![]() バイオ燃料世界市場Biofuels: Global Markets レポートの範囲 本レポートでは、バイオ燃料の種類、製造方法、原料オプション、一般的なプラントコスト、営業利益率の概要を紹介し、主要地域市場の分析を行う:北米、欧州、南米、アジア太平洋、アフリカ、... もっと見る
サマリーレポートの範囲本レポートでは、バイオ燃料の種類、製造方法、原料オプション、一般的なプラントコスト、営業利益率の概要を紹介し、主要地域市場の分析を行う:北米、欧州、南米、アジア太平洋、アフリカ、中東である。各地域の評価には、エタノール、バイオディーゼル、その他の燃料タイプの売上高に関する市場規模の推定と、2028年までの成長予測が含まれている。また、先進バイオ燃料の技術開発・商業開発、バイオ燃料分野の新技術についても紹介している。レポートの最後には、世界のバイオ燃料市場の競合情勢を掲載している。また、バイオ燃料分野における新たな技術についても言及し、この分野の様々なプレイヤーの企業プロフィールで締めくくる。 レポート内容 - 18のデータ表と27の追加表 - 液体バイオ燃料の世界市場概要 - 2022年のデータ、2023年の予測、2028年までの年平均成長率(CAGR)の予測による市場規模の推定と世界市場動向の分析 - バイオ燃料の種類と地域に基づくバイオ燃料市場の可能性の評価 - 先進バイオ燃料の技術的・商業的開発、製造方法、原料オプション、一般的なプラントコスト、操業マージン、バイオ燃料セクターの新技術の評価。 - バイオ燃料利用に関する規制の枠組み、燃料生産へのインセンティブ、製造工場の数と能力、パリ協定、バイオ燃料技術への投資、企業間の協力に関する情報。 - バイオ燃料に関する重要な特許活動の分析 - 市場シェア分析と競合状況の評価を含む、主要企業の市場展望 - ADM社、Chevron Renewable Energy Group社、Green Plains Inc.社、HF Sinclair Corp.社など、業界内の主要企業の会社概要。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report What's New in this Update? Methodology Information Sources Geographic Breakdown Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Market Outlook Summary Chapter 3 Market Overview Introduction Biofuel Evolution First-Generation Biofuels Second-Generation Biofuels Third-Generation Biofuels Fourth-Generation Biofuels Yield Net Energy Yield Conversion Routes for Biofuels Production Types of Biofuels Ethanol Corn Ethanol Corn Ethanol Manufacturing Cellulosic Ethanol Ethanol Blending Coproducts of Ethanol Production Ethanol Plant Costs Biodiesel Biodiesel Manufacturing Transesterification Post-Reaction Processes Biodiesel Blending Coproducts of Biodiesel Manufacturing Biodiesel Plant Costs Renewable Diesel Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Other Biofuels Straight Vegetable Oil/Pure Vegetable Oil Wood Diesel Biobutanol Biobutanol Manufacturing Hydrothermal Upgrading Diesel Fischer-Tropsch Biofuels Fischer-Tropsch Manufacturing Algal Fuel (Oilgae) Biomethanol Dimethylfuran Bio-DME Green Gasoline Designer Hydrocarbons Share of Biofuels in World Energy Matrix Chapter 4 Market Dynamics Market Trends Growing Demand for Low-Carbon Intensive Fuel Stringent Policies Food Crops to Remain as a Major Feedstock Market Drivers Environmental Policies and Incentives Growing Demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) Energy Security Market Challenges Feedstock Availability Chapter 5 Biofuel Market by Fuel Type Introduction Global Biofuel Market by Fuel Type Global Market by Region North America Europe South America Asia-Pacific Middle East and Africa Chapter 6 Biofuels Market by Region Global Market for Biofuels by Region Global Market by Region North America Europe South America Asia-Pacific Middle East and Africa Chapter 7 Sustainability in Biofuels Industry: An ESG Perspective Introduction ESG Issues Environmental Issues Social Issues Biofuel Industry ESG Performance Analysis Consumer Attitudes Towards ESG ESG Practices by Companies ESG Risk and Opportunities Opportunities in Implementing ESG in Biofuel Companies Risks in Implementing ESG in Biofuel Companies Case Study ESG Performance of Neste: Driving Sustainable Innovation in the Biofuel Industry Concluding Remarks from BCC Chapter 8 Emerging Technologies and Developments Introduction Emerging Technology Technology Innovation Innovative Technology in Feedstock Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Innovative Technology in Process Chapter 9 Competitive Intelligence and M&A Market Share Strategies Feedstock Diversification New Technologies Partnership and Capacity Expansion Product Diversification Vertical Integration Mergers & Acquisitions Investments in Biofuels Chapter 10 Company Profiles Introduction Company Profiles ADM CARGILL CHEVRON RENEWABLE ENERGY GROUP GREEN PLAINS INC. HF SINCLAIR CORP. MARQUIS POET LLC
