
低炭素アルミニウム市場 - 世界および地域別分析:生産源、製品、エンドユーザー、地域にフォーカス - 2022-2031年の分析と予測

Low-Carbon Aluminum Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Source of Production, Product, End User, and Region - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2031

低炭素アルミニウム市場産業概要 世界の低炭素アルミニウム市場は、2022年の818億9,000万ドルから2031年には1,199億7,000万ドルに達し、予測期間2022-2031年のCAGRは4.3%で成長すると予測されている。 低炭... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
BIS Research
2023年5月23日 US$5,500
257 英語









- 低炭素アルミニウムの主な利点としては、温室効果ガスの排出削減、エネルギー効率の向上、アルミニウム産業の持続可能性の向上などが挙げられる。さらに、低炭素アルミニウムは、純度や強度の向上など、従来のアルミニウムと比較して改善された特性も提供する。このことは、低炭素アルミニウムに移行し、二酸化炭素排出を削減し、既存の市場インフラを活用する大きな理由となっている。低炭素アルミニウムは、自動車メーカーによる脱炭素化への取り組みが活発化していることから、他の用途の中でも特に輸送機関への採用率が高い。
- 低炭素アルミニウムの使用が予想される主な地域は欧州と北米である。世界的には、低炭素アルミニウムの製造業者、供給業者、エンドユーザーの間で数多くの提携が行われており、これが市場の大きな成長につながっている。




- 輸送
- 建築・建設
- 電気産業
- 消費財
- 箔および包装
- 機械・設備
- その他


- 太陽エネルギー
- 風力エネルギー
- 水力エネルギー
- リサイクル
- 炭素回収・貯留(CCS)
- その他


- 圧延品
- 鋳物
- 押出
- 鍛造品
- 棒鋼
- その他


- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- 欧州 - ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、ロシア、その他の欧州諸国
- 中国
- 英国
- アジア太平洋地域および日本 - 日本、インド、韓国、ASEAN、アジア太平洋地域および日本以外
- 世界地域 - 中東およびアフリカ、南米



- 2021年4月、En+ Groupは世界で最も低炭素のアルミニウムを生産したと発表した。En+グループの金属部門は、金属1トン当たりのCO2換算量が0.01トン未満という、業界で最も二酸化炭素排出量の少ないアルミニウムの生産に成功した。
- 2023年1月、エミレーツ・グローバル・アルミニウムPJSCと大手飲料メーカー、缶メーカー、廃棄物管理会社は共同で、米国におけるアルミニウム・リサイクルのステップ・チェンジを推進することを目的としたアルミニウム・リサイクル連合の発足を発表した。E. Coalescingのメンバーには、EGA、Abu Dhabi Waste Management Company (Tadweer)、Aujan Coca-Cola Beverages Company、Coca-Cola Al Ahlia Beverages Company、BEEAH Tandeef、Pepsi-bottler Dubai Refreshment、CANPACK、Crown Bevcan EMEA、DULSCO Group、Veoliaが含まれる。
- 2021年8月、ヴェダンタ・アルミニウム事業は、2021年度第1四半期および2022年度第1四半期の時点で、インドエネルギー取引所(IEX)プラットフォームのグリーン市場において、インド最大のグリーン電力購入者となった。ヴェーダンタは、オディシャ州ジャールスグダにある同社最大のアルミニウム一貫生産施設のために、主にIEXのグリーンタームアヘッドマーケット(GTAM)から3億5,400万ユニットの太陽光および非太陽光再生可能エネルギーを調達した。
- 2021年11月、センチュリー・アルミニウム社の100%子会社であるNordural Grundartangi ehfは、アイスランドのGrundartangi製錬所で新しい低炭素ビレットカストハウスの建設を開始した。付加価値の高いこの新ガスハウスのビレット生産能力は15万トンで、2024年第1四半期に生産を開始する予定である。
- 2022年12月、当社とメルセデス・ベンツは、2023年から2030年にかけて、CO2排出量が3.0kgCO2/kgAlを下回る自動車用アルミニウム・ソリューションの開発を目指す共同技術ロードマップに合意した。

需要 - 原動力と限界


- 中核貢献商品の脱炭素化に向けた各国政府の関心の高まり
- ニア・ゼロ・エミッション達成に向けた研究開発活動の活発化


- 様々な産業におけるアルミニウムのリサイクル率の低下
- 不安定な低炭素アルミニウム価格








- ヴェダンタ・アルミナム・アンド・パワー
- エミレーツ・グローバル・アルミニウム PJSC
- カパラル・リミテッド
- リオ・ティント
- 中国虹橋集団有限公司

- EN+グループ
- センチュリー・アルミニウム社
- ノルスク・ハイドロASA
- アルコア・コーポレーション
- 中国虹橋集団有限公司
- サウス32
- インドネシアアサハンアルミニウム

