超広帯域(UWB)技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場 - 世界および地域別分析:アプリケーションタイプ、製品タイプ、国レベル分析に焦点 - 2022-2031年の分析と予測
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology-Based Vehicle Access Control Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Application Type, Product Type, and Country-Level Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2031
ウルトラワイドバンド技術ベースの車両アクセス制御の世界市場規模は、2022年に9,260万ドルとなり、CAGR 17.09%で成長し、2031年には3億8,310万ド... もっと見る
サマリー 超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御の世界市場:産業概要
ウルトラワイドバンド技術ベースの車両アクセス制御の世界市場規模は、2022年に9,260万ドルとなり、CAGR 17.09%で成長し、2031年には3億8,310万ドルに達すると予測されている。最近、先進国全体でウルトラワイドバンド技術の採用が急増し、世界的な認知度が高まっていることから、自動車メーカーは次期モデルにウルトラワイドバンド技術ベースの車両アクセスを装備することに重点を移している。例えば、BMW、ゼネラルモーターズ、メルセデスなどの有名自動車メーカーは、近年すでにウルトラワイドバンド技術をベースとした車両アクセスを提供し始めている。このようなOEM(相手先商標製品製造会社)のウルトラワイドバンド技術をベースとした車両アクセス制御の開発へのシフトは、今後数年間の市場成長を促進すると予想される。
世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場は、自動車産業とより広範な経済に大きな影響を与えると予想される。ウルトラワイドバンド技術ベースの車両アクセス制御システムは、より安全で便利なユーザー体験を提供しようとする自動車メーカーにとって、重要な差別化要因となり得る。そのため、自動車メーカーによるUWB技術への投資が増加し、UWBシステムの自動車への統合が進むと予想される。UWB信号は傍受や妨害が難しいため、超広帯域技術は従来のキーレス・エントリー・システムよりも高いレベルのセキュリティを提供できる。そのため、UWBベースの車両アクセス・コントロール・システムを採用することで、車両盗難の発生率を低減できる可能性がある。例えば2021年1月には、ウルトラ・ワイドバンド・テクノロジーを採用したBMWデジタル・キー・プラスがBMW iXに搭載される。BMWデジタル・キー・プラスは、シンプルで安全なキーレス・エントリー・システムを顧客に提供する。
- 乗用車
- 小型商用車
- 大型商用車
- バイオメトリクス
- 非バイオメトリック
- ソフトウェア
- ハードウェア
o スマート・デバイス
o キーフォブ
o 車載アクセスチップセット
- 3.1 GHz~6 GHz
- 6 GHz~10.6 GHz
6GHz~10.6GHzが最大市場である。6 GHz~10.6 GHzの周波数帯域は、超広帯域(UWB)通信用に割り当てられた周波数帯域のひとつである。広い周波数帯域を使用することで、UWBは高いデータ・レートと低消費電力を実現し、ワイヤレス・パーソナル・エリア・ネットワーク、レーダー、位置追跡アプリケーションに最適である。6GHzから10.6GHzの周波数帯域のUWBは、高速データ転送、レーダー・イメージング、高精度位置追跡など、さまざまなアプリケーションで使用されている。この周波数帯域のUWBベースのシステムは、サブセンチメートルの精度で正確な位置情報を提供できるため、資産追跡、産業オートメーション、自動車、ロボットなどのアプリケーションに適している。
- 到達時間差(TDoA)
- 双方向測距(TWR)
- 北米
- 欧州
- 英国
- 中国
- アジア太平洋および日本
- その他の地域
- 2022年6月、CEVA, Inc.はRW-UWB-CCC MACソフトウェアパッケージが同社のRivieraWavesウルトラワイドバンド(UWB)IPに追加され、Car Connectivity Consortium® (CCC) Digital Key 3.0仕様に対応したと発表した。
- 2021年6月、NXPセミコンダクターズは、NXP Trimensionポートフォリオから、対応するApple製品のU1チップと相互運用可能なベータ版ウルトラワイドバンド(UWB)開発ツールの提供を発表した。
- Qorvo, Inc.は2022年1月、5.1GHz~7.1GHz帯(CPE)をカバーする初の顧客構内機器向け広帯域Wi-Fiフロントエンドモジュール(FEM)を発表した。Qorvoの新しい広帯域QPF4730は、全周波数Wi-Fi 6およびWi-Fi 6Eの企業向けソリューションをサポートすることができる。
需要 - 原動力と限界
- 車両におけるリアルタイム・ロケーション・システム(RTLS)アプリケーションの採用増加
- 車載アプリケーションにおけるモノのインターネット(IoT)の採用拡大
- サイバー攻撃のリスク
- 新規アプリケーションのためのスペクトル拡張
- アレオン社
- アップル
- マイクロチップ・テクノロジー
- NXPセミコンダクターズ
- パルスリンク社
- Qorvo, Inc.
