


Global CGRP Inhibitor Market (2023 Edition): Analysis By Treatment (Preventive, Acute), Route of Administration (Oral, Nasal, Intravenous), By End-User, By Region, By Country: Market Insights and Forecast (2019-2029)

エグゼクティブ・サマリー Azoth Analytics社はこのたび、「CGRP阻害剤の世界市場(2023年版)」と題する調査報告書を発表しました。この調査報告書では、CGRP阻害剤の世界市場について、治療法別(予防、急性... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Azoth Analytics
2023年9月1日 US$2,450
2-3営業日程度 230 英語




Azoth Analytics社はこのたび、「CGRP阻害剤の世界市場(2023年版)」と題する調査報告書を発表しました。この調査報告書では、CGRP阻害剤の世界市場について、治療法別(予防、急性期)、投与経路別(経口、鼻腔、静脈内)、エンドユーザー別(病院、薬局、専門クリニック)、地域別(米州、欧州、アジア太平洋、中近東)の完全な分析を掲載しています、投与経路別(経口、経鼻、静脈)、エンドユーザー別(病院、薬局、専門クリニック)、地域別(米州、欧州、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ)、過去期間2019-2022年、予測期間2023年、予測期間2024-2029年について掲載しています。



CGRP阻害剤の世界市場は、2022年の15億米ドルから2029年末までに56億米ドルを創出すると予測されています。世界のCGRP阻害剤市場にとって好ましい成長要素は、標的治療薬に対する需要の高まり、片頭痛の高い有病率、片頭痛治療という満たされていない医療要件です。2024年から2029年の予測期間中、世界のCGRP阻害剤はCAGR 21%で拡大する見込みです。ハイスループットスクリーニング、ゲノミクス、バイオインフォマティクス技術は、CGRP経路のような潜在的な薬物標的の迅速な同定と検証を可能にした。これらの技術は、片頭痛の病態生理学における重要なプレーヤーとしてのCGRPの発見を早めた。これらの技術は、CGRP阻害剤を開発するための潜在的な治療標的としてのCGRP受容体の同定を容易にした。






- このレポートはCGRP阻害剤市場を金額(百万米ドル)別に分析しています。

- CGRP阻害剤市場の過去期間2019-2022年、推定期間2023年、予測期間2024-2029年の分析を紹介しています。

- CGRP阻害剤市場を治療別(予防、急性期)に分析しています。

- CGRP阻害剤市場を投与経路別(経口、経鼻、静脈内)に分析しています。

- CGRP阻害剤市場をエンドユーザー別(病院、薬局、専門クリニック)に分析しています。

- 本レポートの主要な洞察は、SWOTおよびポーターのファイブフォース分析の枠組みを通して提示されています。また、市場の魅力を地域別、サービス別、運営形態別、エンドユーザー別に紹介しています。

- また、業界の主な機会、動向、促進要因、課題についても分析しています。

- 本レポートでは、競合の動向、戦略、M&A、新製品開発などを追跡しています。本レポートで分析対象とした企業は、イーライリリー・アンド・カンパニー、ファイザー、テバ・ファーマシューティカルズ、ルンドベック、アッヴィ・インク、アムジェン・インク、ノバルティスなどです。



1. Market Background

1.1 Scope and Product Outlook

1.2 Executive Summary

1.3 Research Methodology

2. Strategic Recommendations

2.1 The development of biosimilar and generic versions of existing CGRP inhibitors

2.2 Use of CGRP inhibitors to new indications beyond migraine treatment

3. Global CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

3.1 CGRP Inhibitor studies in the pipeline

3.2 Prevalence of Migraine, 2019 (in Millions)

3.3 Migraine: Fact Sheet

3.4 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

3.5 Degree of Impact of COVID-19 on the CGRP Inhibitor Market

3.6 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

3.6.1 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

3.6.2 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.6.3 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.7 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

3.7.1 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

3.7.2 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.7.3 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.7.4 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.8 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

3.8.1 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

3.8.2 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.8.3 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.8.4 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

4. Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, Regional Analysis

4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study

4.2 Regional Snapshot

5. Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

5.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

5.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

5.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

5.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

5.4.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

5.4.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

5.4.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

5.4.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.5 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

5.5.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

5.5.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.5.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.5.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.6 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Country

5.6.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Country Overview

5.6.2 United States CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United States CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment United States CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration United States CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

5.6.3 Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

5.6.4 Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6. Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

6.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

6.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

6.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

6.4 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

6.4.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

6.4.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.4.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

