

Global Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE) Market (2023 Edition): Analysis By Value and Volume, By Type (Power Optimizers, Microinverters), By Data Rate, End-User, By Region, By Country: Market Insights and Forecast (2018-2028)

エグゼクティブサマリー Azoth Analytics社は、この調査レポート「モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス(MLPE)の世界市場(2023年版)」を出版し、2018年から2022年の過去期間、2023年の推定期間、2024年... もっと見る



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Azoth Analytics
2023年6月1日 US$2,400
200 英語




Azoth Analytics社は、この調査レポート「モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス(MLPE)の世界市場(2023年版)」を出版し、2018年から2022年の過去期間、2023年の推定期間、2024年から2028年の予測期間における、タイプ別(パワーオプティマイザー、マイクロインバータ)、エンドユーザー別(住宅、商業、公益事業規模)、データレート別(10G未満、40G~100G、100G超)の市場細分化の観点から世界のモジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス産業の完全解析を提供します。


予測期間である2024年から2028年にかけて、世界のモジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス市場は17.35%のCAGRで拡大すると予想されます。MLPE市場は、太陽光発電設備の高い需要、高いエネルギー効率、持続可能なエネルギー消費、政府規制の変化などによって推進されます。モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクスの世界市場は、2022年のUSD 2320.01 Millionから、2028年末までにUSD 5495.65 Millionを生み出すと予想されています。太陽光発電は、IEAの分析によると、2021年には179 TWhの発電量が増加し、新規発電の低コストな選択肢となりつつあります。MLPE技術は、故障検出、エネルギー収量、安全機能、迅速なシャットダウンの要件を改善するために一般的に使用されています。




モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクスの世界市場は競争が激しく、主要5社で約90%のシェアを占めています。市場のリーディングカンパニーは、Solar Edge Technologies、Enphase energy、Tigo、APSystems、Huaweiです。SolarEdgeはMLPEのリーディングカンパニーであり、パワーオプティマイザやインバータ業界で圧倒的な存在感を示し、約60%のシェアを占めています。


本調査では、業界の競争環境も提供し、Solar Edge Technologies、Enphase energy、Tigo、APSystems、Generac、Huaweiなど、世界のモジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス市場における主要企業のプロファイルを掲載しています。企業プロファイリングには、事業概要、製品およびサービス、主要財務、最近のイベントや開発などの重要な情報が含まれています。全体として、本レポートは世界のモジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス市場の詳細な概要を提供し、業界コンサルタント、機器メーカー、拡大機会を探している既存プレイヤー、機会を探している新規プレイヤー、その他の関係者が、現在および予想される将来のトレンドと市場中心の戦略を調整するのに役立つと思います。


- このレポートは、モジュールレベルのパワーエレクトロニクス市場を金額(USD Billion)別に分析しています。

- モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス市場を数量(MW出荷)別に分析したレポートです。

- 本レポートでは、モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス市場の過去期間である2018年から2022年、推定期間である2023年、予測期間である2024年から2028年の分析結果を紹介しています。

- 本レポートで分析した地域は、南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカを含みます。レポートで分析された国は、米国、ブラジル、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、中国、日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリアを含みます。

- 本レポートでは、モジュールレベルのパワーエレクトロニクス市場をタイプ別(パワーオプティマイザー、マイクロインバーター)に分析しています。

- モジュール型パワーエレクトロニクスの市場をエンドユーザー(住宅、商業、ユーティリティスケール)別に分析したレポートです。

- モジュールレベルパワーエレクトロニクス市場をデータレート別(10G未満、40G-100G、100G以上)に分析したレポートです。

- 本レポートの主要な洞察は、SWOTおよびポーターのファイブフォース分析のフレームワークを通じて提示されています。また、市場の魅力も提示しています。

- また、業界の主要な機会、トレンド、ドライバー、課題についても分析されています。

- 競合他社の動向、戦略、M&A、新製品開発などを追跡しています。レポートで分析した企業は、Enphase Energy、Solar Edge Technology Inc.、APSystems、Tigo Energy、Generac、Huwaeiです。



