプ、容量、用途、地域に焦点:2023-2032年の分析と予測
Solid-State Battery Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Electrolyte Type, Battery Type, Capacity, Application, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2032
世界のソリッドステート電池市場は、2022年には5億8980万ドルと評価され、予測期間2023-2032年にはCAGR 33.54%で成長し、2032年には90億3780万ドルに達すると予測されている。固体電池は、家電や携帯機器の消費者... もっと見る
サマリー 世界のソリッドステート電池市場は、2022年には5億8980万ドルと評価され、予測期間2023-2032年にはCAGR 33.54%で成長し、2032年には90億3780万ドルに達すると予測されている。固体電池は、家電や携帯機器の消費者層の拡大、電気自動車における高度な電池技術の使用の増加、再生可能エネルギー分野の急速な発展、電池エネルギー貯蔵システムの採用の増加など、いくつかの要因によって牽引されている。
2022年、固体電池技術の世界市場の評価額は5億8,980万ドルに達した。予測期間中、同市場はCAGR 33.5%を示し、最終的に2032年には90億3780万ドルに達すると予測される。市場の拡大は、多くの重要な要因に大きく影響されている。これには、固体電池技術の進歩や固体電池自動車の採用に対する政策やインセンティブを通じた政府支援の増加、技術の進歩、研究開発への注力の高まりなどが含まれる。例えば、欧州では、Batteries Europeのような研究・技術革新同盟があり、また、国内では、ドイツのような国が固体電池開発の進展を促進するために「Battery 2020」のようなイニシアチブを立ち上げている。こうしたイニシアチブは、固体電池市場の革新と成長を促進する上で大きな役割を果たしている。
- 電気自動車
- 家電製品
- 医療機器
- エネルギー貯蔵システム
- その他
- ポリマー
- 硫化物
- 酸化物
- その他
- 薄膜
- バルク
- その他
- 20mAh未満
- 20mAh~500mAh
- 500mAh以上
- 北米:米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- 欧州 - ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、その他の欧州諸国
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋 - 日本、韓国、インド、台湾、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 世界の残り - 南米、中東、アフリカ
予測期間中、地域別に見ると、QuantumScape Corporation、Ionic Materials Inc.、BrightVolt Solid State Batteries、Solid Power, Inc.さらに、北米は世界的に最も成熟した電気自動車市場の1つを誇っており、これは主にテスラ社やゼネラルモーターズ社などの主要企業の存在によるものである。これらの企業は、電気自動車と電気自動車のバッテリー技術開発の最前線にいる。これらの影響力のある業界リーダーがEV革新の限界に挑み続けているため、高性能なEV用固体電池の需要が急増すると予想される。
ソリッドステート・バッテリーの主要企業には、STMicroelectronics N.V.、トヨタ自動車株式会社、SAMSUNG SDI株式会社、日立造船株式会社、ProLogium Technology Co.これらの企業は、戦略的パートナーシップ、提携、買収に注力し、製品ラインナップを充実させ、市場での存在感を高めている。したがって、固体電池技術の市場は、温室効果ガスの排出削減や固体電池自動車への移行への注目の高まり、支持的な規制、補助金、医療機器業界における安全な小型電池の需要の増加などの要因により、大きく成長し進化している。
- 2023年8月、ボローレ・グループの子会社であるブルー・ソリューションズは、ベルン応用科学大学(BFH)と枠組み協定を締結した。この協定に基づき、両社は、固体電池の生産と利用に関連するデータに適用されるビッグデータ分析と機械学習技術の活用に関する専門知識を共有し、協力事業を行う予定である。
- 2023年6月、プロロジウムは第2世代の固体電池「ラージフットプリント・リチウムセラミック電池(LLCB)」を発表した。この先進的な電池は、標準的な2170円形セル電池パックとは対照的に、体積エネルギー密度が2倍と著しく向上している。特筆すべきは、バッテリーパック全体の重量と内蔵セル数の削減と同時に、こうした飛躍的な進歩が達成されたことである。同社は、大幅な軽量化を実現し、115キログラムに達する可能性があるとしている。
