
スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布の世界市場レポート:製品、用途、運用分析、国にフォーカス - 分析予測期間:2023年~2028年

スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布の世界市場レポート:製品、用途、運用分析、国にフォーカス - 分析予測期間:2023年~2028年

Global Smart Crop Scouting and Smart Spraying Market Report: Focus on Product, Application, Operational Analysis, and Country - Analysis Forecast Period, 2023-2028

世界のスマートクロップスカウティングとスマートスプレーイングの産業概要 スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布の世界市場規模は、2022年に34.7億ドルとなり、年平均成長率18.78%で成長し、2028年には... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年6月1日 US$5,500
2-3営業日以内 382 英語















- 偵察
- 散布







- 機器
- ソフトウェア


ソフトウェアは、スマートな作物スカウティングにおいて重要な役割を果たし、農家が効果的な作物管理のためにフィールドデータを収集、分析、解釈することを可能にする。スカウティングのためのソフトウェアソリューションは、今後6年間でCAGR 19.86%で成長する見込みである。これらのソフトウェア・ツールは、人工知能やデータ分析のような技術を活用して、作物の健康状態、害虫や病気の発生、栄養不足に関するリアルタイムの洞察を提供する。これにより、農家はタイムリーな情報に基づいた意思決定を行い、資源配分を最適化し、全体的な生産性を高めることができる。スマート農業の採用が増加し、精密農業の必要性が作物スカウティングのソフトウェア需要を促進しており、市場の主要なドライバーとなっている。


- トラクター搭載型および自走式スプレーヤー
- ロボット散布機
- ドローン散布機


- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- 欧州 - ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、オランダ、ベルギー、スイス、その他の欧州諸国
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋 - 日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 南米 - アルゼンチン、ブラジル、南米地域以外
- 中東・アフリカ - イスラエル、南アフリカ、トルコ、および中東・アフリカ地域圏



- 2023年4月、Bosch BASF Smart FarmingとAGCOは、スマート散布機能を共同開発・商業化するための提携を発表した。この提携は、先進技術をAGCOのFendt Rogator散布機に統合し、スマート農法を強化する新機能の開発で協力することを目的としている。
- 2023年3月、ボッシュBASFスマートファーミングは、ダムマンのインテリジェント作物保護スプレーヤーシリーズに統合されるスマート散布ソリューションを発表した。当初はドイツとハンガリーで販売される。
- 2022年11月、Trimble Inc.はxFarm Technologiesと提携した。この提携は、両社の技術をより統合し、スマート散布やスマート作物スカウティングなど、精密農業のためのさらにスマートなソリューションを提供することを目的としている。

需要 - 推進要因と限界


- 限られた資源での高生産へのニーズ

- 労働力不足

- 持続可能な農業への注目の高まり

- 有機・非遺伝子組み換え作物への需要の高まり


- 高額な初期投資
- データセキュリティに関する懸念
- 既存設備との互換性
- 熟練労働者の不足


- 農業の水平統合による総合的提供
- 気候スマート農業







世界のスマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布市場は断片的な状況を示しており、多数の競合企業が業界の多様なニーズを満たそうと競い合っている。スマートクロップスカウティング分野では、上位6社の市場シェアは合計で約30%であり、比較的分散した市場であることを示している。その中でもJohn Deereはリーダーとして際立っており、その強い存在感と市場での地位を示している。

一方、スマート散布市場の特徴は、プレーヤーが少なく、より統合された状況になっていることである。DJIを筆頭とする上位4社が市場シェアの約23%を占める一方、残りの77%超の市場シェアは他の一握りのプレーヤーに分散している。これらのプレーヤーには、XAG、EFT、Small Robot Company、FMC、Kubota、TeeJet、Topcon、Trimbleなどの著名企業が含まれる。




- セミオス
- ブッシェル・インク
- クライメイトLLC
- BASF SE (xarvio)
- クロピン・テクノロジー・ソリューションズ・プライベート・リミテッド
- コルテバ
- シンジェンタ
- テルス農業・消費財
- タラニス

