![]() 酸素ボンベと濃縮器の世界市場(2024年版):製品別(携帯型、固定型)、用途別、地域別の分析:市場の洞察と予測(2020-2030年)Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market (2024 Edition): Analysis By Product (Portable, Fixed), By Application, By Region: Market Insights and Forecast (2020-2030) エグゼクティブ・サマリー Azoth Analytics社はこのたび、「酸素ボンベと濃縮器の世界市場(2024年版)」と題する調査報告書を発表しました。この調査報告書では、世界の酸素ボンベと濃縮器産業について、2020... もっと見る
サマリーエグゼクティブ・サマリーAzoth Analytics社はこのたび、「酸素ボンベと濃縮器の世界市場(2024年版)」と題する調査報告書を発表しました。この調査報告書では、世界の酸素ボンベと濃縮器産業について、2020-2023年の過去期間、2024年の推定期間、2025-2030年の予測期間について、製品別(携帯型、固定型)、用途別(ヘルスケア、製造、製薬・バイオテクノロジー、その他)の市場区分の観点から完全な分析を提供しています。 当レポートでは、酸素ボンベおよび濃縮器市場を地域別(南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ)および10カ国別(米国、カナダ、英国、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、中国、日本、オーストラリア、インド)に分析しています。世界の酸素ボンベおよび濃縮器市場は2020-2023年にCAGR 5.87%で成長を示した。2023年の市場規模は38.5億米ドルで、2030年には59.1億米ドルに達する見込みです。酸素ボンベおよび濃縮器市場は、世界人口の高齢化と呼吸器疾患の有病率の増加により、効果的な酸素療法ソリューションの必要性が高まるにつれて成長を続けると予想される。 Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation(IHME)によると、2019年、慢性呼吸器疾患は死因の第3位であり、世界で4億5,460万件の有病率で400万人の死亡の原因となっている。慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)、喘息、睡眠時無呼吸症候群などの呼吸器疾患の罹患率の上昇は、酸素療法機器の需要を支える大きな原動力となっている。世界人口の高齢化と環境要因が呼吸器系の健康問題の一因となっているため、酸素ボンベと濃縮器のニーズは増加の一途をたどっている。 2023年の研究開発費は米国が約6,800億ドル、中国が約5,500億ドルと、米国と中国が圧倒的に大きな支出国である。特に米国は、ヘルスケア分野における世界の研究開発支出に大きく貢献している。この地域には、多額の研究開発予算を持つヘルスケア企業が数多く存在する。また、中国はヘルスケア分野への研究開発投資を増やしている。オーストラリア、日本、シンガポールもまた、顕著な研究開発活動によってヘルスケア分野での存在感を高めている。 携帯型酸素ボンベと濃縮器の技術的進歩は呼吸器医療を一変させ、患者にとって利便性、機動性、使いやすさが向上した。重要な進歩のひとつは部品の小型化であり、これにより携帯用酸素機器の小型化・軽量化が可能になった。この小型化により、患者は旅行、用事、社会活動など、どこへ行くにも酸素療法装置を携帯できるようになりました。 鼻カニューレやマスクなどの酸素供給システムの革新により、患者の快適性と効率が向上した。ソフトで軽量な素材と調節可能なデザインにより、フィット感が向上し、皮膚への刺激が軽減されるため、患者さんの酸素療法へのコンプライアンスが向上します。 データ分析と予測アルゴリズムの導入により、医療従事者は傾向を把握し、合併症を予測し、治療パラメーターを最適化して、患者の安全性と治療効果を高めることができる。スマートセンサーとフィードバックシステムは、患者のバイタルサインと機器の性能に関するリアルタイムアラートを提供し、積極的な介入とトラブルシューティングを可能にする。ワイヤレス接続とクラウド統合により、医療チーム間の安全なデータ伝送とコラボレーションが促進され、ケアの継続性と患者の安全性が確保されます。 さらに、ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースと直感的な操作性により、酸素療法機器の操作が容易になり、エラーの可能性が減少し、全体的なユーザーエクスペリエンスが向上している。モノのインターネット(IoT)接続の出現により、先進的な酸素濃縮装置は医療提供者にリアルタイムでデータを送信できるようになり、事前のモニタリングや必要時のタイムリーな介入が可能になった。このような技術的進歩は、機器の耐久性や信頼性の向上と相まって、呼吸器ケアを大幅に改善し、呼吸器疾患管理のためのより効果的なツールを患者と医療提供者に同様に提供する。 レポートの範囲 - レポートでは、酸素ボンベおよび濃縮器市場を金額(百万米ドル)別に分析しています。 - 酸素ボンベと濃縮器市場を疫学別に分析したレポートです。 - 酸素ボンベおよび濃縮器市場を地域別(南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ)および10カ国別(アメリカ、カナダ、イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、中国、日本、オーストラリア、インド)に分析しています。 - 当レポートでは、酸素ボンベおよび濃縮器市場の過去期間2020-2023年、推定期間2024年、予測期間2025-2030年の分析を掲載しています。 - 酸素ボンベと濃縮器市場を製品別(携帯型、固定型)に分析しています。 - 酸素ボンベと濃縮器市場を用途別(ヘルスケア、製造、製薬&バイオテクノロジー、その他)に分析しています。 - 本レポートの主要な洞察は、SWOTおよびポーターのファイブフォース分析の枠組みを通して提示されています。また、市場の魅力を地域別、製品別、用途別に紹介しています。 - また、業界の主な機会、動向、促進要因、課題についても分析しています。 - 本レポートでは、競合の動向、戦略、M&A、新製品開発などを追跡しています。本レポートで分析している企業は、Inogen、Koninklijke Philips N.V.、Invacare、O2 Concepts、OxyGo、Caire Inc.、Catalina Cylinders、B.N.O.S. Meditech Ltd.、Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare、Nidek Medical Products Inc.などです。 目次Table of Content1. Market Background 1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Strategic Recommendations 2.1 Focus on portable products for ambulatory surgical centers 2.2 Amplify production in developing countries 3. Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market 3.2 Epidemiology: Global Chronic Disease Prevalence 3.3 Epidemiology: Global Chronic Disease Incidence 3.4 Low and middle income countries with highest daily demand of medical oxygen cylinders 3.5 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 3.6 Degree of Impact of Covid-19 on Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market 3.7 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 3.7.1 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 3.7.2 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Attractiveness Index, By Product Overview 3.7.3 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.7.4 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.8 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 3.8.1 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 3.8.2 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Attractiveness Index, By Application Overview 3.8.3 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.8.4 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.8.5 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.6.6 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 4. Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, Region Analysis 4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 4.2 Regional Snapshot 5. Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 5.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 5.2 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 5.3 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 5.4 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 5.5 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 5.5.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 5.5.2 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.5.3 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 5.6.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 5.6.2 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.3 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.4 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.5 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.7 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Country 5.7.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Country Overview 5.7.2 United States Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) United States Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product United States Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 5.7.3 Canada Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Canada Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Canada Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 5.7.4 Rest of Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Rest of Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6. Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 6.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 6.2 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 6.3 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 6.4 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 6.5 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 6.5.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 6.5.2 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.5.3 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 6.6.