- 2023年6月、ストアドットはエネルギー・ソリューション・プロバイダーであり、ベトナム最大の民間コングロマリットであるビングループの子会社であるVinESと提携した。この提携は、VinFast社が以前に発表したStoreDot社への投資に基づくもので、セル技術の進歩に向けた両社の協力的な取り組みが大きく前進したことを意味する。現在、両社はVinFastの電気自動車を含むグリーン・モビリティ分野に合わせた超急速充電(XFC)バッテリーソリューションの導入に向けて準備を進めている。
需要 - 推進要因、限界、機会
- 本レポートの対象範囲は、様々なタイプの固体電池に焦点を当てている。
- 市場収益は、固体電池の世界需要、今後予定されているプロジェクト、すでに発表されたプロジェクトに基づいて算出されています。
- 市場分析で考慮した基本通貨は米ドルです。米ドル以外の通貨は、その年の平均換算レートを考慮し、すべての統計計算で米ドルに換算している。
- 通貨換算レートは、OANDAウェブサイトの過去の為替レートから取得している。
- 本調査研究では、2019年1月から2023年6月までのほぼすべての最近の動向を考慮している。
- 本レポートで提供する情報は、綿密な一次インタビュー、調査、二次分析の結果である。
- 関連情報が入手できない場合は、代理指標と外挿を採用した。
- 将来の景気後退は、市場の推定と予測において考慮されていない。
- 現在使用されている技術は、大きな技術的ブレークスルーがない限り、予測期間を通じて存続すると予想される。
- すべての数値とグラフの検証と三角測量
- レポートのセグメンテーションと主要な定性的調査結果の検証
- 競合状況の把握
- 市場タイプ別の各種市場数の検証
- 地域別分析における個別市場のパーセンテージ分割
本調査では、広範な二次調査、ディレクトリ、企業ウェブサイト、年次報告書を利用する。また、Hoovers、Bloomberg、Businessweek、Factivaなどのデータベースを活用し、世界市場の広範かつ技術的、市場志向的、商業的な調査に役立つ効果的な情報を収集している。前述のデータソースに加え、https://www.euspa.europa.eu/、https://www.worldbank.org/en/home などの他のデータソースやウェブサイトの助けを借りて調査を行っている。
- ボローレ・グループ
- 株式会社クォンタムスケープ
- トヨタ自動車株式会社
- STマイクロエレクトロニクスN.V.
- サムスン電子株式会社
- ソリッドパワー株式会社
- 日立造船株式会社
- イリカ・ピーエルシー
- 日立造船株式会社
- プロロジウム・テクノロジー株式会社
- イオニックマテリアルズ
- プリエト・バッテリー
- ブライトボルト・ソリッド・ステート・バッテリー
- ストアードット
- ファクトリアル
- ザイオン社
- 株式会社サクー
- イオンストレージシステムズ
- 株式会社エスケーオン
- 株式会社ナトリオン
目次 メールに添付
BISリサーチのリードアナリスト、Sachin Singh氏によると、「様々な分野で小型で安全な電池への需要が急速に高まっていることから、固体電池市場は予測期間中に今後数倍に成長する可能性が高い。さらに、現在進行中の研究開発イニシアティブは、エネルギー貯蔵技術の探求の限界を押し広げつつあり、その変革の可能性により、固体電池がフロントランナーとして浮上している。さらに、エネルギー管理やスマートホームデバイスなどのモノのインターネット(IoT)アプリケーションをサポートするための高速データ接続の必要性が高まっていることから、5Gスマートフォンの普及が予想され、この成長を後押しすることが予想される。
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Bollore Group、ProLogium Technology Co., Ltd.、QuantumScape Corporation、トヨタ自動車株式会社、Ionic Materials Inc.、STMicroelectronics N.V.、SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD.、Prieto Battery Inc、ブライトボルト・ソリッド・ステート・バッテリー社、ソリッドパワー社、日立造船株式会社、イリカ・ピーエルシー社、ガンフォン・リチウム・グループ社、ストアードット社、ファクトリアル社、ザイオン社、サクー株式会社、イオンストレージシステムズ社、エスケーオン株式会社、ナトリオン社。
- 固体電池の需要を促進する主な要因は何か?
- 固体電池の動作原理と従来のリチウムイオン電池との違いは?
- 固体電池は、熱暴走やその他のリチウムイオン電池のリスクに関連する安全性の懸念にどのように対処するのか?
- 固体電池が電気自動車市場に与える潜在的影響とは?
- 政策、インセンティブ、補助金を通じて、政府と規制機関はどのように固体電池の開発と採用を支援しているか?
- さまざまな地域や国での固体電池の採用をめぐるボトルネックは何か?
- 世界の固体電池市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているのか?
- 世界の固体電池市場で活躍する企業が出願した主な特許は?