- AGCO株式会社
- ディア・アンド・カンパニー
- ウィードイット
- プレシジョンAI社
- アグリファック・マシナリーB.V.
- エコロボティクスSA
- BAポンプ&スプレーヤー

- トリンブル社
- グリーンアイ・テクノロジー
- アグリドローンソリューション






世界のスマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布市場は、2028年に98億6000万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が予測期間2023-2028年に18.78%のCAGRを目撃すると強調している。





BIS Research社の主席アナリストDebraj Chakravarty氏によると、「スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布市場は近年著しい成長を遂げている。センサー技術、人工知能、精密農業の進歩により、農家は農薬や肥料の散布を最適化する革新的なソリューションを利用できるようになった。これらの技術は、全体的な効率を高めながら、化学薬品の使用量を減らし、環境への影響を最小限に抑え、的を絞った散布や場所に応じた散布を可能にする。"



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業は、Semios、Bushel Inc、Climate LLC、BASF SE、Cropin Technology Solutions Private Limited、Corteva、Syngenta、Telus、Agriculture & Consumer Goods、Taranis、AGCO Corporation、Deere & Company、WEED-IT、Precision AI Inc、HARDI、Agrifac Machinery B.V.、Ecorobotix SA、BA Pumps & Sprayers、Trimble Inc、Greeneye Technology、Agridrones Solutionsなどである。


- 2023-2028年に予想される世界のスマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布の市場規模は金額ベースでどのくらいか?
- スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布に関連する市場の主要動向、市場促進要因、機会は何か?
- 世界のスマートクロップスカウティングおよびスマートスプレーイング市場の成長を阻害する主な阻害要因は何か?
- 世界のスマート作物モニタリング市場の成長を阻害する主な阻害要因は何か?
- スマート作物偵察およびスマート散布市場における主要企業の競争力は、最近の開発、製品提供、地域プレゼンスなどの分析に基づくと?
- 農業市場におけるスマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布の主要企業の市場カバレッジと市場ポテンシャルの分析に基づく競争ベンチマークは?
- 世界のスマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布市場における主要なコンソーシアムと団体はどこか、また市場における役割は何か?スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布に関する規制の状況は地域によってどう違うのか?
- スマート作物スカウティングとスマート散布の分野で出願された主な特許は何か?
- 環境問題や安全性に関する政府の役割は、スマートクロップスカウティングとスマートスプレーイング産業の状況をどのように変えているか?
- COVID-19がスマート農作物偵察・スマート散布市場に与えた影響は?
- 世界のスマートクロップスカウティング・スマートスプレー市場の最大市場はどの地域か?北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東・アフリカなど、世界のスマートクロップスカウティングおよびスマートスプレー市場において、地域や国ごとに予想される将来シナリオと収益は?
- 最近の開発、製品提供、地域プレゼンスなどの分析に基づく、世界のスマート作物偵察・スマート散布市場における主要企業の競争力は?
- ウクライナ・ロシア危機が世界のスマート作物偵察・スマート散布市場に与える影響は?





Global Smart Crop Scouting and Smart Spraying Industry Overview

The global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market was valued at $3.47 billion in 2022, which is expected to grow with a CAGR of 18.78% and reach $9.86 billion by 2028. This growth is primarily driven by the agricultural industry's growing emphasis on achieving higher crop yields while minimizing input costs. Smart crop scouting and smart spraying technologies offer precise and targeted approaches for pest and disease management, optimized nutrient application, and effective weed control. By enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions, enhance operational efficiency, reduce resource wastage, and mitigate environmental impact, these technologies are poised to fuel the expansion of the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market in the coming years.

Market Introduction

Smart crop scouting and smart spraying are innovative agricultural practices that leverage advanced technologies to enhance crop management and protection. Smart crop scouting utilizes drones, sensors, and imaging systems to collect real-time data on crop health, pest presence, and field conditions, enabling precise decision-making for irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. On the other hand, smart spraying integrates sensors, AI, and data analytics to optimize pesticide application, considering factors like crop health, weather, and pest presence. These technologies minimize resource wastage, reduce environmental impact, and maximize crop yield, leading to more efficient and sustainable farming practices.