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 6.6.2 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.3 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.4 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.5 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.7 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Country 6.7.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Country Overview 6.7.2 United Kingdom Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) United Kingdom Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product United Kingdom Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.3 Germany Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Germany Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.4 France Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) France Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product France Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.5 Italy Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Italy Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Italy Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.6 Rest of Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Rest of Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7. Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 7.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 7.2 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 7.3 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 7.4 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 7.5 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 7.5.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 7.5.2 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.5.3 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 7.6.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 7.6.2 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.3 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.4 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.5 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.7 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Country 7.7.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Country Overview 7.7.2 China Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) China Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product China Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.3 Japan Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Japan Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.4 Australia Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Australia Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Australia Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.5 India Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) India Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product India Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.6 Rest of Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Rest of Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 8. Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 8.1 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 8.2 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 8.3 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 8.4 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 8.5 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 8.5.1 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 8.5.2 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.5.3 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 8.6.1 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 8.6.2 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.3 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.4 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.5 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 9. Market Dynamics 9.1 Impact assessment of Market Dynamics on Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market 9.2 Drivers 9.3 Restraints 9.4 Trends 10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 10.1 Porter Analysis 11. Competitive Positioning 11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 11.2 Market Share of Leading Companies 11.3 Company Profiling 11.3.1 Inogen 11.3.2 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 11.4.3 Invacare 11.3.4 O2 Concepts 11.3.5 OxyGo 11.3.6 Caire Inc. 11.3.7 Catalina Cylinders 11.3.8 B.N.O.S. Meditech Ltd. 11.3.9 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare 11.3.10 Nidek Medical Products Inc. 12. About Us and Disclaimer
SummaryExecutive Summary Table of ContentsTable of Content1. Market Background 1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Strategic Recommendations 2.1 Focus on portable products for ambulatory surgical centers 2.2 Amplify production in developing countries 3. Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market 3.2 Epidemiology: Global Chronic Disease Prevalence 3.3 Epidemiology: Global Chronic Disease Incidence 3.4 Low and middle income countries with highest daily demand of medical oxygen cylinders 3.5 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 3.6 Degree of Impact of Covid-19 on Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market 3.7 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 3.7.1 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 3.7.2 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Attractiveness Index, By Product Overview 3.7.3 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.7.4 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.8 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 3.8.1 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 3.8.2 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Attractiveness Index, By Application Overview 3.8.3 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.8.4 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.8.5 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.6.6 Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 4. Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, Region Analysis 4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 4.2 Regional Snapshot 5. Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 5.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 5.2 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 5.3 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 5.4 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 5.5 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 5.5.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 5.5.2 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.5.3 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 5.6.