- STMicroelectronics N.V.
- シャオミ
- BMWグループ
- CEVA, Inc.
- コンチネンタルAG
- 現代自動車グループ
- ロバート・ボッシュGmbH
- サムスン電子
- シリン・ソフトウェア
- ヴァレオ
目次 メールに添付
- 世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場で事業展開する主要企業が採用する現在および将来の動向に焦点を当てた専用セクション。
- 世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場の全体像を提供する16社の広範な競合ベンチマーキング。
- ウルトラワイドバンド技術をベースとした車両アクセスコントロールの世界市場を地域別、国別、用途別、製品セグメント別に定性・定量分析。
- ビジネス上の課題と促進要因を地域別、国別に掲載しています。
- 詳細なサプライチェーン分析では、UWB技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場で事業を展開する様々な利害関係者をその役割とともに明らかにしています。
- 本レポートでは、UWB技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場ソリューションの市場全体を様々なセグメンテーションで調査しています。車両タイプ別、認証タイプ別、コンポーネントタイプ別、周波数範囲別、測位技術別に市場セグメンテーションが検討されています。
- この調査では、主要な業界動向、ビジネス促進要因、課題、機会が提供されています。
BISリサーチのプリンシパルアナリスト、Dhrubajyoti Narayan氏によると、「UWB技術は車両アクセスコントロールシステムにますます普及しており、業界の専門家はこの傾向は今後数年で成長し続けると予測している。この市場の主な促進要因の1つは、高度で安全な車両アクセス制御システムに対する需要の高まりである。UWB技術は、不正アクセスを防ぐサブセンチメートル精度の距離測定により、高レベルのセキュリティを提供する。また、UWB技術は干渉や妨害信号の影響を受けにくいため、過酷な無線周波数環境に最適である。もう一つの市場促進要因は、コネクテッド・カーやスマート・モビリティ・ソリューションに対する需要の高まりである。UWB技術は、BluetoothやWi-Fiと統合することで、コネクテッド・ビークルにシームレスで便利なアクセス制御を提供することができる。コネクテッドカーの需要が伸び続ける中、UWB技術をベースとした車両アクセス制御市場は成長すると予想される。"
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、Alereon Inc.、Apple Inc.、Microchip Technology Inc.、NXP Semiconductors、Pulse~LINK, Inc.、Qorvo, Inc.、STMicroelectronics N.V.、Xiaomi、BMW Group、CEVA, Inc.、Continental AG、Hyundai Motor Group、Robert Bosch GmbH、Samsung Electronics Co.
- 世界のウルトラワイドバンド技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場における主要な促進要因と課題は何か?
- 世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場におけるサプライチェーンはどのように機能しているのか?
- 世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場における主要プロトコルは?
- 2022-2031年の間に世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場で最大の需要成長を目撃すると推定される超広帯域技術タイプセグメントはどれか?
- 2022-2031年の予測期間中に、異なるウルトラワイドバンド技術タイプが高い需要を獲得する可能性のある主要アプリケーション分野は?
- 世界の超広帯域技術ベースの車両アクセス制御市場に関わる超広帯域技術メーカーの事業戦略や企業戦略は?
- ウルトラワイドバンド技術の利用でリードしているのはどの地域か、また2022年から2031年にかけて高い需要成長が見込まれるのはどの地域か?ウルトラワイドバンド技術をベースとした車両入退室管理市場の各地域における主な消費者属性は?
