![]() 胎児モニタリング・診断・予知検査Fetal Monitoring, Diagnostics and Predictive Tests レポートのスコープ 本レポートは、胎児モニタリング、診断、予測検査の世界市場を定量的・定性的データの両面から包括的に調査し、企業の成長戦略の策定、市場環境の評価、現在の市場における自社のポジショ... もっと見る
サマリーレポートのスコープ本レポートは、胎児モニタリング、診断、予測検査の世界市場を定量的・定性的データの両面から包括的に調査し、企業の成長戦略の策定、市場環境の評価、現在の市場における自社のポジション分析、胎児モニタリング、診断、予測検査に関する情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定に役立てることを目的としています。 世界の胎児モニタリング、診断、予測検査市場を詳細に分析し、アプリケーション、製品タイプ、エンドユーザー別の売上高に関する過去データと市場予測を掲載しています。胎児モニタリング、診断、予測検査の種類とその現在および過去の市場収益について説明しています。また、世界の胎児モニタリング、診断、予測検査市場を地域(北米、欧州、その他の地域)に基づき分類しています。 市場をより深く理解するために、本レポートでは競争環境、主要な競合他社のプロフィール、それぞれの市場シェアなどを紹介しています。 レポートが含まれます: - 17のデータテーブルと54の追加テーブル - 胎児モニタリング、出生前診断、予測検査の世界市場を詳細に概観し、最新の分析を行う。 - 世界の市場動向を分析し、2019年~2021年、2022年の過去の市場収益と、2027年までの年間平均成長率(CAGR)の予測も掲載 - 胎児モニタリング製品、診断および予測検査に関する現在および将来の市場可能性を、競争環境、業界動向、機会、業界内の新興技術の浸透に関する詳細な分析とともにハイライトで紹介します。 - 製品タイプ、サンプルタイプ、検査タイプ、エンドユーザー、地域に基づく、胎児モニタリングおよび関連市場の実際の市場規模および収益予測(百万ドル値)と、それに対応する市場シェア分析の推定 - 胎児モニタリング・診断の各カテゴリーの比較研究に加え、新技術・開発、メーカー・サプライヤー間の競争、妊産婦の意識の高まりによる市場の環境変化などを紹介する。 - 胎児モニタリング製品、診断・予測検査の世界市場で主要企業が採用した主要なM&A案件、契約、協業、その他のインパクトのある戦略に関する最新情報 - 主要なステークホルダーを特定し、最近の市場動向、財務実績、セグメント別の収益に基づく企業の競争環境を分析する。 - Abbott Laboratories、Abcam plc、Ansh Labs LLC、Beckman Coulter Inc.、Contect Medical Systems Co.Ltd.、Dragerwerk AG & Co.KGaA 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 What's New in This Update? 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 Methodology and Information Sources 1.5 Geographic Breakdown 1.6 Analyst's Credentials 1.7 BCC Custom Research 1.8 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights 2.1 Overview Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 High-Risk Pregnancies 3.1.1 Advanced Maternal Age (AMA) 3.1.2 Medical Conditions Existing Before Pregnancy 3.1.3 Medical Conditions Occurring During Pregnancy 3.1.4 Pregnancy-Related Issues 3.2 Fetal Growth Restrictions 3.3 Preterm Births 3.3.1 Global Epidemiology of Preterm Births 3.3.2 Classification of Preterm Birth 3.3.3 Preterm Birth Complications 3.3.4 Causes of Preterm Birth 3.3.5 Global Rates of Preterm Births 3.4 Oligohydramnios 3.5 Abnormal Placental Blood Flow 3.6 Meconium-Stained Liquor 3.6.1 Management of MSAF 3.7 Breech Presentation 3.7.1 Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) 3.7.2 Fetal Movement 3.7.3 Maternal Contraction 3.8 Vendors and Products for Fetal Monitoring 3.8.1 Fetoscope 3.8.2 Fetal Heart Doppler 3.8.3 Fetal Monitors 3.8.4 Fetal Scalp Electrodes 3.8.5 Telemetry 3.8.6 Fetal Pulse Oximeter 3.8.7 Fetal Ultrasound 3.8.8 Neonatal Monitoring Chapter 4 Emerging/Upcoming Technologies in the Market 4.1 Technological Advancements in Fetal Monitoring 4.1.1 Changes in Birth Technology 4.1.2 Future of Fetal Monitoring 4.1.3 New Fetal Heart Monitoring Technologies Chapter 5 Regulatory Structure 5.1 Regulatory Framework 5.1.1 United States 5.1.2 European Union (EU) 5.1.3 Japan Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application 6.1 Market Analysis 6.2 Market Overview 6.3 Fetal Monitoring 6.3.1 Electronic Fetal Monitors 6.3.2 Fetal Dopplers 6.3.3 Other Types of Fetal Monitors 6.4 Prenatal Diagnostics 6.4.1 Fetal Ultrasound 6.4.2 Fetal MRI 6.4.3 Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) 6.4.4 Noninvasive cfDNA Tests 6.4.5 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Screening (PGD/PGS) 6.4.6 Other Types of Prenatal Diagnostics (Maternal Serum Screening) 6.5 Neonatal Monitoring Products 6.5.1 Essentials of Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy 6.5.2 Prenatal Screening Tests 6.5.3 Pregnancy and Prenatal Screening Tests 6.5.4 Second Trimester Maternal Hexosaminidase Screening Test 6.5.5 Radiological Studies in Prenatal Diagnosis 6.5.