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report What's New in this Update? Methodology Information Sources Geographic Breakdown Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Market Outlook Summary Chapter 3 Market Overview Introduction Biofuel Evolution First-Generation Biofuels Second-Generation Biofuels Third-Generation Biofuels Fourth-Generation Biofuels Yield Net Energy Yield Conversion Routes for Biofuels Production Types of Biofuels Ethanol Corn Ethanol Corn Ethanol Manufacturing Cellulosic Ethanol Ethanol Blending Coproducts of Ethanol Production Ethanol Plant Costs Biodiesel Biodiesel Manufacturing Transesterification Post-Reaction Processes Biodiesel Blending Coproducts of Biodiesel Manufacturing Biodiesel Plant Costs Renewable Diesel Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Other Biofuels Straight Vegetable Oil/Pure Vegetable Oil Wood Diesel Biobutanol Biobutanol Manufacturing Hydrothermal Upgrading Diesel Fischer-Tropsch Biofuels Fischer-Tropsch Manufacturing Algal Fuel (Oilgae) Biomethanol Dimethylfuran Bio-DME Green Gasoline Designer Hydrocarbons Share of Biofuels in World Energy Matrix Chapter 4 Market Dynamics Market Trends Growing Demand for Low-Carbon Intensive Fuel Stringent Policies Food Crops to Remain as a Major Feedstock Market Drivers Environmental Policies and Incentives Growing Demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) Energy Security Market Challenges Feedstock Availability Chapter 5 Biofuel Market by Fuel Type Introduction Global Biofuel Market by Fuel Type Global Market by Region North America Europe South America Asia-Pacific Middle East and Africa Chapter 6 Biofuels Market by Region Global Market for Biofuels by Region Global Market by Region North America Europe South America Asia-Pacific Middle East and Africa Chapter 7 Sustainability in Biofuels Industry: An ESG Perspective Introduction ESG Issues Environmental Issues Social Issues Biofuel Industry ESG Performance Analysis Consumer Attitudes Towards ESG ESG Practices by Companies ESG Risk and Opportunities Opportunities in Implementing ESG in Biofuel Companies Risks in Implementing ESG in Biofuel Companies Case Study ESG Performance of Neste: Driving Sustainable Innovation in the Biofuel Industry Concluding Remarks from BCC Chapter 8 Emerging Technologies and Developments Introduction Emerging Technology Technology Innovation Innovative Technology in Feedstock Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Innovative Technology in Process Chapter 9 Competitive Intelligence and M&A Market Share Strategies Feedstock Diversification New Technologies Partnership and Capacity Expansion Product Diversification Vertical Integration Mergers & Acquisitions Investments in Biofuels Chapter 10 Company Profiles Introduction Company Profiles ADM CARGILL CHEVRON RENEWABLE ENERGY GROUP GREEN PLAINS INC. HF SINCLAIR CORP. MARQUIS POET LLC
BCC Research社のエネルギー分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD()の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。
2025/03/10 10:26 148.38 円 161.64 円 194.69 円 |