神経補綴:テクノロジーと世界市場Neuroprosthetics: Technologies and Global Markets レポートの範囲 この調査レポートは、世界の神経補綴市場、収益予測、将来動向を徹底的に評価・分析し、市場参加者の成功のための戦略的提言を提供することを目的としています。調査範囲はグローバルです。予... もっと見る
サマリーレポートの範囲この調査レポートは、世界の神経補綴市場、収益予測、将来動向を徹底的に評価・分析し、市場参加者の成功のための戦略的提言を提供することを目的としています。調査範囲はグローバルです。予測期間(2023年から2028年)における現在の市場予測および予測市場について論じています。2023年の数値は、実績が報告されている場合を除き、推定値である。2023年から2028年までの製品タイプ別、用途別、地域別の予測を掲載しています。 また本レポートには、世界の神経補綴市場における主要および新興競合企業の分析も含まれています。主要製品メーカーや新規製品を開発中の新興企業のプロフィールも分析しています。本レポートでは、予測期間中に製品投入の準備が整った企業を評価し、これらの製品投入が競争環境の様相をどのように変えるかについて論じています。 レポート内容 - 32のデータ表と49の追加表 - 神経補綴の世界市場の包括的な概観と最新分析 - 2022年の過去の市場収益データ(売上高)、2023年の予測、2024年と2026年の予測、2028年までの複合年間成長率(CAGR)の予測による世界市場動向の分析 - 世界の神経補綴市場の実際の市場規模および収益予測(百万米ドル単位)、製品、刺激技術の種類、用途、地域に基づく対応する市場シェア分析 - 特定の成長動向、今後の技術、将来展望、市場全体への貢献に関して、この市場の進展に影響を与える主な要因(利益、業界特有の課題)に関する詳細情報(事実と数値 - 神経人工装具市場におけるESGの展開、ESGの重要性、持続可能性に対する消費者の態度、リスクと機会の評価、製品メーカーと業界参加者によるESGの実践についての考察 - Neuroprostheticsに関する主要特許の付与を含む関連特許分析 - 最近の合併買収(M&A)活動、ベンチャー資金調達、その他この市場の成長に貢献するインパクトのある戦略のレビュー - 世界の神経補綴市場における主要および新興競合企業の特定、および最近の開発、セグメント別収益、事業統合に基づく競合状況の分析 - アボット・ラボラトリーズ、ボストン・サイエンティフィック社、コクレア社、メドトロニック社、ソノバ社など、業界内の主要企業の会社概要 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report Methodology and Information Sources Geographic Breakdown Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Market Outlook Market Summary Chapter 3 Market Overview Overview and Definitions Neuroprosthetics Need for Neuroprosthetics Types of Neuroprosthetics Cochlear Implants Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Visual Prosthetics Regulatory Landscape U.S. Europe Chapter 4 Market Dynamics Drivers Favorable Demographic Trends Technological Advancements Support from Regulatory Agencies Increasing Pressure to Cut Costs Robust Funding Environment for Biomedical Research Unpenetrated Market Challenges High Cost Technological Challenges Safety Concerns Privacy and Accountability Concerns Inconsistent Reimbursement Policies Key Factors Impacting Market Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Product Type Market Overview Cochlear Implants Deep Brain Stimulators Approved Indications for Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Sacral Nerve Stimulators (SNSs) Tibial Nerve Stimulators (TNSs) Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Brain/Computer Interface (BCI) Neural-controlled Prosthetic Limbs Myoelectric Prostheses Brain-controlled Prosthetic Limbs Current State of BCI Technology in Prosthetics Others Visual Prosthetics/Retinal Prosthetics Diaphragm Pacing System/Phrenic Nerve Stimulator Market Revenue by Product Type Cochlear Implants Cochlear Implants Market Revenue by Region Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) DBS Market Revenue by Region Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Market Revenue by Region Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Bladder and Bowel Control Implants: Market Revenue by Region Others Others Market Revenue by Region Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application Market Overview Nervous System Function Replacement Nervous System Modulation Market Revenue by Application Nervous System Function Replacement Market Revenue by Region Nervous System Modulation Market Revenue by Region Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Region Market Overview Market Revenue by Region North America Reimbursement and Insurance Coverage Innovation Hub and Robust Funding Encouraging Regulatory Environment Market Demand and Adoption Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Market Revenue by Country Europe Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Market Revenue by Country Asia-Pacific Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Market Revenue by Country Rest of the World (RoW) Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Chapter 8 ESG Development Introduction to ESG Sustainability in the Neuroprosthetics Industry: An ESG Perspective Key ESG Issues Industry ESG Performance Analysis Concluding Remarks from BCC Chapter 9 Emerging Technologies and Development Overview Brain Controlled Prosthetics Prosthesis with Sensations Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Neuroprosthetics Networked Neuroprosthesis System Miniaturized Devices and Wireless Connectivity and Powering Chapter 10 Clinical Trials Overview Cochlear Implants Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Others Chapter 11 Competitive Intelligence Overview Cochlear Implants Company Market Shares Market Leader Product Portfolio Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Company Market Shares Market Leader Product Portfolio Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Company Market Shares Market Leader Product Portfolio Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Key Companies Product Portfolio Others Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Chapter 12 Company Profiles ABBOTT LABORATORIES AXONICS INC. BIOVENTUS BLACKROCK NEUROTECH BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. COCHLEAR LTD. CYBERDYNE INC. MED-EL MEDICAL ELECTRONICS MEDTRONIC NEUROPACE INC. PARADROMICS SONOVA SYNCHRON VIVANI MEDICAL INC. Chapter 13 Appendix
