鉄鉱石DRペレットの世界市場(2023年版):金額・数量別、生産プロセス別(石炭ベース、ガスベース)、用途別(鉄鋼、鉄)、製品供給源別、地域別、国別の分析:市場インサイトと予測(2019-2029年)Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market (2023 Edition): Analysis By Value and Volume, Production Process (Coal-Based, Gas-Based), By Application (Steel, Iron), Product Source, By Region, By Country: Market Insights and Forecast (2019-2029) エグゼクティブ・サマリー この調査レポートは世界の鉄鉱石DRペレット市場を分析・予測したAzoth Analyticsの市場調査報告書です。 この調査レポートは、地域(米州、欧州、APAC、中東アフリカ)と10カ国(... もっと見る
サマリーエグゼクティブ・サマリーこの調査レポートは世界の鉄鉱石DRペレット市場を分析・予測したAzoth Analyticsの市場調査報告書です。 この調査レポートは、地域(米州、欧州、APAC、中東アフリカ)と10カ国(米国、カナダ、ブラジル、メキシコ、ドイツ、ロシア、英国、中国、日本、インド)の詳細な分析をカバーしています。さらに、この調査レポートは、市場規模、年間成長&可能性分析、市場プレイヤーの競合調査、投資機会、需要予測などのデータを提示しています。また調査レポートは、成長指標、阻害要因、需給リスク、その他の重要な統計、市場の進化に関連する現在および将来の市場動向の完全な評価も行っています。 世界の鉄鉱石DRペレット市場は2019-2022年にCAGR 6.26%の成長を示した。2022年の市場規模は76.2億米ドルで、2029年には211億米ドルに達すると予測されています。気候変動と環境への影響に対する懸念の高まりから、法律が厳格化され、持続可能性への取り組みが増加している。DRペレットは、より多くの排出物を生み出す従来の高炉プロセスに代わる、より環境に優しい代替手段を提供するため、鉄鋼の製造に好まれている。さらに、DR技術は、高炉の一般的な還元剤であるコークスを、還元剤として天然ガスや水素で代替することを可能にする。 世界の鉄鉱石DRペレット市場は予測期間中に成長し、CAGR16.3%を記録すると予想される。世界の鉄鋼需要は、主に新興国のインフラ開発、建設プロジェクト、工業化によって増加している。鉄鉱石DRペレットは、直接還元法による鉄鋼製造の主要原料であり、需要が高い。さらに、従来の高炉と比較して、直接還元プロセスで鉄鉱石DRペレットを使用することは、より費用対効果が高い可能性がある。 さらに、鉄鉱石ペレットは鉄鋼生産のための重要な原料である。世界経済が成長し、都市化が進むにつれて、インフラ、自動車、さまざまな消費財を建設するための鉄鋼需要が増加している。これが鉄鉱石ペレットの必要性を高めている。鉄鉱石ペレットは、鉄鋼生産の効率と品質を向上させる。鉄鉱石ペレットは、鉄鉱石微粉よりも鉄含有量が高く、化学組成が均一であるため、歩留まりが向上し、高炉でのエネルギー消費量が削減される。そのため、鉄鉱石ペレットはプロセスの最適化を目指す鉄鋼メーカーにとって魅力的な選択肢となります。 世界の鉄鋼需要は、2023年には2.3%、2024年には1.7%の伸びを示すと、すべての鉄鋼生産国が加盟する団体である世界鉄鋼協会(worldsteel)は、世界的な鉄鋼産業の高成長を予測している。鉄鋼生産は鉄鉱石ペレット市場の主要な原動力の一つである。建設、自動車、インフラなど様々な分野からの鉄鋼需要の増加が、鉄鋼製造の重要な原料である鉄鉱石ペレットの必要性を煽っている。鉄鋼需要が高まれば、鉄鋼メーカーの生産量も増加する。その結果、直接還元プロセスで使用される鉄鉱石ペレットのニーズが高まっている。鉄鉱石ペレットの生産者は需要が高まり、生産量が増加する。 さらに、直接還元法を採用する鉄鋼メーカーは、高騰する鉄鋼需要に対応するために稼働率を高める。これに比例して、DRペレットの生産量も急増する。既存のペレットメーカーは、有利な市況を利用するため、フル稼働またはそれに近い状態で操業し、生産量を最大化しようと努力している。 高い需要は、新市場の開拓と既存市場の拡大を促す。ペレット生産者は、鉄鋼メーカーと長期的な関係を築き、DRペレットの供給契約を確保しようとする。市場開拓には、鉄鋼産業が勃興している地域やインフラ整備が進んでいる地域をターゲットとした地理的拡大も含まれる。 レポートの範囲 - このレポートは、鉄鉱石DRペレット市場を金額(USD Million)別に分析しています。 - 2019-2022年の過去期間、2023年の推定期間、2024-2029年の予測期間における鉄鉱石DRペレット市場の分析を掲載しています。 - 鉄鉱石DRペレット市場を生産プロセス別(石炭ベース、ガスベース)に分析したレポートです。 - 鉄鉱石DRペレット市場を製品供給源別(ヘマタイト、マグネタイト、その他の製品供給源)に分析しています。 - 鉄鉱石DRペレット市場を用途別(鉄鋼、鉄工業)に分析 - レポートの主要な洞察は、SWOTとポーターのファイブフォース分析の枠組みを通して提示されています。また、市場の魅力を地域別、タイプ別、操業形態別、エンドユーザー別に紹介しています。 - また、業界の主な機会、動向、促進要因、課題についても分析しています。 - 本レポートでは、競合の動向、戦略、M&A、新製品開発を追跡しています。本レポートで分析対象としている企業は、クリーブランド・クリフス社、LKAB、ヴァーレS.A.、BHPグループ社、リオ・ティント社、メタロインベスト社、フォーテスキューメタルズグループ社、NDMC社、マグネテーション社、バーレーンスチールBSCなどである。 目次1. Market Background1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Analyst Recommendations 2.1 Expanding installation of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies in the Iron Ore DR (Direct Reduction) Pellets Plants 2.2 Training Machine Learning Model on Iron Ore DR Pellets to improve quality of pellets and increase the efficiency of the Production Process 3. Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 3.2 Annual Worldwide Production of the Iron Ore DR Pellets 3.3 DRI Production by Process and Forms 3.4 Iron Production Trends from 2019-2070 3.5 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Dashboard 3.6 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 3.7 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Volume Million Tones 3.8 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Value Assessment 3.9 Assessment: Degree of Impact of COVID-19 on Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 3.10 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 3.10.1 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 3.10.2 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.10.3 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.11 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 3.11.1 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 3.11.2 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.11.3 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.11.4 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.12 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 3.12.1 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 3.12.2 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.12.3 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 4. Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Regional Analysis 4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 4.2 Regional Snapshot 5. Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 5.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 5.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 5.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Volume Million Tones 5.4 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 5.5 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 5.5.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 5.5.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.5.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 5.6.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 5.6.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.4 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.7 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 5.7.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 5.7.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.7.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.8 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Country 5.8.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview 5.8.2 United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.3 Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.4 Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.5 Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.6 Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6. Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 6.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 6.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 6.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Volume Million Tones 6.4 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 6.5 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 6.5.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 6.5.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.5.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 6.6.