Summary Global Ultra-Wideband Technology-Based Vehicle Access Control Market: Industry Overview
The global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market was valued at $92.6 million in 2022, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.09% and reach $383.1 million by 2031. The recent surge in the adoption of ultra-wideband technology across developed economies and their growing global awareness is shifting automakers' focus to equip their upcoming models with ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access. For example, well-known automakers, including BMW, General Motors, Mercedes, and others, have already begun to offer ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access in recent years. This shift in original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs) focus toward developing ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control is expected to drive market growth in the coming years.
Market Lifecycle Stage
Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology can be used for vehicle access control, particularly for vehicle keyless entry systems. UWB technology operates by transmitting short pulses of radio waves over various frequencies. By measuring the time it takes for these pulses to travel between devices, UWB technology can determine the distance between them with very high accuracy. When the user approaches the vehicle with the UWB-enabled key fob, the UWB system can detect the distance between the fob and the vehicle and automatically unlock the doors.
Impact of Global Ultra-Wideband Technology-Based Vehicle Access Control Market
The global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market is expected to significantly impact the automotive industry and the broader economy. Ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control systems can be a key differentiator for automotive manufacturers looking to provide a more secure and convenient user experience. As such, we expect to see increased investment in UWB technology from automotive manufacturers and greater integration of UWB systems into vehicles. Ultra-wideband technology can provide a higher level of security than traditional keyless entry systems, as UWB signals are difficult to intercept or jam. As such, adopting UWB-based vehicle access control systems may help reduce the incidence of vehicle theft. For instance, in January 2021, BMW Digital Key Plus with ultra-wideband technology would be available for the BMW iX. BMW Digital Key Plus provides customers with a simple and secure keyless entry system.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Vehicle Type • Passenger Vehicles • Light Commercial Vehicles • Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Passenger vehicles are currently credited with the highest share of the demand for ultra-wideband technology. Some key factors that have enabled the technical acceptance of these vehicles are high demand, higher registration of passenger cars, and less operating difficulty as compared to commercial vehicles. The need for passenger vehicles is growing due to the demand for heavy and luxury vehicles and an increase in the number of cars driven by diesel engines. Additionally, increased population, urbanization, and disposable income have significantly increased passenger vehicle production.
Segmentation 2: by Authentication Type • Biometric • Non-Biometric
The biometric segment accounts for the largest market. The combination of biometric and UWB technologies for vehicle access can provide a highly secure and convenient solution for keyless entry systems in vehicles. Biometric technology can verify the user's identity, while UWB technology can ensure that the user is physically present in the correct location. If the user's identity is verified and their location is confirmed, the vehicle's access control system could automatically unlock the doors, allowing the user to enter the vehicle. Overall, combining biometric and UWB technologies for vehicle access control can provide a seamless and secure user experience while offering enhanced protection against vehicle theft and unauthorized access.
Segmentation 3: by Component Type • Software • Hardware o Smart Devices o Key Fob o In-Vehicle Access Chip Set
The hardware segment accounts for the largest market. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology-based vehicle access systems use short-range radio waves to communicate between the vehicle and the access device. These systems require specific hardware components to operate. The UWB chip is the heart of the UWB system and is responsible for transmitting and receiving data; the control module manages the UWB system's functions and is usually located inside the vehicle. The access device is used to communicate with the UWB system and is generally located outside the vehicle.
Segmentation 4: by Frequency Range • 3.1 GHz to 6 GHz • 6 GHz to 10.6 GHz
The 6 GHz to 10.6 GHz segment accounts for the largest market. The frequency range of 6 GHz to 10.6 GHz is one of the frequency bands allocated for ultra-wideband (UWB) communications. Using a wide range of frequencies allows UWB to provide high data rates and low power consumption, making it ideal for wireless personal area networks, radar, and location-tracking applications. UWB in the 6 GHz to 10.6 GHz frequency range is used in various applications, including high-speed data transfer, radar imaging, and precision location tracking. UWB-based systems in this frequency range can provide accurate location information with sub-centimeter precision, making them suitable for asset tracking, industrial automation, automotive, and robotics applications.
