農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析市場 - 世界および地域別分析:用途、製品、国別分析に焦点 - 2022-2027年の分析と予測
Farm Management Software and Data Analytics Market - A Global and Regional Analysis: Focus on Application, Product, and Country-Wise Analysis - Analysis and Forecast, 2022-2027
世界の農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析市場 産業概要
世界の農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析市場は、2022年に35億6000万ドルと評価され、年平均成長率15.39%で成長し、2027年には72億8000万ドルに達すると... もっと見る
サマリー 世界の農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析市場 産業概要
- 従来、農業分野のソフトウェアはオンプレミスにインストールするのが一般的で、ユーザーはサーバーの構築、アプリケーションのインストール、設定を行う必要があった。2015年以降、オンクラウドデリバリーモデルのトレンドが台頭し、農家やその他のユーザーは、レンタルや使用ごとに料金を支払うサービスのようなサブスクリプションモデルでソフトウェアにアクセスできるようになった。
- 最近では、多くの企業が3Dプリンティング、ブロックチェーン、人工知能といった革新的技術の開発に着手している。世界の農業は過去数十年の間に大きな変化を目の当たりにしており、特に作物の収穫量を向上させるための人工知能の導入が進んでいる。
- 精密農業
- 家畜管理
- 水産養殖
- 林業
- オンクラウドソフトウェア
- オンプレミス型ソフトウェア
- システムインテグレーションとコンサルティング
- メンテナンスとサポート
- マネージド・サービス
- 北米 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコ
- ヨーロッパ - ドイツ、フランス、オランダ、イタリア、スペイン、ベルギー、スイス、ギリシャ、ウクライナ、トルコ
- 中国
- イギリス
- アジア太平洋地域 - インド、日本、オーストラリア、アジア太平洋地域以外
- 中東およびアフリカ
- 南米
北米地域は、技術的進歩が高く、主要な農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析ソリューションプロバイダーが北米地域に存在するため、世界の農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場を支配すると予想される。同地域では、技術進歩とともに政府の支援が市場の成長に寄与している。また、農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場の大手企業が北米地域で事業を展開しており、農場管理ソリューションを購入する生産者に幅広い選択肢を与えている。同地域は予測期間2022-2027年にCAGR 14.44%の高成長が見込まれている。
- 2022年5月、農業機械用自律型ソフトウェアの開発、制御装置の実装、電子システムコンポーネントのリーダーであるJCA Industriesは、AGCO Corporationに買収された。
- 2022年9月、AGRIVIはGenome Technologiesと提携。この提携は、ケニアを中心とする東アフリカ諸国にプレミアム・デジタル農業ソリューションを提供することを目的としていた。これにより、東アフリカ地域でのプレゼンスが強化される。
- 2022年5月、EOSデータ・アナリティクスはAWSソリューションを利用し、作物モニタリングとほぼリアルタイムの農場管理のためにAIを活用した衛星画像解析を強化する。この機会は、EOSデータアナリティクスが、情報に基づいた作物栽培の意思決定のための衛星を利用した農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析ソリューションを作成し、ユーザーが農場の生産性と収益性を向上させるのを支援する。
- 2022年3月、BASFは農業のための新しいデジタル・ソリューションを鼓舞するため、AgroStartと呼ばれるオープン・イノベーション・プラットフォームを立ち上げた。同社はこのプラットフォームを北米で立ち上げ、将来的には欧州とアジア太平洋地域で協業を拡大する予定である。
需要 - 推進要因と限界
- 食糧需要の増加
- 農作物の損失を減らす必要性
- 労働力の減少
- 自動化と機械化の必要性
- 政府支援の増加
- 低投資につながる農場データの安全性への脅威
- 技術的な課題が開発を妨げる
- インフラ不足による複雑さ
- 相互運用管理の欠如
成長/マーケティング戦略:世界の農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場では、事業拡大、提携、協力、合弁事業など、市場で事業を展開する主要企業による主要な展開が見られる。各社にとって好ましい戦略は、農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場における地位を強化するための事業拡大である。例えば、2021年4月、HORSCH LLC.とTrimble Inc.は、農業における自律化を可能にするソリューションを開発し、業界における自律型機械の未来を構築するために協業した。2019年12月には、Growers Edge Financial, Inc.とCropX社が、リスク軽減と農家の収量向上を目指す戦略的提携を発表した。
- アクセンチュア
- AGCO株式会社
- アグリーダーテクノロジー
- アグリビ
- アマゾン ウェブ サービス
- クライメイトLLC
- CNHインダストリアルN.V.