企業タイプ 3 (生産源別):リサイクル
- EN+グループ
- センチュリー・アルミニウム社
- エミレーツ・グローバル・アルミニウムPJSC
- ノルスクハイドロASA
- コンステリウムSE

- アルミニウム ダンケルク
- ノルスク・ハイドロASA









- 低炭素アルミニウム市場の全体像を提供するために行われた主要企業20社の広範な競合ベンチマーキング
- 生産源、製品、エンドユーザーに基づく市場の分別
- 主要操業工場のリストと容量、エネルギー源
- 埋め込み炭素排出量の分析
- アルミニウム貿易分析
- エンドユーザー産業における主要開発
- サプライチェーン分析
- 価格分析
- 製品ベンチマーク
- 製品採用シナリオと特許分析を含む投資状況


BISリサーチのリードアナリスト、Sachin Singh氏によると、「低炭素アルミニウムは、低コストのリサイクルアルミニウムの需要増加を背景に牽引力を増している。アルミニウムのリサイクル率は、発展途上国でも先進国でも、特に消費者使用後のスクラップについて増加している。エコシステム内のさまざまな企業が、炭素排出を削減し、ほぼゼロまたはネットゼロの炭素排出を達成するための斬新な技術を開発している。自動車メーカーは、バリューチェーン全体で炭素排出量を削減し、ネット・ゼロのシナリオを達成しようと努力しているため、自動車産業はすべてのエンドユーザーの中で最も高い採用率を示している。



本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Vedanta Aluminum and Power、EN+ Group、Century Aluminum Company、Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC、Norsk Hydro ASA、Alcoa Corporation、China Hongqiao Group Limited、Capral Limited、Constellium SE、Reynaers Aluminium、Granges、Nanshan America、Rio Tinto、CBA、South32、PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium、Novelis、Eti Aluminyum、Hammerer Aluminium Industries、Aluminium Dunkerqueが含まれる。


- 既存プレーヤーが市場でのポジショニングを改善/維持するために取っている手段や、新規参入プレーヤーが採用している主な戦略にはどのようなものがあるか?
- アルミニウム産業が直面している主な課題と、それを克服するためにメーカーや政府が取っている手段は何か?
- 低炭素アルミニウムの主要加工会社とその市場シェアは?
- 世界のアルミニウム市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているか?アルミニウムの主要輸出入国は?
- 炭素排出に関する厳しい規制が低炭素アルミニウム市場に与える影響は?
- アルミニウムの一次生産の各段階で埋め込まれる炭素の量と、アルミニウム産業全体の炭素排出量は?
- 各国のリサイクルアルミニウムの量は?
- アルミニウム製造に使用されるエネルギー源は?世界の主要アルミニウム工場の生産能力は?





Low-Carbon Aluminum Market: Industry Overview

The global low-carbon aluminum market is projected to reach $119.97 billion by 2031 from $81.89 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

The use of low-carbon aluminum is becoming more common in several industries, including transportation, building and construction, electrical engineering, foil and packaging, and others. The market is anticipated to benefit from the growing preference for lightweight materials over heavy metals, as this would enable weight reduction and foster market growth. In the automobile industry, the demand for low-carbon aluminum is rising due to the increasing number of electric vehicles that are made from lightweight materials. Amongst all industries, the automotive industry has been majorly focusing on decarbonization and has been witnessing high adoption of low-carbon aluminum. Government securities are also pushing the adoption of low-carbon aluminum. It helps in the weight reduction of vehicles, which contributes significantly to vehicles’ fuel efficiency. Further, the use of low-carbon aluminum helps reduce CO2 emission, which is an environment-friendly aspect of applications of low-carbon aluminum in the automobile industry. There is a growing trend in the aluminum industry toward investing in low-carbon aluminum production. This is driven by several factors, including increasing pressure from consumers and investors to reduce carbon emissions, as well as regulatory initiatives aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions.

Market Lifecycle Stage

The low-carbon aluminum market has been in its growth stage, and much has been attributed to the increasing need for carbon reduction in commodity products such as aluminum. The ecosystem of the low-carbon aluminum market comprises primary aluminum manufacturers, aluminum recyclers, aluminum value-added product manufacturers, OEMs, and end users. The market is still developing, with Europe at the forefront, followed by other regions such as North America, the Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific, China, and South America.

