
Operator business services: worldwide forecast 2018-2023

オペレータビジネスサービス:世界予測 2018-2023年

この調査レポートはあらゆる規模のビジネスを対象に世界の通信およびICTサービス市場を世界全体および地域別に調査しています。有線およびモバイル音声とデータネットワークサービスに加え、セキュリティ、ユ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Analysys Mason
2019年6月6日 US$7,999
32 英語





This report provides an outlook on the worldwide and regional telecoms and ICT services market for businesses of all sizes. It contains forecasts for fixed and mobile voice and data network services, as well as ICT services such as security, unified communications, and public and private cloud services.

"Operators worldwide must keep pace with changing business requirements and technology developments in order to sustain business revenue in a market with limited opportunities for revenue growth."

This report analyses the demand for telecoms services by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and large enterprises, expressed in terms of revenue, the number of connections or users and the average revenue per user (ARPU). It quantifies the market for fixed and mobile voice and data services, IoT connectivity services and ICT services such as security, unified communications and public and private cloud services.

This report provides:

  • forecasts for operator services to SMEs and large enterprises including fixed and mobile voice and data services, IoT connectivity services, and other business services such as security and co-location and hosting
  • quantification of revenue, connections or users, and ARPU for each service and each enterprise segment (micro, small, medium and large)
  • an estimate of the total market addressable by operators for ICT business services and the likely share achievable by them for each service
  • demographic data on the number of employees, enterprises and sites within each segment (note that we include entities in the governmental and public sectors).

It provides data at an aggregate worldwide level and at a regional level for North America, Western Europe, developed Asia–Pacific, emerging Asia–Pacific, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.


Geographical coverage



Regions modelled

  • Western Europe
  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • Developed Asia–Pacific
  • Emerging Asia–Pacific
  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and North Africa


  • Voice, messaging and handset data
  • Mobile broadband
  • IoT connectivity (mobile and LPWA)



  • Narrowband and VoBB
  • ADSL/SDSL, vDSL, FTTP/B, cable, BFWA, other fixed broadband
  • Dedicated connections up to 100Mbps, >100Mbps and up to 1Gbps, and >1Gbps
  • Traditional managed services

Other business services

  • Unified communications
  • Security
  • Co-location and hosting
  • Private cloud
  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS, public cloud)
  • Platform-as-a-service (PaaS, public cloud)
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS, public cloud)
  • Enterprise mobility
  • Desktop management



Table of Contents

Table of contents

Executive summary

Executive summary: operator business revenue worldwide will stabilise with a decline in revenue from legacy services offsetting growth from IoT connectivity and ICT services
Executive summary: the most-significant growth in operator business revenue will occur in emerging Asia-Pacific and among medium and large enterprises
Implications for operators

Worldwide forecasts

Operators' business services revenue will rise very gradually, fuelled by increased demand for higher-bandwidth connectivity, ICT services and IoT connectivity
Broadband will account for a significant part of operators' revenue growth from small enterprises; ICT services and IoT connectivity are more important for large enterprises
Emerging markets will continue to deliver significant business revenue growth for operators
Mobile services revenue from handsets will remain fairly flat, while operator revenue is being buoyed by growth in connectivity services for IoT deployments
Mobile revenue growth varies considerably between regions, with emerging economies typically outperforming more-developed markets
Fixed revenue continues to decline worldwide despite growth in the number of fixed broadband connections
Fixed services revenue is forecast to grow only in emerging markets in APAC and in MENA, driven by significant increases in fixed broadband penetration

High-bandwidth services for both broadband and dedicated connections will continue to grow in importance
The addressable market for other business services will continue to grow as enterprises adopt further cloud-based business solutions
Operator revenue from ICT services forms a small but rapidly growing share of operators' overall business revenue
Western Europe is the largest contributor to operator revenue for ICT services, but growth is significant in all regions
The broader enterprise IT and managed services market reaches beyond those services addressed by operators and is expected to grow to USD2.5 trillion by 2023

Regional-level forecasts

North America [1]: operator revenue from growing adoption of data and ICT services will not entirely offset losses from legacy voice services
North America [2]: operators' retail revenue from businesses is dominated by large enterprises, but growth is expected in the micro business segment
Western Europe [1]: operator revenue from legacy services is declining, but ICT services will drive revenue growth in the overall business market
Western Europe [2]: revenue growth will be focused on medium and large enterprises, driven by increasing IoT deployments and adoption of ICT services
Developed Asia-Pacific [1]: growth in operator revenue will be driven by increasing mobile data usage and adoption of ICT services
Developed Asia-Pacific [2]: the use of mobile and ICT services by all business sizes will grow, but a decline in the support of legacy voice will affect smaller enterprises

Emerging Asia-Pacific [1]: use of mobile data continues to dominate business markets, with new revenue growth driven by adoption of ICT services
Emerging Asia-Pacific [2]: micro enterprises account for a large share of operators' overall revenue, but growth will be strongest from larger enterprises
Latin America [1]: operator revenue growth is driven by increased adoption of fixed and mobile data services, which also supports adoption of ICT services
Latin America [2]: data service revenue will increase from businesses of all sizes, with larger enterprises also deploying IoT and adopting ICT services
Central and Eastern Europe [1]: overall operator business revenue is growing despite a decline in revenue from legacy voice services
Central and Eastern Europe [2]: operators' revenue growth is expected from all segments as connectivity penetration increases alongside adoption of ICT services
Middle East and North Africa [1]: gradually increasing competition between operators and availability of public cloud services will lead to steady revenue growth
Middle East and North Africa[2]: micro enterprises deliver a significant share of operator revenue, but growth will be focused on larger enterprises
Sub-Saharan Africa [1]: operator business revenue will gradually rise as service availability and affordability increases
Sub-Saharan Africa [2]: basic data connectivity is key to operators' revenue growth for all segments, although larger enterprises will also adopt IoT and ICT services