- 主要企業が競争優位に立つために採用している戦略は何か?
- 成長の可能性と技術的進歩の観点から見た固体電池市場の将来展望は?
Summary The global solid-state battery market was valued at $589.8 million in 2022, and it is expected to grow with a CAGR of 33.54% during the forecast period 2023-2032 to reach $9,037.8 million by 2032. The solid-state battery is driven by several factors, such as the expanding consumer base for consumer electronics and portable devices, the increasing use of advanced battery technologies in electric vehicles, the rapid development of the renewable energy sector, and the increasing adoption of battery energy storage systems.
Introduction to Solid-State Battery
Solid-state batteries are the next generation of high-energy cells that has a similar structure and operation to Li-ion batteries, but instead of liquid electrolyte, they use solid electrolytes. The key benefit of these batteries is their exceptional safety standard. They are flame-retardant or non-flammable and display high thermal stability, which makes them an ideal choice for use in electric vehicles.
As per the findings of the International Energy Agency (IEA), the sales of battery-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles experienced an almost twofold increase from 2020 to 2021, culminating in a total of 6.6 million units sold. In addition, the number of electric vehicles on the road is expected to reach around 300 million by 2030, accounting for more than 60% of new automobile sales, up from 4.6% in 2020. The expanding electric vehicle market and the increasing recognition of the benefits offered by solid-state batteries are expected to drive the market growth.
In 2022, the global market for solid-state battery technology reached a valuation of $589.8 million. Over the forecast period, the market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 33.5%, ultimately reaching a value of $9,037.8 million by 2032. The market's expansion is predominantly influenced by a multitude of significant factors. These include increasing government support through policies and incentives for the advancement of solid-state battery technology and the adoption of solid-state battery-powered vehicles, technological advancements, and increasing focus on research and development. For instance, in Europe, there are research and innovation alliances such as Batteries Europe, and on the national front, countries such as Germany have launched initiatives such as ‘Battery 2020’ to facilitate progress in solid-state battery development. These initiatives are instrumental in fostering innovation and growth within the solid-state battery market.
The solid-state battery industry is currently small, but it is projected to experience substantial growth in the near future. The market has attracted significant interest and investment as major companies have been striving to develop and establish their stronghold in the solid-state battery market. For instance, major players, particularly from the automotive industry, such as Ford, Hyundai, Nissan, BMW, Toyota, and Volkswagen, have invested in smaller companies and startups that are developing solid-state battery (SSB) technology.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Application • Electric Vehicle o Passenger Vehicle o Commercial Vehicle • Consumer Electronics • Medical Devices • Energy Storage System • Others
Consumer Electronics to Dominate the Market under the Application Segment
Based on applications, the consumer electronics segment held the largest share of the solid-state battery market in 2022. This could be attributed to the swift urbanization and increased consumer spending on consumer electronics applications such as laptops, smartphones, computers, and other consumer gadgets in developing nations. Furthermore, growing concerns about safety issues related to the use of liquid-based electrolytes in batteries are expected to drive the demand for solid-state batteries in consumer electronics applications.
Segmentation 2: by Electrolyte Type • Polymer • Sulfide • Oxide • Others
Polymer to Dominate the Market under the Electrolyte Type Segment
In 2022, based on electrolyte type, the polymer solid electrolyte segment dominated the overall solid-state battery market in terms of value and volume. Among all solid electrolytes, polymer electrolytes stand out as the most established option in terms of readily available materials and production technologies. Within the category of polymer solid electrolytes, polyethylene oxide (PEO) currently holds the dominant position and is already in commercial use in solid-state batteries (SSBs). Ongoing research and development efforts from players are focused on creating new and innovative polymers. The introduction of these chemistries is expected to further drive market growth.
Segmentation 3: by Battery Type • Thin Film • Bulk • Others
Thin Film to Dominate the Market under the Battery Type Segment
Based on battery type, the thin film segment dominated the market in 2022 due to the evolving requirements of smart devices, which demand improved safety features, higher specific energy and power capabilities, reduced physical size, and enhanced materials. These thin-film batteries have a broad spectrum of applications across diverse sectors, including consumer electronics, wireless sensors, smart cards, medical devices, memory backup power systems, and energy storage solutions for solar cells, among various others.