Technological Advancements: The continuous advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics, are driving the development of more sophisticated and effective smart crop scouting and smart spraying solutions. As these technologies continue to evolve, they enable farmers to gather real-time data, make accurate predictions, and apply targeted treatments, thereby optimizing crop management and increasing overall productivity.

Increasing Need for Sustainable Agriculture: With growing concerns about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce chemical usage in agriculture, there is a rising demand for smart crop scouting and smart spraying solutions. These technologies offer precise and targeted approaches for pest and disease management, minimizing the need for excessive pesticide application. By promoting sustainable practices, smart crop scouting and smart spraying help to preserve the environment, protect beneficial organisms, and ensure safer food production.

Government Initiatives and Regulations: Governments worldwide are recognizing the potential of smart farming technologies to address food security challenges and promote sustainable agricultural practices. This has led to the implementation of supportive policies, financial incentives, and regulations that encourage the adoption of smart crop scouting and smart spraying solutions. These initiatives create a favorable market environment and provide farmers with the necessary resources and support to embrace these technologies.

Increasing Farm Consolidation and Labor Shortages: The consolidation of farms and the aging farming population have resulted in labor shortages in many regions. This has fuelled the demand for smart crop scouting and smart spraying technologies that can help optimize labor efficiency and reduce reliance on manual labor. By automating and streamlining various tasks, these technologies enable farmers to overcome labor challenges, improve operational efficiency, and maximize productivity.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a mixed impact on the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market, with disruptions in supply chains and labor availability. However, it has also accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture, driving the demand for smart solutions for remote monitoring and precision farming practices.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by Application
• Scouting
• Spraying

Crop Scouting Projected to Dominate the Market over the Forecast Period

The global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market was dominated by scouting, holding a significant 70% market share in 2022 and is projected to experience the highest growth rate. Smart crop scouting enables farmers to monitor crop health, detect diseases, and optimize resource utilization through real-time data and advanced technologies. It offers benefits such as targeted interventions, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced efficiency in farming operations. The integration of AI and ML further enhances its capabilities. With increasing adoption and recognition of its value, smart crop scouting is set to drive the future of agricultural practices globally.

The growing demand for smart crop scouting is driving the concurrent increase in demand for smart spraying solutions. Smart crop scouting provides farmers with valuable data and insights about their crops, including pest infestations, weed growth, and nutrient deficiencies. With this information in hand, farmers need efficient and targeted methods to address these issues and ensure optimal crop health.

Smart spraying technologies offer precise and targeted approaches to pest and disease management, nutrient application, and weed control. By leveraging advanced technologies such as drones, sensors, and artificial intelligence, smart spraying enables farmers to apply crop protection measures with accuracy and efficiency. This not only ensures effective control of pests and weeds but also minimizes the use of chemicals, reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable farming practices.

The integration of data from smart crop scouting with smart spraying solutions allows farmers to make data-driven decisions and take proactive measures to address crop health issues. For example, if scouting identifies a localized pest infestation, smart spraying systems can precisely target the affected area and apply the appropriate pesticides, minimizing chemical usage and reducing the risk of harm to beneficial organisms.

By combining the insights gained from smart crop scouting with the precision application capabilities of smart spraying, farmers can optimize their crop management practices. This leads to improved crop health, higher yields, reduced input costs, and minimized environmental impact. Therefore, the increasing demand for smart crop scouting directly drives the need for smart spraying, as both technologies work synergistically to provide farmers with a comprehensive and effective approach to crop management and protection.

Segmentation 2: by Scouting Product
• Equipment
• Software

Software Demand for Scouting will Grow with the Highest CAGR during the Forecast Period

Software plays a crucial role in smart crop scouting, enabling farmers to collect, analyze, and interpret field data for effective crop management. Software solutions for scouting are expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.86% over the next six years. These software tools leverage technologies like artificial intelligence and data analytics to provide real-time insights on crop health, pest and disease outbreaks, and nutrient deficiencies. They enable farmers to make timely and informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall productivity. The increasing adoption of smart farming practices and the need for precision agriculture are driving the demand for software in crop scouting, making it a key driver in the market.