- ディア・アンド・カンパニー
- グラニュラー社
- ヘキサゴンアグリ
- IBM株式会社
- 株式会社クボタ
- マイクロソフト株式会社
- プレシジョンホーク
- プロアグリカ
- セミオス
- シンジェンタAG
- トリンブル社
- ヤラ・インターナショナルASA
- ワンソイル
- テラビュー社Ltd.
- ヴィダサイクル
- ヴィネリティクスLLC
目次 メールに添付
世界の農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析市場は、2027年に72億8000万ドルに達すると推定されることが、BIS Researchのプレミアム市場インテリジェンス調査で明らかになった。この調査レポートはまた、市場が2022-2027年の予測期間中に15.39%のCAGRを目撃することになると強調している。
- 世界の農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場の全体像を提供するため、上位20社の広範なケーススタディを実施
- 製品ポートフォリオ、最近の開発、地域的広がりに基づく市場シェア分析
- 特許分析
- ケーススタディ
本レポートに掲載されている主要企業には、アクセンチュア、AGCO Corporation、Ag Leader Technology、AGRIVI、Amazon Web Services, Inc.、BASF SE、Climate LLC、CNH Industrial N.V.、Deere & Company、Granular Inc.、Hexagon Agriculture、IBM Corporation、Kubota Corporation、Microsoft Corporation、PrecisionHawk, Inc.、Proagrica、Semios、Syngenta AG、Trimble Inc.、Yara International ASA、OneSoil、Terraview Pte.Ltd.、Vidacycle、およびVinelytics LLC。
- 予測期間2022-2027年の世界の農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場規模(売上高ベース)の推定値と、予測期間2022-2027年の予想複合年間成長率(CAGR)は?
- 世界の農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場の成長を阻害する主な阻害要因は何か?
- 農場管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析に関連する市場の主要動向、市場促進要因、機会は何か?
- 既存市場プレーヤーは、業界における市場ポジションを強化するために、どのような新戦略を採用しているのか?
- 農場管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析市場における主要プレイヤーの最近の開発、製品提供、地域プレゼンスなどの分析に基づく競争力は?
- 市場カバレッジと市場ポテンシャルの分析に基づく、農業市場における主要な管理ソフトウェアおよびデータ分析企業の競争ベンチマークは?
- 農業管理ソフトウェアとデータ分析の市場エコシステムで活動するプレーヤーと利害関係者の種類と、世界市場におけるそれらの重要性は?
Summary Global Farm Management Software and Data Analytics Market Industry Overview
The global farm management software and data analytics market was valued at $3.56 billion in 2022, which is expected to grow with a CAGR of 15.39% and reach $7.28 billion by 2027. Farm management software and data analytics solutions aim at increasing the ease of farm operations for farmers. This software increases transparency in the field and decreases the chances of crop failure. Through farm management software, a farmer has complete information on all field activities, which can be managed through software accessed through a mobile phone or a tablet. Some of the primary benefits related to farm management software and data analytic solutions in the agricultural field include yield monitoring and field mapping, crop scouting, weather tracking and forecasting, irrigation management, and farm economics.
Market Lifecycle Stage
The farm management software and data analytics market is in a growth phase. Since 2010, the adoption of farm management software and data analytic solutions has increased, especially by medium and large-scale farmers. Increased awareness regarding the benefits of farm management software has increased the adoption rate of these solutions. High technological advancement in some regions of the world is another driver toward the adoption of farm management software and data analytic solutions by farmers.
• Traditionally, software in agriculture was popularly installed on-premises, where users had to build servers, install applications, and configure them. Since 2015, the trend of the on-cloud delivery model has risen, allowing farmers and other users to access the software in a subscription model, such as a service where users pay on a rental or pay-per-use basis. • Recently, many companies have started developing innovative technologies such as 3D printing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. The global agriculture industry has witnessed significant changes in the past decades, especially with the introduction of artificial intelligence to improve crop yield.