Segmentation 4: by Capacity • Below 20mAh • 20mAh to 500mAh • Above 500mAh
20mAh to 500mAh to Dominate the Market under the Capacity Segment
In 2022, based on capacity, the 20 mAh to 500 mAh capacity segment held the largest market share globally, which was driven by a growing demand for solid-state batteries in applications related to health monitoring, powering discreet wearable devices such as glucose monitors, and temperature sensors. Additionally, compact solid-state batteries in this capacity range played a crucial role in consumer electronics, access control systems, fitness trackers, and others.
Segmentation 5: by Region • North America - U.S., Canada, Mexico. • Europe - Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Rest-of-Europe • China • U.K. • Asia-Pacific - Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific • Rest-of-the-World - South America, Middle East and Africa
During the forecast period, based on region, North America and Europe is projected to witness substantial demand for solid-state batteries, owing to the presence of significant players such as QuantumScape Corporation, Ionic Materials Inc., BrightVolt Solid State Batteries, Solid Power, Inc., and Factorial Inc. Furthermore, North America boasts one of the most mature electric vehicle markets globally, primarily due to the presence of key players such as Tesla, Inc. and General Motors, among others. These companies have been at the forefront of electric vehicle and electric vehicles battery technology development. As these influential industry leaders continue to push the boundaries of EV innovation, the demand for high-performance solid-state EV batteries is expected to surge.
The key players operating in the solid-state battery include STMicroelectronics N.V., Toyota Motor Corporation, SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, and ProLogium Technology Co., Ltd. These companies are focusing on strategic partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and expand their market presence. Hence, the market for solid-state battery technology has been growing and evolving significantly because of factors such as the rising focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to solid-state battery vehicles, supportive regulations, subsidies, and increasing demand for safe compact batteries in the medical devices industry.
Recent Developments in the Global Solid-State Battery Market
• In August 2023, Blue Solutions, a subsidiary of the Bollore Group, entered into a framework agreement with the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH). Under this agreement, the two entities intend to collaborate, sharing expertise and engaging in cooperative ventures related to the utilization of big-data analysis and machine-learning techniques applied to data related to the production and utilization of solid-state batteries. • In June 2023, ProLogium introduced its second-generation solid-state battery named the Large-Footprint Lithium Ceramic Battery (LLCB). This advanced battery showcases a remarkable two-fold rise in volumetric energy density in contrast to a standard 2170 round-cell battery pack. Notably, these strides have been accomplished alongside a reduction in the overall battery pack weight and the number of incorporated cells. The company asserts a significant weight decrease, possibly reaching 115 kilograms. • In June 2023, StoreDot joined forces with VinES, an energy solutions provider and a subsidiary of Vingroup, Vietnam's largest private conglomerate. This partnership builds upon VinFast's previously announced investment in StoreDot, marking a significant step forward in their collaborative efforts to advance cell technology. Currently, both companies are gearing up to introduce extreme fast charging (XFC) battery solutions tailored for the green mobility sector, including VinFast's electric vehicles. •In June 2022, Solid Power, Inc. announced the installation of its pilot production line, referred to as the "EV Cell Pilot Line." This specialized production setup is specifically tailored to manufacture solid-state cells at a scale suitable for electric vehicles (EVs).
Demand – Drivers, Limitations, and Opportunities
Market Demand Drivers: Growing Concerns Related to Lithium-Ion Battery Failure and Explosion
The growing concerns related to lithium-ion battery failure and the associated risk of explosion have become a significant driving force behind the increasing demand for solid-state batteries. Lithium-ion batteries, while widely used in various applications, including consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage, have exhibited safety issues that have led to high-profile incidents. For instance, in May 2023, an incident occurred in Augusta, U.S., involving a car explosion attributed to the failure of a lithium-ion battery. One of the primary concerns with lithium-ion batteries is the use of flammable liquid electrolytes in them. When these batteries are subjected to extreme conditions, such as overcharging, physical damage, or exposure to high temperatures, they can undergo thermal runaway, a chain reaction leading to overheating, fires, and even explosions. These safety risks have been associated with product recalls, accidents, and concerns over the safety of electric vehicles.
In response to these concerns, solid-state batteries and other batteries such as sodium-ion batteries have emerged as a promising alternative. Solid-state batteries replace the flammable liquid electrolytes with solid electrolytes, making them significantly less prone to thermal runaway and explosion. This enhanced safety profile is a critical driver of their demand, especially in applications where safety is paramount, such as electric vehicles, aerospace, and grid-scale energy storage.