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Fetal Diagnosis 6.5.7 Fetal Management 6.5.8 Recent Trends Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 6.5.9 Predictive Tests Related to Pregnancy 6.5.10 Effects of Chromosomal Defects on Fetuses 6.5.11 Total Number of Predictable Carrier Genetic Diseases 6.5.12 Chance of Being a Carrier of Genetic Disease 6.5.13 Causes of Birth Defects 6.5.14 Commercially Available Genetic Tests for Carrier Screening 6.5.15 Preimplantation Genetic Testing 6.5.16 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD/PGS) Technologies 6.5.17 Future of PGD Chapter 7 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Fetal Monitoring, Diagnostics and Predictive Tests 7.1.2 Trade Restrictions and Supply Disruptions Chapter 8 Competitive Landscape 8.1 Overview 8.2 Global Company Ranking 8.2.1 Other Key Players 8.3 Fetal Monitoring Industry Participants 8.3.1 Need for Innovations 8.3.2 Smart Fabric Belly Band 8.3.3 Laborview Sensor System 8.3.4 Bellabeat Interactive Monitoring Device 8.3.5 Benchtop Semiconductor Sequencing Procedure 8.3.6 Smart Sock Monitor Chapter 9 Company Profiles ABBOTT LABORATORIES ABCAM PLC AMBISEA TECHNOLOGY CORP., LTD. ANSH LABS LLC ATOM MEDICAL CORP. AVIVA SYSTEMS BIOLOGY LLC BECKMAN COULTER INC. BERRY GENOMICS BIONET AMERICA INC. BISTOS Co., LTD. CONTEC MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO. LTD. COOPERSURGICAL INC. CREATIVE DIAGNOSTICS DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION/CORTEZ DIAGNOSTICS INC. DEMEDITEC DIAGNOSTICS GMBH DRAGERWERK AG & CO. DRE INC. DRG INTERNATIONAL INC. EAGLE BIOSCIENCES INC. EDAN INSTRUMENTS INC. ESAOTE SPA FUKUDA DENSHI CO. LTD. GE HEALTHCARE LTD. GENERAL MEDITECH INC. HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS AMERICA INC. HOLOGIC INC. HUNTLEIGH HEALTHCARE LLC ILLUMINA INC. INFINIUM MEDICAL INC. INSTITUTE OF ISOTOPES CO. LTD. LEINCO TECHNOLOGIES INC. LIFEWAVE BIOMEDICAL INC. LUTECH INDUSTRIES INC. M&B ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS CO. LTD. MEDGYN PRODUCTS INC. MEDIANA CO. LTD. MEDICAL ECONET GMBH MEDICHECKS LTD. MINDCHILD MEDICAL INC. MINDRAY MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL LTD. MONOBIND INC. MYRIAD GENETICS INC. NATERA INC. NATUS MEDICAL INC. NEMO HEALTHCARE BV NEOVENTA MEDICAL AB NIHON KOHDEN CORP. NONIN MEDICAL INC. OB TOOLS LTD. PENLON LTD. PERKINELMER LIFE AND ANALYTICAL SCIENCES INC. PHOENIX PHARMACEUTICALS INC. PREMAITHA HEALTH LTD. QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC. RAVGEN RAYBIOTECH INC. RESPIRONICS INC. (PHILIPS) SEQUENOM INC. SHENZHEN AEON TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. SHENZHEN COMEN MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO. LTD. SHENZHEN JUMPER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. SIEMENS HEALTHCARE SINOHERO BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. SMITHS MEDICAL INC. SPACELABS HEALTHCARE INC. TOSHIBA AMERICA MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC. USCN LIFE SCIENCES INC. ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGIES LTD. UNITED BIORESEARCH INC. UTAH MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. VCOMIN TECHNOLOGY LTD. WELCH ALLYN INC.