Crop scouting equipment, including robots, drones, cameras, smartphones, and other handheld devices, is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years. As the agriculture industry embraces smart farming practices, the benefits offered by these advanced tools are growing. They enable farmers to gather precise and real-time data, enhance crop monitoring capabilities, and make informed decisions for pest management, nutrient optimization, and yield improvement. The increased adoption of equipment for crop scouting is driven by the need for improved efficiency, reduced labor requirements, and enhanced accuracy in data collection and analysis. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, further enhance the capabilities of these tools, making them indispensable for modern agriculture. The expansion of the smart crop scouting market will continue to fuel the demand for advanced equipment, driving innovation and further improving the effectiveness of crop management practices.

Segmentation 3: Spraying by Product
• Tractor Mounted and Self-Propelled Sprayers
• Robotic Sprayers
• Drone Sprayers

Among the various products used for smart spraying in agriculture, including tractor mounted and self-propelled sprayers, robotic sprayers, and drone sprayers, it is anticipated that drone sprayers will dominate the market over the forecast period. The increasing adoption of drone technology in agriculture is driven by its ability to provide precise and targeted spraying, efficient coverage of large areas, and reduced reliance on manual labor. Drone sprayers offer advantages such as enhanced maneuverability, accessibility to difficult terrains, and the ability to collect real-time data for improved decision-making. They enable farmers to optimize pesticide and nutrient application, reduce waste and environmental impact, and improve overall operational efficiency. Moreover, advancements in drone technology, such as improved flight stability, longer battery life, and integrated software solutions, further contribute to the growth of the market. As a result, drone sprayers are expected to witness significant demand and market dominance in the smart spraying segment, revolutionizing the way crops are protected and managed in modern agriculture.

Segmentation 4: by Region
• North America - U.S., Canada, and Mexico
• Europe - Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Rest-of-Europe
• China
• U.K.
• Asia-Pacific - Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
• South America - Argentina, Brazil, and Rest-of-South America
• Middle East and Africa - Israel, South Africa, Turkey, and Rest-of-Middle East and Africa

North America is projected to lead the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market over the forecast period from 2023 to 2028. North America, comprising the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, holds a significant share of the market due to the presence of advanced agricultural practices, adoption of smart farming technologies, and strong focus on improving crop productivity. The region benefits from robust infrastructure, technological advancements, and supportive government initiatives promoting sustainable agriculture. Additionally, factors such as the availability of advanced machinery, precision farming techniques, and presence of key market players contribute to the growth of the smart crop scouting and smart spraying market in North America. The region's emphasis on optimizing crop yield, reducing environmental impact, and increasing operational efficiency through data-driven farming practices further strengthens its position in the market. With a favorable regulatory environment and the increasing adoption of smart agricultural solutions, North America is expected to maintain its market leadership in the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying segment.

Recent Developments in the Global Smart Crop Scouting and Smart Spraying Market

• In April 2023, Bosch BASF Smart Farming and AGCO announced their collaboration to jointly develop and commercialize smart spraying capabilities. This partnership aims to integrate advanced technology into AGCO's Fendt Rogator sprayers and collaborate on the development of new features to enhance smart farming practices.
• In March 2023, Bosch BASF Smart Farming launched a smart spraying solution that will be integrated into Dammann’s range of intelligent crop protection sprayers. It will be available initially in Germany and Hungary.
• In November 2022, Trimble Inc. partnered with xFarm Technologies. The partnership aimed at providing greater integration between their technologies and even smarter solutions for precision farming, such as smart spraying and smart crop scouting.

Demand – Drivers and Limitations

Market Demand Drivers: Global Smart Crop Scouting and Smart Spraying Market

• Need for Higher Production at Limited Resources
With the increasing global population and limited availability of arable land, there is a growing need to maximize agricultural productivity. Smart crop scouting and smart spraying technologies enable farmers to optimize crop yield by providing real-time data on crop health, nutrient levels, and pest infestations. This allows for targeted and efficient use of resources, resulting in higher production.