Furthermore, the demand for solid-state batteries has been amplified by their potential to improve energy density, increase longevity, and reduce charging times compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries. These attributes not only enhance safety but also offer superior performance benefits, making them an attractive choice for a wide range of applications.
Market Challenges: Lack of Industrial Supply Chain
The absence of a well-established industrial supply chain stands as a tough challenge in the solid-state battery market. Solid-state batteries are still in their early stages of development and commercialization. This supply chain deficit is compounded by several factors. Firstly, the manufacturing infrastructure for solid-state batteries is limited and necessitates specialized equipment and processes, resulting in substantial costs and time investments.
Additionally, these advanced batteries often rely on unique materials and components that lack a robust supplier base, making it challenging to source these materials reliably and cost-effectively in the quantities required for mass production. Quality control and testing protocols tailored to solid-state batteries must also be developed, which further adds to their complexity.
As demand for solid-state batteries continues to rise, manufacturers are confronted with the complex task of scaling up production capacity, requiring significant investments, workforce training, and consistent product quality assurance.
Furthermore, as a relatively novel technology, solid-state batteries may face evolving regulatory and safety standards, demanding rigorous compliance efforts. Collaborative initiatives involving researchers, solid-state battery manufacturers, government entities, and material suppliers are indispensable in bridging this supply chain gap.
Market Opportunities: Rising Popularity of Solid-State Batteries in the Medical Sector
The increasing popularity of solid-state batteries within the medical sector represents a significant opportunity for the broader solid-state battery market. In medical applications, where reliability, safety, and long-term performance are paramount, solid-state batteries offer a host of advantages that position them as a highly attractive energy storage solution. The medical sector often involves implantable devices, such as pacemakers and neurostimulators, where any risk of battery failure can have life-threatening consequences. Solid-state batteries, with their non-flammable solid electrolytes, virtually eliminate the risk of thermal runaway or leakage, ensuring the safety of patients and the longevity of these critical medical devices.
Furthermore, solid-state batteries' compact and lightweight design is advantageous for implantable and portable medical devices, enhancing patient comfort and mobility. Their high energy density allows for longer device lifespans between battery replacements or recharging, reducing the frequency of medical procedures and associated patient risks.
Additionally, as medical technology continues to advance, the demand for miniaturization and increased functionality in devices grows. Solid-state batteries, with their potential for customization and high-performance characteristics, align well with these evolving needs.
How can this report add value to an organization?
Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different polymers used for solid-state battery and their potential globally. Moreover, the study gives the reader a detailed understanding of the different solutions provided by the solid-state battery providers, encompassing aspects such as battery capacity and battery type. In contrast to traditional batteries, solid-state batteries exhibit outstanding thermal resilience, a comparatively lower self-discharge rate, heightened tolerance, and non-flammability.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global solid-state battery market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansion, partnership, collaboration, and joint venture. The favored strategy for the companies has been partnership, collaboration, and joint venture activities to strengthen their position in the global solid-state battery market.
Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global solid-state battery market analyzed and profiled in the study involve solid-state battery-based product manufacturers, including market segments covered by distinct electrolyte types, capacity, battery type, applications served, and regional presence, as well as the influence of important market tactics. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global solid-state battery market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Considerations and Assumptions in Market Engineering and Validation
• The scope of this report has been focused on various types of solid-state batteries. • The market revenue has been calculated based on the global demand for solid-state batteries, as well as upcoming and already announced projects. • The base currency considered for the market analysis is US$. Currencies other than the US$ have been converted to the US$ for all statistical calculations, considering the average conversion rate for that particular year. • The currency conversion rate has been taken from the historical exchange rate of the Oanda website. • Nearly all the recent developments from January 2019 to June 2023 have been considered in this research study. • The information rendered in the report is a result of in-depth primary interviews, surveys, and secondary analysis. • Where relevant information was not available, proxy indicators and extrapolation have been employed. • Any future economic downturn has not been considered for the market estimation and forecast. • Technologies currently used are expected to persist through the forecast with no major technological breakthroughs.
Primary Research
The primary sources involve the solid-state battery industry experts and stakeholders such as data suppliers, platform developers, and service providers. Respondents such as vice presidents, CEOs, marketing directors, and technology and innovation directors have been interviewed to verify this research study's qualitative and quantitative aspects.