SummaryReport Scope: Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives 1.2 What's New in This Update? 1.3 Scope of Report 1.4 Methodology and Information Sources 1.5 Geographic Breakdown 1.6 Analyst's Credentials 1.7 BCC Custom Research 1.8 Related BCC Research Reports Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights 2.1 Overview Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background 3.1 High-Risk Pregnancies 3.1.1 Advanced Maternal Age (AMA) 3.1.2 Medical Conditions Existing Before Pregnancy 3.1.3 Medical Conditions Occurring During Pregnancy 3.1.4 Pregnancy-Related Issues 3.2 Fetal Growth Restrictions 3.3 Preterm Births 3.3.1 Global Epidemiology of Preterm Births 3.3.2 Classification of Preterm Birth 3.3.3 Preterm Birth Complications 3.3.4 Causes of Preterm Birth 3.3.5 Global Rates of Preterm Births 3.4 Oligohydramnios 3.5 Abnormal Placental Blood Flow 3.6 Meconium-Stained Liquor 3.6.1 Management of MSAF 3.7 Breech Presentation 3.7.1 Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) 3.7.2 Fetal Movement 3.7.3 Maternal Contraction 3.8 Vendors and Products for Fetal Monitoring 3.8.1 Fetoscope 3.8.2 Fetal Heart Doppler 3.8.3 Fetal Monitors 3.8.4 Fetal Scalp Electrodes 3.8.5 Telemetry 3.8.6 Fetal Pulse Oximeter 3.8.7 Fetal Ultrasound 3.8.8 Neonatal Monitoring Chapter 4 Emerging/Upcoming Technologies in the Market 4.1 Technological Advancements in Fetal Monitoring 4.1.1 Changes in Birth Technology 4.1.2 Future of Fetal Monitoring 4.1.3 New Fetal Heart Monitoring Technologies Chapter 5 Regulatory Structure 5.1 Regulatory Framework 5.1.1 United States 5.1.2 European Union (EU) 5.1.3 Japan Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application 6.1 Market Analysis 6.2 Market Overview 6.3 Fetal Monitoring 6.3.1 Electronic Fetal Monitors 6.3.2 Fetal Dopplers 6.3.3 Other Types of Fetal Monitors 6.4 Prenatal Diagnostics 6.4.1 Fetal Ultrasound 6.4.2 Fetal MRI 6.4.3 Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) 6.4.4 Noninvasive cfDNA Tests 6.4.5 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Screening (PGD/PGS) 6.4.6 Other Types of Prenatal Diagnostics (Maternal Serum Screening) 6.5 Neonatal Monitoring Products 6.5.1 Essentials of Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy 6.5.2 Prenatal Screening Tests 6.5.3 Pregnancy and Prenatal Screening Tests 6.5.4 Second Trimester Maternal Hexosaminidase Screening Test 6.5.5 Radiological Studies in Prenatal Diagnosis 6.5.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Fetal Diagnosis 6.5.7 Fetal Management 6.5.8 Recent Trends Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 6.5.9 Predictive Tests Related to Pregnancy 6.5.10 Effects of Chromosomal Defects on Fetuses 6.5.11 Total Number of Predictable Carrier Genetic Diseases 6.5.12 Chance of Being a Carrier of Genetic Disease 6.5.13 Causes of Birth Defects 6.5.14 Commercially Available Genetic Tests for Carrier Screening 6.5.15 Preimplantation Genetic Testing 6.5.16 