バイオディーゼル原料:技術、合成、効率、政策Biodiesel Feedstocks: Technologies, Synthesis, Efficiency and Policies レポートの範囲 この調査レポートは、バイオディーゼル市場の動向を調査します。植物油(菜種、パーム油、大豆油、ひまわり油、コーン油、使用済み食用油)と動物性油脂の原料タイプ別にバイオディーゼル市場... もっと見る
サマリーレポートの範囲この調査レポートは、バイオディーゼル市場の動向を調査します。植物油(菜種、パーム油、大豆油、ひまわり油、コーン油、使用済み食用油)と動物性油脂の原料タイプ別にバイオディーゼル市場を詳述します。また、用途別、地域別の市場も詳述する。各セグメント評価には、バイオディーゼルの市場規模推定と2028年までの成長予測が含まれる。レポートの最後には、世界のバイオディーゼル市場の競争環境と、同分野の様々なプレイヤーの企業プロフィールを掲載している。 レポートには以下が含まれます: - 46のデータ表と28の追加表 - 世界のバイオディーゼル市場のエンドユーザー用途別概要 - 2022年の過去の市場収益データ(売上高)、2023年の予測、2028年までの複合年間成長率(CAGR)の予測による世界市場動向の分析 - 世界のバイオディーゼル市場の市場規模・収益予測、用途・原料タイプ・地域に基づく対応市場シェア分析 - 市場の促進要因、阻害要因、機会、課題に関する事実と数値 - バイオディーゼル産業における政策、技術、原料の変化と世界市場の最新動向の分析 - 消費者態度、ESGスコア分析、ケーススタディ、主要企業のESG実践に重点を置いた、バイオディーゼル市場における持続可能性動向とESG展開の概要 - バイオディーゼル技術と応用に関する新技術と主な特許付与のレビュー - 各社の市場シェア、最近のM&A活動、ベンチャー資金調達など、バイオディーゼル業界構造の分析 - 主要市場プレイヤーのプロフィール 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report What's New in This Update? Research Methodology Information Sources Geographic Breakdown Market Segmentation Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Market Outlook Market Summary Chapter 3 Market Overview Introduction Biodiesel Generations First-Generation Biodiesel Second-Generation Biodiesel Third-Generation Biodiesel Types of Feedstocks Vegetable Oil-Based Feedstocks Animal Fat-Based Biodiesel Renewable Diesel Chapter 4 Market Dynamics Market Trends Growing Demand for Low-Carbon Intensive Feedstock Growing Demand for Renewable Diesel Global Growing Biodiesel Production Market Drivers Stringent Policies Environmental Policies and Incentives Energy Security Market Challenges Feedstock Availability Fluctuating Feedstock Prices Strong Growth of the HVO Market Cases of Fraud Biodiesel and UCO Market Opportunities Growing Demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) UCO Market Expansion and Potential Chapter 5 Emerging Technologies and Developments Introduction Advancement in Feedstock Algae as Feedstock Mixed Feedstock FOG-based Biodiesel Chapter 6 Biodiesel Market by Feedstock Type Introduction Vegetable Oil Animal Fat Other Waste Chapter 7 Biodiesel Market by Application Introduction Transportation Other Uses Chapter 8 Biodiesel Market by Region Introduction North America The U.S. Canada Mexico Asia-Pacific EMEA South America Chapter 9 Sustainability in the Biodiesel Industry: An ESG Perspective Introduction Key ESG Issues Environmental Issues Social Issues Governance Issues Biodiesel Industry ESG Performance Analysis Consumer Attitudes Towards ESG ESG Practices by Companies ESG Risks and Opportunities Opportunities in Implementing ESG in Biodiesel Companies Risks in Implementing ESG in Biofuel Companies Case Study ESG Performance of Valero: Driving Sustainable Innovation in the Biodiesel Industry Concluding Remarks from BCC Chapter 10 Patent Analysis Overview Patents, by Major Biodiesel Companies Chapter 11 M&A and Venture Funding Outlook Mergers & Acquisitions Investments in Biodiesel Chapter 12 Competitive Intelligence Competitive Landscape Biodiesel Producers Biofuel and Renewable Fuel Producers Large Fossil Fuel and Diesel Producers Diversified Producers and Manufacturers Key Technology Vendors in the Biofuel Space Market Share Analysis Strategic Analysis Diversified Feedstocks Technological Advancement Collaboration and Expansion Product Diversification Vertical Integration Chapter 13 Company Profiles Introduction Company Profiles AG PROCESSING INC. ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO. (ADM) ARGENT ENERGY AVRIL GROUP CARGILL INC. CHEVRON RENEWABLE ENERGY GROUP ENI S.P.A. HF SINCLAIR CORP. NESTE OYJ POET LLC. Chapter 14 Appendix: Acronyms Acronyms Used in the Report