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 5.6.2 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.3 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.4 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.5 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.7 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Country 5.7.1 Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Country Overview 5.7.2 United States Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) United States Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product United States Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 5.7.3 Canada Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Canada Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Canada Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 5.7.4 Rest of Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Rest of Americas Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6. Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 6.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 6.2 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 6.3 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 6.4 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 6.5 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 6.5.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 6.5.2 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.5.3 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 6.6.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 6.6.2 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.3 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.4 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.5 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.7 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Country 6.7.1 Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Country Overview 6.7.2 United Kingdom Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) United Kingdom Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product United Kingdom Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.3 Germany Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Germany Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.4 France Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) France Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product France Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.5 Italy Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Italy Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Italy Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 6.7.6 Rest of Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Rest of Europe Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7. Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 7.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 7.2 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 7.3 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 7.4 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 7.5 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 7.5.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 7.5.2 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.5.3 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 7.6.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 7.6.2 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.3 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.4 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.5 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.7 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Country 7.7.1 Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Country Overview 7.7.2 China Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) China Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product China Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.3 Japan Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Japan Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.4 Australia Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Australia Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Australia Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.5 India Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) India Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product India Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 7.7.6 Rest of Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Rest of Asia Pacific Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application 8. Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Historic and Forecast 8.1 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Snapshot 8.2 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2020-2030 (USD Million & CAGR) 8.3 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Key Factors 8.4 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market: Segment Analysis 8.5 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Product 8.5.1 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Product Overview 8.5.2 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Portable, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.5.3 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Fixed, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Segmentation: By Application 8.6.1 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Application Overview 8.6.2 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Healthcare, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.3 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Manufacturing, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.4 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market Size, By Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.5 Middle East and Africa Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market, By Others, By Value, 2020H-2030F (USD Million & CAGR) 9. Market Dynamics 9.1 Impact assessment of Market Dynamics on Global Oxygen Cylinders and Concentrators Market 9.2 Drivers 9.3 Restraints 9.4 Trends 10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 10.1 Porter Analysis 11. Competitive Positioning 11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 11.2 Market Share of Leading Companies 11.3 Company Profiling 11.3.1 Inogen 11.3.2 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 11.4.3 Invacare 11.3.4 O2 Concepts 11.3.5 OxyGo 11.3.6 Caire Inc. 11.3.7 Catalina Cylinders 11.3.8 B.N.O.S. Meditech Ltd. 11.3.9 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare 11.3.10 Nidek Medical Products Inc. 12. About Us and Disclaimer
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