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD/PGS) Technologies 6.5.17 Future of PGD Chapter 7 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Fetal Monitoring, Diagnostics and Predictive Tests 7.1.2 Trade Restrictions and Supply Disruptions Chapter 8 Competitive Landscape 8.1 Overview 8.2 Global Company Ranking 8.2.1 Other Key Players 8.3 Fetal Monitoring Industry Participants 8.3.1 Need for Innovations 8.3.2 Smart Fabric Belly Band 8.3.3 Laborview Sensor System 8.3.4 Bellabeat Interactive Monitoring Device 8.3.5 Benchtop Semiconductor Sequencing Procedure 8.3.6 Smart Sock Monitor Chapter 9 Company Profiles ABBOTT LABORATORIES ABCAM PLC AMBISEA TECHNOLOGY CORP., LTD. ANSH LABS LLC ATOM MEDICAL CORP. AVIVA SYSTEMS BIOLOGY LLC BECKMAN COULTER INC. BERRY GENOMICS BIONET AMERICA INC. BISTOS Co., LTD. CONTEC MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO. LTD. COOPERSURGICAL INC. CREATIVE DIAGNOSTICS DIAGNOSTIC AUTOMATION/CORTEZ DIAGNOSTICS INC. DEMEDITEC DIAGNOSTICS GMBH DRAGERWERK AG & CO. DRE INC. DRG INTERNATIONAL INC. EAGLE BIOSCIENCES INC. EDAN INSTRUMENTS INC. ESAOTE SPA FUKUDA DENSHI CO. LTD. GE HEALTHCARE LTD. GENERAL MEDITECH INC. HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS AMERICA INC. HOLOGIC INC. HUNTLEIGH HEALTHCARE LLC ILLUMINA INC. INFINIUM MEDICAL INC. INSTITUTE OF ISOTOPES CO. LTD. LEINCO TECHNOLOGIES INC. LIFEWAVE BIOMEDICAL INC. LUTECH INDUSTRIES INC. M&B ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS CO. LTD. MEDGYN PRODUCTS INC. MEDIANA CO. LTD. MEDICAL ECONET GMBH MEDICHECKS LTD. MINDCHILD MEDICAL INC. MINDRAY MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL LTD. MONOBIND INC. MYRIAD GENETICS INC. NATERA INC. NATUS MEDICAL INC. NEMO HEALTHCARE BV NEOVENTA MEDICAL AB NIHON KOHDEN CORP. NONIN MEDICAL INC. OB TOOLS LTD. PENLON LTD. PERKINELMER LIFE AND ANALYTICAL SCIENCES INC. PHOENIX PHARMACEUTICALS INC. PREMAITHA HEALTH LTD. QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC. RAVGEN RAYBIOTECH INC. RESPIRONICS INC. (PHILIPS) SEQUENOM INC. SHENZHEN AEON TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. SHENZHEN COMEN MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO. LTD. SHENZHEN JUMPER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. SIEMENS HEALTHCARE SINOHERO BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. SMITHS MEDICAL INC. SPACELABS HEALTHCARE INC. TOSHIBA AMERICA MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC. USCN LIFE SCIENCES INC. ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGIES LTD. UNITED BIORESEARCH INC. UTAH MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. VCOMIN TECHNOLOGY LTD. WELCH ALLYN INC.
BCC Research社の健康維持分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(diagnostics)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問BCC Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?BCCリサーチ(BCC Research)は1971年に設立され、様々な業界経験を持つアナリストと編集者によりトップクラスの市場情報源を長年提供している調査会社です。 設立初期は先端材料とプラ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。