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 6.6.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.4 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 6.7.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 6.7.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.7.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Country 6.6.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview 6.6.2 Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6.6.3 Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6.6.4 United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6.6.5 Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7. Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 7.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 7.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 7.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Volume Million Tones 7.4 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 7.5 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 7.5.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 7.5.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.5.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 7.6.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 7.6.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.4 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.7 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 7.7.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 7.7.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.7.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.8 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Country 7.8.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview 7.8.2 China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market : Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7.8.3 India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7.8.4 Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7.7.5 Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 8. Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 8.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 8.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Volume Million Tones 8.4 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 8.5 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 8.5.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 8.5.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.5.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 8.6.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 8.6.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.4 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.7 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 8.7.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 8.7.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.7.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 9. Market Dynamics 9.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 9.2 Drivers 9.3 Restraints 9.4 Trends 10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 10.1 Value Chain Analysis 10.2 Porter Analysis 11. Competitive Positioning 11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 11.2 Market Position Matrix 11.3 Market Share Analysis of Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 11.4 Company Profiles 11.4.1 Cleveland Cliffs Inc. 11.4.2 LKAB 11.4.3 Vale S.A. 11.4.4 BHP Group Limited 11.4.5 Rio Tinto Limited 11.4.6 Metalloinvest 11.4.7 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. 11.4.8 NDMC Limited 11.4.9 Magnetation Inc. 11.4.10 Bahrain Steel BSC
SummaryExecutive Summary Table of Contents1. Market Background1.1 Scope and Product Outlook 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Research Methodology 2. Analyst Recommendations 2.1 Expanding installation of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies in the Iron Ore DR (Direct Reduction) Pellets Plants 2.2 Training Machine Learning Model on Iron Ore DR Pellets to improve quality of pellets and increase the efficiency of the Production Process 3. Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 3.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 3.2 Annual Worldwide Production of the Iron Ore DR Pellets 3.3 DRI Production by Process and Forms 3.4 Iron Production Trends from 2019-2070 3.5 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Dashboard 3.6 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 3.7 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Volume Million Tones 3.8 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Value Assessment 3.9 Assessment: Degree of Impact of COVID-19 on Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 3.10 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 3.10.1 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 3.10.2 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.10.3 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.11 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 3.11.1 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 3.11.2 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.11.3 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.11.4 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.12 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 3.12.1 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 3.12.2 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 3.12.3 Global Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 4. Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Regional Analysis 4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 4.2 Regional Snapshot 5. Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 5.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 5.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 5.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Volume Million Tones 5.4 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 5.5 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 5.5.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 5.5.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.5.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 5.6.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 5.6.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.6.4 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.7 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 5.7.