6.5.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

6.5.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5.4 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

6.6.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

6.6.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.4 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.7 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Country

6.7.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Country Overview

6.7.2 Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.3 United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.4 France CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) France CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment France CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration France CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.5 Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.6 Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.7 Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7. Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

7.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

7.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

7.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

7.4 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

7.4.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

7.4.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.4.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

7.5.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

7.5.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5.4 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

7.6.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

7.6.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.4 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.7 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Country

7.7.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Country Overview

7.7.2 China CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) China CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment China CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration China CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7.7.3 Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7.7.4 South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7.7.5 Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

8. Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

8.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

8.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

8.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

8.4 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

8.4.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

8.4.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.4.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

8.5.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

8.5.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5.4 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

8.6.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

8.6.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.4 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

9. Market Dynamics

9.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on the Global CGRP Inhibitor Market

9.2 Drivers

9.3 Restraints

9.4 Trends

10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis

10.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

11. Competitive Positioning

11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning

11.2 Market Share of Leading Companies

11.3 List of CGRP Inhibitor Drugs

11.4 Company Profiling

11.4.1 Eli Lilly and Company

11.4.2 Pfizer

11.4.3 Teva Pharmaceutical

11.4.4 Lundbeck

11.4.5 AbbVie Inc.

11.4.6 Novartis

11.4.7 Amgen, INC.





Executive Summary

Azoth Analytics has released a research report titled “Global CGRP Inhibitor Market (2023 Edition)” which provides a complete analysis of the Global CGRP Inhibitor industry in terms of market segmentation by Treatment (Preventive, Acute), By Route of Administration (Oral, Nasal, Intravenous), End-User (Hospitals, Pharmacies, Specialty Clinics), By Region (Americas, Europe, Asia-pacific, Middle-East & Africa), for the historical period of 2019-2022, the estimates of 2023 and the forecast period of 2024-2029.

The research report covers a detailed analysis of the regions (Americas, Europe, APAC, Middle East Africa) and 10 countries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan, South Korea). Additionally, the research report presents data including market size, yearly growth and potential analysis, the competitive study of market players, investment opportunities and demand forecast.

The research report also assesses growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, and other important statistics, as well as a full assessment of current and future market trends that are relevant to the market evolution.

The Global CGRP Inhibitor Market is expected to generate USD 5.6 billion by the end of 2029, up from USD 1.5 billion in 2022. A favourable growth element for the global CGRP Inhibitor market is the growing demand for target therapies, the high prevalence of migraine and the unmet medical requirement of migraine care. During the forecast period, 2024-2029, Global CGRP Inhibitor is expected to expand at a CAGR of 21%. High-throughput screening, genomics, and bioinformatics technologies have enabled rapid identification and validation of potential drug targets, such as the CGRP pathway. These technologies expedited the discovery of CGRP as a key player in migraine pathophysiology. They facilitated the identification of the CGRP receptor as a potential therapeutic target for the development of CGRP inhibitors.

CGRP inhibitors have prompted a paradigm shift in migraine treatment, transitioning from predominantly acute symptom relief to preventive management. This shift aligns with the broader healthcare trend of focusing on proactive and preventive care to enhance patient well-being. By offering an option for preventing migraine attacks, CGRP inhibitors provide patients with a greater degree of control over their condition, reducing the need for reactive interventions and emergency care.

The Intravenous segment is gaining widespread acceptance owing to the quickest onset of action in the Intravenous route since the drug is directly delivered into the bloodstream. This could be beneficial for severe, acute migraine attacks. Additionally, some patients may have difficulty administering subcutaneous injections themselves or may prefer to have medical professionals administer the medication. In such cases, hospitals could play a role in providing intravenous CGRP inhibitors.

The development and commercialisation of CGRP inhibitors showcase pharmaceutical innovation at its finest. The discovery of CGRP's pivotal role in migraine pathophysiology and the subsequent design of targeted inhibitors highlights the industry's commitment to advancing patient care. This innovation extends beyond drug development to encompass novel drug delivery methods, formulations, and dosing regimens that enhance patient convenience and adherence.

Advancements in understanding the genetic and physiological underpinnings of migraine have paved the way for personalized medicine approaches. CGRP inhibitors exemplify this trend by enabling healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans based on individual patient profiles, preferences, and responsiveness. This personalized approach enhances treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction, driving demand for CGRP inhibitors.

Scope of the Report:

• The report analyses the CGRP Inhibitor Market by Value (USD Million).