• Labor Shortage
The migration of the population toward urban areas has resulted in a shortage of labor for agricultural activities. Smart crop scouting and smart spraying technologies help mitigate this challenge by automating tasks such as crop monitoring, weed detection, and pest management. By reducing the dependence on manual labor, these technologies enable farmers to overcome labor shortages and improve operational efficiency.

• Increased Focus on Sustainable Agriculture
There is a growing global focus on sustainable agricultural practices to minimize environmental impact and conserve resources. Smart crop scouting and smart spraying technologies support sustainable agriculture by enabling precise and targeted application of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. This reduces chemical usage, minimizes environmental pollution, and promotes eco-friendly farming practices.

• Growing Demand for Organic and Non-GMO Crops
The consumer demand for organic and non-genetically modified organism (GMO) crops is on the rise. Smart crop scouting and smart spraying technologies play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and integrity of organic and non-GMO crops by enabling early detection of pests, diseases, and weed infestations. This facilitates timely intervention and supports the production of high-quality, pesticide-free crops to meet market demand.

Market Challenges: Global Smart Crop Scouting and Smart Spraying Market

• High Initial Investment
• Data Security-Related Concerns
• Compatibility with Existing Equipment
• Limited Availability of Skilled Labor

Market Opportunities:

• Integral Offerings with Horizontal Integration in Farming
• Climate Smart Agriculture

How Can This Report Add Value to an Organization?

Market Insight: The report on the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market offers valuable insights into the industry landscape, market trends, and growth drivers. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the various smart spraying products, including tractor mounted and self-propelled sprayers, robotic sprayers, and drone sprayers. Additionally, it covers the scouting equipment used in the industry, such as drones, robots, and others. Moreover, the report discusses smart spraying applications, such as nutrient application and crop protection chemicals. This information allows organizations to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and identify potential opportunities for their products and applications.

Product/Innovation Strategy: By highlighting the different smart spraying products and scouting equipment, the report enables organizations to assess the market demand and adoption of these technologies. It provides insights into the advancements and innovations in the industry, helping organizations align their product development strategies to meet market requirements. Furthermore, the report explores the diverse smart spraying applications, assisting organizations in identifying areas for product diversification and expansion.

Competitive Strategy: The report profiles major players in the smart crop scouting and smart spraying market, including manufacturers of spraying equipment and scouting technology providers. It assesses their competitive landscape, product portfolios, and strategies. Organizations can gain insights into their competitors' strengths and weaknesses, identify potential partnerships or collaborations, and position themselves effectively in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.

The global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market exhibits a fragmented landscape, with numerous competitors vying to meet the diverse needs of the industry. In the smart crop scouting segment, the top six companies collectively hold a market share of around 30%, indicating a relatively dispersed market. Among them, John Deere stands out as the leader, showcasing its strong presence and market position.

On the other hand, the smart spraying market is characterized by fewer players, resulting in a more consolidated landscape. While the top 4 companies capture approximately 23% of the market share, led by DJI, the remaining market share of over 77% is distributed among a handful of other players. These players include prominent names such as XAG, EFT, Small Robot Company, FMC, Kubota, TeeJet, Topcon, and Trimble.

This fragmented landscape signifies the existence of multiple competitors who offer a range of solutions tailored to the specific requirements of the agricultural industry. Each company strives to differentiate itself through innovative technologies, customer-centric approaches, and strategic partnerships. This competitive environment fosters ongoing advancements and improvements in smart crop scouting and smart spraying solutions.

The diverse range of competitors in the market reflects the varied needs of farmers and agricultural stakeholders. The presence of numerous players encourages healthy competition, stimulates innovation, and provides farmers with a wider choice of solutions to optimize their crop scouting and spraying operations. As the industry continues to evolve, this fragmentation drives the continuous development and enhancement of technologies and services, ultimately benefiting the end users in their pursuit of improved productivity and sustainable agriculture practices.