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 5.7.2 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.7.3 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 5.8 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Country 5.8.1 Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview 5.8.2 United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source United States Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.3 Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Canada Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.4 Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Brazil Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.5 Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Mexico Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 5.8.6 Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Rest of Americas Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6. Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 6.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 6.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 6.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Volume Million Tones 6.4 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 6.5 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 6.5.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 6.5.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.5.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 6.6.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 6.6.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6.4 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 6.7.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 6.7.2 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.7.3 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 6.6 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Country 6.6.1 Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview 6.6.2 Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Germany Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6.6.3 Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Russia Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6.6.4 United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source United Kingdom Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 6.6.5 Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Rest of Europe Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7. Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 7.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 7.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 7.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Volume Million Tones 7.4 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 7.5 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 7.5.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 7.5.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.5.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 7.6.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 7.6.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.6.4 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.7 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 7.7.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 7.7.2 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.7.3 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 7.8 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Country 7.8.1 Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, by Country Overview 7.8.2 China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market : Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source China Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7.8.3 India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source India Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7.8.4 Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Japan Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 7.7.5 Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Rest of Asia Pacific Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application 8. Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029) 8.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Snapshot 8.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, Volume Million Tones 8.4 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market: Key Factors 8.5 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Production Process 8.5.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Production Process Overview 8.5.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Coal Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.5.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Gas Based, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Product Source 8.6.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Product Source Overview 8.6.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Hematite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Magnetite, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.6.4 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Other Product Sources, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.7 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Segmentation: By Application 8.7.1 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market, By Application Overview 8.7.2 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Steel Production, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 8.7.3 Middle East & Africa Iron Ore DR Pellets Market Size, By Iron Industry, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR) 9. Market Dynamics 9.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 9.2 Drivers 9.3 Restraints 9.4 Trends 10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis 10.1 Value Chain Analysis 10.2 Porter Analysis 11. Competitive Positioning 11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 11.2 Market Position Matrix 11.3 Market Share Analysis of Iron Ore DR Pellets Market 11.4 Company Profiles 11.4.1 Cleveland Cliffs Inc. 11.4.2 LKAB 11.4.3 Vale S.A. 11.4.4 BHP Group Limited 11.4.5 Rio Tinto Limited 11.4.6 Metalloinvest 11.4.7 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. 11.4.8 NDMC Limited 11.4.9 Magnetation Inc. 11.4.10 Bahrain Steel BSC
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