1. Market Background

1.1 Scope and Product Outlook

1.2 Executive Summary

1.3 Research Methodology

2. Strategic Recommendations

3. Global Module Level Power Electronics Market: Volume Sales (MW Shipment), 2018-2028

3.1 Worldwide Volume Sales

3.2 Volume Sales per End-User

4. Global Module Level Power Electronics: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

4.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Module-Level Power Electronics

4.2 Leading Markets for Distribution Generation

4.3 Degradation of MLPE

4.4 Average Selling Price Analysis of Module Level Power Electronics Market

4.5 Global Module Level Power Electronics: Dashboard

4.6 Global Module Level Power Electronics: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on Module-Level Power Electronics

4.8 Global Module Level Power Electronics Segmentation: By Product Type

4.8.1 Global Module Level Power Electronics, By Product Type Overview

4.8.2 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.8.3 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.9 Global Module Level Power Electronics Segmentation : By End-User

4.9.1 Global Module Level Power Electronics, By End-User Overview

4.9.2 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.9.3 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.9.4 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

5. Global Module Level Power Electronics, Regional Analysis

5.1 Regional Coverage of the Study

5.2 Regional Snapshot

6. Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

6.1 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

6.3 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

6.4 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

6.5 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Product Type

6.5.1 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

6.5.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5.3 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation : By End-User

6.6.1 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User Overview

6.6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.7 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Country

6.7.1 United States Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) United States Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type United States Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

6.7.2 Brazil Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Brazil Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Brazil Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

6.7.3 Rest of Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Rest of Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7. Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

7.1 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

7.2 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

7.3 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

7.4 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

7.5 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Product Type

7.5.1 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

7.5.2 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5.3 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation : By End-User

7.6.1 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.2 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.3 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.7 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Country

7.7.1 Germany Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Germany Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.2 France Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) France Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type France Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.3 Spain Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Spain Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Spain Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.4 Italy Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Italy Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Italy Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.5 Rest of Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Rest of Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8. Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

8.1 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

8.2 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

8.3 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

8.4 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

8.5 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: By Product Type

8.5.1 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

8.5.2 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5.3 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: By End-User

8.6.1 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User Overview

8.6.2 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.3 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.4 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.7 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Country

8.7.1 China Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) China Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type China Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.2 Japan Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Japan Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.3 India Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) India Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type India Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.4 Australia Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Australia Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Australia Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.5 South Korea Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) South Korea Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type South Korea Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.6 Rest of Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Rest of Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

9. Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast(2018-2028)

9.1 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

9.2 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

9.3 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

9.4 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

9.5 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Product Type

9.5.1 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

9.5.2 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.5.3 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.6 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: By End-User

9.6.1 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By End-User Overview

9.6.2 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.6.3 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.6.4 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

10. Market Dynamics

10.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on Global Module Level Power Electronics Market

10.2 Drivers

10.3 Restraints

10.4 Trends

11. Industry Ecosystem

11.1 Macro-Economic Factor Assessment

11.2 Value Chain Analysis

11.3 Porter’s Five Forces Model

12. Competitive Positioning

12.1 Companies’ Product Positioning

12.2 Market Position Matrix

12.3 Market Share Analysis of Module Level Power Electronics Market

12.4 Revenue Potential of Enphase Energy Business

12.5 Company Profiles

12.5.1 Enphase Energy

12.5.2 Solar Edge Technology Inc.

12.5.3 APSystems

12.5.4 Tigo Energy

12.5.5 Generac

12.5.6 Huwaei





Executive Summary

Azoth Analytics has released a research report titled “Global Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE) Market (2023 Edition)” which provides a complete analysis of the global Module Level Power Electronics industry in terms of market segmentation by Type (Power Optimizers, Microinverters), by End-User (Residential, Commercial, Utility-Scale) and by data rate (less than 10G, 40G-100G, more than 100G) for the historical period of 2018-2022, the estimated year 2023 and the forecast period of 2024-2028.

The research study is global in nature and covers a detailed analysis of the market in America (U.S., Brazil, Rest of the Americas), Europe (Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific), and the Middle East and Africa. Additionally, the research report displays data including market size, yearly growth & potential analysis, the competitive study of market players, investment opportunities and demand forecast. The research study also assesses the market growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, and other important statistics, as well as a full assessment of current and future market trends that are relevant to the market evolution.