Impact of COVID-19
The pandemic has led to economic instability worldwide, and the GDP for all countries declined in 2020. The global agriculture industry and food supply chains have been affected the most due to travel restrictions and continuous lockdowns by the government of mostly all countries. Due to international trade disturbance, farmers have faced a shortage of agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides. Farmers worldwide could not perform agricultural activities, leading to decreased global agricultural production. All these factors significantly hindered the growth and development of the global farm management software and data analytics market. The global farm management software and data analytics market saw a significant dip in 2020. Upon analyzing the global situation of COVID-19 in different regions, the market started normalizing in 2022.
Market Segmentation:
Segmentation 1: by Application • Precision Farming • Livestock Management • Aquaculture • Forestry
Livestock management is expected to dominate the global farm management software and data analytics market in the application segment. The huge market share and growth potential associated with livestock management as an application for farm management software and data analytics is attributed to the broad range of applications found under the farming type for agricultural software solutions.
Segmentation 2: by Product • On-Cloud Software • On-Premise Software
The product segment's global farm management software and data analytics market is expected to be dominated by on-cloud software-based farm management solutions. The benefits of affordable pricing models, scalability, integration, and convenience associated with software solutions are the primary reasons behind the growth of this product offering.
Segmentation 3: by Service Provider • System Integration and Consulting • Maintenance and Support • Managed Services
The global farm management software and data analytics market in the product segment is expected to be dominated by managed services. Managed services include various services such as data, analytics, farm operation, supply chain management, and climate information services. They deliver service-oriented architecture services and solutions, providing many benefits to an organization, including enhanced information flow, configuration flexibility, ability to build new functionalities, and advanced integration capabilities quickly. Thus, the vast market share of managed services segment is due to the market players providing a service-oriented architecture that aligns the business objectives with the IT environment.
Segmentation 4: by Region • North America - U.S., Canada, and Mexico • Europe - Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Ukraine, and Turkey • China • U.K. • Asia-Pacific - India, Japan, Australia, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific • Middle East and Africa • South America
North America is expected to dominate the global farm management software and data analytics market due to the region's high technological advancement and the presence of leading farm management software and data analytics solution providers in the North America region. In the region, government support along with technological advancement has helped in the growth of the market. Also, leading players in the farm management software and data analytics market are operating in the North America region, which gives a wide range of options to growers purchasing farm management solutions. The region is expected to witness high growth of CAGR 14.44% during the forecast period 2022-2027.
Recent Developments in Global Farm Management Software and Data Analytics Market
• In May 2022, JCA Industries, a leader in developing autonomous software for agricultural machines, implementing controls, and electronic system components, was acquired by AGCO Corporation. • In September 2022, AGRIVI partnered with Genome Technologies. This partnership aimed to provide premium digital agriculture solutions to East African countries, mainly in Kenya. This would strengthen its presence in the East Africa region. • In May 2022, EOS Data Analytics uses AWS solutions to enhance AI-powered satellite imagery analytics for crop monitoring and near-real-time farm management. This opportunity would support EOS Data Analytics to create satellite-powered farm management software and data analytics solutions for informed crop-growing decisions to help users boost farm productivity and profitability. • In March 2022, BASF launched an open innovation platform called AgroStart to inspire new digital solutions for agriculture. The company launched it in North America with future collaboration expansions in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Demand – Drivers and Limitations
Following are the demand drivers for the farm management software and data analytics market:
• Increasing Demand for food • Need to Reduce Crop Losses • Decreasing Workforce Availability • Need for Automation and Mechanization • Increased Government Support
The market is expected to face some limitations too due to the following challenges:
• Threat to Farm Data Security Leading to Low Investments • Technological Challenges Impede the Development • Complexities Due to Lack of Infrastructure • Lack of Interoperation Management
How can this report add value to end users?
Product/Innovation Strategy: The product segment helps the reader in understanding the different types of farm management software for the agriculture industry and their potential globally. Moreover, the study provides the reader with a detailed understanding of the different farm management software and data analytics products by application (precision farming, livestock management, aquaculture, and forestry) and precision farming (yield monitoring and farm mapping, crop scouting, weather tracking and forecasting, irrigation management, and farm economics).