Forecast methodology and assumptions

Forecast methodology and assumptions: presentation of results
Forecast methodology and assumptions: market definition
Forecast methodology and assumptions: modelling approach
Forecast methodology and assumptions: mobile services
Forecast methodology and assumptions: fixed services [1]
Forecast methodology and assumptions: fixed services [2]
Forecast methodology and assumptions: other business services [1]
Forecast methodology and assumptions: other business services [2]
Forecast methodology and assumptions: broader IT categories
Forecast methodology and assumptions: Geographical regions

About the author and Analysys Mason

About the author
Analysys Mason's consulting and research are uniquely positioned
Research from Analysys Mason
Consulting from Analysys Mason

List of figures

Figure 1: Connections for businesses and CAGRs by type of connection, worldwide, 2018?20231
Figure 2: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type, worldwide, 2014?20231
Figure 3: Regional share of telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGR for 2018?2023
Figure 4: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from enterprises by service type and enterprise size, worldwide, 2018 and 20231
Figure 5: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type, worldwide, 2014?20231
Figure 6: Percentage of telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGR for 2018?2023 by service type, worldwide1
Figure 7: Percentages of retail revenue, total employees1 and total business sites by enterprise size, worldwide, 20182
Figure 8: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, worldwide, 2018 and 20232
Figure 9: Share of telecoms operators' retail revenue by service type for selected regions, 20181
Figure 10: Telecoms operators' share of retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGR for 2018?2023 by region, worldwide
Figure 11: Telecoms operator mobile service retail revenue and connections for businesses, worldwide, 2013?20231
Figure 12: Telecoms operators' regional share of mobile services revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGR for 2018?20231
Figure 13: Telecoms operators' fixed service retail revenue and connections for businesses, worldwide, 2013?20231
Figure 14: Telecoms operators' share of fixed services retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGR for 2018?2023 by region, worldwide1
Figure 15: Number of business fixed broadband and dedicated connections by type of connection, worldwide, 2013?20231
Figure 16: Other business services retail revenue from businesses by service type, worldwide, 2013?2023
Figure 17: ICT retail revenue from businesses by service type and provider and operators' share of this revenue by service type, worldwide, 2023
Figure 18: Telecoms operators' share of ICT services revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGR for 2018?2023 by region, worldwide1
Figure 19: Enterprise IT and managed services market, 2018? 20232
Figure 20: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, North America, 2018?20231
Figure 21: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, North America1
Figure 22: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, North America, 2018
Figure 23: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, North America, 2018 and 20232
Figure 24: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, Western Europe, 2018?20231
Figure 25: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, Western Europe1
Figure 26: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, Western Europe, 2018
Figure 27: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, Western Europe, 2018 and 20232
Figure 28: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, developed Asia-Pacific, 2018?2023
Figure 29: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, developed Asia-Pacific1
Figure 30: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, developed Asia-Pacific, 2018
Figure 31: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, developed Asia-Pacific, 2018 and 20232
Figure 32: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, emerging Asia-Pacific, 2018?2023
Figure 33: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, emerging Asia-Pacific1
Figure 34: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, emerging Asia-Pacific, 2018
Figure 35: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, emerging Asia-Pacific, 2018 and 20232
Figure 36: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, Latin America, 2018?2023
Figure 37: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, Latin America1
Figure 38: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, Latin America, 2018
Figure 39: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, Latin America, 2018 and 20232
Figure 40: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, Central and Eastern Europe, 2018?2023
Figure 41: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, Central and Eastern Europe1
Figure 42: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, Central and Eastern Europe, 2018
Figure 43: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, Central and Eastern Europe, 2018 and 20232
Figure 44: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, Middle East and North Africa, 2018?2023
Figure 45: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, Middle East and North Africa1
Figure 46: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, Middle East and North Africa, 2018
Figure 47: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, Middle East and North Africa, 2018 and 20232
Figure 48: Business connections and CAGRs by type of connection, Sub-Saharan Africa, 2018?2023
Figure 49: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses in 2018 and CAGRs for 2018?2023 by service type, Sub-Saharan Africa1
Figure 50: Percentages of business sites, total employees1 and retail revenue by enterprise size, Sub-Saharan Africa, 2018
Figure 51: Telecoms operators' retail revenue from businesses by service type and enterprise size, Sub-Saharan Africa, 2018 and 20232
Figure 52: Percentage of enterprises, employees and business sites by enterprise size, worldwide, 20181
Figure 53: Diagram of the forecast modelling approach
Figure 54: Definitions and key drivers for mobile services
Figure 55a: Definitions and key drivers for fixed services
Figure 55b: Definitions and key drivers for fixed services
Figure 56a: Definitions and key drivers for other business services
Figure 56b: Definitions and key drivers for other business services
Figure 57: Description of broader IT categories tracked by AMI Partners
Figure 58: Regional breakdown used in this report






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