Segmentation 5: by Positioning Technique • Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) • Two-Way Ranging (TWR)
The TWR segment accounts for the largest market. Two-way ranging is used in ultra-wideband (UWB) technology-based vehicle access systems to determine the distance between the vehicle and the access device. This technique uses time-of-flight measurements to calculate the distance based on the time it takes for a signal to travel from the vehicle to the access device and back again. Two-way ranging in UWB technology-based vehicle access systems has several advantages. It provides accurate distance measurement with sub-centimeter precision, which is critical for ensuring secure and reliable vehicle access.
Segmentation 6: by Region • North America • Europe • U.K. • China • Asia-Pacific and Japan • Rest-of-the-World
North America currently holds the largest share of the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market. The North America region comprises the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The presence of technology providers, minimal miscalculations, product customization, and reduced production timescale are the primary driving factors of the North America ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market. The U.S. government's policies for research and development activities regarding ultra-wideband technology also hasten the region's adoption of ultra-wideband technology.
Recent Developments in the Global Ultra-Wideband Technology-Based Vehicle Access Control Market
• In June 2022, CEVA, Inc. announced that the RW-UWB-CCC MAC software package had been added to its RivieraWaves ultra-wideband (UWB) IP to support the Car Connectivity Consortium® (CCC) Digital Key 3.0 specification. • In June 2021, NXP Semiconductors announced the availability of beta ultra-wideband (UWB) development tools from its NXP Trimension portfolio that interoperate with the U1 chip in supported Apple products. • In January 2022, Qorvo, Inc. introduced the first wideband Wi-Fi front-end module (FEM) for customer premises equipment, covering the 5.1 GHz to 7.1 GHz bands (CPE). Qorvo's new wideband QPF4730 can support full-frequency Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E enterprise solutions.
Demand – Drivers and Limitations
The following are the drivers of the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market:
• Increasing Adoption of Real-Time Location System (RTLS) Applications in Vehicle • Growing Adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Automotive Applications
The following are the challenges for the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market:
• Risk of Cyber Attacks • Spectrum Expansion for New Applications
How can this report add value to end users?
Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the readers understand the different types of ultra-wideband technology. Furthermore, the study provides the readers with a detailed understanding of the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market based on application and product.
Growth/Marketing Strategy: To improve the capabilities of their product offerings, players in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market are developing unique products. The readers will be able to comprehend the revenue-generating tactics used by players in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market by looking at the growth/marketing strategies. Other market participants' tactics, such as go-to-market plans, will also assist readers in making strategic judgments.
Competitive Strategy: Players in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market analyzed and profiled in the study include vehicle manufacturers that capture the maximum share of the market. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market has been done to help the readers understand how players compete against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions are expected to help the readers understand the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing company coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
Key Companies Profiled
• Alereon Inc. • Apple Inc. • Microchip Technology Inc. • NXP Semiconductors • Pulse~LINK, Inc. • Qorvo, Inc. • STMicroelectronics N.V. • Xiaomi • BMW Group • CEVA, Inc. • Continental AG • Hyundai Motor Group • Robert Bosch GmbH • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. • Sirin Software • Valeo
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market is estimated to reach $383.1 million in 2031, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 17.09% during the forecast period 2022-2031.
Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a game-changing new wireless technology that brings pinpoint accuracy to various applications and industries. On a 7.5 GHz frequency range, UWB uses short pattern pulses to detect the precise location of a transmitter to a receiver. The automotive industry is incorporating this new technology, with companies like BMW already integrating it into their designs.
USP of the Report
• A dedicated section focusing on the current and futuristic trends adopted by the key players operating in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market. • Extensive competitive benchmarking of 16 players offering a holistic view of the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market landscape. • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market at the region and country level and granularity based on application and product segments. • Business challenges and drivers have been listed separately at regional and country levels. • Detailed supply chain analysis has been provided highlighting the various stakeholders operating in the UWB Technology-Based Vehicle Access Control Market along with their roles. • In this report, the overall market for UWB Technology-Based Vehicle Access Control Market solutions have been investigated with various segmentations. The market segmentation has been considered based on vehicle type, by authentication type, by component type, by frequency range and by positioning technique. • Key industry trends, business drivers, challenges, and opportunities have been provided in this study.