Industrial Impact

• The major advantages of low-carbon aluminum include its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, and improve the sustainability of the aluminum industry, among others. Additionally, low-carbon aluminum also offers improved properties compared to traditional aluminum, such as increased purity and strength. This offers a significant reason for the players to move toward low-carbon aluminum, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and utilize the existing market infrastructure. Low-carbon aluminum has a high adoption rate in transportation, among other applications owing to the increased initiatives by automakers to decarbonize the industry.
• The major regions anticipated to use low-carbon aluminum are Europe and North America. Globally, there have been numerous partnerships between the manufacturers, suppliers, and end users of low-carbon aluminum, which has led to significant growth in the market.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an adverse impact on most of the sectors globally, owing to countrywide lockdown, temporary shutdown of production facilities, and the slowdown of the global economy. The pandemic has shown a severe impact on transportation, building and construction, electrical, machinery, and equipment, among other industries. However, applications such as foil and packaging, consumer goods, and others saw slight to considerable positive growth trends in FY2020. The industry saw a severe adverse impact in H1FY2020, along with some recovery in H2FY2020. Furthermore, the COVID-19 epidemic-related global lockdown led to production halts and disruptions in supply chains, manufacturing, and deployment activity, all of which had a detrimental effect on the market for low-carbon aluminum in 2020.

Market Segmentation:

Segmentation 1: by End User
• Transportation
• Building and Construction
• Electrical Industry
• Consumer Goods
• Foil and Packaging
• Machinery and Equipment
• Others

Based on end users, the low-carbon aluminum market is estimated to be led by the transportation segment during the forecast period 2022-2031.

Segmentation 2: by Source of Production
• Solar Energy
• Wind Energy
• Hydro Energy
• Recycling
• Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
• Others

Based on the source of production, the low-carbon aluminum market is estimated to be led by the recycling segment during the forecast period 2022-2031.

Segmentation 3: by Product
• Flat-Rolled
• Castings
• Extrusion
• Forgings
• Rod and Bar
• Others

Based on product, the low-carbon aluminum market is estimated to be led by the flat-rolled segment during the forecast period 2022-2031.

Segmentation 4: by Region
• North America - U.S., Canada, and Mexico
• Europe - Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest-of-Europe
• China
• U.K.
• Asia-Pacific and Japan - Japan, India, South Korea, ASEAN, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific and Japan
• Rest-of-the-World - Middle East and Africa and South America

In the global low-carbon aluminum market, Europe and North America are anticipated to gain traction in terms of low-carbon aluminum production, owing to the presence of the world’s largest manufacturers in those regions.

Recent Developments in Low-Carbon Aluminum Market

• In April 2021, En+ Group announced that it had produced the world’s lowest carbon aluminum, in a major breakthrough for the industry. En+ Group Metals segment has successfully produced aluminum with the industry's lowest carbon footprint - less than 0.01 tons of CO2 equivalent per ton of metal.
• In January 2023, Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC and leading beverage producer, can-maker, and waste management company, together announced the launch of Aluminium Recycling Coalition, which aims to drive a step-change in aluminum recycling in the U.A.E. Coalescing members include EGA, Abu Dhabi Waste Management Company (Tadweer), Aujan Coca-Cola Beverages Company, Coca-Cola Al Ahlia Beverages Company, BEEAH Tandeef, Pepsi-bottler Dubai Refreshment, CANPACK, Crown Bevcan EMEA, DULSCO Group, and Veolia.
• In August 2021, Vedanta Aluminium Business was India’s largest green power purchaser on the Green Market at the Indian Energy Exchange Limited (IEX) platform as of Q1 FY2021 and FY2022. Vedanta procured 354 million units of solar and non-solar renewable energy primarily from Green Term-Ahead Market (GTAM) at IEX for its largest integrated aluminum production facility at Jharsuguda, Odisha.
• In November 2021, Nordural Grundartangi ehf, a wholly owned subsidiary of Century Aluminum Company, commenced the construction of a new low-carbon billet casthouse at its Grundartangi, Iceland smelter. The new value-added casthouse would have a capacity of 150,000 tons of billet production and is expected to start production in the first quarter of 2024.
• In December 2022, Hydro and Mercedes-Benz collaborated on a joint technology roadmap aiming to develop aluminum solutions from 2023 to 2030 approved for automotive applications with a CO2 footprint below 3.0 kgCO2/kgAl.

Demand - Drivers and Limitations

The following are the demand drivers for low-carbon aluminum market:

• Increasing Attention of Governments toward Decarbonization of Core Contributing Commodities
• Growing Research and Development Activities to Achieve Near Zero Emissions

The market is expected to face some limitations due to the following challenges:

• Lower Recycling Rates for Aluminum in Various Industries
• Volatile Low-Carbon Aluminum Prices

How can this report add value to an organization?

Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader understand the different sources of production and products involved in the low-carbon aluminum market. The source of production segment has been segmented into solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, recycling, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and others. The product segment has been segmented into flat-rolled, castings, extrusion, forgings, rod and bar, and others. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the low-carbon aluminum market based on end users, including transportation, building and construction, the electrical industry, consumer goods, foil and packaging, machinery and equipment, and others. The increasing adoption of low-carbon aluminum in manufacturing components in sustainable technologies is expected to fuel the growth of the market.