During the forecast period, 2024-2028, the Global Module Level Power Electronics market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 17.35%. MLPE market is propelled by high demand for Solar PV installations, high energy efficiency, sustainable energy consumption, and changing government regulations. The Global Module Level Power Electronics Market is expected to generate USD 5495.65 Million by the end of 2028, up from USD 2320.01 Million in 2022. Solar PV is becoming the low-cost option for new electricity generation with an increased power generation of 179 TWh in the year 2021, as per IEA analysis. MLPE technology is commonly used to improve fault detection, energy yield, safety capabilities, and rapid shutdown requirements.

In the year 2021, North America is the leading market for module-level power optimizers, with the United States representing around 44% of global shipments. Due to government initiatives, declining solar panel prices, and growing awareness of the advantages of renewable energy module-level power optimizers market has been expanding in developing economies.

MLPE can eliminate losses caused by PV module orientation mismatch and reduce energy losses resulting from the partial shade of modules by 20% to 35%, according to the Renewable Energy of the U.S. Department of Energy and Office of Energy Efficiency. MLPE technology is widely used in commercial, residential and industrial areas. Manufacturers of module-level power optimizers have been focusing on technological advancement including remote monitoring, rapid shutdown capabilities, and compatibility with various types of solar panels to enhance productivity, reliability, and integration abilities.

The need for efficient and optimized renewable energy systems will increase in the coming years as the demand for green buildings continues to rise globally. Countries such as China, United States, Germany, India, United Kingdom are committed to clean energy and its aim to reduce carbon emissions has led to substantial commercial solar installations, particularly in industrial and commercial sectors. Also, DG Solar is expected to comprise approximately 46% of global PV installations between 2022-2026 (DG) which would have a significant impact on driving the market for module-level power electronics (MLPE). New MLPE devices that support single, twin, or quad configurations of modules have also been made available, resulting in high demand for MLPE.

The Global Module Level Power Electronics Market is highly competitive, with the Leading 5 companies holding approximately 90% share in the market. The leading companies in the market are Solar Edge Technologies, Enphase energy, Tigo, APSystems, and Huawei. SolarEdge is the leading company in MLPE, accounting for approximately 60% share with a dominant presence in the power optimizer and inverter industries.

Further, power optimizers and microinverter systems can identify and diagnose issues at the module level with the help of AI algorithms. Also, it can analyze various factors, such as roof shape, shading patterns, and solar irradiance, to optimize the placement and configuration of solar panels in a PV system in residential and commercial sectors.

This study also provides a competitive landscape of the industry and profiles leading players in the Global Module Level Power Electronics Market including Solar Edge Technologies, Enphase energy, Tigo, APSystems, Generac and Huawei. The company profiling includes critical information such as a business overview, products and services, key financials, and recent events and developments. Overall, the report provides a detailed overview of the Global Module Level Power Electronics Market, which will assist industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players looking for expansion opportunities, new players looking for opportunities, and other stakeholders in aligning their market-centric strategies with current and expected future trends.

Scope of the Report:

• The report analyses the Module Level Power Electronics Market by Value (USD Billion).

• The report analyses the Module Level Power Electronics Market by Volume (MW Shipment).

• The report presents the analysis of Module Level Power Electronics Market for the historical period of 2018-2022, the estimated year 2023 and the forecast period of 2024-2028.

• The regions analysed in the report include the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East and Africa. The countries analysed in the report include the United States, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan, India, South Korea and Australia.

• The report analyses the Module Level Power Electronics Market by Type (Power Optimizers, Microinverters).

• The report analyses the Module Level Power Electronics Market by End-User (Residential, Commercial, Utility-Scale).

• The report analyses the Module Level Power Electronics Market by data rate (less than 10G, 40G-100G, more than 100G).

• The key insights of the report have been presented through the frameworks of SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. Also, the attractiveness of the market has been presented.

• Also, the major opportunities, trends, drivers and challenges of the industry has been analysed in the report.

• The report tracks competitive developments, strategies, mergers and acquisitions and new product development. The companies analysed in the report include Enphase Energy, Solar Edge Technology Inc., APSystems, Tigo Energy, Generac and Huwaei.