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report What's New in This Update? Research Methodology Information Sources Geographic Breakdown Market Segmentation Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Market Outlook Market Summary Chapter 3 Market Overview Introduction Biodiesel Generations First-Generation Biodiesel Second-Generation Biodiesel Third-Generation Biodiesel Types of Feedstocks Vegetable Oil-Based Feedstocks Animal Fat-Based Biodiesel Renewable Diesel Chapter 4 Market Dynamics Market Trends Growing Demand for Low-Carbon Intensive Feedstock Growing Demand for Renewable Diesel Global Growing Biodiesel Production Market Drivers Stringent Policies Environmental Policies and Incentives Energy Security Market Challenges Feedstock Availability Fluctuating Feedstock Prices Strong Growth of the HVO Market Cases of Fraud Biodiesel and UCO Market Opportunities Growing Demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) UCO Market Expansion and Potential Chapter 5 Emerging Technologies and Developments Introduction Advancement in Feedstock Algae as Feedstock Mixed Feedstock FOG-based Biodiesel Chapter 6 Biodiesel Market by Feedstock Type Introduction Vegetable Oil Animal Fat Other Waste Chapter 7 Biodiesel Market by Application Introduction Transportation Other Uses Chapter 8 Biodiesel Market by Region Introduction North America The U.S. Canada Mexico Asia-Pacific EMEA South America Chapter 9 Sustainability in the Biodiesel Industry: An ESG Perspective Introduction Key ESG Issues Environmental Issues Social Issues Governance Issues Biodiesel Industry ESG Performance Analysis Consumer Attitudes Towards ESG ESG Practices by Companies ESG Risks and Opportunities Opportunities in Implementing ESG in Biodiesel Companies Risks in Implementing ESG in Biofuel Companies Case Study ESG Performance of Valero: Driving Sustainable Innovation in the Biodiesel Industry Concluding Remarks from BCC Chapter 10 Patent Analysis Overview Patents, by Major Biodiesel Companies Chapter 11 M&A and Venture Funding Outlook Mergers & Acquisitions Investments in Biodiesel Chapter 12 Competitive Intelligence Competitive Landscape Biodiesel Producers Biofuel and Renewable Fuel Producers Large Fossil Fuel and Diesel Producers Diversified Producers and Manufacturers Key Technology Vendors in the Biofuel Space Market Share Analysis Strategic Analysis Diversified Feedstocks Technological Advancement Collaboration and Expansion Product Diversification Vertical Integration Chapter 13 Company Profiles Introduction Company Profiles AG PROCESSING INC. ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND CO. (ADM) ARGENT ENERGY AVRIL GROUP CARGILL INC. CHEVRON RENEWABLE ENERGY GROUP ENI S.P.A. HF SINCLAIR CORP. NESTE OYJ POET LLC. Chapter 14 Appendix: Acronyms Acronyms Used in the Report
BCC Research社のエネルギー分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD()の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
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