Key Companies Profiled

Smart Crop Scouting
• Semios
• Bushel Inc
• Climate LLC
• BASF SE (xarvio)
• Cropin Technology Solutions Private Limited
• Corteva
• Syngenta
• Telus Agriculture & Consumer Goods
• Taranis

Smart Spraying
• AGCO Corporation
• Deere & Company
• Precision AI Inc
• Agrifac Machinery B.V.
• Ecorobotix SA
• BA Pumps & Sprayers

Smart Crop Scouting and Smart Spraying
• Trimble Inc
• Greeneye Technology
• Agridrones Solutions


Table of Contents

Attached in the mail


Press Release

The global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market is estimated to reach $9.86 billion in 2028, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 18.78% during the forecast period 2023-2028.

Smart crop scouting and smart spraying are gaining significant attention in the agriculture industry as farmers seek more efficient and precise farming practices. The need for effective pest management, disease detection, and targeted spraying has led to the development and adoption of advanced technologies in crop scouting and spraying. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are supporting the implementation of smart crop scouting and smart spraying systems, encouraging the use of sensors, drones, robots, and cameras in agricultural fields.

USP of the Report

The USP of this report lies in its comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market. The report provides valuable insights into various aspects of the market, including market size, growth potential, key applications, regional analysis, competitive landscape, and future growth prospects. It offers a holistic view of the market dynamics, industry trends, and technological advancements influencing the smart crop scouting and smart spraying market. The report also provides a detailed assessment of the regulatory and environmental factors impacting the adoption of these technologies. With its extensive research methodology and reliable data sources, this report serves as a valuable tool for industry participants, investors, and stakeholders seeking to make informed decisions and capitalize on the opportunities in the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market.

Analyst Perspective

According to Debraj Chakravarty, Principal Analyst at BIS Research, "The smart crop scouting and smart spraying market has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. With advancements in sensor technology, artificial intelligence, and precision agriculture, farmers now have access to innovative solutions for optimizing pesticide and fertilizer applications. These technologies enable targeted and site-specific spraying, reducing chemical usage and minimizing environmental impact while increasing overall efficiency."

Key Companies Operating in The Market

The report profiles major players in the smart crop scouting and smart spraying market, including manufacturers of spraying equipment and scouting technology providers. It assesses their competitive landscape, product portfolios, and strategies. Organizations can gain insights into their competitors' strengths and weaknesses, identify potential partnerships or collaborations, and position themselves effectively in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include Semios, Bushel Inc, Climate LLC, BASF SE, Cropin Technology Solutions Private Limited, Corteva, Syngenta, Telus, Agriculture & Consumer Goods, Taranis, AGCO Corporation, Deere & Company, WEED-IT, Precision AI Inc, HARDI, Agrifac Machinery B.V., Ecorobotix SA, BA Pumps & Sprayers, Trimble Inc, Greeneye Technology, and Agridrones Solutions.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What is the expected global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market size in terms of value during 2023-2028?
• What are the key trends, market drivers, and opportunities in the market pertaining to smart crop scouting and smart spraying?
• What are the major restraints inhibiting the growth of the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market?
• What are the major restraints inhibiting the growth of the global smart crop monitoring market?
• What is the competitive strength of the key players in the smart crop scouting and smart spraying market based on an analysis of their recent developments, product offerings, and regional presence?
• How is the competitive benchmarking of the key smart crop scouting and smart spraying companies in the agriculture market based on the analysis of their market coverage and market potential?
• Which are the leading consortiums and associations in the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market, and what are their roles in the market? How does the regulatory landscape differ in different regions for smart crop scouting and smart spraying?
• What are the major patents filed in the space of smart crop scouting and smart spraying?
• How is the role of government regarding environmental issues and safety changing the landscape of the smart crop scouting and smart spraying industry?
• What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the smart crop scouting and smart spraying market?
• Which region is the largest market for the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market? What is the expected future scenario and revenue generated by different regions and countries in the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market, such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa?
• What is the competitive strength of the key players in the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market based on the analysis of their recent developments, product offerings, and regional presence?
• What is the impact of the Ukraine-Russia crisis on the global smart crop scouting and smart spraying market?






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