Analyst Perspective
According to Dhrubajyoti Narayan, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “UWB technology is becoming increasingly popular for vehicle access control systems, and industry experts predict that this trend will continue to grow in the coming years. One of the main drivers of this market is the increasing demand for advanced and secure vehicle access control systems. UWB technology provides high levels of security, with sub-centimeter precision distance measurements that prevent unauthorized access. UWB technology is also less susceptible to interference and signals to jam, making it ideal for harsh radio frequency environments. Another market driver is the increasing demand for connected vehicles and smart mobility solutions. UWB technology can be integrated with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to provide seamless and convenient access control for connected vehicles. As the demand for connected vehicles continues to grow, the UWB technology-based vehicle access control market is expected to grow.”
Key Companies Operating in The Market
Players in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market analyzed and profiled in the study include vehicle manufacturers that capture the maximum share of the market. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market has been done to help the readers understand how players compete against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions are expected to help the readers understand the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Alereon Inc., Apple Inc., Microchip Technology Inc., NXP Semiconductors, Pulse~LINK, Inc., Qorvo, Inc., STMicroelectronics N.V., Xiaomi, BMW Group, CEVA, Inc., Continental AG, Hyundai Motor Group, Robert Bosch GmbH, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Sirin Software, and Valeo.
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What are the key drivers and challenges in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market? • How does the supply chain function in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market? • What are the key protocols in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market? • Which ultra-wideband technology type segment is estimated to witness the maximum demand growth in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market during 2022-2031? • Which are the key application areas for which different ultra-wideband technology types may experience high demand during the forecast period 2022-2031? • What are the business and corporate strategies of ultra-wideband technology manufacturers involved in the global ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market? • Which regions are leading in terms of usage of ultra-wideband technology, and which of them are expected to witness high demand growth from 2022 to 2031? What are the key consumer attributes in various regions for the ultra-wideband technology-based vehicle access control market?
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Software Defined Vehicle Market by SDV Type (Semi-SDV. SDV), E/E Architecture (Distributed, Domain Centralised, Zonal Control), Vehicle Type (Passenger Car and Light Commercial Vehicle) and Region - Global Forecast to 2030
商用車テレマティクス市場の将来:パッケージタイプ別(エントリーレベル、中級、上級)、ソリューションタイプ別(組み込み型、ポータブル、スマートフォン/セルラー)、ベンダータイプ別(OEM、アフターマーケット)、車両タイプ別(LCV、HCV)、地域別 - 2030年までの世界予測
トラック用冷凍ユニットの市場:車両タイプ別(小型商用車、中型商用車、大型商用車、トレーラー)、タイプ別、最終用途産業別、用途別、トレーラーサイズ別、動力源別、運転モード別、ユニット推進力別、地域別 - 2030年までの世界予測
自動車用ヘッドアップディスプレイ(HUD)市場調査レポート HUDタイプ別(コンバイナーHUD、フロントガラスHUD、拡張現実HUD)、ディメンションタイプ別(2D-HUD、3D-HUD)、乗用車タイプ別(エコノミーカー、ミッドセグメントカー、高級車)、車両タイプ別(乗用車、商用車)、推進力タイプ別(ICE、電気)、電気自動車タイプ別(ICE、電気)、自律レベル別(非自律自動車、半自律自動車、自律自動車)、販売チャネル別(OE装着、アフターマーケット)、提供形態別(ソフトウェア、ハードウェア)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中東・アフリカ、南米) 2032年までの市場予測
大型エンジンの市場調査レポート情報:車両クラス別(クラス8、クラス7)、馬力別(100馬力未満、400~500馬力、500~600馬力、600馬力以上)、エンドユーザー別(農業、輸送・物流、建設、鉱業、その他)、地域別 -2032年までの世界予測
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