Growth/Marketing Strategy: The global farm management software and data analytics market has seen major development by key players operating in the market, such as business expansion, partnership, collaboration, and joint venture. The favored strategy for the companies has been business expansion to strengthen their positions in the farm management software and data analytics market. For instance, in April 2021, HORSCH LLC. and Trimble Inc. collaborated to develop solutions that enable autonomy in agriculture to build a future for autonomous machines in the industry. In December 2019, Growers Edge Financial, Inc. and CropX announced a strategic partnership that aims to reduce risk and improve farmers' yields.
Competitive Strategy: Key players in the global farm management software and data analytics market analyzed and profiled in the study involve farm management software and data analytics service providers that provide tools and technologies. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global farm management software and data analytics market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
Key Market Players and Competition Synopsis
The companies that are profiled have been selected based on inputs gathered from primary experts and analyzing the company's coverage, product portfolio, and market penetration.
The top segment players who are leading include farm management software and data analytics service providers, which capture around 31.6% of the presence in the market.
Key Companies Profiled
• Accenture • AGCO Corporation • Ag Leader Technology • AGRIVI • Amazon Web Services, Inc. • BASF SE • Climate LLC • CNH Industrial N.V. • Deere & Company • Granular Inc. • Hexagon Agriculture • IBM Corporation • Kubota Corporation • Microsoft Corporation • PrecisionHawk, Inc. • Proagrica • Semios • Syngenta AG • Trimble Inc. • Yara International ASA • OneSoil • Terraview Pte. Ltd. • Vidacycle • Vinelytics LLC
Table of Contents Attached in the mail
Press Release
The global farm management software and data analytics market is estimated to reach $7.28 billion in 2027, reveals the premium market intelligence study by BIS Research. The study also highlights that the market is set to witness a CAGR of 15.39% during the forecast period 2022-2027.
The growth in the global farm management software and data analytics market is expected to be driven by increasing demand for agricultural mechanization and automation and increasing average farm size in certain countries such as Australia and Canada.
USP of the Report
• Extensive case study of the top 20 players has been done to offer a holistic view of the global farm management software and data analytics market landscape • Market share analysis based on product portfolio, recent developments, and regional spread • Patent analysis • Case studies
Analyst Perspective
According to Debraj Chakraborty, Principal Analyst, BIS Research, “Farm management software adoption is higher in developed countries due to factors such as technology availability, high-speed internet access, and technological literacy among farmers. In contrast, adoption rates are lower in developing countries, particularly in rural areas with limited technology and internet connectivity. Efforts are being made to increase adoption rates in developing countries through programs and initiatives aimed at improving agricultural productivity and sustainability.”
Key Companies Operating in The Market
Key players in the global farm management software and data analytics market analyzed and profiled in the study involve farm management software and data analytics service providers that provide tools and technologies. Moreover, a detailed competitive benchmarking of the players operating in the global farm management software and data analytics market has been done to help the reader understand how players stack against each other, presenting a clear market landscape. Additionally, comprehensive competitive strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and collaborations will aid the reader in understanding the untapped revenue pockets in the market.
The key players profiled in the report include Accenture, AGCO Corporation, Ag Leader Technology, AGRIVI, Amazon Web Services, Inc.,BASF SE, Climate LLC, CNH Industrial N.V., Deere & Company, Granular Inc., Hexagon Agriculture, IBM Corporation, Kubota Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, PrecisionHawk, Inc., Proagrica, Semios, Syngenta AG, Trimble Inc., Yara International ASA, OneSoil, Terraview Pte. Ltd., Vidacycle, and Vinelytics LLC
Key Questions Answered in the Report
• What is the estimated global farm management software and data analytics market size in terms of revenue for the forecast period 2022-2027, and what is the expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period 2022-2027? • What are the major restraints inhibiting the growth of the global farm management software and data analytics market? • What are the key trends, market drivers, and opportunities in the market pertaining to farm management software and data analytics? • What kinds of new strategies are being adopted by the existing market players to strengthen their market position in the industry? • What is the competitive strength of the key players in the farm management software and data analytics market based on an analysis of their recent developments, product offerings, and regional presence? • How is the competitive benchmarking of the key management software and data analytics companies in the agriculture market based on the analysis of their market coverage and market potential? • What is the type of players and stakeholders operating in the market ecosystem of farm management software and data analytics, and what is their significance in the global market?
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