Growth/Marketing Strategy: The low-carbon aluminum market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansions, partnerships, collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures. The favored strategy for the companies has been business expansions to strengthen their position in the low-carbon aluminum market. For instance, in February 2022, Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC announced its plan to build a 150,000 tons per year aluminum recycling facility, the company’s first and set to be the largest in the U.A.E. The company intends to market recycled aluminum under the brand name EternAL.

Competitive Strategy: Key players in the low-carbon aluminum market analyzed and profiled in the study involve low-carbon aluminum producers and the overall ecosystem. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the low-carbon aluminum market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis

Aluminum that has greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity below 4 tons of CO2 equivalent per ton of aluminum manufactured has been considered as low-carbon aluminum. To achieve this, renewable energy source is used in the manufacturing of primary aluminum. Furthermore, recycling aluminum further reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions and can be considered low-carbon aluminum. Among product segmentations, the flat-rolled segment dominated the low-carbon aluminum market in 2021 and is the largest segment owing to growing demand from end-use industries such as transportation, building and construction, and others. Flat-rolled products have high strength-to-weight ratios, are corrosion-resistant, durable, and can be recycled multiple times, which further reduces their environmental impact.

Some of the prominent producers of low-carbon aluminum are:

Company Type 1 (by Source of Production): Solar Energy
• Vedanta Aluminum and Power
• Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC
• Capral Limited
• Rio Tinto
• China Hongqiao Group Limited

Company Type 2 (by Source of Production): Hydro Energy
• EN+ Group
• Century Aluminum Company
• Norsk Hydro ASA
• Alcoa Corporation
• China Hongqiao Group Limited
• South32
• PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium

Company Type 3 (by Source of Production): Recycling
• EN+ Group
• Century Aluminum Company
• Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC
• Norsk Hydro ASA
• Constellium SE

Company Type 4 (by Source of Production): Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) (Planned)
• Aluminium Dunkerque
• Norsk Hydro ASA

Various players are involved in the market, which has been covered in different sections of the report.


Table of Contents

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Press Release

The global low-carbon aluminum market is estimated to reach $119.97 billion in 2031, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period 2022-2031.

USP of the Report

• Extensive competitive benchmarking of 20 key players done to offer a holistic view of the low-carbon aluminum market landscape
• Market segregation based on the source of production, product, and end user
• List of key operating plants with capacities and energy sources
• Analysis of embedded carbon emissions
• Aluminum trade analysis
• Key developments in the end-user industry
• Supply chain analysis
• Pricing analysis
• Product benchmarking
• Investment landscape, including product adoption scenario and patent analysis

Analyst Perspective

According to Sachin Singh, Lead Analyst at BIS Research, "Low-carbon aluminum is gaining traction on the back of increased demand for low-cost recycled aluminum. The recycling rate of aluminum has been increasing in developing and developed countries, especially for post-consumer scrap. Various companies in the ecosystem are developing novel technologies to reduce carbon emissions and achieve near-zero or net-zero carbon emissions. The automotive industry has the highest adoption among all end users as auto-manufacturers are striving to achieve net-zero scenario by reducing carbon emissions throughout its value chain.”

Key Companies Operating in The Market

Key players in the low-carbon aluminum market analyzed and profiled in the study involve low-carbon aluminum producers and the overall ecosystem. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the low-carbon aluminum market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, acquisitions, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.

The key players profiled in the report include Vedanta Aluminum and Power, EN+ Group, Century Aluminum Company, Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC, Norsk Hydro ASA, Alcoa Corporation, China Hongqiao Group Limited, Capral Limited, Constellium SE, Reynaers Aluminium, Granges, Nanshan America, Rio Tinto, CBA, South32, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium, Novelis, Eti Aluminyum, Hammerer Aluminium Industries, and Aluminium Dunkerque.

Key Questions Answered in the Report

• What are the steps taken by the existing players to improve/maintain their market positioning, and what are some of the key strategies adopted by new players entering this market space?
• What are the major challenges faced by the aluminum industry, and what are the steps taken by manufacturers/governments to overcome these challenges?
• Which are the major processing companies for low-carbon aluminum, and what are their market shares?
• How does the supply chain function in the global aluminum market? Which countries are major importers and exporters of aluminum?
• What is the impact of stringent regulations related to carbon emissions on the low-carbon aluminum market?
• What amount of carbon is embedded in each step primary aluminum production and what are overall carbon emissions aluminum industry?
• What is the amount of recycled aluminum in each country?
• Which are the energy sources used to manufacture aluminum? What are the capacities of key aluminum plants globally?






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