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction Study Goals and Objectives Reasons for Doing This Study Scope of Report Methodology and Information Sources Geographic Breakdown Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights Market Outlook Market Summary Chapter 3 Market Overview Overview and Definitions Neuroprosthetics Need for Neuroprosthetics Types of Neuroprosthetics Cochlear Implants Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Visual Prosthetics Regulatory Landscape U.S. Europe Chapter 4 Market Dynamics Drivers Favorable Demographic Trends Technological Advancements Support from Regulatory Agencies Increasing Pressure to Cut Costs Robust Funding Environment for Biomedical Research Unpenetrated Market Challenges High Cost Technological Challenges Safety Concerns Privacy and Accountability Concerns Inconsistent Reimbursement Policies Key Factors Impacting Market Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Product Type Market Overview Cochlear Implants Deep Brain Stimulators Approved Indications for Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Sacral Nerve Stimulators (SNSs) Tibial Nerve Stimulators (TNSs) Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Brain/Computer Interface (BCI) Neural-controlled Prosthetic Limbs Myoelectric Prostheses Brain-controlled Prosthetic Limbs Current State of BCI Technology in Prosthetics Others Visual Prosthetics/Retinal Prosthetics Diaphragm Pacing System/Phrenic Nerve Stimulator Market Revenue by Product Type Cochlear Implants Cochlear Implants Market Revenue by Region Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) DBS Market Revenue by Region Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Market Revenue by Region Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Bladder and Bowel Control Implants: Market Revenue by Region Others Others Market Revenue by Region Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application Market Overview Nervous System Function Replacement Nervous System Modulation Market Revenue by Application Nervous System Function Replacement Market Revenue by Region Nervous System Modulation Market Revenue by Region Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Region Market Overview Market Revenue by Region North America Reimbursement and Insurance Coverage Innovation Hub and Robust Funding Encouraging Regulatory Environment Market Demand and Adoption Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Market Revenue by Country Europe Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Market Revenue by Country Asia-Pacific Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Market Revenue by Country Rest of the World (RoW) Market Revenue by Product Type Market Revenue by Application Chapter 8 ESG Development Introduction to ESG Sustainability in the Neuroprosthetics Industry: An ESG Perspective Key ESG Issues Industry ESG Performance Analysis Concluding Remarks from BCC Chapter 9 Emerging Technologies and Development Overview Brain Controlled Prosthetics Prosthesis with Sensations Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Neuroprosthetics Networked Neuroprosthesis System Miniaturized Devices and Wireless Connectivity and Powering Chapter 10 Clinical Trials Overview Cochlear Implants Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Others Chapter 11 Competitive Intelligence Overview Cochlear Implants Company Market Shares Market Leader Product Portfolio Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Company Market Shares Market Leader Product Portfolio Bladder and Bowel Control Implants Company Market Shares Market Leader Product Portfolio Neuroprosthetics for Movement Restoration Key Companies Product Portfolio Others Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Chapter 12 Company Profiles ABBOTT LABORATORIES AXONICS INC. BIOVENTUS BLACKROCK NEUROTECH BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. COCHLEAR LTD. CYBERDYNE INC. MED-EL MEDICAL ELECTRONICS MEDTRONIC NEUROPACE INC. PARADROMICS SONOVA SYNCHRON VIVANI MEDICAL INC. Chapter 13 Appendix
BCC Research社の医療機器・手術分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD()の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。