Table of Contents

1. Market Background

1.1 Scope and Product Outlook

1.2 Executive Summary

1.3 Research Methodology

2. Strategic Recommendations

3. Global Module Level Power Electronics Market: Volume Sales (MW Shipment), 2018-2028

3.1 Worldwide Volume Sales

3.2 Volume Sales per End-User

4. Global Module Level Power Electronics: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

4.1 Impact Analysis of Macro Economic Factors on Module-Level Power Electronics

4.2 Leading Markets for Distribution Generation

4.3 Degradation of MLPE

4.4 Average Selling Price Analysis of Module Level Power Electronics Market

4.5 Global Module Level Power Electronics: Dashboard

4.6 Global Module Level Power Electronics: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on Module-Level Power Electronics

4.8 Global Module Level Power Electronics Segmentation: By Product Type

4.8.1 Global Module Level Power Electronics, By Product Type Overview

4.8.2 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.8.3 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.9 Global Module Level Power Electronics Segmentation : By End-User

4.9.1 Global Module Level Power Electronics, By End-User Overview

4.9.2 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.9.3 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

4.9.4 Global Module Level Power Electronics Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

5. Global Module Level Power Electronics, Regional Analysis

5.1 Regional Coverage of the Study

5.2 Regional Snapshot

6. Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

6.1 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

6.3 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

6.4 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

6.5 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Product Type

6.5.1 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

6.5.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.5.3 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation : By End-User

6.6.1 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User Overview

6.6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.6.2 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

6.7 Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Country

6.7.1 United States Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) United States Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type United States Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

6.7.2 Brazil Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Brazil Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Brazil Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

6.7.3 Rest of Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Rest of Americas Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7. Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

7.1 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

7.2 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

7.3 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

7.4 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

7.5 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Product Type

7.5.1 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

7.5.2 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.5.3 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation : By End-User

7.6.1 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.2 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.6.3 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

7.7 Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Country

7.7.1 Germany Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Germany Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Germany Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.2 France Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) France Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type France Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.3 Spain Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Spain Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Spain Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.4 Italy Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Italy Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Italy Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

7.7.5 Rest of Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Rest of Europe Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8. Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast (2018-2028)

8.1 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

8.2 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

8.3 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

8.4 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

8.5 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: By Product Type

8.5.1 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

8.5.2 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.5.3 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: By End-User

8.6.1 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User Overview

8.6.2 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.3 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.6.4 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

8.7 Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Country

8.7.1 China Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) China Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type China Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.2 Japan Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Japan Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Japan Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.3 India Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) India Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type India Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.4 Australia Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Australia Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Australia Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.5 South Korea Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) South Korea Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type South Korea Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

8.7.6 Rest of Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR) Rest of Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Rest of Asia Pacific Module Level Power Electronics Market, By End-User

9. Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Historic and Forecast(2018-2028)

9.1 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Snapshot

9.2 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Size and CAGR, 2018-2028 (USD Million & CAGR)

9.3 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Market Volume and CAGR, 2018-2028 (MW)

9.4 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: Key Factors

9.5 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Segmentation: By Product Type

9.5.1 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market, By Product Type Overview

9.5.2 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Power Optimizers, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.5.3 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Microinverters, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.6 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market: By End-User

9.6.1 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By End-User Overview

9.6.2 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Residential, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.6.3 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Commercial, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

9.6.4 Middle East & Africa Module Level Power Electronics Market Size, By Utility-Scale, By Value, 2018H-2028F (USD Million & CAGR)

10. Market Dynamics

10.1 Impact Assessment of Market Dynamics on Global Module Level Power Electronics Market

10.2 Drivers

10.3 Restraints

10.4 Trends

11. Industry Ecosystem

11.1 Macro-Economic Factor Assessment

11.2 Value Chain Analysis

11.3 Porter’s Five Forces Model

12. Competitive Positioning

12.1 Companies’ Product Positioning

12.2 Market Position Matrix

12.3 Market Share Analysis of Module Level Power Electronics Market

12.4 Revenue Potential of Enphase Energy Business

12.5 Company Profiles

12.5.1 Enphase Energy

12.5.2 Solar Edge Technology Inc.

12.5.3 APSystems

12.5.4 Tigo Energy

12.5.5 Generac

12.5.6 Huwaei






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