The key data points taken from primary sources include:
• validation and triangulation of all the numbers and graphs • validation of reports segmentation and key qualitative findings • understanding the competitive landscape • validation of the numbers of various markets for market type • percentage split of individual markets for region-wise analysis
Secondary Research
This research study involves the usage of extensive secondary research, directories, company websites, and annual reports. It also makes use of databases, such as Hoovers, Bloomberg, Businessweek, and Factiva, to collect useful and effective information for an extensive, technical, market-oriented, and commercial study of the global market. In addition to the aforementioned data sources, the study has been undertaken with the help of other data sources and websites, such as https://www.euspa.europa.eu/ and https://www.worldbank.org/en/home.
Secondary research was done to obtain crucial information about the industry’s value chain, revenue models, the market’s monetary chain, the total pool of key players, and the current and potential use cases and applications.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
Of the top players profiled in the report, the private companies operating in the global solid-state battery market accounted for around 55% of the market share in 2022, while the public companies operating in the market captured around 45% of the market share.
Some Prominent Names Established in the Market are:
Company Type 1: Public Companies • Bollore Group • QuantumScape Corporation • Toyota Motor Corporation • STMicroelectronics N.V. • SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD. • Solid Power, Inc. • Hitachi Zosen Corporation • Ilika plc • Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd.
Company Type 2: Private Companies • ProLogium Technology Co., Ltd. • Ionic Materials Inc • Prieto Battery Inc. • BrightVolt Solid State Batteries • StoreDot • Factorial Inc. • theion GmbH • Sakuu Corporation • Ion Storage Systems • SK on Co., Ltd. • Natrion Inc.
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global solid-state battery market is estimated to reach $9,037.8 million in 2032, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 33.54% during the forecast period 2023-2032.
USP of the Report
The USP of a solid-state battery market report lies in its comprehensive coverage of the latest industry trends, market insights, technological advancements, and competitive landscape. It provides valuable data and analysis to help businesses make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and strategize their market entry or expansion plans in this rapidly evolving sector.
Analyst Perspective
According to Sachin Singh, Lead Analyst at BIS Research, “The solid-state battery market is likely to grow multi-fold in the coming years during the forecast period, owing to the rapidly growing demand for compact and safe batteries in various sectors. In addition, ongoing research and development initiatives are pushing the boundaries of energy storage technology exploration, with solid-state batteries emerging as frontrunners owing to their transformative potential. Furthermore, the anticipated rise in the adoption of 5G smartphones is expected to fuel this growth, driven by the increasing need for high-speed data connectivity to support Internet of Things (IoT) applications such as energy management and smart home devices, which, in turn, is expected to influence the expansion of the solid-state battery market.
However, the market faces certain challenges, including solid-state battery prices, infrastructure requirements, and stiff competition from alternative battery technologies. Significant growth is foreseen in the coming years, with key industry players actively pursuing strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand their market presence and improve their product offerings. In addition, various automotive giants such as BMW, Ford, GM, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, Volkswagen, and others are making substantial investments in solid-state battery research and development to gain a competitive edge and cater to the growing demand for cleaner transportation options in electric vehicles”.
Key Companies Operating in The Market
Key players in the global solid-state battery market analyzed and profiled in the study involve solid-state battery-based product manufacturers, including market segments covered by distinct electrolyte types, capacity, battery type, applications served, and regional presence, as well as the influence of important market tactics. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global solid-state battery market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Bollore Group, ProLogium Technology Co., Ltd., QuantumScape Corporation, Toyota Motor Corporation, Ionic Materials Inc, STMicroelectronics N.V., SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD., Prieto Battery Inc., BrightVolt Solid State Batteries., Solid Power, Inc., Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Ilika plc, Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd., StoreDot, Factorial Inc., theion GmbH, Sakuu Corporation, Ion Storage Systems, SK on Co., Ltd., and Natrion Inc.
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What are the main factors driving the demand for solid-state batteries? • What is the working principle of solid-state batteries, and how do they differ from traditional lithium ion batteries? • How do solid-state batteries address safety concerns associated with thermal runaway and other lithium-ion battery risks? • What is the potential impact of solid-state batteries on the electric vehicle market? • How are governments and regulatory bodies supporting the development and adoption of solid state batteries through policies, incentives, and subsidies? • What is the bottleneck around the adoption of solid-state batteries across different regions and countries? • How does the supply chain function in the global solid-state battery market? • What are the major patents filed by the companies active in the global solid-state battery market? • What are the strategies adopted by the key companies to gain a competitive edge? • What is the future outlook for the solid-state battery market in terms of growth potential and technological advancements?
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