• The report presents the analysis of CGRP Inhibitor Market for the historical period of 2019-2022, the estimated year 2023 and the forecast period of 2024-2029.

• The report analyses the CGRP Inhibitor Market by Treatment (Preventive, Acute).

• The report analyses the CGRP Inhibitor Market by Route of Administration (Oral, Nasal, Intravenous).

• The report analyses the CGRP Inhibitor Market by End-User (Hospitals, Pharmacies, Specialty Clinics).

• The key insights of the report have been presented through the frameworks of SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. Also, the attractiveness of the market has been presented by region, by services, by mode of operation & by end users.

• Also, the major opportunities, trends, drivers and challenges of the industry has been analysed in the report.

• The report tracks competitive developments, strategies, mergers and acquisitions and new product development. The companies analysed in the report include Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Lundbeck, AbbVie Inc., Amgen Inc. and Novartis.


Table of Contents

1. Market Background

1.1 Scope and Product Outlook

1.2 Executive Summary

1.3 Research Methodology

2. Strategic Recommendations

2.1 The development of biosimilar and generic versions of existing CGRP inhibitors

2.2 Use of CGRP inhibitors to new indications beyond migraine treatment

3. Global CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

3.1 CGRP Inhibitor studies in the pipeline

3.2 Prevalence of Migraine, 2019 (in Millions)

3.3 Migraine: Fact Sheet

3.4 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

3.5 Degree of Impact of COVID-19 on the CGRP Inhibitor Market

3.6 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

3.6.1 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

3.6.2 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.6.3 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.7 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

3.7.1 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

3.7.2 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.7.3 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.7.4 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.8 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

3.8.1 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

3.8.2 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.8.3 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

3.8.4 Global CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

4. Global CGRP Inhibitor Market, Regional Analysis

4.1 Regional Coverage of the Study

4.2 Regional Snapshot

5. Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

5.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

5.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

5.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

5.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

5.4.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

5.4.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

5.4.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

5.4.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.4.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.5 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

5.5.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

5.5.2 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.5.3 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.5.4 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

5.6 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Country

5.6.1 Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Country Overview

5.6.2 United States CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United States CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment United States CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration United States CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

5.6.3 Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Canada CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

5.6.4 Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Rest of Americas CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6. Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

6.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

6.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

6.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

6.4 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

6.4.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

6.4.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.4.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

6.5.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

6.5.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5.4 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

6.6.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

6.6.2 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.3 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.4 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.7 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Country

6.7.1 Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Country Overview

6.7.2 Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Germany CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.3 United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration United Kingdom CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.4 France CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) France CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment France CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration France CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.5 Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Italy CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.6 Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Spain CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

6.7.7 Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Rest of Europe CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7. Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

7.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

7.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

7.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

7.4 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

7.4.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

7.4.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.4.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

7.5.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

7.5.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5.4 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

7.6.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

7.6.2 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.3 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.4 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.7 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Country

7.7.1 Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Country Overview

7.7.2 China CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) China CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment China CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration China CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7.7.3 Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Japan CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7.7.4 South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration South Korea CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

7.7.5 Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Rest of Asia Pacific CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User

8. Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Historic and Forecast (2019-2029)

8.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Snapshot

8.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2019-2029 (USD Million & CAGR)

8.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market: Key Factors

8.4 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Treatment

8.4.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Treatment Overview

8.4.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Preventive, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.4.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Acute, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By Route of Administration

8.5.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Route of Administration Overview

8.5.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Oral, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Nasal, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5.4 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Intravenous, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Segmentation: By End-User

8.6.1 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By End-User Overview

8.6.2 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market Size, By Hospitals, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.3 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Pharmacies, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.4 Middle East and Africa CGRP Inhibitor Market, By Specialty Clinics, By Value, 2019H-2029F (USD Million & CAGR)

9. Market Dynamics

9.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on the Global CGRP Inhibitor Market

9.2 Drivers

9.3 Restraints

9.4 Trends

10. Industry Ecosystem Analysis

10.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

11. Competitive Positioning

11.1 Companies’ Product Positioning

11.2 Market Share of Leading Companies

11.3 List of CGRP Inhibitor Drugs

11.4 Company Profiling

11.4.1 Eli Lilly and Company

11.4.2 Pfizer

11.4.3 Teva Pharmaceutical

11.4.4 Lundbeck

11.4.5 AbbVie Inc.

11.4.6 Novartis

11.4.7 Amgen, INC.






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